• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 2,900 Views, 156 Comments

Ocean Blues - TalkingToMyself

Shortly after the Battle of the Bands, a new student arrives at Canterlot High School. Nobody knows her and she's not in a mood to make any friends. On any other school, she'd end up as a loner, but maybe at CHS, there's hope for a change.

  • ...

Chapter 5

The morning passed quietly and the girls left one by one. Fluttershy’s mom kept her promise and personally drove Blue home. Blue was glad that none of the girls was around, it was hard enough to see the mother of her friend (what a weird thing to say) frown when she approached the cheap apartment complex.

Blue told her not to worry, but it came out more harsh then intended. Lucky for her, Fluttershy’s mother did not take it personally. Away from the girls, Blue quickly fell back into her usual mindset of ‘Whatever’.

She walked into the small apartment on the third floor, no lift, and threw her bag into her room. Her sister rushed out of the kitchen and Blue let her fuss about her for a while, including a stern lecture that turned into an even longer hug once she had the full story.

Blue looked at herself in the mirror with wry smirk. Her black eye stood out and the other bruises in her face where turning greenish already, so she looked like straight out of a cheap horror movie.
Horror movie is right. Why does shit like that keep happening?

It wasn’t all bad though, she had to remind herself. These six girls seemed nice enough, even if a little shallow and naive from what Blue could tell. She hadn’t told her sister, but maybe this could work out.

And just when she was starting to get some hope, life came back crashing down on her.

The doorbell rang and Blue could also hear knocking on the door. When she left her room, she also heard the loud calls. Whoever was outside was angry and in no mood to wait even for a minute.
Blue sighed deeply and slumped on one of the fold chairs in the kitchen. I only know one guy who would act like this.

Her sister opened the door and a middle-aged man pushed right past her without any greeting at all. He ignored any protests and just marched forward until he found Blue. Blue glared at him but he only gave her this look he had since the first time they had met, full of disgust and hatred.
To say Blue and her social worker had a difficult relationship would be an understatement.

"What did you do this time?"
He just barked at her and Blue gritted her teeth. Bitter Leaves had only been assigned to her a month ago, definitely not long enough that he could blame her for repeatedly doing something.
When Blue didn't reply, he slammed a fist on the kitchen table
"I told you, get in trouble with the police and I'll drag your sorry ass right back to prison."

Blue clenched her fists and would have probably jumped at him, if it wasn't for her sister standing between the social worker and her
"She didn't do anything. She got ambushed by a group of boys and the police intervened before she got beaten to death."
Bitter Leaves glanced at Spring Meadow, but his angry look quickly found Blue again
"Likely story. I don't know what kind of lies you told the police, but I knew you meant trouble from the first moment I saw you."
Blue gritted her teeth and just hissed out
"Because I have nothing better to do than let myself get beaten up, only so I can cause you trouble."
He slammed his fist on the table again
"Don't you dare talk back to me like that! I promise, before this week is over, I'll have you back behind bars where you belong."
He was more or less screaming now and Blue wasn't far behind, when a new voice interrupted them both

"Is everything alright in here?"
Everyone turned around and Blue couldn't help but grin when she saw Vice-Principal Luna standing in the door
"I apologize for entering in such a fashion, but the door was open and I heard yelling, so I wanted to make sure nobody was hurt."
Luna looked at Blue and she flinched when she saw the black eye and all the other injuries, her eyes going soft from concern.

Bitter Leaves tried to compose himself, but failed rather spectacularly and shouted at the teacher
"Stay out of this. Let me do my fucking job here."
Luna's eyes snapped on the social worker and the temperature in the room dropped immediately
"Tell me, what kind of profession qualifies you to threaten and scream at an obviously injured teenager?"
"That's none of your god-damned business."
He slammed his fist on the table once more for emphasis. This was all Luna needed to step into the room as well and stand between Blue and Bitter Leaves, fixing the man with an icy glare.

"Then as her teacher, I'll make it my business. I've received a call from the police department that one of my students was ambushed and hurt last night, so I've come to check on Ocean Shore. And what I see now is you acting violently around her. You will either have a very good explanation for all this, or I will have you leave."
He shrunk back from her glare, but he quickly went back to directing his anger at Blue again
"If you must know, I'm Bitter Leaves and I'm her social worker. And you don't have to worry, I'll get her out of your school soon enough. One rotten egg less you have to bother with.”

