• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,390 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Velvet Touch sat at her desk, her hoof tapping rhythmically on the open notebook lying before her. Notes of all kind lay spread out across the desk, distributed into piles that only had meaning to the tired mare. After staring at the spread of words and paper for what felt like a small eternity, Velvet Touch gave up and sighed, grabbing her coffee cup and drinking deeply of the sludge-like drink.

After polishing off the last of the long-cold beverage, she set the cup aside, focusing intently once more on the puzzle laid out before her. “What are you hiding?” she muttered to herself.

The filly’s mental state was obviously frayed, and had become worse over time, most likely due to her decreased sleep, yet that wasn't what had Velvet so confused. What disturbed her and had made her grow increasingly paranoid was the possibility that the filly was somehow reading her mind, or had gained some sort of bizarre mind power. Picking up one of the notes, she read it over again, her face growing tight as she recounted Bull’s explanation of the strange game they now played regularly.

Though this in itself wasn't overly concerning, it was the fact that Twilight had grown increasingly good at it that drew the psychologist’s attention. Over the last week she had grown out from her vague guesses that only sometimes hit their mark and had begun to somehow gleam details that no one had told her.

With a sigh, the mare glanced up at the clock and noted that she only had a few minutes before her next appointment, and knowing well how early Twilight liked to be, began gathering up her notes in preparation for the filly’s appearance. With swiftness born of constant repetition, the unicorn gathered her papers and deposited them into the ever-growing folder labeled ‘Twilight Sparkle’, putting it in the small filing cabinet next to her desk, between the folders for every guard and every non-guard personnel the filly had interacted with. Velvet Touch dumped her coffee cup in the garbage, stood up and looked around the room, rather enjoying her new digs. Her new office was large, big enough to also contain the sitting area that she used to interview her subjects.

Which made sense she supposed, as the powerful privacy spells placed on this room were no simple cantrips, and Celestia was a surprisingly frugal mare. With that in mind Velvet Touch was forced to admit that it was nice to know that nothing short of an alicorn could pierce the protective wards now placed on her office, but it was also disconcerting. She was in charge of keeping an eye on everyone who interacted with the filly, up to, but not including the princess herself. Which made the target on her back grow to the point that the wards were an apparent necessity, a realization that made the mare uneasy whenever she thought about it.

Shaking her head, the psychologist turned and using her magic, filled the bowl of candy that sat between her chair and the lounging couch that rested on the other side.

Just as the last piece of candy landed in the bowl, a knock came from the door.

“Come in,” Velvet Touch yelled, already forcing down a sliver of worry that wormed into her thoughts.

The nose of a curious purple filly poked through the open door, peering intently within, followed closely by the rest of the young mare who was wearing a comically large pair of blackout sunglasses. Stepping into the room, the filly walked nervously forward, waving her hoof in front of her as if she could hardly see where she was going. “Hello, Miss Touch,” Twilight greeted.

“Hello, Twilight. How are you today?” Velvet Touch asked, watching closely as the filly stumbled over to the couch and tentatively climbed up.

“I’m fine, I guess. You?” the filly mumbled, her hoof blindly searching for the chocolate bowl at the centre of the table.

Lighting her horn, Velvet Touch gently placed the chocolate into Twilight’s waiting hoof. She in turn greedily pulled it back, discarded the wrapper and popped it into her mouth, only relaxing after the chocolate began to melt in her mouth. “I’m alright I suppose. The weather could be better, I’m getting tired of these dreary, rainy days,” Velvet Touch commented idly, grabbing a chocolate for herself.

The filly munched quietly, chewing and swallowing the candy with gusto. “Celestia says it's necessary to keep all the gardens and the mountain watered without risking the chance of a mudslide or flood.” The filly frowned, crossing her hooves over her chest. “I just wish it could just rain already so the clouds can stop hiding the sun.”

Velvet chuckled. “True enough.”

