• Published 19th Oct 2023
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My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

5 Onyx and Dream

Stood laboriously on my hooves, slowly emerging from my hiding spot. The pain forced me to focus on my pegasus form. The battle was over, but it was not the time to let down my guard.

I moved with difficulty through the streets, although the buildings had suffered minimal damage, the roads were cluttered with various carts and debris. Ponies were reuniting with their loved ones while the royal guard provided aid to the wounded.

I blended into the shadows, trying not to draw attention as I headed towards the city's exit. I had made the right choice, but I remained partially responsible for the damage and injuries caused by the confrontation. It was time for me to fade away.

The ponies I crossed paths with seemed marked by the attack, and I recognized some that I had helped.

As I prepared to cross a seemingly deserted street, a soft and trembling voice made me jump.

"Excuse me, sir... You're... you're the Pegasus who helped me earlier, aren't you?"

I turned to face a young unicorn, with a coat of light beige, almost golden, and a mane of creamy white. His cutie mark was a Harlequin mask. His eyes were a light blue, filled with recognition and relief, emotions I had only seen in my previous life.

"Yes, it's me," I replied, not quite sure how to react.

The pony smiled faintly. "I don't know how to thank you for your help."

"I just did what I had to do. I'm glad I could assist you." However, my ears were pinned back, and my gaze fixed on the ground, overwhelmed by the shame of having led part of the attackers and contributed to the attack preparations...

He approached me, gently placing his hoof on my shoulder, his eyes shining with gratitude. "I owe you one, Mr...?"

"Thunder," I replied without much thought. He looked at me with understanding, noticing my posture and my hoof on my ribs.

"You seem injured, Thunder..." He paused, seemingly hesitant. He was right, but I couldn't let a stranger tend to me and risk discovering my true nature.

"Nothing serious, just a few scratches..." My voice betrayed the pain I was feeling. "By the way, you still haven't given me your name."

"Onyx Shine" seemed momentarily taken aback by my question. I took the initiative to prevent him from insisting.

"You're right, Onyx. I'll find a place to rest and heal a bit." I gave him a slight nod.

"Do you have somewhere to go at least?" His question caught me off guard, as I had neither money nor a specific destination in mind, and of course, it was the moment when my stomach decided to growl.

"I, uh..." It was his turn to interrupt me, gently pushing me forward.

"I insist that you at least have a meal before you leave." I sighed softly, thinking I could maintain my form for a while longer...

"Alright, Onyx, if it will make you feel better."

I followed him for a few minutes, realizing that I wouldn't be able to shake him off anyway. The persistent pain prevented me from fully concentrating on a new transformation, which made me particularly nervous. I was uncomfortable, but there was nothing I could do about it.

We arrived at a house slightly set back from the town. The neighborhood seemed to be intended for the middle class, with more modest homes than those in the city center. Nevertheless, the majesty of the style was not lacking in charm. The shades of color between each house clearly indicated the boundaries of each property.

Onyx stopped in front of a house with a bright white roof, while the walls sported a soft shade of blue. A small garden adorned with a few flowers beautified the entrance.

Onyx opened the front door and turned to me with a benevolent smile. "Welcome to my home, Thunder. Make yourself at home."

I thanked him with a nod, but I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. How long had it been since I was invited to someone's house? "I am grateful for your hospitality, Onyx."

Upon entering, I was immediately greeted by a warm and artistic atmosphere. The walls were adorned with various posters of local theater productions; some featured Onyx in supporting roles, and more rarely as the lead.

The living room, where we entered, was comfortably furnished. A sofa and armchairs with plush cushions surrounded a small coffee table on which lay books of plays. The curtains were made of red velvet, evoking the atmosphere of a small theater.

Onyx gestured for me to sit, and I didn't hesitate. The sofa was remarkably comfortable, which somewhat alleviated the discomfort of my injuries.

"You're passionate about performance, aren't you?" I asked timidly, part of me impressed by the array of posters and performances that adorned the walls.

Onyx gave a smile filled with pride. He seemed delighted to talk about his passion.

"Yes, indeed. It's my whole life, even though I'm just a modest, little-known actor. I love bringing characters to life, stirring the emotions of the audience. It's a form of art that deeply fascinates me."

I could feel the enthusiasm in his voice, and it reminded me of the time in my previous life when I too had dreams and aspirations. I was both happy and melancholic to see someone so invested in their passion.

