• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,354 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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With Friends Like These

Twilight groggily awoke from her rest, hooves flailing as she struggled to figure out which way was up. A sudden and mercifully short trip to the floor later, she had gained a small modicum of spatial awareness. That did not, however, clear up the overpowering fog that clung to the inside of her head and made the world seem weirdly opaque.

“What fucking year is it?” Twilight muttered aloud.

Rubbing her head with a hoof, the mare blinked and looked down to find that it was the same biomechanical shell she had fallen asleep in. The sight of her leg prompted her brain to begin firing on all cylinders once more, and the infested shook her head. After one final grunt of exertion, she clambered into a stand and looked around.

It took another moment for the reality of her situation to really hit her as the dream she had just left continued to plague her. She remembered her mother before the fights, her father before the stress, and young baby Spike before he could utter a word. It was peaceful, serene even, and she almost wished she could stay in that moment and just enjoy the quiet of it all.

“Gotta get back to it,” Twilight Sparkle muttered to herself.

Focusing herself once more, Twilight explored the hive mind, intent on locating some coffee, only to find more than that. Many, many new individuals had been added to the network, and those recently infested individuals were suffering. The others were doing what they could, but there were simply too many of them, and no one knew how to handle it all.

Twilight, you're awake. Thank goodness, Spike exclaimed, his voice clearly audible in Twilight's mind. We’ve healed all the new arrivals, but the ponies are panicking, and it doesn't look good.

Bring them out into the courtyard, and I’ll speak to them myself, Twilight replied.

The dragon seemed ready to argue, but held back and hurriedly began completing Twilight's command. The unicorn herself took her time and looked around the room, locating a pot near the door which had some fresh water in it. A bit more scrounging, and Twilight had made a rather unpleasant, but serviceable pitcher of coffee.

As she began to chuck the deep brown liquid, she made her way outside and through the central structure. The many zerg that now called the place home were quick to avoid the mare, giving the infested a wide berth. Twilight paid them little heed and continued on to her destination, stopping only once to put the empty pot on a table.

By the time she stepped outside and looked around, nearly two hundred recently infested stood before her. The majority of them were ponies, but there was a scattering of other races present, such as minotaurs and griffons. They were quickly quieted by the other members of Twilight's swarm, though mainly Zecora who was less than polite in her demand for silence.

Twilight took a moment to locate a spare supply crate and dragged it over to herself, then stood atop it. From there she could gaze out at the gathered throng with relative ease, scanning their worried and confused faces. A cursory scan of the hive mind told Twilight that the majority didn't even know what had happened to them. A small percentage were so far gone from the rapid and haphazard process that they stared emptily ahead, barely thinking anything.

“Greetings, all,” Twilight began. “As you may have noticed, your life has recently changed and taken a much different direction.”

She paused and looked over the crowd to find that a collection of zerg had surrounded the infested. Twilight wanted to dismiss them but decided to keep them there for the moment, at least until the panic died down.

“A cruel and unfeeling entity has taken much from you, but rest assured they have been dealt with. Permanently,” Twilight continued. “Though they are dead and buried, you will carry their sins with you.”

Twilight noticed that the confusion remained prevalent despite her continued explanation.

“Perhaps I am being a bit too obtuse,” Twilight muttered before clearing her throat. “You all have been infested against your will and used as cannon fodder in an attempt to slaughter or convert your neighbors.”

She held up a hoof, stopping the wave of questions she could feel building in the hive mind.

“No, you are no longer slaves. Yes, I can help you, but no, you cannot go back to your old lives,” Twilight quickly rattled off. “I can remove the majority of the physical signs of your infestation but there will be a part of you that will forever be zerg. By having your mind linked to my network, you are able to live without the fear of having your will stolen from you again.”

That seemed to calm most, but a simmering anger and directionless fury remained.

“You will now be grouped according to the level of your infestation and needs. We will then spend the rest of today attempting to remedy the worst of those amongst you,” Twilight finished. “Now then, any questions?”

“Why can I hear you in my head?” shouted a voice.

“Because you're a part of the hive mind. Next,” Twilight replied.

“Do I get a say in this?” demanded a griffon.

“Yes, and no,” Twilight began again. “Your connection to the hive mind may be severed, but it is not a pleasant process, and it would leave you vulnerable. Any particularly large or advanced zerg could make slaves of you with ease. By remaining with me, you shield yourself against that possibility.”

