• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,593 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

  • ...

Chapter 20: True ReunionđŸŽ”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, this one was a son of a mare to make. Before you start I just wanna say this chapter has a lot of songs (about six of them) also if you like Rainbow and Applejack as characters, you may hate this chapter.

(Slight gore)

Blue Fang walked down the dirt road, on the way to Canterlot. Somehow, the long walk didn’t tire him out. A wagon rolled by. Luna peeked out of the back of the wooden vehicle. “Do you want a ride?”

“No,” he replied still walking. He looked up to see how long the walk was. He could see the lights of Canterlot. He walked through the gates, ignoring the Royal Guards. He walked up to the castle and again, walked past the Guards like they didn’t exist. He walked through the throne room and down to the cell blocks. He opened his cell door and walked in. He used his magic to close the door and he laid on his bed. The Guards looked confused, but they didn’t question him. Blue Fang got up and stared outside the window. The twilight sky was almost breathtaking. He’d never seen anything so beautiful. He sat back down on his bed. He closed his eyes.

The Guards were confused. “Should we be concerned?” one of them asked the other.

“Nah,” the other one replied, “if he walked into his cell willingly, I’m pretty sure we can trust’im.” The other shrugged.

Blue Fang opened his eyes, then he spoke, “hey,” the Guards looked at.


“How much you wanna bet that Twilight and Company is gonna walk through the door?”

The two Guards stared at each other, then one of them said, “I bet ten bits.”

“Alright,” Blue Fang said, then he started counting down, “five, four, three, two, one.” As if right on cue, Twilight and Company walked in.

“Dangit,” the Guard said, “here take’em.”

Blue Fang smirked as he took the bits. The Guards were ordered to leave by Shining. Blue Fang sighed, what did they want now? Applejack was the first to speak, although Blue Fang expected it. “Okay, talk,” she said.


She had a look that said ‘you know what I’m talking about.’ She spoke again, “how’d you know them cards was good?”

He rolled eyes, “got lucky, I guess,” he replied as he shrugged. He got looks the said ‘there’s more to it than that.’ He sighed. “Okay, I’ll tell you the story, but not how to use the ability.”

Twilight started to speak, “well I think I can find it one of my books—”

“Don’t bother, you won’t find anything like this in a book,” he said. “Alright, here’s the story:

Long ago, when the Changeling society was still young, there was Changeling named Foresight. He was known as that because of his ability to see slowly into the future. He used it to prevent accidents in the Hive, and to give him and his fellow soldiers on the battlefield an advantage. It took him years to create the spell and even longer to master it. For his actions, he was awarded a Queens Mane medal for his heroic actions whilst on and off the battlefield.”

Luna looked at him, “I think I’ve heard that name before,” she said.

“Well he did fight during the first Changeling-Pony War,” he said looking out of the window.

Everypony looked at him, as if saying, ‘that’s it?’

He looked back, “what do you want me to say? I haven’t had any chance to study ‘cause I was fighting in a motherbucking war!” he snapped. They seemed taken aback by his language. Well, all except Rainbow. He just realized he had put so much emphasis on bucking. He sighed, “look, I’m,” he stopped to kick himself, “I’m sorry for my language,” or whatever. Again, like at the Crystal Empire, they all looked surprised. He rolled his, “oh please, have you guys never seen anyone apologize?” he walked back to his bed and sat down. He opened up his journal, which Rainbow seemed to take a clear interest in.

Without warning she said, “can I see?”

“Rainbow!” Twilight whispered.

“No,” he said a very monotone voice

Rainbow looked over to him. “What?”


“Aw please?”


“For a second?”


“Twenty Bits?”


At this point, Rainbow may well have muttered screw it and flew into the cell and reached for the journal and pulled it. Blue Fang held onto it. “Lemme see it!”


“Rainbow! Stop! You’re going to get hurt!”

“No I won’t! I just need to see this—”


Rainbow stopped dead as both her and everypony else stared in shock. It felt like a needle had just been stuck into her hoof. She looked down to her right hoof

only to see Blue Fangs blue fangs stuck into her hoof. She yelled in pain as she ripped her hoof from his fangs. She stumbled out of the cell and stood outside.

Blue Fang tried to keep the journal in his grasp, but it was slipping with each tug Rainbow gave. He had to do something, and fast, then, it came to him. It was an extreme measure, but he had to do something. He raised his fangs and slammed them down into Rainbows hoof.


