• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,354 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Hope and Healing

The pegasus’ eye bore into Twilight’s skull, the sheer amount of fear and anxiety behind it making Twilight a little uneasy. Yet as they stared silently at one another, Twilight could feel a new emotion slowly rise within the other mare. Namely curiosity, her body becoming slightly more relaxed, and her eye narrowing, the other pony considering Twilight carefully.

“Greetings. My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is my son, Spike,” Twilight greeted before extending a hoof. “And you are Fluttershy, correct?”

The robed figure nodded weakly. “Y-yes. I-I-I am,” she stuttered.

“And you are in charge of the music for the Summer Sun Celebration, aren't you?” Twilight continued, gesturing to the agitated flock of birds which sat behind the pegasus, the avians eying Twilight curiously, as if they were ready to dive bomb the unicorn at a moment’s notice.

Again, Fluttershy nodded. “I am.”

“And how is that going by the way?” Twilight pressed, her voice remaining calm and even as she spoke.

Fluttershy looked from Spike to Twilight and back again, her fear fading more and more with each passing second. “G-good,” she whispered after a long pause.

“Do you think it would be ready for Celestia’s arrival?” Spike asked.

Fluttershy sized up the dragon quickly and nodded. “They s-should. Mister B-B-Bluejay just needs a little w-w-work.”

Twilight looked up to where a flummoxed blue jay stood, blushing slightly. “So I heard. I don't mean to interrupt you, so if that's all, we’ll be going,” Twilight declared.

Spike grabbed Twilight by the coat the second she turned around and whispered hastily in her ear, “What are you doing, Twilight? We need to get her on our side.”

Twilight gently pushed the drake back a step. “Trust me.”

Spike frowned, but followed her. “Fine,” he muttered.

Together they turned and began to slowly walk away, only to make it a few feet before Fluttershy suddenly spoke up. “W-w-wait!” she shouted.

Twilight smirked to her companion before turning back around. “Oh? What do you need?” she inquired.

“W-who are you. I mean, who are you r-really?” Fluttershy pressed, her yellow eye glowing brightly.

“What do you mean?” Twilight replied.

“I m-m-mean. Why do you smell so good?” Fluttershy blushed and looked down, muttering to herself.

Twilight and Spike exchanged a look before Twilight glanced back at the pegasus. “I’m not sure what you mean,” Twilight admitted.

“It's just...” Fluttershy paused and inhaled deeply through her nose. “You smell really good, like h-home.”

“That's new,” Spike muttered.

“I’m sorry. That was w-w-weird of me,” stuttered the pegasus, who shuffled backward, nearly bumping into her bird stand.

“It's quite alright,” Twilight replied. “I probably smell that way because I’m like you.”

“L-like me?” Fluttershy whispered, her eye containing the unmistakable look of hope, tinged with a slight edge of fear.

Twilight smiled and extended her mind, brushing it against Fluttershy’s. Like you, I am different.

The pegasus’ eye went wide. “How d-d-did you d-do that?”

“I told you, Fluttershy. We are alike,” Twilight exclaimed, gesturing to both her and Fluttershy, as well as Spike.

“R-r-really?” stuttered the mare, who glanced at Spike.

Who nodded. “Yup,” the drake added with a grin.

“I t-t-thought you were d-d-different,” Fluttershy whispered, the pegasus taking a nervous step forward. “I f-f-feel better around you. C-c-clearer. It's l-like I can think again.”

Spike sniffed the air. “Now that you mention it. I don't smell anything different.”

Twilight lowered herself slightly and took another tentative step towards the mare. “I’m unique. I help people like us become smarter and assist in keeping their minds clear as well as help them fulfill their purpose.”

“P-p-purpose?” Fluttershy asked nervously. “What do you mean?”

“I don't know what yours is. But I know you are unique, like me,” Twilight exclaimed, extending a foreleg. “Take my hoof, and I’ll help you even more. I promise.”

