• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,388 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Twilight trotted confidently into the windowless room, her hybrids fanning out along the wall while she herself walked over to Celestia’s right. The sight of the three infested made a few of the ponies shift uncomfortably, but they said nothing and did their best to give them only a passing glance. Noticing this, Twilight realized that her friend’s assessment must have been correct, as the advisors didn't act surprised by their appearance.

Looking around the area, Twilight found that they were in what must have been intended to serve as a tea room at one time. Several large comfortable pillows had been pushed to the edge of the room, and a tall, hexagon-shaped table sat at its center. A round chandelier made of a silvery blue metal hung overhead, and plastic sheets covered most of the barren white walls.

Evidently this room was still partially under construction, though it appeared that the floor at least had been completed, as it was adorned by a close-up view of the moon rendered in stunning detail. Twilight wondered how long it had taken someone to paint something with such precision. A small part of her couldn't help but feel bad about the fact that this piece of art would likely never be appreciated properly.

Giving her head a shake, Twilight turned her attention towards the mess of papers and chess pieces that sat atop the table in the middle of the room.

A map of Canterlot as well as a blueprint of the castle itself were spread out across the aged oak, both with numerous markings and notes written on them. There were also small blue pieces of paper placed everywhere, upon which were written short descriptions of troop emplacements. The blueprint also had a large red X at the base, which was where Twilight assumed Celestia was storing her little ‘surprise’.

Looking away from the table, Twilight inspected the room’s other inhabitants, starting with the two guards which stood near the door. They appeared to be fairly standard at first glance, but Twilight quickly realized that they were both high-ranking members of the guard. They were likely here to receive a debriefing more than they were here to actually guard the room, especially considering just who was already there.

Starting from the right of Celestia was Twilight herself, and then a pegasus that Twilight had never met before, who was joined by a timid-looking earth pony aide which stood next to him. The pegasus was slim, wore only a large breastplate as well as a set of greaves and had a short sword belted along his side. He didn't seem particularly old, though he had a certain intensity about him that made Twilight think he had seen more than his share of combat.

He was also rather short, had dull silver fur, and a snow-white mane, which served to make his bright blue eyes stick out even more. The pegasus was staring at the table, his gaze distant and his expression strangely unreadable even to the psychic. Twilight was tempted to mentally prod the stallion, but thought better of it and turned to the only other unicorn at the table.

Who was watching Twilight closely, his gaze intense, but yet not judgemental, as if he were more curious than anything. Twilight didn't mind it, though the small gathering of aides which flanked him on either side irritated the infested unicorn due to their open fear. It was an unpleasant feeling, and so she shifted away from him, to one of the few people at the table she could truly say she had met before.

An earth pony named Zealous Seal who had a golden coat, white mane, and bright blue eyes the same color as the sky. Though she had no aides with her she was the Captain of the Guard and the two ponies by the door likely filled just such a role. The mare herself had several scars, bulging muscles, wore plate mail and a wide, confident grin that reminded Twilight a little of Silver Bulwark.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Twilight noticed that Blueblood had taken a seat to Celestia’s left and was whispering something in the alicorn’s ear. After a brief pause, Celestia nodded to the stallion, who in turn leaned back in his seat, a small smile visible on his shrouded features.

“Well then. Now that everyone is here, we can begin in earnest,” Celestia declared. “We will start introductions with my student, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight nodded. “I just wish this meeting was under better circumstances and that Zee and I had a chance to settle our last bet beforehand.”

“It's good to see you’re still in one piece there, Twilight,” Zealous Seal offered. “Though maybe we should wait to settle up after all of this is said and done, just in case ya don't make it. and I end up unable to collect my twenty bits.”

“Like that will happen,” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“My name is Karmic, head of reconnaissance,” stated the pegasus, who gave Twilight a brief nod. “And I apologize for interrupting.”

“I am Captain Air Heart,” stated the unicorn, “leader of what few war mages we have left.”

