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After winning the Friendship Games for the first time in sixty years; Brian and the other members of the team seemed to become school celebrities.

“Congratulations on being champions.”

“It's a miracle.”

“We did the impossible.”

Celestia ended up calling an assembly on Friday. No one knew what the purpose was for, but felt anxious because of it.

“I called this assembly to remind everyone of the remainder of the school year. It is true, that on Monday, Canterlot High School did the impossible; but the final exams will be soon approaching,” Celestia commented “Along with prom and graduation in May.”

“We do not mind the celebration for our victory; but please be mindful of your surroundings. Many students were late to their classes, due to hallway celebrations,” Luna added “You are dismissed.”

Lunchtime saw two round tables maneuvered in such a way that Brian and the girls were sitting together. Although it was a bit awkward; it was easier than sitting on one table with no elbow room.

“This is totally awesome,” Dash said enthusiastically “We're celebrities now.”

“We just worked harder than the prep students,” AJ countered

“I agree with that. Unfortunately; I had to get injured in the event,” Derpy chimed in “Luckily; the doctor says I should recover in a week or two.”

“It is nice to have some recognition; but not every moment of the day,” Octavia complained “I'd actually like to get back to the lessons.”

“Hopefully the students take the warning to heart. Especially with just under two months left of school.”

“Brian; can I sit here,” a voice asked

“Come on over Scootaloo.”

“Hey; squirt. Long time no see,” Dash added

“Hi Rainbow,” Scootaloo said “It's been so long since we've sat together; I wasn’t sure about this.”

“I don't mind. I'm just glad you're doing better from what happened.”

“The three of us still have never talked since then. As far as I'm concerned; you and Sunset are my only friends,” Scootaloo added sadly

“What's she doing here,” Apple Bloom demanded, sitting next to her sister as Sweetie Bell joined

“Enough. We're not having an argument over this. If you don't have anything nice to say about the other; than hold your tongues.”

“See you after school; sis. I don't want to be around this traitor,” Bloom said, before leaving

“What about you Sweetie Belle,” Rarity inquired

“I don't care either way any more,” an emotionless Sweetie answered

“I'll gladly listen in case you want to talk,” Rarity offered “Just so you don't do something crazy.”

“Maybe some other time,” was the response, before Sweetie left

“Girls; I am sorry about the other day. When you asked me about my boyfriend's scars; I lied about knowing,” Sunset confessed “I saw his scars; as he saw mine.”

“I didn't know you had any; Sunny,” Pinkie commented

“That's because I never told anyone. After the Fall Formal; when I was forcefully reverted from my demon form; three scars were left behind on my shoulders and just above my ass.”

“In the same locations your wings and tail were,” Fluttershy finished

“Yes. They're a reminder of my lowest point in life; before I found my savior,” Sunset added, hugging Brian

“How exactly did you get yours; Brian,” AJ asked

“Punched through a window. Twice. Funny enough; it didn’t hurt going through, just upon removal.”

“Why would you do that,” Lyra asked

“I received some news I never hoped to hear.”

“Your father died,” Pinkie surmised “What about your mother?”

“The same. It was just after this year started in August.”

“I'm sorry to hear that. Mine died when I was real young so I don't remember them like my brother would,” AJ said

“It's one of the only few guarantees in life; but it's worse not knowing when it'll happen.”

“Let's change the subject,” Lyra suggested “What happens now? Do we go our separate ways; or what?”

“Why do we need to do that,” Vinyl asked rhetorically “The twelve of us led this school to its first victory in the Friendship Games. That status isn't going to change.”

“I don't know about any of you; but I actually need to study if I'm going to get into a culinary academy,” Bon Bon mused

“Same here. Best of luck; B squared,” Pinkie said, hugging her

“Rarity, I hate to be rude; but I recommend keeping an eye on your sister.”

“Why is that,” Rarity inquired

“Gut feeling. I just can't explain it.”

“I'll keep that in mind,” she answered

From that point; the teachers were completely focused on getting everyone ready for the finals. Homework consisted of multiple assignments to reinforce the given lessons.

Two weeks later during breakfast; Rarity uncharacteristically dropped into a seat in the cafeteria without effort. She had dark rings under her eyes and wore no makeup; which was unusual for her to not care about her appearance.