The psychologist turned and grabbed her notebook from the table in addition to her pen. “Now then,” she began, “may I ask why you are wearing such thick glasses?”

“You may,” Twilight replied with a snicker.

Velvet Touch blinked, only to laugh. Appears to still have a sense of humour, though this may be a coping technique. “In that case, why are you wearing such thick glasses?”

The filly pressed her hooves together nervously. “Celestia is making me some eyeglasses that change my eyes and teeth to make me look normal, but they aren't done yet. So in the meantime I got these.”

Velvet nodded solemnly, making a note of this most recent development. “Do you feel like this would help you fit in better?” she asked.

Twilight hesitated once more, a hoof going up to the large sunglasses resting on the end of her nose. “I hope so. Everypony seems so scared of me at first. Maybe if I didn't look so weird I could make some friends…” the filly trailed off, twiddling her hooves.

“What happened to that friend you talked about last time? Mouse something?”

The filly smiled faintly, her hooves stopping their nervous movement. “He's nice, but he lives across town. We exchange letters every few days.”

“See? You can make friends even while you look the way you do.” Velvet smiled. “Why don't you take them off? It's just me and you here.”

Twilight shrunk in on herself, a shaky hoof reaching up to her glasses and gripping them tightly. Then, after a second of hesitation, she took them off, opening her eyes to reveal the same strange orange glow they always had. “Is this okay?” she asked cautiously.

Velvet nodded. “Yes.” She leaned forward suddenly, steepling her hooves. “I must ask though, Twilight. Do you plan on wearing those glasses all the time whenever Celestia finishes them?”

The filly stared down at the dark glasses she held in her hooves. “I don't know,” she whispered.

“Do you think it's a good idea to hide who you are?” Velvet asked pointedly.

The filly shrunk even more. “I don't wanna talk about it.”

Velvet Touch sighed, sitting back in her chair and making a quick note. Her logical side told her that this was a habit that was fundamentally unhealthy, something to be disassembled piece by piece. Her emotional side however, knew better than to push too hard too quickly, forcing her to rethink her plans. “How have things been going with Spike? I hear he's doing a lot better now that you're visiting him every few days. I’m sure the nurses appreciate everything you've done.”

Twilight nodded, the small smile returning to her features when she thought of the baby dragon. “Yeah, he was just misunderstood. The nurses were doing a good job but they were just missing a few things.” Her small smile grew, becoming more prideful. “Now that they both understand one another, I bet they will get along perfectly.”

“I sure hope so,” Velvet remarked, quickly adding a few notes to her book. “How were you able to understand him anyway? Even the nurse who understands dragon didn't seem to know what he was saying.”

The filly shrugged. “I dunno. It just feels like there is a flavor to his words, like a meaning or something that is just underneath.”

“Interesting.” Velvet added another line before placing the notebook down on the table. “Do you enjoy spending so much time with Spike?”

Twilight nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yes. He's a very smart little dragon, and I just know he's going to be a big help once he grows up.”

“Oh? Are you planning on having him help you with your studies? He is only a baby, you know,” Velvet pointed out.

“I know.” Twilight pouted, crossing her hooves over her chest. “Dragons grow up quickly, and I’m going to need an assistant if I’m going to keep studying under Celestia.”

“Do you think he would like to help you with your studies?” Velvet asked, peering down her nose at the filly, watching as the young mare squirmed under the question and its implications.

“Kind of?” The filly frowned. “It's just, he's so smart and I just know he wants to help me with stuff. Like yesterday! He tried to open the door for me, but he was too small, and got upset when I tried to do it for him.” The frown suddenly vanished and the filly giggled. “You should have seen him trying to push the door with his tiny little fingers.”

Velvet Touch smiled as well, her worry that this desire to help was being pushed on the dragon going up in smoke. “That's good to hear. It's nice to have a friend who likes to help out, just remember to always thank them and to not get too reliant on their help.”

