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1 (Edited)

Canterlot High School. It wasn't uncommon to see groups of friends gathering in the hallways. This time was different for those in the nearby vicinity as a lone yellow-skinned female stood against her five pastel-colored friends.

“I didn't do it,” the lone female begged “I swear.”

“We don't want to hear any excuses. You posted those secrets as Anon-a-Miss,” the rainbow-haired female replied

Without warning; the lone female was shoved to the ground as the students gathered around watched. A male was gently maneuvering through the throng of students before reaching the front.

“Come on,” he said “I'll help you up.”

A black covered arm shot out towards the girl as she used it to pull herself up as he reached towards her backpack.

“Let me get this for you,” he added

“Why would you help that lying bitch,” Dash demanded

Instead of receiving an answer; the male just turned and looked Dash dead in the eyes without blinking. She'd heard stories of soldiers talking about something they referred to as a ‘thousand yard stare’ and wondered if that wasn't what she just witnessed. Either way; she forced herself to repress a shudder in response. With that; he and Sunset left the area without a sound as many were trying to process what just happened.

“Thank you for picking me up,” Sunset muttered, before starting to look over her shoulder

“Don't look back; just trust me,” he replied “It's only gonna hurt.”

The next hallway they walked down lead towards the principal's office. Heading inside; they stopped at the secretary's desk, much to his companion’s confusion as he pointed to a notepad and then to the principal's room.

“This is an unusual sight, seeing you here. Pardon my rudeness; I'm Principal Celestia’s secretary Raven Inkwell. You want me to pass on a message” Raven mused as he nodded, looking down at the note

PT for two.

“Very well. I'll make sure Celestia knows,” Raven said before they left

“What's that all about,” the girl asked

“Later,” he muttered

Just before the pair could walk out the front doors; another person stood in the way. His appearance consisted of a patchwork suit that clashed with his gray hair and goatee.

“Heading out already? You know you can't leave without an escort,” the male commented

“You're Discord; the school janitor; aren't you,” she asked

“I am indeed. Follow me and I'll give you a lift home,” Discord answered

“Anywhere has to be better than here,” she said with a sigh

After heading to the employee parking lot; the trio climbed into Discord’s truck as they took off. Their destination was a one-story house with a basement near the edge of town and just before Canterlot’s city limits. Once out of the truck; Discord took off back to school as the house was unlocked.

“Come on in,” the male said

“You do speak,” she joked “Although you did say a few words earlier.”

“Course I can,” he replied “The less they know about me; the better.”

As they entered the house, the male set his bag down on a chair in the living room. His companion looked around to see a couch facing a flat screen television; a few bookcases against the wall and another shelf in the corner.

Looking closely on the shelf revealed multiple pictures along with two identical triangular frames. He reached inside his shirt and removed a chain necklace before heading to the shelf. After bowing his head; the sign of a cross was made before the chain was placed on it. Following that; the trench coat he was wearing was taken off. Underneath was a black short sleeve shirt, black cargo pants tucked into combat boots and black fingerless gloves. She noticed his skin tone was as white as the school's resident DJ; Vinyl Scratch.

“I'm sorry for the rudeness. I'm Brian Dragnov and I don't believe I caught your name,” he introduced

“Sunset Shimmer. Thank you again for helping me. I am curious as to why you did so,” Sunset answered

“Something my parents instilled in was the idea of helping out others in need. All I saw was someone who could use a hand as everyone seemed to be against you.”

“I don't believe I've seen you at school. Did you transfer to CHS,” she mused “And what was about ‘PT’?"

“I transferred at the start of the year. It's a rather long story; but the PT was a code Principal Celestia agreed upon. What exactly happened earlier?”

“How's about this. I'll tell you my story, if you tell me yours,” she suggested

“Very well.”

