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The next day was extremely quiet in the house as Sunset refused to give in. They enjoyed having pancakes, sausage and bacon; before getting ready.

Twilight- we're getting ready now. See you soon

“Let's get going,” she called

Sunset led Brian to the school; which he felt was odd, but couldn't say anything as to the reason. Instead of heading inside the school; they stopped at the statue at the base of the entrance steps.

“Do you trust me,” she asked

“Of course I do. Why shouldn't I?”

Without warning; Brian found himself being pushed towards the statue. Out of instinct; he tucked his chin forward to prevent a head injury only to not make contact with the marble pedestal. Instead; he felt like passing through a dark tunnel; only to emerge with a bright light around him.

“Am…I…dead,” he asked skeptically

“I sure hope not,” a voice said from behind

“Should I know you? You look familiar.”

“You should recognize your own girlfriend,” Sunset answered jokingly “Welcome to my home of Equestria.”

“This feels so different. I haven't walked on four legs since I was running around as a child on my hands and feet. You really are a unicorn.”

“And you're a pegasus,” she added

“Welcome to Equestria; Brian Dragnov. Our daughter told us about you helping her. Forgive my rudeness; I am Princess Celestia; and this is my younger sister Princess Luna,” Celestia introduced

“And I am the God of Chaos; Discord,” he announced “Along with being Sunset’s father.”

“I am curious as to Brian's fur. That is unusual,” Sunset commented

Celestia summoned a mirror for him to examine his new appearance. Staring back at Brian was a black pegasus with blue wings that as he opened them; revealed black interior feathers. Looking towards his side, saw the design of a scroll with a pencil and musical quarter note crossed in 'X' shape. What stood out was despite having a body that was almost completely covered with black fur and blond mane; the tops of his front hooves were white with faint traces of scarring on them.

“Impressive. The mark is identical to the necklace you made for Christmas.”

“Perhaps I can help answer the question as to the color,” Discord suggested, holding up a picture “What do you see here?”

The image showed Brian as a human wearing his trench coat, next to an version without the coat. Sunset found herself running a hoof over the back of her neck in confusion.

“I don't know,” Sunset finally answered

“I do. I've worn black for the three years since my father died; and again with the loss of my mom. That trench coat became so much a part of me that it's easy not to notice my skin; especially when my hands are covered by gloves. Coming to Equestria revealed that; as well as showing my actual skin tone at the same time. I even have some scarring from the incident from three years ago as well.”

“What did thou do to result in scars,” Luna inquired

“You're going back to the old tongue again; Lulu. I told you that you don't need to use that anymore,” Celestia mused
“When I was human and found out my dad died in combat; I punched through a glass window twice. Both hands were cut up really badly."

“Ouch. I couldn't imagine the pain you were in,” Luna said “Although; it wouldn't have any affect on an alicorn.”

“I didn't know you had gotten here so fast,” Twilight said panting “It took time to gather the others.”

“A new pegasus; huh,” Dash mused “I challenge you to an aerial race.”

“I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request.”

“What did he say,” Rainbow asked, looking around at the others, as the six collectively shook their heads

“It means ‘no’. Why would; or rather; should I, as a guest, take such an unwinnable challenge?”

“So; you admit you'd lose,” Dash said proudly “A Wonderbolt never loses.”

“Rainbow; I told you he is Sunset’s guest here. Brian wouldn't learn how to fly soon enough for you,” Twilight warned

“I'll throw him off a cliff. That'll teach him,” Dash said sarcastically

“You'll do no such thing,” Rarity and Sunset said together

“That's not happening.”

“It was an offer,” Dash commented with a shrug

“Why don't we show him around,” Sunset asked “This room wasn't designed for so many occupants at once.”

