• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 2,901 Views, 156 Comments

Ocean Blues - TalkingToMyself

Shortly after the Battle of the Bands, a new student arrives at Canterlot High School. Nobody knows her and she's not in a mood to make any friends. On any other school, she'd end up as a loner, but maybe at CHS, there's hope for a change.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Blue’s second week started with her being late for Homeroom, meaning that her preferred seat in the back was gone and she had to sit next to fashionista girl again, who came with a brand new outfit and a sickening smile. That smile froze when she noticed Blue was wearing the same clothes as last week. But maybe it was also because she noticed something else
“Darling, you look exhausted. You must have had an eventful weekend.”
“Fuck off.”
Blue was too tired to come up with a snarky comeback and just slumped in her chair. Apple-something turned around to throw a concerned look at her as well, but the teacher called them back to attention. Miss Cheerilee was already displeased that Blue was late, so chatting during class was not a good idea right now.

Blue dozed off as Miss Cheerilee droned on about something. She must have fallen asleep, because she noticed Rarity shaking her shoulder and whispering her name, but it was too late. The teacher was already towering above her with a grumpy frown and the rest of class was snickering at her
“First you’re late and then sleeping in class. Not a good start, Miss Shore.”
Blue said nothing and kept her eyes on the desk
“Is there anything you’d like to say for yourself?”
How about ‘Mind your own damned business?’ she thought, but what she pressed out between her teeth was “Nothing, Miss.”
“I see. I want to talk with you after class.”
Blue rolled her eyes but she nodded while class snickered some more. She saw a motion in the corner of her eyes and glared at Rarity before she could touch her again. The fashion girl carefully pulled her hand back.

When everyone else funnelled out, Blue stayed on her seat and waited for the inevitable. Just get over with it. Chew me out, threatened me and act all high and mighty. I bet you've just been waiting for a chance like this.

Miss Cheerilee stood right in front of Blue's desk, again towering over the girl in her seat. Blue waited for a scolding, but what she heard was a concerned tone from the teacher
"Do you get enough sleep at home, Ocean Shore?"
Blue blinked but didn't care enough to look at Miss Cheerilee
"I know you just moved last week. Did you get settled in your new home yet?"
"More or less."

Blue didn't give a clear answer. Any answer would only lead to more questions and questions would lead to getting involved. She didn't need that.
"How long did you work last night?"
Wait, what? Blue finally looked up at Miss Cheerilee
"I saw you at the bar last night. It's impressive you found a job that quickly, but I've got some concern if that place is right for a high school student."
"You apparently were there as well, so it can't be that bad, right?"
“That’s different, as you very well know yourself.”

Blue kept looking at Cheerilee and tried to find what the teacher was really after. Maybe she wants to find a reason to kick me out without pulling the school in as well. Or maybe she wants something from me and tries to blackmail me with this.
Blue didn’t find that cold glint people had in their eyes when they wanted to use her. In its place, she saw concern, simple as that.
Or maybe… maybe she’s not faking it?

It was a risk. Blue was used to taking risks and getting into trouble, she would do it if the gain gratified the cost. But here, she didn’t know how big the risk was or if there was anything to gain at all. Any clear thought in her mind told her that this was a bad deal and that she couldn’t take it. Only one instinct told her to open up and take a chance.

Blue sighed deeply and rested her head in her hands, so she wouldn’t have to look at the teacher any more and more importantly, so that Miss Cheerilee couldn’t read her either
“I live nearby and walked around. Heard someone groaning when he was unloading a truck, so I asked if he needed help. He did. When the truck was empty, he asked if I’d help him get the stuff to the storage room. I asked how much he’d pay.”
Miss Cheerilee groaned and shook her head
“You are aware that’s not how you get a proper job, Ocean Shore.”
“He paid me right away, so I didn’t ask further questions.”
“Of course you didn’t.”

