• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,186 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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83 - Questions, Answers

With the others away, Comforting poked at the frame. It was a curious thing, a line between somewhere and... somewhere else? What was beyond it?

"I'd hate to lose a daughter so quickly."

She hopped with a squeak, turning to face Discord who had appeared because he felt like it. "Hey, Dad. What is this?" She pointed to the edge of reality. "I saw you grab it before."

"It's a border." He leaned in on it. "You're better off not staring at it, but here we are. Does whatever world you're from have movies?"

Comforting bobbed her head swiftly at that, and it clicked. "We're a movie?!"

"Sort of, but also sort of not." Discord shrugged gently. "Just one way of many to perceive the world. Being what we are, how we see things is up to us, and we can work with that. So the world is a film as long as we treat it like one."

Comforting hopped back away from the frame. "But... Films have a lot of... Are they all true?"

"If you work with it that way." He clucked his tongue. "At least you know what film is. I wasn't sure. Having to explain that would have taken a while."

"But a film need a projec--" Bright light shone in her eyes. There was the projector. "Oh..."

"I said, if you work with it that way." Discord reached out and covered that light, which plunged everything into darkness, as if the sun itself were covered. "There are dangers to taking it too far, but that can be part of the fun."

Comforting reached out a short distance that was also infinite, gently swatting Discord's hand away and returning light to the world. "Does that mean... we're being watched?"

"Could be," allowed Discord non-committally. "You sure you want to look in that direction? I usually ignore it."

Comforting considered that but turned away from that edge. "Being a chaos spirit is so strange... but kind of neat."

"I told you!" Discord looked quite proud of being proven right. "And you were all worried about it."

"It did hurt Harmony," huffed out Comforting. "We have to fix that..."

"She's a big girl. She's 'fix'ing it herself." Discord jumped back into a casual float. "You're such a big softy, but that's what makes you 'you', I suppose. Now... I have a little challenge for you."

"Really?" She walked after Discord, watching him curiously. "What kind of challenge?"

"You're getting very comfortable, pun intended." He shot a finger gun at her, a 'pow' flag extending from the finger. "--with chaos magic. Too comfortable, hm? I think you could use a little not-chaos time. I know, I know, what a hypocrite is this guy over here?!"

Comforting left the embrace of gravity to float along with her dad. "What do you mean? I try not to fix everything that way." She hiked a thumb. "I go to school and read instead of trying to shove a book in my head."

"Points there, I suppose." He folded his arms. "But I'm talking more about up here." He tapped at his head. "You're peeling loose, and while that does look fun... and is fun... a little moderation, ugh, may be called for."

Comforting came to a land on Discord's belly, standing on him with her hands at her hips. "Are you going to take away my magic? I already lost it once!"

"Yes and no... There's another place. Twilight's been there before." He pointed to Twilight's castle, rising proudly. "The entrance is hiding in her basement. She doesn't talk about it much... But it's a whole other world. Why don't you go take a peek? It'll be fun! You'll make some new friends, learn some lessons. In fact! It's a school too. You like schools, don't you?"

"Schools that Twilight runs are kinda fun..." A blank check for all others she had not written. "And this will change my magic how?"

"You won't have it," he sang out. "It's a humanish world. You know the sort. You came from one, didn't you?" He held up a hologram of the old human frame that was the previous incarnation of Comforting before coming to Equestria. "Looks close enough. Now, before you go freaking out, you can come back after you learn a lesson or two and make a few friends." He raised a brow. "Which I know you'll do. You can't even help it."

Comforting looked down at herself, twisting about to gaze at her flicking long tail. "Um... How does this..." She waved over her exotic form. "How does this fit with that?"

"Best part!" He set Comforting on the ground. "It just does. Now, you go and sneak into that basement, or ask Twilight really nicely. Figure you can do one or the other. But don't come back without taking a little... vacation! Yes, let's call it that." He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and straw hat, a colorful drink in hand. "Nothing like a little vacay to get the juices flowing properly, hm?"

He was gone, no theatrics, just gone. Comforting frowned at the spot that once held Discord. "You're the one saying I'm doing too much chaos?" Still, she was curious... What would she be in a human world? She'd been through a lot since the last time. Would she be her original human self, or something new? One would... think... something new? But what new?!

