• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 2,900 Views, 156 Comments

Ocean Blues - TalkingToMyself

Shortly after the Battle of the Bands, a new student arrives at Canterlot High School. Nobody knows her and she's not in a mood to make any friends. On any other school, she'd end up as a loner, but maybe at CHS, there's hope for a change.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Ocean Shore walked into the school building through the main entrance and looked around. It looked just like any other grain in the mill high school, with the only exception being the horse statue in front of the building. She made an effort to look bored and grumpy, mostly to keep the other students from bothering with her. She was early, as she was supposed to meet the principal before the first period, but still a number of students filled the hallways already. Maybe some people from early club meetings or whatever dedicated students would pass their time before school.

She kept a slouch in her step as she walked to where she believed would be the main office. Her backpack hung over one shoulder and was worn-out, as were her trainers. The only thing that looked new was the blouse she wore under her faded, second-hand wind jacket, but even that one had seen better days already. She glanced around and saw all the generic stuff she'd seen in other high schools before, the same old lockers, classrooms and what not. Her eyes stayed with a poster that announced a musical showcase, someone had written "Battle of the Bands" across the initial description with black marker. She noticed the date was two weeks past already, so she shrugged and walked on.

Eventually, a teacher noticed her wandering around and called her over
"I don't think I've seen you before. What are you doing here?"
Geez, she thought, passive-aggressive much?
"I just transferred here, Sir. I'm supposed to meet with Principal Celest"
She sounded bored and didn't even bother looking up at the authority figure in front of her
"I see. You need to go to the end of this hallway, then turn right and you'll find the Principal's office."

She turned away and walked off, but the teacher wasn't done with her yet
"And our principal's name is Celestia. She might appreciate you remember her name correctly."
Blue rolled her eyes and held back a snort
"Thank you, Sir."
Any snarky comment she had, she held back. Better not pick a fight on the first day, she thought to herself, knowing my luck, I'll get to that soon enough anyways.

She reached the office in time. The other students kept staring at her, but she didn't care. She'd been through this too often by now to get bothered any more. Trying to be polite, she knocked before she walked in and even looked at the receptionist
"Oh, you must be Ocean Shore. Miss Celestia and Miss Luna are expecting you, go right in."
She nodded and headed for the door the woman was pointing at and knocked again. A voice called her in a second later, so she took a deep breath and opened the door. Let's just get this over with.

She stepped into the office and turned around to make sure the door was closed properly. That delay gave her some time to glance around the office. Everything was kept in bright colours and the morning sun streamed in through a large window behind the desk. She saw a few photographs and some diplomas on the walls. Behind the desk sat a woman in a smart pantsuit, maybe past her thirties, with alabaster skin and long hair of green, pink and blue colours. Beside her, she saw another woman, shorter and younger, with blue skin and dark blue hair, almost like herself. Only that Ocean had streaks of green in her far shorter hair where the woman had broad silvery strands. The blue woman just fixed her with a piercing gaze, but the white woman flashed a friendly, open smile

"Welcome to Canterlot High, Miss Shore. Please, have a seat. We have some things to talk through before your classes commence."
She nodded and sat down on the indicated chair in front of the desk, her backpack landed next to her. She had to admit, the woman really made an effort to show a sunny attitude. The smile even reached her eyes as she continued
"I am Principal Celestia, and this is Vice-Principal Luna. We both hope we can make your transfer to CHS as smoothly as possible."
She just nodded and let the principal talk for now. Her eyes wandered over the desk but fixed on the large folder that was spread out on it. Her shoulders slumped and she sighed. Great, so they already read my file. Guess now they try to threaten me into submission, like always.

The principal had noticed what her newest student was looking at and her smile turned from friendly into a knowing smile
"I am aware that you come to us from less than optimal circumstances, Ocean Shore. However, I want to stress that we intend to give you a fresh start with us. Here at Canterlot High, we do believe in second chances."
Blue raised her brow and held back a grin. Yeah, right. That's why you study my file before talking to me and team up on me. Bullshit.