The pegasus glanced nervously at the offered limb while biting her lip and shifting from hoof to hoof nervously. As she did so she inadvertently revealed a second pair of clawed limbs which sprouted from her shoulders and were mostly hidden by the cloak. Twilight made sure to keep her expression calm and neutral, but in her mind she was already running through what she knew about Fluttershy and comparing that knowledge against what she knew of the various zerg strains.

She wasn't any of the obvious ones, such as a hydralisk, zergling, or ultralisk, as the extra limbs Twilight had seen had no manner of blades or other obvious defences. They didn't even seem adept at defence in any manner, the two three fingered hands being far too thin to do much other than maybe poke someone in the eye. Twilight quickly came to the conclusion that this was no normal mixing of zerg and pony as whatever Fluttershy had started to become, she was completely new.

“W-what happened to you?” Fluttershy asked suddenly, a hoof pointing towards Twilight’s shoulder and glowing foreleg.

“I’m not injured if that's what you are worrying about,” Twilight hastily replied, pulling her collar a little higher and straightening her coat. “I’ve merely made a few alterations. Is all.”

“Primitive, bulky, inefficient use of tissue,” Fluttershy muttered under her breath, a hoof poking Twilight’s shoulder again, only for the pegasus to take a nervous step back all of a sudden. “S-sorry. I don't know w-w-what came over m-me.”

Spike raised an eyebrow at that. What are you thinking, Twi?

I’m going to bring her into the fold. Then we can figure out what's different about her. While I do that, please keep an eye on our little guest, Twilight replied before turning back to Fluttershy. “Would you like me to be able to help you more? I promise this isn't a trick or a trap of some kind.”

Fluttershy glanced at Twilight’s hoof. “W-will I always b-b-be able to think this c-clearly if I s-say yes?”

“You will,” Twilight declared.

The pegasus almost immediately reached out and gently took hold of the other pony’s hoof. Twilight quickly got to work, reaching forward with her mind and connecting Fluttershy to their little collective. Unlike with Applejack, this connection was a simple matter, and Twilight could have sworn that the other pony was even helping her somehow. It was like the difference of dragging someone and just holding their hoof as they both walked towards their shared goal.

In mere seconds Fluttershy was connected, her thoughts ringing in both Twilight’s and Spike’s minds. The startled look on Fluttershy’s face was fearful at first, but it quickly morphed to one of curiosity, and finally, joy. In her glee, Fluttershy accidentally let her hood fall, revealing the extra pair of arms which grew from her shoulders, and the thick green pustules which were mostly hidden beneath her mane.

Then the joy was gone, replaced by fear once more, with Fluttershy quickly stumbling back and pulling up her hood. Before she could say anything however, Twilight took a step forward, and stopped Fluttershy’s panic before it could truly begin.

“It's okay. We are all different,” Twilight declared, opening her mind to the other pony. See?

Fluttershy stopped as images of Twilight without her coat, an undisguised Silver Bulwark, and a sad Applejack flashed before the former pegasus’ eyes. “Oh my goodness,” Fluttershy whispered. “That p-poor thing.”

“I’m trying to help her. Like how I’m trying to help you as well,” Twilight pressed.

“You don't know how we could do that, can you?” Spike added.

“Process incomplete. Possible sequence damage,” Fluttershy whispered under her breath, only to shake her head. “N-no. Or maybe? I’m n-not sure.”

“It’s okay,” Twilight urged. “We can talk about it again later. For now just relax. You are among friends.”

“F-friends,” Fluttershy whispered happily to herself, a small smile crossing her face.

“Right,” Spike muttered, turning to Twilight. “So should we let her in on the plan, or are you going to use that brain download thing again, like what you did to Applejack?”

Twilight shook her head. “That was… strenuous on us both. We can discuss the plan and why we are here like normal people. But I think we need to deal with our little voyeur first.”

Spike raised an eyebrow and merely watched as Twilight stepped over to a seemingly random spot of dirt before discarding a boot and rolling up the leg of her coat. Twilight stood completely still as she stared down at the chunk of earth, hoof pulled back and ready to strike. Spike and Fluttershy exchanged a glance, and the dragon was about to ask what was going on before the unicorn’s leg suddenly shot into the ground.

