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Tuesday morning Brian woke up early and knocked on the door to Sunset’s room. Although it was his house; common courtesy was extended to guests in terms of privacy, especially not knowing one's state of dressing.

“Girls? It's time to get up.”

Leaving them to their own business; he headed to the kitchen to start working on breakfast. Not wanting to insult Twilight; just pancakes were made, instead of adding bacon or sausage on the side. As an additional surprise; chocolate chips were added into the batter.

“Smells good,” Twilight commented as she entered

“How'd you know chocolate chip pancakes were my favorite,” Sunset inquired as she followed

“I didn't; but instead thought it would be a nice surprise for you both.”

“Sunset; aren't you glad to be with someone like Brian? A surprise breakfast of your favorite food,” Twilight teased, causing a blush to form on Sunset’s face

“I'm not…we're not,” Sunset stuttered “Are we?”

“I don't know. I mean; we can be if you want to.”

“Your expressions say it all. The two of you just don't realize it,” Twilight added

Breakfast continued without hassle as they enjoyed the food before taking the hike to school. Uncharacteristically; he threw a few pens and empty notebooks into his backpack before slinging it over his shoulder.

“That's a first. You taking a backpack,” Sunset mused

“I do have an actual class schedule; even though I've never bothered to use it. Besides; from here on out, I am attending CHS.”

“I didn't realize your house was so far away,” Twilight commented

“It's only a mile away. Only years ago I had to complete ten mile hikes when I was in Canterlot Military Academy.”

The walk continued in peace as they arrived fifteen minutes later. As usual; only the teachers were arriving; leaving the group with privacy.

“I'll see you sometime soon. Hopefully everything returns to normal. Bye; Sunset,” Twilight said, hugging her before turning to Brian “Thank you Brian for your hospitality. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

“Farewell Twilight. I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet you.”

After watching Twilight pass through the statue, they were joined by Celestia and Luna before everyone entered.

“You're finally attending school? Why the change,” Luna inquired

“I did say I would be participating in the Friendship Games and I thought it'd be best to actually join the school.”

“Just take it easy on the other students,” Celestia suggested

"I have no intention of doing anything otherwise."

Once the bell rang; he and Sunset parted ways and headed towards different classes. Scootaloo and the others were stopped by someone standing in the hallway.

“The five of you will follow me; if you don't mind,” Discord stated

“Why you,” Diamond Tiara asked “The useless janitor?”

“I am still a teacher. I just chose to help out cleaning the grounds. Now; let's get going,” he replied

Without question, albeit reluctantly; the five were led down a hallway into an area containing unused classrooms. One was opened up to reveal a five-by-five layout of desks.

“One of you per column. Front and back corners and middle,” Discord directed

Scootaloo grabbed a seat in the middle row, middle seat. Apple Bloom had the back right corner, while Diamond Tiara took the back left. The first and last rows were occupied by Silver Spoon and Sweetie Belle; as the five formed a giant ‘X’.

“The rules for In-School Suspension are simple. No talking as you complete your classwork. All bathroom breaks will be handled one at a time by Dean Harshwinny.”

Discord walked over to each of them and dropped a manila envelope on the desk. Inside each of them was the work assigned by their teachers.

Once given out; the girls began working in total silence. The only sounds throughout the room was the scratching of graphite pencils over paper and the steady ticking of a clock.

“Break time. One by one; you'll be going to the bathroom,” Harshwinny stated as the bell rang “The rest of you can stretch by your seats.”

“This is cruelty. You can't keep students locked up like prisoners,” Tiara argued

“This was actually a lesser punishment than what I would have given to you. Be thankful for that,” Harshwinny countered


“Sister; I just received a phone call from Filthy Rich.”

“What did he want,” Luna asked

“To thank me. Two police officers arrived with a warrant and took a look at the computer. Within minutes; records regarding students were found as they took the computer. Filthy was shocked and angered his daughter was the architect of Anon-a-Miss.”

“What'd he say about the punishment?”

“If she puts another toe out of line; Diamond Tiara will find herself in CMA.”

“It's wrong of me to say; but we know she'd never survive a year at the academy,” Luna mused

“Don’t tell anyone; but I'm in agreement with you.”

“It's funny. Brian actually created the in-school suspension; but I'm wondering if we should keep it,” Luna questioned

“I'd say we use it as a last resort. Isolating the students in one room and having total silence is punishment enough. Besides; we need to work on adjusting their class schedules.”

