• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 2,900 Views, 156 Comments

Ocean Blues - TalkingToMyself

Shortly after the Battle of the Bands, a new student arrives at Canterlot High School. Nobody knows her and she's not in a mood to make any friends. On any other school, she'd end up as a loner, but maybe at CHS, there's hope for a change.

  • ...

Bonus Chapter: Spring Breakdown

Author's Note:

Just a fun little idea I couldn't resist fleshing out a bit.

The weather schedule called for ‘partially clouded sky’, so the weather patrol was on their wings to keep up with it. Of course, ‘partially clouded’ meant ‘mostly sunny’ to some, like Pinkie Pie who was hosting a garden party that day, and ‘a good chance for rain’ for some others, in this case Applejack because her orchard could always use a little more rain than scheduled, somehow. The Ponyville weather patrol knew all those little quirks and how to work around them, since this was far from the first time they had to deal with it, nor would it be the last time.

Blue was on the fly to Sweet Apple Acres with a good bunch of clouds for the farm, when suddenly something unexpected happened. She felt like an electric jolt go through her body and then an insistent tingle in her butt. She turned around and saw her cutie mark was going wild, it flashed like crazy and that was what caused the tingle. Not only that, but she also heard a chime with each flash, which reminded her of a cell phone notification.

Since she didn’t really know what this was, Blue decided to better not stay in the air. Cutie marks were magic and if hers went wild, she would rather not risk her flight magic freaking out while she was still flying.

She landed somewhat near the big farmhouse, close enough for Applejack to notice her and walk over

“Morning Blue! How’s it going?”

Blue didn’t really know how to answer that, instead she turned around to show her still flashing and chiming flank to Applejack, who eyes went wide as soon as she saw it

“Well, I’ll be… seems like you’re getting called by the cutie map, Sugarcube.”

“Cutie whatnow?”

Blue had given up on learning all the magic macguffins in Equestria, but the way Applejack acted it seemed like whatever was happening wasn’t too out of the ordinary. At least it didn’t mean immediate danger, since Applejack even took the time to explain

“You’ve seen that big round table in Twilight's throne room? That’s actually a magic map of Equestria made by the tree of Harmony. And sometimes, the map calls out ponies to missions of one kind or the other.”

“Missions… as in, like, military missions?”

Applejack leaned her head to the side

“Nah, more like friendship missions. The tree knows there’s trouble and sends out a pony who’s got what it takes to deal with whatever it is. And when that happens, your cutie mark acts like that.”

Applejack pointed at Blue’s mark who felt the tingle increase, as if the reminder was a little more urgent now

“And, what do I do now?”

“Well, I’d say you best get to Twilight’s castle right away. The map will tell you where to go, and I’m sure Twilight has something to say as well. Off you go, Sugarcube!”

Blue wanted to say more, ask more questions, probably argue that she wasn’t the right pony for a friendship mission, but the flashing and tingling urged her to get moving. So she did.

The flight to the castle didn’t take very long, not enough for her thoughts to untangle, and Princess Twilight was already waiting for her at the door

“Ocean Shore! I was expecting you. Your first friendship mission, isn’t it exciting?”

Blue landed on the doorstep and glanced at her still flashing cutie mark

“Yeah. Exciting is one way to call it.”

She followed Twilight into the throne room and Twilight flashed her horn once, which made the table in the middle change into a giant and absurdly detailed map of Equestria. As Blue walked closer, the flashing from her cutie mark intensified into a small ball of light that floated up to the magic map. A moment later, the light changed into a miniature version of her cutie mark that now pointed to a spot on the map.

Princess Twilight watched it all curiously

“Amazing! It looks exactly the same as with the others, even though you come from the other world. I guess it doesn’t make a difference for the Tree of Harmony.”

Blue watched anxiously while Twilight started taking notes

“So, um… this is something normal that just happens to everyone?”

“Hm? Oh no, it’s very special! The Tree of Harmony very rarely chooses a pony for a mission. At first, it only sent the girls and me to friendship quests, since we are the Elements of Harmony, and it only sent us in pairs. But nowadays, it keeps picking other ponies just as often. Starlight Glimmer was the first one besides us to be sent on a task, and she was the first one who was sent all by herself too.”