If Luna’s glare had been icy before, she was now quickly approaching absolute zero as she addressed Bitter Leaves again
“As her social worker, it is your duty to help your charge to successfully get back into a normal life and…”
“Normal life! Hah!”
Bitter Leaves interrupted Luna rudely with a dismissive wave of his hand
“There’s nothing normal when a teenager just feels like breaking the law over and over again. Instead of wasting my time, I’m making sure she won’t cause any more harm than she already has.”

Blue gritted her teeth so hard that her face convulsed into a grimace, so badly that it reached her bruised cheeks and made her wince in pain. Luna must have noticed it because her fingers clenched to fists for a moment, but then she suddenly was calm again. Dangerously calm even and her voice sent shivers running down Blue’s skin as she talked
“Is this truly what you believe, Mister Leaves? That caring after Ocean Shore is a waste of your time?”
He just nodded with a smug grin
“As long as I’m keeping lost causes like her locked up, I’m doing society a favour here.”

Luna just kept glaring at him and slowly, it began to sink in that he had just fucked up with the wrong person. Blue would have grinned at his terrified expression if the tension in the room had not been so thick she could cut it.

Without ever looking away from him, Luna started talking again, and this time, he didn’t dare to interrupt her
“I’ll have you know that I’m not only Miss Shore’s teacher, but also her vice-principal. As such, I know perfectly well that there are no lost causes whatsoever. I also know that people who are to believe in such things should not be in your profession, Bitter Leaves.”

He gulped and backed away a step, but Luna matched him in that and closed the distance once again
“Also, I am not only her vice-principal, but Miss Shore’s guidance counsellor as well, so the police informed me thoroughly on everything that happened last night. Unlike you, who seems to have not even cared to listen before putting the blame on the girl under your care.”
Bitter Leaves gestured with his hands, but he looked more nervous than anything else
“You can’t seriously believe any of her lies? Whatever she told the police, she’s just trying to cover up that…”

Luna stepped so close that her face was barely inches away from Bitter Leaves now and there was nothing but a burning, righteous fury
“If her injuries were not convincing enough, there are three witnesses who saw everything, as well as two police officers who were present. Three of the perpetrators have already confessed the entire thing, including an earlier attack that happened at my school. Ocean Shore has been a victim of battery and she certainly does not deserve the way you threat her.”

While Bitter Leaves tried to recover and find something to say, Luna took out her phone and snapped a picture of him before tapping a few messages
“As Vice-Principal of Canterlot High School, I am very well connected within the Board of Education as well as Children Protective Service, Mister Leaves. And so, I promise you: I will make sure that you are never let loose on a child ever again. And so God help me, if I find out that this is how you treat all your charges, I will see that you never work as a social worker again.”

Deciding to cut his losses while he still could, Bitter Leaves fled through the door and out of the tiny apartment. He slammed the door shut behind him, but not before Blue yelled after him
"Ja, hau bloß ab du Arschloch!"
"Miss Shore!"
Luna turned her head to glare at the student, but with far less force than before and a twinkle in her eyes
"I know you're upset, but you should not insult even him in such a way."

Blue just gaped and Spring Meadow, who had been fearfully silent for the whole exchange, was the first to realize
"Wait, you understood what she said?"
"Indeed. While my knowledge is surely limited, I am very aware of certain cuss words."
She shot another look towards Blue
“So I recommend you watch your language around me from now on.”
Blue tried to roll her eye, but winced. That still hurt.

Vice-Principal Luna immediately returned to the concerned expression she had had when she arrived
“I was informed that you didn’t visit the hospital yet. Perhaps…”
Blue tensed up, but her sister stood beside her and put a hand on her shoulder
“I work at the hospital. They wouldn’t do anything for her that I couldn’t do here myself, Miss Luna. I would like to keep her at home for now.”

Blue watched the vice-principal closely and almost expected her to insist and simply order her to go, but Luna relented with a quick nod
“If that is what you wish, I will respect that. However, considering all that has happened just now, I would like to ask you a few questions if possible?”
Blue just shrugged and her sister nodded. Luna took a deep breath like she had to calm herself before she began
“Has Bitter Leaves behaved like this before?”
Blue was about to yell, but her sister was faster
“Every time we met him. From the first day on, he made it very clear that he was just waiting for a chance to get rid of Blue again.”
Luna nodded and eyes grew hard, like she had been expecting this
“Then, if I may ask, why have you never contacted the office? You could have asked for someone else.”
Blue just snorted out frustrated
“Why bother? It’s not like he’s the only one who said stuff like that.”
At this, Luna frowned and shook her head
“I can assure you that… oh, excuse me for a moment.”