“Now that is out of the way, I must open this discussion with a bit of news,” Blueblood began. “I have discovered that Nightmare Moon has been immunizing her troops. Though against what, I do not know.”

“That hardly seems like news,” Air Heart remarked dismissively.

“Nightmare Moon has shown a strange distaste when it comes to putting her soldiers into harm’s way. Perhaps this is simply an extension of that,” Karmic pointed out.

“I believe it is, and that it isn't. These vaccines were heavily guarded and from what I gathered, were not designed to repel any normal, terrestrial infection,” Blueblood continued.

“Then you mean the zerg, right?” Twilight asked.

“We believe so,” Celestia exclaimed. “Our enemies seem to have managed to find copies of my research and have perfected the formula somehow. Evidently Nightmare Moon sees the zerg as a credible threat.”

“She should be more worried about getting my hoof up her ass,” added Seal with a snort.

“Do you think my old doctor joined them?” Twilight questioned.

Blueblood shrugged. “It's a possibility, but I can't confirm it.”

“Regardless, that's all we know on the topic. So unless you have some insight, then I say we move onto the next point of discussion.” Celestia tapped the X. “Our little surprise.”

“Though I still disagree with this course of action, everything is ready and a few minutes after Celestia is no longer present in the castle, the spell will fire,” stated Air Heart.

“Robbing our enemies of critical infrastructure will make assaulting the city easier in the future,” Karmic pointed out.

The unicorn stallion sighed. “I know, but this castle has such a history that it feels like killing a thinking, feeling thing.”

“Trust me, there is no one more upset by this action’s necessity than I,” Celestia remarked. “These grounds have been my home for nearly ten centuries at this point, and I will miss this place dearly. However, home is where my ponies are, and when we retake Canterlot, the structure we build in its place will be far greater.”

“Maybe then you can install real plumbing instead of having to magic away all of our refuse,” Seal remarked, the mare snickering to herself.

“Yes, well, I’ll certainly add that to the list of desired features,” Celestia muttered. “Now then, does anyone have any questions about the surprise in question?”

“I’m assuming it's some sort of magical bomb then, yes?” Twilight inquired.

“I’ve tied fifty-six delayed fireball spells into a sub-matrix that will first release an immense amount of explosive gas,” stated the other unicorn. “The combination will have roughly the same blast yield as several hundred tons of TNT.”

“That's considerable,” muttered Applejack absently.

“It is,” added Celestia. “The blast itself will be mostly contained by the castle, destroying it utterly and turning it into a tomb for anyone foolish enough to be inside of it when the bomb goes off.”

“If we get lucky, Nightmare Moon will get greedy and move her troops in immediately after we have finished evacuating, though at this point I’m estimating only a handful of casualties,” offered Karmic.

“Nightmare Moon has been cautious, though hopefully she's been frustrated enough by the barrier that she throws such caution to the wind,” stated Air Heart.

“And if we are really lucky, Nightmare Moon herself will be put out of commission,” Seal added.

“Yes, well. If nothing else, we will have deprived them of a major fortification,” Celestia clarified.

“Speaking of evacuation, how far along are you on that front?” Twilight questioned.

“With your assistance, I was hoping to push ahead our time table, provided Celestia allows it,” offered the other unicorn, who glanced expectantly at their princess.

“A most excellent idea,” Celestia declared, turning to her student. “Do you feel up to helping teleport the rest of the refugees? I was hoping to have them and our injured out within forty-eight hours, followed by the rest of our troops a day or so after that.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “I can do that for sure, and in the meantime Zecora can assist the wounded, while Applejack helps wherever needed.”

“I could use a strong arm or claw reinforcing the perimeter,” Seal exclaimed, turning around in her chair to eye up the enormous zerg hybrid. “I’ll be honest, I don't trust ya, but me and mine will give you a chance at least.”

Applejack nodded. “That's all I ask.”

My queen, are you sure about this? I will not be able to communicate with them, Zecora cautioned.

“How far away are your wounded from the teleportation room?” Twilight questioned.