“And if we still don't want to be here?” pressed the same griffon from earlier.

“Then it is likely you will be imprisoned by your former government,” Twilight stated with an apologetic shrug. “You will be easily taken over, which makes you a dangerous liability and massive security hazard. Those in power will probably view your presence as a risk they aren't willing to take.”

The crowd was silent, and Twilight could feel that the true weight of their predicament weighed upon them. Even those who had already known and accepted what had happened found themselves struck by the moment. Their old lives were effectively over, and now their choice was to go to prison, remain where they were, or test their luck with the wasteland.

“I promise that we will get as much of your old life back as possible,” Twilight pressed. “After you have been cleared for visitation, we will start doing trips back to your home city. You will be given room, board, and the opportunity to avoid fighting. I will still require some assistance maintaining the base and growing food, but other than that, you will want for nothing.”

“What if we want to fight against the people who did this to us?” asked a rather large minotaur with a single unbroken horn.

“Then you will be trained and given the opportunity to get whatever modicum of revenge you may seek,” Twilight answered. “Though if you go down that path, you will be expected to work as a group and under my direction.”

Quiet reigned once more, though within the hive mind it was anything but silent.

“I will teach you to cut yourself off from others so you may keep your thoughts a secret,” Twilight answered. “And yes, I will likely be able to help even the most far gone of you. To prove my point, I will do so with one of you.”

Bring Ariel to me, Twilight ordered.

A short shuffle later, the mare was trundling awkwardly up to the impromptu stage being built at the front of the keep. A few more boxes had been assembled by the time Ariel reached the front, her warped spine and haphazard infestation weighing her down. Now a little closer, Twilight noticed that her gaze was slightly empty and her movements jerky.

“Ariel Hanson. Your infestation was rushed, and I can feel that you no longer have the ability to speak,” Twilight began.

Ariel groaned, though, in her mind, she spoke clear and true, My voice box has been damaged it seems, as has my locomotion.

You are handling this well, Twilight pointed out.

I believe as though I am still in shock. The strangeness of it all has left me in an almost dissociative state, Ariel replied.

Twilight lit her horn and levitated the mare up onto the pile of boxes so the crowd could see her from their position. They were greeted by the sight of a pony severely warped by the infestation process, one who struggled to stand upright and was weighed down by her new limbs. They could also feel how hard it was to breathe, and how uncomfortable the entire experience was to her.

Channeling her newly renewed well of psionic and magical power, Twilight began the arduous process of removing most of the newly grown extremities. In the following half hour, nearly every bit of altered flesh was removed or changed back to the way it had been. The internal modifications were relatively quick, though at their end the pony’s eyes suddenly began glowing orange.

“Well, that's odd,” Twilight muttered.

“What is?” Ariel gasped and clutched her face. “I can talk.”

“You should be able to move around much easier,” Twilight added.

Ariel nodded mutely and began to trot back and forth, pausing briefly to glance down at the extra limbs cut from her body. Then she ignored them and simply enjoyed the fact that she could move around without the process being a struggle. She caught her reflection in a window and eyed it hesitantly, paying close attention to her face.

“That is slightly unnerving, but not unpleasant,” Ariel muttered.

“I’m not sure why that happened,” Twilight remarked. “I might be able to fix it though.”

“Don't bother. There are others far more in need than I,” Ariel replied.

“Well, alright then. Your partner is waiting for you in the command center just up the hill, by the way,” Twilight pointed out.

“Thank you, Queen Twilight,” Ariel exclaimed, bowing slightly. “I will return shortly.”

“Take your time,” Twilight offered as the other mare trotted hastily out of the base.

Twilight paused and glanced out over the gathered crowd, noting that their anger had turned to hope. That rage still burned, but it was deeper and was belied by a yearning to obtain a modicum of what they had lost.

“Now then.” Twilight clopped her hooves together. “Let's start with those with damaged mental faculties.”

An orderly line quickly formed, and the panic faded completely, leaving a surprisingly unchoatic hive mind. Immediately Twilight began to work, with Fluttershy and Zecora joining soon after, assisting as best they could. While she went about giving a pony back the ability to see past a chitinous mask of twisted flesh, Twilight’s thoughts wandered.