Everything went dead silent. Nopony said a thing. Rainbow seemed to move her head. She then yelled out in pain as she yanked her hoof away. He let his fangs slide from out of her hoof as she stumbled out of the cell.

Sounds of concern came from the others as they looked at Rainbow. Fluttershy asked anypony for a some bandages. Twilight quickly used magic to teleport some bandages from somewhere. Blue Fang got up and walked to the nearby water fountain and washed his mouth out. Sure, he’d eaten meat before (only as a last resort and in the Academy) but he could never stand the taste of blood in his mouth. He licked his fangs to make sure there was no blood left. He sat back down on the bed and started reading his journal. He heard the yells of the Ponies as they moved Rainbow from wherever she was to wherever she was going. While they moved her, she was yelling things like “that motherbucker bit me!” and “buck it hurts!”

Blue Fang sat in silence. He didn’t need this today. He closed his eyes and entered the Void, which was a lot easier now. He floated around until he landed in


...he didn’t know what it was. All he knew was that it felt familiar. Then a cheer came from someone, “yeah, woohoo!”

He looked around to see who had yelled that
 then he saw Cobshot. He knew exactly where and when he was, Operation Longstrike and he was on the bell tower. “We hit that last Guard we control the air!”

He looked to his right. It was Mitchell who yelled that. Then Cobshot yelled, “sir, the Guard’s targeting us!”

“Everyone out, now!”

Blue Fang quickly ran towards the ladder, but just like in real life, an ES exploded next to him. He had to watch again as Cobshot was again hit by an ES. Kydra ran towards him, but then the ES hit right next to her, causing her to fall down off the bell tower.

“Blue Fang!” she yelled dangling from the side.

“Hold on! I’ll get you!” he yelled as he dived after her, but just as it happened in real life, she fell before he could get to her. “No!” But then something strange happened. Another ES hit behind him, causing him to fall down too. He yelled as he fell, but then the scene changed, and he was suddenly underwater. He looked around until he saw Dagger caught on his typewriter. He quickly swam to help him. He dragged Dagger to the surface.

“Thanks Blue!”

“No problem,” he replied. The two ran onto the beaches, but then another ES hit Blue Fang and he flew back into a

...bunker? He looked confused. Then, someone yelled out in pain. He turned and saw an RG rolling over. “Pharynx!” he yelled. The RG rushed him, but he got up and fought back, then like in real life, he slammed the helmet over the Guards head. He got up, and ran towards Pharynx. “Pharynx! Are you all right?!”


“Come on Pharynx! Stay with me!”

 I’m— s-s-sorry,” he passed out.

He closed his eyes, at least he wasn’t dead. He snapped out of the Void, only to be met with Luna sitting quietly beside him on his bed. “I’m guessin’ you’re either here to read mind or here to criticize me for biting Rainbow.”

“The ladder.”

He sighed, “let me guess, you’re going to send me to death for biting one of Equestrias heroes.”

She sighed at his sarcasm. “I understand why you would bite her, but was it really necessary?” she said in a somewhat calm voice, but Blue Fang knew that she was somewhat mad or disappointed, or at least, that’s how Chrysalis acted.

“That’s how we grew up in the Hive,” he said vaguely, “it was almost kill or be killed in the Hive,” he looked at Luna, “we didn’t grow up with your luxuries, we grew up to survive.”

Luna looked away, “it sounds horrible,” she said.

“It was,” he looked down, “the only reason I survived was because I had my family.”

“Family?” she asked curiously.

“You know? The most wanted Changelings in all of Equestria?”

Before Luna could reply, a Guard ran in, “your majesty, we need you.”

She looked at Blue Fang, “go,” he said, “I’m not stopping you.”

She nodded and got and left the cell.

Blue Fang sat down on his bed. He looked at the walls, then the door. He sighed. Then the door opened. He looked up. His eyes widened as Brokenwing, Mitchell, Hivehunter, Kydra, Dagger, Mantis, and Stinger walked through the door. “What are y’all doin’ here?”

“We couldn’t leave ya,” Dagger said winking.

“Yeah,” Kydra said, “we’d do it for you cause you’d do the same for us.”

Blue Fang couldn’t help but smile, “thanks guys.”

“No problem, little brother,” Brokenwing said.

The gang sat and talked for a few minutes, then one question hit Blue Fang harder than a rock to the head. He turned to Brokenwing, “where the others?”

He smiled, “they’re at another camp.”

“They’re fine,” Hivehunter said, “don’t worry.”

“Thanks you guys.”

Dagger looked around the cell, “dang,” he said, “what do you do in here?”