“Just down the hall,” replied Air Heart.

“Don't worry, I’ll be close in case you need me,” Twilight declared, turning to Zecora.

Zecora let out a gurgled sigh before nodding. If that is what you wish.

“By the way, you need not worry about my forces in your teleportation estimates,” Blueblood began, gesturing to the map of Canterlot. “We can easily slip through their ranks and escape the city on our own terms. After which we will regroup and meet back up with the main army at a later date.”

“Provided you don't just sneak off and never come back,” declared Seal, who shot a glare at the dark templar.

“I think my nephew has proven his loyalty several times over by now,” Celestia interrupted, the alicorn placing heavy emphasis on the word nephew.

“My apologies,” Seal quickly replied, the mare giving Blueblood a curt nod.

“I don't blame you, this entire fiasco has left everyone more than a little paranoid,” Blueblood remarked.

“Very true,” Air Heart murmured, his gaze flicking over Twilight and the two other infested in the room.

Ignore him, Twilight thought, I feel as though he is just putting on a show.

If you say so, my queen, Zecora replied, the zebra’s thoughts making it abundantly clear that she did not appreciate the pony’s remark.

Celestia cleared her throat, gathering everyone’s attention. “Before we resume our duties, I was hoping to open the floor, so to speak, and get everyone’s opinion on what exactly Nightmare Moon is planning. Starting with Twilight, as you’ve actually seen what her troops have been doing outside of Canterlot, have you not?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “I have, and I think she is trying to sow chaos in order to stop the ponies of Equestria from mobilizing en masse. Her forces are powerful and well organized, but not numerous enough to stand up against the rest of the country.”

“But… why?” questioned the armored earth pony. “Does she hope to bleed out the entire nation and then rule over a country of corpses?”

“Or a world of the dead,” remarked Karmic.

“I want to disagree with you, as Nightmare Moon only ever desired people to appreciate her night more than the day. She even allowed the sun to rise in the past, though evidently something has changed,” Celestia explained. “Now I’m not quite so certain as to what her end goal is. Or even if she has one for that matter.”

“She has to, though, right?” Applejack inquired.

“One would assume as much,” Karmic stated.

“You’ve been rather quiet, Prince Blueblood. What do you think?” Air Heart asked in an almost conspiratorial tone.

“I think that it is very possible that she intends on killing the world,” Blueblood remarked after a moment of silence. “She desires her control to be absolute, and she could never do that unless she could recreate the whole of society in her image.”

“Which wouldn't be possible unless she started with a very low population and altered all facets of their existence,” Twilight concluded.

“That is… disturbing,” Celestia murmured, her features darkening for a moment. “Let us set aside such grim thoughts for the moment and return to our duties.”

The other creatures all nodded, and Celestia watched as they left before filing out behind them with Twilight and her hybrids close on the alicorn’s heels. Once out of the rather dark room, Celestia gave her wings a single flap, stretching the appendages before looking down at her student.

“Right then,” Celestia began. “Applejack, you will find Zealous down this hall and to the left.”

The hydralisk hybrid nodded. “I will see you soon, my queen,” Applejack offered.

“Try to have some patience with this lot. They seem to be a little more open-minded than most,” Twilight replied.

Applejack smiled faintly. “I will try.”

With that, the towering zerg turned away, slithering her way down the hallway and weaving around visibly unnerved ponies.

Do you think it is wise to split up like this? Zecora questioned as they turned and followed Celestia deeper into the wing.

We are fine, Zecora. Celestia has explained our circumstances and vetted every pony here. Plus we are only a teleport away form one another, Twilight thought back.

If you say so, Zecora replied after a short pause.

The three walked the rest of the way in silence, with Celestia’s gaze becoming distant, the alicorn clearly considering her advisor’s words carefully. Twilight felt her attention drawn to the windows, where she could see squads of Nightmare Moon’s soldiers hacking away at the barrier. Some wielded great pickaxes while others fired beams of energy, and a select few stood at the back, building large dispel runes into the ground.