To her surprise, the blue-skinned Vice-Principal bowed forward and leaned with her hands on the desk so she could meet the girl's gaze
"What my sister says is true, Miss Shore. I know you might not expect it, but we really wish for your transfer to our school to become a positive turnout for you."
This time she looked up, fighting hard to keep her expression neutral, especially when she took in the sincere expressions from both principals. They can't be serious. No principal ever gives a shit about a student like me. Maybe they're just trying to reverse-psychology me or something.

As if she had read her mind, Vice-Principal Luna tapped her hand on the large file
"We know that you had some very bad experiences. Some might think you to be a lost cause."
She tensed up, but the vice-principal just closed the file
"However, we want to make our own decisions before we throw you down a pigeonhole."

Principal Celestia nodded and just smiled again
"There are some restrictions set on you, but if we see a positive progress, I will see to mitigate some of them away from you. Now, first things first, you will have to report in the office every morning once you arrive. You know why."
She frowned but nodded as the teacher went on
"Second, since we don't have a school counsellor, you will meet with either Luna or me, twice a week for the time being. We will see what works best in that regard."
This time, she let out a sigh. Guess I had that one coming. Well, at least it's at school and not some jerk in town.
The principal's smile faded into a stern expression for a moment and Blue knew what was coming next
"Finally, although I do not expect it from you, I must stress that acts like these," she tapped at the file, "will not be tolerated at our school."

Principal Celestia looked expectantly at the girl but all she got was another wordless nod. With that, her sunny smile returned
"Well, that would be it for now. Do you have any questions?"
"No, I got the message."
Both women's eyes widened a little from surprise. People usually didn't expect a deep voice like hers from such a small girl. It didn't help that her accent made everything she said sound harder than she meant it either. However, they both quickly recovered and Principal Celestia smiled again
"Excellent! Now, I think a tour over campus is in order next. Shall we?"

Ocean Shore blinked surprised as the Principal got up with her and waited for her to pick up the backpack again
"You're giving me the tour?"
"Indeed. Did you expect something else?"
"Kinda. Usually, they sent out some teacher's pet and stuff."
Principal Celestia chuckled and opened the door for her
"You will find that our school is different than the ones you have visited before, Miss Shore. In time, you will understand."
Ocean Shore just shrugged and said nothing as she followed the woman.

After she had endured what had to be the longest campus tour ever, Ocean Shore was almost relieved when she finally arrived at the classroom. The principal talked to the teacher while she got a chance to glance over what had to be her new class. So far, it seemed very generic except a few guys were throwing almost frightened looks at her direction. Geez, what's their problem? Never seen a student transfer in or what?

It was rather late in the school year, but she had been at all her classes before she got out of that place and could move to this city. And since she couldn't afford a high class private school like Crystal Prep Academy with their meagre budget, she ended up in Canterlot High instead. Not that she would have been accepted in Crystal Prep anyways, not with a reputation like hers.

"Class, may I have your attention for a moment? Thank you."
Principal Celestia motioned for her to stand between her and the homeroom teacher whose name she had already forgotten
"This is Ocean Shore. She transferred here today and will be our newest wondercolt."
All eyes on her, Blue shot a glance across the classroom to be polite, but she kept her posture slumped and went with the most bored sounding "Hi" she could manage.
"Now, I expect all of you to help Miss Shore feel welcome with us and in town. As I know, Miss Shore has just moved this weekend, so it would be nice if some of you showed her around after school. Don't you think?"

That last question was directed at her. Even if it was the Principal, she could not fake enough enthusiasm to make any answer sound sincere, so she didn't even try

The principal glanced at her, slightly irritated but nonetheless smiling
"Alright. Now, there is an empty seat next to Rarity, how about you sit down for now so Miss Cheerilee can begin with today's lessons."

With a nod, she slumped over to the seat in the middle of the classroom. A girl with pale white skin, an enormous mass of indigo hair and designer clothes, Rarity probably, smiled that same set-up cheery smile that the principal had before. What's wrong with these people? Why are they all grinning like idiots?

