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By the middle of March; everyone was ready to get the Friendship Games over with. Since their return in mid-January; qualifications were started, with only Celestia and Luna knowing. Grades and attendance were being looked at to determine the group of representatives.


“Sister; have the finalists been determined yet,” Luna inquired

“I've been looking at this; trying not to show bias to anyone.”

“What have you been doing to combat it?”

“I asked all the teachers to withhold the names of students and just turn in a list saying how many students have been absent at a given time; along with an overall of their test scores,” Celestia explained

“I see at least fifteen that have perfect attendance and have carried at least an ‘A’ in their classes,” Luna mused, looking at a guide sheet “How are you going to narrow it down to twelve?”

“I'm not sure. I've asked the staff to watch the group closely. Their attitude also matters. Those that aren't showing any care to participate are to be removed.”

“When are you going to have the list done? Abacus is getting on my ass about it.”

“By the end of this day. Unfold the paper with the scores on it.”

“Half of these are surprising to see; but the others aren't. What about the three that didn't make the cut,” Luna mused

“They expressed their opinion about not caring about a; quote ‘stupid effing tournament’ and won't be joining.”

“At least we have a team; but I just worry about the past rearing its ugly head. Our students still haven't gotten over the Anon-a-Miss incident,” Luna added sadly

“I'm hoping it can be pushed aside. This year is the fifteenth tournament since it was started sixty years ago. I'd actually like to win just one damn trophy,” Celestia hissed

“Let's hope for the best. Besides; the students need to take care of the challenges on their own,” Luna suggested

“Do we have any idea of what's to be expected for the Games? Maybe we can secretly help out.”

“You're suggesting cheating!? Celly; you know the superintendent is in charge of designing the challenges for our schools. It was determined by the governor to have a truly unbiased party running it,” Luna chastised

“I know Lulu; but we also know Cinch has been known to do anything to win. I'd just like to beat her to the punch.”

“I'll say it again for you. The students need to take care of the challenges on their own. Cinch, Cadence and the two of us aren't supposed to interfere,” Luna said firmly

“Alright. I give up.”

"Good. I'm glad you give up."


“This is going to be fun.”

“How long have we had to qualify for the Friendship Games,” Sunset questioned

“Three months. It's getting closer and we're nowhere to knowing who's on the team.”

“Hopefully it's soon. I still can't get over the fact Anon-a-Miss isn't dead,” she added sadly

“Technically; we watched Scootaloo delete the account during the assembly. This is just the extended fallout from the secrets. At least most have made up; while only a small portion are against each other.”

“Come on; we should be getting to school. I'm surprised you didn't notice the time,” Sunset commented

“I did; but wasn't paying too much attention. At least we'll be early as usual.”

After getting to school; they headed inside towards the cafeteria before the morning rush could begin. Various groups had conversations regarding the upcoming event; as most just wanted to know when it would happen.


“Here goes nothing,” Sunset muttered

“At lease this should be good news.”

The walk down to the gym felt torturous for some students as the last time they were there; was regarding the reveal of the culprits of Anon-a-Miss. This time, they hoped it be good news for once. While some filed inside willingly; there were plenty of stragglers that felt hesitant and were ready to leave the moment something bad came up.

“Good morning students. I'm sure you're all wondering what you have been called here for,” Celestia started

“Something good; we hope,” someone yelled

“We can assure you it good news. The twelve members of our school's representatives have been chosen for the Friendship Games next week,” Luna added

“Please step forward when you hear your names,” Celestia said “Octavia Melody, Rarity Belle, Lyra Heartstrings, Fluttershy Angel, Bon Bon Drops, Rainbow Dash…”

“Yes,” Dash exclaimed

“Ahem; as I was saying,” Celestia said, with a little cough “Sunset Shimmer, Applejack Apple, Vinyl Scratch, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves and finally; Brian Dragnov.”

The twelve rose from their seats and headed towards the podium. Brian stood with his arms behind him; left hand in front of the right; at the middle of his back with legs shoulder-width apart. Most of the others had their hands in their pockets; not knowing what to do in front of their peers.

“Let's have a round of applause for our delegates, ” Luna added cheerfully

A thunderous roar emerged from the student body; with a few whistles as well. A huge weight was lifted as they could go back to their usual routines while the group studied.

