• Published 24th Jan 2019
  • 5,166 Views, 213 Comments

Noctis Ascending - LEN NARD

After defeating Ardyn, Noctis was given a second chance to ascend in the land of Equestria.

  • ...

Ch 3: A New Crystal.

How strange... Black Rose thought to herself as she sat in her office, staring blankly at the empty sheet of paper in front of her. She has been like this for almost an hour now.

She felt strange, this have never happened before. Normally, the ideas flow automatically even in her sleep. But, that was not the case at the moment. For the love of her, the words just won't come! She's not even writing a full novel, just a short story for a magazine. There's no actual time limit for submission. It's just something she does between aside from her books. She sends stories to publishers that ask for it and, if they decided to use it, they give you money. It was a good source of pocket money when she was just a filly.

The mare sighed, putting down her unused pen and rubbed between her eyes. Her mind has been quiet these past few days and the cause eludes her, still.

Everything's as they normally were. She cooked breakfast, her husband went to work and the children were playing while... She writes...

Ah, I see now...

Ever since Cadance made a friend, everything just weren't the same.

Sighing, Rose gave up writing for today and decided to make lunch early. She stood and stretched. It's not like she's the only one writing for that magazine anyways. Maybe she'll take a break for a while and let the amateurs get a chance for once. Just until her muse came back. It would probably return once she's used to the silence.

She was at the living room; on her way to the kitchen when she stumbled on a peculiar, but, quite adorable, sight.

There, on the sofa, lying on his back was her son. Staring at the ceiling with the same blank look she might have given her desk earlier.

Oh, dear Noctis... The mare felt a surge of sympathy inside her. It looks like she wasn't the only one bothered by the sudden change in their family dynamic.

Her poor baby... Noctis had always been a quiet colt; only talking when spoken to, but ever since he returned from his community service, he started behaving differently. He acted more quiet than usual with a distracted look on his face. He even bumped on a door frame, zoning out as he walked.

The parents suspected that the colt was just coping from the fact that his sister won't be spending as much time with him anymore.

Rose felt a dull ache in her chest when she heard the Colt let out a depressed breath and decided, she had to do something.

The mare approached and joined Noctis on the sofa. Noticing the shift, the colt adjusted his position to better occupy them both. Rose curled around her son and sighed. Snuggling with her foal like this felt nice. "I see now, why sweet Cadance loves this so much. Hugging you feels simply divine." Rose couldn't help her chuckle as the colt grumbled and pouted. Nuzzling the colt, encouragingly, the mare spoke. "What is it that bothers you so, my prince?"

"It's nothing..." The colt automatically answered. His mother only raised a brow and he immediately gave. "I'm that obvious, huh?" His mother nodded.

"Yes, you are quite overt." With a peck on his head, Rose continued. "Now; will you tell Mommy your troubles? It pains me to see you like this."

Noctis sighed. Losing his weapons was hard to take in. Don't be mistaken. His powers were still there. He could feel it coursing inside him. But, it's useless without the crystal. All his weapons we're stored in there! With no connection to it, he's like a gun missing its cartridge.

Not wanting to sound like a loon, he chose his words carefully. "Mom... Have you ever lost something important to you?... Something you had your entire life, only to disappear when you least expect it?" Vague but still on point. Perfect.

Hearing this, Rose gave her foal a sad smile. Poor Noctis; he's taking Cadance's sudden loss of interest pretty hard. "I don't think I have. But, I believe I understand pretty well what you are going through."

Noctis scootched and turned towards his mother. "What should I do, mom? I don't think I could ever get it back..."

Especially with it, being in another realm, entirely. And after hundreds of years, who knows what could have happened to it. Now that he thought about it. He kind of remembered exploding after taking the kings inside him. Maybe he wasn't the one that exploded. Maybe it's the crystal that did? Crap, he hoped not. Just in case there was a way to bring it to Equestria.

Rose gave her foal a reassuring nuzzle. Noctis was correct. As unfortunate as this was for them; Cadence finding a friend had to happen. It's not healthy for the filly to depend on her brother too much for companionship.

The mare thought for a solution. She figured that that the colt's problem stemmed from being so used to taking care of his sister. And now that she had left the nest, so to speak, he doesn't know what to do with all the free time that he suddenly have. So the answer was to fill in that gap! Maybe find a friend of his own or a hobby if he still insists on being an introvert.

Satisfied, Rose finally answered. "I believe, it is for the best that we accept the cruel reality and make peace with it. We cope by making the best off of what we have. Or, we find something new; something better, even!"

Noctis considered her words. Something new... Something better... That's it! Maybe he could build a new crystal! Make the best of what he has! This world has all sorts of magic and wonders, and Noctis have a feeling that he hadn't even touched the surface. Unlike Eos, Magic was literally everywhere in Equestria. There has to be a way to convert some of that energy and turn it into a specific type of magic that corresponds with the King's magic that he brought with him. Preferably in crystal form.

Excited, the colt jumped off. With a turn, Noctis gave his mom a bright and grateful smile. "Thanks Mom! I know what to do now!" After a quick hug, the young king rushed excitedly towards the back entrance. "I'll be out for a while to... Uh... Find... My cutie mark!" Yes! The perfect excuse! He had a feeling that he would be involved into a lot of crazy things from now on. Mostly the explosive kind, probably...