"Welcome, Darling."
The girl glanced over her tattered clothes, frantically searching for something redeeming she could related to
"Oh, I love that blouse you're wearing, Darling. You simply have to tell me where you got it!"
For the first time, Ocean looked up and met the fashionista with an icy glare
"From a thrift store. I think it was called something like 'None of your Business', Darling."
For the last word, she had let go of her usual harsh accent and imitated the white girl's uppity drawl. While the fashionista took the hint and had the decency to blush, the girl behind her didn't take it too kindly

"Hey, now come on. She only tried to be nice, no need to get all feisty 'bout nothing."
Blue turned around and glared at the girl who talked with a thick southern drawl. Her first instinct was to chew the girl out, but the look in green eyes under her cowboy hat didn't give her any sign of animosity. It didn't seem like she was looking for a fight, she just stated her honest opinion at the matter. Fair enough, Blue thought and turned back towards the teacher without another word.

Classes went on and completely passed Ocean Shore. It was nothing but the usual stuff, English, History and Algebra. With the exception of maybe the last one, more than enough to induce a deep sleep in almost everyone, especially on a Monday morning. Ocean endured it with the same stoic patience that helped her get through her last classes. She forced herself to listen and take notes when the others did, but that was more of a desire to blend into the background than of a real will to learn. She had gotten by with Cs and Ds, she wasn't really aiming for more.

Her fourth period was a free period, so she left the classroom after almost everyone else. Her teacher threw her another one of those creepy smiles, to which she didn't react. The principal probably showed my file around anyway, no use pretending and hoping they won't find out. In fact, she had already seen a few girls tap furiously on their smart phones between classes, followed by whispers to each other and glances towards her. She sighed and shook her head. She wasn't doing any social media, she never saw the use of it, but it was impossible to stay invisible on the internet these days, especially as a high school student.

Distracted by these thoughts, she didn't notice the girls who had been waiting for her outside the classroom until she almost ran into them. Fashion girl and cowgirl had gathered some more friends: A hyperactive pink girl with cotton candy hair, a short girl with rainbow hair who just seemed to scream out 'Hey, look at me, I'm doing sports!', a grumpy looking girl with red and yellow hair who tried to sell her 'bad girl' look with a fake leather jacket and behind them, a tall girl with pale yellow skin and pale pink hair who tried to hide behind the others.

Wow, talked about a mixed bag, she thought before the pink on pink menace waved like an idiot, even though she was standing two feet away from them
"Ocean Shore! Over here!"
She rolled her eyes as the hyper girl reached out and pulled her closer, or at least tried to. She ducked away from the arm and glared
"What do you want?"
Her words came out as harsh as she intended to, but the girls didn't seem to care. Fashion girl stepped forward with that smile, again
"I'm sorry, Darling. Pinkie Pie is very thrilled to get to know you better, as you can tell. I might have slipped to my friends that you are new around, and we agreed we would like to make your first day a pleasant one."

"Yeah, the last newcomers we had were total jerks, so we thought we'd better check on you right away, just in case."
The rainbow girl stated almost proudly and Blue crossed her arms in front of her chest. Well that was blunt. The daft girl stayed oblivious on how three of her companions facepalmed until cowgirl smacked her on the back of her head
"Ow! What was that for?"
"What Rainbow Dash was trying to say is that we want to make sure you have a nice welcome before anyone might run into stupid suspicions about you."
"Yeah. That was totally what I said!"
"Sure you did, Dash."

She watched the exchange between the girls and just turned away and left
She looked back and stared at the amber hand wannabe-bad girl had wrapped around her wrist, before she jerked her arm free.
"I know that came out a little wacky, but we all know it can't be easy transferring so late in the semester. So, if there's anything you need, we just want you to know we'd be glad to help."
Again, there was that sickening smile. Geez, what's wrong with all those people? Are they on joker venom or something?

She fixed the girl with a glare before she turned around to leave, again
"Yeah, that's not going to happen."
"But why not?"
She stopped before she almost bumped into Pinkie who was suddenly standing right in front of her. How did she get past me so fast?
"Wouldn't you like to make friends on your first day at CHS?"
She rolled her eyes
"Yeah, I could totally do that. It's just, you know, I won't."
With that, she pushed past her once more, bumping her elbow against the pink girl just in case she didn't get the message.

This time, the girls let her be, although she could hear them talking about her as she left
"She doesn't seem very interested in making friends."
"But why?"
"Don't take it too hard, Pinkie Pie. You can't be friends with everybody. At least we tried."
"Maybe she will reconsider, once she has gotten more accustomed here."

