• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 2,885 Views, 155 Comments

Ocean Blues - TalkingToMyself

Shortly after the Battle of the Bands, a new student arrives at Canterlot High School. Nobody knows her and she's not in a mood to make any friends. On any other school, she'd end up as a loner, but maybe at CHS, there's hope for a change.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Blue still ended up in detention anyways later that week. It turned out that not every teacher was as lenient about arriving late as Miss Cheerilee.
However, instead of sitting in a classroom and staring at a wall, she was dragged into a storage room to do ‘something productive’. So there she was now, on a Friday afternoon, and working through boxes of costumes and stuff for stages from theatre class.

Not that she minded much, though. She wasn’t shy about some physical work and Vice-Principal Luna let her pick her own pace with it. The teacher was looking through stuff and decided what to keep. Blue’s job was to get everything into a storage room. Ways better than boring detention, if it wasn’t for one crucial detail

“Miss Luna? Shouldn’t we put markers on what’s in the boxes? Otherwise we’ll be going through all of them again next time.”
Sunset Shimmer was around as well, for whatever reason. But, instead of just doing what she was told, Sunset seemed overeager to prove herself and be extra helpful.
“That is a good idea, Sunset. Ocean, would you please help Miss Shimmer mark each box before you put them away?”
Blue gritted her teeth but nodded anyway. Why can’t she just do that herself, since it was her bright idea?

Sunset rummaged through some of the boxes next to Miss Luna instead of helping
“These are some costumes from the last class project, maybe it would be better if we stored them somewhere close. You know, if the next class needs some inspiration or something? I think it might be best if we…”
It seemed like that Sunset girl wouldn’t stop rambling and Blue had reached her boiling point, so she dropped the box she had just picked up with a loud smash which finally made her shut up. Sunset stared at her with wide-open eyes when she noticed that Blue was hissing at her
“Or maybe you could do your share and carry some of those boxes to the storage like you’re supposed to. Or is that kind of work beneath you, teacher’s pet?”

Sunset flinched back at the barely-hidden venom in Blue’s voice, but she finally picked up the box Blue had dropped and walked off. Vice-Principal Luna had noticed, of course, and threw a look at her that Blue couldn’t decipher. It didn’t seem as angry as she expected, though. There was some anger mixed in, hidden behind a layer of concern, but Blue couldn’t guess what it meant. Probably she’s just worried that I might overwork her priced pupil Sunset ‘look at me I’m so great’ Shimmer she thought bitterly. Nevertheless, she hauled up two other boxes and carried them over to the storage room.

The room was still mostly empty, only maybe a dozen boxes she had brought earlier. Blue noticed satisfied that Sunset had taken her own advice and began writing on each box with a black marker. Blue dumped her boxes next to the nerd and started stacking up the other ones at the wall. Since she wasn’t as tall and the boxes were rather big, she grunted when she boosted the forth one on top of her stack. At that, Wannabe-Badgirl Shimmer looked up and tried her luck

“Do you need some help?”
Blue just rolled her eyes and boosted another one on top
“I’ve got it.”
She heard footsteps behind her and she could practically hear that sickening smile on Sunset’s face when she didn’t leave her be
“Some of those are heavy, it would be much easier if we worked together.”
Blue gritted her teeth and just pressed out
“I said I got it. Just shut the fuck up.”

She didn’t need to turn around to notice that Sunset took a step away from her, finally getting the message. What made her turn around anyway was the second step towards her again after only a moment of hesitation, and the determined expression on Sunset’s face
“Okay, I’ve had enough. You’ve been acting like this since detention started. Just tell me what your problem is.”
Blue slammed her fist against the nearest wall and Sunset flinched back again. She didn’t like people talking back to her like that, especially not people like Sunset Shimmer
“Mind your own fucking business. Why don’t you go and lick the principal’s boots some more?”