“Sat around, occasionally chat with Luna. Basically

...it’s boring.”

“Wanna duel?”

“Dagger, you never change,” Mitchell said.

“Yeah, and besides, when we were in the Academy, I blasted you,” Blue Fang commented. He started to laugh at the memory.

Blue Fang watched another opponent fall. He blew the smoke off his horn. He walked off the field. “Alright, the last two stand!” Brokenwing said, “Blue Fang and Dagger!”

Blue Fang walked on with Dagger, “good luck,” Dagger said, “you’re going to need it.”

Blue Fang rolled his eyes. The two stood back-to-back. They walked five steps. “Draw!”

The two whipped around, but Blue Fang was quickest. He blasted the magic bolts into Dagger.

“Looks like I did have luck on my side.”

“But that was then, what about now?”

“Dag, remember Appaloosa,” he quickly walked over and whispered “aka, the Gala.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I have an idea,” Brokenwing said.

“What is it?” Blue Fang asked.


He used his horn to start some music, “might as well do something.”

(Blue= Blue Fangs Lyrics
Red= Brokenwings Lyrics
Orange=combined lyrics)

War is coming swiftly, the border closing in.
We’re a company of Changelings, mere forty horns strong.

All alone!

Stand alone!

And with the ground shaking, and Shining in command.
The attack is pushing harder, the war all around.

All around!

Hold your ground!

Fight all eighteen days of battles, no odds are on our side!
We would fight all until our magic runs dry!

We! We will Resist and Fight!
Fight hard! Cause we are all in sight!
We! We raise our fangs and bite!
Bite hard! Resist and do what’s right!

No matter our fighting, the numbers mostly count.
We’re out-horned and few in numbers, we’re doomed to flag of fail.

We fought hard!

Held our guard!

But when I was captured by the Ponies, and asked to tell the truth, should’a told’em with a smile, should’a surprised them with a laugh!

We are all!

We were all!

We were told hold Firestorm, and that what we did!
Honored were our orders, in despite of our foe!

We! We will Resist and Fight!
Fight hard! ‘Cause we are all in sight!
We! We spread our wings and fly!
Fly hard! Resist and do what’s right!

Glory in death and service! The Ponies closing in.

We fight for Queen and the Hive! The Queen against the Princess!

Glory in death and service! The Ponies closing in.

We fight for Queen and the Hive! The Queen against the Princess!


We! We will Resist and Fight!
Fight hard! ‘Cause we are all in sight!
We! We take our horns and stab!
Stab hard! Resist and do what’s right!

The brothers stared at each other, almost smiling.

“Bravo! Bravo!” Dagger said clapping his hooves.

“Thanks Dagg,” Blue Fang said.

“I thoroughly enjoyed it too,” an unseen Luna said.

The gang turned to see where she was. Blue Fang sighed and rolled his eyes, “what do you want?”

“I wanted to meet the members of your ‘gang’.”

Blue Fang looked at his family, “well, there’s Captain Brokenwing, you can tell because of his right wing. This here is Sergeant Mitchell. That’s Lieutenant Hivehunter, he’s got red eyes and a chipped horn. That there is Specialist turned Corporal Kydra, she’s the only girl in our gang. That’s Medic Stinger, he’s got a slightly longer horn then us. This is Dagger, he’s got longer fangs than us. Finally there’s Mantis, he’s taller than us.”

“Nice to meet you all,” Luna said.

“Nice to meet you too,” Brokenwing said. Then he got a weird look on his face. Then out of nowhere, he said, “you’re General Luna!”

Everyone looked at him. “General who?” Dagger asked.

“General Luna,” Blue Fang answered, “jeez, didn’t you learn anything in the Academy?”

“Nooooo,” Dagger replied, “but even so, why’s it important to know this.”

“Wooow,” Blue Fang said, “you sure didn’t pay attention in class.” Dagger shrugged. “Battle of Fort Hyaline ring a bell?”

“Oh yeah, the Attack of the—”

Blue Fang out his hoof over Daggers mouth, “Dagg, let Brokenwing speak.”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Right now, I just want to fall asleep.” Luna nodded and left.

“Alright, let’s settled in,” Blue Fang said, “who wants the bed?”

“I’ll take it,” Mantis said.

“Be my guest,” Blue Fang said.

Mantis jumped onto the bed. When he landed on the bed, a hard crash came from him, “Ahh! Buck! Blue Fang you motherbucker! Ouch!”

The rest of the gang were laughing their flanks off as Mantis rolled around on the floor screaming. Blue Fang felt a little bit better now that his family was there for him, and he was there for them.

