• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,391 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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A Darker World

Twilight trod through the underbrush, her heavy hooffalls rendered silent by the thick spongy layer of moss that covered the ground. Behind her she could hear her friends and allies making their way quietly out of Zecora’s home and waiting just out of sight. In time she would join them and return to Ponyville under the cover of night, before leaving for Canterlot.

But first there was something she needed to do, something that she had desperately hoped would never need doing. It was a selfish thought, Twilight knew, yet despite how mature she was, the unicorn was still young, and youth had a way of blinding people to what they knew was coming.

Even death became strangely distant, turning into something Twilight wouldn't have to deal with for another fifty years or perhaps longer still. Even after choosing a more dangerous career and deciding to stand by Celestia’s side as enemies gathered, Twilight had hoped for the best. Now that she was actually faced with the ramifications of those choices, Twilight felt all her vaunted willpower and determination begin to bleed away.

The unicorn brushed aside a stray branch and trotted down a slight indent before hopping up over the other side. Flattening a spiky bush with her magic, Twilight strode into the small grove, her eyes scanning the area she found herself in. The space she now stood in was small, almost cramped due to the huge, silver-leafed tree standing before her, its bark reflecting the moonlight.

The result was surprisingly beautiful, though that beauty was besmirched by the sight of the moon and the memories it brought back. Despite the sting and budding anger that welled in her chest, Twilight couldn't bring herself to curse the pony who caused such pain. In that moment she felt tired, exhausted even, though she had spent a week doing nothing but sleeping.

Her knees felt like gelatin, and the mare collapsed before the recently disturbed earth that lay before the base of the tree. Looking down, Twilight imagined that her old friend was now nestled in the bosom of the strange silver plant. Twilight wiped a stray tear from her eye before turning her attention upward to where the moon poked through a hole in the foliage.

The familiar shape of the Mare in the Moon was gone, turning the celestial object nearly completely white. All save for the scattered craters which dotted its surface, giving it a slightly worn look to the otherwise pearlike object. In the silence that followed, Twilight wondered what kind of words would best be spoken in a time like this.

After coming up with a whole lot of nothing, Twilight decided to do what Silver Bulwark likely would have done.

Trust her gut.

“Thank you, by the way,” Twilight announced suddenly. “You really helped me when I was younger, and though I think I may have been fine without you, I don't think that pony I would have become would have been me.”

The mare chuckled bitterly, her gaze lingering on the metallic bark which covered the silver leaf tree. “You know, it's kinda funny. One of the first things I felt after having heard you died was relief. I thought to myself, hey, at least she doesn't have any close friends or family, so I don't have to feel guilty about burying her in the woods.

“I know how that sounds,” Twilight hastily added, tears dripping down her cheeks. “But I know that I would have carried your body all the way back to Canterlot if that had been what you wanted. And well, that would have certainly complicated matters.”

Twilight chuckled bitterly to herself. “At least here I can say goodbye and feel like I have given you at least some of the respect you deserved. Maybe after I avenge you, I’ll come back and give you at least a head stone of some kind, but knowing you, you probably wouldn't care either way.

“You probably would’ve looked me in the eye, scoffed, and said something like, ‘Why bother? If I’m dead, it's not like I’ll be around to give you a pat on the back and tell you the epitaph looks nice.’ And then you probably would have told me to stop talking about such nonsense.” Twilight sniffed.

“I’m still going to do it, anyway,” she whispered. “Get you that headstone, I mean. I might even write something nice on it. Or maybe I’ll just scratch Here lies an old goat on it and call it a day.”

Twilight sniffed, wiping a hoof down her face. “You’ll be happy to know I ditched the jacket at least. Though now that I can't cast any of the usual illusion spells, I can hardly even pass as a pony anymore. I only hope that people have bigger things to worry about than one weirdo with freaky eyes and a weird foreleg.

“But I’m rambling,” Twilight stated. “I admit that a part of me thinks that if I don't ever stop talking, then I won’t ever have to say goodbye, but in the end it's going to have to happen. Which is why I’m going to do it right now.”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Goodbye.”

She stood up suddenly and was about to turn around, only to stop. “I knew I couldn't do it. There is something left undone,” she muttered.

The mare paused and looked around, quickly locating a sharp rock poking out of the ground. Gripping it in a hoof, Twilight trotted over to the tree and quickly scratched a message into the surprisingly soft bark. Once done, Twilight tossed the rock aside and walked away, putting the grave as well as her message firmly behind her.