Blue stared at her own mark that hovered over the map

“Um, Twilight? Do you really think it’s smart to send me on a friendship mission? I mean… I’m not really that great at these things and don’t really know if I can, you know, do that.”

Princess Twilight immediately put her notes away and walked around the map-table so she could stand next to her nervous friend. Blue turned around and looked at her when she felt Twilight’s hoof on her shoulder

“Blue, everpony is nervous about their mission. I was too. And I also thought I wasn’t the right pony for the task. But everypony eventually figured it out. It might not seem like it right now, but the map chose you, and for a very good reason. Believe in yourself, and you’ll know what to do. I believe in you!”

Blue stared at the princess for a whole minute. She would never admit it but hearing that from Princess Twilight really meant a lot to her. After the minute, she realized she was staring and turned away, blushing deep red

“Um, thanks Princess… so, um, what’s this mission anyway?”

Twilight smiled and knew better than to tease Blue at this moment, so she also turned to the map

“Hm, it’s nearby. Just a short flight into the Everfree Forest, in fact. I don’t think there’s any particular landmarks in that part, but I’m sure you’ll find out if you go there.”

Blue nodded and studied the map so she would not forget where she had to go. In her head, all the dangerous stuff she heard about the Everyfree Forest ran wild, but she knew that the forest wasn’t as dangerous during daytime, and she wouldn’t even have to travel very deep. She wasn’t really scared of the forest, but still very nervous about this mission.

Princess Twilight must have seen it too, since she put her hoof on Blue’s shoulder again

“Remember, the map chose you for a reason. And even if it chose only you, there’s no rule that says you have to do this on your own. If you feel like you need help, you can ask anytime.”

Blue nodded and took a deep breath

“Thanks Twilight. Um, I guess I better go check it out right away.”

“That sounds like a good idea. Good luck, Blue!”

Before she could start to second-guess herself, Blue spread her wings and rushed out of the castle. A quick loop, and she was flying right at the Everfree Forest.

It didn’t take too long reach the forest and the spot the map had shown her. Blue didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but she wasn’t really sure how exact the map location was, so she decided to do a quick fly-over just in case. From the air, everything looked normal, so she decided to land and explore the forest ground as well.

Before she found a clearing where she could land, something zoomed towards her with high speed and a loud scream

Blue barely managed to dodge the blue thing with a familiar voice, before her brain caught up

“Rainbow Dash?”

She looked at her friend who was still yelling and flinging through the air, like from a really bad spin out. Rainbow Dash apparently couldn’t control her flight as her attempt to slow down ended up in a sharp turn that had her plummet back towards the ground


Blue didn’t really have time to wonder, she just moved instinctively. With a quick dash, she intercepted Rainbow’s crash course and managed to catch her friend before she hit any trees. She smirked and helped steady her friend in the air

“Yo Dash, even Wonderbolt training can’t help with everything, huh? What happened out there?”

Blue realized that something wasn’t right when Rainbow Dash didn’t have a cocky comeback for her. Instead, Rainbow seemed to have trouble staying in the air. She wobbled dangerously like she was drunk or something, and she frantically flapped her wings, which made her gain and lose height instead of hovering on the spot like Blue was.

Worried, Blue took a closer look at her friend, but her wings seemed fine, from what she could tell, and she couldn’t see any signs that Rainbow was hurt. She didn’t look dizzy either, Rainbow’s eyes just darted around quickly in near panic, as if she didn’t know where she was somehow

“Hey Dash, you okay? What happened?”

Rainbow could barely focus on her, mostly because she was bopping up and down in the air. She stammered out a few words, that didn’t make sense at all

“Cruise ship… rainbow laser! Storm… evil magic… quicksand… plant monster! How did…?”

Blue couldn’t understand anything, and Rainbow looked like she totally lost it, so Blue deemed it was time for some drastic measures.

She took hold of Rainbow’s shoulders and shook her hard while screaming at the top of her voice

“For fuck’s sake, keep it together Dash! Calm your tits, woman!”

That seemed to do the job. At the very least, Rainbow Dash was now looking at her, mildly annoyed and still confused

“Hey! What gives? Who do you think… wait… Ocean Shore?”

Blue was about to chew her out for using her full name, but something seemed off about her. The way she looked at her like she’d never seen her before, how she almost couldn’t stay afloat, calling her by her full name… and now that Blue took a closer look, she even looked slightly different. Perhaps a bit younger?

