• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 2,900 Views, 156 Comments

Ocean Blues - TalkingToMyself

Shortly after the Battle of the Bands, a new student arrives at Canterlot High School. Nobody knows her and she's not in a mood to make any friends. On any other school, she'd end up as a loner, but maybe at CHS, there's hope for a change.

  • ...

School of Friendship - Chapter 3 - School Raze

Blue flew around the house and carefully set down the heavy box at the front door.
“Thank you so much, Blue! I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
Blue waved the unicorn stallion off, who tried to thank her more and smiled, even though he couldn’t hide how worried he was. He and the whole freaking town. Something is seriously wrong around here.

The stallion, like many other unicorns, couldn’t properly use his magic anymore. Like almost every unicorn in Ponyville. Even super-wizards like Starlight Glimmer had problems casting proper spells, but regular unicorns had barely anything left. Blue had been around when the guy’s magic had just fizzled out, and she had caught the box before it crashed on the ground.

She’d seen stuff like that happen at least a dozen times all over town. She knew that Starlight, Princess Twilight and the others were on it, but she didn’t know any details. She could only hope things wouldn’t get worse. There had been a lot of accidents already, nothing major, but Ponyville Hospital had their hooves full. Spring Meadow was working for nearly 24 hours at this point, and there was no sign of slowing down.

After the unicorns, pegasus ponies had been affected next. Some had trouble staying in the air, some couldn’t even take off anymore. A few had just fallen out of the sky, hence why they were now in Ponyville Hospital. Blue had delivered one of her colleagues from the weather patrol there, and she had seen the crowded front hall.

In times like these, even though ponies were worried and scared, they stuck together. Earth ponies helped their unicorn compatriots, the few pegasi who could still fly, like Blue, stepped in as well. This wasn’t the first crisis that came over Equestria, and everypony trusted that Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, or Princess Twilight and her friends could handle it.

Blue had talked to Applejack and Starlight, and she didn’t like that they basically had admitted they had no clue. She’d seen that Twilight and the others had left town, but without Starlight. Probably to make sure the students were still safe. Or at least so they didn’t panic.

Blue was just pondering if she should fly over and see if she could help Starlight with that, but then she heard a voice calling out her name.
“Blue! Thank Celestia I found you!”
She turned around, and recognized the mare running towards her.
“Carrot Top, what’s wrong?”
“Mayor Mare is looking for you, and any other ponies who can still fly! You need to come to town hall, as fast as you can.”

Blue glanced over her shoulder, back towards the school, but of course she couldn’t say no to a request like that.
“I’ll be right there. Are you going to be okay, Carrot Top?”
The mare nodded and waved her off.
“I’ll be fine, I’ll see if I can find more pegasi to help.”
They waved to each other, and just a few minutes later, as the sun was already starting to set, she was diving towards town hall.

The mayor and the weather patrol captain were standing just outside and sending ponies into different directions. Blue knew that she was in deep shit just from the first glance.
The captain was surrounded by pegasus ponies, but they were all standing on the ground. At least a few should have been flying, including the captain.

Somepony pointed at Blue, and when the captain met her eyes, she knew her fear had to be true.
“Fuck’s sake. You too, Cap?”
Captain nodded grimly and flapped her now useless wings once. She didn’t give Blue the chance to say anything more, she just barked out orders.
“Blue, you and Cloud Chaser head to the Everfree Forest immediately. With magic acting up, we’d be in the hay if the weather from Everfree got loose on town right now.”

Blue nodded and didn’t even land, as Cloud Chaser joined her in the air, but she barely noticed. She kept staring at the captain.
“Just the two of us?”
The captain waved angrily with her hoof
“You’re the only ones left! You have to be enough!”

Blue now glanced at Cloud Chaser, who looked worried. He wasn’t a crybaby by any means, but he wasn’t a leader either. Blue didn’t like it, but she knew she had to take charge now, with Captain and the more experienced members of the weather patrol out of commission.
“Right. Let’s get flying.”

Cloud Chaser followed right on her tail as she gained altitude and headed to the forest. She threw one look back towards the school, but there was nothing she could do right now. The Everfree weather magic was too dangerous to leave it to chance.
Hang tight, Mini-Dude. Twi’s gonna fix this, and until then Starlight’s gonna keep you safe.
Blue picked up speed and soon, they reached the edge of the forest.

The sun was down by the time they finished their patrol over the outer skirts of Everfree Forest. The place seemed unnaturally calm. They didn’t see any wildlife, no birds or critters, but also none of the more dangerous creatures. The weather magic wasn’t lashing out either.

Blue would have taken that lucky strike, if it wasn’t for the eery feeling she had. By the minute, it got harder to stay in the air. She didn’t just fall out of the sky like she’d seen happen in town, but the strain of flying was worse than usual, and kept worsening. Cloud Chaser also felt it, but he couldn’t put a hoof on what really had changed. For Blue, it felt like she was flying through water instead of air, and that water quickly changed into mud or molasses or something like that.

She was hovering over the edge of the forest, looking back at the town that lay in almost complete darkness. The street lights, powered by magic, had apparently given out as well.
“What do we do now? Should we stay, or should be go back into town?”

Blue looked at Cloud Chaser, and pondered a moment before she replied.
“We’ll stay. If the magic goes haywire, we need to be ready to intervene. The mayor and Cap can handle things in town.”
Cloud Chaser didn’t question her decision at all.
“You’re probably right. It’ll be… oh crap, what’s that?”

He pointed towards the School of Friendship, where a bright flare of light rose to the sky suddenly. Some magic was going on there, but Blue could tell it was weird just by looking at it. The light flared up, and a halo spread out, almost like a shockwave. When the halo reached the few houses that were still lit, the lights went out immediately, and Blue realized too late what that meant.

“Shit! Get away from that stuff! It’s draining magic!”

She pulled Cloud Chaser by the hoof since he was just staring, but before they got moving, the halo of anti-magic washed over them, and their wings stopped to work. Blue’s stomach turned around as she just dropped down like a stone, still gripping on Cloud Chaser who now screamed in fear. She tried to spread her wings and break the fall somehow, but nothing worked.

Blue looked down and the top of the trees raced towards her. She realized they had been far too high to get out of this unscathed. She tried to think of something, but her brain could only see the trees getting closer. On instinct, she tightened her grip on Cloud Chaser, as they crashed into the topmost branches. Blue felt a sharp pain as she was thrown to the side from the power of the impact. She suddenly felt a branch between her fingers, and from some almost-forgotten instinct, she grabbed it and wouldn’t let go.