She couldn't help but realize how profoundly powerful she felt, at least when it came to her own mental powers. She had always been a powerful psionic, but now she felt that she had much finer control within the hive mind. She could feel the various minds now linked to her own, and soon summarized that they were aiding her somehow.

The weight of numbers gave her a strength she hadn't known she’d been missing until then. Though not quite the psionic training she had hoped for, it would be enough to shore up her mental defenses. At least until she could obtain some better training and experience.

I just hope it's enough, Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight wiped the sweat from her brow and sat down on one of the boxes. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her shoulders, but for a moment there was a bit of relief from the burden. Then the wood gave out, and the infested pony was laying in a pile of MREs with two creatures staring down at her.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy whispered.

I didn't even know we had any of those around here, Zecora added, plucking one of the MREs from the ground with a tentacle.

“I’m fine, and me neither,” Twilight murmured, pulling herself from the destroyed crate. “We should have time to do a full inventory though.”

The job could perhaps be delegated to a few of the newly infested. I believe several warehouse workers were recently brought into the fold, Zecora added.

“Possible,” Twilight agreed. “Though I think I’ll leave that job to Spike. In the meantime, I want to see about assembling a tech crew for Tiny. She is going to need a lot of help to get those computers working again.”

“I’ll l-leave you t-t-to it then,” Fluttershy muttered.

“You two can do whatever you like, though I’d ask you to keep a close eye on the newly infested. I don't want anyone panicking or trying to run off into the badlands,” Twilight exclaimed.

I believe you have them properly cowed after you yelled at that one minotaur, what was his name again? Steve? Zecora half asked, half stated.

Twilight groaned. “Don't even get me started on that moron. The entire time I was yelling at him, he was imagining me performing fellatio upon him, and everyone else knew it. I have half a mind just to cut him off and let him wander.”

“W-well, I think that was v-v-very nice of you,” Fluttershy added.

I still think he should be flayed for his insolence, Zecora declared.

“I won't rule that out,” Twilight muttered, pausing to clear her throat. “But that is neither here nor there, and I was hoping to speak to Fluttershy about our little project.”

“Oh, um, of g-growing our t-t-troops, you mean,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Yes,” Twilight replied. “I knew we required additional genetic samples and far more essence, but I believe we have a fair base to work from now.”

“W-we d-d-do, but only for z-zerglings,” Fluttershy offered, wincing prematurely. “We have y-yet to c-c-come across any z-zerg buildings.”

“And the information I gathered from the other world?” Twilight asked.

Interesting, but difficult to use, as you expected, Zecora picked up. Their proteins are wildly different, and the minerals necessary to reconstruct them don't exist in this reality. Furthermore, they were already damaged in some way, likely during hibernation.

“That explains why they were all so weak,” Twilight offered, tapping her chin. “It felt like they should be able to shrug off one of the confederacy’s new gauss rifles, but they could barely take a fireball.”

“It will t-take some t-t-time and many s-s-samples before we can c-c-continue,” Fluttershy concluded. “I am s-sorry, my queen. I know I p-p-promised so much m-m-m-”

“It's alright,” Twilight interrupted. “I assumed more complications would arise when it came time to actually begin reproducing what you’ve designed. That being said, I love how you adapted the spawning pool to double as a sort of hospital.”

“Oh, um, th-thank you, my q-queen,” Fluttershy whispered, ducking into a quick bow. “It was already c-close, so it didn't t-t-take much adjustment.”

It was actually a considerable amount of work, Zecora remarked.

Fluttershy pouted. “You weren't supposed to tell her that.”

“Regardless,” Twilight began. “Do you think we could perhaps retrofit the existing zerglings into the worker hybrids you designed?”

“Possible,” Fluttershy muttered, her face downtrodden. “Existing design contains superfluous armor that could be reabsorbed to further fuel our alterations. Yes, that's very possible.”

Twilight nodded. “Then get to it. Also, how goes the construction of the burrowing tentacles? I assume they’ve begun to gather resources.”

“They have,” Fluttershy answered. “As you commanded, the majority of our initial supplies went to securing additional minerals. Though this has left us undefended, it has returned a bounty of raw resources.”

We require additional organic matter, however, Zecora added. Thanks to your inadvertent discovery in Canterlot, we could even use sewage to replace our requirement for organic matter.

“Possible,” Twilight muttered. “Though not exactly enticing. Could we perhaps cannibalize the hydralisks we’ve acquired in order to speed up the design of the new strain?”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide, and her three-fingered hands tapped excitedly. “Oh, yes. That would greatly assist me. The genetic information you delivered was expansive but incomplete.”