Rose smiled, happy for her little colt. "Finding your Cutie Mark? What an excellent idea!" She felt proud! Her baby was growing up! So young, yet, already on his way to find his destiny! "Just don't cause too much trouble, understood?" The mare added as an afterthought.

"I'll try!" Noctis replied, not wanting to lie entirely, as he galloped on the dirt path.

Rose's gazed lingered at where the colt was when they were snuggling, feeling the familiar sensation of her cutie mark talking to her.

Hmm... The struggle of a little colt, to find himself, as the most important filly in his life went on to a better place. A tragic love story...

A bit cliché... But if she trusts her talent, and she does, she could definitely pull some heart strings with this.

She stood up. Her day of writing wasn't over yet, she returned to her office. Words and ideas flowing without lag.

My apologies amateur writers, but not today...

Noctis was back in his secret clearing in the woods, thinking.

Ideas are one thing, but, turning them to reality was a different story.

Where do I even start?... The colt paced back and forth, urging his brain to run at 150%. Ugh! I wish Ignis is here...

Frustrated, the colt plopped himself to the flower covered ground. Taking a deep breath, Noctis started concentrating. Raising a hoof, he searched within himself. The power was in him, waiting to manifest. He thought of protective thoughts. He pictured a dome. A barrier made of crystals. A wall of protection...

Noctis opened his eyes... only to find bright open sky.

Nope, still nothing...

Noctis sighed in disappointment. He turned to his side, only to feel something poke his cheek. With a frown, the colt grabbed the offending object and taken a look. It was some kind of crystal pebble, the non-magical kind, he's afraid. Stones like those were everywhere like common rocks. He held the crystal against the light. It looked kind of pretty, actually. Being oddly shaped like a heart.

It reminded him of his dad. Pretty little crystals floating around as he tried to instruct him on levitation.

Noctis sighed once more. There are things that he thought he could do without a crystal.


Not the crafted kind. But, actual spells you cast.

Noctis hated to admit it. But, Ardyn was right about one thing. Prince Noctis, chosen king and savior of Eos, sucks at magic.

The most advanced spell he could do was levitate objects and flying, by proxy. He can't even remember how. It just, kinda, sorta, happened. They we're just fighting and the next thing he knew, Ardyn and him were in the air! Locked in an intense weapons shoot out!

Warping! He's really good at that! He could warp infinite times without getting sick or burning alive. It's kind of his specialty. He threw a butter knife once and successfully warped.

And phasing. He wasn't really sure, but he thought it was something unique only to him. His dad couldn't do it and he doesn't know if the other kings could, so he'll just assume that they couldn't either.

Summoning wasn't really a spell... Just call the God's and hope they weren't busy.

Man! The Klaves made it look so easy! Conjuring barriers, shooting lighting left and right! Invisibility! Fire tornadoes! When it comes to spells, those guys were pros!

And here we have Noctis. To compensate for his lack of magical skills, he trained himself to master fighting with different weapons and instead of learning to cast, he mastered crafting spells.

The colt fiddled with the stone some more then suddenly froze.

Crafting... That's it! Noctis stood, an idea coming to him. The first problem was the crystal. Without it he's useless. So he established that he should try and make some sort of replacement crystal but doesn't know where to begin...

Noctis lifted his hoof, admiring the heart shaped gem.

... And what better way to start than with actual crystals.

I may not have a Crystal yet. But, for now, you'll have to do.

As he walked home, the young king didn't notice the brief, little, sparkle that came from the tiny rock.

Cadance returned home that afternoon to the weirdest thing she had ever seen. "Noctis, what's going on?" The filly asked as she stared at the piles of books and assortment rocks that littered their room.

Looking up from his reading, the colt smiled. "Oh, hey Cadance."

The filly turned her gaze towards her brother. "What are you doing?" She asked once more.

"You mean these?" Noctis gestured towards the ominous looking circle of symbols drawn on the floor with gems arranged in a pattern inside. "I'm just trying to see if which type of gem contains thaumaturgical properties..."

Cadance just started. What?...

"I'm also trying to see if they happened to have crystal dimensional space pockets inside, through this simple manasurgical circuit!"


The filly kept staring for a few more seconds before, slowly, backing away and closing the door.

"Mom, can I go in?" A filly's voice asked through the door.

Rose looked up from her desk. "Yes. You may enter." She permitted and Cadance went inside.

"What is the matter, my sweetest?" The mare asked, turning towards her daughter.

"Noctis is acting weird." The filly said. Looking uncertain, she continued. "I think, he's trying to summon a demon..."

"Already?" She thought it would be months before her son even tried. Foals usually resorts to it when they ran out of ideas.

Rose chuckled, remembering her own attempt, fondly. "Did he use charcoal ash for the circle?"

Cadence gaped at her mother. "Whaaaa...?"

"Just answer, sweetheart."

"Um..." The filly thought back. "I think he draw it with chalk..."

The mare's eyes widen. "Oh dear, that won't end well..."

Cadance furrowed her brows. "What do you mea-"


"Are you sure, you're okay?"