Twilight nodded dutifully. “Yes, Miss Touch.”

“Good.” The psychologist grabbed her notebook and cracked it open. “Now then. How are your… studies going? I heard from Celestia that you are keeping on top of your homework and that your self-guided studies have been going well.”

Twilight nodded. “Yup! It's been nice to have the time to go and explore the library by myself.”

“I thought Bull was joining you,” Velvet interrupted.

The filly shrugged. “I mean I guess she's there but she mostly just hangs out at the librarian’s desk, hitting on the librarian stallion.” Twilight stuck out her tongue and faked a gag.

Velvet Touch chuckled, shaking her head. “What have you been reading about?”

“Oh all sorts of things,” Twilight began, her eyes lighting up. “I read about the Griffon Wars of Succession, the Broken Peak crisis, the borderlands. I just wish there was more material about the fringes and what lies beyond.”

“That's the area to the far east of Equestria, right?” Velvet asked.

Twilight nodded. “Uh huh. They aren't that far away geographically, but with the badlands and the Canter mountains between us and them, no trains can reach them and it's not easy to travel that way. Nevermind the fact that the hills they live in aren't exactly prime growing regions, and their only real export are precious metals”

Velvet Touch raised an eyebrow, tapping her chin. “Why are you interested in that area anyway, if you don't mind me asking?”

The filly shrugged, her gaze becoming distant. “I don't know, it's just mysterious I guess. I almost feel like I’m being pulled that way sometimes.” She shook her head suddenly, her gaze returning to the here and now. “It's just neat to think about a bunch of pegasi and earth ponies trying to make their own towns and cities so far from everyone else, and without the help of many unicorns.”

“And so close to the eastern reaches and the boglands,” Velvet added. “It sounds like a harsh life.”

“I guess. It must be nice though, freeing in a way.” The filly stared off into the distance, deep in thought.

Velvet Touch used this moment to scratch down a few more notes before inevitably returning to the discussion she knew she had to be having. “Twilight, do you think it's healthy to wear the glasses all the time?”

The filly blinked, looking down at her dark glasses. “I guess not, I keep bumping into stuff because they are so dark.”

“Do you think you should have to hide who you are just to make friends?” Velvet asked, pressing forward.

“N-no,” the filly stuttered, her body pulling inwards as she gripped the glasses tighter.

“And don't you think wearing them is almost a little bit like lying?”

“No,” the filly stated, shaking her head. “I’m still me, glasses or not.”

“Are you though? You are hiding who you are, Twilight. Your physical differences didn't matter to Mouse, and they don't matter to me, Celestia or Bull.” Velvet smiled, noting the way Twilight seemed to be deep in thought, her gaze distant as she was forced to face the points the psychologist was making. “A true friend doesn't care about such little things like that.”

“B-but I scare everyone away before I can even talk to them,” the filly muttered halfheartedly.

The psychologist sighed. “Face it, Twilight. This isn't you.” The mare smiled faintly. “Hiding who you are isn't right.”

“I-” The filly bit back the remark, stopping suddenly, her body becoming tense. “I am not just freaky eyes and weird teeth.”

“I’m not saying you are, but hiding these facets of yourself isn't right,” Velvet Touch remarked.

The filly remained tense for a moment longer, her mind deep in contemplation, only to explode into motion, standing up on the couch and glaring at the other pony. “But I can't even talk to ponies without them thinking I’m weird or some kind of a monster. These glasses would help me!” she exclaimed, eyes growing brighter as her conviction strengthened.

The older mare frowned at the filly. “Twilight Sparkle, you are a smart pony, you should know that hiding behind something superficial like this isn't right, it won't truly change who you are.”

“Maybe if you were a freak like me you would hide too!” the filly shouted, her voice turning into a wave of energy that rolled across the room, sending papers flying, and a cacophony of other objects clattering across the floor.

