• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 2,488 Views, 64 Comments

The Unbroken Spear - Jamis

Atreus has climbed many mountains they were not always high, they were not always mountains. One thing is for certain, this mortal's will shall not be broken.

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15.What I Can Become

Celestia sat on her balcony next to her sister who had woken up not long after the solar princess and entered the golden and white room. They were lowering moon and raising the moon, 'Luna still can't lower the moon alone, her magic hasn't fully recovered yet.' She noted the smallest amount of growth in her sister's height and build. As the sun began its climb Celsestia stopped her magic and Luna looked at her, the two smiled and Luna giggled at Celestia's proud expression. "What is it Luna? I do hope you do not mind my look but, you look so cute." Celestia ran her hand through her sister's hair. "I have not seen you so short for a long time, you look much younger, though you appear to have grown overnight." the solar princess commented to her sister.

"You look like mother when ever w-...I learned a new spell from her. Though I suppose whenever we learned something together she would also smile." the younger sister looked down for a moment before she met Celestia's eyes again, "You look a lot more like her you know, ever since I, left. You grew taller yourself."

Celestia was not expecting that response though it warmed her heart to hear it. "Well I suppose that would bring back giggle worthy memories, though which ones I do not know." Luna got a devious grin on her face as she faced her sister and spoke.

"It's a good thing you got taller too, you seem to have put on some weight." Celestia nearly choked at that comment and blushed in slight embarrassment, "Especially on your flank, the stallions in the guards have it much better then they did a thousand years ago. I've seen a few of them flick an eye at you, you know. I bet that you-" Luna was cut off by four fingers pressing against her mouth. Celestia saw her sister devious expression change when she saw her's.

Celestia raised an eye brow a tiny smile on one side of her face her eyes sending a playful yet cruel emotion, "Are you sure you want to continue that line of thought Luna or would you like to hear about how the guards look at you, maybe some of the comments the maids have made?" Celestia's voice and tone was lowered near the end, an almost sensual tone. "Some of my maids have spoken to one another in ear shot of me about you, a couple of them would like to know if being the princess of the night applies to all parts of the euphemis-" Celestia herself was cut off by Luna reaching up and covering her mouth with a hand. The two looked at each other before both released one another and laughed before entering the elder sister room again. "I have missed you Luna." the sisters hugged before they left to go eat breakfast.


Pantheon moved to the dining room without his weapons and helmet, it would be a hassle to take it off and put it on when he was not going to have need for it yet. Perhaps tomorrow but that had yet to be decided and finalized. The princesses walked in with a cheery mood following them. They sat down next to each other and across from him the servants brought in meals for the three of them, an interesting selection of food. The main dish appeared to be several flat pastries. he looked to see Celestia digging in she had poured a sap like substance on the pastries after spreading butter on them with her knife. Luna looked at Celestia's actions and mimicked them, the man chuckled and then did the same. Celestia looked up at his laugh and asked, "What are you laughing about?" Luna took a bite and smiled, quickly eating more like a child give chocolate. To be fair pancakes are sweet with syrup on them.

"It seems neither Luna or myself was sure how to eat these until you did." Celestia had a look of understanding dawn on her.

"I guess Luna wouldn't know what Pancakes are." Luna continued to eat them happily her tail almost wagging. "I guess you don't have pancakes back home on Runeterra then?" Pantheon shook his head. The man finished preparing his meal before taking a bite, he placed his hand on his mouth at the sudden intense sweetness. It was good but not entirely expected to be so sweet.

"I have never eaten any. But maybe the aristocracy of Piltover have them. If they can make hex-tech trains and airships they can make pancakes." Celestia and Luna seemed to catch onto his words and hang there.

Luna spoke up, "What is 'hex-tech' and you said they had airships? I hadn't thought that old project of Starswirl's was possible." Celestia's hand moved to her mouth as if in thought.

"Airships are not a common thing but Equestria has built a few for transportation and supply. Though I amalso curious as to what 'hex-tech' is." Aterus took a few more bites before answering.

