• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,185 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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155 - To There and Back Again

"A hero's journey," sighed out Comforting, long tail curling and flicking gently behind her as she watched the infinite little ripples of the ocean passing them by. "That was fun."

Gallus tossed up his hands. "Just kinda curious." He elbowed against Comforting. "You could just be home. Why are you hanging around? You already did this part."

Comforting reached up, tapping the griffon on the side of his beak. "Because we're friends? Because being with those on a trip is half the trip. We saw the show, but I didn't go just for the show." She threatened him with imminent tickles, but got a hard declining glare. "Fine... I was just playing."

"You don't like surprise hugs." He tapped the top of her head. "I don't like surprise, or very many other, tickles. We got our boundaries."

Comforting giggled at that. "True, sorry. It goes both ways. So... can I bug you about something?"

Gallus hiked a brow. "Since when did you need to ask me permission for that?"

"Just being polite..." She rocked against the rail of the boat. "How do griffons handle romance?"

Gallus colored in a slow spreading across his face. "Woah, um... Right for the throat... You know where babies come from, right?"

Comforting flashed a too-wide grin. "I know about that. Griffons lay eggs, right?"

"No! Sheesh..." He patted down his fluffed feathers. "Only changelings lay eggs, of the creatures I know anyway... Anyway... You know the rest then, sounds like?" He got a nod from her. "Good... You know, Comfs, you are hard to nail down. Sometimes you feel like a foal, sometimes a teen like us. And sometimes it feels like I'm talking to something bigger than anycreature else I know. It's a bit confusing, just saying."

"What about dragons?" countered Comforting with a grin. "They lay eggs, don't they?"

"Okay, two." He held up two fingers. "Most don't, um... We're getting off track. What were you asking?"

Comforting turned in place, leaning her back on the rail instead of her chest. "Well, it's like you said. Sometimes I feel like a foal, or a teen, adult, or even 'I am too... much for this universe...'" She rubbed at her cheek softly. "For a chaos spirit, pretty sure that's super normal, really. But here I am, living it. I have a little filly following me with love in her eyes, and I like her, a lot. I want the absolute best for her... But... She's, for sure, a filly."

Gallus curled a finder under his beak. "Is that why that older mare was giving you that look?"

Comforting squeaked. "Yes... That's her mother. She's on this boat, right now... We have to talk, after we get back... But I'm not worried about that specifically. I'm worrying about... ethics and morality and things."

"Heavy." He crouched, getting her on his level. The two being bipeds, Comforting was shorter than him. "Now you're feeling older. Okay, so... Diamond, that's her name, right?" He got a quick nod. "She likes you." Another nod. "And you like her."

A pause. Comforting curled her tail around part of the rail she was propped against. "I like her like a best friend, but she wants to be liked romantically. I will not mince words. She's young enough she's pretty sure that just means hugging and chocolates and... maybe some sweet talk."

Gallus shrugged. "Are you ready to give that? What she thinks romance is, I mean."

"I'd already do that!" Comforting drew out a big heart of a box, popping it open to reveal a bedazzling array of chocolates. "Ta da."

"For me?" Gallus snatched a chocolate and popped it in his mouth. "Thanks, shouldn't have."

Comforting tossed the box into the ocean, not that it had long to keep existing. "Stop that... But what are you trying to say?"

Gallus stood up properly. "I already said it. If she wants hugs and chocolates and sweet talk, alright. Is that something you want to give her, or not? Seems pretty simple, to me."

"Simple." Comforting frowned a moment. "I... In some ways... But she's growing. She'll want more than that, maybe soon?"

Gallus shrugged. "And if you want to give it, you do, and if you don't, you don't. What's she gonna do, tell your mom on you? That's not gonna work well..."

Comforting cracked a little smile at the idea of Diamond tattling on her to Fluttershy about that of all things. "No... No it would not... I just feel guilty, is all."

"About the future." He tapped her on the head. "The future is the future's problem. Right now, she wants hugs and for you to call her a girlfriend. You up for that?"

Comforting clenched her teeth. Why was he pretending it was that simple?! But... maybe it was. The baggage of another world, and another life, didn't have to weigh her down. "If that's all she wants... There's no harm in that. I wouldn't... mind at all calling her nice things and treating her extra special..." But the future, part of her cried. Was she grooming a child?! "No, stop that," she huffed at herself. "Um, thanks, Gallus. You've been a really great ear to bounce this off of."

"No problem." He fired a big thumbs up. "You've been there for me when I... had things to feel." He rubbed at one of his shoulders. "Happens to the best of us..." He hiked a brow. "Now, not proclaiming love or nothing, because we don't have that going, but do you feel that way about us?" He turned his hands towards himself. "We're, what, peers, aren't we? We literally go to the same school!"

Comforting looked ready to argue, but it deflated in the end. "Point..." She wasn't a teen, but if she kept drawing arbitrary lines in the sand, well, then no one at all would be alright for her to like more than just hugging. Not that hugging was bad... Twilight? She was Comforting's teacher, but besides that? Visions of all her teachers and random other adults of Ponyville came and left, and it left her giggling at the thought of it.