Velvet Touch sat there for a moment, blinking in shock as realization settled in. The filly was angry, that much was obvious, but more than that Velvet Touch had fundamentally misunderstood what the true issue was, and may have just cost herself all the good will she had just built up. Stranger still was the fact that the filly’s horn had never lit up during the entire episode, meaning some other force had knocked her stuff around, but she didn't want to think about that right now.

The psychologist carefully put down her notebook, placed the bowl of chocolates back on the table and looked down at filly, who was by now on the verge of tears. “I’m so sorry, Twilight. You are right,” she whispered.

The filly’s throat hitched and she suddenly fell to the couch, tears streaming down her face. “O-okay,” she whispered back.

Velvet Touch trotted around the table and knelt down next to the couch, pulling the filly into a tight hug. At first she resisted, and Velvet Touch was forced to wonder what she could possibly do to make up for the mistake. As if on cue, the filly collapsed into her forehooves, sobbing into the older mare’s shoulder. The larger pony barely held back her own tears, the realization of what she had accidentally done hitting her like a brick. “I’m so sorry, dear. I thought wrong and I should have known that. What can I do to make it up to you?” Velvet whispered.

Twilight sobbed for another few seconds before getting her emotions under control and mustering the nerve to speak. “D-do you have anymore of the chocolates with the blue wrappers from last week?” she asked tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I’ve got a whole bag left.” Velvet pulled back, a grin plastered on her lips. “I can't let you have them all, but I’m pretty sure Celestia wouldn't mind if you took a little baggie of them back to your room. Right?”

Twilight sniffed, wiping away her tears and nodding. “Uh huh.”

“Good. I was pretty sure they got your diet figured out, but I wouldn't want to accidentally mess something up,” Velvet Touch remarked offhandedly as she walked around to the other side of the room.

“N-no,” Twilight muttered, shaking her head. “They make me a special soup every few days. It tastes really good and makes it so my tummy doesn't hurt anymore.”

“That's wonderful news, Twilight.” Velvet extended her hoof, offering the filly a small baggie filled to the brim with chocolates in blue paper. “I better not hear that you ate them all in one night though or we’ll both be in trouble.”

Twilight pouted, swiping the chocolates from Velvet’s hoof. “Hey, I’m responsible.”

“I know you are, Twilight.” Velvet chuckled, settling back into her seat. “But I also know how you get around chocolate.”

The filly continued to pout, but found that her fierce expression was somewhat undermined by the blush that was spreading across her face. “Fair,” she muttered, grabbing one of the chocolates from the bag, unwrapping it and popping it into her mouth.

“Now I know we just began, but I thought that would be enough for now,” Velvet Touch remarked, sitting across from the filly and grabbing a chocolate for herself.

“Bwut I-” Twilight began.

“What did Celestia say about speaking with your mouth full?” Velvet shot back, shaking her head.

The filly rolled her eyes, chewed, then swallowed. “But I have another half hour left before Bull comes back to pick me up.”

“Hmm.” Velvet Touch got up suddenly, walking around to her desk and opening up the bottommost drawer on the right side. Reaching past a bottle of wine, and even further to the back, she grabbed a small deck of cards she kept hidden for moments just like this one. “Have you ever played Rummy before?”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m too young to drink.”

The mare chuckled, making her way back to the table and opening the pack of cards. “Rummy has nothing to do with drinking, you see the point of the game is to get the most points and you get points by-”

Together the two ponies played Rummy for the remaining half hour, with the filly quickly getting a handle on the game and soundly beating Velvet Touch at her own game several times, ending with a rather depressing score of two hundred fifty to negative ten. Still, even with being trounced quite handedly, Velvet Touch couldn't find it in her heart to be too disappointed, as Twilight was nothing if not a prodigy.

When the filly finally left, it was with a small smile on her face, something Velvet was immensely thankful to see after the blunder she made. With her door now firmly closed and locked, the mare walked back to her desk and settled into her chair with a resounding sigh, her face landing in the middle of her desk. “You are an idiot, Velvet,” she muttered to herself.

