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“Scoots told me that the three of them are trying to repair their friendship,” Dash commented

“That's good to hear. How's the incident with your sister,” Brian asked, looking at Rarity

“Sweetie Belle’s doing a little better. She let me know that she still feels depressed; but hasn't been scratching her arms since I caught her,” Rarity replied “Thank you for asking; darling.”

“Bloom admitted her jealousy; but I never realized how bad it was,” Applejack added

“I just hope they can forget what happened,” Sunset mused

“They might forgive each other for what happened; but they can never forget the hell everyone was put through.”

“I don't know how true it is; but I heard Filthy Rich pulled his daughter Diamond Tiara out of the school,” Pinkie said

“Oh? Is the spoiled brat getting homeschooled,” Dash asked

“I overheard him saying military academy,” Fluttershy chimed in

“She's screwed. The instructors won't go easy on her and definitely won't accept any back talk.”

“Serves her right. That still doesn't feel enough,” Dash said


Much to the other's surprise; Brian had an accelerated college timeline and managed to graduate with a Bachelor's degree in three years. His fourth year was spent starting a Master's degree in law while they were almost done with their Bachelor's degrees.

“So; have you talked about it,” Rarity inquired cryptically

“Talk about what,” he and Sunset asked together

“The big event,” Rarity answered

“Uh, Rares; care to let the rest of us in,” Applejack suggested

“What comes next. Marriage,” Rarity clarified “You two have been together for four years now. What are you going to do?”

“That never came up. We agreed to just focus on our collegiate studies right now,” Sunset answered “When the time is right; we'll tie the knot.”

“Right now; it's more important to finish school before worrying about the far off future.”

“Fair enough. Besides; I'll be happy to get my degree in economics,” AJ replied

“You're going directly into being a lawyer afterwards; right,” Fluttershy inquired


“Good luck with that,” Fluttershy replied

The following day was the graduation for the girls and he made sure to sit in the front row of the crowd. During the previous year they watched him; it was only fair to reciprocate. Over the next few hours; each had received their diplomas in their respective fields: teaching, sports, economics, biology, culinary and design for Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity; respectively.

“Congratulations girls. You worked hard for your diplomas. What do you plan on doing next?”

“The Cakes did say that they would give me a job until I can create my bakery with them. I think I'll name it ‘Cakes n’ Pie’. Has a nice ring to it; don’t you think,” Pinkie said

“Filthy Rich said he'd help me with my farm's finances if I was successful with my degree,” AJ chimed in

“I have already been contracted by some of the most well known names in the fashion industry,” Rarity said enthusiastically

“I've been given a tryout for the national soccer team,” Dash added “With any luck I could be going to the Olympics soon.”

“I've already been working at the animal shelter on a volunteer basis; so they're going to give me a job,” Fluttershy commented

“Best of luck in your careers,” Sunset said “I've already enrolled in the Master's degree program.”

“Why do you want to spend more time here,” Dash questioned “Wasn't four years enough?”

“I want to set myself up for success. If I get accepted to Crystal Prep or even CHS; I want to continue learning all I can and pass that knowledge to my students,” Sunset answered

“At any rate; can we make one promise to one another,” Fluttershy asked “That no matter how far away we may drift; we will keep in contact with one another?”

“I promise,” Sunset said

“Of course,” Rarity decided

“Yepperoni,” Pinkie added

“You know it Sugarcube,” AJ stated

“I'm certainly not going to leave anyone without contact,” Dash joked “Even when I become a huge star.”

“Count me in too. We've been through so much to stop being friends.”


The next three years seemed to drag on for the pair as they worked on their next degree. Although he had a year's head start; Brian decided to take a year off while Sunset completed her classes. With only a few credits left; they could wait so it would be a joint graduation ceremony.

“Why'd you want to skip,” Sunset questioned

“I wanted to wait for you. Besides; you're only a year behind me and I only need 12 credits left. Instead of me graduating this time; I'll walk with you during the next one.”

“What are you going to do in the meantime? I don't expect you to sit around at home.”

“The dojo’s owner knows about my situation in regards to class and asked me to become the main instructor. Considering I was recently successful in testing for my 3rd Dan black belt; I was the best candidate for the position.”

With that; each spent the time in their respective area of work. The pay for working as the martial arts instructor was enough not to worry about using anything in the bank account and have the classes and textbooks nearly paid for out of pocket.

During the following year; much was the same until the spring semester approached. Brian found out that his Senior Assessment was to be a mandatory in-person meeting with the dean of the law school; while the three remaining classes would be online only.


