• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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State of Affairs

When Twilight awoke, she was surprised to find there was no beep of a heart rate monitor, or the sound of a nervous nurse at her bedside, only the dull clack of distant hooves. In her mind, however, Twilight instantly felt two distinct voices rising to meet her, each one exuberant and clamouring for her attention. Her headache demanded that she push them aside and instead take stock of her situation, starting with opening her eyes and observing her surroundings.

The first thing Twilight noticed was Celestia standing in the door to her room, the alicorn engaged in a hushed conversation with an elderly stallion. Twilight’s gaze immediately became fixed on her mentor’s injuries and the fresh scars she now sported across her body. A hairless section on her right flank the size of Twilight’s hoof served as evidence of a bad burn while a long discolored line down Celestia’s side had likely been gained from a close call with some manner of bladed weapon.

There were far more, but Twilight had seen enough to conclude that the elder mare’s regenerative abilities had likely been overwhelmed. At least the only bandaging Celestia wore was a pad of gauze taped to her neck and a larger square that had been affixed over her right shoulder. Seeing as how Celestia seemed tied up for the moment, Twilight observed her own body and found that other than a saline drip in her right forehoof, everything seemed normal.

That was until her headache returned with a vengeance, and Twilight winced, clutching her head in her hooves while gritting her teeth. After several tense seconds the migraine began to pass, and Twilight looked around once more. The room was small, private, and the mare knew from the dark blues and purples that they were in the ill-used night wing.

For a moment Twilight couldn't help but think about the irony of taking refuge in the section of the castle Celestia had rebuilt for the express purpose of making Luna feel more at home. Then the guilt came, and Twilight struggled to keep herself from sinking into her bed and covering her face in shame. Celestia had done so much under the assumption that Twilight would succeed and now she had not only failed to return Luna, but Twilight had also not been able to stop Nightmare Moon.

Celestia nodded, took a step back and closed the door, turning towards Twilight and smiling when she noticed her student was awake. “It is wonderful to see that you are well, Twilight,” she greeted, trotting over to the side of the bed and seating herself upon a pillow. “Your new friends spoke highly of your exploits, but I still worried for your well-being.”

“They are too kind,” Twilight muttered.

“They are also quite unique and quite safe,” Celestia assured, clutching Twilight’s hoof tightly and squeezing. “Now, as much as it pains me to get right back to work so soon, I must know about this so-called ‘eternity engine’ you supposedly faced off against.”

Twilight gently removed her hoof from the other mare’s grasp. “It was big, probably four to six metres tall and sporting two huge cannons that fired some kind of energy at an incredible speed.”

“Does it have any manner of weakness?” Celestia pressed.

Twilight nodded. “If it fires its main guns in quick succession, they may overheat and begin to warp the barrel.”

The alicorn sighed. “Well, at least there’s that,” she muttered.

Squeezing her bed sheets tightly, Twilight looked down. “I’m sorry that I-”

Was all the young pony managed to say before Celestia reached forward and pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing her gently. “Shh, it was nobody’s fault. You did your best, and that is all I could have ever asked for.”

“But I failed,” Twilight muttered, her own forehooves lying limp at her sides. “I couldn't activate the Elements. Then I nearly got everyone killed.”

“You also saved them all and fared better against Nightmare Moon than even I did,” Celestia pressed.

Twilight tried to offer another retort, but her willpower couldn't hold up against the gentle waves of warmth which fell over her. Between the comforting heat, the kind words, and the downy soft fur of the alicorn, Twilight couldn't help but give in, hugging her mentor back with all she had. Tears spilled from Twilight’s eyes, the unicorn’s entire body trembling like a leaf as she released all the pent-up guilt and shame she had been desperately burying deep down inside of herself.

The young unicorn clung to the side of her mentor like Celestia was the last refuge in the midst of a raging storm, which in a way was true. Twilight’s mind was awhirl with thoughts and emotions, each one clashing with one another until there was nothing left but a dull ache in the pit of her stomach. The memories still hurt, the failure still stung, but knowing Celestia still cared for her had silenced a small, cynical voice in the back of Twilight’s mind.

“Feel better?” Celestia whispered, patting the young unicorn on the shoulder.

“Y-yeah,” Twilight stuttered, gently pushing the other mare back.

The alicorn slipped back into her seat next to the simple twin bed. “That is wonderful to hear, my most faithful student. How is your head doing?” Celestia gently inquired.

“I have a feeling the headache is going to linger for quite a while, but at least it stopped throbbing,” Twilight explained.

“Excellent. Are you up to joining me in the war room? Your experience with our enemy would be greatly appreciated and perhaps then you could properly introduce me to your new friends,” Celestia smirked. “Or should I say subjects?”

Twilight’s blush nearly lit up the room. She quickly shook her head. “They are definitely not my subjects.”