“And those miniature ultralisks we captured?” Twilight asked.

“Rudimentary, defective,” Fluttershy declared. “Suggest reprocessing biomass. Current combat effectiveness, subpar.”

“An acceptable solution,” Twilight reasoned. “Though I am saddened that we can't make our own. They can be truly impressive fighters if only we could perfect them.”

If we could locate and capture a pure strain ultralisk, we could construct our own version relatively quickly, Zecora offered.

Twilight tsked. “Yeah, that likely won't happen any time soon. Even the nameless queen hasn't seemed to nail down their design.” Twilight cleared her throat. “Regardless, I’ll have more organic matter delivered soon. Until then, make do with what you have.”

Fluttershy bowed slightly. “I’ll have the zerglings reformatted very soon, my queen.”

“Good. Zecora will assist you,” Twilight declared.

Zecora bowed alongside the other infested. It shall be done.

Twilight nodded once more before trotting away, her mind wandering to the many other plans she had in motion. So many concerns, so many ideas, so many warring desires all playing out within her expanding hive mind. Thankfully there were very few negative emotions there, and in fact, a burgeoning well of hope had popped up relatively recently.

This is so weird, but I feel so good. I think my bad shoulder got fixed.

I can run again. I can't believe I can run again.

You know, this who everyone having glowing eyes thing is kinda cool. I wonder if I’ll finally be able to get a boyfriend now.

I don't know how, but Stiff Breeze really pulls off the glowing orange eyes look. I should totally ask her out.

It feels so nice to have purpose again.

Twilight smiled, and though she took note of the negative thoughts, she also noticed that they were in the minority. A few wanted to go home, a few raged directionlessly, and several had completely succumbed to loss.

I should hire a few therapists, Twilight remarked to herself.

A sudden buzz from her wrist drew Twilight from her musings, and she tapped the device once. “This is Twilight,” she declared.

“And this is Tiny,” replied the familiar, slightly staticy voice through the radio. “And before you ask, no, I haven't gotten anything working, and yes, I’m okay now.”

“Good, then why did you contact me?” Twilight inquired.

“We just got hooked up to the confederate net, and I found something uh… distressing,” Tiny answered.

“Explain,” Twilight demanded.

“It's probably best that you just come down here,” Tiny offered.

Twilight sighed. “I’m on my way.”

“What is it?” Twilight demanded.

Tiny didn't look up from the sole computer she had managed to get working amidst the mostly junked bunker. A few other technically minded infested were working nearby, along with Scootaloo who sat on the floor next to Tiny. The minotaur tapped the keyboard and clicked on something before stopping and craning her head back around.

“This is something I picked up this morning,” Tiny began. “Seems like someone spliced together a bunch of security videos and some helmet cam footage to make things look rather… incorrect.”

Twilight blinked. “What are you talking about?”

“Here, I’ll show you. But be warned, it gets kinda gruesome,” Tiny replied.

The minotaur then turned back around and clicked once more, activating a video displayed on the sole operational monitor. Immediately the sights and sounds of battle filled the room and Twilight was met with what looked like the fight after her return from Sandholme. Only it was being portrayed from strange angles, and with a voiceover from a computer-like voice.

“The confederate attack zerg brutally put down this minor worker strike and killed or infested nearly everyone present,” declared the androgynous voice. “Watch as this once peaceful town is turned into a charnel house all because a few farmers wanted better hours.”

The way the footage was put together made it appear as though Twilight and her forces had been assaulting the town. It also added in bits of footage from Sandholme, which when combined made the comparison plausible. Though the footage was amateurish in some places or shaky, it was undeniably effective in its aim.

“What, but we didn't do any of that!” Twilight exclaimed. “Well, I mean, we did, but, augh, I can't believe this! We saved that town!”

“Hey, I believe you,” Tiny offered. “And most folk seem to as well, but the confederate censors can't seem to stamp it out fast enough. Whoever is—Hold on, listen to this.”

Twilight gritted her teeth and watched as the scene changed, and they were greeted by a street filled with stasis fields. Inside were the numerous infested zerg captured during the battle, though the details were difficult to make out. The glow of the spell obscured what exactly was being transported, as only vaguely equine shapes were visible.

