• Published 24th Jan 2019
  • 5,165 Views, 213 Comments

Noctis Ascending - LEN NARD

After defeating Ardyn, Noctis was given a second chance to ascend in the land of Equestria.

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Prologue: Equestrian's Blessing

When Noctis was a kid, he never thought that he would end up like this.

As the successor to the throne of Insomnia, he knew that his life would be a bit different from that of a normal person, but never to this extreme.

He never thought that he would be fighting giant gods for their blessings, travel around crazy places to collect ancient weapons. Seriously! Who puts a grave at the side of a crater with a sleeping giant earth god? Oh, and robots. Don't forget about the creepy robots.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because all of that ends here.

Finally... It's over.

"Ow! Oof! Don't you think this is a bit unfair!? No no no, not the face! Ahh! Why!?"


"YEAH! What she said!"

Well, sort of... The chosen king wavered as he watched the Kings of Lucius gang up on Ardyn.

they're really kicking his ass... Noctis tried to chuckle when the Rouge King, literally kicked Ardyn in the ass, but flinched in pain instead, reminding him of his inevitable death.

Well, couldn't ask for a more awesome way to go, I guess... And what a way to go it was indeed! How many people could claim that they died by freeing the world of all it's evil and darkness?

A lot apparently, but he doesn't know that.


It sure has been a crazy week. At least, in my perspective.

"Excuse me, um..."

Pushing cars, fighting monsters, sneaking around, almost dying...

"Um, Mister, can you hear me?"

Dying, huh?... I wonder if I get to see Luna again on the other side...

"If you don't stop ignoring me, I'm gonna poke you with my horn..."

... Could Death even retrieve my soul in another dimension?

"I'm warning you, it's really pointy..."

I wonder what the guys are doing right now? I hope they're okay...

"Alright, you asked for this."


"Ow! What the heck! Can't you see I'm having... A... Moment..." Noctis faltered as he finally looked at who or what's been trying to get his attention. His eyes widened.

It's a horse like creature! Standing fifteen feet tall, with red mane and tail the reminds him of moving star dust, a white coat that reminds him of softly glowing moon and wearing a set golden horse armor, horseshoes and tiara that gives her an air of royalty. She also appears to have a long horn and a pair of wings.

"Now that I have your attention, can you tell me what's going on here?"

Noctis kept gaping at her.

"Oh! Apologies, that was rude of me. Let me me introduce myself!" The giant, magical, talking horse continued. "I am Fausticorn, the Equestrian goddess, nice to meet you!

"Um, hi..." The young king replied.

"I'm in charge of the universe, nearby, you see." Noctis nodded. "Then I sensed the neighbors causing a disturbance, so I came to see what the ruckus was all about. So, um..." Fausticorn gestured towards the chaos. "What's up with them?"

Recovering from his shock, Noctis explained everything from his mission to get his fiance, the invasion, retrieving the Royal arms, Lunafreya's sacrifice, his decade long sleep, and finally, Ardyn's defeat.

"Oh, you poor dear!" Noctis yelped as the Equestrian hugged him. "You've been through a lot!" Fausticorn loosened her grip as she heard Noctis' pained hiss. taking a good look at him, the alicorn finally noticed the burns on the King's body. By the time he finished his story, the damage had spread over half his body.

Noctis thought he was about to pass out when he felt something cool tapped to his face. He opened his eyes to see droplets of water floating all over near his head. The feeling of cold water on his burning skin was kind of comforting, then he heard the sniffling and suddenly, it's not as comforting anymore.

"Hey, don't cry, it's- cough. It's okay"

"It's just so sad! All your hard work, all that pain and for what. After everything you did, after everything you sacrificed. If anyone's worthy of ascension, it's you! It's not fair!"

Noctis let out a sad laugh. "Eh. I guess it isn't..." The king closed his eyes, accepting his fate and awaiting his eternal peace. "... But I'm the chosen king, it's my duty to 'Pay the Blood Price' to finally destroy the source of all monsters from my world. It's a suckey destiny, I know, but what can you do?"

The alicorn put a hoof on her chin, contemplating what Noctis just said. "... What can I do? That's it! I know just the perfect thing!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Noctis asked. The alicorn booped him on the nose and giggled. "You'll see~"

Fausticorn released the king from the hug and flew a bit in front of him. Noctis watched her curiously. The alicorn then, closed her eyes, spread her wings, cleared her voice a little bit and concentrate. She opened her eyes, now glowing white, and spoke...

"In the name of the six holy covenant, I call upon Harmony's treasure, precious light." There was a pulse of energy and judging by the amount of pressure, there was strong magic at work.

"I, Princess stellar guardian of detinies, deem Noctis, chosen king, unsung hero. With his Noble kindness and loyal spirit, pure joy and and honest heart, generous sacrifice and faithful trust, worthy of ascension, and I hereby propose, should he accept, a second chance, a second life, to meet the conditions, to complete his sacrilege, to join the rank of God's!"

A blinding light flashed. Noctis had to close his eyes, when he opened them again, he saw the alicorn approaching. A speck of light floating between her hooves. It kind of reminds him of a single star, twinkling in the night sky.