“To start with; I'm originally from another world inhabited by ponies called Equestria; which happens to have its portal situated at the rear of the marble statue out front of the school. I got into a fight with my former mentor and ruler of the country; and headed to this world with a huge chip on my shoulder,” she started

“Once registered; I became the queen bitch of the school, ruling with an iron fist. I used any method I could to trick others into doing my homework and ended up breaking up friendships in the process,” she continued

“Fast forward to my senior year now and things changed. The ruler took on a new apprentice and I decided to steal her crown, thinking it was rightfully mine. Just a few months ago in October during the Fall Formal; I was turned into a literal demon hell-bent on taking over my home world."

"The new Equestrian princess; Twilight Sparkle, along with the five girls you saw standing against me defeated me using what's known as the ‘Elements of Harmony’. Afterwards; I was left with a trio of scars on my back by my shoulder blades and tailbone,” she finished; turning around and lifting her shirt up “Your turn to share.”

“The chain you saw me remove was my parents’ dog tags and the two frames were their memorial flags. Three years ago when I was 16, my father died when I was a student at Canterlot Military Academy. When I found out; I did something that really doesn't need to be attempted. Just recently, my mom died at the start of the school year,” he explained

“What exactly did you do,” Sunset asked

Instead of giving a response; Brian casually removed his gloves and held his hands up. The back was covered in jagged scars that continued onto the fingers. Sunset turned her head as he put the gloves back on.

“What the hell did you do,” she asked in horror

“I punched a glass window. Not once, but twice. The initial blows weren't felt; but I opened my hand up as I removed it from the holes; resulting in the scars.”

“Why didn't you get a skin graft?”

“I wanted the reminder of the mistake. I know my father wouldn't have wanted it; but what's done, is done.”

“Thank you again for helping me; but what happens now,” she mused

“Let's take a seat at the kitchen table and you could explain what happened earlier,” he suggested

With Brian leading; the pair left the living room and headed into the next room. A small notebook was dropped on the table as he stopped by the fridge. Two cans of root beer were removed as Sunset took the other.

“The problem started on Monday this week. After they heard that I never had a sleepover; it was planned to have one every day this week. While over at Pinkie Pie’s house, another of the girls; Applejack received a call from her little sister Apple Bloom with the nickname ‘Piggly Wiggly’. The next day; a MyStable user calling itself ‘Anon-a-Miss’ posted the name.
On Tuesday was Rarity’s portion; and early on she told us that her little sister was instructed to head to her room for the night while we were together. Pinkie found outfits that apparently were to be destroyed and we played dress-up; taking pictures using my phone. On Wednesday a test was posted relating to one of the girls. This morning they confronted me over everything and attacked me; as you saw,” she explained

“Monday saw a secret nickname posted; Tuesday had pictures; Wednesday a test,” he muttered, writing in the notebook

Monday-> nickname
Tuesday-> pictures
Wednesday-> test
Thursday (today)-> confrontation
Similarities: siblings…*involvement?*

“Do you really think they could be involved,” Sunset asked, looking at the notes

“At this point; they can't be ruled out.”

“Going back to what you told Mrs. Inkwell earlier. What was that about,” she asked, changing the subject

“A code for whenever I decide to leave. It stands for ‘Private Time’ and just means that memories or something bothered me enough not to stay. It was agreed by the school superintendent that I just had to attend once a month.”

“So you've never seen any of the events that transpired at all,” she mused

“No. I don't have any social media presence; even though I do watch videos online. I prefer not to get involved in anything.”

“I'm surprised you aren't questioning me about coming from a world of ponies or becoming a demon,” she joked “I'll show you the video.”

“Laptop's in my room. I'll be right back. As to different worlds; I'm not going to criticize something I don't have any expertise on.”

A few minutes later; he returned and had the laptop set up. Sunset typed in a web address for a video sharing site and found the incident in question. One of the students actually recorded everything; although many believed it to be an elaborate hoax.

“After seeing the scars earlier; now I get to see what really happened. This is what caused all the problems?”

“Yeah. It helped me rethink everything I've done. Before I forget; I actually have homework to get done,” she said

“I could help of you'd like. We'll order pizza later if you want.”

“That's fine with me; but I don’t want to impose,” she said defensively “I should get home soon.”

“It's not imposing. Out of curiosity; where do you live?”

“A rundown factory. I'm homeless and have a few things there,” she answered, with a hint of sadness in her voice

“I could retrieve them for you; if you'd like.”