Blue Fang opened up his eyes and let his vision recalibrate. He looked around to see everyone still sleeping. The sun had just risen, so it was probably around six or seven. He looked out of the cell door to see Luna standing in front of the door. “Hello your majesty.”

“Hello soldier.”

“Hello Private, Princess,” said an unseen Brokenwing as he walked over.

“Hello Brokenwing.”

“Hello,” he turned to Blue Fang, “are you ready for today?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Okay, I’ll finish setting up everything, you all get prepared in the meantime,” Luna said. Then she walked away.

“Hey Broken?”


“Will Thorax and Pharynx be there?”


“What you think of Thorax?”

“What do mean, Blue?”

“Well you know, he abandoned us.”

Brokenwing looked at his younger brother “Blue, let me tell you something. When I was your age, I wanted to run away.”

Blue Fang had an udder look of shock on his face, “really?”

“Yeah. And I would’ve done it, but then you hatched, and I saw potential in you,” he looked to the floor. A small tear left his eye, “the reason I chose you was because of these,” he used his Changeling magic, then pointed to his fangs, which were a bright red. He closed his eyes, “my original name was Red Fang, but mother changed it to Brokenwing because of my right wing. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner.”

 I-I don’t know what to say, why’d you tell me sooner?”

“I don’t know. I guess I didn’t want you to go through what I went through.”

“I would have been fine.”

“I guess.”Blue Fang looked down. “Something wrong Blue?”

“You remember when we got blasted sky high and when I went out to find Thorax after Shield Breaker?”


“Well, when I found him both times, I-I let him go,” he said looking down in shame.

“Blue Fang
” Brokenwing said.

“I know, I know, you can hate me.”

“...I’m proud of you.”

“I know you hate me— wait what?”

“I’m proud of you, Blue.”

“My too,” someone said. The two brothers stared in the direction of the speaker. There stood Kydra smiling, “I knew you could do it Blue.”

“Thanks Ky. Now come on we got a meeting to get to.”

The gang stood in front of the princesses, Mane Six or Seven counting Starlight, Thorax, and Pharynx. Blue Fang looked at Brokenwing, who stood in front of the gang. “Well, let’s get to business.”

“Sure,” Luna said, “as you know you’re all under arrest for many crimes.”

“Crimes you’re too lazy to name,” Dagger whispered. Mitchell threw a sharp blow to his head, “Ow!”

“Can it!” Blue Fang whispered. He looked at his brother, who winked.

“So, how long going to be here, General Luna?”

“Please don’t call me that. I’m trying to put that behind me.”

“But you can’t, can you?”

“Please stop.”

Blue Fang watched the exchange between the two. It was no secret that Brokenwing was good at physiological warfare. He somehow knew almost every physiological weakness his enemy had. He continued to talk Luna down. Then he got a grin on his face.

“Uh oh,” Blue Fang said, “I know that look like the back of my hoof.”

Brokenwing started some music via magic.

Red= Brokenwings Lyrics.
Blue= Blue Fangs Lyrics


Turmoil at the front. Luna’s forces on the hunt.
There’s a thunder in the east, it’s an attack of the deceased.

They’ve been facing pesticides.
Seven thousand charge en masse.
Turn the tide of this attack, and force the RG’s to turn back.

And that’s when the dead bugs are marching again.

Fort Hyaline, then and again!
Attack of the dead!
Hundred bugs!
Facing the Guards!
Once again!
Hundred bugs!
Charge again!
Die again!

Fort Hyaline, then and again!
Attack of the dead!
Hundred bugs!
Facing the Guards!
Once again!
Hundred bugs!
Charge again!
Die again!

Two combatants spare,
Silverfang against Foresight.
Move in two battalions large
Into a Changeling counter-charge!

They’ll be fighting for their lives!
As their enemy revives!
Changelings won’t surrender no!
Burning fear into the Guards!

And that’s when the dead bugs are marching again.

Fort Hyaline, then and again!
Attack of the dead!
Hundred bugs!
Facing the Guards!
Once again!
Hundred bugs!
Charge again!
Die again!

Fort Hyaline, then and again!
Attack of the dead!
Hundred bugs!
Facing the Guards!
Once again!
Hundred bugs!
Charge again!
Die again!


And that’s when the dead bugs are marching again.

Fort Hyaline, then and again!
Attack of the dead!
Hundred bugs!
Facing the Guards!
Once again!
Hundred bugs!
Charge again!
Die again!