Sunset just crossed her arms before her chest and glared back at her
“That would work on Fluttershy or Rarity. But not me. You act though, but I think you’re more bark than bite.”
“Fuck you, you little cunt. I’ve taken down bigger bitches for less.”
“Oh really?”
Sunset just laughed and took a step closer, not the least bit intimidated, which made Blue furious
“In case you didn’t know, I’ve been the biggest bitch. I know all the tricks. You might have Rainbow loose her cool and do something stupid with that, but not me.”

Blue glared at her and took a menacing step towards her, but Sunset didn’t move, she didn’t even stop her arrogant smirk
“You don’t want to start a fight with me.”
Blue just balled her hands to fists and hissed between her teeth
“Don’t tempt me, bitch. I don’t bluff when I say I’ve taken down bigger bitches than you.”
Sunset rolled her eyes
“Maybe. And maybe you’d even take me down. But you don’t want to fight, not really. You just want to act though and strong, so that nobody ever dares to get too close to you.”
“Shut up.”

Sunset grinned and just went on instead
“And it works really well, unless you meet someone like me. Someone who’s doing the same trick. That little act you play for everyone? They call in ‘pulling a Shimmer’ here at CHS.”
“Shut. Up.”
“Face it, Ocean Shore. You can’t intimidate me and you can’t trick me. We’re the same kind of people.”

With that, Blue lunged forward, quicker than Sunset could react, and threw the taller girl against the wall. Sunset Shimmer gasped from the impact and fell down on her butt. Before she could get back up, Blue was above her and this time, Sunset was scared. Blue held her by the collar of her fake leather jacket and screamed at her from close up
“SHUT UP! Stop acting like you know me. You know shit! And I’m nothing like you! You little bootlicking know-it-all. You’re just an ass-kisser for the teachers and you don’t know shit what it’s like when everyone just treats you like trash so that bitches like you can have an easy life!”

Sunset stared up at Blue wide-eyed and scared, but as Blue kept screaming, something else filled her eyes, and it was pure and burning rage. With a loud yell, she swept at Blue’s legs and had the smaller girl fall over. Since she was still gripping on Sunset’s jacket, both girls ended up rolling over the floor a couple of times. They hit another wall and Blue had to let go from the impact. Sunset lost no time and this time, she was the one pinning down Blue as she screamed

“I have an easy life, huh? You think I don’t know what it feels like to be an outcast? Everyone in this bucking school hated me! For weeks, they ganged up on me and bullied me, worse than I had ever treated them! Only my friends, only my friends gave me a second chance. I thought things had changed after the Battle of the Bands, after we fought back the Sirens, but there’s still people who hate me. They didn’t even try to get to know me, the new me. Just like you! You don’t know me or my friends, but you treat us like enemies. You won’t anymore! I won’t…”

Sunset gasped for air from her enraged rant and Blue groaned when she saw Vice-Principal Luna standing in the door and glaring at them.
“Sunset, get off of her. Now.”

Blue sat up as soon as Sunset complied, but they didn’t stop glaring at each other, Sunset with that raging fire in her eyes and Blue with a cold, menacing hatred.
Vice-Principal Luna stepped in between them, so she could look at both of them. Neither girl made a move, and the woman nodded in grim approval
“I guess this was inevitable. At least you’re smart enough to not start a real fight.”

She focused on Sunset first, whose fire burned out as fast as it had started
“Old habits die hard, don’t they Miss Shimmer?”
Sunset closed her eyes, ashamed if Blue had to guess, and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, Blue gasped as the fiery girl seemed close to crying
“Vice-Principal Luna, I’m so sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t mean to… I’m not…”
The teacher took a step towards her and put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder
“I know. Trust me, I am aware that change is not easy. And believe me when I say that one little slip-up doesn’t make you a demon again.”

Blue didn’t really get was this was about, but Sunset Shimmer just stared up at the teacher like a frightened little girl. Vice-Principal Luna had that strange smile for her and squeezed her shoulder before she let Sunset go
“I think that’s enough for today. You can go home now, Sunset Shimmer. “
Sunset nodded and quickly got back on her feet. Once she had made it to the door, Luna’s voice stopped her from leaving
“Just one more thing.”