“It's not much; just another set of clothing. Rarity made it for me; but I don't wear it because of this Anon-a-Miss crap,” she said

“I've been at the factory years ago. CMA used it as a training ground for unconventional tactics. We played laser tag in there when I spotted a mattress in an unused room that seemed to be used.”

“What sort of tactics are unconventional,” she asked, hoping for clarification

“It was thought to represent rundown areas as we had to take caution throughout the building.”

Sunset grabbed her backpack from the living room and removed a math book and paperwork for the assignment. Each of the problems were copied down and solved as Brian returned the laptop to his room. Around 2:30pm Sunset finished with her homework when a notice appeared on Brian's phone.


“Sunset; if you don't mind, would you follow me for a moment?”

“What's going on,” she asked hesitantly

“Something or someone tripped the house's alarm system. I'd rather not have any problems arise from you being here.”

“Alright. Lead the way,” was her response

The two headed out of the dining room as Sunset clutched her backpack. Reaching a non-descript portion of the wall; Brian pushed and opened up a room with multiple screens that displayed views of both inside and outside the house.

“What is this place,” she asked in awe

“Security room. Most of the rooms are wired with audio and visual surveillance to keep unwanted visitors out. From here; you'll be able to see and hear everything that transpires out in the living room.”

“There's the visitors. You might want to meet them out there,” she mused, pointing to a screen

“Sorry about this. I just don't want to see anything happen.”

“Fair enough. Who knows what the students would do if they knew you were harboring the person suspected of being the culprit,” she said with a forced laugh

The front door bell rang and drew their attention. Sunset closed the door as Brian made his way back out to the front. Upon opening the door; three girls were standing there along with another female in uniform in the back. The uniform consisted of black pants, black long sleeve with high collar topped off with a green beret that had a golden shield emblem on the shirt and cover.

“I caught these three trying to sneak in,” the uniformed female stated

“We didn't mean any harm,” one of the girls added hastily
“Thank you Commander. I'll take it from here,” Brian said

“Yes, sir,” the uniform replied, snapping to a salute

“Please come in.”

The trio of girls hesitantly following Brian as he led them inside to the living room. They sat down on a nearby couch while he took a recliner.

“What can I help you three young ladies with?”

“I'm Apple Bloom and these two are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle,” Bloom introduced

“We represent the Canterlot Multimedia Club,” Scootaloo said "And we'd like to interview you.”

“It's also known as the ‘Canterlot Movie Club’,” Sweetie Belle added cheerfully

“Wouldn't that be a job for the school newspaper?”

"We'll turn the interview over to them,” Scootaloo answered, with a hint of nervousness in her voice

Brian filed the knowledge away of any ticks the girls were showing to add to the list from earlier. Right now; he thought it was best to play along and see where the line of questioning leads.

“What do you wish to know,” he asked casually

“Perhaps you could start with your name,” Sweetie asked, as Bloom pulled out a notebook

“Brian Dragnov. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Why haven't you been at school,” Bloom asked

“I transferred at the start of the year. As to why I haven't been at school; I'm afraid I'll have to plead the Fifth on that.”

“Who was that at the door with us,” Scootaloo asked

“An old friend of mine. That's all I can say about that.”

“What's that over there,” Bloom asked, pointing to a shelf

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle headed towards the shelf with pictures on it. Scootaloo turned to see Sweetie picking up one of the funeral flags and immediately turned away at the sight.

“Please put that down. It's very personal.”

“If these are your parents in the photos; where are they now,” an oblivious Bloom asked

“Gone; and that’s all I'm at liberty to say. I do have a question for the three of you. How did you get here?”

“We followed you after you and Sunset got into Discord’s truck. It really is a long walk from the school,” Sweetie replied

“Why haven't you answered our questions,” Bloom asked sarcastically

“I gave an answer to the questions you asked. Most of that is too private for you to know.”

“Thank you very much. We should get this written up,” Scootaloo said, shooting a glance towards the others

A confused Bloom and Sweetie trailed behind Scootaloo as they left the house. Brian could make out small snippets of a phone call asking to be picked up. Once they were gone, he headed to the security room to get Sunset.