Fort Hyaline, then and again!
Attack of the dead!
Hundred bugs!
Facing the Guards!
Once again!
Hundred bugs!
Charge again!
Die again!

And that's when(Fort Hyaline, then and again!)
The dead bugs (Attack of the dead! Hundred bugs!)
Are facing the Guards(Facing the Guards! Once again!)
Again and again(Hundred bugs! Charge again! Die again!)

Fort Hyaline, then and again!
Attack of the dead, hundred bugs!
Facing the Guards, once again!(That’s When)
Hundred bugs! Charge again! Die again!(The dead bugs marched again!)

Brokenwing gave a slight bow while Blue Fang stood awkwardly. “Was that necessary?” Blue Fang asked.

“Of course.”

“I mean don’t you think that went a bit too far, I mean, I thought we were trying to form a neutral relationship with these guys, not break their princess.”

“Should’ve thought about in foresight.”

Before Blue Fang could reply, Rainbow yelled out, “how about y’all sing something else?”

“Shut up before I snap your other hoof!”

“How about we start!” Rainbow yelled ignoring Blue Fangs threat.

“Be my guest!”

“Alright!” she looked at Twilight. Twilight rolled her eyes and started music.

“How about I sing?” Shining asked.

“Sure,” Rainbow replied.

Blue= Blue Fangs Lyrics
Red= Mitchells Lyrics
Grey= Shinings Lyrics
Green= Thorax Lyrics
Light blue= Pharynx Lyrics
Brown= Changelings hura


Whenever duty calls, guess who’s steppin’ in?
Tell Queen Chrysalis to saddle up and send’em in!
You start a tenderfoot, harden, to a veteran.
Pressing on it how we honored all our captured brethren.

Soldiers-we were born to be!
Captain, this ain't your normal breach!
Hit the ground, we’re storming castle street!
We were lookin’ forward to your retreat.
It’s way too late to sort the beef!
Twilight, you’re nothing short of beaten!
The price of freedom comes with war!
And the princesses can’t afford one more defeat!

Your castle ain’t so safe when I got a Hornets Nest on it’s way!
I’m raining on your bulls on parade!
I got a fully charged horn and I wanna rage!

Throw your body in a ditch!
What we gonna do now Mitch?

Make these Ponies salty so they know what to lose a fight!

Saw something moving around.
Got Rainbow snooping around?
ES spell shooting her down.
Nothing but rubble, what was the Hive grounds.
Horn on a swivel, hooves on the ground.
Back to where our roots can be found.
We’ll all rebuild tomorrow, but we’re starting over now.

You are alone.
You already fell.
We know how it goes,
When you want it all.
Horns in the sky, hooves on the ground.
We held our ground.
We struck you down.

He ain’t alone!
He will not fall!
We know how it goes!
When you want it all!
Horns in the sky! Hooves on the ground!
We’ll hold our ground!
You strike’em down!

So you Ponies want a war?
Then we’ll take to your home!
Only banner you should fly!
Is one that’s solid white!
We don’t do for the glory, no!
We don’t do for a girl!
Not for honor of memorial!
We all do it for the Hive!

RG helmet, better get one on your head!
I recommend you hit the deck or you’ll be dead where you stand! (Ha!)
The kind of helmet fit for a king!
Knock off the guard helmet, just for the ting!
Tunnel vision, with no distraction!
Trust me, my gang seeks action!
Like a CT, I roll with traction!
Throwing magic with no compassion!
Got that stopping power so my ES hits hard!
I’ll leave with the darkness just to drop you from a-far!”
Tag you with my Instinct, from an impossible distance!
Snipe you with my Changeling Focus!
Now we’re talkin’ the business!
Look out! Don’t let me tag you with my RFM!
That’s not an infection, but a way that you can remember me!
Cuz see, I like an attack with a little kick!
Low recoil, still tears you to bits
Rapid Fire Magic, full charged power!
Add that upgrade into the mix!

So which attack do you pick?
You think you sticking with it?
Viva la Chrysalis, send in bombs, let that artillery hit!


If victory is out of reach, flip the script!
Given our history and the ES we’ve been
stricken with!
Impossible’s an obstacle over which we’ll get!
Unite this infantry, and in the face of the princesses, spit!

So you Ponies want a war?
Then we’ll take to your home!
Only banner you should fly!
Is one that’s solid white!
We don’t do for the glory, no!
We don’t do for a girl!
Not for honor of memorial!
We all do it for the Hive!