She was interrupted by a chime from her phone and she headed to the next-door room to take the call.
Blue and her sister just looked at each other
“Shit just keeps piling up.”
“At least she’s nice about it.”
“Yeah. But for how long?”
The question hung in the room while they waited for Luna to return, which took a couple of minutes. When she came back, Luna looked like a mix of determined and satisfied
“I’ve spoken to a higher-up at CPS. It seems that Bitter Leaves had missteps like these before, but nobody took it serious. That’s going to change today. You won’t have to worry about him pestering you any more.”

Blue only shrugged again and her sister asked
“What’s going to happen now?”
“Since I’m already aware of Ocean’s situation, I volunteered to fill in as Ocean’s social worker for now. CPS has agreed to this, as long as that this in your interest as well.”
She looked at the two sisters, but Blue was faster than her sister this time
“Sure, why not? Better you than another jerk from the office.”
Spring Meadow looked at Blue surprised, but agreed reluctantly
“Won’t that be any conflict of interests for you though, since you’re her teacher as well?”
Luna shook her head
“Not as far as I am concerned. I think it would be best if talked things through, so we can address any concerns you might have.”

She was about to pull a chair to sit down, but the she just looked around the kitchen. Blue guessed that she probably hadn’t really seen it before, with all the yelling and arguing, but now Luna took in the cheap kitchen table with its fold plastic chairs, the lack of any kitchen utensils except for a second-hand microwave and a battered fridge.

Instead of sitting down, Luna turned back to them with a friendly, if professional smile
“Perhaps we can talk over lunch? I know a place not too far from here, if you’re free for the afternoon.”
Spring Meadow glanced at Blue who was about to shrug as usual. Something about Luna and the way she smiled got to her, though. Maybe…
So instead, Blue nodded once, firmly. Spring Meadow looked just as surprised as Luna, but nodded as well.
They followed Vice-Principal Luna to her car and headed into the city.

The diner they ended up at was actually quite nice. There was a long counter for customers who just wanted a quick lunch, but Luna took them to a booth in the back, a little out of the way from everyone else.
The waitress seemed to know Luna and greeted her by name as she took their orders. Blue and Spring Meadow were browsing through the menu, Luna already knew what she wanted and let them know that she would be treating them today.

Spring Meadow did not like accepting any charity, but Luna managed to phrase her offer in a way that it didn’t sound patronising at all, so she accepted reluctantly. When Blue heard Luna order a soup, a main dish and some sides, she took that as an offer to do the same, at which the vice-principal only smiled.

From the booth they had taken, Blue sat with her back to the rest of the diner, so nobody could see her black eye. The waitress noticed it though, but was sensitive enough to not mention it.

They talked about what happened the other day and at some point, Luna pulled out a laptop to type down a few notes. She also asked a lot about Bitter Leaves, until the food arrived. She didn’t seem to judge anything Blue said, even if she got angry. Like on the few counselling sessions they had, she rather let Blue talk and only asked when she needed to clarify something.

Spring Meadow listened silently as well. She had barely ever seen Blue be this open to anyone before. Luna tried to include her into the conversation, but Spring still said barely anything. It was clear to her though, that both she and Luna shared a common ground. This was about Blue getting better, first and foremost.

When the food arrived, the conversation turned to lighter topics and Spring Meadow thawed up a little more. Vice-Principal Luna was friendly and understanding, despite the first impression Spring Meadow had gotten from her.
After lunch, Luna ordered some coffee and tea for them and pulled out a few more files on her laptop. As they worked through, it became clear on how negligent Bitter Leaves had been on his responsibilities as Blue’s social worker.

Luna’s mood dropped considerably, and with Spring Meadow’s permission, she forwarded a few of the files to CPS so they could take action against him.

Blue just listened now, mostly bored. All that legal and official stuff only gave her a headache and Spring knew everything about her anyway. Without anything better to do, she picked up her old-fashioned phone and switched it on.
She almost dropped it when it wouldn’t stop beeping and she got pale. Spring Meadow leaned in to glimpse at the tiny screen.