Noctis rolled his eyes at his worried sister. "For the hundredth time, I'm fine." The colt assured as he prepared for bed.

It was just an energy pulse, not a fiery explosion. He should have known that chalk wasn't strong enough to contain the charge. Maybe if he melted a mana conductive metal and pour it in a mold...

"Are you sure?" Cadance asked once again. "You're not possessed, are you?"

"For the last time, I'm not trying to summon a demon!" Noctis shook his head in outrage. "Where did you get that ridiculous idea, anyway?"

Cadance became lost in thought.

"Remember, my dearest daughter.

It is important that you do not forget to mix table salt with iron filings for the soul purifier. I also recommend that you bring a modified vacuum cleaner to trap the spirit in a sealed jar to serve as a trophy..."


"Never mind," Noctis sighed and hopped to their bed. "Where were you, anyway?" The colt asked, desperate to change the subject. "I haven't seen you all day."

"I'm with Prism. We played at her house today." Cadance joined her brother, taking her usual position on the bed spooning with Noctis. "Why?" The filly asked, slyly. "Did you miss me?"

"Not really..." The colt answered, bluntly. Oblivious to his sister's saddened expression. "I was busy studying those books." He wasn't a complete novice when it comes to magic researching. As a prince, he was expected to learn about the crystal and how it works. Or at least, what the scientists had managed to figure out.

The two were silent for a few moments before Cadence spoke, "Noctis?"


The filly hesitated for a bit before continuing. "Will you... Help me learn how to fly, sometime...?"

Noctis raised an eyebrow. "You do know I'm an earth pony right?"

Cadance pouted at her brother. "Not teach me how to fly. Just catch me when I fall, or something." The filly explained. "It's just..." She gave Noctis a squeeze before continuing. "I kind of missed you..." The filly then proceeded to bury her face in the colt's chest, hiding her blush.

Noctis giggled at the adorable sight. "You’re so cute!" He laughed when his sister blushed deeper.

After calming himself he continued. "Yeah, I guess I'll help you out!"

"Promise....?" The filly looked up, hopefully.

Now, it's his turn to give the filly a squeeze. "I promise." The colt swear, giving his sister a meaningful look.

Satisfied, Cadance closed her eyes, deciding to give her trust to him.

Noctis followed her example and together, they fell asleep.

What am I doing wrong? Noctis thought. Face buried on a picnic table. What am I missing?...

He was just hanging out, by himself, at a nearby park. The park wasn't particularly impressive. No playground, just some benches and tables. The one he was sitting on, was one that ponies, almost, never use due to its proximity to the woods.

He looked up, resting his chin on the wooden surface as he started at the pile of colorful rocks. The colt sighed. He tried everything he could think of...

"Noctis, thank goodness I finally found you!"

... He tried to read lots of books about gems and enchantments...

"I've been looking for you everywhere! It's silly of us to forget to tell each other where our houses were, huh?... Noctis?"

... But being an earth pony, he was very limited to what he can do, magic wise...

"... Are we seriously doing this again?"

... He kept trying to push magic into the gems. But, the stupid rocks just won't have it-


"Eeek!" Noctis jumped with a start. Caressing his sore side, the colt glared at his attacker. "Hey! What was that for! That really hurts- Fausticorn?" The colt calmed down, finally noticing the new arrival.

The pony goddess in filly form spit the pointy looking stick in her mouth. "Serves you right for ignoring me again; also its Stellar now, remember?" She reprimanded. The colt clearly hasn’t learned his lesson! "Why do you always do this? It's impolite to ignore cute fillies, you know?"

Noctis rolled his eyes at this. "Alright, I'm sorry. Won't happen again..." the colt apologized.

With a huff, the filly joined him, sitting on the other side of the table, "It better not, or else!" She gave the Colt a threatening look. "I swear I'll find sharper things to poke you with..."

Noctis gulped. He had the feeling she'd do it too. Just to spite him.

"Honestly! I spent weeks finding you and this is what I get? You should feel sorry!"

"Yeah, yeah..." The colt replied, suppressing the urge to groan as the filly nagged his ears off.

"Did you even try to find me? You're not hiding from me, are you?..." Stellar pressed on.

"Eeyup," Noctis answered lamely.

The filly raised an eyebrow. "Eeyup? For finding me or for hiding?"

"One of those..."

"Hmph! Here I am, a very nice and really cute filly, giving you all my attention and this is how you treat me? You should be nicer to me!"

"Uh huh..."

"And marry me, while you’re at it!"

"Sure, whatever you say... No, wait!" Noctis shot up. Eyes wide in realization on what he just agreed to.

Stellar almost fell off her seat, laughing at the colt's panicked expression. "Relax! I'm just teasing..." Or was she?

"That's not funny." Noctis hissed while he calmed his beating heart. For a second, he really thought that she'll make him marry her.

He doesn’t think he's ready for that yet... He's still hasn't moved on from his previous engagement...

"I'm sorry." The filly said. Not looking at all apologetic as she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes. "You just looked so bummed when I found you and thought, I should lighten the mood."

Noctis sighed. He guessed he couldn't be mad at her for that. "It's fine. I forgive you, I guess."

"So, what's the problem?" Stellar asked, fully recovered.

