• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,600 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Operation Ice Cold

1 week later
Pfc. Blue Fang

Blue Fang walked around Firestorm. He had been called by Brokenwing. He walked towards his room.

“Captain, you wanted to see me?” Blue Fang asked.

“Blue Fang come in,” Brokenwing replied.

Blue Fang walked into Brokenwings room. He looked around the room, wondering why Brokenwing needed him.

“Blue Fang, you’ve been through a lot,” Brokenwing said.

“I know,” Blue Fang replied. He reflected over what happened over the last week. He almost got crushed by a bell, he got a scar on his eye, and Kydra almost died.

“I wanted to talk to you,” Brokenwing said

“About what sir?” Blue Fang asked.

“Do you remember Hivehunter?” Brokenwing asked.

Blue Fang frowned, “I haven’t seen that Son of a Mare in five years,” Blue Fang said, “why?”

“Unfortunately, he’s being deployed here,” Brokenwing.

“Oh great, just great,” Blue Fang said, “anything else?”

“And he’s the Rank of Lieutenant,” Brokenwing said.

“What about Mitchell?” Blue Fang asked.

“He’s been promoted to Sergeant First Class,” Brokenwing said, “also, Pharynx has been promoted to the Rank of Sergeant, Kydra’s now a Corporal, and Stinger’s now a Specialist.”

“Lucky Buggers,” Blue Fang said.

“Don’t worry little brother,” Brokenwing said, “after this Operation, if you do good, you’ll be promoted to a Corporal.”

“Yes sir,” Blue Fang said.

They stood there for a while. Then Clover came in. “Captain, the new Lieutenant’s here,” Clover said.

“Okay, we’re coming,” Brokenwing said, “come on Blue.”

The two walked down to the entrance. Blue Fang was hesitate, but Brokenwing reassured him. They got to the entrance, and saw many Changelings standing around the entrance. And there he was, red eyes, chipped horn, and a bandage around his body.

Wow, I thought his injury would’ve healed years ago Blue Fang thought. Hivehunter walked in like he owned the place, walking with his head tall, and smug smirk on his face.

“Good to see you Lieutenant,” Brokenwing greeted.

“It’s a pleasure to be here, Captain,” Hivehunter replied. He walked past Brokenwing and Blue Fang, but also greeted Blue Fang by saying, “First Class.”

Blue Fang looked down. As far as he knew, his next days in deployment were going to be nightmares.

Operation Ice Cold
Pfc. Blue Fang
Location: North of the Crystal Empire

Hivehunter’s here, meaning he’ll be targeting me, making my deployment a living nightmare. As for this Op, we’re being deployed into the Frozen North, which is a tundra north of the Crystal Empire, go figure.

Blue Fang sat in a small foxhole with Mantis, Dagger, Stinger, and Pharynx. The frozen north sent chills, both figuratively and literally, down Blue Fangs spine. Figuratively because Thorax was probably nearby, and if they found out he deserted, it would mean big trouble for Thorax, and probably Blue Fang.

“Nice... ja... jacket Doc, looks new,” Mantis said.

“Yeah, he poached it some Replacement,” Dagger said, “poor Pony froze to death.”

“If... Lieutenant wasn’t so stingy with... requisitions, I wouldn’t have to steal,” Stinger replied.

“It’s okay, it wasn’t doing it’s “Replacement” any good,” Blue Fang added.

There was a brief moment of silence, then Mantis said, “Heckuva a deployment, eh fellas?”

“Oh yeah,” Dagger said, “Why would I EVER want to be sitting be a nice warm fire, when I could be freezing my flanks off with you Buggers?”

Hivehunter came walking down, Mantis was the first to spot him as he said, “ah crap, incoming.”

Hivehunter wasn't very nice with his introduction, as soon as he crossed their path, he said, “Dagger, get back to a defensive position.”

“Yes Lieutenant,” Dagger replied getting up and looking out of the foxhole.

“Sir, any extra coats or blankets?” Blue Fang asked.

“You looked just fine to me,” Hivehunter replied.

And you look like a Motherbucker Blue Fang thought.

“Sir, may I ask why we’re here?” Pharynx said.

“Queens orders, she wants to see what the Crystal Empire will do,” Hivehunter replied.

He walked away. Blue Fang looked out of the foxhole, trying to see if any Guard Patrol was coming, but no, the frozen plain was empty. No birds, no animals, nothing. He use CI to look for Thorax. He didn’t see him, thankfully.

“See anything?” Pharynx asked.