Wo-o-a Wo-o-a
Dark symbols hang from banners.
Wo-o-a Wo-o-a
The horn strikes and the fang bites.
Wo-o-a Wo-o-a
Tear down the heart of friendship.
Wo-o-a Wo-o-a
When the Hive calls - we answer.


Wo-o-a Wo-o-a

Wo-o-a Wo-o-a

Wo-o-a Wo-o-a

Wo-o-a Wo-o-a

So you Ponies want a war?
Then we’ll take to your home!
Only banner you should fly!
Is one that’s solid white!
We don’t do for the glory, no!
We don’t do for a girl!
Not for honor of memorial!
We all do it for the Hive!

The Ponies and Changelings stared at each other. “Next!” Rainbow yelled.

“Alright,” Blue Fang said.

Gray= Shinings Lyrics
Blue= Blue Fangs Lyrics
Red= Brokenwings Lyrics
LightBlue= Mitchell’s Lyrics
Brown= Hivehunters Lyrics
Green= Mantises Lyrics
Orange= Daggers Lyrics
Yellow= Stingers Lyrics
Pink= Kydra’s Lyrics
Violet= Twilights Lyrics
DarkGrey= All Changelings


Soon the Hive, won’t have to ask.
How much impact, one wedding has.
It happened fast, like a match to gas.
We watched the Hive take a tragic path.
I packed my bags, grabbed my cap and mask.
Mama say goodbye your baby grubs.
I’ll be coming back with post traumatic stress.
And the aftermath has had me flashing back,

To when we felt the blast, and our morale cracked!
Our defenses shattered, we were collapsing fast!
And my lungs were filled with ash and pesticides!
Pockets full of stars from every Guard I’ve jabbed!
Yes I got regrets, but I had to act!
Would I rather be dead than adapt to that?
Let me rest in peace, where’s my casket at?
I’m not a complex case, this is my habitat!

We knack for big explosions, that’s a fact!
Won’t be long before we’re catching smoke for that!
Every trench we dug was an effective grave!
Getting attacked in waves, crashing back to back!
It’s time I take my chance and run!
I’m riding tanks, and sniping Guards!
I’ll ride a train if it means stealing one!
You can deal with war, can you deal with puns?
I’ll be making sure the Queen Chrysalis ain’t bugged!


The war’s the world, the world’s the war.
Your Hive has turned, we won’t ignore.
Six flames will burn, guide the Reforms.
You are monsters with no remorse!
Skies are dark above us.
Fought a war and lived.
Fight for Princess and Country!
And keep your pride if it means death!


Now listen to me Blue Fang,
When you feel the Hive on shoulders,
You just need to blow off some steam!
Do you know what to do with dynamite Dagg?
Wait a second? Is it explosive?
If you don’t know that, then just forget it.
Attention Stinger, we’re gonna need a medic.
I can help them out, I just need a minute!

To destruction, I’m devoted!
That’s why my ideas are explosive!
Charge my ES before I shoot it!
Locomotive coming! Duly noted!
Got an Explosion Spell at the ready!
Plant some dynamite and wait a moment.
Hopefully I’ll be the one to blow it.
And if I’m lucky, PROMOTED!

The war’s the world, the world’s the war.
The Hive has turned, we won’t ignore.
Six flames will burn, guides the Reform.
We have feelings. We feel remorse!
Skies are still dark above us.
Fought this war and won.
Fought for Princess and Country.
And keep your pride if it means death!


I don’t need a crown to be a king Changeling.
But I ain’t a hero, cause if they were real.
My disastrous habits would have appeal.
When I see destruction, I get battlefeels.
Back on the saddle on a battlefield.
When I blast you, you’ll know RG’s feel.
Who knows how many K.O’s that I yield.
What if we surrender, can we have deal?
That’s off the table! Save your breath!
I’ve been called the ace, where you place your bets!
I’m a Scarred Form, I ain’t no Reform yet!
Your royal duty is to pay your debts!
I’m declaring war, your just making threats!
I’m riding the train, and it ain’t derailing yet!
Stay away from places that the drones can get!
I’ll break your walls down and paint the way with hooves
You’ll make a great display on my horns nest!

Our whole generation felt lost.
Returned home broke and shellshocked.
From the trenches we fell into wars maw!
Showed a dark side you all never saw!
Mud and dust is on my horn.
It ain’t the time snacking on some corn.
Even if want, you can’t hop a trench.
So just put your hoof down on some Royal Guards

If they’re on our land, we’ll defend it!
And then we’ll implement demented methods!
Meant for impairing our enemies’ senses!
While preparing our magic and wrenches!
For repairing the mess in our columns!
Blastin’ RG’s and wreckin’ their census!
Then I’ll carry my friends to protection!
And bury the Guards in the trenches!