“Girls; I'm going to assist Brian. Feel free to stay here if you'd like,” Twilight said

“I'll see you in a while; Twi. I need to get some apple bucking done,” Applejack said

“And I need to feed the animals. I don’t want them to get hungry,” Fluttershy added

“I'm going to make a ‘SorryYouCan’tStay;ThisIsOnlyTemporary’ cake for tonight's party,” Pinkie chimed in

“I hear some Daring Doo novels calling my name from your library,” Dash mused “Just come and get me if you need anything. Later.”

“Spike could probably use some company,” Rarity chimed in

Rarity and Dash headed to their respective areas of the castle, while Twilight led everyone else; including the Royal Sisters down the steps towards the castle entrance.

“This room wasn't meant for easy access; was it?”

“No. I didn't need anypony finding out the location of the mirror and trying to access it. The fifth floor seemed to be out of the way far enough that only the most determined might find it. Of course there are plenty of safeguards in the castle,” Twilight started

“What kind; if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Any teleporting will immediately result in returning to the entrance. I had detection spells that distinguish those that should be allowed to enter; and everypony else. My friends and select few can access any portion of the castle; while the others will automatically be guided to their destination without chance to deviate,” she continued

“Impressive countermeasures. This castle is almost a labyrinth to begin with; that somethings are redundant.”

“That's the best part of protection; you cannot have enough. My friends and I deserve a castle that is protected against outside attacks.”

“Twilight; we will see you later. It's time to head back to Canterlot,” Celestia said before she and Luna left

“So; what do you think,” Sunset asked

“The architecture feels as if it's going to collapse any minute; compared to the multitude of brick-and-mortar buildings at home. I mean no offense; by the way.”

“This is just the city of Ponyville. Other cities are built differently; such as the capital city of Canterlot,” Twilight countered

While walking around the town; they came to an area that was completely devoid of any structure against the entire town. Brian noticed Twilight wanted to keep walking upon seeing the spot.

“What happened right there?”

“I don't want to talk about it,” Twilight replied sadly

“What happened; Twi? You know it's not good to hold things in,” Sunset asked sweetly

“Tirek destroyed my old home; Golden Oak Library. It hurts to see it; even though a seedling was planted afterwards,” Twilight answered, wiping her eyes

“I'm sorry to hear that. At least there will something to fill the gap left behind.”

“On another topic; I see a concert that's happening later,” Sunset mused, gesturing to a poster; before reading “Octavia Melody of the Canterlot Philharmonic Orchestra.”

“It's cool to know that I've seen the human counterparts of many of the residents. I'd like to go to that if it's not a problem.”

“I don't mind; although I wouldn't be surprised if mom had tickets already,” Sunset added

“I don't know about anyone else; but I'm completely starved.”

“It has been a while since we had breakfast; although you're not going to find meat on any menu,” Sunset commented

“Well; some restaurants do have fish on the menu. It's kind of a delicacy to ponies. Vegetables are as common as dandelions and regular lettuce,” Twilight corrected “Is Sugarcube Corner okay with you both? My treat.”

“That's fine with me.”

“Agreed,” Sunset added “You'd probably want to lead; Twi. I wouldn’t know where to go.”

“No problem. Let's go; in fact it's just down the way,” Twilight said

Once in the restaurant; many ponies bowed to Twilight; which she shrugged off as unnecessary. Three chocolate chip muffins were ordered as they found a seat outside to enjoy the food.

“Ponyville is a really nice town. It has a feel of a small village from home.”

“It's so very different than your home. I actually have to thank Sunset and the human counterparts for teaching me about that world. I'm surprised you aren't having difficulties,” Twilight mused

“Walking on four legs is something I just try not to think about. I just find it funny that you'd grab food with the same hooves you walk on. It would be the same as a human eating with their feet. Luckily; you don’t have to worry about biological contamination of food.”

“In all the years I lived there; I never thought about it. Same with why I had never gotten sick; despite wearing thin clothing that didn't help in winter,” Sunset added

“After we get done; why don't we head back to the castle,” Twilight suggested “I figure Princess Celestia could send me a letter if there is anything to take care of.”