Wait a minute… could she be?

The way she moved her wings like she never had flown before. And that she didn’t she didn’t seem bothered by her human expression. Blue decided to take the shot and ask.

“Rainbow Dash?”

Dash blinked confused and waved her hoof in a strange way that didn’t fit to how a pony would move

“Yeah, obviously. Is that really you, Blue?”

Blue couldn’t help but laugh and stared at the high-school-student-turned-pony

“Yeah. Wow. How did you get here, Dash? Did you sneak through Princess Twilight’s portal?”

Rainbow flailed her hooves in a way that looked weird on a pony but made sense to Blue as a former human

“I just told you! There was the plant monster and quicksand and then Sunset pushed me… Sunset and Twilight! Fuck, I completely forgot about them!”

“Sunset and Twilight are here as well?”

Blue just finished the questions, when she heard another scream from below, somewhere in the forest


Blue rolled her eyes with a dry chuckle

“Yep, that’s Twilight alright. We better go check it out I guess.”

She let go of Rainbow Dash and started her descend, but a panicked shout had her turn back

“Wait! How am I supposed… whoa…”

Rainbow’s wing had gone back to frantic flapping, and she was wobbling dangerously in the air again, without Blue’s support. Blue just sighed and shook her head

“Stop thinking about it. Just, let your wings do their thing.”

“And how am I supposed to do that?”

Rainbow seemed more confused than annoyed and barely made and progress towards Blue on her own, so Blue had to fly back and steady her again

“Just don’t think about it. It’s, like, riding a bike. It’s all muscle memory, it just happens if you let it. Just think about following me instead.”

Rainbow gave her a shaky nod and started wobbling again when Blue let go of her, but she managed to stay afloat. When Blue turned around for a slow descend, Rainbow managed to follow her, barely

“There you go. Now let’s find the others.”

It wasn’t too hard to find them. Blue just followed Twilight’s panicked screams and Sunset’s magic-babble that sounded through the otherwise quiet forest. When Blue found them, they were standing at a small pond and Twilight just had an uncharacteristically snarky remark for Sunset

“Sorry, I didn’t listen, BECAUSE WE’RE PONIES!”

“Sheesh. The way you say that, I almost feel offended.”

Twilight turned around and stared at Blue who landed right in front of them. Rainbow Dash’s landing behind her was a bit rougher and she impacted on the ground with a bit too much force, but Twilight barely noticed it as she was just staring at Blue with wide open eyes.

Sunset and Blue both rolled their eyes and started laughing at the same time, before they met with their typical hoof-bump

“Yo Red, fancy meeting you here in the middle of nowhere.”

“Same back to you, Blue!”

They laughed and Twilight’s eyes grew to the size of serving bowls

“Ocean Shore? Blue? Is that really you?”

Blue laughed and flared her wings a bit to show off

The one and only!”

“Hey, that’s my line.”

“Shut up, Dash.”

Blue and Sunset started laughing, as did Rainbow Dash, and it was enough to get Twilight out of her daze as well. Once that happened, she rushed forward to pull Blue into a hug

“Oh Blue, it’s so good to see you! We all missed you a lot!”

Blue laughed and hugged back

“Yeah, so much that you went looking for another portal, apparently. And what’s that about a plant monster?”

With Rainbow Dash and Twilight calmed down for now, they and Sunset took turns explaining all that happened. Blue just shook her head at Rainbow’s desperate search for a new magic disaster, but got quiet once Rainbow Dash mentioned a storm just appearing out of nowhere in the other world

“Wow. And then you just accidentally found this portal around the next corner?”

Sunset nodded

“And a plant monster guarding it, or something. Maybe it just passed over through the portal at some point. Luckily, the portal led to a deserted island where the thing couldn’t hurt anybody.”

“Yeah, remember how scary those things were at the Friendship Games?”

Both Sunset and Blue shot a glare at Rainbow, but it wasn’t really necessary. She realized how insensitive she’d been as soon as Twilight dropped her head and her pony ears flopped over in shame

“Twi, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“You think I did this?”

Sunset got back on her hooves and put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder

“No, of course not.”
“But, I could have. When I was Midnight Sparkle, I just randomly opened portals everywhere without even thinking about it. It could have been me.”