“Good morning Mr. Dragnov. As you may know; I am Arthur Hale; the dean. This assessment is to make sure you have learned the basics tenants of law throughout the required classes. We will meet each Friday for two hours through the semester,” he said “Any questions with that?”

“No sir. I have taken care to write detailed notes of everything my instructors told the class. I am thankful that our meetings will not impede the remaining classes; nor my work throughout the rest of the week.”

“If you don't mind me asking; where are you working,” Dean Hale asked

“I am currently the head instructor at the martial arts school.”

From that little introductory meeting; the pair met up each week like clockwork while Sunset fulfilled the same obligations for her Master's degree. Months later; they were heading onstage to receive their diplomas while Tirek recorded the event for their personal viewing at a later time.

“Congrats to both of you. Those degrees are completely cemented as yours,” Tirek said “When do you start working?”

“When school starts in August; I'll be teaching at Canterlot High School,” Sunset answered cheerfully

“I was on the short list for the law firm; but they wanted me to get my degree first and pass the Bar before completely hiring me.”

“When are you two getting married,” Spitfire asked “Let alone having kids.”

“We haven't thought about the former; and definitely aren't prepared for the later.”

“Fair enough. It was just out of curiosity,” Spitfire answered

“Well; perhaps we could get married,” Sunset suggested sheepishly “But it's going to be a bit complicated.”

“How do you mean?”

“We hold two ceremonies; one here and the other in Equestria. I'd have to let Twilight know about the guests we'd be bringing with,” she answered

“You mean we'd be going to another world,” Tirek asked in disbelief

“Yes. Who all would be going with us?”

“Obviously; the three of us would be going,” Tirek stated

“And I would have thought you'd want Tempest there,” Sunset commented rhetorically

“Since she was accepted into the Navy's OCS, Officer Candidate School; I haven't heard anything from her.”

“I'm sure a contact of mine could help,” Tirek commented “Retired or not; an Admiral still carries some weight.”

“Let me know if you get an answer; sir,” Sunset said “We'll hold plans until then.”
“I'll send you a message,” Tirek promised


Three months later; Sunset and Brian did receive a message saying Tempest would be returning home for a week’s vacation before having to head back to duty.

“Now that we know Tempest is on her way; I've already let the girls know,” Sunset said

“What exactly did you tell them? We're getting married; but don’t have an exact date set?”

“Actually, yes; that's what they were told. Besides; I'm not wanting to do this until everyone we want are present,” she answered

“Thank you for that. My parents may be gone; but Tirek has been a guardian for years. And I've always looked at Tempest as a little sister.”

“I'm glad to hear that,” a voice said from the doorway

Looking over at the owner revealed a female in all khaki with a silver bar on her collars. As she removed her Combo cover; short purple hair was shown.

“Fizz! It's been too long.”

“Congrats on the law degree. I'm surprised you didn't become a J.A.G,” Tempest mused, hugging them in turn

“I wanted the civilian aspect more in order to be with my fiancé.”

“So; have you decided roles,” Tempest inquired “Or attire; for that matter?”

“I was going to have my friend from Equestria be my maid of honor,” Sunset replied “And I was hoping Tirek wouldn't mind walking me down the aisle.”

“And I was hoping you'd be my best man.”

“Honestly; we aren't too picky about attire,” Sunset mused “Just something casual.”

“Wouldn't it be best to rent your tux and dresses,” Tempest asked

“I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea,” Sunset admitted “Rarity would throw a fit if we weren't dressed ‘properly’ for a wedding.”

“And since I know the uniform Tirek sent me years ago isn't going to fit; I'll rent a black tux for the day. You'll be wearing your Service Dress Blues for the event.”

“Fair enough. I wouldn't be surprised if Tirek wears his uniform,” Tempest added

“Guest room's yours for the time.”

“What have you been doing in the Navy,” Sunset asked

“All I can say is that I work on an aircraft carrier,” Tempest stated simply

Over the next two days; everyone spent the time getting the clothing rented for the wedding. With that completed; it was determined to have the wedding at a nearby church to which the pastor agreed.

On the morning of the wedding; Brian's house found itself rearranged with dark curtains splitting off most of the hallways while Rarity got to work getting the girls dressed.

Needing to relax and calm down; Brian headed downstairs to train before a series of knocks on the top signaled the area was clear. Knowing that; he made his way to the bathroom for a quick shower.

“They're almost ready,” Tempest commented “The girls will see you there.”