"It's just... I kind of... Lost my powers." The colt bowed his head at the reminder.

"That can't be right..." Stellar scrunched her face in confusion. "The power of your inheritance is forever merged within your celestial force." She continued, unconsciously reverting to her wise goddess mode for a moment. "It can't just disappear after reincarnation. It just doesn't happen. Even I can't remove it. Not even if I wanted to."

"You're right. That's not the problem." The young king reassured. "The power of the Lucui bloodline is still inside me. It's just useless without the crystal. Like a fancy straw without an equally fancy drink. I can't draw power from nothing..."

"Ugh! Stupid! I should've known the crystal was important!" The goddess scolded herself before sending Noctis an apologetic frown. "I'm so sorry. I should have realized it sooner..."

Noctis shook his head at the apology. "No it's alright. It's not your fault. I didn't exactly explained to you that the two were connected. You couldn't have known." The colt sent the sad filly a bright smile. "All I need is a crystal and I'll be fine."

"Is that what all the gems are for" the filly asked, gesturing to the rock pile.

"Yeah, I've been trying to see if I could make my own crystal." He gave Stellar an inquisitive look. "Can you, maybe, get the crystal here? Or, if not, make a new one?"

"No on the first one, I'm afraid. The stars have shifted and won't be aligned for very a long time." The goddess explained.

"And the second one?" The young king asked with hope in his eyes.

The filly paused for a moment, deep in thought. Noctis felt like bursting on his seat, anticipation intensifying with every passing second.

"Yes and no..." Stellar finally spoke. "Yes, I could probably make something similar, if not exactly like your crystal, with my powers. But, I can't conjure that kind of divine object and just drop it from the heavens. Doing that would cause a ripple that would end all life in the planet." The filly sighed, "Poor dinosaurs. They didn't know what hit them..." the goddess shed a tear at the tragedy. "My poor bitey babies; bless their souls."

"They’re in a better place now..." The colt sweat dropped, not really knowing what else to say, "So um, about the crystal?"

The filly snapped back. "Oh yeah, the crystal; I can make it with my full power, but can't send it down here and even if we managed to do it, there's no guarantee it would work." The goddess continued. "Your power was given to you by other gods, so my crystal won't probably sync to their power. No, the crystal has to be made here, on the inside, preferably by you." The goddess stared Noctis right in the eyes, hammering the seriousness of her words. "Just believe in your power, Noctis. It knows it's incomplete and it knows what to do." She plucked a random crystal in the pile-the heart shaped pebble- and slid it in front of the colts. "Trust in it and it shall help you."

Noctis scratched the back of his head and sighed. "That's what I've been trying to do, anyways." The colt let out another breath and continued. "I've been trying for weeks. But, nothing's working."

"Have you tried using your magic?"

"It's useless without the crystal, remember?"

The filly shook her head. "That's not what I'm talking about." Stellar suddenly stood and pointed a hoof at the young king. "Don't forget! You are a pony now!" She returned to her seat and continued. "You’re an earth pony, to be precise. So rocks shouldn't be a problem for you." She pushed the crystal a little closer, encouragingly. "Go, try it. See if you can get this one to open up with your earth pony magic and once it does, try to convince it to accept your power inside of it."

Noctis stared at the little gem. Can’t hurt to try, I guess... The young king held out his hoof above the crystal and focused his power to it. The crystal started shaking on the table.

"Whoa, whoa; stop! It's going to crack!" The filly snatched the gem and gave the Colt a glare as she clutched the stone as if it were a hurt puppy. "You're doing it backwards!" She returned the stone on its position before continuing. "You can't just force your way in her like a brute! You need to be a gentleman. Talk to her; get to know her better; be friends with her. WAIT for her to open up to you and she'll accept the power inside her, on her own..."



"It's a girl?"

"I'm using metaphors. But, yes. It's seems to be a feminine rock."

"Huh..." Noctis looked down to the crystal. Yeah, it kinda does sends of a girly vibe.

Noctis shook his head. No. Focus! With a determined nod. He held his hoof out, once more and closed his eyes. He focused on the stone, trying to extend his influence to feel it. He almost recoiled his hoof when he felt some kind of 'ping'. He opened his eyes with a start and look at Stellar for guidance.

"Keep going." She nodded and gestured for him to continue. "You’re doing great."

Without saying a word, Noctis closed his eyes again. He tried to 'talk' to it and sent his powers once more. Not to force it but 'tickle' it a little. It happens in a second and this time, his hoof did pulled back when he felt a spark. Nothing painful, it just caught him off guard. His eyes widen just in time for him to see the stone start glowing and pop out of existence.

For a moment, they thought the worst, until something passed through his vision. Looking around, he found it circling him in an orbit. It was the tiny crystal! It's corporeal form now sparkle with glints of symbols and images.

He couldn't believe it. I did it...

"You did it!" Stellar said, excitedly. "Quick. Do the rest!" The filly continued, pushing the pile towards Noctis.

The young king repeated the process, only this time, with both hooves and extended his magic to as many stones as he could at the same time.

They noticed that certain ones immediately vanished while the others never responded. Out of the pile, fifteen stones joined his crystal; enough to levitate something light.