Sunset shook her head
“You would have never transformed into Midnight Sparkle if I hadn’t brought magic into this world in the first place. Before that, the portal would only open every thirty moons, and only for three days. But ever since I brought Princess Twilight’s crown to Earth, I shook everything out of balance. I’m sure these random portals in the middle of nowhere are my fault too.”

Not it was Sunset’s turn to look guilty, but only for a moment before Blue swatted her wing at her

“Ow! What was that for?”

“Stop being such a guilt-junkie.”

“Excuse me?”

Blue just rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed snort

“Stop acting like every single bad thing in the world is your fault. So you brought a magic crown to Earth, and you used a pendant-thingy to absorb magic. So what?”
“Now we have magic going haywire on Earth and apparently random portals opening and…”

“So we deal with it! Like you did before. Camp Everfree? Juniper Montage? Wallflower Blush? Ring any bells?”

Both Sunset and Twilight looked away, not convinced

“That was different. All of them accidentally got in contact with magic and they were overwhelmed so…”

“So nothing! Twilight, you got into contact with magic on accident too.”

Twilight shook her head

“But I was looking for it! I built a device and even when you guys told me it was dangerous, I still kept using my device.”

“So you made a bad choice. Big deal. You needed help at some point. Big deal. I mean, you wanna know how many times I fucked up before I got things straight? And I didn’t even have magic shenanigans as an excuse.”

Twilight stared at Blue for a moment, but her ears perked up, meaning that she was starting to see what Blue as getting at. However, Sunset spoke up before she could

“Blue’s right, Twi. You don’t have anything to be sorry for anymore. You didn’t know about magic, but I knew everything about it and still acted totally irresponsibly.”

Blue’s head snapped around to glare at Sunset, but Rainbow was faster this time

“Whoa whoa whoa, slow down here. Maybe you knew magic existed and all, but did you really know what would happen when you put on that crown? Because it looked like you were surprised and overwhelmed just as much.”

“Dash, it’s not the same…”

“It totally is! You just don’t want to see it because you’re you and you hate forgiving yourself. You forgave Twilight and even Wallflower in an instant. Heck, you even forgave me after that MyStable mess.”

“But that was…”

“Different? Bull! Shit!”

Suddenly, Rainbow looked over at Blue

“Wait, can I even say that here or is it racist or something?”

And just like that, the weird moment was broken when Sunset and Blue started laughing, with Rainbow and Twilight joining in soon after.

“How about we all agree we messed up at some point, but we’re doing better now?”

The other three nodded and Blue flapped her wings to gain some altitude

“Great. Then how about we take care of that portal business now?”

Sunset and Twilight looked at each other

“We don’t know the first thing about how this portal works. Maybe it’s on a thirty-moon-cycle like the mirror used to?”

“That would make sense. But it’s not like we can just visit that island every two-and-a-half years just to check.”

Blue shook her head

“You guys know this is just a quick flight away from Ponyville, right? I could keep tabs on it, or we could tell Princess Twilight and ask what she thinks.”

Blue hadn’t told them about her cutie-map-mission thingy, but at this point she didn’t think she needed to anymore. Obviously, she was called to this place to help out her friends from the other world, and that must have been the ‘you’re the right pony for the job’-part that Applejack and Princess Twilight had mentioned.

Just like Princess Twilight had told her she could ask for help if needed. And since she was the expert on weird magic and portal-thingies, it was a no-brainer to go to her. Plus, she’d get her friends out of the Everfree Forrest and away from any danger that might still be hiding in there. Bonus points, she’d get to see Princess Twilight’s freak-out when they suddenly appeared in her castle.

“But, what about the others? Shouldn’t we at least get a message to them?”

Twilight turned back towards the cave with the portal, but Rainbow Dash waved her off

“They’ll be fine! They’re on that cruise ship, remember? Besides, this is our one chance to learn more about this world! About ponies! About magic!”

That last point had Twilight’s eyes light up and her pony ears perked up from excitement

“You really think so?”

Rainbow and Sunset shared a glance before they nodded

“Sure thing! This could be our mini-vacation-adventure!”

Blue laughed when Twilight let out a giddy squeak and flew a little higher

“Next stop, Ponyville! Let me find a clear path for you.”