She snorted and slipped her earplugs in. As she drowned out the rest of their conversation with loud music, she saw a few other students staring at her as if she'd just grown devil horns. Whatever. There's going to be rumours before the end of the week anyway. Maybe this will get them to leave me alone at least.

She headed towards the library and found a dark corner where she could spend the rest of her free period.

Finally, the school day was over. Ocean Shore stuffed her things into her backpack and followed the stream of students towards the main entrance. All things considered, the day hadn't been as bad as she feared. The teachers mostly ignored her and except the six girls from earlier, nobody else bothered her. She passed a locker and found cowgirl storing away her books, but unfortunately, the girl saw her as well and had the gull to smile at her again. Some people just don't get the message, do they?

"Miss Shore, follow me please."
She turned around and saw the Vice-Principal standing next to her. She hadn't even heard her walk up to her and she didn't like being ordered around either
The woman had already taken a few steps back into the school building but now turned around to glare at the student who dared to question her authority
"Because you have yet to get a locker assigned to you. Also, there is some paperwork in the main office considering you. I'd rather take care of it now than wait until tomorrow."
She rolled her eyes with a grumpy "Fine!" but she followed the administrator back to the office.

Once out of the view of the other students, the woman's demeanour changed drastically. Instead of glaring, she looked back at the girl with an almost concerned expression
"How did your first day fare you, Miss Shore?"
Why do you even care? she thought, even though her answer was just another "Fine", which didn't seem to satisfy the vice-principal
"Did you make some friends already, Miss Shore?"
What is this, elementary school?
"I don't think that's any of your business."
"If you were a regular student, I would agree. But given your particular circumstances, I'm afraid you will have to endure me getting involved more than just that."
Blue locked her eyes on the floor in front of her, but still she heard how the woman's voice softened up further as they approached and entered the office

"There is also the matter of your first counselling session, Miss Shore. You are aware that these are mandatory if you want to avoid further restrictions."
She sighed and nodded
"Yeah, I know. Why didn't you just say so?"
"I was not sure if you would like the student body to know about your arrangements, Miss Shore."
At that, she only had a bitter laugh
"Yeah right, like they won't find out soon enough anyway. And for crying out loud, stop calling me 'Miss Shore'. Only judges and parole officers call me that."
The teacher had a little smirk at Ocean's sudden agitation and inclined her head in a nod

"Very well, Ocean. I think this is as good of a time to start as any. Why don't you tell me about yourself?"
Oh boy, she thought and rolled her eyes, here we go.
"You read my file."
"Nevertheless, I'd like to hear what you have to say."
"Ugh, fine."
She slumped down on the chair the vice-principal pointed at with a more than annoyed expression and started talking.

The next day started almost like the first one. She got to school with her ear buds blaring loud tunes and a grumpy expression that prevented anyone from approaching her as she made her way to the office to check in. Homeroom was boring as all hell, but this time she had managed to get a seat in the back, most importantly away from fashion girl and cowgirl. That Rarity girl gave her a strange look when she noticed that she was wearing the same clothes as the day before, of course fashion girl was wearing an entirely different outfit. She looked like she was about to approach her, but a glare from Ocean as well as a shake of the head from cowgirl stopped her in time.

The only thing that had changed were the whispers that now followed her through the hallways as she went to the next classroom. Yesterday, everyone had been too surprised but now they had the time to gossip and most likely check on what the internet had to say about her. Nobody directly talked to her but from some of the looks she got, she could tell they had found the more nasty facts of her life anyways.

"She must have been in more than five high schools in the last two years alone. Who moves that much?"
"Maybe her parents need to travel a lot for their jobs."
"Then how do you explain the last two and a half months she went completely missing all of a sudden?"
She closed her eyes tightly and sighed when she heard that. Two and a half months. Ten fricking weeks that destroyed her life.

She didn't try to stop the rumours, it was useless anyways, so she just ignored them. And the other students. And her teachers. If she got involved, it would only mean trouble again sooner or later. And knowing my luck, sooner it is. As long as they keep it in school this time.