Sixteen missed calls and an even higher number of new text messages, all from the same number and all from today. In fact, the phone just started ringing again from the same number and Blue was almost too scared to answer the call
Blue flinched and held the phone away from her ear when the familiar voice screamed to her from the top of her lungs
“Ow. Could you stop screaming?”
“Oh, sorry. I was just so excited that you finally picked up, because I’ve been trying to call you all day but the calls wouldn’t connect so I tried texting you but then I thought if the calls don’t connect, how can I be sure that the text come through, so I called again just to be sure and…”

Blue groaned when Pinkie Pie kept blabbering at high speed with her high-pitched voice
“Pinkie, you’re giving me a headache. Can you just tell me what you want in one, short sentence?”
“Since we’re besties now, I wanted to ask if you want to hang out with me and the girls today.”
Blue rolled her eyes and winced again
“Pinkie, last night was okay, but we’re not ‘besties’ or anything, okay? Where did you even get my number? I swear if you’ve been going through my stuff, I will…”

Before Blue could get angry, Luna reached out and snatched the phone from her and answered instead
“Miss Pie? This is Vice-Principal Luna.”
Pinkie Pie went back to yelling again, so both Blue and Spring could hear her response clearly
“Vice-Principal Luna? How did you get Blue’s phone? Oh no, she’s not in trouble because of yesterday, is she? Miss Luna, I Pinkie-promise, Blue did nothing that…”
Luna laughed and cut up whatever came next
“I am well aware, Miss Pie. In fact, we are currently working out the aftermath of yesterday’s events. As such, I’m afraid Miss Shore is still feeling a little under the weather from her injuries, so I don’t think one of your parties would be a good idea.”
“I know that! I wasn’t planning a party, we were just going to spend some time together.”

Luna glanced to Spring Meadow who nodded before she replied
“I can allow that. However, in moderation. Not all of you at once, and only if you keep things quiet.”
“Absolutoatlly! I’ll check in with the girls and we’re right over!”
Luna gave her the name of the place and the address, then ended the call and gave Blue her phone back.

All Blue did was glare at her
“You could have asked me if I even wanted that.”
“Oh please. You were so bored that you almost fell asleep.”
“That’s not the fucking point.”
“Blue, language.”

Spring Meadow reminded her and put her hand on her shoulder
“It’s just a bunch of girls, how bad could it be?”
Blue shook her head and sighed defeated
“Oh, you have no idea.”

Luna and Spring chuckled softly and went back to work, while Blue slumped down on her seat. Why does the universe hate me?

Half an hour later, the girls walked in and scanned the diner. Blue groaned frustrated as Luna waved them over and turned around to see Rarity, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer. No Pinkie Pie. Blue glanced around suspicious and almost expected the pink menace to pop out from somewhere, but the girls just giggled

“Pinkie Pie sadly couldn’t make it, Darling. She and Rainbow Dash had to take care of a sudden ‘cupcake emergency’ on the other side of town.”
Sunset Shimmer winked and Blue grinned a little, it almost didn’t hurt any more
“Pinkie Pie can be a bit overbearing and in your condition, we thought it was best you get used to her in small doses.”
“Gee, thanks.”

They laughed a little as Spring Meadow watched each of them closely. They seemed nice enough and friendly. They had considered Blue’s injury, but they didn’t bug her about it, even if the one with the long pink hair looked at Blue like she was a hurt puppy.

Blue quickly introduced them to her sister, but the four of them found a booth for themselves when Spring Meadow and Luna leaned over the laptop again.

Fluttershy gently touched Blue’s arm while looking closely at the bruises around her eyes
“Are you feeling better today, Ocean?”
“Yeah, thanks. At least the headache is better, but it still hurts sometimes.”
Fluttershy seemed satisfied by that but she kept rubbing her arm, which Blue found strangely pleasant.

Rarity leaned in closer and whispered with a glance to Blue’s sister and the vice-principal
“If I may be so bold to ask, why exactly is Miss Luna here? It’s not even a school day.”
Blue shrugged and sighed. Well, time to make things awkward I guess.
“She was informed of the accident by the police because she’s my guidance counsellor at school. When she came to check on me, she saw live and in colour how my social worker threatened to get me back to juvie by the end of the week.”
“Oh my.”
“But you didn’t do anything wrong!”