The soil parted like water, allowing nearly the entirety of Twilight’s leg to vanish into it without a trace. A second later Twilight pulled back, now holding a thrashing orange and purple shape that had too many legs to be a pony, but was too bright to be a zerg. The whirling mass of impotent fury snarled and spat, scratching at anything it could, but doing little damage for its efforts.

“Scootaloo!” Fluttershy shouted, the robed pony running over to the imposing unicorn. “Don't hurt her, please!”

“I have no intention of harming this one,” Twilight stated, only to wince when the ball of angry orange fur and purple scales managed to nick her leg with a bladed limb. “One moment.”

The unicorn lit her horn and focused her gaze on the infested filly’s eyes, freezing her mid-flail. Now that she wasn't attempting to escape Twilight’s grip, Spike was able to get a good look at the creature, only to immediately cringe in sympathy. Scootaloo was young, very young, and judging by her scruffy appearance and emaciated form, had likely been abandoned at an early age.

Her vibrant purple hair was unmarred by her infestation, though that didn't mean the rest of her features were safe from her mutations. Her jaw was larger than normal, her mouth was filled with sharp teeth and flanked by an imposing pair of spikes that made Spike think back to the zerglings he had seen not long ago. From there the changes were similarly random, with three of her hooves having been replaced by clawed limbs while one was completely normal.

Her tail was a mix of flesh and hair and ended with a spike, while two large malformed growths sprouted from her shoulders, ending with thick bladed appendages, one of which looked dull. A pair of tiny, relatively normal pegasus wings emerged from the pony’s fur-covered chitin, and she wore a wide, terrified look on her face. As Spike watched, he was able to gleam enough from his connection to Twilight to know that this poor creature had suffered greatly due to her affliction.

“What is she doing?” Fluttershy asked nervously, turning to Spike.

“Just talking to her and trying to figure out what happened to her,” Spike explained. “If you focus, I’m sure she’d let you listen in as well.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and focused, the mare finding that the connection she sought was easier to acquire than first anticipated.

-can really help me? Scootaloo asked, her thoughts excited and jumbled.

Twilight nodded. I do. I have someone else with me who has suffered as you have, and I hope to help her as well.

It’s Applejack, isn't it? Scootaloo replied.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “And how did you know that?” she asked aloud.

Scootaloo scratched her neck with one of her bladed limbs. “I’m not supposed to say. But I guess it doesn't matter now anyway.” She sighed. “Apple Bloom leaves out food for me sometimes and even books and stuff. She’s really nice. We even played hide and seek one time, but I was too good at it, and she didn't want to play anymore after that.”

“Oh, thank g-goodness,” Fluttershy exclaimed. “I thought I was the only one t-t-trying to help you. I get so worried when I see you haven't eaten what I l-l-left out for you.”

Scootaloo blushed and turned away from the infested pegasus. “S-sorry. I thought you were one of the bad ponies who would take me away. I know it's silly now that we are… ya know.” The filly pointed to her head and then gestured to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded. “Well, I’m g-g-glad we’ve been able to get over this little m-m-misunderstanding.”

“She’ll be staying with you,” Twilight declared, before gently placing the zergling pony back onto her own four legs. “She’s malnourished and has developed severe social anxiety and agoraphobia.”

“And why do you think Fluttershy would be the best to help with that?” Spike replied, quickly turning to Fluttershy. “No offence, Flutters.”

The pegasus quickly shook her head. “None t-t-taken, Spike. I’m c-c-curious as w-well.”

“When I connected to your mind, I felt as though there was something locked away deep down inside you. Something that may help us fix Applejack as well as Scootaloo.” Twilight frowned. “I can't explain it, but I felt like you may have the physiological and genealogical component that I need to alter our zerg half.”

“What's a zerg?” Scootaloo asked.

“That word sounds f-f-familiar,” Fluttershy muttered.

