• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 2,488 Views, 64 Comments

The Unbroken Spear - Jamis

Atreus has climbed many mountains they were not always high, they were not always mountains. One thing is for certain, this mortal's will shall not be broken.

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21. I Strike

Atreus stood and stretched, he may not do much paperwork but it was more than he ever had done in his life before coming to Equestria. He finished his stretches and walked over to his weapons out of habit. He paused before leaving them to lay against the side of his work desk. ‘I am not leaving the palace, or even the tower. No point in carrying my spear.’He walked out of his room in Luna’s tower and closed the door.

He walked to Luna’s room and greeted the guards at her door, these guards were not under his command on paper. Very few ponies would argue against his authority however, the number of ponies who could go toe to toe with a princess was countable on one hand. And anyone or thing that could beat them was in similarly close numbers. Pantheon knocked on her door before waiting a second and slowly entering. Luna was often immersed in her work and had told him to simply enter her chambers. “It is fine. So long as you do not do the same with my room, and other such areas.” she had said these words in an offhand response, when he had asked permission to enter every time she was not entering with him.

As the man walked into Luna’s chamber’s and saw her sitting at her desk, by the looks of the piles of her own work she had completed most of it. Surprising considering it was not even midday yet, “Ahh, Atreus, is it time for lunch already?”

“No, though it is close. I finished my work so I came here. After we eat we should see about organizing our guard schedules for the night of the gala. The day guard will be the only guards to be present in the hall as you will not be attending.” Luna nodded as she continued to sign and read, “However, they will be using more guards both inside and outside of the party to keep the guests safe in cases of any problems. Captain shining has spoken to both myself and Shadow Wing about us filling in the cities gaps in patrols.”

Luna spoke in a knowing tone, “The party has expanded each year, and each year tends to leave the guard a bit low in the rest of the city. From what Celestia tells me this has been a problem in the past. This may be the first time those gaps and cracks can be filled or even replaced/reinforced. We shall speak with her when we see her at lunch.” The pair exchanged some light hearted banter at a few odd requests that had landed on Luna’s table. She even shared that she had found a formal complaint from the Astrological Society of Canterlot. They did in fact not appreciate her near constant shifting of the stars and sky. She had sent them a letter thanking them for their concerns and reasons, Luna had explained why and how the stars were malleable and yet would regain its general form if left alone. She hoped the explanation of the tiny shifts not truly changing her sky would appease them, and she promised brighter and clearer sights in weeks to come.


The lunch was cheerful as Celestia had concluded court not too long ago, the several hours she had spent after speaking with Luna were more productive than usual. For starters more respectable nobles, less nobles in general though, and less problems. However, in place of problems were solutions and proposals. She had green-lit a few projects and supplied the ones that needed funds. Celestia, Luna, and Atreus talked about the things that affected their days, so far mostly positive. The topic of the gala’s guard requirements and its affects was eventually brought up. “It will be good that some of the solar guard will be able to take the night off, in the past my captains have usually had to pull in all available guards. To at least ensure a minimum amount of patrols in the city.” Celestia reminisced.

“I can imagine everb-pony in the guard has come to expect that night of the year to be a all hands on deck situation.” Pantheon corrected himself. Even after spending a long time in Equestria he still thought in non-pony pronouns.

“Hmm, yes it was.” Celestia spoke again before turning to Luna, “Are you sure you can’t come, it can be quite boring and I would love the company?”

“I am sorry sister my schedule was full when you told me about the gala and when it was happening. And while I could do some rearranging, I don’t feel quite ready for public appearances yet.” Luna’s smile was almost guilty in its sadness, like she felt she should feel bad about her choice.

Celestia gave a reassuring smile and continued to eat, “Twilight and her friends are coming, so thats quite alright. They should make it a bit more interesting, hopefully.”

“How have your student been fairing sister? I have not thought of her or her friends in a while I am afraid to say.” Luna’s question was matched by a nod from Atreus showed his agreement.

“Well, she has sent me several letters. She is certainly expanding her horizons to say the least, and adding new memories to her archive.” Celestia smiled as she summoned a picture with her horn. The photo showed the elements posing together in ponyville. Each of they was much the same as Pantheon and Luna remembered. Twilight with her multi-purple mane, and matching clothes. Pinkie Pie in a outfit pink enough to match her mane and cheery enough to pair with her smile. Rainbow Dash had her diverse and bold mane and tail contrasted with her casual blue clothes, most likely athletic. Apple Jack wore her blond mane in semi-ponytail(comedy) and her cowboy hat on top. Her clothes looked to be work clothes, a spattering or mud present on her pants and boots. Fluttershy hid behind her mane, but you could still see her smile. Her outfit was yellow and had a few green stains on them, from gardening presumably. And Rarity wore a white dress with her mane and tail done, as if she was on her way to an event.

“If they are in Canterlot, then Luna and myself should talk to them. The two of us only knew them for a day, and while I think of them as friends. That should be all the more reason to see them while they are here.” Atreus spoke as he examined the photo.

“Well, they are only here for the night of the gala and the morning after.” Celestia frowned at the seemingly inflexible nature of it. “But, if you want to see them, unless you are also busy that night you could swing by the gala. Unless you are not a party pony.” Celestia offered.

