• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,599 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

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Chapter 26: May Thou Be Forgiven, For Thou Have Sinned

Blue Fang took a sip from the nearby lake. He found himself worried about Hivehunter. He still couldn’t believe that Hivehunter would take a magic beam for him and Zenex. He looked over to the lake, where Zenex sat down, throwing rocks into the water. He felt bad for the young ling. Hivehunter was like a big brother to Zenex. Now that big brother was gone. Sure, he had the Fangs, but Hivehunter was someone he always trusted.

Blue Fang got up and walked over to the young nymph. “Hey Zen.”

Zenex looked over to him. “Hey Blue…” He grabbed another rock and threw it into the water.

Blue Fang smiled, “lemme help you.” He grabbed a rock and threw it like a frisbee. The two changelings watched as the stone seemed to skip across the lake. Zenex reached over for another rougher rock, and tried throwing it, only for it to sink.

Blue Fang reached for another, much smoother rock. “Try with this one.”

Zenex nodded and threw it. He watched as the stone hopped across the water. “Wow. Thanks Blue.”

“No problem, Z.”

Blue Fang put his hoof around Zenex’s shoulders. He proceeded to giggle. Blue Fang looked at him. “You alright there?”

Zenex shyly smiled. “Yeah, I just…” he was blushing like mad.


...like being tickled,” Zenex said, very softly.


“Uh… nothing.”

Blue Fang smirked. “Really?”

Zenex nodded. “Yeah, I’m perfectly fine- NAHAHA!”

Blue Fang smiled as he watched Zenex shake and laugh as he tickled him around his neck. “You really sure? It sure seems like something is pretty funny, and I don’t know what it is.”

Zenex continued to sprawl around on the ground as Blue Fang continued tickling him, going from his neck to his torso. Zenex continued to laugh before he finally found his voice. “Okay- AYAYAY- Blue you win!” He sprawled around like a fox rolling in the grass. “I’m tick- AHAH- lish!”

Blue Fang smiled and stopped. “There, was that so hard?” Zenex was still wiggling around like a worm on a fishhook. “Sorry about that,” Blue Fang said. “Just wanted to prove a point.”

After a while, the young nymph looked up and Blue Fang and smiled. He sat up and nuzzled the older changeling. “Thanks Blue.”

Blue Fang nuzzled Zenex’s neck playfully. “No problem, gigglebug.”

Zenex started giggling. “Hey cut it out!” he said playfully.

Blue Fang chuckled. “Okay Z.” The two friends sat in silence for a while just, watching the lake. Blue Fang then looked over to the others. Brokenwing was waving to him. He got up and stretched. “I gotta talk to Broken. See ya later?”

“You bet.”

Blue Fang smiled and walked over to his brother, who was sitting on the stool, reading a book. He looked up from his book. “Hey Blue.”

“Hey Broken.”

The older changeling smiled. “I see Zenex has a new interest.”

Blue Fang looked over to the young nymph, who was skipping stones. “Yeah, I guess.” He looked back to his brother. “He sure loves it.”

“Yeah,” Brokenwing said. “I ain’t never seen a changeling so into tickling as him.”

“Yep.” Blue Fang looked at his brother. “It’s, sorta adorable.”

“Sorta?” Brokenwing asked. “You mean absolutely adorable?”

Blue Fang smiled. “I didn’t think you were for ‘adorable’.”

Brokenwing smiled back. “‘Course I am. After all, you were pretty adorable as a grub and nymph.”

Blue Fang’s face went red. “Really?!”

His brother smirked. He reached into his saddlebag. The younger brother watched as Brokenwing went through the bag. After a few minutes, he pulled out a few pieces of paper. “Of course you were. Here, take a look.”

He slid the papers over to his brother. Blue Fang picked up the sheets and looked at them. In front of his eyes was a little changeling grub happily curled up in a small web blanket. It didn’t take long for Blue Fang to recognize the grubs fangs. “Was this really me?” Blue Fang asked, going through more pictures.

Brokenwing smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Ohh you were the most adorable thing ever!”

Adorable?!” Blue Fang sat down shocked.

“Of course!”

Blue Fang silently slid the pictures back to his brother. “... Well… thanks…”

Brokenwing smiled as he took the pictures and slid them back into his bag. He looked back over to his brother. “Anyway. I have another job for you, Sting, Dag, and Mantis.”

“What is it?”

“Well, Arthrax and Hex got a lead on Hive.”


“Yeah. He’s somewhere in Canterlot. Here.” He slid a picture over to his brother.

Blue Fang took the picture and examined it. It was a picture of what appeared to be a couple of warehouses on the Canterlot port.

“Is this where Hive’s being held?”

“Probably. Only problem is, the pony with the keys to the place is in Ponyville.”

“Alright, then that’s where we’re off to.”

“I wish you the best of luck.”

Blue Fang smiled. “Thanks.” He turned around and started walking. “We’re gonna need it.”


“Explain to me what the plan is.”

The others looked over to Dagger. “We just went over it Dag,” Mantis said.

“I’m sorry! I just… forgot?”

“Okay, the plan is, we breach his office building, take out any RG’s in our way, then capture this motherbucker,” Blue Fang told him.


Stinger looked at the door. “Are y’all ready to breach?”

“Born,” Dagger said.

They got ready to breach the office building. Blue Fang found his adrenaline rushing like a river. He positioned his back hooves, and then bucked down the door. They moved into the building, dropping to guards while they did. Blue Fang took point, watching every corner.

“Keep moving,” he whispered.

The four Fangs continued moving towards the target area. The fact that the office was brightly lit didn’t make sneaking around much easier. The smell of coffee was also another problem, especially since the smell was so strong.

“Hold,” Blue Fang said, causing the others to halt. He took a peek around the corner. A couple RG’s stood guard.

“What is it?” Dagger asked.


“Why are there so many here?” Mantis asked.

“Dunno. But they’re guarding that door.” Blue Fang stepped back and looked at the others. “Any ideas?”

“Maybe we could throw something?” Stinger suggested.

“But what?” Dagger asked.

Stinger looked into one of the cubicles. He found a stapler. “How about this?”


Stinger nodded and threw the stapler into another cubicle, causing the RG’s to perk up. “What was that?”

“I dunno. But we should check it out.”

“Yes sir.”

The two guards walked over to the cubicle, giving the Fangs the chance to drop them. The changelings walked past the two guards and cracked the door. There sat a white earth pony stallion. Blue Fang looked at the others, who nodded. He returned the gesture before bucking the door down. The pony jumped back as the door busted down. “Hooves up, motherbucker!” Dagger yelled.

The pony chuckled. “You think you’ve got me?” he said. He looked at Blue Fang. “Well, you’re wrong.”

The sound of marching caught their attention. They looked over to the door and down the hall stood a Royal Guard. Before they could react, the RG started hammering them with RFM. The changelings ducked behind whatever was there for cover. “Get down!” Stinger yelled.

“Find cover!” Mantis followed.

Blue Fang looked over to the pony, who was jumping out of his window. He looked to the others. “He’s getting away!”

Mantis looked over. “We can’t let him get away! Go after him!”

Blue Fang nodded and ran after the pony. He jumped out of the window and looked at the pony, who looked back. He had a rope tied around his hoof. “You’re half bug, half blueberry.” And with that, he hopped off the building. Blue Fang looked over the side to see him getting out of a trash can and running. Blue Fang found another rope. Ah, what the heck. He wrapped the rope around his hoof and jumped. Before he hit the trash pile, he thought, yeah I probably didn’t think this through!

Then he landed in the trash bin. “Argh!” A couple ponies went over to him, asking if he was okay. They helped the changeling out of the trash bin. He got out and dusted himself off. He looked up to see the pony running away. He got up and chased after his target. The pony ran into the alleyways; Blue Fang followed him. The pony climbed up a ladder, which he then kicked down. Blue Fang looked over to a nearby box. He jumped onto it, then kicked off of it, and then he grabbed the ledge of the building.

He chased the pony down the rooftops of multiple buildings, jumping from roof to roof, whilst simultaneously praying not to fall off. The pony turned around and realized that Blue Fang was still chasing him. He then jumped into a nearby wagon full of hay. He crawled out and continued running. Blue Fang followed suit. The pony ran past a café looking back at Blue Fang, who gave chase. The changeling looked over to see a wine bottle sitting on a table. He grabbed it, much to the anger of the ponies sharing the drink.

He looked at his target, raised the bottle up, and with his hoof, threw the bottle at the pony. The glass bottle shattered and the pony fumbled. Blue Fang tackled the pony and the two crashed into a painting stand. The many painting frames broke into shards. The pony grabbed some of the frame pieces and smashed it across Blue Fang’s face. The changeling recoiled back. The pony pulled himself up; Blue Fang did the same. The pony threw a punch, and Blue Fang caught it, and in turn broke his opponents leg. He then delivered an uppercut to the pony, which sent him to the ground.

Blue Fang picked him up.

“Wait! Wait! I can tell you something very important… about the two who sent you here.”

Blue Fang waited for the pony to speak up. Before he could, the pony grew a look of terror as in the corner of the stallion's eye, Blue Fang noticed a light flash. Before the changeling or pony could do anything, an arrow ended up in the poor stallion's head, killing him instantly. The many ponies around the two enemies broke out into fits of yells and screams as blood and gore sprayed onto Blue Fang, who simply stared in shock before dropping the body and ducking behind a table.

He looked over to the dead stallion. He grabbed his hoof and started pulling the corpse towards him. Another arrow struck the dead pony’s hoof, causing the changeling to flinch and drop the body. He grabbed it again and pulled it towards him again. He examined the body. Poor fella. He searched the body and found the key to the warehouses. He tried taking another step, but an arrow stopped him. He realized he was trapped.



The changelings heard his name. He knew that voice like the back of his hoof. A smokescreen formed right behind the table, giving Blue Fang the chance to run. He ran over to where he heard the voice.


The cyan changeling walked out. “Hey Blue.”

Blue Fang smiled at the sight of him. Then he looked out to where the altercation happened. “Dude. What the hay was that?!”

Pharynx shook his head, “I dunno. But it sure don’t feel right.”

“It sure don’t.”

The two friends walked through the alleyways for a bit. Then Blue Fang spoke. “I can’t believe that I’m doing all of this to get Hive back.”

“Me neither. Where’s he being held?”


Pharynx thought for a bit. “Well, I’m coming with you.”

Blue Fang was surprised. “Really?”

“Yeah. I don’t like him, but he doesn’t deserve to be locked up like that.”

Blue Fang nodded. “Well I’m heading there in a few days. I’m gonna lay low here for a bit.”

“Alright, whenever you’re ready.”

Blue Fang nodded. He looked up to the yellow sun. Hive, if you’re out there, we’re coming for you brother. No matter what.