“That's fine with me. I wouldn't mind visiting your castle library if that's okay.”

“I don't mind. I'll use teleportation to get us home faster,” Twilight replied

Brian barely had enough time to blink; before finding himself in front of the castle. Thankfully; the experience was over fast enough his body didn't have time to recognize a change in location.

“The library is located on the third floor and bedrooms are on the second,” Twilight said

With that; he headed upstairs to find Rainbow Dash still lounging in one of the recliner-like chairs in the library. She was so into the book that she didn't hear him enter.

“Any good suggestions for reading?”

“Daring Do if you're interested in adventures,” Dash replied

“That sounds like a winner to me.”

“Start with ‘Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone’. It's the first book A.K. Yearling wrote,” she pointed out

As he started getting into the book; it felt similar to another archeologist-turned-treasure hunter from home and started humming the music
The noise actually caught his companion’s attention as she lowered the book.[imbed]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ntXJJwEk1NA[/imbed]

“What's the humming about,” she asked

“A song that popped into my head. It was from a movie that was similar; but I can't recall the name.”

“I wish I could see it,” she pouted

“Unfortunately; I doubt it. Not unless you can watch human movies.”

“Ponyfeathers,” she swore, before quickly putting a hoof to her mouth “Don't tell Twilight I swore; please? Twilight hates swearing and tries to prevent us from doing so.”

“My lips are sealed.”

“Brian? Would you come down here,” Twilight yelled

“I guess I'd better go too,” Dash decided

Dash jumped off the balcony and glided down towards the entrance as Brian made his way down as quickly and safety as possible.

“Sorry it took a while. Long way down,” he said, trying to catch his breath

“I just received a message from Princess Celestia. She's sending a carriage to pick you and Sunset up to see the concert,” Twilight explained

“You aren't going with us?”

“Not this time. There's a performance tomorrow we'll be going to. This is just for you to go,” she answered

They didn't have long to wait; as a knock on the door, followed by two guards standing out front meant it was time to go. Brian helped his girlfriend into the back before climbing in behind her as the guards sat in front.

“Welcome to Canterlot Coliseum. The concert is inside; although we'll be going to the VIP box,” Celestia introduced

Upon walking towards the entrance; the bouncers immediately stood aside to allow them in. A short distance inside the building was a section of wall with a curtain blocking it. Celestia lit her horn and moved it aside to reveal a door and stairs that led upwards. Once inside the booth; Brian and Sunset found themselves bookended by Luna and Celestia, as Discord popped in with a seat of his own, sitting towards one side.

“This should be a treat. The Philharmonic plays so infrequently it's almost impossible to know when it'll be held,” Discord mused

“It's a good thing that the conductor; Symphony Maestro lets me know in advance,” Celestia replied “That way I can plan accordingly to attend.”

“I haven't been to an orchestra concert in some time. The last one was when I first started playing cello almost a decade ago.”

As the concert progressed throughout the evening; Brian found himself closing his eyes during a piece dedicated to a cello solo. While it was soothing to listen to; it also reminded him of the occasions when his parents would listen to him practice; and he couldn't help but let a few tears run down his face.

“It's okay,” Celestia whispered

“I played that very same piece when I first started. Hearing it reminded me of how much I miss them.”

“They may be gone; but the memories still remain,” Sunset added, hugging him

Once the concert was over; Celestia had a carriage return them directly to Twilight’s castle for the evening as they planned on returning through the portal the next day.

“That was fun. Sorry about that incident.”

“You don't have to apologize. It's natural for that to happen,” Sunset replied


Twilight and her friends were waiting inside the entrance just as Brian and Sunset made their way inside. Before either could relax; they were ushered towards the dining room. Brian watched as a purple dragon wheeled a covered tray towards the dinner table.

“Here it is,” the dragon commented “Sorry. I'm Spike.”

“It's nice to meet you; Spike. I'm Brian Dragnov.”

“ComeonComeonComeon,” Pinkie said impatiently “Sit down already.”