"Hi Ocean Shore!"
She jumped backwards with a startled scream as the pink menace suddenly materialized next to her and yelled into her ear
"The hell is wrong with you?"
Pink completely ignored her, or maybe she didn't even notice anything in the first place
"Rarity said you'd be more willing to be our friend once you're accustomed, so I said 'Silly Rarity, it's not even close to Halloween, why would she wear a costume?' but then Sunset Shimmer said Rarity didn't mean costume and she said..."

Blue covered the girl's mouth with her hand because it seemed the babbling would go on forever
"Is there any sense in anything you say?"
The pink girl nodded and with a sigh, Blue pulled away her hand
"Look, whatever it is, just..."
"It's been a day so I wanted to check if you're ready to be friends now!"
Blue stared at the girl wide eyed, to perplex to say anything for a few moments before she snapped back into grumpy mood
"Are you on drugs or something?"
"Nope! But I did have an extra large triple caramel chocolate cupcake with extra sprinkles for breakfast, so I might be a little more giddy than usual."
"Ya think?"

By now, all the yelling had them surrounded by a small crowd of students, most of them chuckling as they watched. Given the pink’s antics, that seemed almost normal
“Listen, just leave me the hell alone!”

Pink girl finally seemed to get the message and backed away a little, but from behind, the next annoyance had just been waiting for her cue
“Hey! Don’t yell at my friend!”
She turned around and rolled her eyes. Oh great, there’s the whole band again.
She glared at rainbow girl who just glared back. She looked like she was the fittest of the bunch, but also the smallest and the one with the shortest fuse

“Mind your own damn business, short stack.”
Rainbow blinked confused for a moment, since Ocean actually was maybe two inches smaller than she was and nowhere as intimidated as she had hoped
“Hey, who you’re calling short stack, short stack.”
“Wow. Calling me the same name I just used a second ago. Did you put on those shoes all by yourself this morning or did you need help?”

She couldn’t help but smirk when rainbow girl’s blue face almost turned purple from rage
“Did you just call me dumb?”
Fuck avoiding trouble. That girl begs for it.
“Want me to write it down so one of your buddies can read it out for you?”
“Why you little…”
Blue leaned back a little and narrowed her weight, bracing for impact as rainbow hair lunged towards her with her hands balled to fists. Before she made it two steps forward, cowgirl and shy girl grabbed hold of her arms and held her back
“Whoa now, Dash. Keep it together, partner.”
Wannabe-Badgirl stepped in between and helped push the raging girl backwards
“Chill, Rainbow. It’s not worth it.”

Pink didn’t seem to get what was happening, so fashion girl put a hand on her shoulder and gently guided her after the others, but not without turning around and throwing a frown at Ocean
“That was simply uncalled for, Darling. A lady should never fall back to such petty insults.”
“Do I look like I give a fuck?”
Whatever answer she had, the bell rang and quickly scattered the little crowd they had gathered. She stared after the six girls and then shrugged. Whatever.

She turned around and headed to her next class, ignoring the stares she got from the other students, and most of all ignoring the fact that some of them even backed away from her as she walked down the hallway. For a brief moment, she closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth. Whatever!

The moment passed, and she slumped behind her desk in the back of the classroom.

The last class of the day was lab class, the only one she’d been looking forward to in the few moments she admitted to herself. Chemistry, Science and maybe Math were the only classes she enjoyed no matter which school she visited. During her last classes, she didn’t get lab class so she only learned about stuff in theory, which made her appreciate the chance to get some hands-on experience now even more.

No matter how much she enjoyed it, she didn’t let it show. With the same bored expression she had all day, she put on a lab coat and picked the last free bench in the back. The other students from her class already had their lab partners from the beginning of the semester, so she’d have to work all by herself, but she didn’t care about that.

Wannabe-Badgirl walked in with the others and headed towards her bench. The amber girl looked surprised to see her at the bench in the back, but then she smiled and walked up towards her
“Looks like we’re partners today.”
Ocean didn’t say anything and just stared back with her bored expression
“I don’t think I actually introduced myself yet. I’m Sunset Shimmer.”
Nothing but stares
“I don’t know what the others told you about me yet, but…”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. Fine, I’ll bite.
“Don’t you have a lab partner already?”
Sunset shook her head with a wry smile
“I was working by myself until two weeks ago. And after that, I tagged along with one of the other teams.”