Noctis looked at his surroundings for anything to grab found Stellar's poking stick. He willed the crystals towards it and they obediently followed. Fetching the stick, it now floated between the foals. The crystals danced mesmerizingly around it.

The colt's smile grew wider and wider. "Yes! I did it!" Noctis celebrated too soon as he lost focus, the crystals suddenly imploded, condensing themselves, and the stick, into a teenee tiny black bead that landed on the table.

Panicked, the colt activated his powers again. The bead glowed and the stick re-materialized on his hoof. Or, at least, the charred, smoking, remains of it, did.

Not to cause any accidents. The colt threw it at a stream with the help of his new crystals. With their job done, they merged into a bead once more and landed on his waiting hoof.

It's small. Too small. Pathetically so. Even a pea was bigger than this.

"I need to find more crystals..." He's going to need waaay more than this if he wanted to stand a chance against the dark fragments.

"Yeah," Stellar agreed. "But first..." The filly jumped off and approached the colt. Hopping on Noctis' bench the filly proceeded to grab the colt on the shoulders and shook him, furiously. "Tell. Me. Where. You. Bucking. LIVE!"

Cadance doesn't know what to think. It was so sudden! It just happened, harshly, without a warning, like a train crash and now, she felt like her world was falling apart. The pink filly just couldn't believe it. The reality was too cruel.

Noctis brought a cute filly home!

She cursed to herself. There was nopony else to blame but herself! She was too careless! She should have known this would happen. She was enjoying herself too much and took her brother for granted and now, he's replacing her...

"Thanks for your hospitality, ma'am." Stellar said as Black Rose brought a plate of assorted cookies and biscuits.

"It was no trouble at all." Rose placed the snacks on the coffee table. "It is not often that Noctis brings a friend with him." Noctis doesn't bring friends over, period! The mare took a seat on the couch, on the opposite side, beaming, BEAMING! At the white filly. Rose was struggling to keep her composure, when really, she was squealing on the inside, "Specially not fillies as pretty as you." She wasn't just trying to flatter her at all! The filly was gorgeous! With her pristine white coat, shiny and vibrant, red mane and crystalline pink eyes; she's an absolute cutie! It's seems that her son inherited her taste in brightly colored ponies...

Cadance huffed. She's not that pretty...

"Thank you, for your compliment!" Stellar replied with a blush. "Your very beautiful yourself, ma'am."

Rose couldn't help her toothy grin. And polite, too! Whatever it is you did to get her to like you. Good job, son! "Oh, there is no need for formalities. You may just call me as Black Rose, or simply, just Rose." The mare sent the filly a smile, with all her charisma in it. "Or, if you want. Mother, works as well..." The mare continued. Eyes sparkling with hope.

Cadance almost choked.

"I think, I'll just call you Mrs. Rose." Stellar giggled at the exited mare. Is this why Noctis liked my mother so much? This is fun! No wonder, he couldn't stop smiling, at the time... "My mom might get jealous if I call other mares 'mom'."

"I see. That's acceptable." The mare replied, a little disappointed, but straightened herself and picked a cracker from the plate.

Taking that as cue, the foals reached at the plate as well. Noctis was about to get a sesame biscuit when his hoof bumped with a white one, reaching for the same treat.

Cadance almost grinned as she anticipated the incoming argument between the two. She doesn't really get the appeal, but, it was Noctis' favorite snack. Not even she dared to ask him, for them.

Noctis snatched the snack. Cadance grinned internally...

"Here, you can have it." The colt offered to the white filly and went for the vanilla wafer, instead.

The pink filly's grin disappeared. What?...

The truth was that was that, Noctis only liked it because it's the only biscuit that sticks to his hoof before he learned how to grip stuff, properly.

Rose was beaming once more at the adorable exchange. Excellent move, son! A+!...

Cadance couldn't take it, anymore. She stood from her couch and plopped herself between her brother and the white hussy! She got strange looks but nopony said anything, assuming that the pegasus just wanted better access to the food.

She doesn't really know why. Deep inside, she knew it doesn't make sense. Stellar seems to be a genuinely nice and friendly girl, but her heart, for some reason, have decided...

Her eyes moved to the left, without moving her head and observed the white filly as she regaled how she and Noctis met, to their mother.

... She doesn't like this filly, very much...

It's been a few days since and Noctis continued his quest for crystals.

He roamed everywhere and picked up, every gem he could find. As he did this, the colt discovered that only the clear crystals could react to his magic; the clearer the better. He can't really name what type of gems they were, but colorless crystals works the best alongside blues and pinks.

Noctis felt like he had hoarded all the gems in the village, but the crystal only grew the size of a pearl. A wrinkly black pearl.

He was losing hope of expanding his crystal collection, when the solution presented itself inside the village's biggest convenience store.

One day, while shopping, the colt discovered that they're selling them for ponies that use them for decoration, jewelry and... Holistic medicine and rituals? He stopped reading the box after that.

Unfortunately, the King's treasury was a bit low on funds at the moment. Even with his 'Special Talent, Expedition Funds' of five bits per week, it wasn't nearly enough.

So now, he regrouped at his 'secret lab' in the basement, where he conducted his crystal based experiments. The place was surprisingly empty. He thought, for sure, his dad would have turned it to a game room, or something.