“It's part of what we are,” Spike exclaimed.

“But I can explain that in more detail later,” Twilight interrupted. “We need to get somewhere more private first.”

Fluttershy’s eye went wide and she looked around nervously. “You are r-r-r-right. Come on, guys. We’ll p-p-practice more back home.”

The birds all nodded before taking to the air, and Fluttershy grabbed the stand before turning eastward. “F-f-follow me.”

Twilight nodded and did just that, with both Scootaloo and Spike following close behind the unicorn.

Twilight looked around from her seat, her gaze drawn to the strange abode that Fluttershy called home. It was certainly not something she had seen coming, but none of Celestia’s spies had managed to enter the pegasus’ home before, so a certain amount of surprise was to be expected. However, seeing the walls covered with some manner of organic plaster went a little beyond what Twilight had assumed was possible.

Not like she was bothered by this though, and despite just how dingy Fluttershy’s abode was, it was surprisingly homey, and already the unicorn could sense that both of her companions were beginning to relax. What little light they needed was given by a small lamp that sat at the center of the small cottage, illuminating the large living room as well as the attached kitchen. Like the brown walls, the furniture was also relatively drab, with all the colors being somewhat muted and ranging from grey, brown, and dull green to faded yellow.

There were also numerous creatures skittering about, including dozens of insects, a few different kinds of bats, a family of bunnies, several ferrets, and numerous other nocturnal creatures of various shapes and sizes. They had hidden from the cottage’s new arrivals for a few minutes, but had quickly warmed up to them after a large snake had emerged. The reptile had slithered out from under the couch and climbed atop the the window sill, before eying them criticly. Its gaze carried with it the distinct look of an intelligent being, one who was clearly wary of the three new ponies now residing within its domain.

Fluttershy appeared a second later with a silver platter in her clawed grip. “I m-m-made some t-tea. I h-hope you like lemon.”

Scootaloo immediately stuck out her tongue. “Gross.”

“Oh, come on. Lemon isn't that bad,” Spike remarked as he grabbed himself a cup.

“Maybe not for you. It makes me puke though,” Scootaloo replied.

“Thank you, Fluttershy. That's very kind of you,” Twilight exclaimed.

The pegasus blushed hard beneath her robes. “T-thank you, my q-queen.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Queen? That's a rather new one.”

All four of Fluttershy’s forelimbs immediately slapped over her mouth. “Oh my g-g-gosh. I’m so s-s-s-sorry.”

Twilight placed a steadying hoof on the other infested’s shoulder. “It's okay. It's just different, is all. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing,” Twilight quickly explained.

“Ya, relax, Flutters. Twilight ain't the type to make a stink about something as small as a nickname,” Spike added.

Twilight nodded and slowly removed her hoof from Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Exactly. I’m just curious as to why you said it, is all.”

Fluttershy gulped and slowly stood back up, her two clawed arms disappearing beneath her voluminous robes. “I d-d-don't know. It just sounded r-r-right,” she whispered.

“Well, regardless. You may call me whatever you want to call me.” Twilight leaned forward, and gestured to the empty seat. “For now we need to discuss why I am here.”

The snake suddenly hissed, its black beady eyes glaring at Twilight as its large copper-colored bulk rose into the air.

Fluttershy glared at the reptile. “S-S-Serra, what have I told you about hissing at our g-g-guests.”

“That sure is an interesting name for a snake,” Spike muttered.

“She ch-ch-chose it for herself,” Fluttershy quickly explained.

“She also seems surprisingly smart,” Twilight mentioned, unfazed by the snake’s sudden aggression.

“I h-h-helped her when she w-w-was little,” Fluttershy exclaimed before turning to glare at the snake in question. “Would you r-r-relax? These are f-f-friends.”

The snake’s jaws slowly closed, and it looked from Fluttershy to Twilight before slowly lying back down on the windowsill, though it never stopped staring at the unicorn.

“S-s-sorry about h-her,” Fluttershy said.