“How so,” Luna mused

“By making sure they don't share a class with any of them. PE can be adjusted to have one in each hour.”

“Fair enough. Even though the five are just doing homework; I have another thing for them,” Luna said with a smirk

“Spit it out Lulu.”

“If you can get a list of names; have the group write apology letters to everyone,” Luna suggested

“Already ahead of you. The police are sending me a copy of names for that purpose.”

“Well; great minds do think alike. We'll have them start the letters tomorrow,” Luna said


Over the next few hours; the five girls found themselves getting a bathroom break during what would have been the passing period before returning to the room. All five had their work finished just prior to sixth period ending.

“If everyone's done; I'll take the work and you'll be dismissed for lunch once the bell rings,” Discord said

“Finally. This is ridiculous to treat us like this,” Tiara complained “And we have to do this for the rest of the year!? Wait until my father hears about this.”

“I'm sure he'd be happy to know what you've been up to,” Discord countered, with a hint of sarcasm

“Get going,” Harshwinny directed as the bell rang “Dismissed.”


Brian casually stored the notebook just as the bell rang; managing to leave first. After getting his food; he headed towards a table near the back before being joined by Sunset.

“How'd it go,” she asked casually

“Not bad. I actually forget how boring some classes are.”

“Sunset? Do you mind if we join you,” Fluttershy asked cautiously

“Go ahead. There's plenty of room.”

“We're sorry for not believing you,” Pinkie said

“You did at least give me the benefit of the doubt,” Sunset replied

“You tried to change after becoming a demon. We tried to reason why you would have thrown that away,” Pinkie said

“That's why I helped Sunset out. She tried to change and needed a friend when everyone stood against her.”

“Do you mind more company at the table,” a voice asked from behind

“Rarity; Applejack Come join us,” Pinkie said, patting a chair

“I hope you don't mind us joining you uninvited,” Rarity commented, sitting down

“Not at all. There's some things you need to discuss.”

“We're sorry about our treatment of you. I can't call myself the ‘Element of Honesty’ if I have to lie to cover my backside,” Applejack said apologetically

“And I really should have considered your generosity towards others as you helped others out,” Rarity added

“Thank you girls; but I hope you know that it's going to take some time before I truly accept your apologies. You did abandon me and refused to hear my side of the story,” Sunset replied sadly

“That’s understandable. We'll be here whenever you do choose to accept us,” Fluttershy said

“I'll throw a party for us to celebrate,” Pinkie added

Once school was released; Brian and Sunset headed to the store in order to restock on food. A few packages of meats were selected that they agreed on. Along with the meat; Sunset carried two bags containing fruits and vegetables. Upon getting home; everything was stored away by Sunset as he divided up the meat.

“Sorry about earlier at lunch,” Sunset said, breaking the silence

“It's alright. Let them take a day or two to get settled. Even Twilight was in the same position.”

“Are you going to be okay in class? It's been a while since you attended,” she mused

“I'll be fine. Besides; I don't need to show off. How'd it go with you?”

“Every class was practically dead silent. Friends that were normally chatty seemed almost ready to attack one another for the smallest incident,” she answered sadly

“We just need to take it easy and keep our heads down; so to speak. It's going to be a while for some to trust each other.”

“I'm honestly not looking forward to PE. Any game we play will be a massacre just to survive.”

“Talk to Principal Celestia about it. See if you can get a free period or have the class changed,” he suggested

“I'll try for a free period. It's not all that important anyway.”


After arriving at school; Sunset immediately headed to see Principal Celestia about her problem. Brian decided on waiting outside the office for her.


“Principal Celestia; is it possible to change my PE class?”

“Why do you want to do that,” Luna asked

“With the Anon-a-Miss incident; everyone is still on edge and is practically attacking one another in class. I'm not really interested in getting assaulted.”

“Is it just in that class, or any others,” Celestia asked

“Probably all; but they get to take out their frustrations in PE. Nothing helps to stop it; either.”

“Very well. I'll send a note to the teacher about this. In the meantime; take the period off and tell Brian to do the same,” Celestia decided

“Thank you; ma'am. We know it's not easy; but that is ridiculous to resort to such methods.”

“I'll announce that no fighting will be tolerated on school grounds,” Luna chimed in


As Scootaloo and the others entered the room; each were handed a stack of papers as a projector was turned on.