“Everyone is dismissed to return to your classes. I would like the twelve of you to stay behind,” Celestia said

Once being told the good news; the students snatched up their backpacks and took off towards class. Brian and the girls headed to the stands to sit down in anticipation.

“Congratulations to each of you. You were chosen due in part to perfect attendance; grades and attitudes,” Celestia explained

“That helps at least with part of an answer; but what difference does it makes? CHS has a shitty record with the Friendship Games,” Dash replied crassly “0-14 doesn't look good to me.”

“We invite you to head to the teacher's lounge for the next couple weeks. This will give you privacy to study. Unfortunately; we don't know what you'd need to focus on,” Luna said

“We should have a leader,” Fluttershy mused

“Thank you for the confidence. I gladly accept the duty,” Dash said smugly, taking a bow

“I'll throw my name into the running.”

“You think you have a chance? I'm the captain of the soccer team,” she asked sarcastically

“And I led 3,500 students at one time. What's your point?”

“Never mind. You win,” a defeated Dash replied, hanging her head

“Just who are you,” Lyra asked

“Before I transferred here at the start of the year; I spent years at Canterlot Military Academy. For nearly two years from when I was sixteen to eighteen; I was the Cadet Commander in charge of overseeing the students. And to answer the imminent question; I came here for personal reasons.”

“Wait a minute; back up. You went to CMA,” Bon Bon asked “How'd you get in?”

“Their curriculum was designed to challenge its students in most aspects. As to how I got in is simple. My parents were in the Navy and that's all I'm permitted to say on that.”

“If that decision is fine with the rest of you; Brian will lead the group,” Luna commented, as the others nodded “By the way; you're excused from class during this time.”

Celestia handed over a key to the teacher's lounge; before directing them to the room. Inside was a small three seat couch along with a few round tables. Following his lead; all backpacks were placed against the wall to be out of the way; before they sat down at the tables.

“What should we call you? ‘Coach’ or do you have a preference,” Rarity inquired

“It's up to you on that.”

“‘Commander’ works for me,” Sunset commented, as most of the others nodded

“Since the games are approaching quickly; we'll have to play to our strengths. Do you have something you're good at; and something that needs work?”

“I obviously excel in Home Economics; but can't understand biology,” Pinkie admitted

“You can help me out in Home Economics and I'll guide you through biology,” Fluttershy suggested

“I'll help Rarity,” AJ decided

“I'm going to be with my girlfriend,” Lyra said, hugging Bon Bon

“When it comes to family; who knows me best than my sister,” Vinyl added, hugging Octavia

“Not in public Vee. Some may get the wrong idea,” Octavia countered

“I can keep Dash under control,” Sunset said

“Not funny,” Dash pouted

“I wasn't making a joke,” Sunset countered

“That just leaves you and me,” Derpy commented “Is that alright with you; commander?”

“I don't have a problem with that. I'll assist in any subject if anyone needs help.”

With that taken care of; they broke off into their pairs to study. He figured it was easier to work with someone that can easily balance you; than not. A break was called a while later; much to their confusion.

“Why are we stopping,” AJ asked

“So you don't burn yourselves out. Put everything away for now and you can take a nap if necessary.”

“How can anyone,” Rarity started, before a couple of snores rang out

Pinkie and Fluttershy were sitting against the wall; with their head on the other's shoulder, fast asleep. The others either shrugged or shook their heads at the sight.

“I stand corrected,” Rarity countered

Most of the girls found a seat at the table and used their bags as a makeshift pillow. Brian removed a piece of paper and wrote a simple message on it.

‘Students are safe. Just taking a nap’

“What's that for,” AJ inquired

“Letting the staff know that we're okay. That way; no problems arise if they see us sleeping.”

With the note finished; it was taped to the front door before Brian set an alarm on his phone and sat against the wall for his nap. Nearly forty-five minutes later; the alarm rang, causing them to stir.

“Have a nice nap everyone,” a voice asked

“Principal Celestia? What brings you here,” Sunset asked, wiping her eyes

“We thought you could use something to eat,” Luna replied “A couple of sandwich platters to be precise.”

“Thank you very much. I suggested taking a break so as not to exhaust ourselves studying.”

“That is a very wise thing to do. Your studies are coming along alright,” Celestia mused

“I think we should be fine. Everyone knows what to focus on,” Rarity answered

“We wish you all the best of luck,” Luna finished, before they left

“Let's get back to work after we eat. Perhaps we should have a spelling test?”

