• Published 24th Jan 2019
  • 5,165 Views, 213 Comments

Noctis Ascending - LEN NARD

After defeating Ardyn, Noctis was given a second chance to ascend in the land of Equestria.

  • ...

Ch. 7 Pt. 2: Mommy Lunch and Friendly Date.

It didn’t take very long for Stellar to figure out where she would take the still sniffling pegasus, the journey there was done in silence, but they made it to their destination without any fuss.

They were currently sitting at a picnic bench at the park, specifically the virtually unused one near the woods where Noctis and the redhead usually used when they wanted a private place to chat.

“There, there, just let it all out...” Stellar consoled the pink filly, stroking her head as she cried. The redhead closed her eyes for a bit, checking if the alarm finally stopped; it didn’t, but the data charts showed that Cadance’s mood levels has improved a little when she spoke. It seems that the pink filly doesn’t like the quiet very much, better keep that in mind the next time the pegasus becomes upset.

“So Cadance, what exactly happened between you and Prism? Did you two fight or something?” She inquired conversationally. The pegasus tensed up and a loud siren suddenly sounded inside her head, the alarm just got louder and the graphs on the pink filly’s mood charts started plummeting at an alarming rate.

Whoops, that was wrong thing to say... the goddess realized with a growing sense of panic. Change subject quick! Abort! Abort!

“Y-You don’t have to tell me;” Stellar frantically waved her hoof at the pegasus. “Please forget I said anything!” She internally sighed, this is proving harder than she originally thought. Ugh! Where’s Noctis when you need him? She thought. Where ever he is, I hope he’s suffering.

Somewhere in the village, a certain colt panted heavily as he ran some laps, his face twisted in agony as his lungs burned and his body ached. No one could deny that the colt made a pretty accurate representation of the word suffering.

“We didn’t get into a fight.” Cadance finally said weakly, eyes downcast. “She was acting very distant and quiet, she won’t even look at me. I think... I think she finally got tired of being friends with me.”

Stellar checked her charts, the other filly’s mood seems to be stabilizing. It appears that talking about it was the right move after all.

“Oh? What makes you think that?” The redhead asked, urging the pegasus to continue speaking.

“Well, she hasn’t said anything yet, but I know that being friends with me hasn’t been easy for her.” Cadance sighed, resting her head on the table. “Her old friends stopped hanging out with her when they found out that we started playing together, Prism tried to convince them to include me in their group.” The pegasus slumped further Dow her seat. “They ended up having an argument over it, they said to her that if she kept playing with me, they won’t be her friends anymore and Prism, she... she chose me. She said that I was a better friend than they ever were.” That brought a tiny smile on her face, but only briefly. “The three of them never talked to each other again after that, and if what I’m feeling right now is anything to go by, losing her friends probably wasn’t easy for Prism either.”

“And... What happened next?” Stellar asked after a long pause.

“Things... things had only gotten worse for her from there.” The pegasus exhaled. “You first met my brother when the previous mayor made him clean the streams for punching a colt, right?”

Stellar Bell nodded. “I didn’t know he was being punished, but yes, that’s correct.”

“Have you known Prism before that?” Cadance inquired.

“No, I haven’t.” The white filly shook her head.

Satisfied, Cadance began to explain. “Back when we were little, well, littler I guess, Prism used to be very popular around here.”

“Really? I didn’t know that.” The White filly commented, feigning intrigue.

“Yes,” The pegasus continued. “She used to get praised a lot and receive complements all the time.” Cadance sighed again and slumped further in her seat. “But shortly after we started hanging out full time... the other foals began to avoid her too. Prism said she didn’t mind it; that her old friends probably just spread rumors about her, but I know it was ME the other foals were avoiding, not her, and I know it hurt her a lot too, she used to have these depressed look on her face whenever she thought I wasn’t looking. I didn’t understand it at the time, why being popular was so important to her until I asked her what kind of job her dad have and she became all sad and quiet. I don’t know the complete detail since i never asked again, But I think... I think her dad isn’t around anymore. It also doesn’t help that her mom’s not around very often.”

“She’s not? Why?” The redhead asked, appearing to be very engrossed in the story.

Cadance opened her mouth and reply, but suddenly, she froze, probably realizing what they were discussing was private and personal.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell Prism about this.” The white filly assured. “I won’t tell anypony either, I promise. If ponies learned about this from me, I swear to never talk to Noctis ever again.” Stellar pledged, crossing her heart.