“What's this for,” Sweetie Belle asked

“You're going to write letters of apology to every student that had secrets posted online. There will be five letters to each of them,” Discord stated “Starting with Sunset Shimmer.”

Scootaloo simply wrote that she was glad to have gotten the weight off her chest about being one of the creators. She added that her father was notified and would accept whatever punishment he decided was best. Silver Spoon wrote the same basic message stating that much of the posting were due to her inability to confront her only friend. When each letter was finished; Discord stuck them in an envelope with that person's name on it.

The reminder of the day was spent writing letters as it progressed the same as Tuesday. Bathroom breaks happened once during each period as the others stretched in the meantime. Surprisingly; everything was finished before the end of the day as they enjoyed the free time.

Without caring; each had their heads on the desk as they took a nap until the final bell rang. Discord turned the letters over to Celestia to hand out to each of the victims while Harshwinny watched over the class in the meantime.


“Finished,” Discord said, as he entered

“Thank you for that.”

“When are we handing them out,” Luna asked curiously

“Tomorrow might be best. That way; we can work on separating them by first period class. And we also need to fix class schedules for the girls as well.”


Once the final bell rang; everyone was running down the hallways to leave. For those that chose to remain; lunch was next for the rush. Rarity and most of her friends were together for the walk.

“One side,” a voice called, slamming into Pinkie

“That was pretty rude of Dash,” AJ commented

“She's still mad from what happened. Give her some time alone,” Pinkie replied

After getting their food; the four found Sunset and Brian's table and joined them.

“What's with Rainbow Dash? I don’t think I've ever seen her so pissy before,” Sunset commented

“It's the Anon-a-Miss incident. She's still mad and taking it out on everyone,” Fluttershy answered

“Hopefully she calms down. Otherwise; she's likely to get hurt,” Brian commented

“I'll give you ‘hurt’,” Dash said, approaching the table “Don't talk shit behind my back. Say it to my face.”

“Don't do something you'll regret. Just take it easy,” AJ said, standing in front of Dash

To everyone's relief; Dash turned around and walked away in a huff as Fluttershy let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

“That was too close. I don't want to see any more fighting,” Fluttershy said

“Thank you for standing up to her.”

“She's too erratic right now. Let her be alone for a while,” Rarity said


The following day saw a repeat of Tuesday for those in trouble. A packet was handed over containing class assignments were removed, along with a small envelope.

“What is the meaning of this,” Tiara demanded

“That is what is known as a ‘class schedule’. Each of you have all new classes,” Discord replied in a deadpan

“How can you do that,” Bloom added

“The five of you will not share any classes to prevent anything from happening,” Harshwinny added


Before her first period class could begin; Cheerilee handed out a stack of manila envelopes to a portion of the students. A series of letters were removed.

I'm sorry for putting you through the hell I did. Thank you for accepting my apology after my confession. My father has promised me there will be punishment for what happened

This was my fault. Diamond Tiara is my only friend and I couldn't stand up to her. I hope you can find it in you to accept my apology
-Silver Spoon

I don't regret what I did; I just regret getting caught. My sister never spent time with me because of you. You'll always be a demon as far as I'm concerned
-Apple Bloom
P.S Discord- This is not to be considered an apology but a complaint.

You should have received better treatment than what you had. Who am I kidding; I don't care! You bullied everyone long enough and someone had to do something about it. I can't get into trouble because my daddy will prevent anything from happening.
-Diamond Tiara

I'm sorry for stealing your phone. The pictures were nice and showed off some of my sister's lesser seen works. Looking back; I should have asked whether or not you would minded me using them. Please accept my apology for everything
-Sweetie Belle

“Why am I not surprised? There had to be at least one rude message amongst the bunch,” Sunset muttered under her breath “Let alone two.”

“What's this about,” another student asked

“Those of you that had secrets released during Anon-a-Miss have received messages from each of the culprits,” Cheerilee answered

Sunset threw it into her backpack as the lesson was started; although it didn't mean that much. The others that had letters were comparing them to see what was written to them.

“It seems that two of the girls didn't care. They basically just wrote a message that politely read ‘screw you’ in fancy language,” someone complained

The rest of day was all about the letters received so Sunset didn't bother ditching class. In response; their PE teacher just had the girls walking the track in order to do something productive.

For the boy's class; it was the same thing; but their coach let them choose what to do. Brian decided to take advantage and train. He found a broken broomstick that lacked a brush and used it as a bo staff.