“That's not how they tell it,” Celestia remarked as she retrieved the IV from Twilight’s leg and rose into a stand. “In fact, I think I heard young Applejack refer to you as a queen no less, so perhaps even I am your subject now.”

The unicorn’s face grew redder still, and she sunk beneath the bedding, hiding under her blanket. “Why couldn't she at least be like Spike and just call me boss all the time?” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Probably because he doesn't feel quite so indebted to you,” Celestia countered.

“Great,” Twilight muttered bitterly to herself.

A pulse of magic gently pulled the blanket from Twilight’s grip, stripping the unicorn of her cover. “Now, Twilight, do I need to threaten to take away Mister Swimmer in order to get you out of bed?” Celestia teased.

“The last time that threat worked I was like ten!” Twilight proclaimed, throwing up her hooves. “Plus I’m fairly certain Mister Swimmer is gone by now.”

Celestia put a hoof to her mouth and giggled playfully. “It is good to see that you are still as serious as ever, my student.”

Twilight rolled off the bed and walked over to the other mare on shaky hooves. “And it is good to see that you are still as annoying as ever, my teacher.”

“Come. We have much to discuss and precious little time to do so,” Celestia exclaimed, motioning towards the door.

“Lead the way, Princess,” Twilight replied.

Stepping out into the hallway, Celestia waited patiently as Twilight exited the room, only for the unicorn to stop when she passed through an invisible wall of silence. Immediately the dull clop of distant hooves was replaced with an ever present clatter of dozens upon dozens of ponies sprinting this way and that. Some carried boxes of supplies while others were fortifying doors or treating one of the many wounded which lay on stretchers, beds or even piles of pillows.

Most of said injured were guards, but there were a few castle staff as well as the odd civilian that were being tended to by a scant few professionals. Twilight immediately recognized a few familiar faces, her heart sinking when the true depth of their situation sunk in. She had known they were not going to be striking back at Nightmare Moon anytime soon, but to see that things were as desperate as they looked made Twilight reconsider what few plans she had started to make.

Worse yet were the looks of terror and barely contained panic on the faces of those guards who were still standing. Some of whom had their own injuries, but continued on regardless, the presence of their princess seemingly bolstering their morale. It wasn't by much, however, and the miasma of hopelessness which hung over them was so thick that Twilight didn't even need to read anyone’s mind to feel it.

Turning away from the grim sight, Twilight looked up to find that Celestia wore a sad expression on her face. “It isn't good,” she whispered. “The other major wings are too damaged and it won't be long before she breaches the barrier.”

“Then what do you plan on doing?” Twilight asked in a hushed tone.

“I can't speak of that here,” Celestia warned. “Let us first meet with your new friends. After that I will locate my remaining advisors and we can discuss our strategy.”

Twilight wanted to object, to ask more questions, but resisted that urge. “I understand,” she whispered.

“Good,” the alicorn’s expression lightened as the pair began to trot down the hall. “I must congratulate you on making such loyal friends. That couldn't have been easy with the stress you must have been under.”

Twilight nodded, the unicorn finding herself smiling despite the circumstances. “I don't think I can even take any credit for that. If anything, they made me their friend rather than the other way around.”

Celestia giggled as they passed through a large set of double doors and turned down a side passage. “When wielded by average ponies, the Elements seem to have a way of ensuring their bearers get along. Speaking of which, are Spike and the others okay? Applejack didn't mention them when we spoke earlier.”

Twilight cringed at the thought of her crippled friends. “They were hurt pretty bad, but they’re alive. I sent them to the frontier in hopes that they could find help there.”

“That is a relief,” Celestia remarked with a sigh. “I had a feeling they were okay, but when Applejack avoided the question, I admit I couldn't help but fear the worst.”

“I’m surprised she opened up to you so quickly. She tends to be rather guarded,” Twilight explained.

Celestia smiled and opened a door with her magic. “She may have recognized my singing voice when I was looking after you, which may have prompted her to trust me a little sooner than she would have otherwise.”

Twilight blinked. “Okay, first of all. How long was I out? Second, what do you mean by singing voice?”

“To start, you were only out for a few hours. Just long enough for that healing factor of yours to do some work on that magical burnout you experienced earlier today,” Celestia replied. “And to answer your other question, I must ask you one of my own. What do you remember of my dream machine?”

“That thing somewhere below the castle?” Twilight replied, the unicorn doing her best to resist staring out the line of windows they were passing by.

“Indeed,” Celestia answered.

“You could assuage the nightmares of a few select ponies and help to guide them back to the path of Harmony,” Twilight whispered after casting a glance back at the empty hallway behind them.

“By using an ancient song that my mother used to sing to Luna and I. One which I sang to the ponies I was most worried about, such as our dear Applejack,” Celestia finished.