The pegasus’ eyes went wide, that’s actually a pretty heavy promise for redhead to make. Everyone who knows them knew that her brother was basically Stellar’s most favorite pony in the whole world, so for her to swear that if she ever broke her promise, was quite a big deal.

“It’s because of her job.” Cadance started, trusting the white filly for once. “I don’t know what she does, Prism said it was a secret only her mom was allowed to tell, but I know it involves going to big cities like Canterlot, Manehattan and Las Pegasus, and staying there for months.”

`”Maybe she’s a secret agent or a detective.” Stellar jested.

That got the pegasus to chuckle. “Yeah maybe...” As quickly as it has come, her mirth was replaced with a depressed sigh. “So yeah, that’s probably why Prism wanted to be the most popular filly here, to make herself feel better, to feel that she’s wanted, to feel that she’s loved. She needed everypony to love her to prove to herself that there’s nothing wrong with her, that she’s not the reason her parents wasn’t around... And I took that away from her, she put up with me for a long time, but I think she finally snapped.”

Silence descended between the two of them for a few seconds, Stellar watched the other filly pensively on her seat, she didn’t know how it was possible, but the pegasus had somehow managed to sag further on her chair.

The goddess was honestly kind of surprised that Cadance’s destiny hadn’t changed again yet, she thought that the pink one losing her best friend would have done it, she’ll have to carefully choose her next move though if she doesn’t want to push the pegasus tittering further down the edge.

But then again, it’s not like they had a fight or anything, if they did then maybe Cadance would’ve had anger and hatred in her heart. She doesn’t have to do anything at all, really. She could just stay here, continue comforting the pegasus, let the issue sort itself out and nothing would change in the grand scheme of things, heck, she could probably just walk her home, unload her to Noctis, go back to poking her new magic crystal with a stick, and everything would be fine... So why is it that the longer she looked at Cadance, the stronger the urge to make her smile again becomes?

Resigned, Stellar wordlessly grabbed the pink ones hoof and began dragging her somewhere. The things I do for love... She thought exasperatedly.

“Hey! Stellar, wait!” Cadance stumbled along. “What are you- where are we going?”

The redhead simply kept walking, with her hoof refusing to let go...


The mother and daughter duo spent their time together in their living room chatting for hours, catching each other up on what’s going on in their lives; Prism Show telling her mom about school and a little about the sleepover, minus Noctis of course, and Dainty told her daughter about the things she saw and the places she has been while working. The two of them simply kept talking until they had to leave for lunch.

That may have been a bad move on their part as they now sat in a booth of a local diner, they had found that they simply ran out of thing to talk about. Occasionally, one of them would open their mouth to speak, only to close back instantly, resulting in a painfully awkward silence.

With nothing to distract her, Prism’s thoughts naturally came flowing back to her problems. What things to try first for her cutie mark, how she should apologize to Cadance later, and what to do about her Monday lunch plan. She was going to ask Nanny for help, but now that she’s gone for the day, she probably won’t have time for a simple and quick tutorial, and asking her mom was absolutely not an option, that path would only end in pain and suffering.

Not that it changes anything. Noctis was already in pain and suffering, body shaking pathetically as he stubbornly struggled to push what he felt like his thousandth push-up... it was only his sixteenth. His earth pony strength decided to abandon him that day for some mysterious reason.

Maybe if I borrow a cook book from the library... Prism pondered in her head. Is the library even open on Sundays?

So immersed was the filly in her thoughts, that she didn’t even noticed her mother studying her from across the table with deep perceptive eyes. The mare has been watching her daughter pick at her food for a couple of minutes now. She had a feeling something’s going on the moment the filly walked in the door, she just couldn’t shake the feeling that her daughter was hiding something from her, and observing her now, she’s starting to have a sinking suspicion as to what.

When Prism let out her fifth sigh since they sat, the mare finally decided to do something. Putting on her ‘All-knowing Mom’ face, she spoke. “Alright, who’s the colt?”

Prism did a pretty impressive spit-take at the sudden question, even though she wasn’t drinking anything at the time. She began sputtering. “Colt? W-What colt? I don’t have a crush on a colt! Why would you even think that? Don’t be ridiculous!”

Based on the filly’s massive reaction, her intuition was spot on. GATCHA! “I never said anything about a crush.” Dainty said, with a smirk of a mare who knew she had won.