“What happened to you,” Applejack asked “Was your homework that tiring?”

“It…wasn't…work,” Rarity answered through yawns “Lack…of…sleep.”

“Here. You could use it,” Dash said, passing over an energy drink can

“Normally I'd reject your offer; but thanks Dash,” Rarity commented, before lowering her voice “It's Sweetie Belle.”

Rarity removed a piece of paper and started writing. The others passed the completed paper around.

I caught Sweetie Belle with a razor blade two weeks ago. I went to ask her about dinner when I saw her holding it above her wrist. Since then; I've had to tear her room apart to check for anything else

“If you don't mind; could each of you sign the paper?”

“What for,” AJ asked hesitantly

“Confession. Everyone read it and Principal Celestia needs to know.”

Without hesitation; each of the six girls signed the paper before he finished the list off. Rarity and Brian headed to Celestia’s office; only to see Sweetie Belle sitting out front.

“Please enter,” Celestia mused “What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to ask to talk to someone,” Sweetie Belle answered vaguely

“I caught my sister about to slit her wrists,” Rarity clarified

“Why are you a part of this,” Luna questioned, pointing at Brian

“Considering I studied law; I can't just sit idle when this was reported. I had to do something and asked the others to sign the note Rarity had jotted down.”

“Sweetie Bell; is this true,” Celestia asked

“Yes; it's true. I fell into depression after losing my two best friends. Seeing them momentarily together brought me to my lowest point,” Sweetie elaborated “After being caught with the razor blade; I have resorted to scratching the front and back of my forearms using my fingernails.”

“I'm going to contact your parents to inform them of what's happening. I recommend you receive psychological help to alleviate your depression,” Celestia decided

“I hope it helps,” Sweetie commented

“At this point; I hope anything helps,” Rarity countered, wiping her eyes “I don't want to lose my sister.”

“Chrysalis is the best at what she does. Our older sister has a knack of getting through to people,” Luna chimed in

“Go ahead and get to class. After I inform your family; I'll sent a letter to your current teacher to give you,” Celestia said

After the meeting; the three went their separate ways for the reminder of the day. Rarity and Sweetie Belle had to deal with their issues together in the hopes of solving them. Beyond that; the two worked together to create simple prom dresses for Rarity’s friends.

“So; what are you going to wear for prom,” Sunset inquired

“I don't know. Honestly; I wasn't planning on going originally.”

“Perhaps I can help,” she suggested

Sunset started looking through his bedroom closet before stopping at a black bag hanging in the back. Upon seeing it, he quickly signed a cross over his chest; a gesture that was noticed by his girlfriend.

“What's so bad about this,” she asked

“I wore that suit when my mom died. I just didn't expect to wear it again so soon.”

“Why don’t we go to the cemetery so you can see them? I'd guess you haven't been there since last August.”

“I'd like that. That way; you can see them as well. On a previous note; what are you going to wear to prom?”

“Rarity was making mine. With all that's happened lately, it's not going to be as elaborate as usual,” Sunset answered

“I hope she is doing better.”

“She hasn't said anything about it lately; so we don't know,” was the reply “I'd guess it had something to do with the ‘Anon-a-Miss’ incident.”

“All I can say is that is does play a role. I can't say any more on the subject.”

“It's hard to believe that the end of the year is so quickly approaching,” she mused “Right after prom, we have to deal with final exams; let alone college admissions.”

“The latter isn't much a problem. I already received an acceptance letter for Canterlot University in its legal program.”

“Hopefully I get my letter soon.”

“What do you want to get into?”

“Teaching. Probably to become a counselor,” she answered “That way I can help others.”

“That fits for you.”

After school on Friday; the two headed to the cemetery to see Brian's parents. Despite not being there for a while; he easily directed her towards the back left portion that was dedicated towards fallen military.

“Be at peace knowing you have been called to serve a higher purpose,” he prayed, upon entering the area

“What's that about,” Sunset asked curiously

“Something my dad would say. All soldiers are now assigned to guard Paradise, despite their previous assignments.”

He stopped at a single tombstone with a pair of names carved on the front and sat in front as Sunset joined him.