After a few seconds spent wallowing in her own self pity, the mare picked her head up and levitated her notebook before her. There were too many questions left unanswered, and the psychologist had a rather embarrassing report to write.

One which would have to inevitably include her own stupid misunderstanding, and the rather bizarre realization that Twilight had some form of power that relied not on her unicorn magic to operate. Try as she might, Velvet couldn't even conceive of anything that could possibly replicate the frankly baffling set of abilities the filly now possessed.

Opening the drawer once more, the mare reached past the wine bottle and placed the cards back into their spot, her hoof hesitating as it passed the bottle once more. She shook her head, withdrawing her hoof and closing the drawer. “No. You need a clear head, Velvet,” she muttered to herself, going back to her report.

Yet try as she might, she couldn't seem to put the thought of the wine from her mind, the bottle remaining clear and present in the mare’s thoughts throughout the time she spent writing her report.

A report that she was more than certain would upset her ruler and employer.

Celestia sighed, rubbing her brow with a carefully conjured telekinetic aura. “Oh, Velvet, you really need to take a step back and think about things every once in a while.” The alicorn chuckled darkly to herself. “You must be a real pain to get in an argument with. I don't know how Silver Scalpel puts up with you sometimes.”

The alicorn placed the report back into the pile with the rest before running a hoof through her mane and sitting back in her seat, staring out over her dark office. The sun hung low in the sky, casting her office in an eerie half light and drawing an odd sense of melancholy from deep in the mare’s heart.

Shaking her head, the princess looked up, only now realizing the time. “Oh poo,” she muttered to herself, looking down at the pipe ready to be lit just waiting on her desk. “You will have to wait, my friend.”

With that she placed the pipe back in its place and instead pulled out a pair of glasses with thin black rims, sized perfectly for a filly. Lighting her horn, the alicorn did one last test of her wards, and after finding that everything was in order, placed the glasses into a case at the forefront of her desk.

As if on cue, a knock came from the door. “Come in, Twilight,” Celestia announced.

Twilight’s glowing eyes peered from around the open door, looking inside. “How did you know it was me?”

The alicorn winked, tapping the side of her head. “It's a secret.”

The filly frowned, but ultimately walked inside, closing the door behind her and taking a seat across from the alicorn, a small smile on her face. “Is this it?” Twilight asked hesitantly, gesturing down to the case sitting before her.

“It is,” Celestia announced. “Though I would issue a word of caution before you put them on.”

Twilight hesitated, looking up at Celestia in confusion. “Why?”

“The process of shrinking the illusion wards down and tailoring them specifically to what you want was a difficult process and as such they only work for several hours at a time before needing to recharge for up to eight hours,” Celestia explained.

“How long do they last?” Twilight asked.

“About five or so hours. If you take them off before they are expended completely it shouldn't take long to recharge them.” The alicorn shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

The filly removed the glasses from its case, eying them up cautiously and turning them this way and that, intent on figuring out their secrets. “This is going to be part of a lesson, isn't it?”

Celestia’s pride, and her smile, grew. “Of course. But that won't be for another few months, we have a lot of preliminary work to do on wards before we can even get close to miniaturizing them.”

Twilight nodded, gently placing the glasses on her face and adjusting them so they sat properly. “Do you have a-” Twilight started to ask, only to realize Celestia was already holding out a mirror in her outstretched hoof.

Turning her head this way and that, Twilight was surprised to see her old self in the mirror. Gone was the Twilight with scary, glowing orange orbs and sharp pointed teeth, replaced by the Twilight with normal, violet eyes and the flat even teeth of a herbivore. The filly reached up and tapped the spot where her tooth usually poked out from her lip, only to find that it was indeed still there.

“Unfortunately the illusion cannot hide it completely,” Celestia added.