The war’s the world, the world’s the war.
The Hive has turned, we won’t ignore.
Six flames have burned, guide the Reforms.
We are creatures! We feel remorse!
Skies are white above me!
Been through a war and back!
Fight for Queen and the Hive!
And keep the pride if it means death!

The two sides stared at each other. “What now?” Dagger asked.

“If these sons of mares wanna sing, we’ll sing for them.” Blue Fang turned to the Ponies, “this time we’re singing!” Before any could reply, Brokenwing started it up. “I mean it.”

Blue= Blue Fangs Lyrics
Purple= Kydra’s Lyrics
Red= Blue Fang and Kydra’s combined Lyrics
Yellow= Daggers Lyrics


Wings in the sky, hooves on the ground.
Flag flying high and we never let our sights down!
Live’s on the line, as we turn the tide of war.
No bug left behind, fight onward through the celestial storm!

You can beat me in battle but you won’t win the war!
Fold up you flag, I’ll take over your fort!
I’m a bug of morale, I know from the score!
Just how much attrition the Guards can afford!
Backup is low, show me support!
Plenty up hope, we don’t need no more.

Stinger, can I get some scope? Oh my lord! After we win, I’ll be owed an award!

Conscientious, but I’m no objector.
Brought my ES, I’ll burn you for sure!
Don’t hold onto hope, when you know it’s all over!
I’ll show my coldest side flank - ignored!
Your sweating and scented with fear.
I wonder soaked are your gowns.
Gonna bulldoze your forces,
Not before I’m done burnin’ the Crowns!

That’s why we’re training the Corps!
No, this ain’t this ain’t your fort anymore!
Now it’s our home, buck open your door!
Rip off your roof, leave you totally floored.
Splinter the ceiling, shatter and smash!
I’ll leave you reeling, rattled and thrashed!
Raise you to rubble, and after you ash,
I’ll bite Rainbow Dash and discard her like trash!

Wings in the sky, hooves on the ground.
Flag flying high and we never let our sights down!
Live’s on the line, as we turn the tide of war.
No bug left behind, fight onward through the lunar storm!

Guilty as charged, with Princess Assault!
Leading the charge, you’re brought to a halt!
I’ll smash and grind you, tenderize you!
Dice you up, and toss you with salt!
I got a band of sibling!
But I gotta to thank my mother,
For raising me to treat all as equals,
‘Cept for Ponies, their not allies!

Nah, not a misogynistic,
Equality’s on my list.
I’ll fight with the women, I’ll die with the women,
I’ll shoot one too if I gotta, mare!
Cuz I discriminate fighting my enemies.
You’re good as dead if you mess with or threaten me!
Pocket Pegasus feathers, you’re nothing but memories.
I’ll make your horn my centerpiece!
Back hoof to wing, horn head to spank,
I’ll rough-handle you like a drake!
You won’t see me coming - I plan to flank,
Now show some respect, you stand outranked!

Just like when Twilight and I have a duel,
She shoots me some beams, I’m shootin’em back.
So put up your hooves and don’t get dragged,
We got battlefield in the bag!

Wings in the sky, hooves on ground.
Flag flying high and we never let our sights down!
Live’s on the line, as we turn the tide of war.
No bug left behind, fight onward through the crystal storm!

We are Soldiers, We are Hunters, Scouts, and Workers.
As morale is, set on fire,
We unite, divide, and conquer.
For our mother, and our honor!
From the rubble, we will rise!
On land, or by water,
With our wings up in the sky!

Wings in the sky, hooves on the ground.
Flag flying high and we never let our sights down!
Live’s on the line, as we turn the tide of war.
No bug left behind, fight onward through the twilight storm!

The two forces stared at each other. At this point they’d sung a whole darn concert.

“What the buck do we do now?” Dagger asked Blue Fang.

“Guess we make our grand exit, or something.” He turned and walked down to the cell room. He looked at the floor, wondering what the hay just happened. Then a sharp blow hit him in the back of the head. He fell down, then turned to see Applejack standing over him. She turned back to the group.

“Is this y’all “hero”?!” she asked. All the Changelings stared in shock as they watched Blue Fang rubbed the back of his head. Hivehunter tried charging her, but was held back by Starlight.

