• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,186 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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146 - Go Big or Go Home

Comforting felt it. What 'it' was, harder to nail down. But she was feeling whatever it was. There was something she could do and only her. Something she wanted to do. It... involved a friend, multiple of them. She conjured a window and flipped quickly from one to the next. Twilight? Nope. Silver Spoon? Nope. Diamond Tiara? Nope! One of the students? All safe and not in need of her interventions.

Not that she should fix problems. She'd learned that lesson. But that didn't mean she couldn't do anything. "I am a watcher." A tester, and a guide. She felt ready to do that, but which friend needed it?

What about the Crusaders? The got three windows in one, a view of each of the Crusaders as they hurried to their caretaker and asked them to accompany them, just to get shot down, each and every one of them. The girls met at the club house, the images combining as they came together to morosely share the news that they'd failed to secure adult supervision.

The big trip they'd planned would be ruined forever, and there was nothing they could do.

Comforting tapped at her cheek. She could volunteer to be said supervision, but that felt like just fixing the problem. No, the Crusaders deserved to grow into the best ponies they ever could be. With a certain grace and ease, she managed to navigate through the narrow gap, sliding between here and there until she emerged from between two planks of their floor like it was an everyday occurrence for her to wiggle free from such tight spaces. "Hi!"

The Crusaders jumped with surprise. Sweetie burst into giggles. "We have a door, silly." She waved at the perfectly functional door to their clubhouse. "What brings you by?"

"We can't find anypony," explained Apple Bloom with a little huff. "--to watch us while we go an'--"

"Did you already ask mom, or Twilight?" An image of either pony sprang over Comforting's head as she brought up either option.

Scootaloo waved a hoof. "Tried Twilight."

Sweetie rocked in place with a hum. "Well, I asked Fluttershy. She's really busy with a flower."

Scootaloo gasped. "Really? Twilight too. Acted like it was some kinda big deal..."

Apple Bloom threw a hoof across her front. "It ain't fair! If we were just adults, we could supervise ourselves an' be done with it!"

There it was. Comforting smiled brightly, her purpose clear. "Adults get to do all the important things," she sighed out in sympathy with the girls.

"And the fun things," added Sweetie with a pout. "But they don't have time to help us!"

Scootaloo smirked with thought. "If I was an adult, I'd just go to the fair myself and have fun." The girls nodded with yeahs to go around. If only they were adults.

"Such mature fillies." Comforting giggled with mischief. "I bet you could handle it, if you were adults."

Apple Bloom cocked a brow at Comforting. "Ya sound like ya got somethin' cookin' in that noggin' ah yers!"

"Nothing big..." Comforting rocked forwards and back on her mismatched feet. "I was just... thinking... You could be adults... If you think you're ready." That had the girls' attention, focused squarely on her. "If you're sure?" sang out Comforting, imagining the trouble that could arise, her tail swishing rapidly with the tickle of the chaos she was unleashing.

Sweetie smiled so brightly. "You can do that? Please!"

"Please," echoed Scootaloo. "We'll let them do their stuff and just take ourselves."

Apple Bloom nodded firmly. "We can watch each other. It ain't like there won't be nopony watchin'!"

Comforting lifted a tufted ear. That was... actually a mature thing to do. "Good. Shouldn't be any problems then." She took out an hourglass, shaking and rotating it about. "But how do we make the sands of time go faster?" She slapped it down, letting it sprinkle down. "They fall, because they have to."

The fillies were watching the hourglass, distracted by it quite successfully. They didn't even notice what happened to them. It was only with a startled yelp that they noticed, becoming fully grown ponies under the chaotic, if loving, touch of Comforting. She snatched the glass off the ground. "You're adults. Congratulations! Now you can do whatever you want. You can take care of it, right?"

"Right," all three called as one, their voices lower and more mature, even if they weren't any more mature than they had been a moment before. They raced off, ready for their adventure.

Or, at least, they looked sure of being sure. Comforting rubbed her hands together. "Time to test..." She took a step back, arriving at Amity's tree. "Amity!"

"Yes?" She stepped out from around herself. "You are positively glowing with chaos today, Friend Comforting."

"I am!" Comforting hurried up to to Amity. "Do you know what I'm up to?"

"A little?" Amity pawed at her cheek with a little hoof. "The more chaotic you're feeling, the harder it is to see. You were happy, that much I was sure of, so I was happy too."

"Aw." She touched noses with Amity. "I've given the Crusaders exactly what they wanted... But not what they needed. I'm going to follow them and make sure they don't get into too much trouble. A lesson or two will be learned, I hope."

Amity was quiet a moment, a bit too still, but it passed. "Ah. Friend Comforting, you are taking on your role well. Go. Test them. I am very proud."

Comforting grabbed Amity by the cheeks, ruffling and squeezing them fondly. "I'm gonna do that. Just wanted you to know. Let's grow some ponies!" She vanished with a pop.

"Her father would be proud..."

"I am."

Amity turned to face Discord, no shock displayed. "Are you going to watch her?"

