• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,599 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

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Chapter 5: Twilight Sparkle.

“Thorax, I didn’t know you were a medic,” Blue Fang said.

“What you do mean?” Thorax said.

Blue Fang opened his mouth and showed Thorax his fangs. Thorax’s eyes opened. “Blue Fang?”

“Yeah,” Blue Fang replied.

“Hey, Blue Fang,” Kydra said, “you gotta shoot the beam.”

Blue Fang looked at her. Him, shoot the spell? He’d never shot a spell that strong. He’d had learned to use dynamite, not that it would be laying around, but that’s it for explosives.

“Here,” Kydra said giving Blue Fang a sheet of paper, “this is how you use the spell.”

Blue Fang faced the wall and concentrated really hard. His horn shot off a couple of sparks before the beam shot off and blew up the wall.

“Charge!” Mitchell yelled. Everyone ran towards the farm house. Multiple magic blast flew past them. Pegasus carrying Unicorns were dive bombing, while shooting off magic. Everyone took cover.

“Blue Fang, Pharynx, Thorax, take out those air troops!” Mitchell said. The three lined up and shot beam after beam. Some Unicorns fell off their Pegasus, and some Pegasus were knocked out of the sky, some still had their Unicorns on them.

“Mantis, Dagger, hit those windows!” Pharynx said.

They shot the at windows, trying to hit the Guards. They grunts of pain coming from the farm house. “Protect the barn!” someone yelled with an accent.

Blue Fang took a peak and saw an orange pony talking to the purple Unicorn. He aimed his horn at the two and shot a beam at them. The two flinched and looked at Blue Fang. The Unicorn shot a bolt at him.

“Woah!” Blue Fang yelled.

Mitchell took cover next to Blue Fang. “Don’t get too cocky kid,” He said, “also, I didn’t get your name.”

“Private Blue Fang.”

“Blue Fang, I look forward to working with you.”

Blue Fang nodded. He looked over and saw another wall. “Sir, we got another wall.”

Mitchell took a look. Blue Fang was trying to shoot another explosion spell, but the Unicorn shot another beam at him. “I can’t get a clear shot!” Blue Fang Said.

“Can’t you use dynamite?” Thorax said.

“I can’t run out there by myself.”

“I have an idea,” Mitchell said. He got on top of a wagon.

“Is he crazy?!” Blue Fang said.

“Alright, everyone spread out and run to that wall!” He yelled.

Everyone started running, dodging as many magic attacks as they could. Some Changelings got hit, some got hit by explosive beams off magic. Most had to be dragged to safety. Blue Fang ran to the wall and got low onto the ground in order to stay in cover.

“I need some Dynamite sir!” Blue Fang said.

“I got some, don’t worry!” Mitchell said, giving Blue Fang a few sticks of dynamite.

Blue Fang used a fire spell to light the dynamite. “Fire in the hole!” He yelled.

“Fire in the hole!” Mitchell repeated.

Blue Fang lit the dynamite and threw it onto the wall.


The explosion sent Blue Fang into shellshock. Although he couldn’t here much due to the ringing in his ears, he could hear battle cries coming from his comrades. He got up and followed suit. The two forces charged into battle, with Mantis and Mothray offering support from a distance.

“Sir, we need a team to attack the inside of the farmhouse,” Dagger said.

“Alright, Blue, Pharynx, Dagger, Thorax, you four go in disguised as Royal Guards, take as much food as possible,” Mitchell said, I’ll let the squad know you’ve gone Shadow.”

“Alright, lets go,” Blue Fang said. The four turned into Guards and ran threw the crowd.

“Blue Fang, we need a plan,” Thorax said.

“Alright, Pharynx you pretend to be injured, me and Dagger will pretend to cover the medic, Thorax, while he drags you to safety.”

The group agreed, so they put the plan into motion. Pharynx “got hit” and Thorax dragged to the farmhouse. “Medic coming through!” Blue Fang said.

When they got into the farm, Thorax pretended to treat Pharynx while Blue Fang and Dagger looked around. “There,” Dagger said.

Blue Fang looked up and saw a bunch of apples. Dagger went to go get Thorax and Pharynx.

When they got there, Blue Fang told Dagger to teleport the food and his other teammates back and he would catch up later. Dagger nodded and teleported himself, Thorax, Pharynx, and the food back to Mitchell.

Blue Fang walked around until he found the room he was looking for. He checked to see if he was alone, and he was. He opened the door and closed it as quietly as he could. He saw his target, the purple Unicorn who hit Kydra, and almost hit him. He charged his magic and hit her in the back.

“Ahh!” She screamed.

The Unicorn turned and saw Blue Fang. “Why are you attacking me?!” She asked, “I’m not one of those things!”

“No, but I am.”

Her eyes widened. She teleported and attacked Blue Fang. “Applejack!” She yelled, “help!” Blue Fang looked real smug. Unexpectedly, the orange pony she was talking to earlier bursted through the door.

“Hold on!” She yelled.

Blue Fang changed out of guard form and turned into Applejack and jumped into her. The two tussled so much Twilight couldn’t tell who was who. The two separated and saw Twilight already to shoot it off.

“You don’t gotta do this darlin’,” Blue Fang said.

“Don’t listen to it!” Applejack yelled.

“There’s only one way to figure this out, what’s your brothers name?” Twilight asked.

“Big Macintosh!” Applejack said immediately.

I’m dead Blue Fang thought as Twilight aimed her horn at him. Suddenly someone teleported behind him.

“Come on Blue Fang!” Dagger said before grabbing Blue Fang.

“Hold on,” Blue Fang said. He changed back into his normal form, opened his mouth, and flashed his blue fangs, “look for those next time you see one of us.” Dagger grabbed him and teleported away.

“Thanks Dagger.” Blue Fang said.

“No problem.”

“Hey come on!” Mitchell said. The two got onto the wagon and the driver drove away.

“That was a great mission,” Blue Fang said.

“I know,” Pharynx replied.

“I can’t wait for more,” Blue Fang said. He looked down at the briefing: Operation Shield Breaker

Blues Log
Mission Status: Success
Current Rank: Private
Sgt. Mitchell: Alive
Pfc. Pharynx: Alive
Pvt. Thorax:Alive
Pvt. Dagger: Alive

I can’t believe I made it through that, if this is what deployment will be like, I gotta be prepared for it. In other news, I think that purple Pony, Twilight Sparkle, has taken a bit of a “liking” to me, but what can I do.
— Pvt. Blue Fang