• Published 24th Jan 2019
  • 5,166 Views, 213 Comments

Noctis Ascending - LEN NARD

After defeating Ardyn, Noctis was given a second chance to ascend in the land of Equestria.

  • ...

Omake trailer...

its a Fantasy based on Reality... Sort of.

"I'm off to school now, mom!" An orange maned filly called out as she made her way towards the front door.

"Remember to be careful when you cross the street!" The mare shouted in turn, hurriedly making her way towards their kitchen for a quick breakfast as she gotten ready for a busy day of cooking at the family restaurant.

When she reached her destination; the mare blinked owlishly at an odd sight. There, in the kitchen table, sat a lone paper bag.

The mother let out an exasperated sigh, putting a hoof on her face. "Oh dear..."

A Tale based on Fantasy... Kinda.

The peach colored filly was skipping happily on the street when a familiar colt caught up to her.

"Good morning, DB!" Iron Forger greeted. A colt an entire grade above her, the son of a family friend and, last but not least, the love of her life.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" The colt asked with concern in his voice. "You're kind of drooling a little bit..."

Dinner Bell blushed, averting her gaze from his yummy, yummy muscles sandwiches... Gosh, she can't wait for lunch... Ahem. Sheesh! the filly thought to herself. Embarrass yourself some more, why don't cha'.

"G-GOOD morning, sempai!" She internally screamed. Somepony,

please kill me!

The colt turned as distant clangs sounded from their school. "That's the warning bell. Come on, let's hurry before we're late" Iron said.

The filly nodded and ran behind the older colt because she likes the view of his she's not really a very fast runner.

A Tragic story, full of... Tragedy...

Dinner Bell sat on one of the playground benches with shock in her eyes. A single tear fell down her cheek as she peered in her, tragically, lunch less bag.

From the creators of Noctis Ascending...

Iron Forger's chest tightened when he noticed the filly's devastated look. She already missed breakfast and now she's going to miss lunch too? That will not do. Iron won't let it.

"Here, you can have one of my sandwiches." He offered innocently, unaware of the adventure starting, destiny beginning, HORROR he just unleashed.

... Comes the story of an ordinary filly, whose life was about to change in three... Two...

"Mmm, Thish sandwich tastes sho good!" Bell said through mouthful of food. After swallowing another bite, she continued. "Both my parents are chefs, so I should know!"

Iron felt his pride swell. "I'm glad you liked it." He couldn't help but smile as he admired the eating filly. He doesn't know why, but, he finds it very adorable, the way she's stuffing her face like she does. He also felt relieved. He's been making his lunch fancier lately, hoping it would impress the filly, whose lunches always looked amazing. Looks like his efforts finally paid off. "Good thing I made two of them today, huh. You would have been so hungry for sure!"

Dinner Bell froze, color slowly draining from her face as she gave the sandwich in her hooves a horrified look, as if she learned that sandwiches we're made with meat in them.

A Journey like no other, except,

not really...

"You're still in love with him? After what he did to you?"

"Yes Mom, I do."


"Wait!" A voice called out, making Dinner Bell and her friends halt on their tracks. Turning around, she found out it was her mother who shouted, her dad was there too.

"I just wanted to say," the mare addressed the three younger mare with her daughter. There were three of them, one wearing glasses, another with a little muscly and the last one always seems to have a casual smile on her face. "Please look after my Dinner Bell."

"We shall do our utmost to keep her unharmed." The first one assured with a push of her glasses.

"You don't even have to ask! Um ma'am." The second one nodded respectfully.

The third one smiled. "You can count on us, boss!"

They're just going to accompany DB to her coltfriend's house, right? How hard can it be...


"One, two, three, push!" Grunts of exertion sounded throughout the dirt path as Dinner Bell and two of her friends tried, and failed, to push their carriage out of a muddy pothole.

"You know," Dinner Bell started, sounding a bit annoyed. "It would probably be a lot easier if all bucking four of us push this stupid thing!"

"You know somepony has to be at the front to navigate it." The one with the glasses replied.

"Yeah, but that would only be helpful if you're strapped on the yoke pulling instead of sitting on the bucking front seat!"

A Journey with challenging philosophical and mental obstacles that will make you question your morals...

"Howdy there!" A handsome stallion greeted. "What brings you ladies in this here farm of ours?"

Dinner Bell coughed and looked away, a little flustered. "Our carriage was damaged and my parents told me to find somepony named Granny Smith. They said she knew them..."

Recognition dawned on the young stallion. "Oh, you must be Dinner Bell! Yeah, Ma' told me you might stop by. Though, her back's been hurtin' fierce lately, so I'll be the helping you today, if you don't mind." The stallion then held a hoof towards them. "Mah name's Bright Macintosh, or just Bright Mac, for short." He winked, dazzling them with his charming smile. "Nice to meet y'all."

"L-Like wise." Bell frigidly took his hoof with her own, trying her hardest to look ONLY at his face and not anything below it.

Don't look at his muscles; you already have someone. Don't look at his muscles; you already have someone. Don't look at his muscles;

you already have someone!....... Okay, maybe just a little peek.

A story of loss...

"DB, you need to see this!"

Dinner Bell didn't even get the chance to question what as a newspaper was practically shoved at her face. Upon seeing the headlines, she now understood the need for urgency.

Breaking news! In Sonia, one of the top restaurants in Canterlot, has fallen... Due to lack of customers. It was believed that the cause of it was an attack from a popular culinary magazine, giving the establishment bad reviews, right before they're about to sign an endorsement deal.


"Aah! My eyes, my eyes!"

"Her glasses went missing again?"

"Sigh, yep..."


"Would that I could, I would've loved to be with you..." Iron Forger said, his voice full of sadness. "But this moment will have to be enough." He turned around, not letting her see his tears. "Good bye... Dear Dinner belle." And with that, he left. Off to his wedding.


"I object!" Dinner Bell proclaimed as she dramatically kicked the chapel doors in.

"Move away, harlot..." She commanded, various magical cooking tools circling threateningly around her. "The bride stands there."

Coming soon...

Author's Note:

Well, maybe.

Just something silly that popped in my head and thought, heh, might as well write it.