“They're gone? So what do you think,” Sunset asked

“They were certainly acting strange. I hated lying to them, but it wasn't their business to know.”

Shifting uncontrollably
Vocal pitch change
Pupil dilation
Uncomfortable view of flag *[may not be related to incident]*
~Possible suspects~

“How do you notice some of this,” Sunset asked, looking at his notes

“CMA taught us how to profile others. These are the little things that go unnoticed.”

“You really believe they might be suspects,” she asked

“At this point, they can't be ruled out. Unfortunately; we can't run to Principal Celestia without evidence pointing to them.”

“True. Damn. A message from Anon-a-Miss,” she said, removing her phone

Who is this mysterious stranger at CHS? I have the answers

“This all but confirms the trio are the perpetrators.”

“There's more. Let's read on,” she added

Brian Dragnov was seen escorting a student away from Canterlot High School. He is apparently a transfer student whose parents are away for personal reasons

“What do we do now? It's getting late.”

“I could order pizza for us and you could stay the night.”

“It is starting to get late, and I hate being out alone. Usually at this time; I'm already back at home, working on any assignments for school,” she mused

After ordering pizza and being informed of a 45 minute wait; the two decided to throw a movie on to watch.

“Who was the girl in the uniform you addressed?”

“Tempest Shadow. After my incident at CMA; she took over as my replacement as captain of the student body. After I left; she agreed to stay another year as advisor while keeping her rank.”

“What exactly was the job?”

“I was the highest ranking cadet at school; in charge of leading exercises and drill. Other than drill; we were taught mathematics and science classes, sometimes being more advanced than public schools. For example; if you're just learning trigonometry; older cadets had calculus. Sports were mandatory for everyone; which led me to being introduced to martial arts. I was taught grappling along with traditional techniques.”

“That's one of the reasons you don't need to attend school? It'd be a refresher to you,” she inquired

“It could be said. I honestly don't see myself any better than anyone else. I'd be happy to tutor anyone that needs it. I do have to ask you something.”

“What's that?”

“If you were Anon-a-Miss; what exactly do you get out of it?”

“What do you mean?”

"Simple. You just created an online account that has information about other students. What's your next move?”

“Nothing. I worked hard enough to make amends that I wouldn't want to ruin my chances,” she answered

"Than it would stand to reason that you couldn't be the suspect. Even if those three young ladies weren't the creators; you don't fit the profile. Usually; the perpetrator would have some kind of motive and reasoning as to their actions. Thankfully, Sunset; you have neither."

“I have a question of my own; if you don't mind,” she offered, trying to change the subject


“What exactly do you do at school,” Sunset mused

“I usually attend class at the start of the month to get it out of the way. If I'm not assisting in the office; I just find something to do that no one would notice me. Away from school I'm usually at the nearby dojo training or helping others.”

“Sorry. I had to ask.”

“I understand. Food's here,” he said as the doorbell rang “Plates are in the cabinet if you don't mind retrieving a couple.

“Not at all. Thank you for dinner.”

With that; Brian retrieved his wallet and paid for dinner while Sunset headed to a cabinet and pulled out a couple plates. The two enjoyed a quiet dinner without thinking about school.

“Do you happen to have a set of night clothes? I'm going to need something if I stay here,” she asked

“I should have something for you. Please excuse me momentarily.”

After leaving the dining room, Brian headed into a room down the hall that was relegated as storage. Inside were multiple boxes that contained clothes belonging to his parents. Looking inside a box of his mother's clothes; a blue long sleeve gown and matching pants were removed as he headed back.

“They might be a slight bit big; but these should do,” he said, handing them over

“They'll be fine. Thank you for everything tonight; Brian,” she said hugging him

“You're welcome. I'm heading downstairs to the dojo, if you'd like to join me.”

“It might be useful. Do you happen to have a spare uniform?”

“My mom's old one should work.”

He led her downstairs to find a room that had multiple cases surrounding a raised section of floor containing wood panels. Racks on the wall held multiple katanas and bo staffs. Opening a closet; he retrieved his mom's dobok.