A message that was as simple and straightforward as the pony it was addressed to.

Here lies Silver Bulwark, the kindest old goat in Equestria.

Leaping over the slight indent, Twilight paused just before she broke through the treeline, using her hoof to wipe away her tears. Once she was certain that she was at least slightly more presentable, Twilight pushed her way past the tree cover. Where she could see most of her friends standing patiently, some quiet, others shifting from hoof to hoof and looking around nervously.

Zecora, are you almost ready? Twilight inquired, sensing that the strange zebra hybrid was nearby.

I am, my queen. I also have enough supplies to get us to Canterlot, Zecora thought back, the zebra appearing from around the bend of her house, a tentacle shaking out the last contents of a bottle onto the ground.

“Alright, are you ready to move?” Twilight asked, stepping up to the group.

“Are you sure you don't need more time?” asked Spike, his clawed hand gripping tight the heavy shawl Zecora wore.

“I’m sure,” Twilight declared.

“Do you want to talk about it?” inquired Applejack gently, the towering hydralisk lowering herself to Twilight’s height.

“If I do that I’ll just get angry, and sad.” The unicorn sighed. “Besides, we still have a job left to do.”

“I suppose,” murmured Applejack.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward and nodded before turning towards the path leading to Ponyville.

“Well, I suppose that answers that,” remarked an orange-eyed Rarity, who moved to follow the pegasus.

Twilight nodded to the infested members of her party, who all fell into a loose formation with Twilight at its center. “We should try to move quickly. While we are walking, I’ll tell you all about the strange vision I received while I was recuperating,” Twilight announced.

“Are you sure it was a vision and not just some sort of dream?” Scootaloo asked, poking her head out from under Fluttershy’s barrel. “Nightmare Moon was supposed to be able to control the dream space thingy, wasn't she?”

“She does, though I have a feeling she's too busy to split her attention quite yet,” Twilight exclaimed.

“I h-hope we d-d-don't have to w-worry about nightmares t-too,” Fluttershy whispered nervously.

Spike shuddered. “I don't like the sound of someone else being in my dreams. It's bad enough having Twilight in my head.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I have some theories on how to shield us from such a thing, should it become a problem. Right now we need to focus, as I’m hoping you guys will be able to help me understand just what that vision meant.”

I for one believe you, Zecora offered.

Thanks, Zecora, thought Twilight before taking a deep breath. “Okay, so it started by showing me all of the events that happened since my arrival in Ponyville, but something was different, and I didn't notice it at first…”

“That certainly is strange,” remarked Applejack as she lifted a large, low-hanging branch out of the way.

“I think it w-was r-r-real,” Fluttershy offered, the mare stepping over a fallen log and helping Scootaloo and Spike over the small obstacle.

“I’m glad you think so,” Twilight replied. “Because that didn't feel like any dream I’ve ever had before. It was too detailed and far too strange to be the product of my unconscious mind.”

Rainbow Dash snorted almost as if she were laughing.

An orange-eyed Rarity nodded. “I’ve never heard of a vision or whatever, but there was one time I drank the strange water daddy hides in the cupboard, and I couldn't see straight. Maybe you drank something funny before you went to sleep.”

The unicorn sighed, her face becoming bright red as her eyes became teal. “That was alcohol, you ditz, you could have killed us,” murmured the pony.

Twilight cleared her throat, stopping the argument before it could take off. “Regardless of whether or not it was a vision or a dream, I feel as though it would be wise to act as if it were showing me real events. After all, there may very well be enemies around every corner.”

I know of several potions that may induce such a state, though none that could impart such detail, Zecora remarked. The spirit of Equus must have visited you, though I do not know what it wishes for you to do with the information it’s given.

“It does sound like the most logical scenario,” Spike pointed out, the nearly blind dragon stumbling over a patch of moss and being caught by Scootaloo. “Thanks.”

Scootaloo blushed. “No problem.”

“We can speak more on the subject later, I think we are almost there,” Twilight declared, the unicorn stepping forward, only to be stopped by a thought from Zecora.

Wait, something is strange, alert our companions, Zecora exclaimed.

Applejack reached out with a claw, stopping Rainbow Dash in place. “Wait a sec. Zecora has a bad feeling.”

The pegasus turned back to the hooded zebra, shooting her a curious look.

The zebra stepped forward and leaned down, several tentacles weaving in the air before her. Then, just when Twilight was convinced the zebra was confused or simply wasting their time, Zecora lifted a wide leaf and tossed it aside, revealing a large patch of blue and purple mushrooms that grew several inches high, small spikes sticking out of their tops.

“Extremely poisonous, advise alternate route,” Fluttershy announced suddenly, the infested pegasus tugging at Spike and Scootaloo.

Agreed. We need to give these a wide berth. The cloud of poison they emit is deadly even to a manticore, Zecora explained.

Twilight pursed her lips and used what little magic she had to clear the detritus away from the rest of the path, revealing dozens of the same mushroom. “Lead the way, Zecora,” Twilight declared.

Rarity seemed ready to argue, but her eyes shifted to teal, and all such resistance vanished.

Together the group walked around the patch of fungus, making slow, but steady progress towards the treeline. No other obstacles presented themselves however, and only a minute later they were standing at the edge of the forest. Nothing could prepare them for what they were about to witness, however, and even Twilight was surprised by what they beheld.

For what they saw was not the quiet, peaceful Ponyville they had left behind only a few days earlier, but rather a town overrun with chaos.

Strange flowers sprouted everywhere, their bulbous heads having opened to reveal sharp, triangle-shaped petals colored a deep red. Their stems were a vibrant orange, and the grass around them was stained crimson, as if blood had replaced pollen. Those weren't the only strange plants that dotted the town however, as large vines grew up the sides of many houses. In addition, several gigantic mushrooms had sprouted from the earth, towering over most of the one-story homes.

The ponies didn't seem much better off, as even from a distance, Twilight could tell there had been at least one major fight. Several homes were little more than burnt out husks, and Twilight could see groups of armed ponies patrolling the outskirts of town. Though they seemed to be normal ponies, and not zealots sent by the houses, Twilight couldn't get a good enough look to be certain of that.

“Here's the plan,” Twilight whispered, lowering herself below the ridge line. “Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and I will go into town while the rest of you wait here.”

“G-good thinking, my q-q-queen,” Fluttershy stuttered.

“I wish I could come with you, but I think that would do more harm than good. Maybe we can at least find some more food or something,” muttered Applejack bitterly.

“If you can, that would be great, but don't risk it.” Twilight sighed. “I wish I could bring you as well, but only I can pass as a normal pony, while the rest of you… not so much.”

“Rude,” Spike remarked.

“I m-might be able t-t-to,” exclaimed Fluttershy.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy, but we can't risk it,” Twilight replied firmly. “Now stay low. I do not want to have to fight the town guard because someone got a little too curious.”

It will be done, my queen, Zecora declared, bowing slightly.

“I suppose we could at least watch and try to figure out what happened ‘round here,” Applejack offered.

“Y-yes. Though I h-h-hope that no m-monsters come,” Fluttershy murmured nervously.

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide. “That's a possibility?”

Their natural way of life has become disrupted. We were lucky to have not run into any on the way here, Zecora explained.

“Just lay low, is all. Hopefully we can avoid any wandering monsters, or ponies, for that matter,” Twilight interrupted.

“Right,” exclaimed Spike.

“Are we going or what?” Rarity replied, tapping her hoof impatiently.

“We are. Come on, Rainbow Dash. Let's get moving,” Twilight announced, stepping over the small hill and proceeding towards town, Rarity and Rainbow Dash tight on her heels.

As she approached Ponyville Twilight couldn't help but wish she had her magic, or at least more of her psychic powers. If she had magic, she could turn them invisible or, if she had her powers, she could simply wipe the mind of any who may find them. Without either of those things, she was just a weirdly strong unicorn who may have known how to fight, but did not currently have a weapon.

Now all she had were her wits and her companions to count on as she hastily sprinted her way across the field. Though her muscles ached, and a few bolts of pain ran up her legs, Twilight was able to reach the edge of town in little time. Leaning against the burnt out husk of what had once been someone’s home, Twilight peeked around the corner.

A pair of ponies with weapons strapped to their sides stood down the road, one alert while the other looked on with a bored, placid expression. Though they wore leather armor, only the alert young stallion had one fitted for a pony his size while his companion’s was far too large. The older unicorn mare tugged at her loose leather jacket and muttered bitterly under her breath.

They didn't seem to be official guards, that much was obvious, but they also didn't seem to be opportunistic raiders either. The age difference between them was also significant, and after mentally contacting Fluttershy, Twilight was able to figure out their former professions. Namely that the young stallion had been a wood cutter with a penchant for exploring the Everfree while the other was a retired school teacher.