Twilight nodded and sipped her tea. “Moving on. We have much to discuss and little time to do so. I need to get back to the library in order to better figure out how to deal with what's coming.”

“Pfft, whatever it is, you can take it. Right, boss?” Scootaloo declared, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at the unicorn.

The sheer amount of admiration in the zergling hybrid’s gaze made Twilight pause mid-thought. “I, er. Intend to do just that,” Twilight murmured.

“I m-m-may not be the m-most useful pony, but if you n-need my h-h-help, it's yours,” Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight nodded. “Thank you. Your assistance will be appreciated.”

“I’ll help too!” Scootaloo shouted, the hybrid waving her dagger arms as well as her forelegs in the air.

“Your assistance won't be necessary in accomplishing our main goal,” Twilight quickly replied.

The filly shrunk. “Daww.”

The unicorn winced. “But I suppose I could still have a little side job for you.”

“I’m so in!” Scootaloo declared, beaming.

“I need you to guard Fluttershy’s house. There are some bad ponies out there, and I don't want them to set a trap for us,” Twilight stated, eying the filly closely. “Can you handle that?”

Scootaloo snapped a quick salute. “You got it, my queen!” she shouted, before leaping off the couch and sprinting right out the door.

“Was that really necessary?” Spike asked, jerking a thumb in Scootaloo’s direction.

Twilight used her magic to close the door. “It doesn't hurt. Though I don't understand why she was so eager to help all of a sudden,” Twilight admitted.

Spike and Fluttershy exchanged a brief, incredulous look.

“You really didn't notice how excited she was getting?” Spike asked.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the drake. “What do you mean?”

“She was t-t-talking about y-y-you the whole time,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“I may not have been paying attention,” admitted Twilight.

“Well, the filly seems to worship the ground you walk on, Twilight, so be careful with her,” Spike warned.

Twilight nodded. “Noted.”

“So w-w-what was this p-plan you were talking about?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Nightmare Moon is returning shortly, and I am going to stop her. Provided everything goes according to plan,” Twilight declared.

“B-b-but I thought that was just a s-story?” Fluttershy replied while wringing her clawed hands together nervously.

“Totally real, I’m afraid,” Spike remarked.

“And when she returns, she will use her power to make it night forever,” Twilight continued. “I should not need to tell you how devastating that would be.”

Fluttershy gulped and nodded.

“Heh, speak for yourself. Us dragons will be totally fine,” Spike exclaimed while puffing out his chest.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Spike, you wore two parkas all last winter and still managed to catch both a cold and the flu.”

“Well yeah, but they only lasted like a day or whatever. My immune system is awesome,” Spike countered.

“Regardless,” Twilight began, “we need to avoid this scenario at all costs. Which means activating the Elements of Harmony and using them to seal Nightmare Moon away permanently this time.”

“The E-Elements of H-H-Harmony?” Fluttershy muttered. “What are th-those?”

“Ancient artifacts of unimaginable power. You don't know it, but you are connected to one of them, as is myself, and a few others,” Twilight explained.

“This is all s-s-so m-much,” Fluttershy whispered as she shook her head.

“The fate of Equestria depends on you six. So uh, no pressure, eh?” Spike teased.

Twilight punched the drake in the shoulder before turning back to Fluttershy. “Ignore him. You’ll do just fine. Trust me.”

“I-I do. It's just a lot to t-t-t-take in at once,” Fluttershy stuttered.

“Look. I need to get back to the library and start planning how we are going to get everyone together in order to cast the seeking spell and find the Elements,” Twilight continued, the unicorn standing up from her seat. “After that it shouldn't be difficult to find Nightmare Moon and banish her forever.”

“Forever d-d-does sound a little m-mean, but I guess if she's going to f-f-f-freeze the whole w-world, then it's okay,” Fluttershy whispered.

Spike snorted. “She's trying to destroy the planet. That kind of evil should get you life without parole.”

“Exactly,” Twilight declared. “She has to be dealt with for good, to hesitate would endanger the entire world and all its peoples.”