“That's the problem; isn't it? We don't know what to focus on,” Vinyl complained

“It might be an overview of classes,” Derpy suggested

“Damn. I just hope we can win,” Dash said

“I think we all have that idea,” Octavia countered “After all; we represent everyone here.”

“No pressure with that,” Fluttershy said nervously

“Let's not get too worked up right now. We still have a week to study and need to make the most of the time.”

“If we do have a spelling test; what words could be used,” Lyra inquired

“I don't know. They could use collegiate terms to trip us up,” Sunset mused

“Alright; that's out. All I can say is try your best if they do give us a spelling test.”

“Just a suggestion; but let's call this a day and head out,” Pinkie suggested

“Sounds good. Considering lunch is fast approaching.”

“Two lunches baby,” Dash enunciated happily, as the others shook their heads in disbelief “What? I'm hungry. Besides; I'll burn it off during soccer practice.”

The room was cleaned up before they departed. Afterwards; Brian headed to the office in order to return the key.

“Principal Celestia? This belongs to you.”

“Keep it for now; Brian. We'll get it back after next week,” Celestia replied

“As you wish. I did have to make sure about it. And once again; thank you for the sandwich trays.”

“You're welcome,” Celestia said “Go ahead and head to the cafeteria if you're still hungry.”

After lunch ended; the group officially departed for the day. While Dash headed to soccer practice; the other members of the Rainbooms went to support her. Anyone that didn't have anything to do either headed home or to work.

“That was interesting,” Sunset mused

“What's that?”

“Today at school. We knew we were representatives; and only have a week to get ready. Can we really win this year,” was the answer

“I'd like to be positive and say we can. As long as we focus on our strengths; there's a fighting chance.”

The rest of the week seemed to fly by as they prepared. Nearly every subject was studied just in case it was important. The feeling of the group was a combination of relief and worry as Monday approached.

“Brian, as the leader of the team; you are expected to wear something that identifies you as such,” Celestia said

“Anything within reason?”

“Yes. Just something that stands out. As for the rest of you; I'd recommend wearing your P.E. shirts,” she added

“I have an idea. You'll see it on Monday.”

Once at home; he immediately started going through boxes until the clothes were found. A pair of khaki pants and polo shirt were removed and washed. A pair of gold oak leaf pins were pinned on the collars at an equal distance from the edge of each corner.

“What’s that,” Sunset asked curiously

“My uniform for Monday. I guess it's a civilian version of a Navy commander's uniform. It sets me apart from anyone else, that's for sure.”

“What about your gloves,” she asked

“I'll wrap my hands and fingers up instead. I wear these so often I actually end up forgetting them.”

“It really is hard to believe you punched a glass window twice. I wonder if that might have alter your appearance in Equestria?”

“We'll find that out eventually. I'd like to go after we graduate high school.”

“I should be able to arrange that. I'm just surprised Twilight hasn't messaged me yet,” she mused

Monday morning saw an unexpected surprise. A black SUV-limo was waiting on the street with its driver standing by the back door.

“Sunset Shimmer and Brian Dragnov; correct,” the driver asked

“We are indeed.”

“Welcome aboard,” came the reply

With assistance from Brian; Sunset climbed inside first as Brian followed next. The rest of the team, along with both Luna and Celestia were already sitting in there.

“This is so awesome,” Dash said

“I am curious as to who set this up,” Applejack commented

“We shouldn't look at this as a whodunit; but enjoy it. It's not often you get a limo ride to school,” Celestia replied

“Brian; I have to ask one thing. What are you wearing,” Lyra asked

“Considering my parents were in the service; I decided to wear a ‘civilian’ uniform; complete with the actual insignia on the collars.”

“We did say to wear something that identifies you as leader. Although most might not agree; this certainly sets you apart from the others,” Luna added

“Ladies and gentleman; we have arrived at our destination,” the driver called

As they departed their limo; a second one arrived, with the members of Crystal Prep’s team inside; along with a series of tour busses for the other students. While the students started leaving the bus; another visitor arrived that seemed to be noticed by mainly the adults.

“It's been a while; Brian,” the guest commented, holding out a hand

“Three years; sir. It's good to see you again; Mr. Neighsay.”

“Superintendent; actually. I was recently promoted to the position,” Neighsay replied, as they shook hands

“Congratulations; sir.”

“You are the leader of this school; are you not,” a voice demanded

“Yes ma'am. Is there a problem; by any chance?”