"Duh." He smirked at that. "This should be fun, if nothing else. Someone has to make sure she doesn't get into trouble. She's a growing agent of chaos, after all!" With an explosion of confetti, he was gone.

Amity was alone, but that wasn't an uncommon fate."I should watch..." She didn't turn her gaze on Comforting. There were so many other ponies under her care, and they deserved attention too.

Comforting was sitting in a chair on a train. She had never gotten on the train, and certainly didn't buy a ticket, but there she was, wearing a long coat and a trilby on her head that concealed more of her patchwork nature. She held a newspaper that she kept up to conceal her face. As the train chugged along, she blended in with the other passengers, just another face in the crowd.

But she was close enough she could hear the girls singing with the joy of adulthood and all the power it brought to them. They sounded sure they could do anything in the world, having become so huge. Comforting snickered softly. She'd been so large, but also so small. Size wasn't everything, she'd seen that. "Let's see the measure of what's inside..." She tapped her dragon claws on the paper she held.

The first problem had already been struck before Comforting even got there. They were on the wrong train. Comforting blinked when she looked up and didn't see the girls anymore. They hadn't arrived in Appleloosa, she was sure of that. They were rolling through swamps, not a desert. "Where did you go?" Comforting hopped up, leaving her disguise behind as she vanished away to follow the girls.

She appeared in some bushes, peeking out as the girls lamented their bad choice. Would they press through the swamp, or try to get back on the train to finish getting to Appleloosa? Comforting considered. If she let them get back on the train, it wouldn't be much of a lesson learned. There was so much more she could do in that swamp... "I'll keep them safe." They wouldn't know, but she was there.

They went to the ticket booth and were scared right away by the strange pony they found there. Comforting whisked her touch away with a giggle. "Off you go. Time to adventure."

"Addictive, isn't it?"

Comforting jumped, coming down facing Discord. "Dad! Why are you here?"

"As if I'd miss out on your shenanigans." After observing closely, he folded a paper that appeared remarkably similar to the one that Comforting had been holding earlier. "Nice touch, pushing them on the path you wanted them to go on. Don't forget, you want them to find their own answers, or what was the point?"

"I know... Come on." She waved for him to follow as she poofed to the next spot she could watch them walking along. "They deserve my best."

"They are... agreeable little things." He watched them with a smile. "Like a certain other young creature I know."

"Dad!" She threw an arm over him, hugging gently. "Cut it out." Annoyed, but fond. Discord seemed entirely pleased with landing on that point. "Focus. Oh! I know... They think they're so adult now... Adults watch foals. Let's see how they do with..."

The crusaders ran into two foals and their pet, Bloofy. They were arguing about whether or not to take the pet to the fair, the very one the Crusaders were wanting to get to. What fortune. What chaotic fortune. Comforting rubbed her mismatched hands together with a grin. It was all coming together...

Being adult ponies, at least in their heads, the crusaders dispensed adult advice to the foals, but also used them for directions as they were all headed in the same direction.

Discord hummed softly. "Already tired of the swamp, are we?"

"I don't want them to be eaten by a passing cragodile!" Comforting pouted at the thought. "That's not a good lesson."

"It's your lesson. I'm just watching." He giggled as he followed her to the next vantage point where they stood side by side, fitting into the crowd. "Ooo." There were so many things to be distracted by. "Want some--"

"I was just at a fair, dad." She smiled though. "After they're settled, you'll get your turn, promise. Got a favorite snack?"

Discord giggled with erupting joy. "Well! Since you asked, I'm in the mood for a sour snowcone."

Comforting blinked slowly. "They make those?"

"If you know who to ask." Discord waggled his brows. "Now, you're in the middle of something, hm?"

"Right!" She refocused on the foals, of body and mind in different cases. They had apparently agreed to enter their pet into a contest, to the objection of one of the two new foals. "That's gonna be trouble..." Comforting grinned at the thought. "This is where things go wrong."

"I love the way you said that." Discord thrust a finger forward. "Onwards, to chaos, with a purpose!"

Comforting noticed something. "Where'd the Crusaders go?"

"You take your eyes off them for one moment." Discord turned slowly. "There." He pointed to the 'adult' ponies laughing and cheering as they enjoyed the fair without a care in the world.

"Points off." Comforting crossed her arms. "If they were there, maybe they could of cut off my trouble before it started."

"Where's the fun in that?" Discord chuckled darkly. "I want to see what you have in mind. Let's follow these foals and see what they cook up for the Crusaders to fix."

"I think that one's looking for them." The colt had taken off in the Crusader's direction. The filly went inside with their pet. "Hmmm... No. I'll leave that."

"A soft touch is best sometimes." Discord shrugged. "But what are you soft touching?"

"I was thinking of slowing down or speeding up how quickly he'd find the Crusaders." Comforting started with a skipping gait towards the pet show. "But I'm pretty sure this part will have good timing on its own. I'll leave it alone."

"It pays to keep your chaos for the good parts... And I think a good part's coming up. Are you ready?" He leaned in and around Comforting, coiling her with his snake-like body. "This is your big moment."

"It'll be great!" Comforting showed no fear. A little learning chaos, it'd be fun!

Author's Note:

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