“R-r-right,” Fluttershy muttered.

“Get your affairs in order and meet me at the library tonight. Hopefully by then I’ll have had the time to coerce the other Element Bearers into joining us,” Twilight commanded.

“Please,” Spike added pointedly.

Fluttershy bowed her head. “Y-y-yes. My queen.”

Twilight nodded. “Good. This will be dangerous, but if we follow my plan, then not only will Equestria be saved, but you’ll be back in time for dinner tomorrow.”

The infested unicorn turned and walked away, her assistant close on her heels.

Spike paused and laid a gentle hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, an action that earned the dragon a glare from Serra. “We really do appreciate this by the way. You are going to be invaluable against Nightmare Moon, and I just know you’ll be able to help both Scootaloo and Applejack in time.”

Fluttershy smiled, a small blush crossing her features. “T-thanks,” she whispered.

“Spike, are you coming?” Twilight yelled from outside.

Spike rolled his eyes. “Oh and please forgive Twilight. She’s a little stressed.”

“I can f-f-feel it,” Fluttershy whispered, tapping her chest. “There is s-s-so much w-weight on her shoulders.”

Spike frowned and turned away, making a beeline for the door and closing it swiftly behind them. “Coming, Twilight!”

The unicorn snorted, tapping her hoof impatiently as she waited just outside. “All of these detours have cost us precious time. We won't have long before the Summer Sun Celebration, and I refuse to risk the princess’ life.”

“Chillax, Twi. Celestia isn't going to show up until you give her the all clear, so it's not like she's going to be in any danger,” Spike replied flippantly.

“She's in Canterlot, Spike,” Twilight muttered through gritted teeth. “She’s always in danger.”

The dragon winced. “You know what I meant.”

Twilight sighed. “You are right. Let's just get back to the library so I can start planning our next move. Maybe then I’ll be able to relax a little.”

The pair trotted over the bridge which separated Fluttershy’s out of the way property from the rest of Ponyville, only to be interrupted by an orange, furry face peeking out from under the wooden platform.

“Psst, down here,” Scootaloo whispered.

Twilight sighed and leaned down to Scootaloo’s level. “Yes, what is it?”

“I was, uh… just wondering if when you fix me, you could make it so I could… well you see, I was hoping…” Scootaloo muttered, her voice growing quieter and quieter until it was barely louder than a whisper.

The unicorn sighed and ran a hoof down her face. “I do not have time for this,” Twilight muttered.

“Relax, boss. I got this,” Spike interrupted, the dragon sitting down on the edge of the bridge. “Breathe deep three times, then try again.”

Scootaloo nodded, and took three deep breaths before speaking. “I want to be able to fly.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Is that it?”

“Twilight, this is obviously something she cares about,” Spike retorted.

The unicorn frowned as she gazed down on the distraught orange face which looked up at her. “You misunderstand. Enlarging your wings should be relatively easy to do,” Twilight explained.

“R-really?” Scootaloo asked, her eyes going wide.

Twilight nodded. “In fact it should be easier to grow your wings than it is to fix the rest of you. Though it will still be some time before we could do either.”

Scootaloo leapt up onto the bridge and hugged the unicorn’s leg. “Thank you so much. I promise I’ll do everything you say forever!”

Twilight awkwardly patted the pegasus on the head. “Thank you. I think.”

Spike shook his head and gently pulled Scootaloo away. “Now squirt, you better get some food in that belly of yours. You don't want to pass out on the job, now do ya?”

“B-but I need to guard the-” Scootaloo began, only for her rumbling stomach to cut her off.

“I think Spike’s got a point there, Scootaloo,” Twilight added.

“It has been a few days since I ate,” she admitted.

“What are you waiting for? Go on,” Spike urged, pointing back to Fluttershy’s cottage.

Scootaloo began to sprint towards the older pegasus’ home, only to stop after a dozen feet. “Don't worry, my queen. I’ll be back on duty before you know it!” she shouted.