"That the sound of you coming around?" Gallus took a step towards the inside. "I'm going to try out some of the games. Wanna join?"

"That sounds great." Comforting jumped off the rail and zipped after Gallus, the two fleeing the gentle breeze of the ocean.

Comforting appeared with a soap bubble of a pop. "Amity!" She rushed the tree that was also a spirit, and her girlfriend. "I have so much... Amity!"

Amity stepped out from behind herself. "Comforting. You forgot."

Comforting slowed to a quick stop. "Forgot what?"

"I can see you." Amity pointed to the playing table Discord had left behind. "I can play you. You are my favorite character."

Comforting colored brightly at that. "You were riding me the whole time?! Um..." That spared a lot of explaining, but... "Um... So... You have opinions?"

"Some." Amity sat, smiling at Comforting. "But not the ones you fear. This body." She curled a little hoof at herself. "It is young, very young. A foal, younger than Diamond Tiara. You had no hesitation. Why do you now?"

Comforting blinked slowly. "Um... You..." She pointed at Amity. "Are a spirit of harmony, at least a thousand years old. Whatever body you're in, you don't stop being that."

Amity nodded lightly. "This body means nothing to me." She turned a hoof on Comforting. "That body only means something to me because it means something to you. Chaos spirit, your body is a favorite jacket. You appear before me with it often, but if you wore another, you would not cease being my friend. Our relationship would not end."

"Oh..." Comforting sank, flopping to her bottom. "Wow. Okay... So how does that relate to the whole Diamond Tiara thing?"

"It is times like these." Amity approached with a gentle smile and a look in her eyes that spoke of those untold years. "You are but a mewling child. Diamond... She will die. She will be gone. If you are distracted with her and it brings you joy for a time, good. I would wish well on you, or I would be a very poor partner. We are gods, in your words. Your dalliance with a mortal does not bother me. How would you put it..." The little Amity tapped at her chin. "It's a phase. This too will pass. And you can still be my friend and girlfriend while you do this, I hope? I will not keep you from her, but I would ask you do not abandon me."

The morality of the situation, blown clear off the board. "You... are just stomping the whole thing."

"I am." Amity inclined her head. "Are you upset?"

Comforting reached out a hand and Amity came to it, to be hugged close, cradled in her lap. "I'm still young as 'gods' go, and thinking of myself in that lens is... new. Besides, then, now... Now I feel like Zeus picking on some mortal."

"You don't have..." She frowned faintly, resting against Comforting. "I thought I had it. Share your people's tales? I would hear them."

Comforting rubbed at Amity's back in gentle strokes. "I can only say so much from memory... But if you want?"

The rest of the day became tales of Greek gods and heroes and the various troubles they got into. "So violent..." Amity stroked at her own chin. "But interesting thoughts... I would not wish for ponies to live that way, but they weren't ponies, and you walk the fine line between." She curled to look at Comforting directly. "If you must be a Zeus, then be a kind one, who asks, explains, and does not cause mischief as they grasp for what they desire. Your father had to learn similar lessons. Still, he struggles..."

"More of a Loki situation there," laughed out Comforting. "But, I get it... I'll tell her the whole truth and if she still wants to be spoiled by a goddess, well, then I'll make it rain chocolates for her when she's sad."

Amity smiled at that. "Would you do that for me?"

"Any time you wanted." She pressed nose to nose with Amity. "Are you sad?"

"It is difficult to be sad." Amity returned the nuzzles gently. "With you here."

"Aw." Comforting hugged Amity tightly. "Oh! Um, should I bring her by?"

"You should not."

Comforting blinked at the firm rejection. "Is... Did she do something wrong?"

Amity poked Comforting in the chest. "Chaos spirits do not seem to care, speaking freely to any that would listen. Orderly spirits prefer to not press a hoof directly when it is not required. She has no need to speak to me, so she should not. You can speak of me, if you wish. That we are bound is not a secret to any that know you." Amity sat up. "Besides, I am jealous."

Comforting pinned her ears, feathery mass and tufted pony-like one. "I thought you said you weren't."

"I am not mad. But I am jealous." Amity smooched Comforting on the throat. "Any gift you give her is time not spent with me. I am not upset with her, or you. This too will pass, but I am jealous." She put a hoof to her own chest. "You would prefer my honesty, I hope?"

"Yes. Yes, please..." Comforting stroked along Amity's sides, considering the little filly that was a god. "I don't want you to be upset. How can I help?"

"Show me." Amity hopped suddenly clear to the ground. "Show me we are partners. Show it in action and deed. Let us bring harmony to Equestria, and I will stop feeling this. I will understand how silly it is to even worry about it. If my partner in harmony, chaotic harmony or not, wishes to show their love for ponies more directly, maybe that is a small thing, nothing in the grand scheme."

"Show me."

Author's Note:

Amity plays the God Card. Well, she isn't pretending.

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