• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,600 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

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Chapter 3: Proving Strength (Edited 3/25/2020)

Blue Fang looked around the Hive for the arena. It wasn’t hard to find, but the butterflies in his stomach made it hard to be excited. The entire Hive was going to be watching the fight. He started contemplating his choice. He needed a miracle. He finally found the entrance to the arena. He gulped.

“I’ve come this far...”

Blue Fang walked into the entrance. He found the sign pointing to the cage he’d come out of. He took a breath. He stepped into the cage, where Brokenwing, Thorx, and Pharynx were waiting. “Hey guys.”

“Hey Fang,” Pharynx said.

“Hi,” Thorax followed up.

“I hope you’re ready Blue,” Brokenwing said.

Blue nodded, a bit, “to be honest, I’m kinda nervous, Broken.”

Brokenwing hugged his brother, “don’t worry, we’ll be right here.”

“Yeah,” Thorax said.

“Alright. I’ll get it done.” Blue turned to the gate. “Let’s get this done.” He looked out of the gate bars. On the other side of the arena stood Hivehunter, staring at Blue with a cold stare. Blue Fang looked from the Changelings cold stare and instead looked at Chrysalis. She stood up. “My subjects!” She said. “I know you’re all excited to see this fight, so I won’t waste your time! In this corner, we have Hivehunter!”

The gate holding Hivehunter in place started to lift, letting the Changeling out off his cage. Blue watched as his opponent walked out of his cage, gloating to everyone.

Blue took a breath. He looked at Brokenwing, who nodded. He took another breath, then, “now, for the challenger! Blue Fang!”

The gate opened. “Good luck,” Thorax said.


Blue stepped out of the cage, nervous, but ready. He wanted to yell something, but bit down his tongue to stop it from coming out. He approached Hivehunter, ready to fight him.

“Let’s get this over with, Fang.”

Hivehunter threw up his fighting stance; Blue Fang did the same. The two were ready to fight for their honor. Their pride.

Hivehunter threw the first punch, which Blue Fang dodged and tried to counter with a kick. Hivehunter caught the kick, surprising his opponent. Then he pulled Blue really fast towards him, and punched Blue in the face. The Changeling fell over and landed on his back.


The Changeling crowd let out a “ohh!” as Blue hit the ground.

The challenger got up and dusted himself off. Blue looked to his cage, where his brothers were watching the fight go down. Brokenwing nodded at Blue, and he returned the gesture.

Blue turned back to Hivehunter, “alright Lapdog, let’s get it over with.”

“Right, Blue Tooth.”

The two engaged in melee combat, ping-ponging punches back and forth with each other. Blue threw a hook punch, and Hivehunter threw one right back. Buck! He’s good. Blue needed a new strategy. He looked at Hivehunter. He had his stance facing forward, so his only option was flanking him from the left or right. Blue decided to hit the left. He charged at Hivehunter in a zigzag pattern in an effort to confuse his opponent.

He bounced off from the right, and kicked Hivehunter from the left. Hivehunter flew back and flew across the ground, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. Hivehunter got up and dusted himself off. “Alright, enough playing around.”

Hivehunter charged him with an unbridled rage. Blue struggled to find his target. Hivehunter appeared seemingly out of thin air. He fired two blasts into Blue Fangs chest. Then he landed and bucked Blue, sending him across the arena. Hivehunter didn’t even give Blue enough time to even lift himself an inch off the ground. He kicked his opponent, sending him rolling against the rocks of the arena floor.

Blue Fang looked up. His vision was blurry and he felt a ringing in his ear. He looked up to see Hivehunter charging him. He raised his hoof up. “Hive... wait- I-“


Blue flew back again. Blue looked up again. Hivehunter started laughing. “You see this?! This is what happens when you mess with me!”

Blue felt a flame burning in his body. It felt like a sort of rage growing in him. He got up, staggering. His legs felt weak, but he pulled through. Hivehunter smiled, “still inchin’ for more huh?” Blue Fang gave no reply, he only continued to stare at the ground. “All quiet now? Too late.” Hivehunter charged him. Then he threw a punch at him.

Blue caught the punch, without looking. “What the—

Blue rose his head up at lightning speed. Hivehunter and the crowd were shocked at the scene. Blue’s eyes were glowing a sharp blue. Without a word, he punched Hivehunter across the entire arena. Hivehunter got up. Almost like a ghost, Blue Fang appeared right in front of him. “How the—

Blue grabbed him, then he threw his opponent in the air. Blue jumped up and threw a kick into Hivehunter.

Hivehunter flew at a high speed. Right into the arena wall. In his collision, he made a giant hole in the wall. Hivehunter fell from the wall.

Blues eyes stopped glowing. He looked around the arena. Then he saw Hivehunter on the ground, with a hole above his head. Did I do that? Blue Fang asked himself in thought. One Changeling flew down with measuring tape. He measured the hole. “Half a foot...”

Blue Fang gasped. “I buried him half a foot deep into the wall?” he called out.

The Changeling nodded. Blue looked at the Queen. “Take Hivehunter to the Infirmary.” She looked at Blue Fang. “I guess we have our victor. Give it up for Blue Fang!”

The audience started cheering Blue Fangs name. He smiled as everyone cheered his name. He gave a slight bow before walking back to his cage.

In the cage, Dagger, Brokenwing, Mantis, Stinger, Thorax, and Pharynx were waiting for Blue Fang.

The cage door opened and Blue walked in.

“Blue! That was awesome!” Dagger said, grabbing Blue.

“Yeah!” Stinger said, “how the buck did you do that?!”

Blue Fang smiled, “I dunno! I just kicked him as hard as I could!”

“But how’d you move that fast?!” Dagger exclaimed.

Blue Fang shook his head, “I don’t know myself!”

“However you did it, it was amazing!” Mantis said.

“You gotta teach us that someday!” Pharynx said.

“If I can do it again, I might!”

Brokenwing walked over to him, “I knew you could do it Blue.”

Blue Fang smiled, “I swore I would never let you down.”

“And you never do.”

They gang continued congratulating Blue Fang for his victory when, “ahem.”

The changelings turned around. “Oh. Hi Mother,” Brokenwing said. Chrysalis nodded at her son before turning to Blue Fang. “Young Blue Fang. I am here to congratulate you on your victory.” She slowly started to clap her hooves.

“Thanks... your majesty,” Blue Fang said sheepishly.

She bent down, “here you are, Blue Fang.” She pulled out a small, bronze medal. Blue practically jumped out of skin. She put medal around Blue’s neck.

“I... I don’t know what to say... thank you...”

“It was my pleasure.” With that, the regal Changeling turned and walked to her throne room.

Blue Fang looked down to the medal. His smile was reflected by the bronze. He closed his eyes. First this. Next, the Devil Horns.