Samuel Dragnov------Alexis Dragnov

“It's been too long since I've seen you two. I know you’ve been watching me and I hope I've made you proud. Dad; I'm sorry you had to see me punching the glass those years ago,” he said, bowing in front of the stone

“It's an honor to meet the two of you; but I wish it was under better circumstances. I'm your son's girlfriend; Sunset Shimmer. Brian helped me when I needed a friend the most and I'd like to thank you both for that,” she added “May you run through Paradise.”

“Farewell for now,” he added, kissing the top of the stone

“It's okay to let it out, you know. I know you miss them,” she mused

A small tear rolled down his cheek before Brian ended up dropping to his knees again as the built up emotions came out. It was the first time he actually cried since the funerals.

“Think about the happy moments you shared with them and they're never truly gone. Your parents raised you to be a gentleman; and in my opinion, they did a damn fine job of it,” she added

“Thanks. Usually; a child worries about losing their parents later in life when they're older. It's not easy fending for yourself. I'm lucky my parents included me in their bank account; knowing this would happen,” he answered, wiping his eyes

“Let's get home. It'll do no good wallowing around in sadness.”


Is the days nearing prom; Celestia gave the students more leeway for preparation by giving them only have the day in class before being released. Brian took advantage and headed to the mall for a few items.

“Are you almost ready? They're on their way; you know,” Sunset joked, knocking on his bedroom door

“I was waiting for you.”

He opened the door to see Sunset in a thigh-length red dress with yellow trim and belt and usual boots to finish off everything. His suit consisted of black pants and jacket with a gold dress shirt and red tie to complement his girlfriend.

“Looking good. How much different was the one you wore,” she started

“At the funeral? Black dress shirt and tie. I'm glad to change that for a while.”

The sound of a horn blaring stopped any future conversation. They headed outside to see a limo waiting for them with the others inside. Each of them had brought a temporary date for the evening.

“Mr. Dragnov; I'd like to commend you on beating Crystal Prep at the Friendship Games,” Blueblood said, holding out a hand “And especially me in the fight.”

“You put up quite a fight against me. That was no small feat to beat the prep.”

“Flash; didn't expect to see you again,” Sunset mused

“Applejack asked me to the prom for the evening. I thought it would fine,” he answered

Once at school; the chauffeur opened the door as everyone climbed out and headed inside holding their date’s hand. Rarity & Blueblood; Dash & Soarin; Pinkie & Cheese Sandwich; AJ & Flash; Brian & Sunset; and Fluttershy alone. The latter was met by another female to most of their astonishment.

“This is Tree Hugger; my girlfriend,” Fluttershy introduced

“You have, like, an aura of darkness around you,” Tree Hugger mused, addressing Brian “And I'm not referring to the suit.”

“You have no idea.”

“We didn't know you had a girlfriend,” Rarity commented

“We actually started dating during Winter Break,” Fluttershy answered

“Let's get going already,” Dash whined

“You do know to dance; right,” Sunset questioned

“Honestly; no. But I wouldn't be expecting anything fancy for dancing.”

“Follow my lead,” she replied “But don't step on my toes.”

Each of the partners split off and headed to the dance floor. To the surprise of many; Bulk Biceps was quite the break-dancer along with both Snips and Snails. Some students decided to wait on the side until they heard a song they liked.

“Let's go,” Sunset decided

The two were joined by the others as Vinyl played a song designed for slow dancing. Brian was able to keep up and show some grace as they put on a small exhibition.

“We hope you had a good evening everyone. Just as a reminder; final exams will be starting soon with graduation following. The ceremony will be held in the back field with males wearing blue gowns and females in yellow,” Celestia commented


On Monday the following week; the attitude of CHS changed drastically during final exams. Many students had mini cram sessions outside the classrooms in the hopes of getting even a slight advantage on the test.

“I hope I did alright on the tests,” Sunset commented

“I'm not worried. Besides, after all the studying we did in preparation of the Friendship Games; this should've been easy.”

Upon getting home; a package was waiting by the front door. The box was quite big; and was unknown as to contents.

“When did we order anything,” she questioned

“Not me. I'm just as confused as you. Could you help me bring this inside?”

“Of course.”

After carrying the box inside; the contents were revealed to be four smaller boxes and a manila envelope, along with the packing materials. Each box was numbered from 1-4; indicating a particular order to be opened.