“Go ahead and use this. She wouldn't mind.”

As Sunset returned upstairs to change; Brian grabbed a bo staff and started to practice. Heading towards the middle; he began his forms as Sunset returned.

“Could you show me little to defend myself?”

“How much have they assaulted you?”

“Nothing more than someone bumping into me; but I don't want to take any chances,” she answered

“Fair enough. There's four basic blocks to know. High, low; and two middle blocks; directing an attack inside or outside the body. When someone does grab you; it's possible to use their momentum against them.”

With Brian leading; the two practiced different techniques and modified grappling. So as not to injure one another; the holds were lightly applied and the moments were slower.

“It's getting late. We should head to bed,” she commented

“Are you sure about tomorrow? You could just skip.”

“As much as I'd want to; I don't want to give anyone more reason to believe I'm Anon-a-Miss,” she said with a sigh

“I'll help you out. I can talk to Principal Celestia about getting permission to sit in class. You and I have suspects; but can't act on it until there's proof.”

“I don't mind you watching over me. Of course you know PE is split; and I don't entirely look forward to it.”

“It's 8:30pm. If you need a shower; go ahead.”

“I'll be out in a few minutes. Just need to rinse off and it's yours. I can't thank you enough for your hospitality,” she added before departing

Once she was out of sight and upstairs; Brian headed to one of the cabinets and opened up a hidden shelf. Inside were a pair of .38 caliber pistols and ammo magazines.

“Hopefully I don't need to use these. Thank you both for teaching me. So long my friend,” he muttered quietly

“Sorry to interrupt you; but where could I get another towel? Pistols? Just what do you have,” she asked in shock

“I'm not going to lie. Each of these cabinets open up to contain multiple weapons. My parents were military and wanted to be prepared in case anything happened. These two were given to me before my dad died. One shelf has nonlethal weapons including brass knuckles and tonfas. There is a paintball gun in there to use along with a Kevlar trench coat.”

“Damn. That's an impressive arsenal you have. Don't use the pistols as I don't want anyone injured,” she said

“Of course. In response to your question; there's a closet with towels next to the door.”

True to her word; Sunset was in the shower long enough to lather up to remove the sweat accumulated during practice. A few minutes after she emerged; Brian headed inside and rinsed off as well.


Sunset decided to grab her journal and see if Twilight had left a message while she was busy.

Sunset; I haven't heard from you in a while. What has been going on over there?

Sorry; I've been busy today. The girls are still convinced I posted secrets about them and abandoned me. A gentleman and fellow student helped out and has given me something good.

I'm glad that you have had someone helping out. Do you mind if I talk with him?

Just a minute and I'll ask. We're in separate rooms right now.

“Brian? My friend Twilight I told you about earlier would like to talk to you. May I come in?”

“Enter,” he replied

Opening the door; she saw him sitting on the floor with his legs folded as he meditated. Brian opened his eyes as he stood up to stretch.

“What do I have to do,” he asked cautiously

“Just write. This connects to my original home of Equestria.”

Good evening. My name is Brian Dragnov. It's nice to communicate with you.

My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I'd like to thank you, Brian; for helping Sunset out.

It's my pleasure to do so, Princess. I saw her pushed to the ground and felt compelled to help. My parents; although deceased, would have expected me to do so.

I am sorry about the loss of your parents; but they taught you well.

I'd like to think so. With the time they spent in this world's Navy and the time I spent in a military academy certainly helped.I do know much about time differences; but it's starting to get late in my world.

Good night to both of you.

Good night Twilight. I'll talk to you again later.

“Well; it is time to get to bed. See you in the morning Brian.”

“Sleep well,” he answered

With no other distractions; Sunset returned to the guest room and changed into her nightclothes and headed to bed. Before falling asleep; Brian found himself meditating over the events of the day.

‘It has to be those three young ladies. Neither of us were on a computer at the time of the interview. I just hope this situation gets solved sooner rather than later. I'd hate to see the school tear themselves apart over petty crap,” he thought