No, just like Rose's 'Special, Writing Office'; his game room was an actual room, INSIDE the house.

And now, Noctis has claimed the basement for him to do as he pleased. It's not as impressive at the moment, with funds low and all. The lab and now also, planning room, only composed of an old, stained, coffee table; a stool to sit on; Rose's old and slightly moldy, black board and an empty tube of em n' em, where he keeps the crystal safe.

Noctis was staring blankly at the crystal 'vault', deep in thought on how to solve his dilemma.

He... Had an idea; something the he had done a couple of time on his previous life. But, decided against it. He's not that desperate. So he thought up something else.

Something, that these candy sweet ponies, would throw their money at him...


"Thick Lolies! Get all your loli needs, right here! Give your Thick loli a delicious lick, today!"


"What the-AHHHH-"


Well, that's a bust.... Noctis thought as he slumped on the table. it's just a candy stand! They didn't have to close it down...

The colt blew an exasperated sigh as he crossed the picture of a lollipop on the board. It doesn't matter. No one's buying, anyway... For some reason, whenever a foal approaches, their parents would pop up and drag them away.

Whelp! There goes my savings... Maybe, I should... No! Let's not turn to that yet!...

But what to do now? He needs to do something that will get him some cash, fast. But what?...


"-eaaase! Uuuu BABYYY! Don't GUH! Simple hend clen is DA hu-WAY that your-OW! Hey, stop it!"

"BOO!!! Get off the stage!"


Competitive singing is out, I guess... The young king thought as he crossed out a picture of a microphone.

Well, I'm getting desperate, so maybe... NO! Don't think about it! Noctis slammed his hoof on the table. I may have lost my dignity today. But, I still have my pride as King! I shan't lower myself to... That!

But, what else could he do, to get money...


"-and that's why I believe that I would make an excellent employee in the fast food industry..."

"Hmm. I see, I see." The stallion looked at the resume and then back at the colt. "It says here that you have experience in customer service?" The stallion asked.

"Yes, sir."

"And, how old are you again?"

"Um... Four... Ish?"



"Are you messing with me?"


Noctis sighed, crossing another one on the list. A service crew cap.

While, hiring foals was not exactly illegal; the general rule was that the filly or colt should have a cutie mark on the specific line of work.

Back to the drawing board...

Noctis was scared. He might actually end up doing something drastic! There has to be another way! Anything.


"Why didn't I think of this sooner?" The colt asked to himself, happily walking to the convenience store, with a bag full of bits wrapped around his neck.

It turns out that some of the gems he collected were valuable and managed to get a pretty good deal out of them. And now, he's free to buy some crys-Gasp! What is that!?

Noctis stopped as he stared at the most interesting thing he had ever seen in Equestria.

It's... Beautiful...

"Sir! How much for this!"

"Probably, as much as, how many is, in that bag."


He just arrived at his house when he realized his mistake.

... No, not a mistake. Noctis shook his head. I don't regret buying, her. It's just... A setback! Yeah, 'setback' is the right word.

Unfortunately, he can't take any more of this. He had to do something, he knew, he's actually good at. Something he knew, in his heart, would work without causing him more headaches.

It's time to do... IT.

The young king put a hoof on his face. It's for the crystal, Noctis. Sometimes, a King must do sacrifice for the people!

Full of determination, the chosen king went to work...


"These greens look great!" A stallion, enthusiastically, exclaimed. "My chefs and customers are gonna eat. These. Up!" The stallion turned towards the colt. "Mind if I take them off your hooves?"

A chill suddenly ran through Noctis' bones. It's just a coincidence, right? It has to be...

Calm yourself, dammit! Just remember why you're doing this...

The colt wore a charming, little, smile. It's important to look friendly in business, "Not at all!" The colt said, feeling very dirty as he took the hefty sum of bits from the stallion.

He felt like crying, inside...

Bright Night stared curiously at the kitchen table. He's not usually one to doubt his wife about how she handles their shopping budget. But what he's currently looking at can't possibly be cheap! "Honey, could you come here for a sec?" Authorative, but still not accusing; good. The last thing he needs was for his wife to be grumpy the rest of the night.

"Yes dear?" Rose inquired curiously at her husband. "Is something the matter?"

Night gestured towards the fancy looking vegetables that covered the entire table. "Did you buy these?" The stallion paused for a second, trying carefully to not sound accusing. "It's a bit much, don't you think?"

The mare looked at him confused. "What do you mean? I thought this was you’re doing."

The pair looked at each other, thinking the same thing; if not one of them, then who?

And then, they heard it. It was faint, but they could hear humming from the backyard. Nodding to each other, they came to investigate.

What they saw, took them by surprise.

To their left, was what they could only describe as the most sophisticated vegetable garden they have ever seen. It looked like it came out of a cover of a gardening magazine. The rows and crop spacing were freakishly precise; the crop bed was very pristine with no weeds in sight and the plants were practically glowing with a vibrant and healthy look that you might only see in, heavily edited, photos of botanical books.

When Noctis asked them, if he could plant some things in the backyard a month ago, they didn't expect him to turn a third of it into this! How did he even get them to grow so fast!