“Thanks for at least giving me a verbal head's up. At this point all that's left is to get dressed and head up to the church.”

After getting dressed; Tirek arrived with his family to pick up the pair and drive to their destination. Inside the church; was much the same as home; although Brian and Tempest headed directly towards the main area to wait for his bride.

“Having second thoughts,” the pastor asked

“Pardon the language Father; but Hell no. I've been ready for this for a while. I just wish my parents could have been here.”

“They've been there for you watching over you ever since they were called to Paradise. I'm sure they're proud of you; Brian,” the pastor said reassuringly

“Thank you; Father. I needed to hear that.”

“Incoming,” Tirek boomed from outside the room

With the warning announcement; Brian and Tempest stood up from the pew they were sitting in as the organist started playing the wedding march. Sunset was led in by Tirek; who decided to wear his dress whites. Following behind them was Rarity and the others as they lifted up the wedding train. Spitfire had started the video recording as soon as she could.

“We are gathered here to wed these two. Do you Brian Dragnov take Sunset Shimmer as your wife,” the pastor asked

“I do.”

“And do you; Sunset Shimmer take Brian Dragnov as your husband,” he asked

“I do,” Sunset answered

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the other,” the pastor finished

The girls cheered as they watched their friends finally getting together after so many years. A limo arrived to take the newlyweds home as Tirek followed behind.

“I'll let Twilight know about tomorrow,” Sunset said as they headed inside

Tomorrow; I hope you don't mind if my husband and I bring over a few friends?

Who did you marry; how many are arriving and why?

In order of questions:
2- 4 others besides the two of us
3- to get married in Equestria

I'll let Princess Celestia know of your arrival. You're lucky the portal reopens tomorrow.

Thanks Twilight

“So; when do we get to go,” Scootaloo asked, as her parents followed instead

“I don't think that's normal,” Tirek motioned towards the book “Books don’t glow.”

“It's a message from my friend. I'll read it to everyone,” Sunset answered
"Congratulations to you both on the wedding. I welcome each of you to Equestria
Signed; Princess Celestia

“We're going to meet an actual princess,” Spitfire asked in awe

“Where exactly do we have to go,” Tirek asked

“The statue in front of the steps of Canterlot High School. A portal will open there and remain open for three days,” Sunset answered

“What happens if we remain there any longer,” a worried Scootaloo asked

“We would remain in Equestria for another two-and-a-half years.”

“Well; we'll see you three tomorrow,” Tirek said

“We'll hold off anything until we're alone,” Sunset whispered


As the next morning rolled around; the pair were awakened by the smell of pancakes and sausage being cooked by Tempest. After enjoying the meal; Brian drove them to school while they wait for Tirek.

“What brings you here,” a voice asked

“Principal Celestia; it's good to see you again. We're waiting for a few people before we head back to Equestria for a while.”

“My sister and I will watch the cars while you're gone,” Celestia promised

“Thank you for that.”

Moments later; the rest of the group arrived for their excursion to another world. Sunset went first and placed a hand on the marble base before it started to disappear.

“I'll go first and each of you will follow one at a time,” Sunset decided “Brian will be the last to enter.”

“I'm not seeing things; right? A human being just passed through a statue,” Tirek asked, rubbing his eyes after watching Sunset disappear

“You're not seeing things dad,” Scootaloo said reassuringly “Just follow me.”

True to her word; Scootaloo went through followed by Spitfire and Tempest.

“I'm still not to sure about this,” Tirek said hesitantly

“Admiral; you're not going to chicken out; are you?”

“Nonsense! I just don't want anything bad to happen,” he replied before pulling at his collar

“You'll be fine,” Brian answered before pushing his friend “See you on the other side!”

Once through the portal; Sunset watched as her friends struggled to get to their feet; not being used to four legs. Scootaloo looked identical to her pegasus counterpart in appearance; but had a sawblade as a cutie mark in relation to her going to school for construction. Spitfire also became a pegasus and ended up having a bull’s-eye as her cutie mark to signify her marksmanship. Tempest had a medieval shield with Brian's cutie mark on it as they thought of one another as siblings along with a complete unicorn horn. Surprisingly; Tirek was not a centaur as his actual counterpart was; but was an earth pony twice the overall length and height of Big Macintosh. His cutie mark was four gold stars arranged in a diamond with a fouled anchor in the middle.

“Welcome to Equestria,” Celestia announced “I am the princess of the Sun and Sunset’s mother; Princess Celestia.”