The vice-principal glared at Sunset first and then focused on Blue who was still sitting on the ground
“The biggest bitch at CHS, that’s me. And if I hear about you two pulling a stunt like this again, you’ll have to deal with me. Have I made myself clear?”
Sunset nodded immediately even as Luna kept glaring at Blue, who held her gaze defiantly for a minute before she rolled her eyes and nodded as well
“Marvellous. Now off you go, Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset rushed out and Blue finally got up from the floor, getting ready to leave as well
“I don’t recall telling you to leave yet, Ocean Shore.”
“What? Why does she get to go and I have to stay?”
Luna fixed her with another glare
“Because Sunset Shimmer is helping as a volunteer. She has already served her punishment for her earlier misdeeds and she redeemed herself by now. Maybe your classmates will tell you more about it.”
Blue just rolled her eyes
“I have better things to do than talking with some fucking idiots.”
“Oh, like more Friday afternoon detention? I can certainly arrange that for you, Ocean Shore.”
At that, Blue just looked at the floor and mumbled
“As if I'd need your help for that.”
“Then perhaps, you'd rather accept my help to avoid further problems.”

Luna's expression stayed neutral when Blue went back to glaring at her
“Yeah, right. Because you give a shit if I'm in detention or not.”
The vice-principal frowned and replied
“Don't you think there is a reason why I am overseeing your detention? Or why my sister and I personally have counselling sessions with you?”
Blue shook her head angrily
“You do that because you have to, just like me. Doesn't mean you want to do any of this shit.”
Luna just sighed, tired
“Language, Miss Shore.”

Blue bit her tongue told hold back a return that would probably only give her more detention. Vice-Principal Luna stared at her for a little while longer, but just had another sigh for her
“I suppose this is as far as we might get tonight. You may go home now, Ocean. Enjoy what's left of your weekend.”
Blue just stomped out without another word.

Since it was late already, she didn't even bother checking for a bus and just headed around the school building to reach the street leading into town, which meant she had to pass the parking lot. She didn't really expect anyone to still be out there, so she was surprised when she heard some voices

“I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I never meant to be like this again, I swear!”
“Of course not, Darling. We know that.”
“Anyone who knows you can see how much you changed, Sunset.”

Blue rolled her eyes and as she made it around the corner and, of course, saw Sunset and her usual gang. The wannabe-badgirl stood in the middle of them, still distressed by the almost-fight they just had. Mumble-Shy or whatever and Fashion Queen were fussing over her while Daft Dash and Apple Farm Girl watched with mixed feelings. Rainbow seemed angry and tried not to let it take over

“You two just rubbed off the wrong way. But still, charging at you like that? Seriously not cool.”
“Like you never burnt a fuse in your life, Dash.”
“What, now you're defending her?”
“I'm not! And I don't think what she did was right. Be, if we're honest, we all know Sunset knows how to touch a sore spot when she sees it, no offence...” “None taken... are we really back to this?” “... and you and I know that sometimes, people just overreact.”
“So what are you saying, Applejack? That I should just let her treat me and everyone like this?”
“I'm not saying that. But maybe you should let things cool off for a little while. You’re both not the best when your temper shows.”
“Or maybe, you can just ask her what she thinks! She's right there!”

So far, Blue had tried her best to ignore what she heard, but that last call-out from Pink Menace had her look towards the group that was gathered around a truck and a mini-van. Of course, Pink-on-Pink was pointing at her with her mindless grin. Rarity and the tall girl closed in on Sunset Shimmer who was back to all insecure, while Farm Girl and Rainbow Girl glared at Blue, but not as intense as she might have expected. They seemed more annoyed than downright angry at her and Blue knew she didn't have to expect another fight.

Blue just glared and said nothing. Before they could try to talk to her, she put in her earplugs and turned on the music full volume. She headed toward the street and didn't look back. She was still angry but it burnt out while she was marching through town towards home. When she arrived home, and nobody was waiting for her as usual, she sat down on the bed in her dark room. What she had heard from Miss Luna and later the girls in the parking lot, just blurred together and it was annoyingly confusing in her head. Frustrated, she just pulled the blanket over her head and tried to sleep it off.