She stopped in front of him and smiled. "Harmony heard my prayer and answered with a miracle, this precious light..." She held the light closer to him. "Will you accept?"

Noctis looked at the light, bewildered. He understood what she's saying, what she's offering. If he accepted it, he will get another chance somehow. But should he accept it? On one hand, he doesn't really care that much about ascending. Sure, he gets to wear a cool armor and be taller, but what's the point? What does ascended Kings do anyway? I bet they just stand around for all eternity. On the other hand, a second life sounds interesting. Deep down, he knew that he feels unsatisfied with his previous life. Not that he doesn't cherish the time he had with his friends, he just feels like his life ended too soon. He hardly had a normal childhood, so it sure would be nice to see what that's like. Granted he doesn't know if his next one would be normal. He could be reborn as royalty again for all he knew.

Judging by the intense burning sensation in his entire body, he should decide soon...

He tried looking for inspiration elsewhere. Realizing how quiet it has gotten, he looked at where the fighting had been happening and saw the King's watching him. They probably heard everything.

He looked at Ardyn next, laying unconscious on the... Invisible floor... Somehow. Judging by the small amount of miasma, steaming out of him, they're not finished with him yet, but will be soon.

He looked at what he recognize as his dad, silently asking what to do.

King Regis, sagely nodded his head.

..... What?

His wise, all knowing, father, nodded once more.

... O-Okay?

Having the tact to not embarrass his father in front of the other kings, Noctis nodded back, hiding the fact that he's clueless to what his dad was trying to say.

Thanks dad. Very helpful...

Noctis sighed, turning towards Fausticorn once more. "I'm sorry, but I-" he froze as the alicorn started tearing up the moment he said sorry. "Uhh..."

The alicorn gestured the light closer to him, eyes pleading, trying to coax him to change his mind. When he didn't move, she let out a disappointed sigh. "I... I see. I get it. We just met after all and here I am, inviting you to my home. I don't know what I was th-thinking. Sniff. I'm, hic, I'm sorry, sniff, I'll just g-go n-now, sniff, alone,"

Gerk! My heart! What's happening?

He looked at the kings once more, hoping for actual guidance this time, but found no help as they're starting daggers at him. The Rouge, the female king, (Don't question it.) looked particularly mad at him for making the, nice, cute, pony goddess, cry.

Defeated, Noctis sighed, "fine, I accep- OOF!" He didn't get to finish his sentence as the alicorn enveloped him in a crushing hug.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She let go of him bringing the light closer for him to take. "I promise, you won't regret it! Eee! Finally, someone who could ascend to the heavens! Some of my ponies have ascended before, but non of them reached the next plane of existence! Ooh, I'm so excited! We're going to have so much fun!"

Calming herself, the alicorn cleared her voice once again. Lifting the light towards him, she spoke. "Take it! This Devine miracle of light and life, Oh, chosen king! Your new life, your new destiny!"

Well, this is it.Noctis grabbed the light. No going back now.

The moment he touched it, as if by magic, Noctis instantly knew what to say. "I, king Noctis Lucius Caelum, Chosen king of Insomnia, accepts this heavenly miracle, Harmony's precious light! And with this, I solemnly swear to my kingly promise! To abide to the laws of the six holy covenants of harmony! I promise to be all that is good! To be Truthful, compassionate, joyful, devoted, charitable and companionable! With this promise, I take within me Equestrian's blessing." The light phased inside his chest, bathing him with a new sense of peace. All of his pain and worries, washing away.

"And with that, the contract is complete." Fausticorn beamed. "See you in a few years!"

After that, the world went white.

King Regis, Second last king on the throne of the line of Lucius, sagely and wisely nodded his approval at where his son had been standing a few seconds ago. He's sure that, wherever the space unicorn had taken him, he would be fine. It's a space unicorn for crying out loud! He bet his useless right leg that her dimension was full of rainbows and sparkles and no weekly monster attack and disasters at all!

Regis nodded again, praising himself for how wise and sagely he was. He turned his attention back at the task at hand.

"Time to finish this..." The other kings nodded in affirmation. Regis was impressed by how skillfully they had done it.

One day, Noctis, wherever you are. Maybe you too, shall be wise in the ways of the Royal head bobbing...

The kings was about to unleash their ultimates. Showcasing their proficiency at the art of Overkill when they were caught off guard by the Darkness when, what's pathetically left of it, suddenly exited Ardyn's mouth and desperately shoot towards where the chosen king and alicorn had disappeared.

"No! Don't let it escape!" One of them shouted, realizing what the darkness was trying to do.

Some threw their weapons at it, others shot magic and the rest tried to cage it in a barrier. But the miasma was too fast! When it reached it's destination, it disappeared in a blink and successfully escaped. They tried to follow it but it was too late. The residual teleportation magic was already gone.

That's... Not good king Regis thought.

But all is not lost. Nodding in a self-assured way, he continued his thought. "It's weakened. Too weak to do any danger. It will take a very long time before it could spawn monsters again. And when the time comes... He will find it.

King Regis nodded again, confident in his son's ability to defeat the Darkness once and for all...