The branch held, for a few seconds, before it broke with a loud crack and sent them flying down again, although much slower than before. Blue lost her grip on Cloud Chaser as she hit another branch, and a few more before she finally hit the ground. By some dumb luck, the ground was mossy and relatively soft. Blue remained lying there for a few moments, and her whole body was just one big pain, but she was still breathing.

She groaned and tried to sit up, only to feel a searing pain in her leg. She cursed under her breath, and felt her forehead. She felt something wet and sticky, and when she looked at her fingers, she saw they were red from blood.

Wait… what the fuck?

She stared at her fingers for a whole minute, before she managed to process what happened. A quick glance down her body confirmed it to her. Somehow, she was human again. She was still in the Everfree Forest, but she had hands, fingers, legs and definitely no wings. She even had some clothes, one of the cheap T-shirts she used to wear and a pair of ripped sweatpants.

Using her hands, she pushed herself into an upright position, and took account of her bruises. The cut on her forehead stung a little, but barely bothered her. Her left arm ached, she’d been holding to the branch with it, and she imagined she might have torn some muscle at that. The thing that worried her most was her ankle, though. It was swollen and angry red, despite her blue skin, and she could barely move it. Still, by some miracle, she had survived a fall from that height, which was most important.

She heard a groan out of the dark to her left, followed by some wailing from Cloud Chaser. The little light of the moon that made it through the trees was not enough to see much, but from the sound of it, he couldn’t be very far.

“Cloud Chaser?”
She called out breathlessly and pushed herself to her feet. She gritted her teeth and held back tears when she put some weight on her injured ankle, but she could take it. She hobbled towards the voice that called out for her now.

“Blue? Is that you? Where are you?”
Blue held back some curses as she slowly made her way over.

She reached a smallish clearing, and saw Cloud Chaser, his brighter coat stood out clearly in the dark. She could only see the back of his head, the rest was covered by a tree or something. It must have fallen on him on his way down, and now he was effectively trapped.

“Blue, I’m stuck! Can you help me?”
Blue nodded, but he couldn’t see that, so she pushed back the pain and called out.
“Gimme a minute, I’m right there.”

She knew she’d shock him out of his fur when he’d see her like this, but she didn’t really have a choice. She probably couldn’t make it back to town with her injured ankle, so getting help wasn’t an option, and neither was just leaving him stuck.

She reached the tree that had Cloud Chaser pinned down, and saw that it wasn’t a whole tree, just a large branch or something. She bent her knees and ignored the pain, and tried to lift it up with all her remaining strength. Cloud Chaser, who noticed her effort, started wiggling, trying to get free, but it didn’t help. Blue could barely lift the thing, not enough for Cloud Chaser to escape.

Blue screamed in anger, and pain, when she lost grip and fell backwards, the hard bark ripping her palms open, so they started to bleed as well.
“Are you alright, Blue? Are you hurt?”
Blue’s patience was already thin, and her anger just burst out of her.
“No I’m not fucking alright! I just fell out of the sky and hit a dozen trees on my way down. How do you think I feel right now, you fucking moron!”

She breathed hard, and her anger burnt out.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean… sorry.”
Cloud Chaser let out a pained gargle, probably an attempt at laughing.
“No, it’s fine. Stupid question. But in case you didn’t notice, I’m not doing so peachy either.”

Blue laughed hard, just for the heck of it, and pushed herself back on her feet.
“Let me try again. Don’t freak out, okay?”

She didn’t wait for his answer, and walked around the tree, and into his field of vision. His relief of seeing her quickly changed into a grimace of horror.
“Who are you? What are you? What did you do to Blue?”
Blue grinned and flipped him the bird with her blood-smeared finger.
“Fuck you, dude.”

While he was trying to process everything, she saw one of the larger branches that stood out and looked sturdy enough. With some effort, she broke it off, and returned to Cloud Chaser. Using her branch as a makeshift lever, she managed to lift the tree up, at least more than with her bare hands.
“Can you get out?”

Cloud Chaser still stared at her, but he started wiggling again, pulling himself halfway out from under the tree. With his forehooves free, he could now pull and Blue leaned onto the lever with all her weight. A minute later, Cloud Chaser climbed out and jumped on his hooves, and out of Blue’s reach.

Blue didn’t care too much, she just sunk down into sitting on the ground, breathing hard from exhaustion. Since it was clear that she wasn’t a threat, Cloud Chaser carefully inched back towards her, but staying out of reach still.

She just rolled her eyes and groaned out.
“Still me, last time I checked.”
He didn’t get her sarcasm at all and just stared at her with comically wide eyes.
“What happened to you? What are you?”

“I have no idea. Whatever that light was, it took away the flying magic, and changed me back into a human.”
“A human? Wait… changed you back?”
Blue groaned and took a moment to catch her breath, and to figure out how to explain best.

“This is what I looked like before I came to Ponyville.”
“So what… you aren’t a real pony then?”

She sat up, trying to keep her throbbing ankle still, but so she could look at him at least.
“Right now, I’m not a pony. But other than that, I am a real pony.”

He looked at her, and started to frown.
“I don’t believe that. Are you a spy?”
“Why would Princess Twilight bring a spy to Equestria?”
Blue hoped that Cloud Chaser trusted Twilight enough to trust her now as well.

She shifted into a more comfortable sitting position but hissed in pain when she accidentally put weight on her injured ankle again. That seemed enough proof that she wasn’t dangerous, at least not right now, and Cloud Chaser walked closer to her. Unlike Blue, he could walk just fine it seemed, and his giant eyes wandered up and down her body. Blue was about to tell him to stop creeping her out, but before she could he cut her off.

“Blue, you’re hurt!”
She rolled her eyes and groaned.
“What gave me away?”

She reached out for the branch she had used as a lever, and now as a makeshift crutch to get back on her feet. Cloud Chaser just watched, but his eyes stayed on her ankle
“Your back-hoof doesn’t look good at all.”
Blue laughed mirthlessly and looked down herself.
“It’s called a foot. I messed up my ankle during the fall.”
Her ankle was throbbing in pain, even though she wasn’t putting any weight on it, and it was more than twice the size it should be.

She tried to take a step, but her vision turned black from pain for a moment, and she nearly fell over again.
“Fuck… I’m not gonna make it back to town like this.”
“And when you say like this, do you mean looking like this or is it your, uh, foot?”

He looked up at her for an answer. Even though she wasn’t very tall for a human, she was still taller than a pony, his head was about at her chest level, so he had to tilt his head upwards to look her in the eye. Her face had to be a grimace of pain, because his eyes opened wide and he started trembling. He almost screamed and there was clear panic in his voice.
“Sweet Celestia, you’re bleeding! You’re bleeding! You can’t be bleeding!”

