• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 2,488 Views, 64 Comments

The Unbroken Spear - Jamis

Atreus has climbed many mountains they were not always high, they were not always mountains. One thing is for certain, this mortal's will shall not be broken.

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14. I Know Who I Am

Luna was still shocked, ‘He knew I was here when I entered?’ that is what she thought he meant but she could not be sure till he said so outright. “I never revealed myself. How did you know I was here?” her tone was quite and unaggressive. He was angry with her and she did not want to make it sound like a demand, nor would she want to demand it.

Pantheon scowled Pylas’ body leaving his arms as if he were never there. The man stood and looked her in the eyes, “Like I said, I am familiar with how it feels to be in my mind, and when it is invaded. Now tell me, why did you come here. Be honest or leave, everything or nothing.” He crossed his arms his eyes burned into her’s like an ember on dry grass.

‘Should I tell him? He wouldn’t like my answer, he would like lies even less, should it matter. Yes, I came here with non-altruistic intent. He may already suspect my reasons anyhow.’ Luna sighed and looked down like she was being scolded by her sister. Though she was a proud pony she hated being in the wrong even if she did not mean to be. “I came here because I noticed your dream’s mirror in the Dreamscape. Your emotions felt muddled, stifled, and I wanted to see if I could confirm your story. I am sorry for intruding, I know this was breaking your trust. I didn’t think I would see such a personal and heart aching dream. If I can make it up to you somehow, I would try my best. If only because, I know you were truthful. I am sorry for doubting you, and entering your dream when you did not need my assistance.”

To say that Atreus was surprised was a bit of an understatement, he didn’t show it much in his expression. However, he was not expecting her to admit guilt and give a honest and apologetic answer. When she entered his mind he felt a sort of rage he had suppressed when in the sisters’ presence well up. ‘Who were these gods to betray my trust’, he thought that line after his body returned to his control after the battle with Aatrox. And now he was on another world, ‘The gods never change, they will always be arrogant in their power, this is true everywhere.’ He hated the idea that the princesses who until now he found to be tolerable and unlike the Celestials of Runeterra, were now doing as they pleased. ‘But none of the Celestial gods of Runeterra would be so quick to admit fault. To admit their mistakes, to apologize, if at all. She did, and asked for a way to prove her regret. Even if she shouldn't have done this, she only wanted to be sure I was not dangerous to Equestria. Even if I have shown myself to be an ally to the peo-ponies they say they want to protect. I can not expect complete trust, nor do I trust them. Trust is double edged, if she wants to prove her wish to apologize for her invasion,’ in his thoughts all ways quite on the mountain in Pantheon’s dream. The wind he was so familiar with was barely audible, Luna with her head still looking down at her hands in front of her awaited his response. “You dug into my past to see if I am trust worthy. I believe it is only fair I ask you some questions.”

Luna looked up meeting his eyes, they were softer but still serious. The princess of the moon didn’t like where this was going but nodded her assent. “I understand. What do you want to know?” she answered almost slowly, as if being careful with her words. The improvement in her modern speech wasn’t lost on the man but it was stored away for later.

“If I am to be your guard and safe guard against you should you ever fall again. I must ask a few things. When you fell, it wasn’t all bitter emotions was it?” Luna tensed and her eyes widened a little but she quickly returned to her previous express. Albeit with more fidgeting but she nodded to her host’s questions and spoke.

“In my depression and jealousy, I read forbidden tomes which we and our... me and my...sister had taken from a dark tyrant in a now non-existent empire in the north. Its powers corrupted me, feeding on my fear and jealousy to gain as much control of me as possible. In the end I became a true monster of the dark.” Atreus listened silently noting that an empire was related to a god like being’s corruption, her speech was mostly without flaws, and she seemed saddened. The man could understand, to be turned into something you were not, was a horrid experience. “We doth not even know why we sought such knowledge. Twas truly idiotic of us to do so and yet we did. Oooh, listen to me. So swallowed in self pity I can’t even speak in a consistent way.” Saddened was an understatement, Luna had water in her eyes from the memories she was recalling. Her voice was a beginning to quiver, Atreus placed a hand on her shoulder. She hadn’t even realized he had moved or that their scenery had moved to a small village, she saw what she assumed to be Targon in the distance. ‘When he said the gods brought the mountain to the sky he meant literally’ his hand pushed down gently the pair sat on wild grass formed from near by farms.

“Save your tears for a time for when I am not intruding on your grief. You may want to have another talk with your sister. You may need her comfort.” Pantheon sat cross legged while Luna knelt, each were unsure of their next actions, “You have answered my question. You have also answered my next ones. Thank you, I am sorry, I didn’t mean to cause such pain. I seem to forget that all of this is a recent and fresh grief for you.”

Luna blinked back her watered eyes and nodded, “Your right, as for your apology. I guess we are even now.” The lunar diarch giggled causing Pantheon to look at her confused, “As for talking with my sister we may not have the time to have such a talk for a while. Which is what she hopes your company will solve I guess. She did say I needed somepony to talk to. And look at the two of us a already exchanging our past griefs.” Her giggles turned to chuckles, and she smiled at him with water still in her eyes. He himself chuckled though it was a deeper one than her’s.

“I suppose you are right,” Atreus gazed at the mountains peak and the stars. Luna joining him, the two talked about Runeterra’s sky. Pantheon told her the constellations he knew, the two had simply fallen into a sort of friendly conversation. They did this to distract themselves from their pain, so fresh on their minds. But they both felt better knowing that they were talking with someone/pony who knew about their pain, and each of them felt better that they knew one another a bit more. If only to take comfort in their simple kindred with one another.

Author's Note:

I used the word kindred to denote companionship, not the champion. Just to be clear.

Let me know if I made a mistake. Or two, or three, or four, or... you know what just let me know.