• Published 24th Jan 2019
  • 5,165 Views, 213 Comments

Noctis Ascending - LEN NARD

After defeating Ardyn, Noctis was given a second chance to ascend in the land of Equestria.

  • ...

Ch 4: Royal Pen Pal and New Armaments.

"Crystal Inventory test number five... failure." Noctis said to himself, looking disappointingly at the half melted spoon, glowing hot on the concrete floor of his basement.

He had been doing these tests every month to see if the Crystal was big enough to hold something in it. He would place a spoon inside, count to ten and summon it back. But, it always ends with the same result.

Noctis was starting to think that the size wasn't the problem. Maybe, it's the items themselves. He always wondered what those mechanism things on his weapons were. Maybe that's the thing he's missing, or maybe not. It's hard to tell.

In over a year that he's been experimenting, he discovered that his Crystal and the Lucian one worked very differently from each other. He's not talking about the amount of power they produce. The bigger one obviously generates more energy than his puny Crystal.

No. He was talking about their MAGIC.

For example, the Lucian Crystal was very picky on what you could inventory. Believe him, he tried, but his phone just remained on his hand. His crystal thought, was more accommodating. He could put in pretty much anything. The problem was, the things put in it wouldn't come back the same.

The feel of it wasn't the same either. His previous magic felt rough and frenzied. Like a raging waterfall, pouring heavily above him. While the new one was calm and still. Like a pond.

Noctis shook his head. No point in thinking about it too much. He's obviously on way over his head right now.

He needed help...

Moving to his table, he grabbed a pen and parchment and wrote.

Dear Stellar:

How have you been? It's pretty much the same old, same old, right here. You know, take care of the garden, buy crystals; the usual.

Anyway, I think I may have an idea and I need your advice. Here are the details...

Your friend,


So bored! Noctis slumped on top of the kitchen table. It's been a few days since he sent the letter and he doesn't know what else to do.

He had already done all his usual chores for the day. Water the plants, clean his room and the store won't have any gems until the next week after. The colt sighed. I miss my phone...

He miss his TV, he miss his computer, he miss the internet and he miss his games.

Noctis groaned. He just remembered Prompto gushing about the Empire Hearts 3 trailer. The game was supposed to launch next year.

And then the robot nation attacked.

Video games were also a thing in Equestria. Just, not the type he likes. Retro pixel arcade games, wasn't really his cup of tea.

The young king felt like crying. It has been hundreds of years. Just imagine how many games he had missed out on! How many Last Fantasy titles have been made since then? He believe there was a fifteenth, but, he never actually bothered to check it out.

He could just imagine Prompto, rubbing it on his face how he had played all freaking seventy of them. Noctis wouldn't be surprised if the Health Junkie managed to live long enough to play them all and DECIDED to die after finishing the final title...

Noctis' ears flicked at the sound of somepony entering the kitchen.

"Greetings my son," Rose walked in. "What ails you this time?" The mare asked her depressed colt.

"It's nothing," Noctis replied, "Just bored."

His mother suddenly wore a mischievous smirk. "You know, you could always join Cadance and her friend..."

"Ugh. No thanks." He had always been awkward with children, mainly because of his childhood upbringing as a prince. He was always told that his title makes him a danger to other kids. Everyone he gets close to immediately become targets. The closest thing he got to a playmate growing up was Lunafreya. And their interaction was more like a fifteen years old baby-sitter, taking care of a ten years old boy...

Prompto wasn't a kid anymore when they actually started hanging out. The plebe voluntarily trained to the bones just to get a spot on his guards and to realize his lifelong dream of meeting his idol. Even if he didn't get trained, Noctis was skilled enough to repel any would be kidnappers.

Black Rose chuckled at his agonized look. "Alright then; maybe this will brighten up your day." The mare slid an envelope to the table before taking her leave to give her son some privacy.

Noctis immediately tore the letter open and read.

Dear Noctis:

Thank you for asking. But, I'm afraid I can't say I'm fine. I miss you terribly! There isn't a day where I don't long for you touch. Every moment I'm away from you is agony! I've just grown too addicted to your warmth against my-

Noctis rolled his eyes, skipping ahead.

I've read the details and I think it wouldn't hurt to try. I never really bothered learning how my ponies does advanced magic in any of my previous lives so I have to research a method that you could try first and included it to this letter. I'll send you the rest later. But, school occupies most of my schedule, so it might be a while. Unlike you, some of us actually tries to act like a foal. I'm kinda surprised that your parents weren't suspicious of you yet. Seriously, what kind of four year old knows how to read and write? I pestered mine to teach me do I can have an alibi.

Your beautiful bestie,

Stellar Bell

PS: I know you're gonna skip my letter, so I wrote the details between the lines. Have fun! ..(>•<)..

Damn it! At least he has something to do now.

Dear Stellar:

They think, being a genius will be my special talent. Also, I hate you.

Thank you. But, I hate you.



It was a sunny day, as usual, and Noctis finds himself roaming without reason.

It's been a week and Noctis was bored out of his mind once more. He was just at the store, but they informed him that the gem delivery was delayed for unknown reasons and now he had nothing else to do.