“And for a job well done, your confederate overlords granted their pet zerg a boon. Your own population, served up to them to be eaten, or worse, infested,” declared the robotic voice.

The next minute or so of the video showed the long process of Twilight loading the trucks and APCs with stasis-fielded individuals. Then just as the camera was about to pan over to the unconscious people nearby, it cut off, replacing everything with a slowly turning logo of the Daughters of Ironhall, accompanied by the sound of an orchestra.

Twilight ground her teeth together with such fervor that the noise was audible clear across the room. “Those lying, sniveling little worms will regret besmirching my name,” Twilight declared in a low tone. “If I catch who is responsible for such drivel, I will turn them inside out.”

“Well, it doesn't seem to have much reach at the moment,” Tiny remarked. “Really only had to check out the more lawless area of the net to find it.”

“That is… good,” Twilight muttered. “I will have to contact the brass and see if there isn't something we could do.”

“You do that, boss lady,” Tiny added.

Scootaloo placed a hoof on the larger infested’s leg. “Don't worry. I know you wouldn't do that.”

Twilight smiled and gently hugged the filly. “Thank you, Scootaloo. Would you mind staying here and helping? I’m going to make a call.”

“You got it, my queen!” Scootaloo proclaimed, snapping off a quick salute.

Twilight smiled before turning and leaving.

“I can't believe they’d try winding people up over nothing. I saved that damn town,” Twilight muttered to herself as she moved the various mechanical components into place.

Her new command room had begun to shape up in her absence, with any last remnant of its former owner having been stripped. A few other pieces of furniture had been brought in, and a coffee machine had been added, along with some seating. It was far from done, but once she got the long-distance communication device working, it would at least be functional.

“There we are,” Twilight murmured.

With a click, she managed to get the final part in place, completing the small personal holographic display. She was about to try turning it on when she realized she had no idea how to do that. Though thankfully someone who did was already en route and arrived a few moments after Twilight had begun poking every button possible.

“Need a hand?” Spike offered.

“Oh, Spike, yes I do. How did you-” Twilight sighed. “I probably wasn't exactly being quiet about my irritation, was I?”

Spike chuckled and tapped the side of his head. “You were practically screaming up here, so no. You know you can ask for help, right?”

“I was kind of hoping to use this opportunity to learn for myself and take it apart, but I lost my patience.” Twilight sighed. “Oh, how much I’ve changed.”

“And not just because your skin has been replaced by a biomechanical carapace,” Spike added, rapping a thick knuckle on the pony’s shoulder.

“True,” Twilight admitted.

Spike smiled and stepped past her, tapping a few keys in rapid succession.

“Since when did you get so good at this?” Twilight asked when the screen flickered to life a moment later.

“I didn't have a lot to do when you were gone, save micromanaging everyone that stayed behind,” Spike replied. “So I figured I’d shore up our knowledge a little. Go ahead and take a look.”

Twilight closed her eyes and brushed against Spike’s mind, taking in his recent experiences.

“Oh wow,” Twilight murmured. “You have been quite diligent. Great work.”

“Heh, thanks mom,” Spike remarked. “Just doing my part as your number two.”

“Honestly, I don't know what I’d do without you,” Twilight admitted. “Please, don't ever think we don't appreciate what you do around here.”

“I would be hard-pressed to do so considering how easily I can read your mind,” Spike replied, pausing for a moment as the table whirred. “Ahh, there we go. I inputted all your command codes so you should be able to connect to the secure channels now.”

“Yes, I’m seeing it all now,” Twilight murmured, her eyes closing briefly as she skimmed the information Spike had already taken in. “Hopefully I can get some kind of explanation for how that trash is allowed to be disseminated on the net.”

Spike chuckled. “You’re worrying too much. No one who matters believes that garbage, and those who do, don't matter.”

“Still. It's this kind of disinformation that could significantly hamper our future missions,” Twilight retorted.

Spike shrugged. “If ya say so.”

“Right, now to call—Wait. What's that?” Twilight murmured, glancing down at the flashing red light on the edge of the table.

“You have a high-priority call from command on a command channel,” Spike answered. “Best answer it quickly.”

Twilight nodded and hit the indicated button, prompting the head of a seemingly random royal guard to appear above the table. Their identity was hidden by the protective enchantment they all wore, the pony seemed at once familiar and altogether different. They smiled faintly upon locking eyes with Twilight, their grin genuine, yet restrained.