None of which seemed to affect Celestia’s shield in the slightest, but that didn't stop them from trying and Celestia’s own soldiers from eyeing their enemies carefully. Though few in number, Twilight could see that squads of golden-armored soldiers patrolled the perimeter or flew over head. None got very close to the bubble of magic, and while some were calm, the majority of the ponies outside the safety of the castle eyed the nearest enemy closely.

Zecora on the other hoof was unreadable, the zerg hybrid’s mind exuding an aura of worry, though Twilight wasn't sure if it was for the three of them, or all of the castle’s residents. Either way, the unicorn got the impression that her newest friend wouldn't let her down, despite her own fears and doubts. That, in Twilight’s mind was all that mattered, and the unicorn focused herself on the path ahead, letting the world fall away so she may better plan her coming moves.

A few minutes later the trio arrived at a particularly well-guarded hallway near the center of the night wing where every set of double doors had at least one soldier standing guard. Every window had also been sealed with hastily stacked bricks, as well as glowing runes of reinforcement, doubling their protective benefits. Not only that, but there were far more ponies in this section, most of whom hardly gave Celestia and her small entourage a second look.

Some were hauling heavy boxes or wounded, while others were readying defensive lines, or were part of a select few who were bedding down in the impromptu barracks built in what used to be a kitchen. Either way, it was a hive of activity that made the previous area appear ill-used by comparison, and in an odd way this picked up Twilight’s spirits. So many ponies had remained loyal to Celestia and even a good number of unicorns had resisted the houses’ machinations.

“Where is the legion you formed all those years ago?” Twilight questioned. “I don't see them anywhere.”

“I sent them either with the refugees, or utilized their services in securing the castle grounds after Nightmare Moon’s initial assault before sending them through in order to start establishing a base,” Celestia explained, nodding to a passing guard. “We will need space to house everyone as my calculations were slightly off in that regard.”

Twilight smirked as she remembered the sheer amount of dwellings Celestia had ordered constructed for seemingly no reason. “That's a shocker. I would have thought you would have nailed that one perfectly,” Twilight remarked.

Celestia chuckled. “It was you who ruined my plan by distracting Nightmare Moon and ensuring that more Canterlot citizens escaped the devastation.”

“Pfft, you totally calculated for that possibility, you aren't fooling anyone,” Twilight replied.

“True--oh, here you are, Zecora.” Celestia stopped and gestured to a set of double doors guarded by two golden-armored unicorns. “You will find the wounded through here and don't worry, like I said, Twilight and I will be right at the end of this hallway.”

Zecora peered down to the end of the hall and nodded slowly. I will require an assistant, access to all available alchemical equipment, and a chalkboard.

Twilight turned and quickly relayed the zebra’s request to Celestia.

Who nodded. “Shimmer Spear, did you catch all that?”

The guard jumped. “Oh uh, yeah. Would you like me to do all that?”

“If you would be so kind,” Celestia replied.

The guard nodded quickly. “Right away. ma’am.” He opened the door wide with his magic. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll make sure you get everything you need.”

Zecora looked him up and down before letting out a slow exhale. I suppose you will have to do. I will speak with you soon, my queen.

“Don't work too hard,” Twilight offered as the zebra hybrid trundled through the door and vanished into the hustle and bustle.

“I hope she gets along with the other healers. I would hate for her presence to become an issue,” Celestia exclaimed, the pair trotting down the hall together as they continued to speak.

Twilight shook her head. “What she lacks in tact, she more than makes up for in skill. If they give her the chance to show her worth, then things will go smoothly.”

Celestia smiled warmly. “Then I don't see it being a problem at all.”

“That is good to hear,” Twilight declared.

Celestia paused before the final set of doors, which rose all the way to the ceiling and were constructed from some manner of pitch black wood. Two more unicorn guards stood on either side of them, their spears resting against their shoulders and tired expressions on their faces.