He had managed to decipher Stellar's letter, somehow, and proceeded to burn it, as they agreed to do to letters that said too much.

The method wasn't really something he could do at the moment. Magic Forging: infusing a metal with magic as you forge. If done right, he could make it so it won't heat up at all.

Right now, he doesn't have the equipment or the knowledge with metal working nor the money for materials. No matter how successful, his garden could only earn him so much.

Noctis paused when something caught his eyes in a storefront display.

Well, I got nothing better to do and I have all this extra money. Might as well go shopping.


Noctis was in his room, admiring himself in front of a mirror. It's been ages since he wore clothes and it kind of felt strange with his fur. But, the nostalgia gave him a calming effect that overpowered any discomfort he might have.

He was currently wearing something similar to his outfit when he went to that fateful road trip with his friends; a black jacket with lots of pockets and a dark shirt underneath. He also bought pants, but, decided against wearing it for now.

He needs to continue training as soon as he figured something out with his weapons; might as well have something practical and protective to wear.

He turned to his left, then to the right and tried a couple stances. Snug, but not restrictive, good. He turned to another angle when a silly idea came to him.

Noctis dropped down and wrapped a hoof around his barrel, clutching his imaginary wound. "I pity you. You just don't get it at all..." He looked up. "There's not a thing I don't cherish!"

The colt moved, donning another persona. "On your knees; I want you to beg for forgiveness." Noctis replied to an invisible opponent, with the smuggest smirk he could muster.

Returning to his previous position, he continued. "Take this! Omni Slice!" The colt shouted then started jumping on random points. "Shing, shing, shing, shing!"

"Argh! I've been defeated..." Noctis fell to the ground, switching roles.

He stood again in a saged and heroic pose. "Stay where you belong... in my memories."


Noctis froze. Heart turning to stone as he slowly turned around. His heart sank. At the door were the last ponies he wanted to see that. There were four of them.

"Bravo, Noctis! Bravo!" Bright Night applaud.

"Majestic performance my son." Black Rose complimented.

"Ooh! What happened next?" Cadance asked curiously.

Prism just stood silently and seems to be breathing heavily.

Probably trying to hold in her laughter. Noctis thought. "How... How long have you been standing there?" He asked with a slight tremble in his voice. "What are you doing here?..."

"I sensed, role playing and came as fast as I could!" His father smiled with moisture in his eyes. "It’s finally happening. I'm so happy."

"I followed him the moment he burst through the door." Rose gestured to her husband and then developed a sinister smile. "I'm glad that I did..." The mare continued in a tone that suggested that she just got a new conversation starter with other moms.

"Same." Cadance simply answered.

Noctis turned to Prism. She was staring at him with... awe? And blushing with a kind of dazed look in her eyes. That can't be right. She's probably tuning out to something else to prevent herself from rudely laughing at his face.

The colt covered his face with both hooves, turning red. So embarrassing! "Could you guys just leave me alone for a while, I'd appreciate that."

His dad awed in protest as Rose led her husband away, eager to regale the story to whoever's willing to listen and Cadance followed, but, not before demanding- "I still want to know what happened next." -First.

Prism remained, but, beeped and ran as soon as she realized the fact, only to come back, dropping off a package, before retreating once more.

Curious, Noctis took the wrapped object. The mailmare probably sent it on the wrong house. Well, that answers why she's here... There's a letter attached.

Dear Noctis:

If you're reading this, that means you got my package. These are books that are going to help you with your problems. Their expensive, so you're gonna have to pay me back.

I accept hugs, kisses and dinner as payment. But, if you want to be a prude about it, the receipt's in there, as well.

With love,

Stellar Bell

PS: If you don't have anywhere to practice, fell free to go to my dad's shop. I just received a reply from him, saying yes. Tell me if he's being mean to you, okay? I have to go now. Muwa, muwa. Kissu, kissu.

Noctis resisted the urge to burn the paper in favor of opening the package. Inside we're three books. The first one was called "Mana Circuitry", the second was titled "Analogue Enchantments" and the last one was "Taumathurgical Programming".

Ugh! Just the tittles alone was making his head hurt, but, he could see how these could be useful in the long run.

With a sigh, Noctis resigned himself to his fate. At least, he won't be bored out of nothing, anymore...

He stood up, about to leave when he caught himself on the mirror again. He bit his lip, trying to resist the urge, but gave in, doing one last pose before going. He just looked so cool! "Be engulfed with flames of darkness. Be banished from this world!"



"Sorry, son; got to go now, bye!"

"No wait! Get back with that camera!"

"So, what are your intentions with my daughter?" A large, muscular, stallion asked.

Huh, so this is what she meant... Noctis looked up at the intimidating stallion. He had a charcoal mane and off white coat with a hammer cutie mark.

Stellar's dad was huge! Those muscles, just, wow! He's actually worried about what might happen to him if he didn't answer correctly.

"Um, we're just friends?"

"WHAT!" Stellar's dad, shouted at the colt. "Is my daughter not good enough for you!?"

Noctis flinched. "N-No! I... What I meant was... I just-" The colt's stammering was interrupted as the large stallion started laughing.

"Ha! Gotcha! You should see your face!" The stallion sighed and wiped his eye. "Sorry if I scared you too much. The moment I learned that I'm going to have a daughter, I immediately dreamed of doing this." He sent the colt a friendly smile. "My name's Iron Forger, Stellar's dad and owner of this shop." Extending a hoof towards the colt, he continued, "Nice to finally meet you."

Noctis shook the hoof. "Um, likewise."

"So! My daughter told me that you want to learn how to work with metal." The blacksmith started, leading the colt deeper inside the workshop. "Are you trying to get a metalworking cutie mark? 'Cause, I'm telling you right now it's not easy."

"I... Guess you could say that." Noctis answered. "I'm not really after a smithing mark."

"Oh? Do tell." Curious, Iron Forger motioned for the colt to continue.

"There's just this... project that I've been working on. It needs pieces that that I'm gonna have to make up as I go." The colt explained. "Basically, I want to learn how to make the parts for it, myself."

"Cheaper than hiring a metal worker to custom made it." The stallion hummed at the logic. "I can respect that; easier for you in the long run as well."

"Yeah, that's totally what I meant." Noctis laughed awkwardly. He honestly hadn't thought of that. The truth was that, he just wanted to avoid everyone from asking too much questions. It would be very suspicious if a child suddenly ordered a bunch of custom weapons. They're certainly going to get curious and ask what they are for, maybe even ask his parents why their son had them made a chainsaw-cleaver for him, and he just doesn't have a good enough excuse for that!.

"Alright then," The blacksmith started. "Before we get to forging, let's have a lesson on the basics first."

Noctis nodded. Listening with rapt attention as the stallion started listing various tools and explained what they're used for...

Today, Noctis was in the corner of the public library, studying.

It has become a daily routine for him of sorts for the past couple months. Bringing the books that Stellar sent him to try and reference them.

The first few weeks we're the hardest. The information would just slide past his brain unceremoniously like a wet floor and he never appreciated how convenient Goolgool was until he got lost trying to find three different types of dictionary. What even is a Mechanical Terms Dictionary! Thesaurus, what? How many volumes does Weebster's have!?

He had gotten used to it, thankfully, and even started to like it, over time. There's just something relaxing about simply sitting in a quiet place.

"Noctis, I'm bored."

The colt looked up from his book to the filly across him.

"Let's do something else already." Cadance whined some more.

Noctis rolled his eyes. "You didn't have to come with me, you know."

"But, today's our Sibling Bonding Day." Cadance pouted. "We're supposed to spend time TOGETHER."

"Sibling Bonding Day? Since when do we have that?" Noctis asked.

The pegasus gasped appalled. "You forgot?" She clutched her chest. "Noctis, I'm hurt. I've been planning this for weeks and you don't even remember."

Noctis raised an eyebrow. "And Prism's family going on vacation had nothing to do with it?"

Cadance hummed innocently. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a little sister who misses her smart, handsome and cool brother very much and wanted to spend time with him."

Noctis sighed and closed his book. He expected that he wouldn't be able to read much, the moment she followed him to the library, anyway. "What do you suggest we do then?"

Cadance grinned ominously...


He shouldn't have asked.

"Don't you think this is a bit dangerous?" Noctis shouted at the roof of their house where Cadance stood.

"Its fine, it's not that high!" The filly shouted back. "Just be ready to catch me, okay?"

Noctis didn't even have the time to reply when his sister jumped. Her wings spread as she glided to his general direction. The colt sighed.

I should've just reenacted Last Fantasy VII's final battle-OOF!

"Oops. Sorry about that!" Cadance stood up and dusted herself. "Let's try that again. I'll get it right this time, for sure!"

Noctis could only groan in pain.


"That was fun!" Cadance said, happily skipping as she and her brother went for a walk. "We should totally do it again later!"

"Please don't." Noctis groaned. "I don't think my body could handle much more of this."

"Oh, don't be so dramatic!" The filly rolled her eyes at him. "I'm the one crashing here, remember? I have more injuries than you do, so don't complain."

"Well, you are improving..." Noctis sent his sister a proud grin. "You landed safely six times out of ten. That's a new record."

Cadance blushed at the praise and gave Notice a coy look. "I deserve a reward, don't you think?" The filly asked, sending hinting looks at the nearby ice cream stand.

"Yeah, yeah; I'll buy you an ice cream." Noctis indulged his sister.

Cadance squealed with joy. "Can I get anything I want?"

"Fine, but only one, I don't want to get in trouble if you get a tummy ache."

"Yes! Thank you so much!" She gave Noctis a grateful hug before running off. The colt smiled at the behavior and chased after her.

Noticing the foals, the old stallion at the stand smiled invitingly. "What can I get you two?"

Cadance immediately knew what she wanted. "One large strawberry sundae, please!"

"Alrighty! One creamy strawberry of the filly!"

Noctis sighed. Of course she'd go for a large sundae. He wasn't really planning on getting anything for himself, until he saw their limited, featured, menu. "Sea salt ice cream for me, please."

"And one sweet and salty for the colt!" The vendor happily handed the two their treats. "Here you go, enjoy!"