The walk through Everfree Forest was uneventful, much to Blue’s relief. She knew Sunset and her could probably deal with most forest creatures, but she really didn’t want Twilight and Rainbow to freak out when they had just arrived in Equestria.

As they reached the edge of the forest and saw the first few houses of Ponyville, Blue stopped and spread her wings to get her friends to stop too.

“Um, listen… I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to just waltz through town.”

“Huh? Why not?”

Blue sighed and turned to Rainbow Dash and Twilight

“Because you look like a famous hero of Equestria and you look like the princess before she became an alicorn, with glasses. If anypony notices us, they’ll freak out, or ask questions, or think you’re all changelings or something.”

Sunset nodded and rubbed the back of her head

“Yeah, that would be bad. And I’ve been around a couple times too, so ponies might recognize me. So what’s the plan?”

Blue pointed to the Castle of Friendship in some distance

“I fly ahead and warn the princess, you follow as fast as you can. Stealth mission, okay?”

“Leave it to me!”

Sunset and Blue bumped hooves, then Blue took off. She turned around to say something more, but Sunset and the others had already vanished it seems

“Huh, she’s good. But not faster than me!”

A few minutes later, Blue was at the caste entrance, but her friends were nowhere to be seen

“What’s taking them so long? Dammit, shouldn’t have left them…”

She fluttered her wings to gain some altitude and a better view, just when Sunset and the others fell out of a nearby barrel

“Oof. Hey, watch that pokey end of that horn!”

“I will if you take your mane out of my eyes.”

“Whoops, sorry. That was me!”

Blue laughed and flew down to help untangle the mess of limbs and hooves

“Why didn’t you just teleport, Sunset?”

Sunset blushed and sighed

“How do you think we ended up in that barrel?”

“Wow. I thought you were supposed to be good with magic.”

“I’m rusty. Give me a break.”

They all laughed, and Blue led them the few last steps to the castle

“This is gonna be so good.”

The others chuckled and followed Blue into the entrance hall, where they saw the princess and Spike, trying to hang up a picture.

“Yo Princess. Guess who I found?”

“Blue? You’re back already? How did your mission…”

Princess Twilight turned around and stared at the three visitors

“Sunset Shimmer! What are you doing here? Rainbow Dash, and… other me? Wait, why are you coming from the front door and not from the mirror?”

Before anypony could say anything, Princess Twilight let out a giant gasp

“You found another portal between our worlds?”

Sunset and the others shared a glance, and Sunset shrugged

“Well, she figured that out, faster than I expected.”

“Oh, I like her.”

They laughed and Princess Twilight pulled them into a hug, while Blue stood next to Spike

“So, guess your first mission was a success, huh?”

“Looks like it. It wasn’t even that hard.”

“Told you so.”

Spike tried to squirm away when Blue gave him a noogie, which had all the others laughing as well

“Sunset and the others decided to stay a little while, why don’t you join in as well, Blue? We have so much to catch up on.”

“Sure, why not? Thanks Princess.”

Since Twilight kept asking and pleading, Princess Twilight took them to the throne room where she could show the magic map of Equestria, and while the Twilights and Sunset went on with some magic-babble, Blue and Spike showed Rainbow Dash some places they had been to. In the end though, everypony was listening to Spike as he told them about his hilarious visit to the Dragon Lands.

“And that’s the last time I ever visited a dragon wedding!”

Everypony laughed, and Princess Twilight had a great idea

“We need to celebrate Blue’s first friendship mission! We could order Mrs Cake’s famous chocolate fondue, but that takes twenty minutes.”

“That’s fine, Princess. We’re not in a hurry.”

Sunset and Rainbow Dash nodded along, so Blue shrugged her wings and nodded as well

“Sounds fine to me.”

The fondue, as expected, was delicious. After they had finished, Princess Twilight showed off some mementos from her adventures with her friends, and Blue chipped in some details since she had already been around for a couple of them.

Like when Princess Twilight unrolled a sceptre-like staff from a banner

“This is from our battle with the Storm King. He nearly took over Equestria when he trapped the other princesses and stole their magic with his staff.”

She pointed at a large sceptre-like staff and Blue shuddered when she remembered

“Those were a few crazy days. I was hiding with Spring Meadow for most of it, like the rest of Ponyville, but I heard they put ponies in cages and in chains all over Canterlot. Luckily, Princess Twilight and the others pulled through in the end.”