“I know,” Twilight replied sadly.

“Now I know you wanted a spell to help you sleep, but are you sure you really want to go through with it?” Celestia sighed, extending a hoof across the table and gripping Twilight’s. “It's not a pleasant experience having your dreams torn away, even if those dreams are sometimes nightmares.”

The filly pulled back her hoof, nodding her head. “I know.”

Celestia sighed, her features downcast and her mood dark. In the privacy of her own mind she cursed her own inability to master dream magic, or even to gain the slightest hold over it. If only the spellform was more powerful, maybe then I could banish these nightmares forever. But even then the thought was a hollow one, for she knew better than to give too much power to the spellform, her experiences reminding her of the drastic consequences that may come with such an action. Even still, there was a small part of her that wondered if it would be worth it to ensure that her sister would be returned to her, safe and whole.

No, I will not meddle in the minds of my subjects, even if it means risking my plan, Celestia thought, sighing once more. The alicorn stood up suddenly and walked over to a small corner of the room where several sitting pillows were set aside. “Come, sit with me.”

Twilight didn't hesitate, hopping off the hard and uncomfortable chair and plopping down in a small pillow next to the looming alicorn. “Are you going to teach me the spell?” she asked hesitantly, hope in her eyes.

“I will, but you have to promise me something first.” The alicorn reached out and pulled the filly closer, gripping her hoof in her own. “You have to promise not to abuse it. Promise to not fear what the night brings, and when you are strong enough, to face these nightmares head on. Can you do that for me?”

Twilight blinked, the alicorn’s words carrying a certain weight to them, as if she had vast experience with this spell, and its potential applications if it were abused. “I will,” Twilight replied, smiling confidently.

Celestia stared at the pony for a few seconds before nodding. “The spell is all here. If you have any trouble, or find that you are sleepwalking, sleep talking, or have trouble falling asleep then talk to me as soon as possible.” The alicorn offered the filly a thin scroll.

Twilight reached out, grabbing the scroll, only to find that Celestia’s grip held tight. Looking up, Twilight looked the mare in the eye, finding herself face to face with such an intense look the filly considered backing out, but only for a moment. With a confident nod, Twilight assured her teacher that this knowledge would not be misused. Satisfied with the filly’s response, Celestia released her hold on the scroll, allowing Twilight to pull it close, opening it wide and reading the contents within.

Several minutes passed in silence, only for Twilight to pipe up suddenly. “Is this it?” she asked incredulously.

Celestia nodded. “It's remarkably simple, but remarkably easy to screw up. Do not underestimate this spell, Twilight.”

“I won't.” The filly paused, scratching the side of her head. “I just thought there would be more to the spell. This is almost… too simple.”

The alicorn chuckled darkly, humorously. “It was written by a mage far more…” the alicorn sat there a moment, jaw hanging open, mind searching for the right word, “concise than I.”

Twilight lifted an eyebrow. “Really? Who is this pony?” She gasped. “Or creature?”

Celestia winked at the filly. “I’m afraid that's a secret. Maybe one day I’ll tell you more about her.” The alicorn gasped dramatically, clapping a hoof over her mouth. “I’ve said too much.”

The filly giggled, hardly even noticing Celestia’s magic tucking the scroll near the door.

“Now then.” Celestia smiled faintly, patting the spot on her pillow directly before her. “Come tell old lady Celestia all about your day.”

Twilight eagerly bounded across the space, hoping into the spot and turning, pressing her back against Celestia. “It was okay. I guess.”

“Did those fillies bother you again?” Celestia asked in a low tone, her magic running through the filly’s mane and untangling the knots that seemed to form almost constantly.

“A-a little bit,” Twilight muttered, shaking her head. “But they left me alone really quickly when I reminded them you are my teacher.”

“Twilight Sparkle using her position in order to put some bullies in their place. I never thought I’d see the day,” Celestia exclaimed in mock shock.