Blue allowed herself a smile. It felt good to have people defend her for a change, even if it wasn’t necessary right now
“He didn’t really care, he just wanted to get rid of me. Anyway, Miss Luna made a few calls and as it stands now, she’s my social worker from now on.”
Fluttershy and Rarity seemed surprised, Sunset just nodded. After the Fall Formal, she had seen Luna do something very similar for her as well, even if it couldn’t be official back then because she was a pony from a different dimension.

“Well, Darling, that’s good news I guess. I mean, it’s not good that your, um, social worker did something like this, but with Miss Luna, well…”
Blue interrupted the girl who obviously had never even thought about things like this before and clearly didn’t know how to handle a situation like this properly
“Don’t act like this is normal, okay? I know it isn’t. If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine. I don’t care.”
Rarity blushed a little more but Blue only shrugged. Maybe that wasn’t completely true, but at least she didn’t care so much that she wanted to have this conversation right now.

Sunset Shimmer came to her rescue with a song on her phone she had found on the net. Happy to drop the awkward topic, the girls ended up quietly discussing music and other harmless things for the rest of the afternoon. And despite all that had happened, Blue again found herself enjoying it. Maybe this really can work out.

She threw a glance towards her sister who smiled in return.
Yeah. I think I can make this work.

“Scheiße, Scheiße, Scheiße, Scheiße!”
Four weeks later, Blue ran towards Canterlot High, swearing under her breath. Overnight, it had begun to snow and she had underestimated how much it would slow her down. She was already five minutes late and as usual when she was nervous, she fell back into talking German, or swearing in this case
“Scheiße, Scheiße, Scheiße! Miss Cheerilee is gonna kill me.”

She ran up the steps and down the hallway. However, since it had been snowing, there were puddles of water scattered all over the floor. When Blue stepped into one, she lost her footing on the slippery floor and slid through the hallway. Before she could catch herself, she slid right into some nearby lockers with a loud bang and an even louder scream.

That caused enough commotion for all the classroom doors to open and people to stick out their heads to check. Blue groaned from where she had landed on the floor. She hadn’t hurt herself, but one of the doors was the one from her homeroom class and she saw a fuming Miss Cheerilee glaring down at her.

“I’m okay!”
Blue’s attempt of humour got her some snickers from the classrooms, but it did very little to appease her teacher
“That’s great. Then you have no excuse to miss detention today, Ocean Shore.”
Miss Cheerilee’s tone of voice was final, but Blue tried her luck anyway
“The floor was slippery. It’s not my fault.”
“That’s why we tell you to not run in the hallways.”
“I only ran so I wouldn’t be late for class!”
“You were already late. And for the record, if you had arrived earlier, there would be no reason for you to run across the wet floor.”

Blue groaned again. I know it won’t work. Why do I try every single time?
“That’s three-nil for Miss Cheerilee. Sucks to be you, Blue.”
She heard more giggling from one of the classrooms and rolled her eyes
“Shut up, Dash.”
Another wave of laughter reached her, but Blue just got up with a half-smile. Typical Rainbow Dash, I suppose.

She followed Miss Cheerilee into the classroom and slumped into her seat next to Rarity and in front of Applejack. Rarity offered her a tissue to clean up her clothes and both girls had a sympathetic smile for her. She just smirked back. Detention sucked, but it could be a lot worse.

Blue made a beeline to the detention hall after her last class, after a quick goodbye to Sunset Shimmer. She had spent enough time in there that they would soon get a name-tag on her seat, and she learned quickly that it was best to not tardy around, especially when Miss Luna was on duty. However, there was no sign of the vice-principal today.

She handed her detention slip to Mr. Doodle who just rolled his eyes at his regular and went back to his newspaper. Blue was the only student in detention today and they both knew she wasn’t going to make any trouble.

Blue sat down and took out her homework, when the door opened again and another girl walked in. Mr. Doodle looked up and did a double take
“Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?”
Blue was wondering about the same thing, but Pinkie Pie just had her usual chipper smile
“I had a little cupcake-related accident during art class today.”
Mr. Doodle shook his head in disbelieve and watched Pinkie take a seat next to Blue.

Before Pinkie had sat down though, another girl entered. It was Sunset Shimmer with a less than guilty smirk on her face
“Got caught playing on my phone in class.”
She dropped her detention slip on the teacher’s desk and sauntered towards Blue and Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash walked in right after Sunset and sheepishly rubbed the back of her head
“Fell asleep during Science.”
She shrugged and sat down in front of Blue who had to cover her mouth by now, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to stop laughing.