“What should we start with first,” she asked

“The envelope. Hopefully there's some answer in there.”

I had these made to your measurements. Your parents would have loved to see you wearing it.
P.S. There's another item in the envelope.

“That really didn't answer anything. If anything; the letter created even more questions,” she commented “Namely; who sent it and what is it?

A sealed bag of white gloves was removed by Sunset; much to her confusion. Brian immediately recognized what the contents were.

“Help me pull these out. I know what this is.”

“Don't keep me in suspense. What were you sent?”

“A military uniform. It'll be easier to show you, rather than tell you.”

Inside the top box was a white hat with a hard black plastic brim. Sewn into the brim was a gold leaf design, traversing the entire length. Just above that was a gold band attached by two gold screws to both sides of the cover.

“It even has Commander's scrambled eggs on the Combo; too.”

“Did I hear you correctly in saying there are scrambled eggs on this,” a dumbfounded Sunset asked

“The gold design is nicknamed scrambled eggs.”

Following the cover in the second box was a long sleeve white jacket that had five gold buttons, placed vertically along with two closing the pair of pockets on the front. A bag containing two black patches with gold oak leaf designs was sitting on top of the shirt; meant to be attached on the shoulder boards. A pair of white pants was placed in the third box along with its matching belt. The last box contained solid white leather dress shoes to finish the outfit off.

“I'm guessing that will be what you're wearing during graduation,” she asked

“Of course. I'm not too sure who sent it; but I know my parents would like it.”

“Rarity mentioned that she wouldn't be able to make any new dresses for us as she's still trying to help her sister. I think she said something along the lines of; a ‘crime against fashion trends’; but she suggested we wear our prom dresses instead,” she elaborated

“It was a nice dress she made for you. It’d be a shame not to wear it again.”

“I just need to get a better pair of shoes; probably a small high heel. The others were going to join me tomorrow as a girl's day at the mall.”

“That's fine with me. I have everything necessary; including a white undershirt.”

“You're lucky.”


After having breakfast; Rainbow Dash had her mom pick Sunset up as she squeezed in next to both Dash and Fluttershy. Big Mac had his sister in the truck's cab with Pinkie sitting in the back towards the window.

“Alright everyone. We're just here to get you all shoes. Head to the store and come back while Big Macintosh and I wait here,” Windy Whistles said without question

“Thanks mom. We'll be back as soon as we can,” Dash promised

“Does anyone know how Rarity is doing?”

“I haven't heard much other than the fact she's still working with her sister,” Applejack commented

“Let's get going. Others are bound to be arriving soon,” Pinkie suggested

The five of them headed inside the shoe store, much to the surprise of the cashier. She was lucky the store had gotten ready for this time of the year by keeping the shelves stocked with high heels and dress shoes.

“I'm no good with these,” Applejack complained

“Perhaps something simple? What exactly are you looking for,” the cashier inquired

“Shoes for graduation.”

“Hey AJ; how's about this,” Dash mused

Dash held up a pink shoe that looked to be a smaller version of her friend's boots. She chose the pink just to irritate the farmer; knowing she'd never wear the color. Sunset rubbed her chin at the sight of the shoes as they sparked an idea.

“Anything in brown? Y'all know pink ain't my color,” AJ replied

“Yeah. Why don't you take a look for yourself,” was the answer

“Dashie; those look cute on you,” Pinkie commented

“I didn't want anything to girly. I don't wear heels as much as possible,” Dash said

Rainbow Dash picked out a pair of blue ballet flats that felt comfortable and didn't seem to ‘girly’. Pinkie and Fluttershy found heels that were identical in design; but matched their color.

“I guess these are my choice. They feel like my regular boots, but a bit more classy.”

Sunset found a pair of boots exactly like AJ, but in black. It was the easiest choice as she also couldn't decide what worked. Tennis shoes wouldn't look good with the dress and she really couldn't see herself wearing a pair of true high heels.

“Well that was easy,” Pinkie commented “Four of us ended up getting similar shoes as one another.”

After they paid for the shoes; Big Mac and Windy Whistles drove everyone home.

“Thank you for taking me to the store ma'am. I'll see you on Monday for graduation.”