Which meant that some kind of militia had been formed, likely by whoever had survived the battle that had taken place here. When the duo turned to leave, Twilight signalled for Rarity and Rainbow Dash to stay down, only moving after the militia ponies were completely out of sight. After that they sprinted from one house to another, avoiding any that appeared to be occupied until they neared Rarity’s boutique.

Crouched in a narrow alleyway between two now abandoned stores, Rarity’s eyes went wide. “Woah. I own that?” she whispered, looking up at the large structure.

Her eyes shifted. “Yes, now would you stay quiet? We need to check if anyone is there and see if we can locate our emergency supplies.”

Rarity nodded, turning to Twilight. “Ready when you are.”

Twilight glanced to Rainbow Dash, and after getting the impression that she was ready as well, peeked out around the corner. Three ponies were dragging rubble out of a destroyed building down the road, but their backs were turned. Giving one last nod to her two companions, Twilight sprinted across the road, her horn alight with a simple unlocking spell.

Which turned out to be needed as the entrance to the boutique was firmly locked, though there were no lights on inside. After pushing open the door, Rainbow Dash and Rarity quickly slipped inside, followed by Twilight who slowly closed the door behind them. Breathing a sigh of relief, Twilight turned around to find that everything seemed to appear normal, at least on first glance anyway.

A toppled rack of clothes set Twilight immediately on edge, and she lowered herself slightly, creeping through the shop. Her psychic abilities remained dull and ineffectual, but from what Twilight could tell, someone or something was nearby. However, she couldn't tell the distance or even if they were above or below the trio.

Creeping to the back of the shop, Twilight slipped through a door and into what looked like a kitchen. One that had been used recently, if the smell of burnt toast and dirty dishes were anything to go by. Slipping down a side hall, Twilight paused at the bottom of a flight of stairs, glancing to Rarity curiously after the mare prodded Twilight’s shoulder.

“I have a feeling they are upstairs, but I don't want to surprise them,” Rarity whispered. “I’m going to try something. Just trust me, okay?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“Fine, but be ready to run in case you're wrong,” Twilight replied.

Rarity nodded, cleared her throat, and turned towards the stairs. “Sweetie Belle! Are you here?” she called, raising her voice slightly.

After a second of silence, a door opened somewhere above them, and the flickering light of a candle was barely visible. Whispering could be heard from above them, and though Twilight wanted to run, or at least find a knife to defend herself, she stayed put. The hushed conversation ended a few seconds later after which a large, heavyset unicorn with a short stubby horn peered out from around the top of the stairs.

The stallion’s shoulders fell the second he laid eyes on Rarity, his jaw falling open. “Is that really you, my little pin cushion?” he whispered in disbelief.

Rarity nodded. “It's really me, daddy.”

“W-wait,” exclaimed the moustached stallion. “Who are these two and what’s up with that one’s eyes?”

Rarity gently pulled Twilight out of the shadows. “This is Twilight Sparkle. She was sent by Princess Celestia in order to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration, and this is Rainbow Dash, who had been in charge of the weather. They saved my life after, well… you probably know why.”

The brown-maned stallion furrowed his brow as he stared closely at Rainbow Dash. “How did she manage the weather if she doesn't have… oh, goodness.” He gulped and quickly stepped aside. “I’m very sorry for my crass remark, please come in.”

Rainbow Dash merely nodded slowly, while trotting behind Rarity, who was eagerly hopping up the stairs two at a time.

Upon reaching the top, Rarity immediately wrapped her hooves around the stallion’s shoulders, squeezing him tightly. “You have no idea how much I missed you,” exclaimed the mare.

“I missed you too, Rarity, but what's wrong with your eyes? You don't got whatever she does, do ya?” asked the stallion, gazing curiously at Rarity’s now orange orbs.

Twilight chuckled to herself. “No, she definitely doesn't have what I do.”

“I’ll explain everything, but first, where is Sweetie Belle?” inquired Rarity.

“She’s in the other room,” replied the stallion.

“And mommy?” asked Rarity hesitantly.

The stallion sighed. “Right before this whole thing happened, she just up and left. Didn't say a word either, just teleported away in the middle of dinner.”

Rarity nodded slowly. “We need to talk. A lot has happened.”

“Sure seems like it,” murmured the stallion who turned towards Rainbow Dash and Twilight. “You two make yourselves at home. We don't have much, but feel free to help yourselves to whatever is in the fridge. May as well make sure it doesn't go to waste.”