The filly froze, mouth agape knowing that she’s been caught. Prism opened her mouth to try and deny everything, but ended up deciding it was no use, her mother had already figured her out. With a relenting sigh, she asked: “How did you know it was a colt? It could have been a filly, for all you know.”

The mare chuckled. “Trust me, sweetie, fillies wouldn’t make you all sad and mopey like you are now.” Smiling kindly at the filly, she began to elaborate. “Colts are dense, you can drop all kinds of hints at them and it would take them years before they even START noticing you; fillies though, will catch on quick and they’ll tell you nicely if they like you back or not, and most of the time, you still get to be friends.” Dainty paused for a few seconds before continuing. “So... tell me his name.” She inquired with an eager grin.

“You... You’re not mad?” Prism asked surprised.

“I was a filly once too, you know. You wouldn’t believe how many crushes I’ve had when I was around your age.” The mare sent her daughter a playful wink. “Now come on! Don’t keep me in suspense, who is it? Tell me, tell me!” She urged the filly excitedly, jumping a little in her seat.

She couldn’t believe her daughter would think she’d be angry over some silly crush, she’s sure whoever it was, wouldn’t change anything-

“It’s Nocturnal Solstice.”

That changes everything.


“Stellar, is this... is this a date?” Cadance asked uncertainly at the redhead walking lazily next to her.

“Noooo~” Stellar responded in that mischievously teasing way she often does. “What makes you think that?”

The pegasus looked up at the sky in a thoughtful manner and began listing out all the activities the two of them did after they left the bench. “Well, first you dragged me to watch a play..."

“No, we watched the high school kids rehearse a play.” The white filly corrected. “Totally doesn’t count.”

“And then, you treated me to lunch at that sandwich place.” The pink filly continued.

“Don’t be silly, I was planning on raiding our fridge and microwave some leftover lasagna, but I don’t really feel like walking all the way back to my house, so i decided to just eat out and it was only polite to buy you a sandwich too. I just hope my mom hasn’t started experimenting with it to try and figure out why it tasted so good. So no, still not a date.” Stellar shook her head.

“After that, we looked around the shops and you bought me these hair ribbons.” Cadance listed on, fiddling self-consciously with her mane now tied in a ponytail with a blue ribbon that matches the one on her tail.

“I’m not trying to woo you with gifts if that’s what you thinking.” Stellar rolled her eyes. “It’s hot out and I don’t want our necks to get all sweaty because of the heat.” The redhead flicked her identically styled mane with more poise and confidence than she does. It was also tied with similar ribbons, albeit hers was suspiciously colored the same shade of ash gray as her brother’s mane.

“And now, were taking a stroll together in the central park!” The pink filly finished, wildly gesturing between the two of them with a hoof.

“So? That doesn’t make this a date.” Stellar’s face then morphed into a more sly expression. “Unless you want it to...”

”N-No.” Cadance stammered, somehow managing to turn even pinker from embarrassment.

“Then it isn’t, it’s as simple as that. I’m just helping a friend feel better again.” The white filly assured as a matter fact. “So, stop over thinking it and just enjoy yourself.”

The pegasus was astonished, she just couldn’t believe how nice the redhead was to her. If the other filly doesn’t derive amusement from flustering the heck out of other ponies, she would have thought her an angel or a saint.

Accepting the white filly wasn’t trying to take advantage of her emotional state to trick her into going on a date, Cadance continued walking with the other filly in silence, albeit, a more comfortable one this time. The white one started humming as they strolled and the pegasus was left with her thoughts. It’s funny, Cadance seems to be having a hard time remembering why she hated the other filly in the first place.

Because I want to be all lovie dovey with Noctis, I remember now... Cadance bitterly mused. Ugh! Why do I like him so much!?

Huh... that’s actually a pretty good question.

She first started to realize her feelings when Noctis brought Stellar to their house and she found out that the thought of her brother being with another filly makes her sick to her stomach. She was so focused on figuring out her feelings that she never really questioned WHY and HOW she ended up having those feelings in the first place. She searched her brain for an answer, but nothing seems to come up.

Well, it seems that she has to use her usual strategy with these kind of thing. If you can’t find the answers in your head, find it somewhere else.

Cadance turned her head towards her companion. “Stellar, can I ask you something personal?”

“Sure, go ahead.” The redhead permitted.

“Why do you like my brother?”