"And you, Thunder? What are your passions, your interests?" he asked with a curious smile.

I terrorize and feed on the emotions of the other races that inhabit this world... "Actually, I wander and make a living through my strength and stunts." I couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as I lied to him. The prospect of being alone without a real long-term plan was beginning to weigh on me. "But rest assured, despite my rough exterior, I still appreciate art."

Onyx observed me with a mix of surprise and admiration. "That's fascinating. You must have incredible strength to live this way. And yet, you still appreciate art. It's an unusual but very interesting combination."

I nodded, acknowledging the truth in his words. "Yes, life has taught me to find beauty in unexpected places. Raw strength can be a form of art in itself, after all."

We continued to chat, sharing stories and experiences. I was surprised to see how open-minded and curious Onyx was. He never asked intrusive questions about my past, content to appreciate the person I was in that moment.

I forgot my worries and guilt. It was nice to simply be myself, without the weight of my two lives of past deeds. Onyx reminded me that there were good people in this world, souls capable of understanding and accepting at least a part of everyone's complexity.

The meal was simple but delicious. Onyx had prepared a dish of fresh pasta with a homemade tomato sauce, garnished with fresh herbs from the garden. The flavor was exquisite, and every bite was a pure delight. It was my first real meal in years, even though I didn't really need it, a part of me seemed to be fulfilled.

The evening stretched gently, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. Onyx showed me his collection of theater masks, each telling a different story. Some were grotesque, others filled with sadness or joy. Each one was a work of art in its own right, and I could feel the passion that Onyx poured into each of his creations.

As the night advanced, fatigue began to set in. Onyx offered me to stay for the night, and this time, I didn't hesitate. I needed this respite, this moment of comfort. I even forgot a part of my love hunger.

I stood at the top of a lush, green hill, overlooking a vast and breathtaking landscape. The sky was a brilliant blue, dotted with white clouds like cotton candy. The sun gently shone, casting its warm light over everything around me.

Vibrant-colored flowers swayed in the breeze, creating an enchanting spectacle. Birds sang a soft and soothing melody, as if celebrating the beauty of the world that surrounded them.

Yet, I was alone. Despite the beauty of this view, it felt dimmed by the absence of companionship...

Suddenly, nightfall descended abruptly. Deep inside, I sensed a presence attempting to enter my dream and thoughts.

Though it didn't appear malevolent, but rather curious, I fought with all my might against this intrusion, making my heart and mind beat with an intensity that brought me back to reality.

My eyes snapped open, bathed in the gentle moonlight filtering through the slightly open window of the room I had been given.

"What was that?" I murmured, rising from the bed, my ribs hurting much less now.

I gazed towards the moon, my mind swirling with questions in my true form...

Despite my short night, I was fully revitalized by the restful sleep. The fresh sheets and the peaceful atmosphere of Onyx's room had offered me a comfort I hadn't remembered.

I rose gently, feeling my muscles more relaxed than they had been in a long time. After stretching, I took a few moments to observe the room. The morning rays pierced through the curtains, casting dancing patterns on the walls.

I cautiously descended the stairs, expecting to run into Onyx. The house was silent, allowing me a moment to appreciate the artistic details that adorned every corner.

When I arrived in the kitchen, Onyx was already busy preparing breakfast. The enticing smell of freshly ground coffee filled the air. He turned around upon hearing me approach, displaying a warm smile.

"Good morning, Thunder. Did you sleep well?" he asked kindly.

"Yes, thank you. Your house exudes art and serenity. It's truly a special place," I replied sincerely.

Onyx nodded with gratitude. "I'm glad you feel comfortable here. Breakfast will be ready in a few moments."

We shared a delicious and hearty meal, punctuated by light conversation. Onyx was as charming and considerate a host as he had been the night before. I felt increasingly at ease in his company, but I knew I had to leave for both our safety.

"I shouldn't delay leaving the city, Onyx. I appreciate your hospitality, but I can't stay any longer."

Onyx nodded gently, seeming to understand my situation. "I understand, Thunder."

I felt a twinge of regret as I left this house filled with art and warmth, but I knew it was the right decision. We exchanged a look of mutual respect, then I headed towards the door.

"I will never forget our encounter, Onyx," I said as I left. "I would be delighted to see you again if I happen to pass through the area."

I headed towards the city's exit. My decision was made; I was going to explore this world.