"Shining makeup, dururu duru. Mumble, mumble. La la pretty..."

The couple turned their attention to their right, at the other side of the yard. It was their son, humming an unknown song as he polished the smooth surface of a black wagon. Not the small ones that you see foals drag around and play with, but an actual single pony wagon. It seems to be in the smallest size, but, still quite impressive. They didn't know if it was that way from the beginning or if Noctis had a hoof in it. But, the wagon seems to be a bit tricked out; with glossy black paint and stylized "Neo Regalia" written on the side in golden paint.

"Is that why he's been doing all those crazy things lately?" Bright Night asked. He was impressed with his son, but, a bit hurt at the same time. "I could have easily bought him that."

While, not exactly super rich, they're not exactly poor, either. He could have bought him that, if he just asked. Of course he wouldn't outright give it to him, he would play hard to get a little have the colt try to prove his worthy with some chores. Or, give it to him as a birthday present.

All first time parents dream of spoiling their foal, at least a little. But, Noctis never asked them for anything. Toys, books, clothes; the colt just doesn't seem to be interested with anything! It looks like he's just into different things than normal foals if his odd choice for a 'toy' was any indication.

"I for one thought that he just still hasn't given up on discovering his cutie mark..." Rose said, brushing against her husband.

The stallion's brows furrowed. "Wait, he's serious about that?" Night looked back, with a new sense of respect for his son's diligence.

The mare could only chuckle at this, "Quite actually. More than you would believe."

The stallion looked around and figured he should, definitely, believe it.

"Um hey, Mom, Dad." Noctis greeted his parents. Finally noticing the two as he was about to return, inside.

The couple turned their attention towards their son. "Hey, sport!" Night greeted back. "I heard you've been busy." The stallion gestured to the backyard in general.

Noctis turned. Inspecting is work. "Yeah, I guess you could say that." He looked at his creations with a sense of pride.

He's particularly excited about the wagon. Maybe if he installed a seat here, drill a few holes there, add a pair of side mirrors... With crystal tech, maybe he could turn it into a descent Regalia, someday. But, for now, it'll just be his trusty delivery wagon.

And as for the garden... Yeah.

He doesn't really know how it ended up like that. Maybe he just has very strong earth pony magic? He'll have to ask Stellar, later.

Carrots maturing the next day after you plant them probably wasn’t normal, even for pony standards.

Maybe, it's for the best that I didn't get him the wagon... Night thought to himself. Judging by the tired, but satisfied look on his face, it probably wouldn't be the same if he did.

"Mom, Dad, Noctis? I'm home!" A high pitched voice called out from inside the house.

"We should probably go back inside, before Cadance think we're missing." Night said and his wife nodded back.

"Yes, let's," The couple turned only to be tackled by a pink filly. Cadance started laughing as the parents started tickling her.

Noctis watched the scene with fondness. It was strange having a mother, sister and a new father.

It sure has been crazy, these past few years. Being reborn, being a pony, being a normal civilian. It's quite bizarre to think about.

But also... Very, very nice.

This has been a great experience for him, so far. This world has given him a lot of joy....

"Noctis, aren't you coming?" His sister asked as his parents held the door. They were already inside, looking at him, expectantly.

The colt nodded and charged. How did he get so lucky?

He ran towards the entrance. On the other side, waiting for him, is pure happiness.

He tackled the three, causing them to fall. "Why, you little..." they all ganged up on him.

For the life of him, he truly couldn't remember the last time he had laughed like this... It doesn't matter if he did in the past. What matters was, he's laughing right NOW.

The family finally settled down after a while and decided to have their dinner. Thanks to Noctis, vegetables were in the menu tonight! And the colt just couldn't get himself to care any less.

He really needs to give Stellar proper thanks the next time they meet. Maybe, even give her a thank you gift. That'll surely make her happy...

"Do you really have to go?"

"I... I have to... My family, they..."

"... So, is this goodbye, then?"

"I... I'm afraid, it is..."


"... I don't want to go, sniff..."

"Hey, don't cry."

"It's not fair. I just found you... Sniff. And now, we're being torn apart."

"I know."

"All I wanted... Was to be with you..."




"Sniff. If we meet each other again... Remember to keep your promise to me, okay?"

"I will... Don't worry."

"I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you, too."

"And don't flirt with other fillies while I'm gone, okay?"

"Just go already, damn it!"

And just like that, the magic is gone.

Noctis stumped a hoof angrily to the ground. Feeling a headache coming to him soon. "It's just kindergarten! You'll be back for first grade!"

"Noctis!" Stellar pouted, whining like a little girl, that she was. "We're supposed to be having an emotional farewell! You're ruining the mood!"

"We were! And you started it!" The colt gave an exasperated sighed. Noctis learned that ponies are more lax in their education than humans does. With cutie mark magic, you don't technically need high school and college anymore.

For unicorns, attending kindergarten was mandatory mostly for learning basic magic and safety, than for academic prepping. Same goes for pegasi, but with wing training. There are exceptions, though.

For special cases like Cadance; they're allowed to be home schooled with special courses and exercises provided by the Ministry of Education. If failed, they're forced to attend class. In Cadance's case, she'd be sent to Cloudsdale if she didn't learn how to fly by age five.