Stellar scratched her chin, contemplating how to best answer the question. “Remember when you asked me if I knew Prism, earlier?”

“Yes.” The pegasus hummed. “You said you didn’t.”

“That’s because I’m still fairly new to town back then. I used to live in Canterlot.” The white filly illuminated. “My parents decided that the wanted a more simple and quieter life than succeeding their family businesses, so they bought a house here.” After a couple of hints and ‘signs from the universe’ from her, she didn’t add. “My dad began to set up shop while me and my mom joined the volunteer group to get acquainted with the town’s ponies, that’s when I met cute and sleepy Nocturnal Solstice, the very first friend I had ever made.”

“Wait, first friend?” Cadance tilted her head confusedly. “You didn’t have any friends before him?”

“You’re smart, so I’m sure you already figured it out.” Stellar said. “Most ponies actually find me quite annoying.” She let out an overly dramatic sigh. “Alas! Even with my strong wit and overwhelming beauty, my constant flirting and playful teasing is enough to drive ponies away.”

The pink filly couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Couldn’t you just, oh i don’t know, stop?”

“I can’t, that’s the problem.” Stellar scratched her head bashfully. “It’s kind of an automatic defense mechanism, of mine.”

The pegasus quirked her brow confusedly. “A what now?”

“It’s a thing you do, without even thinking about it, to protect yourself.” The redhead informed.

Cadance was even more confused now. “That doesn’t make sense, how do you protect yourself with teasing and flirting?”

“Let me let you in on a secret of mine.” Stellar looked around for anyone eavesdropping before whispering. “I’m actually very shy...”

Cadance almost laughed. “You? Shy?”

“It’s true though, believe it or not.” Stellar simply stated. “I get nervous whenever I talk to other foals and I just get these urges to make them as uncomfortable, if not more than, I feel and I guess that made me come out as some sort of shameless pony.”

The pegasus thought about it for a moment. “That... actually makes a surprising amount of sense.” She finally agreed before furrowing her brows. “But wait, what does that have to do with you, liking Noctis.”

“Oh, that’s easy.” Stellar proclaimed cheerfully. “He stayed!”

“Is... that it?” The pink one asked, a bit disappointed.

Stellar shook her head. “No, you don’t get it! If you were there when we were cleaning, you would understand.” Seeing Cadance’s expectant look, she elaborated. “The adults put us together because they thought it would be cute, I guess, and of course me being me, talked AT him for hours! Hours, Cadance! And... he stayed.” Her expression softened. “I can tell he was a bit irritated at me as well, but he never got mad and shouted at me. He wasn’t just zoning me out either, he was actually listening to every word I say. It was amazing! It was like he was used to putting up with chatty annoying fillies!”

“What are you implying?” Cadance narrowed her eyes.

The white filly ignored the accusation. “My point was, Noctis was nice to me and i liked that, and it wasn’t long before I started falling for him.”

Cadance hummed to herself, pondering about the things the redhead said. It didn’t really help with figuring out her own conundrum, but it was nice to learn more about the other filly.

“Now, then.” Stellar started conversationally. “Will you tell me why you asked?”

“It’s, um, for my hobby?” The pegasus admitted uncertainly.

Stellar frowned. “You ask fillies why they like your brother? That’s... an interesting hobby to have.”

“No, you dummy!” Cadance protested. “I was trying to figure out what love is!”

“Oh! That makes much more sense.” Stellar smiled. “So, have you figured it out yet?”

“No, I haven’t.” The pink one sighed before giving the redhead a curious look. “How about you, Stellar? What do you think love is?”

The other filly rubbed her chin once more, it seems to be her default thinking pose. After a few seconds of thinking, Stellar replied. “Love is love. Pure and simple.”

Cadance shook her head disappointedly, she should have expected this. “Stellar, that’s not an answer at all.”

“What? It was totally a good answer.” The white one indignantly huffed.

“No, It really wasn’t...” The pegasus insisted. “It was like saying a crayon is a crayon or a rock is a rock. It doesn’t really explain what the thing actually was.”

“I still think it was a good answer.” Stellar pouted for a second before cheering back up upon spotting the park’s famous ice cream cart. She poked the pink filly to catch her attention. “Hey, Cadance. Wanna share an ice cream?”

The pegasus froze in her tracks, gaping in shock at the other filly, her expression mortified. “You want us to what!?”