“Besides snow, ice, and rocks, no,” Blue Fang replied. He continued to scout the area. He spotted a white flash on his CI.

“RG’s!” Blue Fang said. He looked up again.

“Not RG’s,” Mitchell said, “Those are Crystal Guards.”

“What’s the difference?” Pharynx asked, “let’s blast those Guards into nothingness!”

“Hold your fire!” Mitchell said, “let’s see what they do.”

The Guards walked around. They looked around the glacier, as if they were looking for something. One of the Guards spotted the small foxhole Blue Fang was in.

“I think they see us,” Blue Fang said, “Mitchell?”

“If they engage, open fire,” Mitchell said.

The Guards started walking towards the Changelings.

“Mitchell!” Mantis said.

“Hold your fire!” Mitchell said. The Guards moved in. Everyone tensed, waiting for the siege that would happen. The Guards closed in like a Timberwolf closing in on its prey. Then Mitchell yelled, “Fire!”

Everyone opened fire, lighting up the Guards. All the Guards dropped to the ground, knocked out cold, except for one, who ran away.

“I’ll get’em sir,” Blue Fang said.

“Alright go!” Mitchell said.

Blue Fang galloped after the Guard, who surprisingly, ran really fast despite wearing armor. Blue Fang caught to him as best he could.

“Hey! Stop!” Blue Fang yelled. He came up and hit the Guard as hard as he could in the back of the head.

The Guard hit him in the face, causing Blue Fang to get even more mad. He slammed his fore hoof into the Guards stomach.

“Don’t Shoot! Don’t Shoot!” The Guard begged.

Kydra came from behind.

“He’s not worth it,” Kydra said, “Blue Fang!”

Blue Fang spat blood from his mouth. He looked back at the Guard. “Dumb Guard, why’d you run?” He asked, “Must be hiding something.” Blue Fang rummaged through the Guards armor. Blue Fang found a small piece of paper.

“Son of a Mare was holding out on us!” Blue Fang said ripping the paper from the Guards armor.

Mitchell came over and kicked the Guard in the side. Kydra grabbed the paper.

“What does it say?” Mitchell asked.

“These are coordinates to the hive,” Kydra said, “this Son of a Mare got the coordinates to the hive!”

Mitchell looked down at the Guard.

“You’re making a big mistake,” the Guard mumbled, but only Blue Fang could hear him.

“Well ain’t that something, Guard,” Mitchell said, then he kicked the Guard in the head, causing blood to come out of the Guards mouth.

“Sir, he said something about we’re making a big mistake,” Blue Fang said.

“Probably just some dumb Pony lie to try and make us scared,” Mitchell replied.

Blue Fang used CI to look around, just to be on the safe side. “Or maybe he’s telling the truth, sir.”

Mitchell looked where Blue Fang was looking, “Son of a Mare.”

Dagger and Pharynx walked in the direction of the tracks left by Blue Fang and the others.

“Are you sure we should be heading this way?” Pharynx asked.

“The tracks lead this way,” Dagger replied.

“Shouldn’t we just wait?” Pharynx asked.

“Why?” Dagger replied

“They’ll come back sooner or later,” Pharynx said. True enough, Blue Fang, Mitchell, and Kydra came running towards them. “See, told you.” The two looked were about to walk towards them, but something felt off. Blue Fang looked like he was trying to say something, but Dagger and Pharynx couldn’t hear him.

“What’s he saying?” Dagger asked.

“If I knew, I would tell you,” Pharynx replied.

The group got closer and the two could somewhat hear Blue Fang. They waited till he got closer. They were still a few miles away from each other.

“Run!” Blue Fang yelled. Dagger and Pharynx looked at each other, than back at Blue Fang. “Run!” Blue Fang yelled again, this time with panic in his voice, and now they saw why.

“Motherbucker,” Dagger said.

What appeared to be the entire Crystal Army was hightailing Blue Fang and the others.

“Go! Get back to the trenches!” Blue Fang yelled.

“Go,” Pharynx said, “Go!”

The five Changelings ran back towards the trenches. Blue Fang looked behind him, and he wished he hadn’t. He shot a few bolts at the Guards, but wasn’t sure if they hit or not, mainly due to the fact he was trying to stay with the group. “Trenches up ahead!” Mitchell yelled. The Changelings jumped into the trenches.

“CG’s!” Mantis yelled

“we have an evac train coming, everyone, get to the train station!” Hivehunter yelled.

The Changelings fled, some looking back and firing at the Guards. They got closer to the Train Station.

“Almost there, keep pushing!” Mitchell yelled. The Changeling came up to the Station, where Clover was waiting with the Train.

Come on Blue Blue Fang said in thought, You’re almost there, show Broken you’re rea— an explosion sent Blue Fang flying, the explosion also hurt his leg.

“Blue Fang!” Pharynx yelled. He tried to get off the train, but Hivehunter stopped him. “Hivehunter, get off me!”

“Stop Pharynx, that’s an order!” Hivehunter said.

“To Tartarus with our orders!” Pharynx replied.

Mitchell stepped in. “What happened to no Changeling left behind?!” He asked.

“Stand down, both of you!”

Blue Fang crawled over to the train. He pulled as hard as he could, trying to get to the door.

“Clover, get us outta here!” Hivehunter yelled.

“But Blue Fa—“


“Yes sir,” Clover turned the engine on and the train started moving.

“Blue Fang!” Dagger yelled.

“We can’t just leave him!” Kydra yelled.

“We can’t save him either!” Hivehunter yelled back. He looked at Blue Fang and smirked. As the train started moving faster, Hivehunter slammed the door. Even from Blue Fangs position, he could still here the metal door slamming. The cold started impairing his vision. He felt a hoof grab him. He looked up and saw the Crystal Guards standing over him, with the Guard who Mitchell kicked in the face in front.

Before he could say anything, the Guard said, “dumb Bug, why’d you run?” The Guards laughed. He looked down at Blue Fang, “Must be hiding something.” The Guard felt around Blue Fangs body. He pulled out an imaginary piece of paper. “Son of a Mare was holding out on us.” The other Guards laughed harder. The Guard got a smirk look on his face. He looked down at Blue Fang than back at then at the train. “Well ain’t that something, Bug.” Then he kicked Blue Fang in face, knocking him out.

Approximately 2 Hours Later

Blue Fang woke up in a small cell. He rubbed the left side of his face, which hurt a lot. Where am I? He couldn’t even think without pain shooting though his head. A hard bang on the door made him jump. He looked through the small peak hole in the door, but he saw nothing. He assumed it was his nerves messing with him. He looked around the room. Wow, they just HAD to give me a bucket He thought staring at the small pale bucket. He looked around, hoping the Ponies at least gave him his diary. He couldn’t find it. He punched the wall out of anger, the rage burning away the pain.

Another loud knock came from the door. Okay, definitely not my nerves. He took a deep breathe in, then let it out. “Hello?”

The knock came even harder, as if the door had been kicked. “Quiet Bug!” Someone yelled.

“Leave the ‘Thing’ alone,” someone else said.

Thing, a Thing?! Who do they think I am, an object? We don’t call them ‘Things’. Blue Fang was enraged by the name. He looked through the hole again. He saw two Crystal Guards looking back at him.

“What are you looking at?” The first Guard asked.

“Just leave him alone,” the other one said.

“Why should I?” He asked, “he’s the one who kicked Diamondshard in the face.”

Blue Fang was confused, but then he remembered Mitchell kicked a Guard in the face.

“Look,” Blue Fang said, “I don’t know who told you, but I did not kick the CG in the face.”

“Then who did, Bugger?” The Guard asked

“That would be my Sergeant,” Blue Fang replied.

The two Guards looked at each other, then back at Blue Fang.

“Whatever you say, Bug.”

He looked at them with a angry feeling inside of him, but then he realized that he, along with all the other Changelings, always called the Guards, RG’s or CG’s, depending on which Guard they fought. So they did technically have a reason to have a prejudice against the Changelings.

Another Guard came over and handed the nicer Guard a small book.

“Here, you should read this,” He said handing the book to the Guard.

Blue Fang immediately recognized the cover. “My journal!” He said.

The three Guards looked at him. The Guard opened the journal and read one of the entries. He looked at Blue Fang.

“Here,” He said giving Blue Fang the journal.

The other Guard didn’t look too happy. Before he could say anything thing, someone else came walking towards the group. Blue Fang used CI to see who it was.

Shining, Cadence, and Thorax Blue Fang thought looking at the three figures. He only knew it was Cadence because of her wings and horn. The two Ponies and Thorax walked towards the cell door.

“Hey Thorax,” Blue Fang said.

“Hey BF,” Thorax said.

“You don’t need to use initials, brother,” Blue Fang said, “they read my journal.”

“Sorry about the invasiveness,” Cadence said.

Blue Fang looked at her. He felt a bit mad, but at the same time, he didn’t. But he ignored it. “Oh, it’s fine, it’s not like I just had my entire life pretty much invaded by an enemy government,” He said.

Thorax shook his head. Blue Fang looked at the journal, then back at Cadence.

“Look, I’m sorry,” Blue Fang said, which surprised everyone in the room, all except Thorax. The Guards looked at each other, Cadence and Shining exchanged looks somewhat in between confused and surprised. Blue Fang continued, “it’s just, I don’t like have anyone, not even my brothers, going through my personal things.”

There was a moment of silence. Everyone just stood around. Then Shining said, “We’ll give you a choice, give us the secrets of your hive and you’re free to live here, or you can stay here in this cell as a prisoner.”

What will Blue Fang do?

*Give Secrets*
Continue reading

*Remain Loyal*
Move to the ===***=== symbol

“Ok, you win,” Blue Fang said. He gave every secret he knew about the hive. Rest as we know is history

A Few Months After Chrysalis’s Defeat

Blue Fang got out of his bed. He’d been staying with Thorax in the Crystal Empire ever since he’d been captured. Thorax walked in.

“Hey, it’s time you head home,” Thorax said.

“But won’t they—“

“Don’t worry, they’ve changed, literally.”

Blue Fang got out of bed and flew with Thorax towards the hive. He just got used to Thorax’s new look. When they got to the hive, it looked different. Blue Fang hardly recognized it. He stood behind Thorax. The two went onto a large rock.

“Stay behind here until I tell you to come out,” Thorax said.


Thorax flew onto the rock. “Everyone, I have an announcement!” He said. All the Changeling came towards the rock. “Alright, I want to bring someone back, someone most of you probably miss.”

“Who would that be?” Someone asked, but Blue Fang recognized the voice, Pharynx.”

“An old friend,” Thorax replied, he looked at Blue Fang and did a head wave. Blue Fang took a deep breath and walked up onto the rock. When he got to the top, Thorax introduced him. “Everyone, this is Blue Fang.”

The Changelings stared in disbelief. He was alive, and back at that.

“Blue Fang? Your alive?!” Someone yelled. He recognized the voice.

“Yes I am, Dagger!”

A green Changeling came flying towards him. He hugged Blue Fang. “Wow, I can’t believe you’re back!”

“Me neither Dagger, me neither.”

Blue Fang walked around, looking for everyone he knew as Changeling soldier. He walked back to Thorax, who was talking to Pharynx.

“I can’t believe it, this all happened while I was gone?” Blue Fang asked.

“Yeah, I’m surprised myself,” Pharynx replied, “who knew the weakest could be a great leader?”

“Hey, that’s me you’re talking about!” Thorax commented.

“Yeah I know,” Pharynx said laughing. He looked at Blue Fang. “Hey you good Blue?”

“No,” Blue Fang said, “When I was captured, I gave up the secrets to the hive, and even though, for some reason they didn’t use them to their advantage, I still feel wrong about it.”

“Hey, you did what you had to do,” Pharynx said, “look, let’s keep this between us, alright?”

The three agreed and dispersed, but deep down inside, Blue Fang still felt bad, and worst of all, he abandoned the hive. He swore to never let Brokenwing down again, but now, he felt like he did.

Ending 1/4: the Dishonored Ending.

Blue Fang feels bad he failed the hive. He also doesn’t know where Hivehunter is and worries he will be a threat.

The End

Blue Fang looked at them. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline that offer.”

Thorax looked down, while Cadence and Shining just shrugged. Then they walked away.

“You could’ve been free,” Thorax said, “why didn’t you accept their offer?”

“You can have anything in the world, you can change anything about my personality, but you can’t change the fact that I’m loyal to the hive,” Blue Fang said.

“Guess you’re right, but what are you going to do now?” Thorax asked.

“I don’t know, but whatever happens, I know you got my back.”

“You bet.”

The two nodded and Thorax walked away. Blue Fang looked at the journal. He opened it and grabbed the quill. He wrote in the journal. He looked up, knowing he would probably be here a long time.

Blues Log
Mission Status: Failed
Current Rank: Private First Class
Cpt. Brokenwing: Alive
Lt. Hivehunter: Unknown
Sfc. Mitchell: Unknown
Sgt. Pharynx: Unknown
Cpl. Kydra: Unknown
Spc. Stinger: Unknown
Pvt. Dagger: Unknown
Pvt. Mantis: Unknown

Abandoned, that’s the first thing I feel. I’ve been left behind by Hivehunter. I hope the others got home. I only know Brokenwings okay because he didn’t come on the mission. All I know is that for now, I’m on my own.

—Pfc. Blue Fang