• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,190 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

  • ...

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104 - Rawr

It was a day off! Comforting had done her part and she was-- getting mail? A floating envelope with a red 1 floating over it was clearly in her vision, like her life had a HUD. When did that become a thing? She reached up a finger and tapped the icon curiously. She had email?!

The icon vanished, replaced with a very real scroll that dropped into her waiting hands. "Oh..." She unfurled the scroll to give it a read.

Good morning, Comforting,

This is a message very like what Princess Celestia would send to Spike. You are not Spike, so I am not entirely certain how you will receive it, but feel certain you will receive it. At your earliest convenience, can you visit me? I would like to talk to you. As you are not my agent, more of a friendly agent, intruding without permission feels improper.


"Well, that's blunt." As Harmony tended to be, Comforting figured. That was her style, and Comforting felt no real ire about that. "Well, sure!" Since she knew the trick... She hopped down, not to the ground, but to the first step of many that led down towards Harmony's cave. "I'm here!" She skipped down merrily, skipping a few steps along the way.

That was when she remembered Harmony wasn't there. "Oops." She was upstairs! She flew up quickly to the treehouse that was the new physical body of Harmony. "There you are. I shouldn't misplace my trees." She came in for a landing nearby and waved at her arboreal friend. "How are you?"

"It is good to have you back." The far-staring Twilight emerged. "I've been thinking about you."

"Aw, wait." Comforting raised a finger. "Is this about that date?"

"It is not. It is about paths not taken." Harmony sat in front of Comforting, taller, but most were around Comforting. "About what could have been, and perhaps one might argue, should have been, but it was not."

Comforting shrugged at that. "Like what? If it's already done, we should just do what we can from here."

"We should," agreed Harmony, but it didn't sound like she entirely agreed, on the inside. "You could have been a powerful and wonderful instrument of my force, of ponies, of harmony. It was my weakness that prevented this. Less fun, perhaps, but so important..." Not-Twilight worried her hooves gently. "My failing."

Comforting inclined her head, turning one hand palmside up. "Alright, so... I'm still me." She turned a thumb on herself. "And I still want to help."

"You are a dear friend." Harmony leaned in, nose coming close even if her eyes looked beyond Comforting. "This I know is true. I apologize if I sounded wrong. I'm sorry." Her horn glowed and an image appeared, a little filly with her mane and tail, but her eyes were more green, vibrantly so, and she had some green in her mane in a stripe. She had wings and a horn, but that was a filly, not combined with anything else.

Perhaps more curiously, the cutie mark was different. A heart, sure, being hugged, but at the pointed bottom, a star radiated as if the bottom were exploding out in orange. To the left of it a four pointed cyan star glimmered. The destiny of princess Comforting was not the same as chaos Comforting. "Twilight didn't change her cutie mark..."

"She did not." Harmony reached a hoof to rest on Harmony's face, booping her gently. "You are not Twilight. This is, perhaps, consolation. This other you would have served an entirely different purpose... This would not be you, not now-you. Not past-you. A different you."

Comforting waved the image away, banishing it with a puff. "Well, that isn't me. This is me." She pointed at her new self. "And this me loves you. I'm not that bad, I hope?"

"I am being foalish." Harmony went quiet a pregnant moment. "How was your trip?"

So Comforting shared the events of the trip. "So I came back, with a friend!"

Harmony clopped her hooves gently. "How lovely. You have brought harmony through chaos. A unique talent of yours, I think."

Comforting blinked at that. "What would have been the harmonious choice?"

"She was already a member of that world." Harmony leaned in. "Making her happy there."

Comforting curled a finger to her chin. "Mmmm... No, I like it this way better. I get a new friend, and so do a lot of ponies."

"To each action, consequences." Harmony sat up tall. "Lets watch some." With a glowing horn, she produced an image of what was happening elsewhere. "It was a chaotic act of harmony. Both result."

Cracked looked at the other two with a wicked smirk. "So, tell me, how does this work again?"

Smolder swiped at the air with sharp claws. "We're going to settle who's the best predator."

Gallus nodded in a mild upwards thrust of his beak. "We're going hunting. What better way to show who has the predator thing worked out?"

Cracked flicked an ear to the side. "We could fight, directly." She lifted a hoof, wicked claws forming. She was no shapeshifter, but altering the sharps and rounds of her body seemed to be within her control. Like a mirror, she could expose sharp edges with a snap. "That would answer it, hm?"

Smolder waved that away with both hands. "Nuh uh. We're all students at the friendship school. That'd get us all in trouble if we show up looking half mauled."

"Pass," agreed Gallus. "We'll hunt instead. Gotta be fast, gotta be good eats. The larger the thing you bring back, the better."

Smolder raised a finger. "Nothing with hooves. That makes ponies sad. We don't want sad ponies, do we?"

Cracked snorted at that. "I suppose not... They decide what grades we get, and feed me... Now, this isn't fair." She rose to her immense height. "I am larger, and more experienced. You two are little cubs in my eyes. I feel ashamed to even compete with you."