There was one way to find out!

Twilight looked up from the book she was reading to find she was facing a lot of fur. She got out an 'ack' of a sound as she flopped over backwards.

Comforting drifted in over her. "Hello, professor. Sorry to bother you."

Twilight sat up. "Oh, Comforting. Hello. Can I... help you?" She looked around her office that had been so quiet and safe until the sudden visit.

"Dad says I'm getting too chaotic." She tapped her head next to her yak horn. "I'm not trying to reach Screwball levels, much as I adore her. So! He said I should visit that place you have a way to get to in the basement."

Twilight blinked slowly. "Discord said you're getting too chaotic?" She clapped a hoof to a cheek. "That sounds... appallingly frightening, if we're being honest. What are the symptoms? You look... normal, for your current state."

"I am! Um, physically?" Comforting shrugged softly. "I think I get what he means though... I'm learning how the universe works and that is kind of... freaky." She didn't go into details on that, not wanting to share that discomfort with Twilight. "So he said 'take a little vacation' in this human world you have hidden away. Just be a boring little girl with no super powers."

Twilight rose to her hooves. "Canterlot High is... a human world, yes." She glanced off and back. "Discord knows about it? This shouldn't even surprise me." She clopped a hoof to her face. "It's a High School, do you know what that is?" That she got a nod out of Comforting was, somehow, not that big of a surprise. "When a pony goes to that world, they become a human. I've been there... When Spike went through, he became a dog. Starlight became a human. I... don't know what you'd become. Are you certain this is what you want?"

"I'm really curious," she gushed out, clasping her mismatched hands together. "Is it really not-magic? I got kinda used to that... But maybe a little bit without it would be good..."

Twilight patted her small but powerful student on the head, just behind her changeling horn. "That is a very mature way to consider it. I feel like I learned a little something, having to go without it for a while myself... Maybe Discord has a point." She glanced around, to see if he appeared at his mentioning, but he didn't. "A little break away from all you've become may be just the thing. Let me write to my friends. I have some there. They can help make sure you fit in properly and keep you safe from anything... If things get out of hoof."

Her horn glowed as she commanded a new book to approach her, setting it out in front of herself, a quill quickly joining it in the joy of writing. "One of them is Sunset Shimmer. She was a pony, like me, a unicorn. She ran away to there. Long story, but she's happy, and I'm glad to have met her. I trust her to see this trip goes... without too much drama." She wrote with little scratches at the paper, willing the quill about. "Now, while that world certaintly has less magic than here, I can't say it has none. They've run into bits of magic at different times. It's just far from omnipresent as it is here in Equestria."

Comforting clapped quietly, watching Twilight write. "I should talk to mom. Vanishing on her would be incredibly rude."

"Very," agreed Twilight, waving her off with a hoof. "Go on and do that, and be sure she has no objections to it. You are her filly, chaos spirit or not."

"Yes." This was a fact, and not one she was ready to argue. She jumped back and landed in Fluttershy's cottage's living room.

Fluttershy squeaked, several birds fluttering away with equal shock. "Oh, Comforting. Please come in through the front door, if you would, please..." She pointed to the door. "You surprised me."

"Sorry, mom." They made things even with a nice warm hug. "I want to go on a magicless vacation for a little while, may I have permission? I'll be with Twilight's friend, Sunset."

Fluttershy inclined her head softly. "Well, if Twilight knows about it and is alright with it... it's probably fine. Just, be careful. I'd hate for anything to happen to you." She went in for a nuzzle that was eagerly returned. "I'm making your favorite tonight, so at least wait that long."

"Gladly!" Comforting dashed off to her room to wait for that with a big smile. She shut the door behind herself, alone.

Or was she? She extended her arms out towards the walls. "One. Two." She fell back against the door she had come in through. "Three." She looked out at the remaining wall, where she could see you, well, an impression of you. The vauge sense of others. She raised a hand by a feather of an ear, trying to hear the soft noises of conversation. "Hello?" she ventured. "How long have you been watching? Um... I'm listening." She sat down, watching the inky black source of voices. "I don't see anything." Just words. Words on the black. "But I am listening. Want to talk?"

Author's Note:

You heard her. She isn't joking. All comments made on this chapter are heard by Comforting, and she will respond to the best of her ability.

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