Twilight nodded. “See to it that you do. I’m counting on you.”

The filly giggled excitedly before turning back around and running the rest of the way to the house.

Spike stood back up and shook his head. “You better follow through on that promise of yours, Twi. ‘Cause it looks like you got the poor thing’s hopes up.”

Twilight frowned as she stared at the remote cottage. “As soon as Nightmare Moon is defeated, I will dedicate my every last waking moment to ensuring that both her and Applejack can live normal lives.”

“How exactly do you plan on doing that anyway? You seemed hesitant to promise such a thing to Applejack, but now you are all gung ho about fixing Scootaloo as well,” Spike pointed out.

“There is something in Fluttershy that will be able to help us in this matter. I can feel it,” Twilight declared confidently.

“And her connection to her Element? You aren't still worrying about that, now are you?” Spike inquired.

“Her connection is weak, but no weaker than Rarity’s,” Twilight remarked before turning back towards town. “Come. We don't have any time to waste.”

“Right. Let's hope Silver Bulwark has got the library locked down by now,” Spike added.

“I have no doubt that she does,” Twilight replied.

As Spike walked back from Fluttershy’s cottage, the dragon couldn't help but notice that the denizens of Ponyville were going about their evening with a sense of trepidation and fear. Something was about to happen, and it seemed like everyone knew it, though no one truly understood why they felt the way they did. To the dragon it was as though the world was holding its breath, waiting for whatever cosmic event to arrive and finally pass.

Twilight didn't seem to notice this at all, the unicorn completely unconcerned with the passing ponies and whatever they may be doing with their lives. Her mind was focused utterly on the task ahead of her, namely bringing the rest of the Element Bearers together in order to find the Elements of Harmony themselves. It wouldn't be difficult to do once she managed to get them in a room together, as the same spell she had been casting non-stop all day would also tell her where they were located.

Then all she had to do was get the Bearers to follow her, activate the Elements themselves, and then banish Nightmare Moon forever, which would hopefully leave behind an uncorrupted Luna. Twilight wasn't sure if her plan would work though, given that Luna and Nightmare Moon shared a body, but either way the world would be saved. After that Celestia could divert all of her focus back onto their little nobility problem, and with Twilight’s help, drive them out of Canterlot.

The thought brought a smile to the infested unicorn’s face, and she silently wondered if it were possible to eradicate the zerg after the Equestrian heartland was secure once more. Either way, that was a consideration for future Twilight, not current day Twilight who had a lot to do before she could daydream. Looking up, Twilight realized she was closing in on the library, and even from here she could feel magic emanating from the structure.

As well as something else…

M-my queen? asked a familiar and slightly nervous voice.

Yes Applejack, what is it? Twilight replied, the unicorn stopping a few feet from the door.

A bunch of ponies showed up not too long ago. Silver Bulwark let them in, but I don't know what they are doing, Applejack explained.

Did you recognize any of these ponies? Twilight inquired.

Spike stopped and eyed the unicorn closely. “Why are all the lights off?” he muttered.

I think I heard Silver Bulwark say the name Pinkie Pie, Applejack offered. Sorry, that's all I know.

It's okay, Applejack, Twilight replied before turning to Spike. “Relax. I think I know what's going on.”

“And what's that?” Spike asked.

Twilight smirked. “Let's just say that not everyone agrees with my assessment of when is the appropriate time for a party.”

“A party? Are you sure it isn't a trap of some kind? What if they captured Bull?” Spike asked nervously while gesturing to the library.

“Do you remember what Celestia said about trusting in the good intentions of others?” Twilight countered.

“To uh, do that sometimes?” Spike replied while scratching his head.

“Exactly,” Twilight declared, before reaching forward, opening the door and stepping into her temporary home.

“Surprise!” shouted several different voices as all the lights flicked back on, revealing a grinning Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Silver Bulwark.

Twilight smirked and turned down to her assistant. “Told ya.”

Spike smiled as he surveyed the food and games. “I love being wrong,” he muttered.

Author's Note:

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