“That does explain a few things,” Twilight murmured. “Though now that I’m thinking about it, I’m more surprised that Zecora let you speak to her. She has become rather protective of Applejack.”

Celestia chuckled. “Your zebra friend was indeed quite domineering at first, but after Applejack reminded her of our relationship, she relented.”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. “I worry about that mare.”

“Zecora has quite a bit of respect for you, by the way,” Celestia pointed out. “Though some of that respect seems to be directed at the idea of you, rather than actually at you.”

“I didn't notice that,” Twilight admitted.

“You will learn to sniff these kinds of things out, in time,” Celestia exclaimed, flashing the unicorn a wink before pushing open a tall oak door.

Twilight had been about to respond before she felt the presence of her friends, and more specifically the crushing grip of a happy hydralisk. With a single limb around Twilight’s shoulder, Applejack managed to nearly squeeze the oxygen out of the unicorn. At the same time as she was being hefted off the ground, her mind was being invaded by an excited zebra who stood anxiously next to the door.

You are okay! Zecora exclaimed. After you pushed us away, I began to worry and-

“I’m fine now, but I won't be that way for long,” Twilight exclaimed, gently pushing Applejack back a step.

“Sorry…” muttered the hybrid.

Twilight sighed. “It's okay. How are you two? Have you managed to get any rest?”

The infestor hybrid stepped forward and nodded. Celestia granted us a comfortable room, plenty of food, and ample space to sleep.

“Though there was only one bed,” Applejack whispered, her cheeks lighting up.

Twilight looked around the room to find that they now stood in one of the larger master bedrooms. Unlike the rest of the halls and spaces Twilight had seen so far, this one was still under construction as none of the walls had received their final coat of paint. Everything was stark white and empty, save for the incredibly large bed that had been outfitted with the finest black linens Twilight had ever seen.

“I hope you didn't find it too awkward,” interrupted Celestia, who slipped into the small circle. “It was merely the only one large enough to fit a pony of your frame.”

Applejack bobbed her head eagerly, the farm pony’s tail swishing back and forth. “It was fine, right, Zecora?”

The zebra nodded. It was… acceptable. Please thank her on my behalf.

“She says thank you,” Applejack quickly interpreted.

Celestia flashed the pair a cheeky smile before turning to her student. “Now then, Twilight. Why don't you introduce me to your new friends?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Sure. This is Applejack, and the zebra standing next to you is Zecora. They have both become very important to me over the last week.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you both. I hope you continue to enjoy your accommodations for however long I can provide them,” Celestia replied, bowing slightly.

Applejack bowed back while Zecora remained rigid, her glowing eyes narrowing briefly before flicking towards Twilight. She is quite strange. Is she not aware that we are in a warzone?

“I know that I am a little odd, but that just comes with age, I’m afraid,” Celestia replied.

“Can she…?” Applejack muttered, gesturing frantically to the alicorn.

Twilight shook her head. “She's just messing with you.”

“You caught me red-hooved,” Celestia replied, raising a hoof and flashing the zebra a wink. “Just a lucky guess.”

I like this one, Zecora remarked, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Well, I’m glad that everyone was finally able to meet one another.”

“Oh, don't be such a stick-in-the-mud, Twilight. I always said that you would introduce me to the friends you would make while on your journey and now you have,” Celestia retorted.

“So what's the plan my queen?” Applejack interjected. “Resting up has been nice, but I kinda wanna lend a hoof or claw.”

Twilight blinked and looked down to see that her friend’s injured limb has partially grown back, the appendage appearing bone-thin, though muscle had started to return. “Well, if you’re feeling up to it, I’m sure Celestia won’t say no to your offer to help, but I have a feeling we need to have a different discussion before we can broach this particular topic,” Twilight reasoned.

Celestia sighed. “It is true. My advisors are likely already gathering, and it won't be long before we will be able to send off the next group of ponies.”

The teleportation room is still operable then. Good. I hoped this mission would not be both our first and last, Zecora exclaimed.

Applejack elbowed the dour zebra in the side. “Come on, Zecora, have a little faith. Of course our queen has a plan. She always does.”

Twilight’s eyes opened wide and she spun towards Celestia. “That reminds me. I assume you closed the shield behind us, right?”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “As soon as you were safe. And don't worry, they won't be coming through there or any underground passage for that matter. This castle is sealed from all possible angles and though it won't last forever, the shield is still holding.”

Twilight exhaled slowly, visibly deflating. “Good.”

I assume we are simply going to retreat and gather our forces then, yes? Zecora inquired, glancing expectantly at Applejack who quickly conveyed the zebra’s question.

“Indeed we are, but I have a surprise or two in store which I intend to hide before we can do that,” Celestia explained.

“And after?” Twilight pressed.