“Oh, come on! What now? I just wanted to try one of those twin popsicles.” The white filly cried exasperatedly before the situation fully clicked in her head and her lips formed a roguish grin. “Wait, did you think we were going to do the thing with an ice cream cone?” Her smile widen as the pegasus' blush deepen. “You did! Oh my gosh, that’s so cute!”

“Sh-Shut up!” Cadance shove at the white filly, embarrassed. “Just go already!”

Stellar laughed. “Alright, alright, be right back!” Sending a playful wink at the pink one, she went to join the line of customers.

Cadance huffed grumpily. Just when she was starting to like the redhead.

With a sigh, she began to look around for somewhere to sit down when she saw something odd in the distance. It was a colt, one of her classmates in fact, looking at something behind a bush. She turned her head back towards the line, it would be a while before the other filly comes back.

Nodding to herself, she decided to say hello and also maybe find out what the colt was up to.

Author's Note:

Welp, my phone's officially dead now. 😭 I'm gonna have to send it to a repair shop soon.

Comments ( 32 )

It didn’t take very long for Stellar to figure out where she would take the still sniffling pegasus, the journey there was done in silence, but they made it to their destination without any fuzz.


Whoops, that was wrong thing to say... the goddess realized with a growing sense of panic. Change subject quick! Abort! Abort!

Ah'm givin' 'er all she's got! She canna take any morrrre!

I know, but Microsoft Word's auto correct has other ideas. 🙄

Now this was adorable.

🤔 I'm pretty sure two popsicles stuck together is called twin popsicles.


Yes actually. My family used to buy them back when my sister and brother still lived at home. Not sure which of the two was fond of them.

when will they realize that the crystal he made is useless to earth ponies because their magic isnt meant to be used that way

I liked, new chapter

“That’s because I’m still fairly new to town back then. I used to live in Canterlot.” The white filly illuminated. “My parents decided that the wanted a more simple and quieter life than succeeding their family businesses, so they bought a house here.” After a couple of hints and ‘signs from the universe’ from her, she didn’t add. “My dad began to set up shop while me and my mom joined the volunteer group to get acquainted with the townsponies, that’s when I met cute and sleepy Nocturnal Solstice, the very first friend I had ever made.”

Okay, let's clean this up a bit.

“That’s because I’m still fairly new to town. Back then, I used to live in Canterlot.” The white filly illuminated. “My parents decided that they wanted a more simple, quieter life than succeeding their family businesses would bring. So they bought a house here.” After a couple of hints and ‘signs from the universe’ from her, she didn’t add. “My dad began to set up shop while my mom and I joined the volunteer group to get acquainted with the townsponies. That’s when I met cute-and-sleepy Nocturnal Solstice, the very first friend I had ever made.”

“It’s true though, believe it or not.” Stellar simply stated. “I get nervous whenever I talk to other foals and I just get these urges to make them as uncomfortable, if not more than, I feel and I guess that made me come out as some sort of shameless pony.”

as uncomfortable as -if not more so than- i feel

Been a while since I read this, so I went back and read the whole thing. This story has gotten a lot better, I really like Cadance in this especially. I gotta say though, I'm super curious of how Shining Armor is going to work in the story, especially because of how Cadance is in this.

I think it's safe to say their date is going off well

I CAN'T *slams desk* SHIP THEM *slams again* ANY HARDER!!! Let Cadence and Noctis be together damn it!!!

I ship it, especially since they technically aren't even brother and sister! So it's all good.

hey when do you write the next chapter Noctis Ascending?:ajbemused:

This still being worked on? It's too good to die.

Dude, it's only been like three months. Some stories restarted after several years of radio silence. ;]

Not trying to sound rude here, but what kind of rock were you living under? Of course, twin popsicles are real! They've been around for God knows how long.

It's just twice the artificial color, flavor and sugar than a single popsicle.

you no see Prince Noctis die on the throne sicking's me this good hm

More please, or can you not?:pinkiesad2:

is this story dead or is it on hold right?

Still waiting for an update bro

Years and waiting, this story is good and your style is amazing.

Hope that soon we see more.

Whatever you're doing it takes so much time I hope you return with plenty of time to work on your story good luck out there hope the world rounds you treat you well

Great story
Hey are alive/well
And will update this story ever again

I haven't given up on this story! Too good to lose hope :twilightsmile:

It's 2023 now and I still miss this story

I got a wonder do you have any other plans for different stories?:derpyderp1:

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