• Published 7th Oct 2019
  • 2,488 Views, 64 Comments

The Unbroken Spear - Jamis

Atreus has climbed many mountains they were not always high, they were not always mountains. One thing is for certain, this mortal's will shall not be broken.

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12.And So I Climb

The dawn came and the world became brighter than the stars, or at least you couldn't see the stars once the sun rose. Atreus sat up in bed rubbing his eyes, the light from the window told him that the dawn had come not long ago. 'Though I suppose it would be more accurate to say the princess rose the sun.' the man moved from the bed. It had to be the biggest bed he had ever slept in. It had white blankets, sheets, and a wooden frame. The frame could take twice his weight and not bend a centimeter; Pantheon almost had difficulty sleeping with how used to worse beds he had become. His weapons laid against the wall. his helm on a chair placed near by. His cape draped over the back of the chair. As the warrior stood up he walked over to his sandals and placed them on his feet. He picked up his cape and fastened it around his neck, he placed his helm on his head and glanced at his weapons. Deciding that it may be a good idea not to put the guards of the palace on edge.

Exiting his room the guards nodded to him as he made his way to the dining room, it had apparently acted as the temporary meeting room last night. He had a pretty good idea of the castle's route from his room to the dining hall, as he was technically a guest he reasoned it would make sense to eat with his host. 'Hosts' Pantheon corrected himself, 'Though I suppose I thought that because princess Luna has yet to return to her duties. She did only return yesterday after all. I am more familiar with modern Equestria than her.' Though his only clue for what to do next was eat, he understood his issue would have to wait until the princesses had time. In the meantime, Celestia would most likely give the task of finding and researching a way home for him, to trusted servants and students.

When he entered the room he saw a curious sight, a Luna and Celestia chewing their food with frowns. "I hope I am allowed to eat here? If not I am not so sure where you intend for me to eat." the sisters looked at him as he entered.

"No you are our guest we would have sent a maid to fetch you for breakfast but we eat early due to needing to lower the moon and raise the sun." Celestia motioned him to a chair and he sat down. He removed his helmet and placed it on the floor so as to be out of the way. "That and neither of us is very happy after dealing with the aristocracy this morning, some of them heard about Luna's return and came to the palace to speak to us. Let us just say for now that, they were barely hiding their true intentions."

Pantheon nodded though he was not incredibly knowledgeable on any form of politics he did understand arrogance itself. Maids and servers entered and deposited the meal in front of Atreus. They exited again, leaving him with some some gourmet looking pastries and fruits. Finished with his food Atreus placed his helm under his arm and stood. After the quite meal the three of them began to leave the room, "What will you do about my situation, I understand you are busy, so if you send me to one of your ponies-"

"No, I think this situation can be cleared up fastest if I ask a few simple questions." Celestia cut him off but spoke in a tone which left Atreus, reassured for lack of a better word.

'She has a lot of experience with people...ponies' Atreus reminded himself. The group walked into what appeared to be an office, already there were stacks of paperwork on the desk. Celestia sighed when she saw them. Luna spoke up.

"We would help thou sister, but we fear that if thee changes thou hast spoke of are true. We may have to learn more than new words to help." Luna started her point with determination but faltered at the idea of not being able to help.

"Its alright Luna you'll help soon enough, for now though I need to know a few things from you Atreus." the solar monarch, now diarch sat in her chair. "What is the last thing you remember before finding yourself on Equis?"

"I was fighting an ascended at Narimazeth, I suppose the both of us landed our last blows on each other before I woke up on a beach. I found myself on an island of the coast of Vanhouver, I found out my bearings, asked a few questions, and traveled here to meet unicorns at your school. I suppose meeting you was a stretch goal at that point."

"That answers a few of my questions, out of curiosity who answered your questions?" Celetia asked with a tilt of the head, 'It may be a good idea to see how consistent his story is.'

"There were three ponies, the easiest to check with would be the stationed guards, Steel Gait and her apprentice Sky Ray." he noticed her question but decided that her worry was normal, giving some kudos to his friends would be a nice thank you to them as well.