Blue groaned when she rolled out of bed far too early for a Saturday. If her sister had been at home sometime during the night, she hadn’t noticed. Her sister was going heavy on the night shifts these days. And the weekend shifts. All the shifts.

Blue took a quick shower to wake up, which was easy since the hot water ran out after a couple of minutes anyway, and headed out. She had put on her ‘working attire’, which meant her pair of jeans that looked the least used and a neutral shirt. She knew that the bar down the street would get a truckload of deliveries today, so she saw her chance to earn a few bucks extra.

Although it was Saturday, there was already heavy traffic on the busy street. Blue spotted the truck she’d seen the week before and rounded the bar to get into the back alley. The guy who owned the place (Blue had never bothered to learn his name) was already standing there and watched the truck pull in. Blue gave him a grin, but his mood turned sour when he saw her

“What are you doing here?”
Blue didn’t let burst of anger show and tried to reply somewhat calm
“I thought maybe you’d want some help with the truck again.”
“I don’t. Now leave.”
Blue frowned and let all of her friendly attitude just drop
“You didn’t have any problems with my help last week.”
“That was last week. Not today.”
“Come on, what’s the big deal? I can help in the kitchen after as well if you like.”

“Kid, listen.”
Blue’s frown turned into a glare, but she listened anyway
“It’s not that you didn’t do a decent job last week. But this bar is all I have, I can’t afford getting in trouble with the cops or anything.”
Wait, what?
The guy must have guessed what she thought and just went on
“Somebody from CPS showed up, said his name was Bitter Leaves. He told me a lot of things about you. Things you didn’t mention when I asked.”

Blue gritted her teeth together when she heard that name
“Whatever he told you, it’s not true.”
“Look, kid, I don’t think you’re planning to rob me or anything he said, but if there’s cops involved, I’m staying out of this. When CPS shows up, it means you’re trouble. I can’t afford trouble.”
It took all the willpower Blue had to not fall into a raging fit right here and there. She would have loved nothing more than to smack the guy’s pity expression from his face. Instead, she just flipped him the bird and stormed off. She didn’t really care much which direction, she just ran until her anger burnt out. She was almost back at the school when was finally calm enough to notice her surroundings.

She was still angry, though. Not so much at the guy as she was at Bitter Leaves, but there was nothing she could do against that jerk. For better, or rather for worse, she was stuck with him for now.

Blue checked her pockets and just gritted her teeth again. She left her phone at home, her wallet, and even her outdated walkman. Perfect.

And just as she turned around to get back home, she heard the rumbling of thunder. There had been dark clouds on the sky the whole day, but to Blue it felt like someone had just turned on a shower and it started pouring. Despite her second-hand jacket, she was soaked within a minute. Yep. Just perfect.

While she was running through the rain, she noticed a coffee shop that was already open. She looked at the sky and sighed, as it didn’t look like it would stop anytime soon. I don’t have any money with me. Maybe I can at least dry up a little before they throw me out.

She slipped inside and was hit by the scent of baked goods. This wasn’t some chain it seemed, those guys were making their own stuff in their own bakery. The place was packed even on a Saturday morning, so Blue had some hope that she might duck in unnoticed for a while. As she aimed for one of the tables in the back, she realized a lot of students from CHS seemed to hang around her. A few noticed her and threw some weird looks in her direction. A lot more immediately huddled up and started whispering. Blue couldn’t give less of a fuck.