Poor Mr. Doodle got only more confused when Rarity and Applejack walked in next
“I simply couldn’t bear Algebra today, so I skipped.”
“Same here.”
This time, Blue couldn’t hold back her laughter and neither could Sunset and Dash.

When the door opened one last time, Mr. Doodle looked like he had lost all his faith in humanity at this point
“Fluttershy? Don’t tell me you got detention too!”
The tall girl hid her face behind her pink hair and mumbled shyly
“Oh, um, no, I didn’t do anything. I just thought, since everyone is here, it’d only be fair if I came too.”

Under the hysterical laughter from the six girls, Mr. Doodle threw his hands up in despair and watched as Fluttershy found a seat with the others, hiding a smile behind a veil of pink hair.

Blue couldn’t help but grin as she looked between the other girls
“You’re all crazy, I hope you know that.”
“Yeah, well, though luck. You’re one of us, so that means you’re crazy too.”
“Also means we don’t let you hanging.”
“Yeah, playing in the snow wouldn’t be any fun with one of us missing.”
“Geez Pinkie, you make it sound like we’re some weird kind of cult.”
“Weird is the right word for that. I think…”

Mr. Doodle finally had enough and stopped the silly chattering
“I don’t need to remind you, but this is detention, not the glee club. So if you all don’t mind, would you all just be quiet for the next hour?”
The girls looked more or less guilty, but their smiles said otherwise.

Fluttershy suddenly raised her hand
“Yes, Fluttershy?”
“Oh, um, I just wanted to say, I don’t mind being quiet for a while.”
Mr Doodle slammed his head on the desk and the girls cackled even more.

Two hours later, Blue and the others made their ways home together and watched the Christmas decorations at the stores being set up. It was the last week of November and the holiday break was in sight
“So what are you all doing on the holidays?”
“Meh, the usual I guess. Christmas Eve with my family at home, then visiting some family out of town. Nothing special.”
The other girls had similar stories as Rainbow Dash, until everybody was looking at Sunset Shimmer

“Huh, me? I’ll just stay at home and watch some TV. I’ve never gotten behind this whole Christmas thing to be honest, so I never celebrated.”
Pinkie Pie gasped and stopped in mid-step
“You never celebrated Christmas? Not even in the pony world?”
Sunset just shrugged
“We didn’t really have Christmas there. We have Hearth’s Warming, which is similar as far as I know, but I haven’t really celebrated that either since I was a small filly. I preferred using all that time to study magic.”

Pinkie Pie opened and closed her mouth without sound, like a fish on land. Blue grinned and poked her but with no reaction
“Hey Red, I think you broke Pinkie Pie.”
She looked around but saw similar expressions than Pinkie’s from the other four girls

“Hey guys, are you alright?”
Sunset just kept walking undeterred
“Seriously girls, it’s no big deal. It’s just a holiday.”
“Just a holiday? JUST A HOLIDAY?”

While Fluttershy and Applejack tried to calm Pinkie down, Rarity shook her head and turned back to Sunset
“Darling, I’m so sorry you missed out on such a wonderful festivity.”
“It’s okay Rarity. I wouldn’t have anyone to celebrate with me anyway. A couple of months ago I had no friends and was on my own all the time, don’t you remember?”

The time all the girls stopped in their tracks, even Blue. Sure, she didn’t give much about Christmas either, but at least she always had her sister with her. They didn’t have much in terms of presents or anything, but they’d spend the holiday together. That was, if her sister didn’t get the holiday shift at the hospital.

Since Sunset didn’t seem willing to talk about this, they let the topic drop. It would probably come up again soon, depending on what Pinkie Pie was up to when she rushed off.

One by one, the girls separated and said their goodbyes.
When Blue got home, her sister was already asleep. She had to do double shifts this week, which left her completely exhausted. Blue shrugged. Whatever. Can’t be helped.

Just before she turned off the lights, she checked her phone and smiled when she read the message from Applejack. A whole week of slumber parties to celebrate Sunset’s first Christmas with friends. That sounds fun. Though, it could be annoying spending so much time with everyone for the whole week.

She shook her head and went back to smiling. They spent a lot of time together anyway and it would just be some sleepovers. Nothing bad would happen.