He was freaking out about it, but Blue just rolled her eyes. Because of all the fur, ponies barely ever broke their skin unless from a really bad cut, so the sight of blood was something that could have grown mares and stallions faint. Or freak out, like Cloud Chaser was.

“Look, Cloud, chill. It’s fine.”
“Oh no, you’re already delirious! Stay with me Blue, you can’t leave me all alone out here! Don’t go into the light!”
Blue would have probably laughed her ass up at his antics, if it wasn’t for the fact that her ankle was hurting like hell.
“Dude, just SHUT THE FUCK UP! It’s fine. It’s just a little cut. It’ll stop bleeding any minute, don’t you worry.”
“But, but, but, blood is supposed to stay inside ponies!”
Blue groaned and rolled her eyes
“Yeah, but I’m not a pony right now, okay? Just trust me on this one, it’s not a big deal. Humans can handle bleeding a little.”

He carefully took another step towards her, as if to make sure, but her words seemed to get through to him eventually.
“You can’t walk with just one leg, right?”
“Right. I kinda need both of them.”
That was something he understood, somehow. Probably because he needed two wings to fly, and it was similar enough.
“We need to get you to the hospital.”
“I don’t think I can walk that far, Cloud.”

He nodded, and stepped up next to her. His head angled back towards her as he scooted close so his barrel pressed against her hip.
“Lean on me.”

She grimaced, but it was their best bet. She hated getting this close to anypony. Maybe it was because she was wearing clothes, or because she was a human and he was a pony at the moment, but she leaned sideways and put her hand on his back, careful she wouldn’t accidentally touch his wings. He was a bit too small for her to be a good crutch, but she gritted her teeth together and forced a step forward. It hurt, but she could fight through the pain. She had a lot of practice at that, and being human again brought back some of it as well.

“Can you walk like this?”
“Yeah, works. Let’s get moving.”

He walked slowly, and Blue couldn’t tell if it was because of her injury or because he was still afraid of her. Maybe a bit of both. She clenched her teeth with each step, but she didn’t let him slow down. She needed to keep moving, because if she fell down, she wasn’t sure if she could get up again.

Cloud Chaser looked back at her every few steps, but he didn’t dare ask anything. Blue knew she looked pissed and in pain, a dangerous combination, especially know that she had fists again. She just clenched her teeth and tried to ignore the pain, forcing herself to another step. And another. And another.

The pain dulled down a bit as they got into a steady rhythm, enough for Blue to just block it out at some point. She didn’t notice much about her surroundings, or that they left the forest at some point, she had to focus on keeping in step with her pony crutch, and she could barely focus on anything else but the red veil of pain.

“Where is everypony?”
Cloud Chaser’s question forced her to look around and she finally noticed that they were already walking through town. She hadn’t even realized that they had made it that far, or for how long they had been walking.

Cloud Chaser looked up at her again, waiting for an answer now that she wasn’t unresponsive anymore, and she hissed through her teeth.
“Probably hiding at home, or in town hall. You bet your ass this shit has everypony freaked out.”

He nodded and kept steering them towards the hospital, and Blue hoped it wouldn’t be much farther. Now that she had broken through her haze of thoughts, the sharp pain returned with each step.

Fortunately, the tall building soon came into view, and Cloud Chaser sped up, as much as Blue could handle with her foot. They didn’t know how anypony would react on Blue being a human, but right now getting a doctor was more important.

Cloud Chaser more or less kicked the door open, and they were hit by a wave of misery. Ponies sat around the entry hall, in small groups, huddled up in the sparse light of some candles. Without magic, the main lights didn’t work, but they could see that the entry hall was almost full. The ponies looked scared, some of them crying openly, but as far as Blue could tell, they didn’t look injured at least. They had probably come here for shelter, else they’d have to face the loss of magic all by themselves.

Cloud Chaser didn’t care too much about them it seemed, he called out for a doctor and pulled Blue into the entry hall with him. As was to be expected, the ponies scurried away from Blue’s taller and unfamiliar form, but their moment of panic passed way faster than Blue had thought. They just kept staring at her, but in the middle of all the weirdness, seeing a human had to be just another drop in the ocean.

A nurse came running at them, and Blue recognized Nurse Tenderheart, one of her sister’s friends. She was a tall earth pony, and her head was almost at Blue’s eye level. And she didn’t seem the least bit freaked out by Blue’s human form. Instead, she looked almost relieved to see her.

“Oh my gosh, Blue, I’m so glad you made it back! Are you okay? No, scratch that, I can tell you’re not… where are you hurt?”

Cloud Chaser was just as floored as Blue, but she winced when she leaned a little too much on her injured leg. The pain was too urgent to ask stupid questions, especially now that she had stopped moving.

“My leg’s pretty messed up. I think if I sit down now, I won’t be standing up again for a while.”
Nurse Tenderheart nodded and slipped to Blue’s other side, supporting her the same way Cloud Chaser already was, and leading her to the back.
“Right, let’s get you somewhere to lie down, so somepony can have a look at your leg.”

Blue couldn’t really complain, but she noticed everypony staring at her now, especially after Nurse had called out her name.
“What about everypony else?”
The nurse shook her head and sighed deeply, almost defeated.
“You’re hurt worse than most of them. We don’t have enough equipment to treat everypony, and after that flash, we don’t have enough ponies who can even do the simplest things like holding a syringe. Even our earth pony staff can barely hold anything by now.”

Blue hissed out a curse between her teeth. Things had to be really in deep shit if even the most basic magic like grabbing something with your hoof stopped working. No wonder everypony looked so miserable.
“Without your sister, I don’t know how we’d be able to do anything. She’s holding everything together for us.”

Blue’s eyes opened wide and she nearly stumbled in mid step. She hadn’t even thought about her sister. If she had changed back, what had happened to her sister?

She didn’t have to worry long, because she saw her right as they reached the treatment area. Spring Meadow stood in the middle of the room, in human form and with some basic clothes, just like Blue. Spring was so tall that she almost had to duck her head else she’d hit the ceiling, surrounded by a whole crowd of little ponies, compared to her size.

Spring was busy cleaning a cut on somepony’s leg, using a pair of tweezers. With two hands and fingers, she could easily use the tool. The other nurses and doctors stood around, some holding candles for light, others hoofing more tools and equipment to Spring Meadow. She took a syringe next, and administered a shot of something to the injured pony. Then, she bandaged the wound with practiced ease. The whole thing barely took longer than a minute, and her patient was led away by the staff.