Noctis paid and the two sat on a nearby bench, savoring their frozen desserts in silence.

They remained like this until Cadance saw something curious. A few meters away were two giggling ponies sharing an ice cream cone between the both of them. The filly watched the two blushed and laughed nervously when their tongues touched briefly for a second, before continued on licking when the other didn't get offended.

"Noctis?" Cadance tapped her brother on the shoulder.

Noctis turned. "Yeah?"

The pegasus innocently pointed at the couple. "Can we try doing that?"

"Hm?" Noctis turned once more and started coughing. A tiny piece of ice cream went through the wrong pipe when he gasped at what his sister was pointing at. Recovering, the colt spoke. "I, cough! I don't think that's an appropriate thing for us to do..."

"Why?" The pink filly asked. "They're doing it. Why can't we do it too?"

"Because they're in love."

Cadance have his full attention now. "In... love?" That felt weird in her mouth. For some reason, she had the urge to repeat the words over and over. She was about to do it too when Noctis spoke again.

"They're dating." The colt clarified.

There's that urge again. Dating. Another word that tickled the filly's mind.

Taking the filly's silence as confusion, Noctis elaborated. "Love! You know? When your heart hurts when the one you like was with someone else?"

Cadance heart skipped a beat as the colt continued.

"The happy feeling you get in your stomach when they're with you? Your heart beats loudly when they're close and you get really shy for no reason? You can't help blushing and smiling so much when you imagine yourself being married to them and having babies with them?"

Love, dating, marriage, babies; these words kept repeating in her head. Teasing her, like a difficult riddle. Trying to tell her something, but, for the life of her, she just couldn't figure out what!

Cadance looked down, deep in thought. "Love... Love..." She placed a hoof on her heart, dazed. "Being... in love?"

"What's that?" Noctis asked, concerned with his suddenly quiet sister. "I didn't hear you."

The filly stared at him for a few seconds before looking away, hiding her blush. "I-It's nothing, don't worry about it..."

"O...kay?" Noctis started, confused. "You should hurry and eat your sundae, it's starting to melt."

The filly complied and started scooping some in her mouth and they returned to sitting silently.

"So, is this a date?"

Noctis choked again.

Another day, another morning and Noctis found himself bored once again. You would think that with all the work he's been doing that he would never run out of things to do. But, no! Somehow, he did!

Stellar's parents went to Canterlot to visit her, so no lessons for him and the library was closed because the librarian was sick and he never bothered to check out books, mainly because he doesn't know which ones he needed in the first place. Also, Cadance was acting weird lately. She seems to be avoiding him during the day and meek at night. He didn't know what he did this time, but, she doesn't seem to be upset, so he's leaving it alone for now.

After a lot of thinking, his kingly intellect deduced that the crux of the problem was that, Equestria just wasn't technologically advanced enough to satisfy his human taste for entertainment.

Luckily, he can fix that!

He had the knowledge and he had the skills. Materials are limited, but, that's not a problem. He compiled a list of LITTLE things he could do to occupy himself with whenever he encounters a particularly uneventful day.

And first on the list was... baking.

Yes, he knows that he's terrible at cooking... But, he's also terribly bored, so YOLO.

Yeah... what could go wrong?


Nothing went wrong, surprisingly enough.

On the kitchen table we're a tray of freshly baked tarts. Nothing as complex as Ignis' recipes, just simple desserts that he read off a cook book.

Noctis stared at the steaming treats, waiting for it to explode. When it didn't, he looked back at the oven. Maybe he forgot to turn it off... Nope, it's switched off.

He was honestly kind of scared now. With every second that passed in silence, the foreboding feeling inside him grew. He looked to the left and then right.


He looked up and under the table too, just in case.


He emerged back up and stared once more, eyes growing wider and wider.

Could it be? Did he actually cook something without any incident? No way... Did Stellar decided to take pity on him for once?

"Did you make these?"

"Eeek!" Noctis jumped at the sudden sound. Nope! There's the goddess he knew.

Panting and clutching his pounding chest, the colt addressed the intruder. "Mom! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Rose chuckled. "I didn't, but, I apologies regardless." She gestured towards the desserts. "Again, did you make these? They look quite delicious."

Noctis nodded. "Yeah, I was bored so I figured I should do something to pass the time."

The mare smiled, happy for her son. "I am glad that you found another hobby to enjoy. Though, I wish you could have told me." She pouted. "We rarely spend time together anymore and baking is an excellent bonding activity between mother and child."

"I'm sorry." Noctis apologized. "I didn't even realize. It must be pretty lonely for you, being alone in the house too much." He should add, Spending Time with Mom, on the list.

"It is alright. Do not worry about me." She gave her sweet colt a loving kiss on the head. "Leaving the nest is part of growing up. Just do not forget to invite me in your next kitchen adventure and I'll consider it even between us." The mare turned to face the table. "Now, do you mind if I take a bite? They really do look quite impressive for your first try..." Rose was about to reach a hoof when the colt stopped her.

"Wait!" Noctis cried and grabbed the one that his mother was about to take. He had seen this scenario a couple of times when Prompto and him were watching anime. The food looked tasty and inviting at first glance. But, the moment you took a bite, you’re dead! He had to make sure it's edible first. The colt had followed the instructions to the letter, but in this magical world? You never know what tempting fate could do...