“A pleasure to meet you; your majesty. Allow me to introduce my daughter Scootaloo and wife Spitfire,” Tirek said, trying to motion to them “And I am retired Navy Admiral Tirek.”

“Congratulations you two,” Twilight said, hugging Brian and Sunset

“Twilight; why is there somepony that looks like me,” Tempest demanded

“Looking over at you; I honestly can't see myself wearing armor,” the human Tempest countered “Especially something that barely provides any protection.”

“I'll have you know I was commander in the Storm King’s army,” Tempest stated

“Both of you please stop arguing. We're not here to start any fights.”

“Brian is right. We came here so my family could see us get married,” Sunset stated

“It's a pleasure to meet my daughter's husband,” Discord said, shaking Brian's hoof “Allow me to introduce myself. Discord; God of Chaos. When are you going to have kids?”

“We're still not sure about that.”

“Well; if it's of any interest; there's going to be a fight for supremacy in five years,” Discord said cryptically

“Do any of you have an idea as to what that means,” Tirek asked curiously

“I know what it means. You'll just have to wait and see,” Sunset replied

“Where doth thou wish to hold thy wedding,” Luna asked “Allow us to introduce our self. We are Princess Luna; Regent of the Moon.”

“You don’t need to use the ‘Royal We’ anymore aunt Luna,” Sunset commented

“It's just easier to formally introduce using the ‘Royal We’. I try not to use it so much,” Luna replied with a blush

“If you don't mind; why don’t we just hold it in the foyer,” Twilight suggested “It'll hold everypony in there comfortably.”

“That's fine with me,” Pinkie said popping out of nowhere

“Where in the name of Sam Hill did she come from,” a confused Tirek demanded

“That’s one of the biggest mysteries in Equestria,” Twilight replied with a shrug

“Honestly; I don't know about myself either,” Pinkie chimed in “The cake is already set up in the dining room.”

“I hate to ask; but is there an easier way down the stairs,” Tirek asked cautiously “I'd rather not break anything.”

“I'll help you down,” Celestia replied “This will feel a little different being levitated.”

With that; a golden aura emerged from Celestia’s horn and surrounded Tirek. He felt himself lifted off the ground as she led the procession down the steps. Once there; she lowered him back to the floor while the others gathered around.

“I hope you don’t mind my friends join us,” Pinkie asked

“We couldn't miss seeing this,” Rarity said “Even if it is on short notice.”

“If you all don't mind; would everypony arrange themselves for the bride and groom,” Celestia asked

All but Tirek moved as two distinct groups formed. Twilight stood next to Sunset as the human Tempest did the same with Brian. The rest stood behind or towards the side to see everything.

“If everypony is ready; we'll begin,” Celestia said as the group nodded “Do you Brian Dragnov take Sunset Shimmer as your partner?”

“I do.”

“And do you Sunset Shimmer take Brian Dragnov as your partner,” Celestia continued

“I do,” Sunset stated

“I now pronounce you partners for life,” Celestia finished

“If you two don't mind; the four of us are going to head home,” Tempest said

“Thank you all for coming here. It was an honor to have those close to being family here.”

“It was our pleasure; dear. You'll always be a son to us,” Spitfire replied “Take care and have fun.”

“Could you at least stay to have one piece of cake,” Pinkie begged

“I suppose it would be rude not to stay,” Tirek mused

“This way everypony,” Twilight directed

Using her magic; Twilight opened the doors behind them to the dining room as each found a spot at the table. Tirek managed to find a side near his family to stand.

“I'll cut the cake,” Pinkie decided

“If you don't mind; why don't Sunset and I do the honors? It may be a human tradition; but it would be proper.”

“He's right. The two of us will cut it and you can serve it,” Sunset added “Sound fair Pinkie?”

“Okie dokie,” she said cheerfully

Sunset levitated the cake knife to her hoof as Brian grabbed it as well. The two proceeded to slice into the cake as everyone cheered. Pinkie grabbed the knife and continued cutting before most could recognize what happened.

“This is really good,” Scootaloo commented “My compliments to the chef.”

“I'll have to let Mr. and Mrs. Cake know their wedding cake was well received by my friends,” Pinkie said

“Twilight, I'm sorry we cut this short; but we should get home soon. It was great to see you again mom; dad,” Sunset replied sadly

“That's understandable. You have your own lives and careers to get back to,” Celestia said, hugging her

“Your mom's right. We're glad to have the opportunity to be part of the ceremony,” Discord added

“We'll definitely keep you up to date on what's happening,” Sunset promised

“On behalf of my family; I'd like to thank you for your hospitality,” Tirek said bowing his head

“You are all very welcome. I am sorry you have to leave so soon; but I hope you enjoyed the time,” Celestia said

“It is hard to believe that a portal to another world is so close,” Spitfire mused “I wonder how long it had been there for.”