Twilight and Sunset listened fascinated, but Rainbow just kept staring at the banner as if she’d seen a ghost

“You okay, Dash?”

“Guys, I think I’ve seen this before. Back on the cruise ship, I swear I saw that symbol flashing in the sky and in the water.”

Sunset, Blue and Twilight looked at each other confused, but Princess Twilight was clearly nervous

“When you saw this symbol, there wasn’t any thunder or lightning accompanying it, right?”

Dash and Sunset looked at each other

“There definitely was thunder.”

“Oh dear.”

Blue, like the others, caught on that something was wrong, but before she could ask Princess Twilight had one of her famous panic attacks

“So maybe we didn’t seal all the Storm King’s magic away and some of it escaped to your world and is now creating a giant magical storm that threatens your world, but please please please, NOPONY FREAK OUT!”

Blue jumped on her hooves immediately

“Shit! You mean, this has been going on and we’ve been sitting here wasting time?”

“We need to get back to our friends!”

“We have to save them!”

Blue and the others nodded and rushed out towards the doors, but Princess Twilight teleported in their way

“Wait! Take this! You can seal the magic storm with it, I’m sure!”

Sunset nodded as Princess Twilight passed the sceptre to her counterpart, but Blue only got more impatient

“Come on guys, we gotta get going. Who knows how big that storm has already grown while we’ve been stuffing our faces!”

She was about to spread her wings and dash off, but Princess Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder to stop her

“Blue, maybe it’s best if you stay here.”

“What? Are you out of your freaking mind, Princess? I’m not gonna leave my friends hanging.”

“I know how you feel, but you finished your mission, didn’t you? You found your friends and lead them here, your cutie mark flashed and everything. Now it’s their task.”

Blue glared at the princess, with a glare that was uncomfortably familiar to Sunset and the others, as it meant Blue was about to explode

“Fuck you! I won’t let you tell me what I can do and what not! And I don’t care about what your stupid map says! Besides, my cutie mark didn’t even flash and…

“Wait, it didn’t? But I thought your mission was… oh dear.”

“Oh great. What is fucking wrong now, Princess?”

Princess Twilight twiddled her hooves

“Maybe it’s been a teensy bit premature to assume your mission was already over. You see, when your mission is completely, your cutie mark would flash again, like when the map called you, signalling…”

Blue stopped Princess Twilight’s rambling with a hoof to her mouth

“We don’t have time for a lecture right now. Come on guys, let’s go already.”

Sunset nodded and her horn glowed brightly

“Gather around everypony!”

Blue, who had an idea of what was going to happen, grabbed Dash and pulled her closer to Sunset who was taking hold of Twilight’s hoof, just before there was a bright flash. Suddenly, they were back in the Everfree Forest, where Blue had found the others

“Whoa, was that…?”

“Teleportation spell. I’ll tell you all about it, but first we need to get back to the portal.”

Blue flew ahead and could already see the lights from the magic portal glittering in the back of the cave. Without any hesitance, she dived right into the almost-familiar tunnel of rainbow lights.

A second later, she crashed hard on the other side and got on her hands and knees

“I’ll never get used to that fucking…”

Whatever she wanted to say next died in her throat when she saw the storm clouds in the sky and the near-constant flashes of lightning

“Bloody hell.”

She heard a sound behind her and managed to jump out of the way before Rainbow and the others landed roughly on the sand next to her

“Oh, my head.”

“Why is everything spinning?”

“Keep it together girls! We have a job to do.”


They rushed to the beach and Twilight held out the staff

“Okay everybody, grab on!”

Sunset and Rainbow did so immediately, but Blue hesitated, until Twilight called her out

“Come on Blue, we need everybody’s help!”


As soon as they touched the staff, Blue could feel the magic building up and a beam of light shot at the centre of the storm. And then nothing happened.

“Um, isn’t something supposed to happen now?”
“Shouldn’t the storm magic get absorbed?”

The girls looked at each other confused, but Blue kept staring at the storm above them

“It’s too much. Too much magic. Probably all tangled up as well. Fuck, if only I had my wings, maybe I could do something.”

“Um guys… what’s the cruise ship doing over there?”


Rainbow Dash and Twilight span around to where Sunset was pointing.