The teacher walked in and started the lesson with barely any introduction. Ocean listened but quickly trailed off and glanced at the amber girl next to her. Sunset seemed as bored as she was and doodled in her notebook as the teacher droned on. She didn’t notice the sideway glances Ocean shot at her, neither did she react on any of the stares the other students threw back towards them. Some of them had that sickening smile Ocean couldn’t stand anymore, but some looked like they had seen a ghost or something.

Finally, they could start to work. The experiment wasn’t too complex, just mix together a few chemicals, titrate the solution and calculate the concentration.

Ocean scribbled a few numbers on her notepad and Sunset peeked over her shoulder
“What you’re doing?”
“What does it look like?”
They glared at each other and Ocean rolled her eyes
“I’m calculating how much of the substance we need to weigh in.”
“Okay. Then I’ll get the equipment we need.”

Despite what happened in the hallway earlier, she had no problems working with the girl. They didn’t need to talk much and had their titration running long before any of the other groups. The teacher checked on them and nodded in approval. Soon, they sat in front of their aperture and waited for the solution to dribble down.

Ocean watched the other girl from the corner of her eyes. She was surprised on how well they got along working with barely any communication. When her usual entourage was gone, Sunset didn’t have that fake smile as well.

Maybe it was because she actually enjoyed this class, maybe it was some sort of guilt, but Ocean took a breath and turned towards her partner
“Look, about earlier.”
Sunset Shimmer turned her head towards her, but instead of angry she seemed only surprised
“What about it?”
“Aren’t you mad or something?”
“Why would I be? Pinkie Pie has no sense for personal space, it’s irritating if you’re not used to it. And Rainbow Dash has a short fuse so she ticks off about just anything.”
Ocean barked out a laugh
“And here I thought you girls were so close.”
“We are. They are my best friends, but that doesn’t mean any of us is flawless.”

Ocean leaned forward and wrote down the first numbers on her notepad
“You don’t really match up all that much, do you?”
“Not at first glance, but that’s actually a good thing I’ve learned.”
Sunset Shimmer sat up straight, far more interested now than she had been all class long
“You see, I think it’s some sort of balance. When Rainbow Dash gets too reckless, there’s Fluttershy to calm her down again, and when Fluttershy is scared of something, you can count on Rarity or Pinkie Pie to encourage her or cheer her up.”

Blue rolled her eyes but her lips twitched into a smile
“You’ve really given that a lot of thought, haven’t you?”
“Well, I’m still learning about friendship after all.”
Sunset Shimmer smiled genuinely which amused her even more
“I didn’t know they had ‘Friendship’ as an elective. Would’ve taken that over EC any day, that’s for sure.”
“I can get behind that.”
They laughed a little too loud and when the others turned around to stare at her, her grin instantly turned sour.

Sunset Shimmer seemed to have noticed as well as she looked away quickly and mumbled
“You could think they’re just expecting something terrible to happen any second.”
“Well, fuck them.”

She had said that loud enough for everyone to hear and now glared at anyone who still stared at her. Including Sunset Shimmer
“Nothing. That was a little harsh, don’t you think?”
“So what?”
Sunset Shimmer looked at her with an unreadable expression as Blue elaborated
“People are idiots. They just see the obvious and never look past it. You look like a bad girl, so you obviously have to be one.”
Sunset’s expression didn’t change. The girl was still staring at her while she tried her hardest not to react on that sudden outburst. Wow, where did that come from? I must be more stressed out about this new school that I thought.
And to be honest, she wasn’t very stressed out about school at all. Those people were what got her nervous. Always smiling when they talked, but behind her back, she noticed the mumbles and the stares.

Sunset Shimmer pulled her out of her thoughts by completely ignoring her outburst
“But, you know, there’s some truth in every rumour.”
“So what? They don’t even want to know the truth. If they’re not willing to hear both sides of the story, they can just fuck off.”
This time, Sunset blushed
“Now that’s really harsh.”
“Where I come from, you either toughen up or go under.”
Geez, now I sound like someone from a 90s gangster movie.