Noctis nervously gulped, but, opened his mouth regardless and took a bite. He chewed... And chewed... and swallowed. Huh, not bad. Not even close to Ignis' level, but not bad.

Deeming it safe, Noctis handed his mom a baked treat.

Dear Stellar:

I'm freaking out! I just baked something today and didn't almost caused a fire or poisoning anybody! This is freaky man! This never happened before! Is this an omen? You'll tell me if it is, right? Please tell me the world isn't ending.

Still freaked out,



Another boring day; another thing crossed on the list.

On the backyard, the chosen king was hiding behind a wall of sand bags as if he we're testing a bomb.... And, sadly, it might not be far from the truth...

Today, he is working on re-inventing the digital alarm clock.

He had gotten lucky last time and he wasn't so foolish to let his guard down just yet.

He turned his attention when he heard the squeaking sound of the backyard door opening.

"Noctis, there is a letter for you..." His mother called out from the house.

Black Rose raised an eyebrow when her son did a combat roll and ran as fast as he could towards her as if under heavy fire; snatched the letter without a word and repeating the same maneuver back to his bomb shelter.

The mare could only shrug and returned inside.

Dear Noctis:

First of all, don't call me Man! I am a lady and you should address me as such.

And secondly, stop freaking out! It's normal! It's just your earth pony magic at work.

Unicorn magic, casts spells; Pegasi magic, allows them to control weather and Earth Pony magic enhances your practical skills.

Don't be so surprised if you're suddenly good at doing things.

With love,

Stellar Bell.

Noctis sighed with relief, putting the paper down. So, he's just worried over nothing. Nothing bad was going to happen.

And then a thought occurred to him.

Wait... What about warning me about omens?


He spoke too soon...

"Crystal Inventory test number fifteen commencing now..." Noctis calmly stated. Floating in front of him was the culmination of his hard work. A year of lessons and studying leads to this very moment.

Levitating in his crystal psychic field was the first ever Engine Trowel...

Hey, don't laugh! It was innocent enough that no one would get suspicious and it was the only thing he could forge with the single ingot that he could afford. Ironically, metal ingots were more expensive than gems.

Once he got his own forge, he'll start making weapons. But, as long as he's borrowing Iron Forger's workshop, he'll have to make do with trowels for now.

Even though he called it an Engine Trowel, it doesn't actually have any fancy features, the engine was only for running the loop enchantment for heat resistance. It doesn't even look like an engine at all, just a two by two inch cylinder with wires and gem circuits inside between the blade and the funnel connection.

Figuring it out was very frustrating, but also kind of fun. Like a giant puzzle.

First he had to make something similar to an Elemancy Circle to input commands in gems. He hired an sculptor to carve the pattern in a meters square, stone tablet and had another blacksmith pour molten copper into the mold. It was very expressive and had to hold off on buying crystals for a while. Luckily, nobody questioned what it actually was and now, the tablet rests on a corner in the basement to enchant gems and metals to his heart's content.

The second problem was that enchantments don’t last very long, so he had to make an automatic loop casting system that recasts the enchantment every few hours. For it to work though, it needs to have a continuous and steady flow of energy.

And there lies the final problem. For the system to keep running; he needed an unlimited power source and there wasn't any generator designed small enough to fit his needs.

Or was there...

The Crystal was a type of magic generator. And, it was once small enough to fit his nostril! If he could just make it so that, some of the stones converge into another Crystal, it might work as a generator.

And it did work! Another thing his Crystal does that the other doesn't. It was very easy to manipulate! He doesn't know if it was because he made it, but it worked out in the end for him. All he had to do was to will some of the crystals to gather together and he got another black bead, just like that!

Of course, it wasn't as simple as just wrapping a wire around the bead. No, he had to make a Mana Converter and Adapter, first. The end result looked like a D battery with the crystal bead inside, that he had to insert at the butt of the handle like a flashlight.

And it worked! Well, sort of...

The first time he tried it, the trowel didn't glow and melt, but, it was still hot as a pan.

He tried increasing the energy output and modifying the enchantment into a greater tier, heat resistance. But, not much was different.

Then, he got a break through! He discovered it completely by accident when he messed up the wiring last time and the metal glowed hot once more, but the Crystal Battery was completely fine.

With that discovery, Noctis had a new theory and redid the entire thing. Instead of a cooling system, he magically forged the entire thing to be Mana Conductive, and rerouted the enchantment to have the Crystal Energy flow throughout the object instead of just the gem codes.

And now, the moment of truth...

The trowel glowed and then disappeared with a flash and Noctis started counting down.




The colt gulped as nervous sweat ran down his cheek, heart beating loudly but steadily in his chest, hoping against all hope that his theory was correct.




He summoned the trowel back and it remained unchanged. A good sign.

No smoke, no soot. Good. Now for the final test.

Noctis slowly reached to it, ready to jerk back the moment he felt the tiniest bit of heat. When they finally connect, his eyes widen and his smile slowly grew wider.

It's cold... Just like before it dematerialized!