Twilight pouted, sticking out her tongue. “Well they deserved it.”

Celestia laughed her pleasant, almost chime-like laugh, pulling the filly close. “I know exactly how you feel.”

Twilight frowned, looking straight up at Celestia. “But you are an alicorn. Who would tease you?”

“You would be surprised, my young apprentice.” The alicorn leaned down, booping the filly on the nose. “There was a time when we were considered freaks.”

“Now that's a load of bologna. Everyone knows alicorns are the immortal personification of all three tribes,” Twilight stated, only to second guess herself. “Right?”

“That may be what ponies believe today, but that’s not how it always was.” Celestia sighed, her smile gaining an almost melancholic edge to it. “Can I tell you a story, Twilight?”

“Uh sure.”

“It's a secret, so you have to promise not to tell anyone,” Celestia stated, leaning close.

Twilight nodded dutifully, pantomiming the act of placing a lock over her lips and tossing away the key. Celestia smiled, ruffling the filly’s mane and earning another indignant pout for her actions. “Thank you, Twilight.”

She took a deep breath, and sighed suddenly, looking off into the distance. “One day there was a bully who always stole my doll. She-” Celestia frowned suddenly, looking down at a grinning Twilight desperately holding back a laugh. “Yes, Twilight?”

“N-nothing,” Twilight stuttered. “I just find it hard to believe you had a doll.”

“Am I not a mare?” she asked incredulously.

Twilight blinked. “Uh, I guess?”

Celestia nodded sagely. “And do mares not grow from fillies?”

“I guess it's not that crazy, what was your doll of?” Twilight asked.

Celestia smiled. “It was of bear. My family lived near the woods and occasionally I would see a bear when I went flying and ever since the first time I saw one I alway thought they were cute. It took a lot of talking for my mother to convince me that bears were not pets.”

“That would be so cool,” Twilight muttered.

“Yes it would, and though I would never suggest trying to tame one, they do make good pets if you do manage to,” Celestia commented with a smirk.

“Really?” Twilight asked, eyes wide with wonder.

“Hugging a bear is like hugging a giant fuzzy blanket that hugs you back.” Celestia shook her head. “But that's not the story I was going to tell.”

“Aww,” Twilight whined.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “The bully always stole Mister Bearington and she…” The alicorn sighed, looking down at a giggling Twilight. “If you keep interrupting my story, I’ll never get to my point.”

“I know, but really, Mister Bearington?” Twilight giggled.

“I will have you know that Mister Bearington is a very respected name in the bear community.” Celestia smirked. “Probably.” She shook her head. “The point is, she always stole my doll every few days, putting it up trees or hiding it in the village and forcing me look for it constantly.”

The alicorn sighed. “And every time I brought it up, the other foals would just shrug and ask what the problem was, since I had both a horn and wings I could just fly and get it or use magic and get it. I was an other, an outsider, and to them, a freak.”

Twilight sat in stunned silence, looking up at Celestia in wonder. “What did you do?”

“One day I beat the snot out of her. Something you are not allowed to do,” Celestia added pointedly, jabbing her hoof at the filly.

“Fine,” Twilight muttered, crossing her hooves over her chest.

“The point of the story is that bully still thought I was a freak, even when it was revealed that alicorns were natural and that we were not some sort of mistake.” Celestia smiled. “Even with evidence to the contrary that bully believed I was some sort of monster for her entire life and there was nothing I could do or say about it.”

“Wow.” Twilight frowned. “What a moron.”

The alicorn suddenly erupted with laughter, which she quickly cut off by slamming her mouth shut, realizing what a terrible precedent she might be setting. “That may be,” Celestia stated in a much more reserved tone. “But she wasn't alone in this opinion. Some other, smarter ponies believed this too, they wanted to believe it, and would not see otherwise.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “You are saying that no matter what I do, there might be ponies out there that just won't see reason?”