Blue could see a whole line had formed behind them, but before Spring could turn towards the next patient, another of her friends, Nurse Rhyme, poked her leg and pointed towards Blue. Spring Meadow turned around and their eyes met, with a moment of panic first, but then relief took over. At least they were both together again, everything else they could figure out from that.

Nurse Rhyme had rushed over to her and pushed her backwards, until she was sat down on one of the tiny hospital beds. She probably couldn’t lie down on it, but it was a relief to sit and take the weight from her ankle.

Spring Meadow and the doctor pony, Blue had forgotten his name, walked over, followed by the staff with the candles, and Spring immediately went to work. Instead of having Blue take off the pants she was wearing, Spring just cut off the leg of the pants, to reveal her ankle. It was swollen twice the size and had an angry red colour, even through her blue skin. Spring touched it carefully but Blue yowled in pain nonetheless. Spring and the doctor looked at each other, but the doctor shook his head.
“You’re the expert here. I have no idea what to do.”

Spring nodded. She didn’t ask Blue anything, she could tell how bad this was without stupid questions. After a few moments of thinking, she just sighed and shook her head as well.
“With the swelling, I can’t tell if anything is broken. I’d recommend we cool down the ankle and hope the swelling subsides. We’ll figure out after that.”

The doctor nodded in agreement, and some of the staff rushed away immediately. Maybe their hooves, horns and wings didn’t work like normal, but they were still medical ponies and knew what to do. Before Blue could say anything, her leg was set on a stool so it wouldn’t have to carry any weight. A nurse returned with an ice pack (half-molten already, since the ice box was running on magic as well, of course), but it still burned like acid when they wrapped it around Blue’s ankle. She hissed in pain, but Spring didn’t care and fixated the ice pack with some medical tape. That seemed to be all she could do for the ankle right now, because now she focused on Blue’s face next, of course noticing the cut on her forehead.

“Wie gehts dir? Du siehst ziemlich zerschrammt aus.“

Blue laughed, even though it sounded more like a pained gargle. They were talking in German for a minute, while Spring cleaned Blue’s cuts. That way, they could fill each other in on what had happened without anypony listening in. Spring’s story was a lot like Blue’s, only that a few more ponies had freaked out when there was suddenly a human in the hospital with them. However, when they noticed that Spring could still perform all the treatments with her hands, they quickly overcame their fear. Since then, she’d been working non-stop to get the worst injuries treated, as it was all she could do at the moment. Neither of them talked about what would happen if the magic wouldn’t come back, and they’d stay human. They had enough other shit on their plate right now.

Spring clearly was worried about her sister right now, but she still worked quickly and efficiently. Once she was finished, she hesitated for a moment, but Blue pushed her back towards the line of ponies. She knew her sister was a nurse by passion, and she wouldn’t waste Spring’s time with pointless chatter right now, not when Spring’s help was clearly needed elsewhere.

Nurse Tenderheart stayed with Blue as Spring and her entourage returned to the patients still waiting. Spring examined the next patient and when straight to the next treatment, giving Blue the first minute to think since shit had broken loose. The ice pack dulled the pain in her ankle, but she wasn’t the only one who got hurt by this mess. Not to mention all the patients who had been inside the hospital before the magic started acting up.

If felt weird, no, wrong to just sit around and do nothing. She turned to Tenderheart, who was watching Spring with barely hidden admiration, and asked the mother of all questions.
“How can I help?”

Tenderheart turned around, with her best ‘I’m the nurse and I know what’s best for you’-expression.
“Blue, that’s nice of you, but you’re hurt yourself. You need to stay put and take it easy for now.”
Blue just shook her head and sat up a little straighter.
“I didn’t talk about running around. Leg’s pretty messed up, but these still work fine.”

She held up her hands and wiggled her fingers for emphasis. Tenderheart was at loss for words for a moment, but then she waved over a pair of nurses who struggled to open a package with bandages. One nurse was holding the package but the other couldn’t really work the scissors, not with her hooves and not with her mouth. Blue snatched both once they were in reach and cut the thing open. It didn’t take her longer than a few seconds.

Tenderheart looked at her with a big grin.
“We can work with that!”
“Let’s do it.”

For the next two or three hours, time didn’t really register for Blue at this point, Blue ended up performing an endless array of mundane tasks. She didn’t have any training for treatments, but she opened packages, tubes, jars, and bottles. She handled everything that needed scissors. Under Nurse Tenderheart’s guidance, she applied band-aids and smaller bandages. Anything she could, really. She didn’t mind it at all, since every task she could do would mean one thing less her sister had to worry about, giving Spring Meadow more time for the really important stuff.

They were both so absorbed in their work that they didn’t really notice that the ponies around them never stopped watching them, and not just the medical staff. If she had noticed, Blue would have been surprised by their expressions, but she didn’t give herself that moment to breathe. If her sister didn’t slack off, neither would she.

It was still dark in the hospital, only lit sparsely by the candles, and the sun wasn’t up yet. Blue didn’t want to think about what that meant. Since everything in this world ran by magic, and magic was in the fritz, how could anypony raise the sun when it was time? She could worry about that later though, when all the patients had been taken care off. At least her ankle wasn’t hurting as much anymore.

Blue had lost any sense of time, and she only looked up when she heard some commotion from the entry hall. Lots of ponies were shouting and more ponies from outside ran inside, but before anyone could ask what was going on, Blue saw that same halo from before burst into the entry hall, even through the walls. Although, it wasn’t quite the same; this one looked brighter and… more sparkly? Before she could even think about what that meant, the bright light washed over her as well, forcing her to close her eyes from the sudden brightness.

She kept her eyes clenched shut as she felt like she was twisted into knots all over while everything around her spun like an oversized washing machine. The weird feeling lasted for only a couple of moments, and she found herself flopped back on the bed she had been sitting on. As soon as she tried to open her eyes though, she was blinded by the bright hospital lights, and she used her hoof to cover her eyes.

Wait… the lights are back on!

She opened her eyes and saw everypony around her cheering as the unicorns floated things in their magic, earth ponies were picking up stuff and she even saw a few pegasi flying over the crowd. Every light was shining again, and the medical equipment beeped and blinked around her.

The moment of cheer was cut short, when the doctor pony called out to the other doctors and nurses, and they immediately spread out. With everything back to (almost) normal, they made sure that every patient got treated properly now. Blue looked around but Nurse Tenderheart was rushing towards somepony in the middle of the room. She and Nurse Rhyme tried to help a lime-green earth pony back to her hooves.

Blue glanced down herself and confirmed what she had already guessed. She was a pony again, just like her sister. She flapped her wings, and they easily lifted her up, although her rear leg still hurt like hell. She ignored that for now and hovered over to Tenderheart, Rhyme and her sister, now an earth pony again.
“Is she alright?”