The experiment was almost finished, so she focused on that for the moment, but the girl next to her still seemed lost in thoughts
“You know, it took a while but most people are willing to give me a second chance by now.”
She turned her head and looked at Sunset’s guilty expression
“I bet they told you all about what happened already…”
“I didn’t talk to anybody and nobody said anything to me.”
"But, you talked about rumours and looking like a bad girl, so I thought…”
She turned around to face the girl fully and tried her best not to look as furious as she felt
“I don’t know what kind of shit people posted about me on the net. Most of it might be true for all I care. So go ahead.”
She glared at the girl who only stared back confused
“Go ahead with what?”

She rolled her eyes
“You can drop the act. Stop faking sympathy. I don’t care.”
“Faking? What makes you think that?”
"Oh please. I've seen this spiel enough by now. You fake some smiles, try to get on my good side so I will open up to you. Then there's a favour here and there and before you know it, you're trying to pull me into some shit and throw me in front of the bus."
Sunset Shimmer stared with wide-open eyes for a few moments, barely able to stutter out a response
"Y-you really think I would do that?"
"People are shit, no exceptions. Not you, not me, not any of your oh so precious friends. Life doesn't work that way."
Sunset shook her head in what seemed to be disbelief
"What happen to turn you so bitter?"
"People like you happened."

Blue turned around and started stuffing her things into her bag. She couldn't stand how that Sunset-girl was staring at her like that, as if she really cared. Not caring about the class or the teacher, she jumped up on her feet, ready to run just out. However, an amber hand on her elbow stopped her in time
"People here are different. They gave me a second chance. We will give you another chance, too."
"Shut up!"
She jerked her arm free
"Don't you think I've heard that before? Why should I believe you? Why should I trust any of you? Last time I trusted someone, I was... just shut up!"

By now, everyone was staring at her and the teacher felt the need to intervene
"Miss Shore, please stop shouting and sit down again. Class is still in session.”
“See if I care!”
She snapped at the teacher and just stormed out in rage. Those were definitely angry tears that dared to leak out her eyes. They had to be! They mustn’t be anything else!
Damn it! She didn’t stop when she heard the voice and just kept running towards the exit. Why did that have to happen? Why so soon? It’s only the second day and I’m in trouble again.

She kept running but her teacher eventually caught up on her and stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. With a defeated sigh, she turned around but kept her eyes on the ground.
“Are you alright, Miss Shore?”
She tried her luck with the silent treatment, but he kept nagging on
“Is there any reason you just ran off like that?”

When he didn’t get any answer, she heard a sigh
“Principal Celestia told us about your home-life situation. She expects me to report this sort of behaviour.”
“Of course she does.”
She only mumbled, but he heard it anyways
“I assure you, it’s only so you won’t get even more restrictions from elsewhere. The teacher body in general and Principal Celestia in particular have no intention to give up on you, or any student.”

The teacher sighed and took a step back
“I get why you might think that. I recommend you talk to Sunset Shimmer, if anyone she might be able to change your mind.”
“Why? Cause she’s wearing a fake leather jacket and tries to act like a though girl?”
She swallowed down some bitter taste in her mouth, but her teacher only chuckled
“There might be more to that than you think. But it’s not for me to tell you that. Ask Sunset Shimmer, or maybe Principal Celestia. For now, we still have a good half hour of class ahead of us.”

Blue looked up, surprised to see her teacher wink before he turned around
“Next time you need to use the bathroom during class, please ask ahead of time, not when it’s almost too late.”
She didn’t see it, but she could hear his grin and it left her only more confused. Is he seriously giving me an excuse for running out like that? Why? It would be easy to report me and most likely he’d never have to deal with me again. So what does he have to gain from this?

She barely even realized that she followed the teacher back to the lab. The others were staring at her for a moment, but when the teacher cleared his throat, they turned back to their experiments.

She kept her head low and marched back to her spot. Sunset Shimmer had completed the experiment by now and written down the results. Without a word, Sunset pushed over the notebook so she could copy the numbers.

They didn’t talk for the rest of the class. When everyone else left, she stayed behind. The teacher waited for something to happen, but when Blue didn’t say anything, he told her she had to leave so he could lock the lab.

Sunset Shimmer was waiting outside the room. She threw an angry look at the amber girl, at least she tried but there was that smile again. She couldn’t take it right now, so she just walked on.