“You broke a rule already by not identifying yourself,” she added rudely

“Actually Principal Cinch; he has done no such thing. The rules state identification; but does not specify a meaning. You student is wearing a sash that reads ‘captain’ that is visible to everyone. This young man is wearing a military-like uniform against the P.E. shirts of his teammates,” Neighsay countered

“You should consider yourself lucky this time,” Cinch snarled “My students will not be so generous.”

“How do you know the superintendent,” Rarity asked

“Long story I'd rather not get into.”

“Brian; why don’t you take the team and show the prep’s representatives to the cafeteria for breakfast,” Celestia suggested “We'll meet you in the gym afterwards.”

“The rest of the student body has already eaten; so it'll just be all of you inside,” Luna chimed in


Luckily; the students seemed to revel in getting away from the adults and gladly followed.

“This is the cafeteria? It's so small and plain compared to ours,” one of the prep students commented, to which Brian chuckled

“You find something funny about that,” another demanded

“Blueblood’s got a point. What's so funny,” a third asked

“Something I was thinking about. You don't need to bother yourself with it.”

“Who are you,” Blueblood inquired
“Brian Dragnov; commander of Canterlot High School's team.”

“Let's not get into a fight right now,” Sunset warned, stepping between them

“She's right. We'll crush you later,” a prep student countered

“Alright youngings. Breakfast is here,” Granny Smith announced

Once the trays of pancakes were brought out; the cafeteria had a clear divide between schools as they stared at one another.

“This is going to be a long day,” Fluttershy said sadly

“The games are about friendship. I say ‘friendship’ my ass,” Dash hissed

“It's funny. This was supposed to be about friendly competition when it first started. Now; it's just shy of a brawl.”

“Let's just hope this day goes without incident,” Sunset commented

Upon their departure from the cafeteria, students from both schools stood on opposite sides of the halls; leaving just enough room for the teams to walk between. As the team from Canterlot High passed by; the rest of the students fell in line behind Brian as a gap was formed between schools. Crystal Prep repeated the gesture with their team upon passing.

Once inside the gym; the hostility continued as each school took one wall of bleachers. Although some conversations were heard; no one dared to acknowledge the other.

“Good morning to the students of both Crystal Prep Academy,” Neighsay started, as the students cheered “And to Canterlot High School. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Superintendent Neighsay and I will be overseeing the events of the Friendship Games as a neutral judge. I wish both teams the best of luck.”

“I'm going to put this simply,” the head of Crystal Prep stated “CPA will win once again.”

“Forgive the rudeness of Principal Cinch. I'm Dean Cadence and I wish everyone the best of luck,” Cadence said sweetly

“The first event of the Friendship Games will be a best 2 out of 3 challenge consisting of three skills. The winner will be decided at the end,” Neighsay said “Challenge 1 will be based on shop class. The teams with the lowest scores from each school will be eliminated.”

“I don't know,” Rarity started

“I'll help you out; Rares. Just follow my lead,” AJ said reassuringly

Inside shop class; the assignment was to build a bird house. To be successful in the challenge; it had to be structurally sound.

“What do we need to do first,” Derpy asked

“Let's get the wood cut to size first. I'll use the table saw for that.”

The initial pieces were cut to length, before having two receive angular cuts for the walls and roof.

“I'll use the nails,” Derpy decided

Brian grabbed a hammer and small container of nails before passing them to his partner. Derpy skillfully nailed each piece together; without so much an incident, despite her tendency to clumsiness. Instead; one of the Shadowbolts ended up smashing their thumb attempting to hammer a nail.

“Principal Cinch; I injured myself,” she whined

“Suck it up. A little injury won't hurt,” Cinch demanded

“The winners of the build are Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap for their creative build of a two-story birdhouse,” Neighsay announced “Unfortunately; the teams with the lowest scores are Canterlot High’s Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch; and Crystal Prep’s Jet Set and Upper Crust.”

“Sorry everyone,” Octavia said apologetically

“We screwed up,” Vinyl added

“It's alright. We knew it was bound to happen. Just be proud you did your best.”

“Challenge 2 consists of Home Economics. Good luck,” Neighsay added

The task was to make a dessert for the judges. Without trying; most teams ended up baking cakes for their simplicity. Bon Bon was unfortunately unable to make anything she liked and settled on a pound cake, but realized the recipe would take too long to finish. Under the watchful eyes of the judges; no communication could happen; so Brian had to hope for the best.