“That's not too hard,” Flash commented “I'd kick your ass in a fight easily.”

“You saw what he did to the Diamond Dog gang; right? That was a 3-on-1 fight and he fought them easily,” someone commented rhetorically

“Not to mention a knife-wielding Gilda,” another added

“You really want to try? Go ahead.”

As Flash attempted to charge in; one end of the wooden staff was used to knock Flash off his feet with ease.

“Done already? Of course I did have a advantage. Still think you can kick my ass?”

“Probably not. Even without that stick, I'd lose,” Flash answered as he got to his feet

“Glad you realized that. Your opponent has a skill advantage over you,” their PE teacher commented “He's been in martial arts for years, by the looks of it.”

“You're right, sir. I've trained for eight years and hold a 2nd degree black belt.”

“Sorry about attempting to fight you,” Flash said, holding out a hand “This Anon-a-Miss incident has everyone on edge still.”

“Apology accepted. I've seen many students receiving envelopes from the culprits.”

Lunch was casual with everyone showing one the letters they received. Sunset went to grab something in her backpack as Rainbow Dash glanced into it.

“Give me that. That's not yours,” Dash demanded, reaching into the bag

“You could ask to see something first,” Sunset countered, wrenching Dash’s arm “And two; what's not mine?”

“That case,” Dash said

“I'd like it back,” Lightning Dust said, approaching the table

“Not here. Release her arm and follow me.”

Brian led the girls straight to the principal's office. Dash decided not to go and just stayed behind in the cafeteria.

“What can we help you with,” Celestia questioned

“Shimmer has something that belongs to me,” Lightning Dust stated

“What exactly do you have that belongs to miss Dust,” Luna inquired

“A pocket knife. I grabbed it during the attack last week,” Sunset answered “I forgot it was in my backpack.”

“Why here,” Celestia asked dumbfounded

“Handing over a weapon should be done where an official can see it,” Brian offered

“I'd like the knife back. It was a gift from my dad before he died,” Dust said sadly “He was in the military and died in combat.”

“I'm sorry for you loss. I know how you feel as both of mine died in combat as well.”

Without a problem; Sunset opened her backpack and removed the knife. Lightning Dust cradled the blade and clipped it on her side carefully; before covering it up with her shirt.

“Thank you Sunset. I'm glad you kept it safe. Gilda knew about me having the knife; but didn't know its meaning. It was her idea to send the three idiots to attack you,” Dust said, hugging her

“I'm sorry for taking your knife. I thought you'd continue to attack me if I gave it back,” Sunset replied

“I'm glad you both settled things. You both received the apology letters from the five,” Celestia mused

“If they could be called as such. Both Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom have no regret of creating it or the hell it caused,” Dust said

“Same goes for me. Neither of them want to be redeemed,” Sunset added

“Unfortunately, the apology; or rather lack there of; is out of our hands,” Luna replied


Friday saw the students receiving an unexpected day off for a staff development day. Sunset decided to take advantage and wanted to train with Brian. He started taping his hands and fingers to cover up the scars in the meantime out of habit.

“What do you want to do?”

“Can we use the wooden swords,” she asked

“Of course. We'll go easy on each other.”

As he handed over the second sword to her; Sunset charged in to attack. Without thinking; the blow was parried as he moved aside. The pace slowed down as the attacks became methodical. Both circled one another before she chose to attack. In response; Brian stepped around her and held the sword to the back of her neck.

“And there's your head.”

“That was fun,” she said panting

“Where'd you learn how to sword fight?”

“I never learned; but acted on instinct. Throughout the sparring match; I tried to read your actions to prepare.”

“For just instinct; that was really good. I did the same considering my background.”

Before the two could do anything else; a loud pounding resonated from the front door. Sunset placed her training sword on a rack while he kept his in hand. Upon reaching the door; Brian nodded for her to open it. A pink blur shoved by the two and started running around the living room.

“This should be big enough for the others to sit. The cake can get to the kitchen easily,” Pinkie said to herself

“Excuse you.”

“It's Pinkie. Let her be,” Sunset whispered

“Oh; I almost forgot. I need to let the others know,” Pinkie mused

It takes place at 123 Fake Street. See you girls soon

About ten minutes later, another knock was heard as Pinkie walked over and casually opened it. Brian watched as the other four members of Sunset’s friends; including Rainbow Dash; headed inside and made themselves at home in the living room.