Earth ponies don’t usually bothers with kindergarten. Their strength and control doesn't really need any training, but there were parents that wants to have their foal get a head start and enrolls them to specialized pre-schools.

Unfortunately for Stellar, there isn't one in the village and now, she's being sent to her grandparents in Canterlot.

The filly frowned. "I still can't believe there's no earth pony kindergarten here. It's an earth pony village! There should be one! How come nopony complained about this to the mayor?"

"We've been over this," Noctis started with a tired sigh. "The petition for it didn't get enough votes. There's no point in wasting money on something nopony's going to use. Even if we have one, you'll be the only one attending this semester."

"I know, I know." Stellar grudgingly agreed, crossing her hooves before dropping her ears a second later. "I still wish you'd come with me, though. Your mom said its okay..."

"You know I can't." Noctis whispered. "I need to do something about the crystal and maybe start working on weapons if I can." The crystal was growing steadily day by day, but still too slow for his liking. It's been a few months and it doesn't seem to be getting any bigger than a marble. He needs to figure out a way to get larger amount of clear crystals. Once it's big enough, maybe it'll stop burning everything he puts in it. "Plus, Cadance would cry if I left her alone." He continued, louder this time.

"I heard that!" The aforementioned filly shouted from a few meters away. In the train station, with her, were two teary eyed mares, watching the 'touching' scene of two precious hearts saying goodbye.

"Yeah, you were meant to!" Noctis shouted back before turning back to Stellar with an annoyed expression on his face. "Why am I here, seeing you off, again?"

"Because you love me?" The filly answered quickly, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Because you want more drama in your life; i remember now." Yep,

There's the headache... She's lucky that Noctis was so grateful to her or else, he never would have bothered.

The colt scratched his head and continued. "I really will miss you, though." He looked away embarrassed, cursing at his blush.

Eee! So cute! "I knew it!" Stellar trapped the adorable cold in a tight hug. "You do care!" She proceeded to place an appreciative smooch on the cheek.

Ponies around them awwed at the display; Cadance though, was pissed. She hasn’t figured it out yet, but, every time the white filly interacts with her brother, she suddenly feels... She doesn't really know what to call the feeling. All she knew was that, her chest hurts and she gets angry whenever the two were together.

Why was he blushing for her!? She hates this! She wished the filly would just disappear already! She hates feeling... Whatever it was she's feeling! And most of all, she hates the fact that, even when she's teeth grindingly mad; her brother never notices she's upset!


"I really wish you don't rile her up like that..." Noctis whispered, noticing his sister, upset. "You know how possessive she could get."

Possessive? Riiiight... The filly let go and sent the naive boy a wry look. "I can't help it! She just has the cutest pout!"

That, she does... Noctis couldn't deny, sighing at her antics.

Both foals turned their attention when the conductor called for the passengers. Ten minutes before departure.

"Time to go now, I guess..." Stellar said with a sad smile. "Don't forget to reply to my letters, okay?" Her smile suddenly turned to a threatening glare. "If you ignore me for the third time, I'll make it hell for you when I cash in on that promise..."

Noctis shuddered at the reminder. "Are you sure you want... That... For your thank you favor?" The colt sent her one of his charming smiles. "I'm sure there's something else you'd rather want..."

"Don't even think about getting out of this! You already promised." Stellar gave him a warning look. The colt could only laugh nervously.

With that, the filly's smile returned and swung her saddle bags on her back.

"You better be here to greet me when I return." Stellar spoke, oblivious to the longing tone in her voice.

Noctis rolled his eyes and patted her head. "Yeah, yeah." Sheesh, what a demanding goddess we have...

The filly sent him a mock glare, probably sensing his thoughts. With a final hug, she left.

Noctis turned towards the others, ready to go home, only to be greeted with a pair of shamelessly crying mothers.

"Oh, cruel fate; for such a tragic parting to befall our children..." Rose cried, tears blackened with her mascara.

"At such a young age, too!" Dinner Bell agreed, blowing on a handkerchief. "It's so sad! Why does she have to leave?"

Noctis gave the mare a flat look. And who's fault was that exactly?...

Rose gave her fellow mother a side hug. "Be strong, my friend. Their love may be young, but, I know they'll make it through in the end. We'll make sure of it... Together."

The colt's flat stare, didn't falter. Seriously, what does these two think our relationship were?...

The mares gazed at each other, camaraderie in their eyes. Their faces so close, that for a second, Noctis thought the two would start kissing, but felt relieved when they went for a hug instead.

"Oh, Rosey!"

"Bell, my friend!"

The floodgates opened once more. And just like that, the two became best friends.

Noctis was about to scold the two for causing a scene when Cadance stood next to him, practically gluing herself to his side.

The colt's expression softened at the contact and petted the filly's head and internally chuckled when she practically purred at the attention.

Girls are weird...

"Just...Go to your daughter already, Mrs. Bell."

Eyes wide, just realizing that her daughter just left her, Dinner Bell broke off the hug. "I'm sorry, but, I have to go now." The mare said before running off to her filly. "No,

Baby! Wait for mommy! I have both our tickets!"

Author's Note: