• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 11,140 Views, 2,580 Comments

New Endings, Old Starts - David Silver

A well-led life runs into an end. If that was it, it would have been fine, but the forces of the universe were not content, finding another purpose, or perhaps reward, for this being in another world entirely. May she shine gently.

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132 - Come Bearing Gifts

Comforting threw open the door, but it never banged on the far side. That'd be rude. "I'm home." She skipped in and kicked the door shut, for it to click quietly behind her despite the kick. "And I have something special for two special ponies."

"What is it?" came in, Doppler-shifted with her rapid approach. Screwie beamed at Comforting, excited and joyful. "What do you have? Is it shiny? Is it tasty? Is it both or none of those? Maybe it's soft and we can hug it!" She hugged the air in pantomime. "Does it have a name? Does it have a backstory?"

Comforting lifted up a bag from which teasing scents rose higher. "Some of those but not all of those. Is mom in?"

"She's outside." Screwie zipped past Comforting, slipping out a window to power away.

Comforting felt sure Screwball would summon Fluttershy, so she spent the time setting out a plate properly and putting her delivery of cookies on it with a smile. "There we go."

"There we go?" echoed Fluttershy, entering through the front door. "Welcome back." The two met in a gentle hug, one arm from her, two from Comforting. "What did you bring?"

"That's what I wanna know?" Screwball zipped over to float over the cookies. "Ooo! Looks tasty. Can I have?"

Comforting waved up at the few cookies on the plate. "I brought them for you. I already tried one! I made them, with Spike's help." She felt inordinately... proud of making those cookies. She knew, in her adult mind, cookie-baking wasn't some grand new achievement. Still, she had done it, and she had it to offer her family, and she felt... great. "Eat up!"

Fluttershy took a cookie on the edge of her wing and brought it for a nibble. "Mmm... Nut. Very nice." She took a larger bite, her enjoyment shown in her gentle smile.

Screwball was less reserved, grabbing a cookie between her hooves and chomping it down in an explosion of crumbs. "Mmm! You made this? You're good at baking. Show me! I wanna make tasty cookies too!"

Fluttershy hummed with reservation. "I'd like to be there, if we try that. But making tasty things for others is quite a delightful experience." She reached up to pat Screwball gently. "What kind of cookie would you like to make?"

"Oooo..." there were so many options... "Chocolate, vanilla, rainbow sprinkles! In the shape of a pony dragon stalking through reeds!" She clapped with building excitement. "Can you help me?" She leaned in from above at Comforting. "Pleeease?!"

Comforting launched up to clap a hand against Screwball's hoof, realizing something then. "Oh, part dragon..." She had a dragon hand, and arm. She could work without a mitt if she wanted to. "Neat. But yeah! We can cook, with mom. Not today though, we just had our treat."

"Aw, fine." Screwball powered away with a raspberry in her retreat.

Futtershy set a hoof on Comforting's floating shoulder. "That was a lovely cookie. Thank you for sharing."

"I owe you more than a cookie." She went in for a proper hug around Fluttershy's neck. "Thank you for being such a great mom."

Fluttershy held and gently nuzzled her child a moment before releasing her. "I've been meaning to ask, how do you feel?"

"Great." She landed in front of Fluttershy. "What brought that up?"

"Not today... I mean... in general." She wobbled, looking uncertain. "When you came, you were very lost. You don't feel that way anymore."

"That's good!"

"That is good," echoed Fluttershy. "You've grown into a wonderfully independent creature."

Comforting tensed. She could feel where that could be going. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No! No, of course not." Fluttershy shook her head rapidly. "I'm... so bad at these things. You've done nothing wrong. Comforting, you are... I love you. I wouldn't change a thing."

"But...?" Comforting rolled a hand, daring that statement to complete.

"But... You don't need me." Fluttershy worked her hooves together nervously. "If I wasn't here, you'd be fine."

Comforting paled at the idea. "You are here, thank goodness. Am I in the way? I can do more chores! I'll take over cleaning up the house." She swirled, dressed like a maid, duster in one hand. "I'm on it!"

Fluttershy leaned in, nose to nose. "Comforting, you are not loved just by me. You are a cherished member of the entire town." She waved a hoof in a slow circle. "Just across the street, a creature looks up to you. She was just as lost as you were, and to her, you are her mother, her source of guidance and love. Just down the hall." She turned where she was pointing. "Your sister adores you and always will. Foals from the crusaders and so many others admire and... But not just them. Even the students of the school see you as one of them." She inclined her head as she sat up. "Even spirits, chaos and order. They respect you. You are not alone. You are loved, by everycreature. You deserve room to grow even more, to have a space that is yours. You are kind to share with your sister, but you deserve more."

Comforting backed a step, head down. "Which... means I have to go."

"Don't phrase it like that..." Fluttershy awkwardly shuffled her hooves. "You'll stay in town. I'll gladly help you find the perfect house just for you. So would your friends, and you have so many to pick from."