“Holy shit, you think the storm blew it here?”

“I think it did more than just that. Look, it’s sinking! And everybody is still on board!”

As if on cue, more lightning bolts shot down from the sky towards the ship and they heard screaming, which had Rainbow Dash snap out of her stupor and back into action.

“We need to help them! It’s time to pony up!”

Sunset and Twilight nodded, but Blue only frowned

“And what am I supposed to do? I can’t even get to the boat.”

“Duh, that’s why we pony up. So you get your wings!”

Blue glared at Dash and shook her head

“I can’t pony up like you! I don’t have a fucking geode, remember?”

“Sure you can. You just need a little kick-start.”

Sunset nodded and held out her hand

“Remember the diner? I know you can do it, Blue. You’re our friend, and you have the magic of friendship, just like us!”

Rainbow and Twilight joined hands with Sunset and smiled encouragingly at Blue, who sighed and finally joined in as well

“I hope you’re right. Here goes nothing!”

Their hands touched, and the three geodes flared up with light and magic that travelled down to their hands. Blue felt a familiar tingle and the light flared up, forcing her to close her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, she was hovering a foot about the ground, with her wings flapping to keep her in the air.

“It worked! Fuck yeah!”

The others chuckled a little, they had their magical outfits as well as their pony extras, while Blue ‘only’ had her mane and wings back without any costume change. Most importantly, when she looked up at the storm, she could sense the weather magic like back in Equestria, and she knew exactly what to do.

“Okay guys, you help the others on the boat, and I’ll deal with the storm.”
“Are you fucking nuts? You can’t deal with this all by yourself!”

“Get real, Dash. I don’t have super speed, or levitation power, I can’t save those people on the ship. But I know I can handle this.”

Rainbow Dash wanted to keep arguing, but Sunset came to back Blue up

“Dash, she’s a pegasus and a weather pony. She’s been trained to deal with this kind of stuff.”

“Have any of you seen that storm? It’s suicide for her to go alone and…”

Rainbow stopped abruptly when Blue grabbed her by the collar of her outfit and pulled her towards her with an angry expression.

“What the…?”

It looked like Blue was going to punch her next or something, but before Rainbow could even finish her question, another lightning bolt hit the beach. In the exact spot where Rainbow had been standing a second earlier.

Rainbow gulped and Blue let go of her again

“Okay, point taken. But are you sure you can stop this all by yourself?”

“Fuck no. It’s way too big. But I can slow it down until you get everybody to safety and find the others. Maybe with all Elements of Harmony, the staff has enough juice to absorb the storm.”

They heard more thunder, lightning and screams came from the ship, so Sunset finally stopped the argument

“It’s our best bet. We’re running out of time. Good luck, Blue!”

Blue nodded and shot straight up into the sky.

It felt different that in Equestria, but similar enough for her pegasus instincts to sense the weather magic. And since Blue was already majorly pissed that there were so many people in danger on that ship, she could easily see the biggest bulks of magic, like knots in the weather magic. She charged right at the biggest one and ripped it apart.

Satisfied, she could feel the tear she caused, but it was just a drop in the ocean, so she went right for the next knot. And another one. And another one.

Below her, she saw that Rarity had activated her magic as well and constructed a lifeboat, while Twilight levitated people inside, and a blue blur that could only be Rainbow Dash brought more and more people to them.

Gritting her teeth, she turned back towards the storm clouds and started busting the out-of-control weather magic even harder. Somehow, it was way more exhausting that back in Equestria, no matter how hard she tried. Blue noticed a strange glow around her, and suddenly realized what was happening. She may have ponied up with the others, but she was running on borrowed magic, and it was running out pretty fast.

Luckily, her friends worked well together, and Rarity already lowered the full lifeboat into the water so they could make the short distance towards the island. Everybody was safe, so Blue pulled together everything she had and dived right into the centre of magic with all her strength.

She could feel how the magic reacted to her assault, as it condensed in front of her to fight back, and she could see the symbol again, from Princess Twilight’s banner. This had to be it, the heart of the storm had been revealed, but Blue wasn’t strong enough to break it.

Blue kept pushing with all her might, but she turned her head towards the beach where the others were gathering

“Sunset! Now or never!”