Blue Fang laid on the ground. He rubbed his head a few good times, but then he felt something. He had felt it before, but know it was just screaming at him, screaming to be let out. Rage. That’s all he could feel before a blanket of red engulfed his vision.

Hivehunter kept swinging hooves in Applejacks direction whilst yelling at her. “Blue Fang!” Kydra cried looking at Blue Fangs body.

“Blue Fang! Get up!” Brokenwing yelled.

“I’m gonna kill you! Do you hear me?! I’m gonna kill you, you motherbucker!” Hivehunter yelled with all out rage.

Applejack scoffed.

Blue Fangs body moved a bit. Brokenwing let out a sigh of relief, barely. Applejack seemed to notice too. Blue Fang stood up. His legs seemed to almost collapse from beneath him. His eyes were shut closed. Applejack seemed to laugh or chuckle. She walked to him. “Is that supposed to scare me?”

He didn’t reply.

“Speak up. Cat got ya tongue?”

Still no reply.

She rolled her eyes. “Alright, you ain’t speaking, so I’ll make you speak.” She threw another punch. Every Changeling flinched as the punch flew at him. Then something strange happened. They may have blinked or something but what they saw next shocked them.

As the punch flew at him, he seemed to react only on instinct and caught the hoof. Everypony and Changeling stared in shock as Blue Fang held the hoof. What shocked them is the fact that his eyes were still closed. Then when his eyes opened, they were glowing a sharp blue. Before Applejack could do or say anything Blue Fang threw a quick and hard punch

...to the side of her face. She flew back about three feet. Before she could get up Blue Fang threw a nasty sidekick to her chest. She looked up to see Blue Fang standing over her. He threw a bad punch to her face. Then another. And another. And another, each punch growing more and more violent. Applejack screamed for both help and for him to stop. Everypony and the Changelings watch in shock and horror as Blue Fang raised one bloodied hoof

only to throw another one. Even the strong, cold hearted Pharynx seemed to be scared of his brother. They all called out to him, but he didn’t seem to hear them. Hivehunter stared at him with horror. He’d been in that situation before and Blue Fang hadn’t been that violent. As for the Ponies, they all stared in horror as much as the Changelings. Fluttershy tried holding back tears while everypony else stared with utter horror. Even Luna was scared.

“Blue— Punch! Fang— Punch! Stop— Punch! Please— Punch!” Applejack cries were met with more merciless punches and anger filled yells from Blue Fang.

Fluttershy looked up. She started crying and then flew down.

“Fluttershy, don’t!” Rarity yelled

“You’re going to get hurt!” Twilight yelled.

She landed and grabbed his hoof, “Stop!”

Silence. Nopony said a word. Only thing that could be heard was Blue Fangs breathing and Fluttershys crying. As soon Fluttershy grabbed his hoof, Blue Fang snapped his head over to her. “Please stop!” she pleaded with tears running down her face. Blue Fangs eyes stopped glowing and returned to their normal blue shade.


That was what Blue Fang heard when he gained consciousness. He felt something holding his left hoof. He snapped his head over to his hoof. Fluttershy stood there with tears running down her face.

“Please stop!” she cried.

What? He noticed his hoof felt wet. He looked over to see it covered in blood. What is going on? He looked down to the floor. Applejack laid there in a literal puddle of her own blood. His muscles felt tense. He let his muscles relax and Fluttershy released her grip on his hoof. He looked around to see everypony and Changeling staring at him. He didn’t seem to be fazed by what he had done. This hadn’t been his first burst of rage. He had many. First fight with Hive, a Changeling in the Mess Hall, the bunker during Trident, Hivehunter when he “came back from the dead,” and many more. He simply nodded and walked towards his cell.



You believe him Brokenwing?

It all makes sense now.

No, it sure doesn’t

You left me!

Zap! Zap!

Zenex! Run!

Blue Fang tossed and turned on his bed. Then he woke up in a panic. He looked around. Everyone was still asleep. He was breathing heavily. Then he felt someone’s hoof stroking his wings and back. He turned to see Kydra. She gave a smile.

“It’s okay Blue, we’re here,” she said.

He smiled back, “thanks princess.”

She chuckled, “just cause I was hatched into royalty doesn’t mean I can’t be a soldier,” she said still stroking his wings.

“Why are you always stroking my wings?”

“Mother taught me it calms Changelings down.”

“Well she taught you right,” he said chuckling. He looked at his brothers in arms. She was still stroking his wings. He looked back at her, “thanks Ky.”

“No problem Blue.” She leaned in for a hug.

He smiled and leaned into the hug.