She slumped on a chair with the back to the room. She didn’t have a phone to make herself look busy, so she just sat hunched down and hoped that nobody would bother with her until…
“Hi Ocean Shore!”
Pink Menace was back and spontaneously materialized next to her as usual. She had the same goofy smile as always and was completely oblivious to any glares Blue threw at her

“Why? How? How did you even find me here?”
“Silly dilly, I always work here on Saturdays! But I never expected you to be here!”
Blue looked her over and noticed that Pink on Pink was wearing some kind of waitress attire
“Anyway, what can I get you? You need something hot to warm you up, ‘cause you’re soaked. Maybe some hot chocolate? Hot tea? What do you like better, tea or coffee? I’m more of a coffee type myself but sometimes, I like…”

Blue gritted her teeth and tried to block her out, but Pink just kept on babbling and babbling
“…and then one time, I tried to mix cocoa into the espresso machine ‘cause I thought it would taste so much better but boy was I wrong! So instead, I…”
“For fuck’s sake, can’t you just SHUT UP YOU MORON!”
Blue screamed out all her rage and disappointment of the whole day, maybe the whole week even, and Pink on Pink just happened to be the most obvious victim.

Everybody was staring at her. The whole shop was just silent. Even the woman behind the counter completely ignored her costumer and stared at her. Even Pink stared with her mouth gaping open for a few moments.

Blue expected her to start crying or something. Maybe she would get angry even. But no, Pink Menace just bounced right back into a goofy smile
“Anyway, what can I get you? You still haven’t told me.”
Blue glanced around and people around them started talking again, as if they were thawing up. Even the woman at the counter went back to her costumers, even if she kept sending glares at Blue at any given chance.

Blue just slumped back into the seat, still angry and now even more disappointed than before. Pink kept on standing there with that freakish smile
“Buzz off!”
“But I didn’t take your order yet!”
“I haven’t decided. Come back later.”
“That’s okay, I’ll wait!”

Pink just kept standing next to her seat and waited patiently. She drummed her fingers on her notepad. She kept fidgeting and even bounced on her heels. It was just too much for Blue to take
“Listen up, I’m counting to three and then I want you gone! One, two…”

Blue gritted her teeth and winced when Pink completely ignored her and yelled from a close distance again. She was also waving like an idiot and when Blue turned around, she knew the universe was out to get her today. Of course, the gang walked in, sans Wannabe-Badgirl Sunset Shimmer. Which meant, Rainbow Daft had no reason to hold back this time
“What are you doing here? This is our hangout!”
“Easy, Dash. It’s not like we own the place.”
Apple Farm was trying to be the voice of reason, but the anger in her eyes told a completely different story. The other two didn’t have much to contribute it seemed, so Blue kept her guard up towards Rainbow, who seemed the most likely to do something stupid.

Or at least say something that would get her anger flaring up again
“First you start a fight with Sunset, then you sneak up on us and just leave without a word, and now you’re harassing Pinkie Pie? Not cool.”
“I’m not harassing her. I didn’t even know she works here. If anyone is being harassed here, it’s me!”
Blue was so focused on Rainbow that she didn’t even notice how everybody in the coffee shop was watching her right now. Of course, everyone knew Rainbow Dash and the Rainbooms who had saved the Fall Formal and later all of CHS during the battle with the sirens. They were more or less heroes at CHS and nobody would dare to say anything against them. But right now, there was this new girl who looked like she was going to punch Rainbow Dash, with her hands balled to fists and her chair scattered on the floor when she got up to butt heads with the athlete.

“Stop saying mean things about my friends! What did she even do to you?”
“She’s getting on my nerve, that’s what!”
Pinkie Pie just stood her, slowly sinking in that Blue wasn’t being very nice
“But, I just wanted to take your order…”
The whole coffee shop was now glaring at her, the new girl who not only dared to speak up against the Rainbooms, but who also had the audacity to harass Pinkie Pie, the friendliest student in the entire school.

To her credit, Blue didn’t blow a fuse. She did, however, storm out of the coffee shop. She made sure to bump her shoulder hard against Rainbow Daft and glare at everyone, so they got out of her way. Nobody said anything and a minute later, she was back in the pouring rain, but she didn’t care anymore. She had enough of this fucking city already with nothing but psychos at school, fake teachers and not even a job for the weekend.

Life just sucked hard. As Blue stomped home, wet to the bones, she didn’t think it could get any worse than this.