“You're very welcome; Sunset. I hope you found the pair of shoes you like,” Windy replied

“I did. Thank you again.”

“Welcome back,” Brian whispered

“You startled me,” Sunset said, punching him lightly in the shoulder


“I couldn't resist. Glad to hear you found a pair of shoes. It's really hard to believe that our last day ever is already approaching.”

“I know. Four years feels like an eternity; only to end so quickly. Part of me wishes to be able to repeat this all over; but the other half wants to move on,” she mused

“Your journal began glowing just before you got home. I thought it'd be better if you answered.”

“Let's see what she wrote,” Sunset said to herself

I haven't heard from you in quite a while. What's been going on over there!?
Your Worried Friend, Twilight Sparkle

‘I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been dealing with the end of school; including final exams and prom. On Monday will be our high school graduation

Oh my Celestia! This is short notice, but I will be there! I'll try to see if Princess Celestia is free

At least you don't have far to go for the ceremony. It's in the back of the school

See you on Monday Sunset

Monday morning saw the pair getting up much earlier than usual to prepare for the day. A quick bowl of cereal was eaten before temporarily parting ways.

Sunset headed into the bathroom to wash her hair and get it straightened to put it in a ponytail. After that; was getting into her dress and adding a tiny bit of makeup.
Brian looked in the mirror in his bathroom before grabbing a set of clippers. Noticing the start of a beard growing; the hair was trimmed before finishing off with a razor. With that taken care of; he began the excruciating task of getting ready and keeping the uniform in perfect condition.

The rank patches were attached to the shoulder boards first, before the pants and shoes were put on. As he stood with the pants, undershirt and dress gloves on, the uniform jacket felt bare without a ribbon rack; but he knew not to put anything on as he didn't want to ruin his parents’ racks.

“You ready,” Sunset asked

“Yeah. Let's get going.”

“Wow; you look stunning in that,” she said with a whistle

“Thanks. I didn't want to wear it until I absolutely had to.”

With that; he grabbed his Combo cover and placed it on as they walked to school. Sunset’s bag had both of their caps and gowns to put on once they got there.

“Good morning to you both,” Celestia said casually “Do you mind following me to my office for a moment?”

“I guess. What'd we do wrong now?”

“Nothing; but I'd like to keep your backpack locked in my office for now. That way, your hat will be safe,” she answered

“My cover may sit in the office; but I'm not removing the gloves. They're part of the uniform.”

After the conversation; Celestia lead them to her office as Sunset opened her bag. Once the contents were removed; Celestia unlocked the bottom drawer of the desk as the cover was set down first with the bag on top as the drawer closed. The two made sure to get dressed in the meantime before heading out.

“Hey, you two,” Dash called

“Brian; you look good,” Rarity complimented “From what we can see.”

“He wishes he could have kept something with him,” Sunset said casually

“It's a part of this; but at least it'll be only a little while.”

“Hey Brian,” Scootaloo said, giving him a hug “Congrats on graduation.”

“I hope you don't mind I get a photo with the three of you,” Spitfire asked

“Of course not. Would you get one with the group afterwards?”

“Not at all. I'll make sure everyone gets a copy for themselves,” she answered “Scoots; could you stand in the middle, dear?”

Scootaloo stood between Brian and Sunset before stepping aside as the five others gathered around him. Shockingly; both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle managed to get a picture together for the first time since they broke up their friendship.

“Good morning everypony,” a voice called from behind “I mean everyone.”

“Twilight,” came simultaneous cry

“Thanks for coming, Twilight,” Sunset said

“You're welcome. Unfortunately your parents were too busy to make it,” Twilight replied

“Yeah. Royal duties are Chaotic; aren't they,” Sunset said cryptically

“Sunny; just who are your parents in Equestria,” Pinkie asked in awe

“You wouldn't believe us if we told you,” Twilight and Sunset answered together

“I take it you are the mysterious Twilight Sparkle my daughter has talked about,” Spitfire mused “She mentioned something about being a pony from another world.”

“That's true; ma'am. I don't wish to get into the details; but I would like you to take my word for it,” Twilight said “Sunset is also from the same world.”