"From my barest understanding, it is high level technology that is fueled by magic. It doesn't surprise me that you also have airships. I had not seen a train myself before I got unto ponyville's." Luna herself was surprised to see the train, she hadn't realized that it was also his first his time riding a train.

"I take it Piltover houses many wonders of technology." after she said that Celestia quietly commented in her own mind on the idea of hex-tech, 'I pray Twilight never finds out. She may stop talking to her new friends because she sound a new field of study.'

"Yes as does its under city Zaun, though they use chem-tech, a bit different. Not to mention while Piltover is full of rich and power families Zaun is a ghetto and ran by warlords called 'Chem-barons'. The aristocracy of Piltover is not much better however, there are many political assassinations and abuse of any lower class people." the princesses asked some questions before deciding they didn't like the cities very much.

"You should probably tell us about your world's other nations so we have a better frame of reference." he had already told them about Targon, and now Piltover and Zaun. He decided it would be alright. He started drawing a mental map for them, moving east from Targon to the fallen empire of Shurima and the jungles after the deserts. Moving north you found the cities of Piltover and Zaun. East of them was the pirate communities of Bilge Water, the princesses found it amusing that these shanty towns existed but didn't like to hear about their tales. They especially did not like to hear about the mist that came bigger each year from the sea, the ghosts of the damned reaching through to claim you. Moving on he told them of the Empire of Noxus which landed to the north of the twin cities. They did not like them very much either though Celestia more so, they were cruel, warmongering, and evil. They softened their tune after Atreus told them that they were a multicultural and near meritocracy based society. To their west lay the kingdom of Demacia, it sounded wonderful until them heard it imprisoned mages.

"If I am not mistaken the word on the road said they had a mage revolution, the king is dead, and details on his son are almost non-existent." the sister were happy the mages were not imprisoned any more, as born magic users they had a hard time understanding how you would just try to train your people. They understood the fear, the three tribes were always against one another in the early days, but nation wide imprisonment seemed almost foreign. Atreus then moved onto the people of the north, the Freljord. Celestia and Luna had little conplaint for the place, Pantheon had just as much to tell. Which was to say not much. "How could I forget, on an island continent is the land of Ionia, they believe in living with harmony with nature and its spirits."

"That sounds lovely." Celestia commented.

"Agreed sister." Luna chipped in.

"It was and still is but after the Noxians invaded many years ago it became split. There are now extremist reformers who want to be ready for future attacks, and the traditionalists who wish to return to their way of life." the princess and Atreus had finished them meals at this point the moved through the halls while talking, their destination was the office to get Atreus an official position, and work out the small ceremony. The two of them groaned at the words.

"This Noxus seriously needs to be tackled by the international community." Celestia reasoned. Pantheon then told her Ionia had never had a war before that one, Demacia had its own problems, Bilge Water were small towns of pirates, Piltover and Zaun were tiny city states with no reason to, Shurima was a fallen empire though there was talk of a new one forming, the Freljord were not large and had similar problems, and the communities around Targon were isolationist at best and uncaring at worst.

"Well, thank you for the leasons Atreus but now we have to talk about the ceremony." Celestia changed the subject once they reached the office.

"Do we need one?" Pantheon asked genuinely.

"You are going to be the first Lunar guard in a thousand years, even if you will be a semi separate entity you will still be one officially. Yes, some ceremony would be good for getting others interested in joining." Celesita explained.

The conversation continued for a while, 'Meetings. They never change.' Luna thought as Celestia handed out paper after paper for both her and Atreus to sign, 'Thank faust he is literate in Equestrian.'

Author's Note:

You like that Trollestia, I know you do. :trollestia:

Thanks for reading, do the usual telling me what is wrong.

If any of you are wondering when action is gonna happen I let you in a trade secret. Come closer, closer... I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I'll write what I feel most logically fits the story so far. I'll write what I think could happen next and let that do the work for me, its worked so far.

You may be wondering why somethings weren't more center stage in the Runterra tour, Pantheon lives in this world but not everything is known to him. He would also be out of almost all loops of communication after his vow so he may not know that much of recent events.

Alright I'm gonna do a pro gamer move and disappear.