Luna and the warrior glanced at one another, Luna spoke “I guess I will have to see them another time then.” the princess’ tone was a bit frustrated. She would have liked to speak to her saviors a bit, she had not said much at the time she had been freed.

“I do not think I have ever been to a party, I have been to celebrations and traditional gatherings but not anything like your gala. My experiences are with feasts and my people’s traditional music and dances. Not aristocratic gatherings, but I suppose I could come at some point. Once I finish any work I have that day, that is.” the man thought and moved his hand from his chin back to his utensils to finish eating the last of his food.

“Tell them they are welcome to visit me. I may not be ready for a lot of public speaking but I do hope to get to know my saviours.”

Atreus nodded before he ate the last of his food and grabbed his empty plate to give to the staff, just because he ate with the princesses didn’t mean he was one. “You two keep eating I am going to go make sure the mess hall is still standing. After a food fight between some of the guards this morning, Shadow Wing made the offenders train past their usual hours. They are probably eating lunch and then going to try and sleep before their shift. I need to make sure Captain Wing doesn’t kill them from exhaustion by denying them that rest.”

Atreus left, carrying his plate and utensils with him to give to the servers no doubt waiting near by. Celestia and Luna kept talking while they worked at their meals. “Are you sure you don’t want to come, you could probably go with Atreus and talk with the elements for a little while. No need to announce your arrival.”

“I would prefer to talk to them in a different setting. Besides, if I go with Atreus we will be fighting for the element bears’ attention or split it up. Hardly ideal unless the two of us intend on making some sort of timetable.”

Celestia smirked and spoke, “That is one reason, but are you sure that is why you don’t want to be seen with him at a party? Because it might look like he is your date no?”

Luna quickly glared at her sister, “Yes, I am certain in those not being my reasons. Being mistaken for my ‘date’ is unlikely given the fact he was publicly sworn to be my guard. Then again, since the two of you will be attending perhaps you should commission him a suit to wear and take him as your date.” Luna’s voice moved from annoyed to triumphant as she spoke.

“Hmmm, now thats an idea.” Celestia’s tone was playfully sarcastic.

“I’ll get you his measurements.” Luna teased.

“How do you know them?” you could almost hear smirk in her tone.

“How do you think he got that armor, he was measured by our servants. Though maybe you want to measure him yourself sister?” The two of them continued this exchange for a while before the two princesses found themselves saying stupid things. Luna spoke in a mocking and dumb tone, “I’m Celestia, hal lab dub da!”

“I’m Luna, Bubb la pa gah!” the two burst out laughing at one another's’ expressions. “By Faust what are we even doing?! Hahaha!” Luna and Celestia giggled loudly, thankfully the dinning room was very sound resistant.

“Spouting gibberish, and mocking one another like children. I thought that was obvious.” the solar diarch said in between giggles.

“Oh dear. When was the last time we acted so childish as to resort to making faces at one another?” Luna asked as the two princesses calmed.

“How long ago was it when we ascended? That should be a good approximation.” at Tia’s words, the sisters took on a slightly sadder tone.

“We best get back to our duties. See you soon sister.” Luna stood and began to leave.

“Goodbye Luna, I’m glad we can have these moments.” Luna smiled at her older sister’s small grin. A nostalgic look in Celestia’s eye.

“I am also thankful we share our sense of humour.” Luna and Celestia moved their minds toward coming tasks.


When Pantheon got to the hall he found Shadow Wing escorting her “charges” to the barracks. He caught up with them and walked beside the captain for a moment before he spoke, “You didn’t push them two hard I hope, their are limits to how effective punishment is if you are too severe.”

“Just laps and exercises, besides even if these ones are younger than most of the guard, they are still a part of the lunar guard. We all need to grow up someday.” Shadow spoke in a clear and even tone, she had respect for Pantheon. He was not her superior but she couldn’t order him around either. The two of them had become friends over the months, each helped the other as much as they could and on rare occasions simply sat down and talked. He told her his name after a month. He decided she should know it. Family, other friends, opinions, Atreus only spoke in generally on these things. Shadow was happy to talk though, and he listened when she did.

“We must all find our place, but not all of us ‘grow up’. On guard time however, I suppose we should encourage them to be more mature.” the group entered the barracks, simple bunk beds and cabinets for personal affects were here. Near by was restrooms and showers. Dissected by mares and stallions of course, to avoid “awkward” situations. They laid down and most of the group fell asleep quickly, they had been awake nearly 20 hours(Say they had a shift at 6pm so they get up at 5pm. They go through their day and eat their “dinner” in the morning and have their food fight. They stay awake to noon as part of their punishment, 5pm-12pm is 19 hours).

“I guess you are right. Your pretty wise for somepony your age.” the pair left the barracks to attend to other matters.

“Experience leads not wisdom, not age. You can have one without the other.” Pantheon explained.

“Yeah, yeah. Hey, you there quite we got guards sleeping near by!” Shadow agreed before she yelled at a loud group of off shift solar guard, who straightened up at Wing’s shout and the pair’s appearance.

“Sometimes you remind me of a drill Sargent more than a captain.” Atreus got a punch to his unarmored side.

Author's Note:

Uhhhhhhh. This was, an experience. Sorry for inflicting this on you. If you think the teasing should stop let me know.... I have an older sibling but I have no bloody idea how to write two sisters....

Imma yeet myself off a ledge real quick.

And thats how cliff diving was invented.