“The winning team for this event is Canterlot High’s Fluttershy Angel and Pinkie Pie,” Neighsay declared “Due to unfinished desserts; the teams of Bon Bon Drops and Lyra Heartstrings along with Suri Polomare and Royal Pin have been eliminated.”

“Yes! That evens the score,” Dash cheered

“Way to go Pinkie! You both made an excellent cake,” Applejack added

“Everyone will report back to the gymnasium. The final challenge will be a spelling bee,” Neighsay said “The six students with the highest overall score for each school will move on to the second event.”

With renewed confidence; Canterlot High’s team headed back looking to take the first event. Neighsay gave everyone a list of words that became harder near the end; discouraging both teams.

“I can say everything easily; but spelling it is another story,” Pinkie whined

“I know what you mean. It's hard to prepare for what you don't know.”

“The four students that received the lowest scores are Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy Angel from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep’s Trenderhoof and Neon Lights,” Neighsay announced “The overall winner of event 1 is Crystal Prep Academy! Congratulations to the students of both schools that are moving on to the second event."

“Imbeciles! Each of you! For your lack of effort; the six of you that were eliminated have received detention for the rest of the school year,” Cinch chastised

“Congratulations to each of you,” Luna said “This competition has proven to be a challenge.”

“I wish we all could move on; but I'm glad it was the six of you,” Fluttershy said, hugging Brian and the others

“Your second event will be outside. I suggest you get ready now,” Neighsay mused “Your outfits are waiting for you.”

“It looks like we're doing some extreme sports,” Sunset mused

“I call dibs on one of the motocross uniforms,” Dash called, reaching for one

“Then I'll be your teammate,” Sunset decided

“Looks like Rarity and I will go skating,” AJ chimed in

“That just leaves us; commander. Whatever we have left,” Derpy mused

“No argument here. Good luck in your respective games.”

“Wondercolts on three,” Sunset said, holding out an arm as the others followed



“Now let's show those prep students how we take care of things,” a determined Applejack added

“Hell yeah,” Dash chimed in “Let's kick ass!”

The six headed outside; only to be joined by their opponents. Looking around; the entire field was transformed to feature a motocross track with a speed skating track inside and an obstacle course taking up the reminder.

“They built all this? That's unbelievable,” Dash said in awe

“They really didn't want to make this easy. Be safe girls. Let's get to the center.”

“Right away commander,” Derpy said, with a salute; to which he actually returned

“Ladies and gentlemen; I'd like to welcome you to the second challenge of the Friendship Games. This is the Tri-cross relay. I'll turn things over to Dean Cadence for the introduction,” Neighsay said

“The two teams will begin with the obstacle course in the center. Only when the first person has shot a bull’s-eye can their teammate run the course. After that; the speed skating will begin and end after each team ran eight laps. Finally; the three lap motocross race will begin and determine the winner of this event,” Cadence explained

The obstacle course consisted of two hay bales that would be used as hurdles. Following that was a ten-foot gap filled with sand to swing over; which lead to the dual archery targets for both teams.

“Which one of us should go first,” Derpy asked “I don't do too badly in P.E.”

“If you'd like to start; go ahead. We can win by working together.”

“Good luck,” Sour Sweet taunted “You'll need it; losers.”

A blow horn rang out as the signal to start the course. Derpy and Sour started head to head going towards the hay bales. Just before Derpy could get to the rope swing; Sour hooked her right leg around her opponent's left, causing Derpy to fall.

“Ow. I think my ankle might be twisted,” Derpy cried

Without any remorse; Sour Sweet continued to run the course and scored a near bull’s-eye on her first shot. Brian bolted through the course, vaulting over the first bale with ease. Using his current speed; he dropped his right shoulder on the bale and rolled over it effortlessly, before hitting the rope swing. Once at the range; two arrows were loaded and shot at both targets; allowing CHS to continue the race. Looking over his shoulder; he saw Derpy had moved towards the side of one the hay bales to rest and headed over to her.

“It hurts,” she pouted

“Let me see it,” he asked, gently looking “It's definitely going to be sore for a while. With any luck it's just a rolled ankle. Let's get you over there so they can take care of you. Hold on to me for safety.”

“Thank you; Brian. I'm sorry I got injured.”

“This wasn't your fault by any means.”