“After everyone is safe in the frontier, we will begin work on the next phase,” Celestia replied, raising a hoof. “The details of which will be revealed soon, trust me.”

Twilight nodded. “Good. I had little doubt that you had a plan, I was merely hoping that it was something more than just hiding and hoping she gives up.”

“Yes, well, that idea went out the window the second it was apparent that Nightmare Moon wasn't about to let the sun back up,” Celestia remarked with a sigh. “But we will speak more on that particular subject as soon as we meet the rest of my command staff.”

“I’m ready when you are,” Applejack offered.

As am I, added Zecora.

Twilight nodded. “We’ll follow you, Princess.”

Celestia smiled. “Excellent, and perhaps while we make our way towards the war room, you can tell me more of how you three managed to get into the city. From what little I heard, it sounded like quite the tale.”

“It was a bit hair raisin’. Though it was nothin’ what like y'all must have gone through,” Applejack replied with a tinge of pity.

Celestia waved a hoof dismissively. “Nonsense. Suffering is never a contest.”

Twilight held the door open for the alicorn. “If we tell you how we got here, you have to tell us what happened between you and her.”

Celestia nodded as she passed the unicorn by. “I suppose it is only fair, but you must go first.”

“Right, so we started by going to Ponyville,” Twilight began, her and her two friends walking on the alicorn’s right as the taller pony made her way further down the hall. “Almost as soon as we left, things started to go downhill.”

Celestia sighed as she came to a stop in front of a set of doors flanked by a pair of guards. “Your assessment is correct, Twilight. If I had my full power, then I could have matched Nightmare Moon in our confrontation, though the effects would still have been devastating. At least this way we can regroup, figure out what was wrong with the Elements and try again.”

“She won't make things easy,” Twilight warned.

“Nothing ever is with that jerk,” Applejack remarked.

Indeed. Though I sense there is more to this plan than what Celestia may be letting on, Zecora added.

“Is everyone assembled?” Celestia asked, turning to the guard who stood to her right.

The stallion nodded. “Everyone but Sir Blueblood, though he sent a message saying that it wouldn't be long and that he was busy relaying orders to his officers in the field.”

“Excellent,” Celestia proclaimed, glancing at Twilight. “If you wouldn't mind waiting outside for a moment. I need a private word with my generals.”

“It won't take long, will it?” Twilight questioned.

Celestia shook her head. “Not long at all. There are merely a few pertinent details I had hoped to be briefed on before we get our discussion underway.”

“We’ll be right here, Princess,” Applejack declared.

Twilight nodded. “Take your time, Celestia. We will be patient.”

Speak for yourself, Zecora remarked in a bitter tone. All of these ponies watching us are making me nervous.

“We’ll be fine, Zecora. It won't be long,” Applejack stated.

“Mere minutes, I promise,” Celestia claimed before slipping through the door and vanishing into the room.

Now alone with her friends and the two guards, Twilight’s shoulders slumped. “Well, that was a relief.”

“It is good to know that the princess has thought this through,” Applejack offered.

Twilight nodded. “And that Celestia’s little plan does not include her shouldering the burden of everything.”

“I wouldn't rule that out quite yet,” countered the voice of Blueblood.

Twilight jumped along with the guards and hybrids, who spun towards where the prince stood leaning nonchalantly against the wall. “Miss me?” he asked, a smirk on his partially obscured face.

Twilight chuckled and punched the stallion in the shoulder. “Like chicken pox.”

Blueblood smiled. “It is good to see that you are up and about. I assume our illustrious leader is getting a last minute briefing and didn't wish to bore you with the nitty gritty?”

Or she's preparing them for our arrival and ensuring we don't get attacked on sight, Zecora retorted bitterly.

“Or a bit of both,” Applejack muttered.

“Yes, and before that happens, I was hoping to ask you a quick question,” Twilight began, stepping closer to the dark templar. “What exactly did you mean back there when you saved me?”

“What did I mean by what?” Blueblood replied, eyes narrowing.

“When you said something about me not being a martyr and that it was your job,” Twilight countered.

The prince lifted an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what you're talking about. I just told you not to do anything stupid.”

“So you’re saying Twilight’s a liar?” Applejack asked, the hydralisk bristling at the mere suggestion of such a thing.

Blueblood shook his head. “Nothing of the sort. Merely that she was misremembering things. Which makes sense as you had taken quite the hit.”

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “I suppose that may have been possible.”

“I mean, come on, do you think I would have said something so eloquent?” Blueblood replied, opening his forehooves.

“You can be quite the talker, or at least when you aren't speaking to me that is,” Twilight remarked, chuckling lightly.

Blueblood flashed her a wink. “Exactly.”

The sound of a hoof meeting wood made the four creatures turn to the door.

“They are ready for you now,” explained a guard.

“Good luck,” offered the other.

Twilight smirked. “We won't need it.”

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