“Not enough guards to replace you two?” Celestia questioned.

The mare to the right sighed. “I’m afraid not, ma’am. Don't worry though, Dauntless and I are just fine.”

The other guard nodded. “That’s right.”

“Well, we don't need both of you here at the moment, so flip a coin or something to see that at least someone gets the rest they need,” Celestia offered.

The two guards exchanged a nod and a shrug. “Sounds fair, what do you think?” asked the mare.

“Quite fair indeed,” replied the other.

“Best of luck,” Celestia remarked before pushing her way inside.

Twilight followed her mentor closely, the unicorn’s comment dying on her lips the second she laid eyes on the strange space which she had just walked into.

The room itself was hexagon-shaped and was completely dominated by an enormous set of matrices inlaid in the floor. The deep purple ground was broken up by glowing golden lines which fed towards a circle that lay at the center of the room. This raised platform stood only a foot from ground level and was just barely large enough for a handful of ponies to stand comfortably upon.

Glancing over the many symbols which were spread across the floor and fed into the middle, Twilight quickly understood two things. One, it could only send a group to the location it was linked with, which was presumably somewhere in the confederacy. Two, there was a secondary protection matrix which caused a bubble of force which would spring into existence a second before the teleport fired.

Filing that information away for later, Twilight looked once more about the space, scanning the many dutiful attendants and crates of supplies which ringed the exterior. Detailed scanning spells flashed every few seconds as a squad of unicorns inspected the circle for any damage. Several other ponies could be seen operating a trio of large orbs which looked out over various points of the castle’s exterior.

Occasionally a higher-ranking guard would speak to one of the operators and cause their image to be blown up before being displayed on the wall. All in all, it looked like the nerve center of Celestia’s operation, her only escape route, and her last bastion of defence all rolled into one. It was also positively humming with energy, the matrix no doubt being powered up at this very moment in order to move the next batch of important ponies.

“This is quite impressive,” Twilight remarked.

Celestia smiled. “It was originally planned as a simple proof of concept which would allow government VIPs to escape in case of an emergency, but after everything that idea needed to be scrapped.”

“Well, at least it's sort of serving its original purpose,” Twilight added.

“That it is, though it was never intended for such high volumes and needs to be repaired frequently,” Celestia admitted. “Now then, we have a few minutes before the technicians give us the all clear. Which should be enough time to go over the power transfer spell I taught you last year.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and lit her horn, moving through the various steps of the spell in a matter of moments. “You mean like that?” Twilight countered.

Celestia blinked. “Well, I guess a refresher wasn't needed after all.”

“Which gives us time to discuss the backup plan you have put in place, should you be rendered unconscious before you could destroy that,” Twilight whispered.

Celestia sighed. “Would you be angry if I said I didn't have one?”

Twilight massaged her temples with her forehooves. “Yes, yes I would.”

“And now you’re going to argue that I should entrust you with the knowledge of how to accomplish my mission, should I be incapacitated and thus unable to do so,” Celestia continued.

Twilight nodded. “I think we’ve had this argument one too many times.”

“Yes, it is getting rather repetitive, isn't it?” Celestia mused aloud.

“Quite,” Twilight concluded.

Celestia’s gaze grew distant, lingering on the many ponies which scurried this way and that, each one going about their tasks at a quick, yet unhurried pace. For a long moment the two mares stood there, one deep in contemplation, while the other was simply wondering if this was going to end like most other arguments did.

And she was right, as it did indeed end as it usually did.

“Fine, I suppose having a backup would help,” Celestia reluctantly admitted.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “You always have a plan B except when your plan A amounts to you shouldering ninety percent of the burden. At what point are you going to realize that’s not the best idea?”

Celestia chuckled mirthlessly. “Probably another decade or so. You are wearing down over a half millennium of stubborness, after all.”

“Well then, I guess I know what I’m doing for the next ten years,” Twilight quipped, smirking up at her teacher.

Who smiled back at her. “And I look forward to every moment of it.”

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