Believing they were taking too long; Pinkie grabbed the pair and unceremoniously dropped them into adjacent chairs as the others calmly took their seats.

“Oops! I totally forgot about our guests,” a light pink, near purple unicorn said running in the room

“This is my student Starlight Glimmer,” Twilight introduced

“Good evening. I'm Brian.”

“Sunset’s human coltfriend,” Starlight simplified

“Enough chatting,” Pinkie begged

Twilight lit her horn up and levitated the tray onto the table before Pinkie removed the lid. Underneath was a chocolate cake in the shape of a scroll with Sunset’s cutie mark in the center. In the blink of an eye, Pinkie had the entire cake sliced into smaller pieces and sitting in front of the group.

“This is good. How'd you know my favorite flavor was German chocolate?”

“I can't tell you that. I am; however: glad you like it,” Pinkie answered

“This really is delicious. What exactly is in the frosting,” Rarity added

“Shredded coconut and pecans. Or at least that's what it usually is at home.”
“Yes indeedie,” Pinkie said

“What do you think of Equestria,” Rarity inquired

“It's a lot different that home; for a fact. It would definitely take a while to get used to; especially when humans aren't designed to fly. Not to mention food choice.”

“You eat meat often,” Fluttershy asked

“I do; but it's paired with salads most often. Transitioning from being an omnivore as a human to being a herbivore isn't exactly easy. Especially when so much nutrition comes from meat.”

“It took me a while to get used to eating meat,” Sunset chimed in “Although being homeless does change the way you look at food.”

“I'm sorry that you went through that,” Twilight apologized

“It was my fault. I thought was ready to become an alicorn when mom knew otherwise. Teenage angst drove me to head through the portal. With all that; I'm just lucky to have my Demon literally purged from me,” Sunset explained

“We've all had our ups and downs. What matters most is what we learn and take away.”

“Trust and understanding,” Applejack mused “I learned that after the wedding.”

“Let's not dwell on the past,” Starlight stated “We can't change what happened.”

“Agreed,” everyone added, dropping the subject

“I'll lead you up to the bedrooms,” Spike suggested “It's getting really late.”

“Thank you very much; Spike.”

After heading back up to the third floor and into one of the rooms; Brian immediately sat down and began to meditate before bed.

“What's that you're doing,” Twilight asked

“Meditating. A way of calming down.”

“I don't think she can do that,” Spike joked “Twilight panics over anything.”

“I do not,” Twilight argued

“Princess Celestia is on her way,” Sunset said in a deadpan

“Ohmygosh.Ohmygosh.Ohmygosh,” Twilight said, frantically breathing into a paper bag “Why didn't you tell me she's coming here!?”

“She's not,” Sunset replied calmly “I was proving Spike’s point.”

“Alright. Point taken. What do I have to do,” Twilight inquired

“Just sit down and close your eyes for starters.”

Following his instructions; Twilight sat next to Brian, taking an identical pose before looking over for guidance.

“Okay. What next?”

“Slow deep breaths in and out.”

“What do I focus on?

“Technically; nothing. If you wish; picture a house in the distance to look at as a focal point. Just a plain house. You can meditate as long and as often as you want in order to calm down.”

“Just don't suggest Pinkie try it,” Spike joked “I heard about the ‘Mirror Pond’ incident.”

“Thank you for showing me how to meditate,” Twilight said, hugging Brian “Hopefully it helps. Now; let's get to bed before it gets any later.”

“You're welcome. Nothing with happen overnight; but it should help.”

“I'm going to be right across the hall,” Sunset said, before yawning “Goodnight everyone.”

“I'm going to turn in as well,” Spike chimed in, before starting to fall over

“Let's get you to bed,” Twilight decided, levitating Spike onto her back “Goodnight to both of you.”

With the decision made for the group; each retreated to their rooms with Starlight being last to go. As he fell asleep; Brian was joined by Luna in his dreams.