Making sure to be careful; Derpy was lifted in a bridal-carry as he swiftly made his way towards the speed skating track where the others were racing.

“Wha,” Rarity started to yell, before he shook his head

Just as the racers were on the other side of the track; he took the moment to dart across towards where Celestia was.

“Derpy needs to get ice on her ankle ASAP.”

“What happened; miss Hooves,” a worried and concerned Luna asked

“As we took off; I felt my opponent grab my ankle with her leg, before I fell,” Derpy replied

“Nurse Redheart; fetch an ice pack please,” Celestia directed “We'll take it from here; Brian.”

“With all due respect, I'll stay; ma'am. As the commander of the team; it's my responsibility to look after my teammates.”

Brian sat and watched the last portion of the relay as Sunset and Dash were gaining on their opposition in the closing laps. Although he knew he should be thrilled; seeing the injury made him a little disconnected from the event.

“The winner of the event is,” Neighsay started

“And champion of the Friendship Games; Crystal Prep Academy,” Cinch finished, before pointing a finger at Brian “He cheated by not waiting to run the course; therefore the race goes to us by default.”

“Actually, Principal Cinch; you're wrong. As found in the rulebook for the Friendship Games; Section 10: Article 5: Subsection Alpha: and I quote, ‘During an event when a competitor is injured; their teammate may complete the challenge without receiving a penalty’ end quote.”

“That is correct. Your representative deliberately hooked their leg around miss Hooves here with intent to eliminate her by injury. I should disqualify you; but I won't. the third event will be a tiebreaker to determine the winner,” Neighsay stated

“No one reads that silly thing. It's meaningless,” Cinch attempted to retort

“Be that as it may; but it was written and signed as an official document by Mayor Hardluck when it first started sixty years ago. I've read the rulebook to know its history.”

“What happened,” Sunset demanded

“Sour Sweet didn't do anything wrong,” Sugarcoat argued “Your partner was just a klutz.”

“Let me at them,” Dash growled

“This gives me an idea. Since you want to fight; we'll return to the gymnasium and set up a wrestling mat. The tiebreaker will be held under single combat,” Neighsay decided, rubbing his chin “Who is going to represent you?”

“I will,” Brian decided, before Dash could get a chance to speak

“Fine with me. I look forward to beating you,” Blueblood taunted

“Miss Hooves; I'm going to call your parents to pick you up. You will need to get x-rayed to determine if any damage has been done,” Redheart said

“They can wait a few minutes. I'm seeing this through to the end,” Derpy replied defiantly

“Let's go inside. Dash; help me carry her,” Sunset directed

“Yeah. We take care of one another,” Dash said

With the two supporting Derpy; they returned inside to the gym with the rest of the school following behind. Brian was in the back of the group with the adults, along with the team representatives.

“Let's get the mat set up,” Luna directed

Bulk Biceps returned momentarily with the roll slung on his shoulder before setting it down. Minutes later, it was rolled out and adjusted so everyone could see as they sat down in the bleachers.

“What exactly are we going to do about attire,” Blueblood inquired

“If you have your gym clothes with you; the two of us head into the lockers to change. For fairness and to prevent cheating; one adult from each school will be there with us as one heads to the boys’ lockers and the other to the girls’ lockers.”

“Fine. I choose Dean Cadence and Principal Celestia,” Blueblood decided “I'm taking the boys’ of course.”

“No arguments from me."

Sunset tossed Brian his bag as his escort led him into the locker room. For privacy and simplicity; he headed into the bathroom and quickly switched outfits. Upon emerging, Luna and Cinch looked over him.

“No powder or liquids on you,” Cinch demanded

“Just a simple plain deodorant applied. No lotion or oil has been applied to any part of me.”

“Fine. Just get going out there,” Cinch demanded “This is a waste of everyone's time, anyways.”

Both competitors emerged from the locker rooms at the same time and headed towards the mat.

“Gentlemen; I will be the official in charge of this contest. This will be a grappling match where you must make the other tap out. No strikes will be permitted; nor shoes allowed on the mat,” Neighsay directed

“Um; excuse me. The representative from Canterlot High School seems to have an advantage over Blueblood. Statistics say, that having taped up hands provides better grip in a fight,” a feminine voice called from the stands

“You're right. Thank you miss…”

“Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle,” she replied

To most everyone's surprise; Snips and Snails ran forward carrying a big garbage can. Brian started removing the tape from each finger, before finding unwrapping his hands. Many students nearby closed their eyes at the sight of the scars on his hands.