Nurse Rhyme nodded and steered them to the nearest hospital bed, and Tenderheart supported Spring Meadow as she hobbled between them.
“She will be, once she got a good rest. Poor dear, she’s worn herself to the ground, working so hard.”

They helped Spring Meadow on the bed, who only had enough strength to open her eyes once she had lied down. She looked at Blue and noticed her pony form, but then her eyes shut down and she fell asleep almost instantly. Blue sighed, relieved mostly. At least Spring would be alright for now, and they were back to ‘normal’. She could only guess what would happen, now that at least a few dozen ponies had seen them as humans.

“Blue! Sweet, you’re back…. uh, back in the air!”

Blue stayed afloat with the help of her wings, and grinned at Cloud Chaser who had flown in. She knew he was going to say ‘back to normal’, but at least he didn’t seem freaked out by her anymore. To be fair, none of the ponies seemed very upset, now that things had returned to normal.

“Do you have any idea what happened?”
Cloud shook his head and shrugged, but he knew something at least
“No idea. All I saw was another flare of light coming from the school, and then…”
“Shit, the school! We need to get there! The kids might be in trouble and…”

“Blue, slow down! It’s over! Princess Twilight is there, and I saw Princess Luna and Princess Celestia too, plus like a battalion of royal guards. They got it covered.”

Blue really was about to fly off, but something stopped her. She turned around, and found Nurse Rhyme holding her with her magic, and a stern glare.
“And just where do you think you’re going?”
“Hey, let go!”
“I don’t think so! You’re hurt, and you need rest! You’ve been up all night, like your sister, and you shouldn’t move your leg more than absolutely necessary. So either you lie down on your own now, or I swear to Celestia I’ll strap you to this bed.”

Blue glared back for a moment, but something felt really familiar the way Rhyme was looking at her, almost like Spring Meadow would. She didn’t have enough fight in her after that heck of a night, so she landed on the bed with a little grumble.
“Geez, you’re worse than my sister.”
“Since that’s Spring Meadow, I’ll take this as a compliment. Now, show me your leg! Please.”

Blue rolled her eyes but stretched out her injured leg, gritting her teeth so she wouldn’t wince in pain. Nurse Rhyme took a close look at it, and after a mumbled ‘Oh dear’, she ran off, and returned with the doctor pony (Blue still couldn’t remember his name).
“Well, Ocean Shore, I’m very sure you’ll need a cast for that. Whatever injury you had before, it looks like a broken leg to me now.”

Blue gritted her teeth when the doctor was prodding her leg, but she nodded. She wasn’t sure if ponies even had ankles, but the magic apparently had just transformed her injury into the next best thing when changing her back. A broken leg didn’t sound great, but it was something the doctor could treat, at least.

“I’m not going home tonight, am I?”
“Afraid not. We’ll give you something for the pain, and we’ll need an X-ray to be sure, but I’d say we give the leg a night’s rest at least. It’s still swollen, and I’d like to have Spring Meadow look at it before I do anything. She’s the only expert on human physique we have, after all.”

Blue nodded, and she almost missed it, but then realized what the doctor had said.
“Wait a second… how do you know I was a human? I haven’t told anypony!”

The doctor had something like a grin for her.
“Oh, how rude of me. I didn’t even introduce myself. My name is Doctor Lucky Clover, and I am Spring Meadow’s mentor. I’m, um, in the know since she started working here, and we have discussed her, let’s say, past experiences.”

Blue groaned and shook her head.
“We’re totally screwed, aren’t we? Now that everypony saw us?”
“Well, for tonight, you’re perfectly safe here in the hospital. I’ll send a note to Princess Twilight, but not before you got some rest. You and your sister.”

Blue shook her head and stared angrily at the ceiling.
“Princess Twilight has bigger things to worry about than us. Maybe we should just leave while we still can.”

The doctor chuckled and pulled Blue’s attention back towards him.
“I don’t think that would be wise. Your sister is thoroughly exhausted, and your pain meds will kick in any moment now.”
“What pain meds? I didn’t take anything yet and…”

She blinked when she noticed the doctor had injected something from a syringe into her leg, she hadn’t even noticed the sting, but she noticed that her eyelids suddenly felt like lead.
“You… you sneaky bastard… I’m so gonna get you for that… when… when…”
“Goodnight, Ocean Shore.”

Blue wanted to swear more, but everything grew hazy around her, like her thoughts got wrapped in a blanket, and when she blinked, her eyes wouldn’t open again, so she just sank into a quiet darkness of sleep.

“So, my theory is that the portal changed your bodies to be able to absorb and use magic, and it infused you with some of it. Any unicorn, pegasus and earth pony can use some form of magic, but those that are born in Equestria have been absorbing magic their entire life, so their internal magic pool is much deeper than your sister’s and yours.”

“So when Cozy Glow used her freaking ritual…”

“The ritual drained magic from all around it. Since unicorn’s draw and shape magic actively with their horns, they were affected first. Cozy Glow’s artefact messed with the leylines most likely, and that changed the structure of many spells by proxy.”

Blue nodded and shifted a little in her seat, her leg in a plaster cast made sitting very uncomfortable still.
“That’s why Starlight’s master-class spell winked out first, and the magic lights lasted longer.”
“Exactly. According to our observations, magic that was imbued into objects lasted the longest, but when Cozy Glow powered up her artefact, it just drained any magic from anything or anypony.”

“Right. And without the magic the portal had put into us, Spring and I changed back to humans.”
Princess Twilight nodded, shifting through her scrolls with notes. It was three days after the incident, everything was still fresh in her mind, and they hadn’t completely figured everything out yet.

Blue had woken up late next day, with her leg in a cast, and in a hospital room with her sister sleeping in the bed next to her. Other than extreme exhaustion, her sister had made it through the whole mess relatively unscathed. Blue’s leg was broken, but it didn’t hurt too much, and her wings were fine, so she could get around if she wanted.

The doctor, Lucky Clover, had recommended they stay at least one more night. He had also not allowed any visitors, until Princess Twilight had sent Spike over to pass an invitation. Now they were in one of the many sitting rooms of the castle, sipping tea as if everything was normal, even though Blue could see that this had shaken Twilight up pretty bad. Not only the betrayal from a student of hers, but also the fact that she had been manipulated so easily, and how utterly helpless she and her friends had been without magic. Not just them, all of Equestria had been helpless. If it hadn’t been for Gallus and his friends, nopony could say how this might all have ended.

Spring stayed mostly silent as she drank her tea. She wasn’t as involved into magic as Blue was (thanks to being exposed to it so much, first from being around Sunset Shimmer and the girls at CHS, later through spending time with Starlight Glimmer a lot), but she was shaken up too. Her fears, understandably, were a little more personal.