Yes! He knew it! The others kept burning because the Crystal was rejecting them. He had to imbue it with power first, just like the crystals!

Excited, Noctis launched the trowel and imbed it on a wall for a celebratory warp, but frowned when nothing happened.

The young king sighed. Looks like he had more work to do...

Noctis focused his will on the trowel and it disappeared once more.

... But, at least, it's a start.

It has been months and he still doesn't have an answer.

With figuring out how to recreate his arsenal, frustration was nothing new to him. But, this one was extra annoying. It's like whenever he overcome an obstacle, another one followed.

At first he thought that the Crystal doesn't have enough magic to power a warp. But, just like before, that was not the case.

The spell, the trowel and the crystal, just wouldn't connect with each other. It's like the gears don't match and just won't mesh together.

It was getting too frustrating. So, he decided to take a break.

He was planning on going to the clearing and just rest. It has been a while since he just lied down and closed his eyes all day long, when he saw Cadance lying under a familiar tree... asleep?

He should have something to say about safety and not leaving yourself vulnerable like that, but then he remembered that, despite slowly being infected by the Darkness, Equestria was a very peaceful place. He had seen the newspapers and the worst crime he had read so far was some kids doing graffiti.

Even so, he couldn't possibly just leave her alone unguarded like that, so he decided, he should join her. He was already planning on doing nothing that day, anyway; might as well laze around with company.


Cadance opened her eyes to the adorable sight of her brother peacefully slumbering beside her.

Every day, she wakes up to this, but she just couldn't get tired of it. He looks so cute!

The pink pegasus looked around. This wasn't their room... She must have fallen asleep. She has to say, being by herself once in a while wasn't really as bad as she had thought when she was younger.

Ever since their 'date', she just couldn't stop thinking about... Stuff... And she figured, she needed some alone time... to figure it out.

She had been wandering around, observing ponies; trying to make sense of things. You could say that she's researching. Just like Noctis! And her research topic?


Just what is it, really? Noctis explained a little, but she had the feeling there's more to it than that. He made it sound so simple, though, there's has to be more to it! And she wants to find out. It's weird. It's so silly, but to her? It was the most interesting thing in the world.

Was this how Noctis felt all the time?

She moved closer to her brother with a content sigh. In some way, she guessed that she actually missed the days when it was just the two of them. When was the last time they've napped together like this? It's been too long to remember.

Noctis had been so busy lately doing all sorts of amazing things. She wanted to spend time with her brother, but she could tell that what he's doing was important to him and she didn't have the heart to get in between that.

She tried to join him on his little projects a couple of times. Thinking, if Noctis could do it, how hard could it be? In the end, all she did was watch. She remembered how amazed she was when she watched Noctis put together that chest flashlight, piece by piece. The astonishment she felt when he pressed the button and the thing lit up.

She tried reading his books, hoping that it would help her understand a little, but had only gotten even more confused. She was depressed for a while over the fact that, no matter how hard she tried; she just couldn't keep up with him. Not because of jealousy at how much better he was at everything than her. No, she just wanted to be part of that segment of his life. But, she's afraid that she'll forever be just a spectator.

Noctis was like an adult. That's why she was doing this on her own. She wanted to be a little grown up too.

If she understood what love was, maybe... maybe she'll finally figure out what her feelings were. But, she's kind of scared...

Cadance gave her brother a kiss on the cheek and closed her eyes.

... She was scared that, what she's feeling wasn't normal.

Two years later...

"Noctis, time to wake up~" Cadance nudged her brother. "Today's the big day! Get up!"

The young king groaned, but, stood up regardless. He doesn't really want to, but, he had no choice. Cadance was right. Today was a big deal for both of them.

It's the first day of school...

With a grunt, Noctis jumped off their bed. Yes, still THEIR bed. Six years had passed and the colt gave up hope of his parents giving Cadance or him, their own room. They could've at least, gave us separate beds... The colt sighed to himself.

He could probably afford to buy another bed, but, it just doesn't feel right for him to spend too much money for other things other than the Crystal, the Regalia, or making more money.

"Noctis! Move, move, move! I don't want to be late!" The filly commanded, pushing her lazy brother to the bathroom. "I'm already finished preparing, so move quickly!"

Noctis sleepily eyed he's sister and, indeed, she looked as neat and adorable as ever. The colt doesn't think he had ever seen her with a bed hair since they were babies.

"Alright, alright, geez, I'm going..." Noctis grumbled and started walking halfway to the bathroom. Satisfied, Cadance left; probably to get breakfast.

Turning the faucet, the colt started brushing his teeth.

Three years had passed since he started working on building a Crystal and not much has happened. He continued on selling vegetables and buying crystals; help Cadance with flying and started working on Regalia. He hasn't made a lot of progress with the last one. Being mechanically inept, there wasn't much he could do other than draw up vague schematics of a crystal motor engine. He wasn't worried about it though. He have an entire childhood to figure it out.

Gargling and spitting, the colt went to the shower next.

