• Published 25th Jul 2019
  • 1,600 Views, 220 Comments

Blue Fang - MlpHero

A blue fanged changeling wants to learn about his purpose in life.

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Chapter 12: Homecoming

Blue Fang walked around Ponyville, looking around the place. It had changed since he was last there. He walked around the small town with nothing to do. He’d left the intel behind by mistake, so as of now all he could do was head home. He walked towards Twilights tree castle thing. He knocked on the door, causing it to open, he peaked in and saw more Changelings, all replacing Twilight and her friends. He then saw Starlight and another Blue Pony. He left, not wanting to be seen, and went back to the hive. The flight was exhausting, considering it was basically miles away from Ponyville. He looked around the hive, strangely no Changeling Guards around, no one on patrol, nothing. He went into one of the holes and flew around the hive. He found where everyone was gathered. He was confused, so he listened to what they where saying.

“Blue Fangs unfortunate capture has lead us to believe... he is gone,” Brokenwing said.

“How?” Pharynx asked.

“Well, considering he’s loyal to the hive, they probably asked for info, and he refused, then they... killed him.”

Everyone who went on the mission turned their heads towards Hivehunter, all with death stares.

“Blue Fang was a good soldier, it’s a shame he left so early,” Grubber said.

“You’re telling me,” Kydra replied.

Blue Fang looked down, they all thought he was dead. He decided to show everyone he wasn’t dead.

Pharynx looked down, processing the words he just heard. “Ended him.” Blue Fang was really gone, and there was nothing he could do about it. He wanted to cry, there was a new emotion in him. It felt like, sadness. He looked at Hivehunter, who looked “sad.” He knew it was all a ruse. He looked at Kydra. Blue Fang told him that he had a crush on her. Considering that Changelings can only call each other brother and or sister if the Changelings want to brother or sister, so it technically isn’t really incest. He wanted to tell her, but couldn’t. For the first time, he actually felt something inside him, sadness.

Blue Fang looked at Pharynx, he didn’t know what to say or do, go back into hiding, or announce his presence. He thought about his options. He oversimplified them. A: desert the hive and leave his family behind, or B: staying with the family who raised him. It was all just a cluster buck. He watched Brokenwing clutch a small medal, the medal given to fallen Changelings who died heroically. He couldn’t bear watching his family suffer. He was mad, not at Hivehunter, but at himself. He was weaker than he thought he was. He always thought he was a strong Changeling. He couldn’t take it anymore.

“Hivehunter!” He yelled. Everyone froze and looked in his direction. He looked back until his eyes locked with Hivehunters. “You left me to die!”

Everyone fell quiet, not a single sound echoed through the tunnel. It was so quiet, Blue Fang could hear his thoughts and think they were someone behind him. He walked down, glaring straight daggers into Hivehunter. He grabbed Hivehunter and threw him to the ground.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Hivehunter asked. Blue Fang punched again and again, beating Hivehunter and probably giving him a new wound. He probably would’ve severely injured Hivehunter if Grubber and Dagger hadn’t grabbed him.

He looked at Brokenwing, who just nodded. He looked around the hive. It felt off... as if he was being watched. He continued to look until he saw Chrysalis staring at him, then at Hivehunter. She moved her hoof to the infirmary at walked away. He looked at Hivehunter and The Changelings helping him. He looked at his comrades. The ones who tried to save him, but couldn’t, because of someone who didn’t care for his own.

5 Hours Later

Blue Fang stared at the hive through his binoculars. The top half of it had been blown off, exploding with Chrysalis’s throne. He looked around the bottom part of it. He watched the Reformed Changelings move around, picking up small stones and other debris from the ground. He went back to the small camp set up near Appleoosa. He looked around the camp, trying to get used to the conditions he’d be living in for the rest of his life.