“I hope it's alright we're here,” Fluttershy commented

“It's fine,” Pinkie replied

“This is a nice house,” Rarity said

“It certainly feels like a museum,” Applejack mused “It’s really quiet.”

“This place is dull,” Rainbow Dash chimed in

“That's it,” Brian whispered to Sunset “It's time to step in.”

“Eyeballs,” Brian called, entering the room with the sword on his shoulder; before pointing it towards Pinkie “Ears open and mouths closed. You barged into my house without reason or permission and invited the others without asking. Anything to say for yourself?”

“I wanted to get the others here to celebrate,” Pinkie replied

“You still didn't need to shove past us,” Sunset added

“We came to officially apologize for abandoning you,” Rarity said

“I'm still mad; but not at you. It's taken all week to realize you were innocent,” Dash said, hanging her head “I'm sorry for everything.”

“Sorry for the unwanted entry,” Fluttershy chimed in “We should have asked first.”

“Yes; you should have. Especially if you planned on giving my address to anyone else without permission.”

“If it's alright with you; there is one more thing that is to be here,” Pinkie replied vaguely

For the third time that day someone was knocking on the door. A male and female in aprons arrived wheeling a box on it into the house.

“Sorry about this. Pinkie asked us to deliver this to your house,” Mrs. Cake replied

The box was opened to reveal a rectangular cake decorated with Sunset’s cutie mark on top. Mr. Cake brought a couple cases of regular non-alcoholic cider in along with a container of ice cream.

“Sunset; could you ever forgive us for our actions,” Applejack asked

“Brian; what do you think about this,” Sunset inquired

“This decision is out of my hands. You need to decide whether or not to forgive them after you were wrongly accused.”

“Girls; I do forgive you under one condition. You have to promise not to ever jump to conclusions again without at least hearing both sides of events,” Sunset stated

“I agree to the promise. We made a big mistake before and paid the price,” Applejack said

“I can do that,” Fluttershy added

“That is fair. We need to listen more to the whole story than our own opinions,” Rarity commented

“Yes indeedie. I'll listen extra carefully,” Pinkie chimed in “Just in case someone else doesn't.”

“Deal,” Dash said simply

“Before we cut the cake; would you allow Sunset and a few moments to get changed?”

“Go ahead,” the girls said

“No funny business back there,” Dash added jokingly

Brian ran downstairs for a moment to return his training sword before heading into his room. A simple black pair of sweatpants and a shirt were thrown on; although he decided to leave his hands taped up so the others didn't see the severe scarring. Sunset chose to throw on a pair of tights and t-shirt that were already destined for the wash. Once done, the two returned to meet the others in the living room

“We never did get your name,” Fluttershy commented

“Brian Dragnov.”

“Out of curiosity; what are the wraps on your hands for darling,” Rarity inquired

“I did that when we were training. It covers up some scars I have.”

“You seem awfully familiar to me; but I can't place it,” Dash commented “It's been driving me crazy trying to figure it out.”

“Don't hurt yourself trying to think about it. Perhaps the answer will come to you later.”

“This is your house; I'd guess,” AJ asked

“It is now. I'm not interested in explaining that; either,” he replied simply

“Enough with the sadness. It's time for cake,” Pinkie said cheerfully

Brian retrieved a cake knife from a drawer and handed it over to Sunset.

“Are you sure you want me to do it,” Sunset questioned

“I'm sure. This is about your forgiveness. I'll dish out the ice cream.”

Without any further questioning by Sunset; the cake was cut and passed out as the others headed into the dining room.

“To forgiveness and second chances,” Fluttershy offered as a toast

“Forgiveness,” the girls chimed in

“What do you two lovebirds plan on doing for the holidays,” Rarity asked

“We're not together. Brian is letting me live here,” Sunset said hastily

“Where did you live originally,” AJ asked “You had sleepovers at our houses; but never mentioned yours.”

“I was homeless living in an abandoned factory,” came the answer

“Well; you're doing better now. That's a good thing,” Pinkie commented

Rarity and the others decided to start heading home soon. Since they arrived uninvited; it was fair to assist in cleaning up the mess first. A quick glance at the clock revealed the time to be 6:30pm.

“We're sorry to have dropped by without telling you,” Fluttershy said

“Thank you for helping to clean up. We'll see you when the semester restarts in January.”

“See you soon and take care,” Sunset added as the others left