“I will take your word. I'd get confused by it,” Spitfire mused

“Bloom, Belle; it was great to see the both of you,” Scoots said hugging them

“Granny Smith demanded I acted civil today,” Apple Bloom said sarcastically

“Please calm down. If you have to sit apart; then do so. The last thing we want is a fight breaking out during the ceremony.”

“He's right girls,” Celestia added “Are you ready to go?”

“I'll find a seat up front to see you,” Twilight said, before the others left

Celestia directed everyone inside the gym where two lines were formed. Brian took his place amongst the males; while the others found themselves shuffled in line.

“Mr. Doodle will instruct each pair of students to head through the doors,” Luna explained “Cheerilee will read the names of the male students to head to the stage and Discord will read the females. By the way; this is being recorded so everyone will get a copy on DVD.”

With the explanations complete; Celestia, Luna, Discord and Cheerilee left the gym to head onstage while the rest of the teachers stood in front. Each of them wore black caps and gowns against the school colors.

“Good morning to the families of our students. We are happy you are able to join us in celebrating this momentous day as our seniors graduate high school,” Celestia introduced “In just a few minutes they will head out from inside the gym.”

A combination of nervousness and giddiness seemed to be prevalent through the students as they waited until Cranky Doodle had them step forward. Brian found himself subconsciously rocking forward in anticipation of being called.

“Go ahead,” Cranky directed

Locking his arm inside his female companion; Brian made his way out to ‘Pomp and Circumstance’. Looking into the audience; he wished his parents were there to see him, but was happy to see Scootaloo waving at him instead.

“You okay,” his companion whispered

“I am now. I have a makeshift family waiting for me in the audience.”

Over the next twenty minutes; the rest of the school had filed into to the seats. Celestia had everyone stand while the national anthem was played as Brian had to focus on his breathing so as not to break down.

“We will now have the Valedictorian come up and say a few words,” Celestia said “Miss Hooves; if you'd so kindly come up here?”

“Hello everyone. This was such a surprise to find out, that I don't have a speech,” Derpy said “All I'd like to do is wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. If ever you fall at something, don't look at it as the end; but get up and try again. Thank you very much.”

Following the speeches; the individual names were called to receive their diplomas. As Brian headed on stage; old habits from Canterlot Military Academy started to resurface. Upon taking the diploma with his left hand; his right hand started to slowly rise for a salute.

“You don't need to salute,” Celestia whispered

“Habit,” he whispered

Catching the action; Celestia quickly grabbed his hand and gave him a handshake instead. She wouldn't admit it; but Celestia had friends that served in the military to recognize traditions. With the accident averted; he quickly returned to his seat as the event continued.

Nearly an hour later of getting the seniors their diplomas to recognizing those that were members of the Friendship Games team; Derpy returned to the stage to lead in the tradition of turning the tassels.

“Congratulations to the class of 2019. All of you have officially graduated from high school,” Luna announced

Upon hearing that final announcement; a loud cheer erupted from the students before they threw the caps into the air. Over the next few minutes; they were turning over every cap to find their own.

“We're finally done with high school! The hell is over,” Dash commented

“Brian; I suppose you'd like this back,” Celestia commented, holding the backpack

“Yes ma'am.”

The girls watched as he removed a white hat from the bag and switched it with his graduation cap. With the Combo back on; he unzipped the gown and stored it as Sunset followed suit.

“You look amazing in that,” Rarity complemented

“What's with the black things on the top,” Twilight inquired

“The black patches show the rank of the wearer. My father was a Navy Captain while my mom was just under that as Commander. I was the Commander at Canterlot Military Academy years ago.”

“DRAGNOV,” a voice boomed “A TEN…HUT! ABOUT...FACE!”

The girls watched as a shape belonging to a behemoth of a man showed up behind them, temporarily blocking the sun. Upon hearing the voice; Brian felt his body immediately straighten up before turning around to face his addressor out of habit from his training

“SHAKE…hands,” the voice said as it calmed down

“Admiral Tirek. It's an honor.”

Looking at the man in front of them; the girls estimated his height to be almost seven feet tall and made of solid muscle. His skin tone was a dark, almost blood red as he wore an identical uniform to Brian's. A massive collection of ribbons and medals adorned the left side of his uniform as a black rank patch of four gold stars sat on the shoulder boards if one were to actually try and look.