“What’s going to happen to us, now? Ponies have seen us. Who we really are. Is it still safe we stick around?”

Princess Twilight blushed a little, she had been so deep in her magic theories again that she had almost forgotten why she had invited Spring Meadow and Blue. With a newfound appreciation for even the simplest of spells, she stacked up her scrolls and transferred them back to her study, out of sight for now, before she focused on her guests.

“As far as I know, only ponies of Ponyville have seen your human forms. The ones I spoke with didn’t seem to hold any anger or grudge against you, so you should be safe in our world still.”
“Okay, we don’t have to be afraid of them. But what if they are afraid of us?”

Blue and Twilight looked at Spring Meadow, who tried to explain what she meant.
“What if my patients don’t want me to treat them anymore, because I might turn into a giant bipedal creature at any point? What if rumours start spreading around? We’ve been living here for a year, and now ponies know that we’re not who we said we were.”

Blue didn’t have anything she could say, she had been thinking about the same stuff, but Princess Twilight seemed ready, and she smiled confidently.

“That’s the point, though. Everypony has seen you, lived with you, for a year now. Like you said, they know who you are. They’ve seen two young mares who worked hard to keep ponies safe, from weather or sickness. They’ve seen you help others whenever you could, going the extra mile. They’ve seen you get tough and decisive when the situation requires it. They became your neighbours, your acquaintances, and your friends. They laughed with you, they got through hard times with you as well. Nothing of that has anything to do with your forms. That’s not what defines you. Pony, human, it doesn’t matter at all. Not to any of us.”

Spring wavered, thinking about it, but Blue shook her head.
“It doesn’t matter for you. But you knew from the start. Cloud Chaser freaked out when he saw me. He was scared shitless. Everypony will be when they find out. People fear what they don’t know, and such.”

Princess Twilight shook her head, still smiling reassuringly.
“Yes, Cloud Chaser was surprised by your human form. But I’ve talked to him. He told me that you freed him, even though you were badly hurt. You didn’t leave him behind in the woods.”
“Of course not.”

Twilight nodded and turned to Spring Meadow next.
“And you immediately offered your help to the ponies who needed it most. You were taller, stronger than anypony around you. Had you run away, nopony could have stopped you. But you didn’t. Doctor Lucky Clover and the others I’ve spoken to told me you realized you could help with your human form, and you just did it. It didn’t matter that you were a human and not a pony at that time. You’re a great nurse, and you’d do anything to help ponies in need.”

The princess looked at both of them again.
“That’s what defines you. You’re both kind, loyal souls, no matter if you have fingers or hooves. Ponies will judge you on that, not on your appearances. I know they will!”

Spring and Blue looked at each other. Spring didn’t look too convinced, but she was far from the state she’d been when they had first been invited to stay in Equestria. She had seen and learned the pony way of life, much more honest and sympathetic than any human society would be. Instead of desperation, there was hope.

“I guess it’s worth sticking around for a while longer, at least. Blue’s not in a condition to travel and frankly, neither am I. We need a few more days of rest at least, and if things turn sour… we can still talk about leaving later.”

Princess Twilight beamed at her, two parts relieved and one part proud if Blue had to guess.
“That sounds like a good plan for now. And if anypony gives you any trouble, please come to me right away! Though I don’t think it will happen.”

Spring nodded and got up from her seat, while Blue hovered close to the floor.
“We’ll head home for now. Thanks for the tea, Princess Twilight… and, thank you for all your help.”
Twilight pulled her surprised sister into a hug, which made Blue hover a little higher, just in case, but said nothing else.

Princess Twilight decided to accompany them out of the castle, since she had to check on the school, so they walked down the road into town together. Ponies noticed of course, but instead of flocking around the princess, they approached Spring Meadow instead. A lot of ponies thanked her for her help a few nights ago, so Blue figured they had to be patients of the hospital or something, and even though Spring didn’t do too well with that much attention set on her, it wasn’t too awkward. A few ponies asked Blue about her well-being, which she shrugged off like always, then everypony went back their usual way. Spring and Blue looked at each other every time, just waiting for somepony to bring up the obvious, but it just didn’t happen.

After Princess Twilight had said her goodbyes and headed to the school, Spring and Blue quickly reached the market, with more of the same. Now, without the princess next to them, ponies got a bit more curious about what they knew had happened, but they weren’t obnoxious about it either. Just, curious, which was understandable, since not everyday all the magic in the land just got sucked away and stuff.

Since Blue was in the air, she noticed the pair of ponies rushing towards them first, and she grinned, calling a heads-up to her sister. Just a moment later, Tenderheart and Rhyme, her friends from the hospital, reached her and pulled her into a tight embrace. They started talking to her at the same time and Spring tried her best to calm them down. Everypony around them, realizing their questions weren’t that important after all, gave the three friends some space, leaving only Blue hovering above them.

Blue grinned and winked to Rhyme when they began to lead her sister off somewhere. Spring never would admit it, but she was always happier after she spent time with Tenderheart and Rhyme. It was a good thing, and Spring definitely deserved some fun after all the stress in the last few days, so Blue would not get in the way of that.

So while the three left to something, Blue gained a little more altitude and took course to home. As much as she hated to admit, her leg was really hurting if she moved too much. So getting home to her couch sounded great right now. She only made it half-way before a voice stopped her. She was tempted to ignore it for a moment, but she knew that would be mean, especially after she had pretty much ghosted everyone for three days.

“Hey Blue!”
Blue hovered in the air and waited for Cloud Chaser to catch up with her, lifting her hoof for their typical hoof-bump.
“What’s up, Cloud Chaser?”
“I feel like I should be asking you that.”

Blue just shrugged and pointed at her cast.
“I’m not doing any races anytime soon, other than that, I’m fine. I’m made of the tough stuff, you know.”

Cloud Chaser wanted to say something else, but the way he started a few times without saying anything, Blue just rolled her eyes and addressed the dragon in the room.
“Just ask, dude. The cat is out of the bag anyway.”

He nodded, but he still sounded unsure. It was a pretty weird thing to talk about, admittedly.
“So, um, you’re back to… to your usual self, all the way?”

Blue rolled her eyes and shrugged her hooves.
“Well, I’m all pony again. Just like I was since I came here first. Nothing’s really changed for me. I didn’t pretend anything, you know? I’ve been me, just… a pony, when I used to be a human before.”