“Exactly.” Celestia sighed, a sad smile crossing her face. “There are ponies out there that will always see you as a thing, and not the pony you are. They already decided what they thought of you before they even saw you and won't be convinced no matter what happens.”

“Surely there is some way to show them that I am a pony,” Twilight pleaded.

Celestia shook her head sadly. “That's a nice thought, but sometimes ponies are just too set in their ways to be convinced otherwise.” Twilight sighed sadly, staring down at her hooves. “But, those ponies are always drowned out by the good ones, trust me.” Celestia smiled, running a hoof through Twilight’s mane.

The filly however, was no longer paying attention, her mind running over the story Celestia had just told her. Realization dawned slowly on the filly, but when it did, she was forced to come to the realization that Celestia was truly a lot like her, and was a fellow freak who understood what she was going through. When she looked up at the alicorn again, Twilight understood the melancholy in her gaze, and without thinking, turned and hugged the pony as much as the tiny filly could possibly manage.

A soft smile slowly spread across the alicorn’s face and she ran a hoof down the filly’s back. “What brought this on?”

Twilight shook her head, not releasing her grip on the older pony’s midsection. “Nuffin,” she mumbled, face pressed into the alicorn’s white fur.

“Oh I know that look, what do you want?” Celestia asked, prodding the filly’s side with a hoof.

Twilight looked up at the alicorn, eyes filled with hope. “Can I sleep in your bed again?”

If it was possible for a heart to literally melt, Celestia was pretty sure she would be scooping hers off the floor right about now. “Fine, but you have to make the bed in the morning.”

“Ya-wait.” The filly’s happy cry died in her throat when images of the enormous blanket popped into her head. “Daww come on. Your bed is ginormous!”

“Ah ah ah,” Celestia tsked. “That's the price that comes with sleeping in my bed.”

The filly pouted. “Fiiiine,” she whined.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Think of it like a test of both skill and power.”

Twilight poked a hoof into the alicorn’s chest. “You are just saying it like that so you don't have to do it.”

The alicorn gasped dramatically, gripping her chest in mock indignation. “Are you saying I would abuse my powers just so I don't have to make my own bed?”


Celestia chuckled at the fire in the filly’s eyes. “Well what are you going to do about it, little filly?”

“I’m…” she tapped her chin, only for her eyes to go wide, “...going to start a revolution!”

“Really now?” Celestia asked, placing her hooves on her hips and looking down at the filly.

“Yeah!” The filly announced triumphantly, pointing a hoof at the alicorn’s chest. “And it starts now!”

Twilight leapt into the air, plowing straight into Celestia’s midsection and a second later, causing them to both fall over and land in a heap. “Oh no, my government has been toppled. What are you going to do now?” Celestia asked in mock horror.

The filly stood proudly on the toppled monarch’s body, posing proudly. “My first command is no homework for anypony! And no bedtimes ever!”

Celestia rolled her eyes and pushed into a standing position, tucking the filly firmly under her wing. “Come on, you little revolutionary. We better get moving if we want to get to bed at a decent hour.”

“No!” the filly yelled, squirming in vain against her feathery prison. “The revolution will never die! Ra ra fight the powa!”

Celestia rolled her eyes, and walked towards the door, the squirming filly held tight against her side. “Kids,” she muttered under her breath, a wide smile on her face.

Author's Note:

Hey you! The next chapter of this story is already uploaded to patreon! So if you want to go check it out and dont want to wait for me to finish the last of the finishing touches, head on over there!

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of:
Kali, Craig, Ozzy, Robert, Quill, JPMK, Tommy, Ivar, Mikhaila, Pacsik, Matt, Brendan, Peter, Nicky, Princess Pudding, Nofreedom, T Sparkle, Apollyon, Luckyfanisaac, Azin, Zairvin, Random_Reader, Iamunkown, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Doomgooey, Michael, Ceepert, Diokyo, Starless

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