“It's been a while, Brian. I'm glad the tailoring was perfect on your uniform,” Tirek said

“Hi daddy,” Scootaloo said cheerfully

“Scoots; I heard you had gotten into trouble earlier in the year,” Tirek commented angrily “Is that true?”

“Yes dad. My friends and I posted secrets about the students online,” she replied sadly

“Sir; although she may have been a culprit; Scootaloo did actively participate in bringing the others to justice.”

“I'm glad all that time studying law was put to good use. I suppose in light of this I can skip giving you any sort of punishment,” Tirek mused “Just promise me nothing will happen like that again.”

“I promise dad,” Scootaloo said “I've learned my lesson already.”

“Mr. Tirek, sir; you are different than your counterpart,” Twilight commented

“What exactly do you mean young lady,” he questioned

“Without going into details; I'm from a parallel world of ponies where your counterpart was a gigantic centaur,” Twilight answered

“That's rather interesting. I would never have thought other worlds existed,” he mused

“Don't think so hard about it sweetheart,” Spitfire warned “It might become confusing.”

“On another note; perhaps we should get going,” Tirek suggested “Our ride is waiting.”

“Of course sir. My girlfriend Sunset will be coming with us.”

“How long have you two been together for; if you don't mind me asking,” Tirek inquired

“Technically since the start of the school when Brian helped me after being blamed for secrets that were posted. He let me stay at his house and we became a couple around Christmas,” Sunset answered

“Congratulations on that. I wish you the best of luck,” he finished

Tirek led his family along with Brian and the girls to a nearby limo waiting in the parking lot. Attached to the hood were two small flags with four five-pointed stars on them arranged in a diamond pattern on the front. Standing by was another person wearing a white Navy uniform that assisted everyone in entering the vehicle.

“Congratulations on your graduation everyone. And may you have good luck in your college schooling,” Tirek said, before the limo pulled away

“Where exactly are we going to?”

“First is to the cemetery to see your family before dropping you two off at home. Afterwards; I'm going to take my family home and enjoy my retirement; especially after forty years in the Navy,” Tirek replied

“How did you know Brian,” Sunset asked

“I was his parents’ commanding officer. Sam asked I watched over Brian and Alex in the case anything happened to him. I agreed to keep an eye on them; but was surprised when his mom was called back to active duty,” Tirek answered “I had to deliver the bad news when he was at CMA.”

A few minutes later; the limo passed through the funeral entrance and stopped near the military section. The driver helped everyone out before Spitfire held both Sunset and Scootaloo back for a moment as the males approached the tombstone.

“Present…arms,” Tirek directed as both proceeded to salute “Order…arms.”

“Before anything else; why don't you two put your graduation gowns on and I'll take a picture of you by the stone,” Spitfire suggested

The two did just that; although two photos were taken with Brian having both covers on. Sunset returned them to her bag and slung it on her shoulder.

“It's been quite a while since I've seen you two. I'm sorry the two of you passed away. With good news; your son looks amazing in his dress uniform and I promise to look after him,” Tirek said “Fair winds and following seas to you both.”

“I wish you could have seen my graduation; but I'm glad my guardian was there representing you. I love you both and thank you for everything.”

Before heading home; a challenge coin was handed over to Brian that had the Admiral’s rank on one side with the Navy emblem on the reverse.

“What does the coin mean,” Sunset questioned

“If one was to drink; someone calls for a coin and everyone pulls their out. Whoever has the lowest ends up buying for the others,” Tirek answered

“Although I don't plan to drink; I am thankful to have it.”

“You really see me as a guardian,” Tirek questioned

“I do. You've looked out for me as much as you could over the years. I might be old enough to take care of myself; but I'm glad to have a family looking out for me.”

“Brian; one more thing, you have a driver's license; correct,” Tirek asked

“Under suggestion from my mom; yes. I just don't have a vehicle to use.”

“Just wanted to know,” was the reply; rather nonchalantly dropping the subject

After getting dropped of at home; the two changed into something comfortable before hanging up the clothes.

“I talked to Twilight earlier about a surprise for you. She's agreed to help out tomorrow,” Sunset commented

“And I'm going to be completely blind; aren't I?”

“Yep. Just don't worry about it,” she said kissing him on the cheek