That brought to mind Comforting's other self, the one that lived on her own. Had they shared a similar conversation with their Fluttershy? How had they took it? The end result had been visible, with a Comforting on her own. But that Comforting wasn't... the same. She didn't have the same friends. She was closed off, focused on doing what Harmony required.

Comforting, this Comforting, was Amity's friend, not an agent. She had friends... She had a lot of friends. A tear splashed to the ground and Comforting reached up to rub at her eyes. "Outside chance here, mom... What if... we just made the cabin a little bigger?" She spread her hands. "Then I can have my own room, and everyone's happy?"

Fluttershy perked up an ear. "But the cottage is already as big as it should be."

"I can make it bigger on the inside!" That was a chaos trick! She was sure of that. "It'll be just as big as usual on the outside."

"Oh... my." Fluttershy could imagine such chaotic tricks. "But..."

"I said it was an outside chance..." Comforting sagged with defeat. "Mom..."


"What if I like being... a filly?" She cycled her hands over one another. "That isn't bad, is it?"

Fluttershy turned and pointed outside. "Have you met Pinkie Pie?"

"Yes?" Comforting straightened, confusion displayed openly. "What about her?"

"She will be a filly forever. She'll be a filly if she ever becomes a mom. She will be a filly in everything she does. She's a mature filly... but still a filly. That's just how she is." She set a hoof on Comforting's face so gently. "And that's fine."

"But she left home..." Comforting took a wooshing breath. "And I need to too... I... I get it... I don't like it... But I get it..." She kicked at nothing once. "What are we going to tell Screwball?"

"That's a mature question." Fluttershy set her hooves on the ground. "As you are, filly or not. We will tell her the truth. One day, she will move out too, when she's ready. You're not leaving her. You'll still be in town, right?"

"Right!" The idea of leaving Ponyville sent a tremble down her spine. She was not ready for that jump just yet. "So... just the truth?"

"Just the truth. It's not like she did anything wrong, or either of us are mad at her, or don't like her." Fluttershy rose to her hooves. "The truth will be fine."

Comforting let Fluttershy head off, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She wandered to the window and looked outside. There, she could see Cracked dozing peacefully. "Silly dog..." Sure, she wasn't really a dog, but close enough? Ponywolf was a mouthful. Still, actually... She darted outside and landed in front of Cracked. "Hey."

"Alpha." Cracked sat up, as if she hadn't been sleeping a moment before. "You are agitated. Does something need hunting? You know I'm ready."

Comforting took gentle hold of Cracked's snout, rubbing and petting, to both of their delight. "No... But I want to ask you something. When you got big enough, your parents sent you out into the world, right?"

"I did that myself." Cracked looked off into the distant past. "I wanted to hunt, and my parents were excellent hunters. There was never enough food for my growing appetite. I had to go further and further to find it... One day I just... didn't go home. I made a new den for myself, where there was food to hunt." She smiled, tongue lolling. "Such is the way with creatures like me." But she wilted just as suddenly. "Oh. Are you considering leaving?"

"I'm being kicked out," sighed out Comforting. "Nicely... Mom doesn't know how not to be nice... But still... being kicked out."

"You can stay here?" Cracked turned to point with her nose into her den. "You do not compete for my food. I would not be upset to have you as a den mate."

"You are so nice." Comforting grabbed Cracked's snout to hug it tight. "I won't go far. I'll still be in town, just not... there." She pointed at Fluttershy's cottage. "Wherever it is, you have dibs on the lawn if you want it."

"I am glad to hear that." Worry lifted from Cracked. "I was... I thought you were leaving. You look... agitated... If you are not moving far, why are you upset?"

She caressed her hands together and hummed in a dubious manner. Behind her, her tail curled in a question mark, the tip dancing in place. "Because I was comfortable. Because I felt safe. Because... I love this." She waved expansively at the house that had become her home. "Everything in and around it. That counts you too."

"Thank you for that." Cracked settled on her belly, nose gusting wind once at Comforting. "I am happy you are here. If you are not here, than I won't be either. You are why I am here. This new world... It is full of things to hunt. I could place my den in many places... But I would wish to keep an eye on my cubs, and I would wish to be near you. I am glad I can do both."

"Cubs?" It clicked even as she said it. "They would get mad if they heard you call them cubs," she laughed out, imagining an irate griffon and dragon. "But, to you, yeah, I can see that."

"It's relative." Cracked swerved an ear back. "Compared to you, I feel like a cub myself. You have seen more than I. You rescued me. You have the power to defeat me with a whim. If you wanted it, any prey would be helpless before you. On every level I know to measure, you are my superior... but you never make me feel small. You never threaten me. You welcome me, with open arms and warm embrace. You are more of a parent than a rival." She wagged her tail behind her, brushing the dirt with the motions. "I thought I was long past such things, but I am not unhappy, having a new parent. When you wish for me to leave, I will, but I will hope that time is long away."

"Maybe never..." Comforting rubbed at her chin. "Unless you wanted to go. I wouldn't want to hold you down."

"Is that a challenge?" Cracked reared up her back end, tail wagging above her, looking ready to pounce. "We haven't wrestled before. We should. Now?"

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