“Oh my goodness,” Fluttershy muttered quietly

“Sunset; did you know about that,” Applejack inquired

“Brian mentioned it; but never showed me,” Sunset lied

“What could cause such damage,” Rarity mused

“Think; dammit! Think! Why does he seem familiar,” Dash muttered under her breath

“Are both competitors ready,” Neighsay asked as they both nodded “Bow to each other.”

“I'm not lowering myself to this coward,” Blueblood complained

“I'll just beat some respect into you then.”


Blueblood hunched over in an attempt for a double-leg takedown; only for Brian to sidestep and counter with a leg sweep. Once Blueblood fell; he found his arms and legs forcefully crossed into a human pretzel. Brian grabbed the exposed ankle and yanked.


“Let me out,” BB demanded

“Do you quit,” N inquired

“Never,” was the response

Brian decided to release the knot his opponent was in; but continued punishment by having an arm bar put on. To his surprise; Blueblood managed to roll through and apply a leg lock of his own.

“Give up,” BB said

“Is that all you got?”

Just as the two rose to their feet; Blueblood decided to pull Brian's hair and stuck him in a headlock. Brian reached around his opponent's waist and brought them back to the mat.

Once there; Brian hooked an ankle and leaned forward, before grabbing just under the nose and wrenched back. To the horror of Crystal Prep students; Blueblood repeatedly tapped a hand against the mat, signaling his defeat.


“The winner of this event is Brian Dragnov,” Blueblood announced “That means with an overall score of 2-1; the winning school is Canterlot High School.”

“Congrats on beating me,” Blueblood said wanting a handshake

“Good match.”

“Now I know where I recognize him from,” Dash realized, giving herself a face palm

“Where's that; Dash,” Rarity questioned

“Brian helps out at my martial arts dojo as a guest instructor. I just never paid attention to him having his hands wrapped,” Dash answered

Out of habit; Brian bowed on the mat as he would have done in martial arts; before getting his shoes back on.

“Congrats,” Sunset said, kissing him on the cheek

“I didn't know you two were together,” Rarity commented

“We made it official on Christmas.”

“Before we hand over the trophy; why don't both of you get changed into your street clothes,” Neighsay suggested

“Yes sir.”

With that; they headed into the locker room and split into different areas. While Brian wouldn't have minded getting a shower; he thought it was easier at home. Regardless of opinion; they finished their business and returned to the gym; only to find the wrestling mat had been removed. Derpy had been helped to her feet as Dash and Sunset were supporting her as the others joined them.

“Ladies and gentlemen; I'd like to present this year's trophy for the Friendship Games to Canterlot High School,” Neighsay announced, handing the trophy to Celestia

“Where'd you learn how to fight like that,” Blueblood asked

“From my previous school. I was in 50 fights over two years.”

“Than you should have been expelled from the school,” Cinch countered

“Except we were trained to defend ourselves. Canterlot Military Academy made sure of that; and since I was the Cadet Commander; it fell on me to be the best.”

“Congratulations to each of you for your efforts,” Celestia and Luna said

“This couldn't have happened without everyone working together.”

“Don't be so modest; darling,” Rarity said “Without you leading us; we didn't stand a chance.”

“I'm going to notify your parents now to pick you up,” Redheart decided

“We'll wait outside for them to arrive,” Fluttershy said

True to their word; the twelve representatives headed outside with Luna and Celestia in tow. Cinch led her disappointed students back to the busses and left in a hurry; having not been able to cheat to win.

“This is a surprise. What did we do to deserve the welcoming party,” Derpy’s father asked

“The eleven of us were her teammates for the Friendship Games. Although we won; your daughter ended up receiving a possibly rolled ankle in the process.”

“Is this true; Principal Celestia? Our daughter won,” her mom inquired

“It is indeed. She chose to stay with her teammates to watch the final event; instead of leaving early,” Celestia answered

“I had to see it through. My ankle is going to hurt regardless; but I had to support my friends,” Derpy argued

“Congrats to each of you. We'll get her to the hospital. See you again soon,” Derpy’s dad said

Her parents watched as Sunset and Dash helped Derpy inside before taking off. They hoped the damage wasn't as bad as it could be.

“We'll give you the day off; but will need to return Wednesday for class,” Celestia decided “Besides; you'll be working on the final exams and prom soon.”