Gallus punched Cracked's nearest leg. "Shut it! Discounting us without even seeing us in action? Rude much?"

"Seriously." Smolder rolled her eyes. "I'm headed to the gorge." She pointed the way. "Good luck."

"I'm going that way." Gallus didn't specify what he was going for, just a direction.

"Fine." Cracked rolled her shoulders. "I will go where you are not." She directed a long and jagged claw in a new direction. "Let's begin. Do not get angry at me later."

Smolder lifted on her wings. "You don't get angry when we whoop your tail."

"See y'all later." Gallus took off with powerful flaps, joined by Smolder in eager pursuit of what they were hunting.

Cracked started off at a casual walk. "Silly children... Real predators don't waste energy." She saw no reason to go faster until there was food in range to bring down. "Mmm... the scenery has changed..." The Equestria she once knew was quite a bit different from the one she returned to. She took the time to admire the sights, and look for anything edible. It was a fine day for a stroll.

Harmony nodded. "Chaotic harmony. They are finding a new order among themselves."

Comforting considered the floating image. "At least they aren't fighting. It's... more like a bunch of older sibs jockeying with each other." She smiled at the mental image. "I think Cracked likes them, like her little sibs."

"That is sibling love?" Harmony quirked an ear. "I admit, my understanding of predator relationships is not as keen as my pony understanding... Gallus and Smolder both appear visibly irritated."

"Siblings do that, especially when you want to show you're just as good as your older one." Comforting crossed her arms with a sage nod. "They want to be praised and acknowledged. Who doesn't? I can't give them that. I'm not a predator. Cracked can... Maybe she will. I hope she does. It'd make their days if she admits they did a good job."

Harmony reached an arm, curling it around Comforting and drawing her closer in a little hug. "Then let us watch. This is part of my duty. Once, it was all of it. To watch, to learn, to observe. Friend Comforting, will you join me?"

"I will." She leaned back against the warm front of her friend the order spirit. "I wonder what they'll catch?"

"Something without hooves, at least... Ponies are safe."

"There are a lot of animals without hooves. I wonder what mom would think..." Fluttershy believed in the natural order of things, right? A predator hunting a prey was pretty natural as things went.

Smolder soared over the valley in search of edible things. "Not fair..." A nice big gem should count! Still, if she wanted to prove she was the top hunter, she had to hunt. Rabbits? Or were those hares? Either way, too small. They'd both laugh at her if that was her big catch.

She saw turtles, some quite large, slowly plodding along. Tortoises, right, those. Still, there'd be no thrill in hunting those slow animals. No glory at all. No no... She had to...

Oh ho... A proud bird stood, looking over the same valley. A bird! Yes. But not that one. That was a bird of prey. It'd taste terrible, and be tough. It was built for hunting. Hunters had a code! Leave other hunters alone, unless they're muscling on your turf, then chasing them off was allowed. Still, you didn't eat other predators.

She needed a big fat prey bird. Like... that one. Smolder banked towards it, angling her wings for silent approach and her fangs on display. She was going to do it, come in for a nice clean kill.

"She was happy without hunting." Harmony inclined her head. "Is she better, getting her claws dirty?"

"She's better for doing what makes her feel good, if it doesn't hurt other people. That bird, unfortunately, is not a person." Comforting flinched at the point of contact, glancing away rather than witness the act. "And now it's lunch."

"She isn't eating it." Harmony pointed. "She's carrying it."

Comforting nodded swiftly. "Of course. She has to bring it to the others to show off. That's half the point."

"We are encouraging pride?"

Comforting elbowed back against Harmony. "Some pride is a good thing. People without pride can't get much done. Also, this is Smolder. She had plenty of pride to start with. I don't think this is making it go up or down."

"You may have a point." Harmony swiped a hoof left to right, changing the 'channel'. "You are like a... I find the signal easier to find with you here, but I struggle to discern why. You should be ruining it, with your disorder... Do you know why?"

"Because I love you very much?"

"I hope that is the reason. It's a good reason." Harmony gently squeezed her chaotic friend. "I accept that as the reason, until shown otherwise."

Comforting giggled, snuggling in and watching the scene. It was showing Gallus. "What's he doing over that wetland?"

"There are few creatures to hunt there. Perhaps a bird as well? A fish?"

Comforting skewed an ear back at her companion. "I know ponies eat fish. Do they eat birds?"

"If they want." Harmony shrugged at that. "It will not harm them, but also they do not need it. Still, different tastes..."

"That's a very long way of saying 'yes' in this case." Comforting inclined her head. "Wonder how ponies prepare birds..."

Harmony bopped Comforting gently. "I would prefer not to think of you eating that. You are welcome to eat what you wish, but you are a spirit, like me. You don't require sustenance."

Comforting blinked at that. "Wait... really? I've just been eating for fun?!"

"It was fun."

"It was fun," agreed Comforting with a smile. "And I liked being with friends and family... Still, good to know it is an option..."

Author's Note:

This competition's worth more than one chapter, right? I think so! Smolder snatched a bird. What will Gallus hunt down? Cracked is in no hurry, but she'll get something, right?

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