• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 2,481 Views, 64 Comments

The Unbroken Spear - Jamis

Atreus has climbed many mountains they were not always high, they were not always mountains. One thing is for certain, this mortal's will shall not be broken.

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20. Between Each Beat of my Heart

The time moved fast, training guards, paperwork, and tending to dreams. The time seemed to drift by quite fast. Luna didn’t quite understand in retrospect how the time could go so fast. It was a bit over a week before the “Grand Galloping Galla”. Her sister had hosted this party for hundreds of years. She didn’t wish to attend this year, it fell on a very busy few days that she had to spend on work. Luna’s work load had increased and she was holding Night court now. Her guards were more numerous, the Thestrals had joined pony society in a almost anticlimactic way. One day there was only her guards and the next their were very few jobs that weren’t filled in Canterlot, especially graveyard shifts. The Thestrals still held Luna in an almost untouchable and holy position but were semi-silent about it. Many began to see her as their teacher and guide, progress was slow but she was weening off worship and toward friendship. There weren’t only Thestrals in the guard though. While small in number, a few solar guard had transferred and some new ponies had joined. Most of them were pegusai, though there were a few earthponies and unicorns.

The guards all had enchantments placed on their armors, much like the solar guard they would all look the same, only being able to be drawn apart from one another by tribe. However given the vast amounts of batponies compared to non-thestrals the only ones to be truly affected by the enchantments in a meaningful way were the pegusai. There feathered wings were cover by the illusions of batwings. However this left the unicorns and earthponies, sure their fur looked blue and their eyes turned yellow and slitted like the rest of the guard. However, the didn’t have wings, at all this left them as very distinguishable from the rest. This was an issue Luna would solve through a few methods. The whole of the guard regardless of tribe was almost forced by Luna to go through exercises and routines to ensure the entire guard held respect for one another. Trusting one another, bonding, and plenty of it. It had become a common sight for the guards to form friendships and meld with the greater group of Thestrals.

Her guard was not feared by the citizens of Equestria. In fact that proved to be the opposite, after a few missions where her guard had set to work on disrupting crime and unearthing secrets. Many of the ponies in these missions who preformed excellently were promoted. A simple and small hierarchy had formed, and surprise. Shadow Wing had snagged the position of captain. The lunar guard had helped in the construction of their own barracks and seen to assisting in the expansion of the mess hall. The lunar guard and solar guard both met at breakfast and dinner. There were no arguments between them, only on what meal it was. For lunar guards it was dinner for solar it was breakfast and vice versa. ‘Why there was a small arm wrestling match to determine who was right. I’ll never know what those stallions were thinking. At least it ended well and was never a brawl or something. Though that one mare got syrup in her mane after the colts got a bit rowdy, even if it was friendly. She looked like she wanted to fight though.’ Luna’s thoughts at the moment were scattered, a knock came at the door. Luna looked up from her papers.

“Luna, may I come in? I would like to have some tea with you.” Celestia asked through the door.

“Come in.” Luna answered as she finished the form she had been working on.

“I figured you could use a break, plus I wanted your opinion on the kitchen’s latest pastries and sweats.” the princess of the sun walked in carrying a tray with desserts on plates, she held a tea pot and two cups in her magic as she walked in. The pair sat together once Luna had moved from her desk to the living area of her chambers. The tray and pot on the table and the cups in their hands they began to drink and eat.

As the two of them did Luna teased her sister, “Are you sure you wanted to see me or did you just want to eat sweets away from where your dietitian can find you.”

“Hush you. You know just as well as I do that alicorns have a hard time putting on weight. Besides I don’t have a dietician.” Celestia smiled, her sisterhood withLuna had been repaired through their time together, even if it was still a bit painful to think about what they did to one another.

“Yes I would suspect you don’t have a dietician, anymore, you could just not be convinced to drop the cakes you love so much.” a cookie bounced off of Luna’s nose as Celestia fixed her with a cocky grin. “Too much? After becoming strong willed enough to rule Equestria alone I would have thought such banter was not going to offend you. It is natural be embarrassed when ones short coming are brought up.”

Celestia grinned farther as she spoke, “Ahh. I see your point, you’re right Luna I need to improve myself.” The white dress she wore bright and pure. The conversation turning to the opposite, “But I see no reason to be the only one to do so. Speaking of overcoming self struggles, how are your romantic feelings with Atreus going?”

Luna had been chewing on the cookie that Celestia had thrown at her when she heard that, it was a bit unexpected. Luna had thought Celestia would go after her lack of friends outside of her guard, her rare slip back into olden speak, or even the odd things she didn’t understand about the world yet. Luna nearly chocked on the cookie, but managed to suppress that need and drink some tea. “Well,” Luna said evenly, “We give credit and to thou sister.... I was not expecting that. To answer your question, I don’t have any. Atreus is my friend and guard, the closest the two of us come to that kind of thing is sharing thoughts and discussing one another’s problems. Hardly romantic, especially considering the conversations usually are only for a few minutes a day. We may spend a lot of time together but the two of us spend that time doing paperwork.”

Celestia nodded, she had been teasing her as a sort of revenge for her teasing. The solar diarch was not so foolish to relate romance with time spent or even commonality. Otherwise Celestia could be considered very romantic with throne and desk. Nearly a thousand years of time together. “Where is Atreus anyway?”

“He is not technically part of the hierarchy in the guard, but he has been filling in for the lack of officers. He has several ponies under his command and is responsible for them. The paper work he does tends to revolve around that, he is also much like my new captain, only under me. So he has had to help her with her work as well. I taught him the paper work procedure and he is doing so with his officers/troops and Shadow Wing.” her explanation was long but made sense, “He is currently overseeing some recruits training I believe, making sure the officers are teaching correctly.”

The two sister talked for a little while longer before Celestia left to begin day court. Luna returned to her work, but not before her sister’s words returned to her mind. She flushed slightly but quickly shooed the thoughts away, ‘Romantic? I could hardly call my feelings romantic, especially when half the time we spend together is in silence and the other half is all related to work. At best he is like a brother, we look out for one another, and make sure the other is alright. At worst we are absolutely professional, and seemingly no friendship is present.’

Luna sat and worked in silence for a while the only sounds you could hear were coming from her quill. But she thought about it more, ‘But we aren’t colleagues or in a employer-employee relationship. We are friends, we know a decent amount about one another, we do talk about our personal lives, even if they are only our thoughts or what we used to do. And I don’t think it could be any other way.’

Author's Note:


Ok basically just tell me if my timeline is off. I have pretty much never truly watched MLP so my understanding of the timeline is confused.... but I do know that the gala is the end of season 1 and discord is season 2. So I am skipping a lot sorry about that.

Another thing, there is a reason I have not been writing... I am lazy.

Oh another thing, expect something non-unbroken spear related at some point in the future. I am telling you this so I make myself work on it.

Not gonna lie I almost made Celestia say, “So hows your sex life?” when she and Luna were talking.........

“Oh hi mark”

If you think the story is going fast and is becoming worse, then I think you might be right.... sorry bout that.