The teacher sighed and shook her head
“Then why did I see you inside the bar with an apron?”
“One of the servers called in sick. The guy asked if I could fill in on short notice, so I ended up cleaning tables and doing dishes.”
“How long?”
“Until they closed.”
“Which means?”
Blue closed her eyes
“After midnight.”
“On a Sunday night, with school coming up. I see where this is going.”
Blue frowned
“It’s not like I had much of a choice if I wanted to get paid.”

“Do you need the money that much?”
“Who doesn’t?”
Miss Cheerilee sighed and pulled a chair over so she could sit rather than look down on Blue
“Ocean, there is nothing wrong in getting a job besides school. But if your working hours clash with your classes, you should ask yourself if that’s the right job.”

“It was just one fucking time. Aren’t you blowing this out of proportions?”
Cheerilee looked at her with that concerned smile again
“It’s not just that. Your ‘boss’ practically forced you into late hours, way past anything that would be allowed for a teenager by any means.”
“He asked if it was okay and I said yes as long as he pays right.”
“And what did he pay you?”
Blue rolled her eyes and told her, but Cheerilee just shook her head
“That’s far too little for a whole night, even if you’re just a fill-in. Ocean, he is clearly abusing the fact that you’re broke.”
Blue glared at the teacher and her anger made her more agitated
“That’s none of your fucking business.”

Cheerilee took the outburst in stride and Blue got the feeling the teacher had maybe just wanted to lure her out of hiding, because suddenly her voice wasn’t as stern anymore
“You seem very concerned about money. How are these things at home for you, Ocean? Do you get along?”
“Yes. Barely.”

Blue bit her tongue at her slip-off
“And that means?”
“We’re fine. Stop bugging me.”
Cheerilee shook her head
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong. I know your situation is anything but normal, but there are better ways to get out of this than jumping at any buck you can get.”
“Like what?”
“You could apply for a proper job, with clear working hours and an adequate wage.”

Blue snorted in frustration
“Yeah, because there are so many people who hire lost causes like me. And don’t tell me that’s not true, you read my file.”
Cheerilee didn’t say anything for a while and the bell to next class rang. Blue stood up to leave, but the teacher motioned for her to stay
“Ocean, I want to make you an offer. You don’t have to agree, but I think it would be good if you did.”
Blue just stared at her and waited
“Today after classes, we go to the bar and talk to the owner. Both of us. We’ll explain your situation to him and ask if he would be willing to employ you properly, under certain conditions.”
“Such as?”
“No late-night work, especially not on school nights. And not more than legally allowed for someone of your age.”

Blue nodded, but something didn’t make sense
“And what do you get out of it?”
Cheerilee smiled impishly
“I no longer have to worry about my student arriving at school exhausted and falling asleep on my classes. That sounds like a fair deal for me, don’t you think?”

Blue just stared, floored
“Why what, Ocean?”
“You could just give me detention or something. Or you could report me to the principal and have me thrown out. I’d be out of your class and you no longer had to bother with me ever again. So why?”

Blue expected the teacher to get angry, or maybe feel offended. But Cheerilee just had a sad smile and reached out to put a hand on Blue’s shoulder
“Ocean, not everyone is out there to get you. I hope in time, you can see that. But for now, I’d like you to think about my offer.”
Blue said nothing at that and Cheerilee kept her hand in place, just watching the girl in front of her. After a while, she nodded and returned to her desk
“Let me write you an excuse for your next class before you go. And if you ever want to talk about it, you know where to find me.”
Blue took the slip of paper and left without a word.

She arrived at the classroom in the middle of class, but the teacher just nodded and left it at that. Blue saw that Rarity had saved her a seat next to her. Reluctantly, she made her way over and sat down
“Is everything alright, Darling?”
Rarity tried to be as quiet as possible, but from behind her, Blue saw that the tall shy girl was leaning closer to listen in
“Yeah. Thanks.”

Rarity and the shy girl, Mumbleshy or something, both smiled at her, but focused back on the teacher quickly. Blue just sat there, feeling numb mostly.
Not everyone is out there to get you.

Author's Note:

Based on a conversation that really happened almost like this, except the parts that obviously didn't happen.