Cloud Chaser nodded a bit sheepishly.
“Oh, um… I didn’t mean to say you weren’t yourself. I was just shocked when you looked so different and suddenly you looked normal again, and I wondered if you were okay. I dunno if transforming hurts or anything.”
“Nah. It’s weird, but not painful. But I’m kinda glad to have my hooves and wings back. It’s normal, you know?”
“Yeah. For me too.”

They laughed and bumped their hooves together. Then it was Blue’s time to ask an awkward question.
“So, um… did the news already spread?”
“Huh? What do you mean? That you and your sister worked all night to help at the hospital? Yeah, everypony knows.”
“You know what I mean, dude.”

Cloud Chaser chuckled and pointed at the School of Friendship in the distance.
“Honestly? After the magic meltdown that happened over there, you changing forms barely made a dent. Sure, a few ponies talked about it the day after, but that was it. No angry mobs being organised, as far as I know.”

Blue laughed, but it sounded a bit too nervous, even to herself.
“Yeah, that thought came to my mind, kinda.”
“Nah, listen, you’re fine. They’d have to face the weather patrol before they got to you. Pretty sure the hospital staff would feel the same.”

Blue joined in when he laughed again, actually feeling a bit better after all.
“Cool. So I should be safe for a nap at home, right?”
“Right. Don’t let me keep you from it! Magic disasters are one thing, but messing up nap schedule is serious business.”
Blue grinned at that, and the split with another hoof bump.

She reached the complex without any other interruptions, even though a few ponies waved at her on the way. Flying indoors was kinda awkward, and she was glad when she finally reached her floor and her apartment door.

Her relief was short-lived though, because there was a pony sitting right at her doorstep, obviously waiting for her. Blue groaned when she immediately recognized her.

“Hi Ocean Shore! So great to see you!”
None other than well-known conspiracy-theorist and self-proclaimed expert for mythical creatures, Lyra Heartstrings, welcomed her at her own door, with a smile that was far too big to mean anything but trouble for Blue.

“Fuck my life…”
Lyra tilted her head, since she hopefully didn’t hear what Blue was muttering under her breath, and her smile stayed just as wide, with her eyes shining like Twilight’s when she got her hooves on a new book.

“I have, like, so many questions!”
“Of course you do.”

Lucky for Lyra Heartstrings, Blue knew her, well, not her exactly, but another Lyra, well enough to know there was no good way out of this. Lyra was practically vibrating from excitement and if she wouldn’t get any answers now, she’d be bothering them for weeks. So with a kinda defeated sigh, Blue opened the door and invited the unicorn inside.

“What kind of questions?”
“All of them!”
Blue rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Okay, listen. I know you don’t mean any harm, but I’m beat, my leg hurts, and the place is a mess since we haven’t been here for days. I’ll answer ten questions, but then I want you out for today.”
“Twenty questions, and I’ll clean up the apartment for you!”

Blue grinned and pretended to think about it as she landed on the couch, stretching out her injured leg.
“You got yourself a deal, Lyra.”
“Yes! Thank you so much, Blue.”

They sealed the deal with a hoof bump, and before she knew it, Lyra was bombarding her with questions. If that was really the worst she had to fear from everypony, maybe the aftermath from this whole mess wouldn’t be so bad after all.

It was a week after the insanity, and things had calmed down. Life was back to its normal flow and the crisis-hardened ponies of Ponyville had managed to shrug off the latest near-catastrophe just like the ones before.

Only a few reminders remained, and even though she hated it, Blue was one of them. Her leg was still in a cast, and everpony knew when she had broken it. She didn’t want any pity parties and she didn’t get any, but still ponies kept staring wherever she went, which was why she had spent most of the week at home.

Spring Meadow was already back to her usual schedule, but things had changed for her. For the better, as far as Blue was considered. Spring had been a valued member of the hospital staff before, but after the recent events, when she had taken charge like no pony could have, she had risen up the hierarchy, figuratively. She was still the newest nurse around, but now her colleagues looked up to her more than ever, asked her for advice and guidance in many matters. In a way, she was suddenly on par with Nurse Redheart, the most experienced and most respected nurse at the hospital.

And while many ponies would crumble under the sudden attention and pressure, Spring Meadow flourished. She had never been in a leadership position before, but everypony could tell that she had the stuff for it. And since she came home smiling after every shift, Blue knew that her sister enjoyed it too, even if she denied it out of modesty.

Blue wasn’t jealous of her sister, if anything she was happier than Spring. She’d always knew that Spring was awesome and born to take charge, and now she finally got the props she deserved. Spring had always been in charge, even when they were little, and in Blue’s opinion it was high time that somepony else acknowledged her skills.

For Blue, nothing new had come up yet. She’d had a debriefing with the captain, and signed some official report about what happened. Weather Patrol Headquarters hadn’t set up a big investigation for all that happened, mostly because the princesses in Canterlot had that covered. Whatever had happened a week ago, it was considered a national crisis, and not a weather patrol problem, so Blue hoped that she was safe from any more official bullshit.

Unless, of course, Canterlot decided that the fact Spring Meadow and her had turned into humans was a matter of national security.

Ponyville had been very chill about all of it, so far. A few weird questions here and there, and of course Lyra Heartstrings had bugged her with all kinds of questions and theories about humans, but nothing too bad. With Princess Twilight on her side, Blue could hope that her personal problem would just fizzle out, compared to all the magical mess all over Equestria.

Tomorrow, the cast would come off, and she wouldn’t remind people of the madness anymore. Maybe by this time next week, ponies would have already forgotten.

Blue was flagged down on the couch, with some music on, and wondered if she should just take a nap to pass the time, when somepony knocked on her door. She looked up over her shoulder, but nopony walked in, which only left maybe three potential visitors from the short list of ‘ponies who would really come to my home to visit me’. She called for whoever to enter, and grinned at the young griffon who walked in.

“Hey hey, if it isn’t Mini-Dude, saviour of the realm and hero of Equestria!”
“Oh, shut up. It was cool the first day, but now it’s getting annoying.”

They laughed and Gallus sat down on Spring’s chair, since Blue was effectively blocking the entire couch.
“Being a hero isn’t all that great as everypony says, huh?”
“Not really. Headmare Twilight keeps telling us we still have a lot to learn, and everypony else went back to normal, too. I guess Ponyville is so used to it that the hype dies down quicker than you’d expect.”
“You won’t hear me complaining about that. I don’t need any reminders of that shit for sure.”

He stared at her leg in the cast, and she rolled her eyes.
“Just ask already.”
“Um… are you okay? I heard you fell out of the sky when Cozy Glow did her weird ritual.”
“I was flying way too high. I knew that flying magic was messed with, I should have taken that into account. I’m lucky it’s only my leg. It’s gonna heal just fine.”
“Oh. That’s good.”