The Crystal was kind of a pain. Mainly because of Noctis, not being a very patient person. The progress was just too slow! For three years, he's been feeding it, but, doesn't seem to grow past the size of a baseball. Though, he still can't warp, he could finally store and summon stuff in it. Nothing big like a sword, just small pocket sized objects. The only thing inside at the moment was a trowel. Pathetic, he knows, but it's a start. Again, he has an entire childhood to work on it.

Toweling himself, the young king went to the dining room and joined everyone for breakfast.

"Hey there, Noctis," Night greeted his son from the table. "Excited for school?" The stallion chuckle when he got a groan from the colt as his reply. "I take it, that's a no?"

Noctis groaned again. "How can you guys be so energetic this early in the morning?" The colt let out an exaggerated sigh. "Just let me have coffee already. I can take it!" Noctis gave the most pleading look he could produce. Judging by the eye roll from his dad and the amused smirk from his mom, no dice, and as if to add salt to injury, they both took a sip from their mugs.

"This is discrimination!" The colt whined at the two. "You're being age-ists you know!" Noctis pointed accusingly at the two.

"No son, this is called, being responsible parents." Rose retorted amused, enjoying her son acting like a foal for once. These occurrences we're rare and so very adorable to watch. What's a mother to do but to stir the pot? She took a long, delicious, sip. Never breaking eye contact and smirked victoriously at her son's suffering groan.

"Ugh! Your killing me!" Noctis whined. He knows exactly what she's doing and he couldn't help but fall for it. He just wanted coffee, was that too much to ask? He turned to his sister conspiringly, "Hey Cadance. If you help me convince them, I'll let you in my lab once."

Cadance didn't need to hear another word. Finally seeing what's inside the mystery basement was too hard to pass up! Another opportunity to get closer to her brother! She aimed her puppy eyes to their parents. "Pwease let big bwother have some. If his too tired, he won't do well in school..." She started quivering her lips for extra effect.

"Nice try, but, not happening." Bright Night quickly objected in a final tone.

"I tried..." Cadance gave Noctis an apologetic look before letting out a happy smile… suspiciously too happy. "I'm still expecting a tour to your lab, later." Ah, that's the reason.

Noctis cursed to himself. He was saving that bribe for a rainy day and now it's lost for nothing. His crystal experiments were hardly a secret; kind of hard to keep them covert with his obvious purchases of crystals. At first, he wouldn't even entertain the idea of letting his precious little sister to the basement, mainly because it was too dangerous. But, he had gotten better over the years, no explosions for over a year now, and the only dangerous thing in it at the moment was the Crystal and maybe the experimental crystal engine as well. He's sure that Cadance was mature enough to not touch anything if he told her not to...

The colt's mopping was cut short when a bell sound came from the wall clock.

"Come on now, children. It is time to go." The whole family stood up. Bright Night for his work and Black Rose to accompany her foals to their new school.

Just stay calm, Prism, you can do this! Prism Show encouraged herself, standing in front of a certain gray colored colt's door. Today's the day you’re going to finally talk to him. No more stalling, no more stalking around and don't let what other ponies say, get to you. You know the truth!

She blushed at her behavior these past couple of years. Ever since the colt utterly shattered her ego, every time she tried to approach him, she just felt like she's wasn't good enough. She has to learn how to be a nicer filly first or he's just going to yell at her again. Cadance assured her that he wouldn't, but, she was young and paranoid. She still was, to this day and she's trying to fix that. She just really wants this colt to like her, but the terrible first impression was kind of hard to overcome. So, she kept her distance and watched him do... weird things.

The colt developed a sort of... mixed reputation over the years, and seems to be oblivious to it all. It depends on who you ask.

To his neighbors, he's a crazy inventor; always testing gizmos that do amazing things, but mostly just explodes. She was amazed when a tiny, rectangular, device he called a digital music player actually started playing music! Well, it caught fire a few seconds later, but still!

To some, they believe him to be secretly a sorcerer, hanging around the cursed woods, buying gems weekly. Some even claimed he conjured a trowel out of thin air. Well, he is pretty magical... The filly blushed a little.

The restaurant owners were too busy fighting over who gets the colt's latest harvest to answer any questions.

He's just a lazy big brother to Cadance, but, kind of contradicts herself whenever she goes ranting on and on about how amazing he is.

And some fillies think he's cute.

Prism frowned at that. She couldn't blame them, honestly. The colt was just too unique not to notice. Most colts were icky and gross and uncouth! Always playing with dirt, bugs and just, eew! But, Nocturnal Solstice was different. So polite, so mature! He's also brave, strong and very protective. Kind and smart too, if Cadance's claims we're to be believed.

The blue filly sighed dreamily. Most of the fillies didn't make a move towards the colt because of the rumors. But, not her! Unlike those fillies, she's not so easily swayed. She smiled proudly to herself.

She admit that she too had started having doubts about him as the stories kept pulling up. But, she had seen him cuddling with his sister under a tree for a nap and that certainly doesn't look like a violent gang leader to her.

Her grin returned to a frown. Most fillies backed off, but not all of them did. She was talking of course, about Stellar Bell, the girl that, somehow, got passed through the intimidating wall of dreaminess that surrounds the colt and became his best friend.

She came out of nowhere, shocking every filly that might have feelings for the colt, even Cadance.