"Hmm, so you were quite literally blasted here. That makes things unfortunately difficult if not near impossible for getting you home. If there were runes or spells involved that we could study in some capacity then we might be able to reverse it to return you." Celestia sighed and frowned, Luna saw her sister's reaction and nodded sadly. "I'm sorry Atreus, but you may well be stuck here. Unless you saw anything unusual about weird you woke up?"

Atreus sighed deeply, he leaned back in his own chair and realization made its way through his system, "On Runeterra there lies a farm, I wonder if there is bread above the hearth? But I suppose I may never return."

"We will give any help we can, maybe you can find a meaning here. I am sure there are those who misuse their power in this world. They may not be the same as what you faced on your home planet. But you could make a difference here by protecting the many races of Equis from them, from the dangers of the world. I know it is small comfort, and it is not the same. But I can not think I a more noble goal than protecting others."

Atreus look at her, he met eyes with both of the diarchy. "If I am to stay here for long I will need to have some form of power backing me. I am not a citizen of any nation, I will have legal trouble travelling, if I ever do." He sat up and looked Celestia in the eye as he spoke, "I once said that the blows of the gods can not strike the world, if they strike me instead. I believe that can apply here. I wish to hold up my vow, and I shall shield those in need." This prompted a smile from both princesses. "Though if you or another could still do some digging before we give up I would be in your debt."

"Of course Atreus, we will try our hardest."

"Doth thou wish for a position, we-I may have an idea." Celsetia turned her head to her younger sibling.

"What do you mean Luna?" Celstia inquired

"Today the nobles spoke to you about punishing me for my rebellion against you." Luna was learning it seemed though she was really having to force herself to say the correct pronouns, "I know that if you assigned u-me a guard to keep an eye on me. As a counter measure I suppose, one who helped defeat Nightmare moon. The aristocracy would be forced to silence because there would be measures against me if I tried anything."

"Luna you would never try anything, the only reason you did in the first place was because you were ignored by myself and our subjects. Something like that will never happen again. We will give ponies reasons to love you." Celestia said as if the thought that she had to watch her sister's actions was completely ridiculous. Anymore than she already was, that is, she had to make sure not to lose her only remaining blood family again.

"I know, but they don't want me here. And they raise a good point from a logic stand point. This would silence them while giving Atreus a job, if not a purpose. Though we..." she sighed, "I, keep slipping up.... Though I do not like the idea that his purpose would be to put me down if I were to become that monster again. I also find comfort in the idea that I would not hurt anypony if I did." Celestia looked like she wanted to say something before Luna fixed her with a look, "I don't want to fall into that place again sister, but I don't know what will happen."

Celestia paused and hugged her sibling, "I understand, Atreus, will you take the job. It would require some ceremony, at least an oath of some kind. And I know it would be a lot to ask, but if you did this then I would not have to deal with nobles trying to get rid of my sister. And I would e giving Luna a pony to talk to, as much as I might try I can not spend my full day with Luna. She needs somepony to talk to, she needs a friend when I am not there." Seeing the look Luna was giving her she booped her little sisters nose with her finger, "Luna I see what you are thinking, and no. You were lonely and unloved by our subjects, or at least felt so. You need a friend, or at least some pony to spend time with you. Some pony who will tell you when you are wrong and help you when you need it. He may not be perfect but if Atreus accepts this he can do this for us."

Atreus coughed, "I accept, far be it for me to not prevent a problem and help one in need while I do."

"Thank you Atreus, I am trusting you here. Don't let it be misplaced. I had better get to this work," the princess of the sun motioned to her paper piles, "I'll see you both later, tomorrow I will have everything ready to get you as a separate division of Luna's newly reestablished Lunar guard."

Before they left Luna quickly poked her sister in the nose and ran off saying, "Boop or be booped." Celestia smiled but muttered about getting her back at lunch or dinner.

Author's Note:

If you are wondering why Celestia shot down his dreams of getting home. Think about it, the only thing she has is his body and mind as evidence of his world, how is she supposed to get him home with that?

Also boop the snoot:

Also can someone write a story of Vulkan in Equestria, like from TTS. Hes perfect, he always wants hugs, friends, and adventure.

If no one does this I pull a Thanos.
And do it myself.