She didn’t know if Sunset had heard her or not, but the girls grabbed the staff and Twilight pointed it at the symbol. Another beam of light, bigger and brighter than before, shot out of the staff and towards the heart of the storm. Right through Blue.

She felt the heat from the light and clenched her eyes closed, but a moment later she realized that the light was not burning her or even blinding her. While the light broke the magic of the storm, she could feel that her own magic was replenished, and her wings flapped with full power once more.

The storm magic still fought back, and Blue could almost hear the roar, like an angry scream. They were so close, all they needed was a little more. Blue, running purely on adrenaline and magic, shot forward and hit the heart of the storm with all her strength.

Something shattered, and with one final roar of thunder, the storm started to fade. Like a vacuum cleaner, the light from the staff sucked in all the Equestrian weather magic and that freaky storm magic as well, back into the staff. Barely a minute later, the sky was clear and sunny again, and any trace of the storm had vanished completely.

Blue grinned and turned around just in time to see her friends cheering down at the beach. Some other people were pointing up towards her as well, so Blue waved before she flew down towards the beach. Not without adding in a few extra twirls and loops though, which had the crowd cheer and Rainbow the loudest of them.

She touched ground in a perfect landing, and her wings faded from her back as the magic ran out, its job done. Blue wasn’t too disappointed, especially when the girls ran towards her and pulled her into the middle of a group hug.

Most people where still too disorientated by all that had happened to ask questions and the staff from the ship was doing their best to calm everybody down, so nobody noticed the girls slip a little deeper into the tropical forest of the island to catch up.

Once everybody had been brought up to speed (and after what felt like a dozen more hugs), Blue turned towards the beach where the people were gathered

“So, what are we going to do now?”

“Good question, Darling. I assume it’s fair to say that the ship won’t be getting us out of here. For the time being, it seems were stuck on this island.”

The girls nodded, except Sunset

“Well, I guess we could all go through the portal here and then back through Princess Twilight’s mirror portal which would take us back to Canterlot High.”

Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack, who had not seen Equestria yet, looked thrilled at the idea, while Fluttershy seemed kind of scared by the idea to visit a whole new world, and Twilight and Rainbow already started talking about the cool things they had seen.

However, Blue shot that plan down quickly

“Are you crazy? How would you explain passing through a magic dimension to all these people? And even if you can, somebody’s gonna talk and the whole world would learn about your little secret.”

Sunset blushed and rubber her arm

“Oh yeah. That might not be the best idea. But, maybe if it’s just us…?”

“And how would you explain that? I’m no expert, but when a ship sinks, isn’t there like signal and somebody sends out rescue crews and all that shit? If they can’t find you, they’ll declare you missing on sea, and when you suddenly appear back home, people will wonder how you got there.”

The girls sighed in unison, but relented

“You’re right, Blue. Bad idea.” “I was so excited to see pony world!” “I guess it can’t be helped.”

All Blue could do was shrug

“Sorry girls. I don’t like being a spoilsport.”

“Nah, you’re right with everything you said. Still kinda disappointing.”

They heard someone talking through a megaphone, asking all passengers to confirm that nobody was missing, and Rarity shook her head

“I suppose we should go back to the others now. Before they really declare us missing.”

She pulled Blue into a final hug, as did the others

“It was so nice seeing you again, Darling! I hope next time, we can meet without a magical catastrophe.”

“Although you totally kicked ass today!”

“Are you going to get home safely?”

Blue returned all the hugs and nodded

“Yeah, I’ll just hop into the portal and get this back to Princess Twilight.”

Sunset handed the magic staff to her and was the last one to hug her

“Thank you so much for your help, Blue! We couldn’t have done it without you!”

“Glad to help, Red! Now I’ll get lost before anyone sees me and asks stupid questions.”

The girls called their goodbyes as Blue ran back towards the portal and hopped right in. A flurry of lights later, and she was catapulted out in Equestria once more, but this time she could catch herself with her wings before she hit ground.

“Phew. Feels good to be back.”

Just as she was about to leave the cave, she felt a tingle run through her body and she heard a chime. A look on her flank showed her that her cutie mark was flashing again, finally confirming that her friendship mission had been successful.

A grin on her face and the magic staff in hooves, she took off and flew straight back to Princess Twilight’s castle. She for sure had one heck of a story to tell after today.