Gallus trailed off and fidgeted in his seat, so Blue knew there was more he wanted to ask, but Blue wouldn’t call him out for that. She wouldn’t lie to him, but she’d be happy not talking about it if he didn’t ask. But of course, he’d ask.
“So, um… I heard rumours. That you turned into something else that night. Not a pony, at least. Somepony told me what it’s called but…”
“Human. I turned back into a human. Me and Spring Meadow. And when magic returned, I was a pony again.”

He stared at her, and of course he picked up the important part.
“Turned back?”
Blue sighed and looked away, sometimes it was easier talking about this without looking at ponies.
“That place I told you about, where I grew up? It wasn’t a village outside of Equestria. It was a different dimension. Kinda. I don’t understand all the details, but I was a human back there. When Princess Twilight helped my sister and me move to Ponyville, we turned into ponies.”

“Is… is that why you didn’t fly before you arrived here?”
Blue nodded and smiled, a bit.
“Yeah, humans don’t have wings. I had to learn from scratch coming here. That and a lot of other stuff, like walking on four legs. Humans are bipedal, like your friend Smolder.”

He nodded but he kept staring, and Blue looked back at him, so she saw his glare.
“What else did you lie about?”

His glare intensified, he didn’t believe her, of course. It was a lot to ask, after all.

Blue tried to explain, at least.
“Everything I told you was true. I was a troublemaker and got into all sorts of fights. I was tossed out of schools a lot. The stuff I told you about my parents? That really happened. Spring and me bounced through so many towns after my mother stopped caring. Until I met those friends I told you about, and they got me in contact with Princess Twilight. She knew about the other world, but that’s another story, that’s got nothing to do with me.”

At least he stopped glaring by now, but there was still some doubt left in his voice.
"And why did you leave that other world and come here, if you had to change into ponies and leave everything you knew behind?”

“Because, there wasn’t anything I left behind. All the shit I caused as a kid, my own fault, it caught up on me. And my sister by proxy. They were going to separate us, and send me to the other side of the country into an orphanage at best, or juvenile hall at worst. I’d lose all my friends either way, and any chance to ever get a normal life. Spring lost her job, her home, and we’d lose the only family we had left. Compared to that… it wasn’t really that bad giving up being a human and learning to be a pony.”

He didn’t say anything for now, which was fine since Blue still had some things to say.

“Princess Twilight offered us a fresh start, a clean slate. Something we’d never get in the other world. A fair chance. But we got so much more than that. We didn’t just get a fresh start, we got help along the way, in spades. From Princess Twilight and the others, from Starlight Glimmer, heck even ponies who didn’t know us at all.”

She looked back at Gallus for the last part.
“We didn’t tell anypony where we really came from, but I never lied about myself. I didn’t pretend being anything I wasn’t. And amazingly, that was okay. Ponies just accepted that I have a short temper, that I swear a lot, that I’m calling out bullshit when I see it. I never had to pretend, and I didn’t. So yeah, I was a human and now I’m a pony. But I’ve always been me. That’s all I’m gonna say about it.”

Blue did shut up after that and went back to staring out of the window. Gallus would need time to process all that. He’d get that. Then he could decide if the lie was too much. A year ago, she would have gotten upset about him blaming her, and the chance that he’d decide she wasn’t worth hanging out with anymore. Right now, she didn’t feel anything. It was only a stoic acceptance. She couldn’t change how ponies, or griffons, would feel. She could only make sure she was feeling okay with what she did, and she knew she’d feel best being honest and not pretending. If Gallus thought that wasn’t enough, there wasn’t anything she’d do about it.

“Was it hard to learn how to live with ponies?”
Blue grinned, and turned back to him. Turns out, he didn’t look too betrayed after all.
“Was it hard for you?”
“Well, kinda.”
“Yeah. Same here. It’s all about keeping an open mind, and hope ponies do the same. Luckily, they’re really big at acceptance and friendship and all the fuzzy stuff, you know?”
“Dude, tell me about it. It’s all I hear all day at school.”

They laughed together, and Gallus held out his fist for their traditional hoof-bump. That’s when Blue knew they’d be fine, despite all of last week’s mess.

They kept chatting about this and that, just anything that came to their mind, but nothing hard or deep. They had some tunes from Blue’s record player they talked about. Gallus probably had guessed by now that this was human music and not pony music, but if he did, he didn’t mention it.

Gallus was about to leave when Spring got home, and she invited him to dinner. He accepted, and since Blue was still forbidden to move much, Spring and Gallus joined forces in the kitchen, leaving her on the couch. She heard them talking quietly, but she wasn’t too worried.

Her life had been shaken up badly, but she knew she’d be fine. Tomorrow, the cast would come off, and life could finally go back to normal. Tonight, she’d have dinner with her sister and her little buddy. She grinned at the thought, and noticed the enticing scent coming from the kitchen, while she enjoyed watching the sun slowly setting outside her window.

Yeah. We’ll be fine.

Author's Note:

And that concludes this bonus part of Blue's story. There's going to be another bonus part focusing more on Spring Meadow, and hopefully soon.
And after that, who knows?

Comments ( 11 )

Another return to the human world.

A visit gone wrong, with an unexpected encounter with Bitter Leaves, leading to Blue getting forceably taken away/kidnapped and the girls trying to rescue her.

Are Blue and Spring gonna get brainwashed by Sombra when he comes back?

Are you going to change the complete status to incomplete?

Oh wow, um, yes and no? There will be at least one more visit to the human world, but nothing so dire. Although that might be something for a potential spin-off :raritywink:

Um, probably, maybe not Blue but Spring Meadow will be in town when that happens, but it's going to happen off-screen and be of no consequence... at least I couldn't think of any.

I will, but I stand by what I said: The main story is finished by chapter 20, everything else ist just bonus if you're interested in how Blue and Spring Meadow's story might continue.

So you will do one of Blue getting taken away by Bitter leaves.

I mean, I just got the idea now. It's gonna need some time and it might not work out. Also, even if I pick up the idea, I really don't want this to be only about getting revenge and seeing Bitter Leaves get punished just for the heck of it.

I get that, what if you also made it about the Girls Finally Graduating from Canterlot High, or, (If Graduation had already past) them all reuniting in Canterlot.

So hows progres going in the next chapter?

Reread! Still awesome story! :twilightsmile:

Thank you, glad you enjoyed your re-read! :twilightsmile:

Progress on the next chapter is good, it's focused on Spring Meadow and about 80% done, but RL keeps me busy these days, so it might take a while to finish, sorry about that.

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This review was back in 2022 for to link to the group page of it's reviewed.

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