As she passed her locker, a strange thought came to her mind. Maybe I should check if Vice-Principal Luna is still in. She had spent most of the last afternoon talking with the vice-principal. Or rather, she had talked and the woman had listened.

She shook her head angrily at the thought. Outside the school, most of the other students were gone already. A few seniors waited at the parking lot, but the bus stop was abandoned. She probably just had missed the bus.

Whatever. She put in her earbuds and turned the volume to max. The next bus would arrive in an hour, walking home would take just as long. She walked.

The rest of the week was dull. Some people had told stories about her blow-up in lab class and there were rumours she had beaten up someone before she ran away, but these were dismissed quickly again. Still, that some of them seemed so willing to believe that she would turn violent any moment had one nice side effect. They left her alone.

She had run into Sunset Shimmer a couple of times again and the girl always smiled at her, but so far, Blue didn't give much about it. Getting closer to her meant giving the pink menace a free pass to nag her, last thing she wanted. The hyperactive girl was already following her around. She tried to hide, but it was like in one of those stupid cartoons where some part of her always ended up in plain sight anyway.

During PE, she had another run into Rainbow Dull or whatever and the girl had tried to settle their score during a dodgeball match. Blue had not given her any satisfaction, she just stood still and let the first ball in her direction hit her. She ended up sitting next to the tall shy girl for the rest of the class, but that one didn't even dare to look at her, which was just fine for Ocean anyway.

It was Friday and she had avoided her second session with the principals so far. She knew she had to do it, otherwise they would send someone from the office after her. So when her last class was finished and everyone funnelled out of the building, she headed to the office instead. She was surprised to see that she wasn't the only one.

Sunset Shimmer was already waiting in front of the door and scribbling something into an oversized dairy. The amber girl looked up and smiled when she noticed Ocean, but she just rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall with a bored expression.

Finally, the door opened and Vice-Principal Luna poked her head out
"Ah, excellent, both of you. Miss Shimmer, you will be coming with me. Ocean, head inside where Principal Celestia is waiting for you."
Sunset Shimmer sent an encouraging smile her way before she hurried after the vice-principal. Ocean Shore just rolled her eyes and walked in.

The principal was typing something on a laptop and motioned for her to sit, so Ocean just slumped on the same chair she had on her first day. Like then, she tried to look annoyed and bored.

Principal Celestia then suddenly closed her laptop and pushed it aside so she could focus all her attention on the girl in front of her
"I'm sorry, just something that needed taking care of. Now, Miss Shore, I must say I am happy you came to me on your own. I was beginning to worry."
Blue just snorted but said nothing, looking away as if bored

"So, why don't you tell me about your week, Miss Shore?"
The principal waited for another three minutes but when she didn't get an answer, her smile started to grow stressed
"I must remind you, Miss Shore, that these sessions are mandatory for you. So I expect your cooperation."
"Have you ever even done this before?"
“Yes indeed. I have been a guidance counsellor for many years, before I became the principal of Canterlot High.”

The principal was about to say something, but Ocean was faster
“Why do you think I’m here?”
“Well, I certainly hope you’re here to improve your attitude and to get integrated into a proper schooling environment
“I’m here because I have to. Nothing more.”
“I see.”

Celestia’s smile grew a little more forced and picked up something from a drawer in her desk
“Then I believe you wish to return to your former lifestyle?”
She dropped Ocean’s file on the desk and the teenager frowned
“Are you really that eager to go back there?”
“Did you ever wonder why I was there in the first place?”

Celestia stopped smiling
“I don’t have to wonder. Your former actions are well documented.”
“If that's what you think, why take a chance with me anyways?”
“Because, this,” she tapped the file “this also proves that you are at least willing to try. Otherwise you wouldn't be sitting in my office on your own impulse.”

Ocean didn’t reply and the principal smiled again
“So, are you willing to put more effort into this?”
“Whatever. But I’m not doing this for you.”
“That, Miss Shore, would be silly. You’re doing this for yourself, first and foremost. I am merely here to assist you.”

Ocean faced the principal and her maybe not so fake smile for a whole minute without saying anything, the she sighed and nodded
"Sounds fair. Please don't call me Miss Shore. Only judges and parole officers call me like that."

Celestia inclined her head in a nod
"Very well. What name do you prefer, then?"
"Just call me Blue."