Luna watched as a blond male on two legs; which she surmised as being her niece's human boyfriend speed through various points in life. At one point; a room with various people was seen with three looking familiar.

“I'm sorry to say; but your father, Captain Samuel Dragnov was pronounced K.I.A.,” a red male answered

“Dammit! Why'd it have to be him!?”

“Brian! Calm down,” Alexis asked “Admiral Tirek; did he say anything else?”

“He asked me to keep watch over the two of you,” Tirek answered

Luna watched as the scene progressed a few minutes to see Brian punching through the glass window. She winced at the aftermath as blood covered his hands. Sitting down; motionless, was the owner; in the metaphysical flesh.

“I'm sorry for your loss,” Luna commented

“As am I. I had to watch them being lowered into the ground at such a young age. It's not usual for a child; let alone a young adult; to fend for themselves.”

“You have help in the form of others; you only need to ask,” she said “My niece did get lucky with her boyfriend. Why did you help her out?”

“It was the right thing to do. Her friends accused her of something she didn't do and abandoned her because of it. I couldn't stand by and jumped in to help. Later on did Sunset tell me I was her savior.”

“I'm impressed you're not surprised about me visiting you in your dreams,” she mused

“I never thought about it. It would take a while to adapt to another world.”

“I'll let you get some sleep as you and Sunset are heading back through the portal tomorrow,” she said

“Goodnight Princess Luna.”

“Goodnight Brian,” she said before leaving


“Sleep well,” Sunset asked

“I slept.”

“Are you two leaving already,” Twilight asked

“Yeah. We wanted to get home early before anyone else gets curious at school,” Sunset answered

“If I could; I'd have moved the exit location close to your home,” Twilight mused “When you leave; I'm going to shut down the portal modification. It'll return to only opening three days ever thirty moons.”

“Roughly three years; I'd guess?”

“Two-and-a-half to be precise,” Sunset answered

“Just remember you can always contact us any time,” Twilight mused

“Thank you for the hospitality Princess Twilight.”

“It was my pleasure. I wish you best of luck in the future,” she said

Twilight accompanied the pair upstairs before hugging them. Sunset stepped through the portal first; having been used to the transformation.

“Thank you again for everything.”

“Take care,” Twilight said

With that; he calmly headed through the portal; only to fall on the ground on the other side.

“Let me help you up,” Sunset said, holding out a hand

“Thanks. That's not easy to get used to.”

“At least I'm able to return the favor from when my black-cloaked savior helped me,” she mused “After we get home; what do we do now?”

“I'd guess the college admissions letter for you should arrive soon. After that; might be touring the campus and getting registered.”

“Damn. Anything good to look forward to,” she mused

“College has its own class scheduling. You choose the time you'd want to attend class.”

“That's certainly good,” she pointed out “But we'll have to find a way to get there and back.”

Once he shook his legs to get feeling back into then; they set off for home. As they neared their destination; a covered object was sitting near.

“Glad to see you two back,” Tirek mused “This wouldn't have worked otherwise.”

“Don't look at us,” Scootaloo pointed out “It was daddy's idea.”

Tirek removed the cover to reveal a black Mustang car with similar interior.

“Thank you sir for this.”

“You're welcome; Brian. I figured you'd be needing a vehicle eventually and knew you'd like it,” Tirek said, hugging Brian

“Ironically; I loosely mentioned us needing a way to get to school,” Sunset said with a laugh

“That's taken care of. Now you just need to get registered for college,” Tirek added, hugging Sunset “We'll be on our way.”

“Thank you again for the Mustang.”

“You're welcome. If you need any help; just ask,” Tirek said before leaving

The following day; almost a week removed from graduation; Sunset received the letter from Canterlot University regarding her acceptance. After the weekend ended; they headed to the college to get registered for Fall classes. Sunset entered into the Education department and chose the best classes needed.

“Good luck with your classes,” Sunset said, kissing Brian on the cheek

“And you with yours.”