“Greetings, royal student and ward of the crown,” began the guard. “I hope you both are doing well this evening.”

“We are. Why are you calling exactly? You wouldn't happen to have updates on Celestia’s condition, would you?” Twilight immediately pressed.

“I do in fact, though before I transfer you to the pony authorized to give you such information, I have been informed you must swear yourself to secrecy,” stated the guard in a neutral but still serious tone.

Twilight lifted an eyebrow. “I swear that nothing said or seen here will leave this room. Spike, is there any way for someone to spy on us?”

“Not that I’m aware. I swept the room for bugs before we moved anything in here,” Spike answered.

“Good,” declared the royal guard. “Then I will transfer you immediately.”

Without a second spared, the guard’s face vanished and was replaced by what looked like a metal copy of Celestia’s. The copy was nearly perfect, so much so that if it weren't for the bundles of wires emerging from the back, it would appear lifelike. The many cords and wires snaked off out of sight, their thick gold connectors covering where Celestia’s mane would be.

“It can't be…” Twilight trailed off, her gaze immediately grabbed by the stranger’s eyes.

Though surrounded in metal, with even the eyelids having been replaced by metal the color of polished brass, they stuck out as organic. Those bright pink orbs contained all the kindness and gentle mirth that Twilight had seen a million times in her mentor. The second this clicked in Twilight's mind, she knew that the gold and brass robot before her was indeed-

“Celestia!” Spike proclaimed.

The metal pony chuckled in that same soft, almost teasing way that Celestia was known for. Though a mechanical hint slightly marred the tone, there was no mistaking it for anyone else's laugh.

“It is good to see you both are still in one piece, even if I am not,” Celestia replied, raising a metallic forehoof and waving at the pair.

“Were they not able to save your forelegs or wings?” Twilight asked, craning her neck in a desperate attempt to see more of the image.

Celestia nodded slightly, the many wires extending from her scalp limiting her movement. “They have indeed managed to save them, though I have chosen to hide this fact.”

“What, why?” Spike asked.

“That would require some explanation, though I’d like to catch up a bit first,” Celestia replied. “Please, tell me what you have been up to. Have you been on any more daring adventures? Oh, what am I saying, of course you have.”

“You don't know the half of it,” Twilight remarked. “Between going to another dimension, fighting an infested changeling, and meeting my evil copy, I’ve been busy.”

“It sure sounds like it,” Celestia remarked. “Please, go on. I’ve got all night for you, my faithful student.”

“You have no idea how nice it is to hear you say that,” Twilight murmured.

“Everyone around here either calls her boss or queen,” Spike added.

Twilight groaned. “I don't even bother asking them to use my name anymore because I know they won't.”

“Queen, that's quite the step up. I know you mentioned that before, but I can tell you aren't quite as put off by the title as you were the last time,” Celestia pointed out.

“Yeah. It's grown on me, I’ll admit,” Twilight murmured.

“So, start with this other world. I assume you found the mirrors I left for you,” Celestia offered.

“Oh yeah, but unless you planned on me playing a pivotal part in saving this other world, then I’d say that something didn’t happen as you assumed it would,” Twilight exclaimed.

Celestia made a soft, machine-like hum. “I foresaw that it was a possibility, but that was it. Our worlds do enjoy mirroring certain important events, though they rarely turn out the same.”

“Did you foresee that their world would nearly fall to the zerg, and that my alternate universe copy would be the cause?” Twilight questioned.

“It was a possibility I considered, but it was an unlikely one. That world’s problems were always so small, so localized that I assumed the zerg would be dealt within a half hour of arrival,” Celestia exclaimed.

Twilight released a short, bark of a laugh. “I wish. Alright, so it all started when-”

“So much has changed, you have changed,” Celestia exclaimed.

“I’m not the only one who's changed,” Twilight pointed out.

Celestia sighed, the noise coming out like the mechanical hiss of an overworked engine. “I suppose not,” she remarked, lifting a mechanical leg and extending one of her steel-clad wings. “Though our forms alter, our minds remain unaltered and absolute, even still.”

“Are you, uh, sure about that?” Spike asked, raising a finger. “You seem kind of distracted at times, and there are whole lotta wires sticking out of your head.”

Celestia chuckled, dark and mirthless. “I remain the master of my mind, though I must apologize as my attention is currently, split.”