“Long enough. It dates to the time of my mentor a few hundred years ago,” Celestia explained “I don't know about anything further back in history.”

“It's so hard to get used to walking on four legs,” Scootaloo commented

“It does feel uncomfortable. What's the deal with the marks,” Tempest chimed in

“Those are called cutie marks and they represent your talent,” Twilight answered “The saw could represent construction; but I do not know about the others.”

“I've always looked to Brian being my older sibling so that's not too surprising our marks are similar,” Tempest said

“Sorry about my rudeness to my counterpart,” the pony Tempest said

“Apology accepted,” the other said as they bumped hooves

“As for the unknown designs; perhaps I can explain,” Tirek offered “My wife Spitfire was trained in firearms marksmanship and is an expert. Mine represents my time in the Navy back home and how I held the highest rank of Admiral.”

After saying their goodbyes; Sunset and Brian led the way back up towards the portal as they returned home. Tempest would stay with Tirek and his wife for the night before he takes her back to base.


Over the next four years; Sunset and Brian had heard good news from their friends and what was going on. Rarity had enough success with her store that two more were opened in other cities as she returned home to work in her original shop. Fluttershy had started her own veterinary clinic; much to no one's surprise. Rainbow Dash became such a well-known athlete she was a flag bearer and won multiple gold medals in the Olympics. Applejack was able to hire workers to keep the farm one of the most productive in the city. Pinkie’s bakery was so successful a chain of others was created that featured Bon Bon’s candy.
For both Brian and Sunset; each received an unexpected surprise. He was promoted to being the senior lawyer at the firm and would be receiving a bonus to reflect that.

“Did you hear the good news,” she questioned

“What happened?”

“With Celestia and Luna retiring; I am going to be the next principal,” she said excitedly

“That's amazing. Congrats sweetheart.”

“I am going to be changing the structure around.”

“How so?”

“I plan to be more open and accessible to the students,” she elaborated “Fighting and bullying will still not be permitted; but I'd hope to be able to talk to them about their problems. Especially when we remember that incident.”

“That's fair. I'd rather see the students have firm; but reasonable treatment. They are young adults and should be treated as such. Just letting them know someone was in their shoes can reach some of them.”

“By the way; when did you want to try for a child,” she asked raising an eyebrow

“Uh; up to you,” he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck

“Let's go,” she decided, pulling him into the bedroom


After their sexual excursion to celebrate; Sunset was nine months pregnant and nearing her due date. Both of them were given time off in the meantime to take care of this.

“Let's go,” she complained “Paramedics are here!”

“On it!”

He quickly snatched up a duffel bag and ran after her as she was being loaded into the ambulance. Once at the hospital; her room was luckily by a window as they had to wait.

“What was that comment your dad made about all those years ago?”

“The fight comment,” she replied “You'll have to wait for the answer.”

“Miss Shimmer? I checked your chart and you should be going into labor any time now,” a nurse said

“I'm going to be staying here.”

Due to the long wait, Brian found himself slumped in a corner fast asleep. A few hours later around the ironically timed sunset; a nurse gently nudged him waking him up.

“The contractions are starting,” the nurse explained, before pointing towards the window “I never heard anything about that.”

Looking out the window revealed a lunar eclipse that was starting. Despite the pain she was in; Sunset couldn't resist a chuckle at the timing. Throughout the next forty-five minutes as she gave birth to a baby boy; her mom and aunt were spiritually watching over her.

“Good evening Eclipse.”

“Eclipse Dawn Shimmer. That has a nice ring to it,” Sunset chimed in

“I think I got the hint,” he whispered

“My mom and aunt watching over us,” she added

When they were ready a few weeks later; both returned to work after allowing the Equestrian Celestia, Luna and Discord to visit their grandson.

In the years following; Sunset was able to bring prestige to CHS as the best school there and managed to collect six more trophies for the Friendship Games as even her successors were able to continue the legacy. Brian was so successful as the senior lawyer that he became the owner of the company.

Comments ( 8 )

That was amazing story:twilightsmile:

Thank you very much

What's the 'U' and 'K' supposed to mean?

This is very good. I love the end except for the princesses never got to meet the newest member of the royal family.

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