The blue filly shuddered. Stellar was quite the scary adversary. She was very pretty. Practically glowing with beauty! Confident too! Shamelessly flirting with the colt; openly giving him her affection. Hugs, kisses, seductive looks, she doesn't hesitate. And the worst part was that, Nocturnal doesn't seem to mind.

Their only comfort was that the colt doesn't seem to treat the white filly any differently from his sister, indulgently taking everything in stride as if the blatant flirtations were just some inside joke between them. Cadance certainly doesn't appreciate being replaced, so at least she's on their side.

The blue filly raised a hoof, ready to knock when the door suddenly opened and her hoof landed on grey nose… a nose that's attached to a certain handsome colt.

"Um, Hello to you too?"

Prism eep'ed and jerked away. Dear Celestia, that felt amazing! Just imagine what it must feel like to hug that every night! Cadance is one lucky duck!

Alright, this is it! This is what you've trained for. Just be cool! The filly stammered, shaking like a leaf. "H-H-Hi! G-Good morning t-to you too!" Yes! Nailed it!

Cadance slapped a hoof to her face, feeling embarrassed for her friend. This is her brother's fault. If only he wasn't so scary, the first time they meet, then, maybe Prism wouldn't be so scared of him. She tried to tell her he's actually nice, but the damage was already done.

"Good morning, Prism. Ready for school?" The pink filly greeted, trying to break the awkward tension.

Prism only nodded her head, shyly looking away.

Cadance giggled, taking her friend's hoof and started pulling her to the streets. "Come on, let's go!"

The pink filly was about to run off when Noctis raised a hoof blocking her path. "Do you even know where we're going?"

Cadance scratched her cheek, sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm just so exited!" The pegasus exclaimed cheerfully. Dreaming of what could be.

A new place, new ponies, more friends! This going to be the best day ever!


This is the worst day EVER! Cadance heart sank at what's written on the bulletin board.

"Huh, looks like we're in different classes." Noctis said lamely stating the obvious. "Hey, you alright there?" The colt asked, noticing his sister being quiet all of a sudden.

Prism placed a comforting hoof on the pink filly's shoulder. Not being in the same class as her brother must be scary for the pegasus. Sadly, the blue filly, too, wasn't on Cadance's class.

Not in Nocturnal's class either... Prism sighed disappointed, finally reading where her name was listed. Under the Regular Class.

Noctis was placed in the Advanced Class. It makes sense. The colt was unbelievably smart. Seriously, it's like he's born able to write, read and count.

Cadance, though...

Prism winced. The pink pegasus was in the Especial Needs Class. As a pegasus, Cadance needs to follow a different curriculum than the rest of the foals. Some of them, she has to do by herself.

And just when the fillies thought it couldn't get worst...

"Nocty!" A familiar voice sounded through the crowd.

Both Cadance and Prism gasped,

full of dred. No... No! Not her! She's supposed to be gone forever!

Noctis' eyes hardened, reflex kicking in and braced himself for impact. Soon enough, a red and white blur locked him in a tight embrace. "Hello, Stellar. Nice to see you too..."

The filly goddess pouted. "Could you at least make it sound like you're happy to see me?" Stellar shook her head in disapproval. "Honestly! It's like you didn't miss me at all!"

"That's because I don't. I just saw you yesterday."

"Hmph! Fine, be that way! One would think that you would be nicer to the filly who would cook your lunch someday." Stellar sent Noctis a mock glare before switching her sights towards an adorably growling filly. "Cadie!" The white filly let go of the colts in favor of latching herself to the pegasus. "You're even cuter than I remember! Did you miss me, baby sister?"


"Aww. I missed you too!" Stellar laughed as the pink one struggled harder.

Prism tried to free her friend, only to get snatched into the hug as well. "Hey, aren't you that filly that keeps staring at Noctis's-Mrmph!" The blue filly suddenly turned red as she frantically shoved a hoof to the redhead's mouth.

Noctis could only sigh. Classic Stellar...

"You've been quiet through all of this." Noctis observed, talking to his mother. "Aren't you going to do something about this?"

Black Rose only smiled gleefully at her son, wishing she had brought popcorn. Beside her, now stood the familiar short, red-orange, mane and peach fur of Dinner Bell, sporting a similar grin. As if they were demons feeding off of fear and negativity. Or, in their case, a pair of mom's feeding off of adorable puppy drama.

Whatever; he should be more positive. Today marks the beginning of another milestone in his pony life. He has moved on from being a baby to a full grown... child. But, still! He shouldn't let the craziness get to him.

This is the first day of school. What could go wrong?...

"Oh hey! It says here that we're in the same class! Isn't that great, Nocty?"

Prism's eye twitched and Cadance felt like strangling something.

Author's Note:

Ugh! I hate February!

No, I don't actually hate February. It's Cotton Season that I hate, which happens on February.

My eyes are itchy; my nose is clogged; my throat becomes slippery and my voice turns girly.

Right now, I sound like this:

But, not as amazing.

Now that, that's out of the way. I goofed again!

There was actually TWO Queens in the Thirteen Kings. The sheild one is a girl! Feel free to Google it.

Also, I suck! Anyone want to edit for me?