“Split?” Twilight stepped forward. “Does this have to do with hiding your remaining biological parts?”

“It does,” Celestia admitted. “The story is a long one, but to summarize, things got rather out of hoof when they were attempting to heal the damage done to my brain.”

“You had lost a lot of blood,” Spike muttered.

Celestia nodded slightly. “I had indeed. But that was merely the precipitating factor that led to my current form. For you see, in my doctor’s rush to save me, they created an experimental bridge between a newly completed, but blank supercomputer. The intention was to create a back-up or copy of me in case my biological components could not be saved.”

“So, you're not really Celestia?” Twilight asked somewhat hesitantly.

Celestia paused, and after a brief moment of stillness, a series of bright gold lines emerged all across her face and chest. These parts shifted and pulled back to reveal that beneath them was the same motherly face that Twilight recognized. Only now they sported deep pulsing lines and numerous scars that crisscrossed every inch of Celestia’s features.

“I am indeed Celestia, as you can see,” Celestia replied, turning her head this way and that. “Though I am also more.”

The plates receded, slipping seamlessly together and reforming into the perfect metal facade once more.

“The copy was not required, though the databanks destined to carry a part of me did not end up unused,” Celestia continued. “For as you both know, an alicorn’s regeneration is not purely physical, but also magical.”

“I’m not sure I understand,” Spike muttered.

Celestia paused. “Perhaps some numbers will help. I am having three hundred and thirty-one other conversations at this very moment. I am connected to thirty thousand nine hundred and twenty-six devices and see the stars from nearly fifty thousand new eyes.”

“You’re… part-machine now,” Twilight murmured. “Your mind expanded into the available space, like magic does when isolated in an empty container.”

“Precisely,” Celestia agreed. “My working theory is that with half of my body removed, my magic went into overdrive attempting to rebuild what it could.”

“So now you’re… what? A computer assistant?” Spike asked, only to chuckle. “Oh, Raven would be laughing her butt off right now.”

Celestia laughed. “You are partially correct. I assist the confederacy as an adjunct while pretending to be nothing more than a simple machine codenamed Sol.”

“That's…” Twilight shook her head. “A lot to take in.”

“It has been quite the learning curve for me as well, but as you know, I am nothing if not an excellent multitasker,” Celestia exclaimed, flashing the infested a wink.

“No kidding, you must have a lot on your plate,” Spike remarked.

“I do,” Celestia admitted. “But at least now no matter how much I must do in a day, I will always have time for my student and her son.”

“That’s nice,” Twilight paused and smiled. “When can we see you in the flesh, er, metal?”

“Soon,” Celestia promised. “And until then, we may video call as much as you’d like. In fact, I believe with a little alteration, your suit could be used to connect directly to my secure channel.”

Twilight's already glowing eyes little up even brighter. “Really? That would be… very convenient.”

“Indeed, though my processes would be limited due to the narrowness of the bandwidth, I’d still be with you,” Celestia proclaimed.

“I’m assuming a tech would be able to do that?” Spike asked.

“I have already scanned you and sent schematics to the head of your technology division. I believe her name was… lower case x, capital x, lower case x, one three three seven haxor, ninety-nine, lower case x, capital x, lower case x,” Celestia exclaimed, the mare half giggling the entire time.

Twilight groaned. “Please tell me Tiny didn't make that her official designation.”

“Oh, she didn't, but it's official now,” Celestia declared.

Spike chuckled. “That is so funny.”

“I’m going to go have a serious discussion with Tiny. Can we pick this back up later?” Twilight asked, gesturing vaguely at Celestia.

“Of course,” replied the alicorn. “But before you go, I should also let you know that I sent over schematics for my personal long-distance teleportation rune.”

Twilight's eyes went wide. “Really? That would be a huge help.”

“I am unsure if sharing it with the confederacy would be a good idea, but I can trust this knowledge with you at least,” Celestia stated. “I’ve also done a few alterations to the base formula which I think you’ll find interesting.”

“Come on, Spike. Let's get down there immediately,” Twilight commanded.

“Err, right away. Thanks for telling us all that. It was good to see you’re okay!” Spike called while being dragged out of the room.

“Yeah, great to see, love you, got stuff to do now!” Twilight shouted.

Celestia chuckled. “Have fun, you two, try not to work too hard! Love you!”

“We won't!”

Author's Note:

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