• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,101 Views, 103 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

10 Deserved Rest

I continued to walk through its streets, before abruptly taking flight, seeking the library with the advantage of the air. I quickly noticed the building—an imposing structure with majestic architecture that was truly impressive. Its gray stone walls were adorned with intricate details, bearing witness to the knowledge and history contained within. A large glass dome crowned the building, allowing daylight to filter through and creating a bright and welcoming atmosphere.

Two unicorn sculptures, meticulously crafted, stood on either side of the entrance, as if guarding the knowledge within the library's walls. Their gaze was stern and protective, as if safeguarding the sanctuary of knowledge forever.

I saw young unicorns entering, and I thought my current form might seem a bit odd, but strangely, I didn't really feel like changing it. Surprisingly, I was beginning to appreciate this form...

I stood before the statue of the two guardians, feeling as if it were really watching over me—perhaps my subconscious playing tricks on me.

I entered the building slowly, appreciating the architecture and wondering how long it had been since I had last entered a library...

The interior of the library was as impressive as the exterior. The walls were lined with shelves filled with books, scrolls, and grimoires of all kinds. The light filtering through the glass dome created a soft and inviting atmosphere, emphasizing the wealth of knowledge stored within.

I walked slowly between the shelves, my hooves resonating on the polished stone floor. Each step seemed to awaken the echo of history and accumulated knowledge. The titles of the books were inscribed on the spines, some of which I couldn't understand or read.

The books were meticulously arranged according to a well-established classification system. Each section of the library corresponded to a specific field of knowledge. The shelves were carefully labeled, clearly indicating the subject matter of the books stored there.

The categories were numerous and varied, ranging from magic to history, botany, geology, zoology, and many other fields. Each field was then subdivided into subcategories, making it easy to precisely search for information.

I stopped in front of a shelf dedicated to gems and minerals, recalling the reason for my visit. My eyes scanned the titles, searching for clues that could shed light on the stones I had found in the Badlands.

I quickly went through all the titles, knowing that I might also have to venture into the sections related to magic.

My eyes eventually settled on a book titled "Sparks of the Earth: Illustrated Guide to Precious Gems." It probably wasn't it, but might as well start simple.

I settled at a table, placing the book down and taking out one of the stones I had collected, beginning to compare the various possibilities.

It was a methodical approach, comparing the gem's characteristics with the descriptions in the book. Every detail mattered: the color, the brilliance, the hardness, the inclusions. Each turned page was a lead, a potential clue.

The book "Sparks of the Earth" was a treasure trove of information. It contained detailed illustrations, precise descriptions, and even anecdotes about certain gems. As I matched the characteristics of the stones with those in the book, a sort of puzzle formed in my mind.

The one I had taken out looked almost identical to an amethyst, but its internal brilliance was different. Perhaps it was a rare variant or a gem related to amethyst but with distinct properties.

However, one thing was certain—I had more questions than answers. Perhaps I should consult an expert, though I hoped they would be trustworthy...

I returned the book to its place before addressing the librarian. She was a unicorn with a green coat and a gray mane, sporting elegant pink glasses.

"Hello, miss," I began, trying to be as amiable as possible. "I was wondering if you might know of an expert in gems or minerals in the city. I have some questions and could use advice from a specialist."

The librarian adjusted her pink glasses with a delicate gesture and pondered for a moment. "Hmm, a gem expert... Well, you could certainly check with Dr. Crystal Spark. He's a renowned geologist and gemologist here in Canterlot. He also gives lectures at the university on minerals and gemstones."

"Where can I find him?" I asked, hoping that Dr. Crystal Spark could shed light on my questions.

"His shop and workshop are in the artisan district, near the main square. You can't miss it; he has a crystal-shaped sign at the entrance," she explained with a kind smile.

I thanked her warmly for the information and took my leave. As I exited the library, I mentally noted the directions to find Dr. Crystal Spark's shop.

Fortunately, the street names were straightforward; I just had to follow Celestia Avenue, then Royal Road to reach Sunset Avenue. It was like following a map drawn by the princesses themselves.

The walk to the workshop indicated wasn't long. The door looked like any other on the street.

I hesitated before knocking, fearing I might have possibly confused the address. It was a bit like playing "Find the needle in a haystack," but with street names instead.

I knocked on the door with a slight hesitation. A few moments later, the door opened, revealing a unicorn with a radiant coat and sparkling glasses.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Crystal Spark. How can I assist you?" she asked in a warm voice.

"Hello, my name is Thunder. I was told you're a gem expert, and I have some questions if you don't mind."

She gestured for me to enter her workshop. "Of course, come in. What questions do you have?"

I entered and waited for her to invite me to sit in her tastefully decorated living room. Various geodes and semi-precious stones were carefully arranged on several shelves, creating an atmosphere that clearly reflected her expertise in gems. The natural glow of the crystals gave the room a warm and mystical ambiance, while subtly lit artworks highlighted the beauty of the minerals.

"You see, I discovered these stones in the Badlands, and they seem to contain something strange, perhaps magical." I placed three of my stones on the small table between us.

Dr. Crystal Spark observed the stones with growing interest. "Fascinating. You're right; they seem to be imbued with something special. Magic, perhaps. The Badlands are almost unknown to us."

I nodded, acknowledging that my intuitions were not unfounded. "Is there a way to understand this magic, to know exactly what it does?"

She thought for a moment before responding. "The study of magic is complex, but I can attempt a deeper analysis of these stones. However, it will take time. If you wish, I can keep you informed of the results."

"I see. And how much will this cost me?"

"I commit to conducting these analyses for free," she declared, offering a kind smile. "My interest in magic and gemstones outweighs financial considerations. However, if we discover something exceptional, a voluntary contribution would always be appreciated."

"I must admit, I don't have significant funding, but if these stones are worth something, I'm willing to donate some to you." I smiled at the generosity of this pony; they were truly exceptional beings.

We spent some more time discussing, with me telling her where I had found the stones without specifying their exact origin.

With a final thank you, I left Dr. Crystal Spark's home, satisfied to know that I had begun the process of unraveling the mystery of the Badlands stones and that, in doing so, my reputation as an adventurer would grow.

I had one last important thing to do before I could rest at a hotel. I traversed the streets leading to Onyx's place before stumbling upon a theater poster for tonight's show. I immediately recognized the light beige-coated unicorn wearing a half-mask.

He probably wouldn't be available tonight, but perhaps I could manage to attend the performance he was participating in. Even though opera wasn't my first preference, I could make an effort.

After a detour to the theater, I was pleasantly surprised to find several tickets still considered well-placed. Maybe the performance wasn't as popular as I had imagined. I opted for one of the privileged seats, hoping to make the most of Onyx's performance.

And perhaps I'd sneak backstage to invite him for a meal somewhere...

I took advantage of the few hours remaining to familiarize myself as much as possible with the city, noticing that the closer I got to the castle, the more ponies seemed haughty and dressed ridiculously. Some wore hats so large they seemed to compete with the castle towers, while others flaunted extravagant outfits in a way that defied all logic.

I wondered if an absurd fashion contest was taking place on the streets of Canterlot. Maybe I had missed the memo on the theme "Haughty and Ridiculous." Anyway, I decided to have some fun with the situation, thinking that I might blend in by adopting an extremely elegant stride and wearing a disdainful look. Who knows, maybe I'd have a chance to win the award for the snobbiest pony in Canterlot.

As I continued my tour of Canterlot, an idea crossed my mind. Laughing internally, I thought that a three-piece suit would probably make me look more sophisticated, maybe even to the point where I could claim my name was Thunder... Of course, the lack of a last name could be a problem in certain situations. Perhaps it was time to invent one for the future.

I pondered as I walked, but nothing came to me for the moment.

I took a seat in one of the central chairs, observing the room slowly filling up. The theater was still half-empty as the play began.

The lights dimmed slowly, plunging the room into darkness. The curtain opened, revealing a stage where Onyx, dressed in an elegant black suit and a white mask, stood alone under the beam of a soft light. His eyes sparkled with passion as he began to recite his opening lines.

I was fascinated by how he embodied the character. His amateurism was no obstacle; instead, it added a touching authenticity to his performance. Every gesture, every inflection of his voice revealed his dedication to the art of theater.

Although the room wasn't full, the atmosphere was electric. Onyx managed to captivate me, preventing me from paying attention to the audience. His emotions seemed to transcend the stage, touching me. I was delighted to see him shine under the spotlight, sharing his love for theater with those who had come to see him.

Throughout the play, I let myself be carried away by the story, laughing at the comedic moments and feeling the emotion of the more intense scenes, almost tasting his emotions despite the distance and my self-control.

I joined the movement of people rising to applaud, transforming into a butterfly and following Onyx, waiting for the right moment to surprise him. After all, I remained a changeling, and it was time to show a bit of my mischievous nature.

I slipped through the curtains backstage. The murmurs of the audience faded, replaced by the bustle of artists and a few technicians behind the scenes.

In a quieter area backstage, Onyx began to remove his costume, still immersed in the euphoria of the performance. That's when I chose to resume my usual form, pretending to casually arrive. "Impressive, Onyx. You really know how to captivate your audience."

He startled slightly, surprised, before turning around. Onyx widened his eyes, totally taken aback to see me there. "Thunder, by all of Luna's hooves, how did you get back here?"

I smiled slightly, laughing softly. "Mostly by train. And you're the second person surprised to see me again in less than a month."

Onyx was clearly astonished, but his face quickly relaxed into an amused smile. "The train? Well, I suppose that's a perfectly normal way to travel. And I must admit, I didn't expect you to come back so soon. But I'm delighted to see you again, truly."

I nodded. "Mutual feelings, Onyx. I couldn't resist the idea of seeing you on stage. You were amazing, even if the room was only half full."

He shrugged. "Such is the life of an amateur actor, you know. But regardless of the audience, I do this out of passion. So, what brings you here?"

"On vacation after my last adventure. By the way, are you free for dinner?" I said, still smiling.

Onyx seemed momentarily frozen, then his smile widened. "Dinner? Well, I didn't expect such an invitation. I'm in, of course. That's a great idea."

I returned his smile. "Great, then. See you at your place in an hour?"

"Absolutely," he replied enthusiastically.

We parted ways with the agreement to meet later. However, as I left, I couldn't help but wonder why Onyx had reacted so positively to my proposal.

The appointed hour arrived, and I headed to Onyx's place. He greeted me with a warm smile, clearly eager to spend a pleasant evening. The restaurant I had chosen was elegant, with an ambiance conducive to relaxation.

During the meal, the conversation flowed naturally between us. Onyx shared anecdotes about his recent performances, and I talked about my travels and the surprising discoveries I had made. The evening was enjoyable, and laughter filled the air.

At one point, I noticed that the candlelight on the table created a soft atmosphere. The lingering glances between Onyx and me seemed to carry a sense of camaraderie. The waiter brought a bottle of wine, adding a touch of sophistication to the evening....

Author's Note:

I will be on a mission in a foreign country for several months, and the adventure will continue upon my return. 🥖