“Thank you. We’ll wait down stairs for whenever you're done, Rarity,” Twilight whispered, touching the other unicorn’s shoulder.

“T-thanks,” muttered the mare, who sighed and turned to the stallion. “Now I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but-”

Twilight put the rest of the conversation out of mind, trotting down the steps and back into the kitchen. Once there, she cracked open the now room-temperature fridge and peered inside, quickly finding a half-eaten salad. Taking it out, Twilight sat down at the table and levitated the first bunch into her mouth, chewing the slightly soggy leaves slowly.

Following her example, Rainbow Dash plunked down across from Twilight, a pear in hoof. Together the pair ate their meals in silence, after which they located two cups and a pitcher of clean water. Sipping at the warm liquid, Twilight felt her mind begin to wander, her thoughts going to her own parents.

Though neither of them were perfect, one even less so than the other, Twilight still found herself hoping they had both made it out okay. The apartment they had been living in was at least somewhat close to the docks, so it was possible in Twilight’s opinion. Though without any idea of how the battle had started, or how things had gone down, Twilight couldn't be sure.

That feeling of hope remained though, and Twilight refused to give up on them unless she was faced with their lifeless bodies. Then and only then would she allow herself to believe that they were truly gone and until that happened, Twilight chose to believe they were safe. The unicorn was startled out of her reverie by the sound of hooves coming down the stairs, with Rarity’s father appearing around the corner a second later.

He looked dishevelled, as if he had aged several years during the brief conversation he had with his daughter. His hoofsteps were heavy and plodding, the stallion not looking up even as he passed the two mares by. Only after he had retrieved a bottle of what looked like bourbon from above the sink and sat down next to Twilight did he say anything.

“This just keeps getting worse, huh?” he muttered.

Twilight nodded. “I don't think it's going to get better for a long while, Mister…”

“Hondo,” replied the stallion, who unscrewed the cap and took a swig straight from the bottle. “Augh, why did I even keep this stuff?”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow.

“Out of all the things to save from our burning home, I grabbed this stupid thing,” Hondo continued, shaking the bottle for emphasis. “Sure I grabbed other stuff, but for some reason my brain thought this was important. I may have been saving it for a couple years, but it's just booze.”

“Well, at least it could be used to disinfect wounds. I think,” Twilight offered.

“It's certainly got a high enough percentage anyway,” Hondo admitted. “Would you like some?”

Twilight shook her head.

Rainbow Dash, however, swiped the bottle and took a gulp of the liquid, grunting as it slid down her throat.

“Your friend is a tough one,” remarked Hondo.

“That she is.” Twilight turned to the male. “I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.”

“Shoot. I got a few of my own, but you can go first,” Hondo replied.

“First. What happened here?” Twilight began, the unicorn gesturing toward the nearby window.

Hondo’s gaze fell, and he stared blankly down at the table. “After everyone realized the sun wasn't rising on time, ponies started freaking out. It didn't last long thankfully, as the mayor quickly got the crowd under control, but it was clear ponies were shaken. It didn't help that everyone who had trained with the khala had vanished at about the same time.”

“And why didn't you?” Twilight asked pointedly. “After all, both your daughter and wife both fell in with that cult.”

Hondo tapped his short, stubby horn. “Underdeveloped wellspring and too much earth pony in me. The houses didn't want me, just my girls.” He sighed. “Thank the stars Sweetie Belle was too young. I don't know what I would have done if she had vanished as well.”

“And the fires?” Twilight pressed.

“They started sometime during the uh ‘night’,” Hondo explained, adding air quotes around the word. “We aren't sure how it started, but in the panic some less than scrupulous ponies took it as an opportunity to settle old grudges. After that Mayor Mare set up a curfew, a militia, and has been keeping everyone near the center of town.”

“Any word from the rest of Equestria?” Twilight inquired.

Hondo shook his head. “The telegram lines were cut. A few pegasi tried to see what was happening near the other major towns, but only Derpy made it back, and she hasn't been the same since.”

Twilight sighed, massaging her temples. “Great. Just great.”

Rainbow Dash tapped the table, gathering everyone’s attention before pointing up.

“We haven't been able to deal with the weather given what's been going on. That and the clouds have grown tougher for some reason,” Hondo replied.

“I think she's asking about Cloudsdale,” Twilight offered.

Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Oh. They pushed the city higher into the sky, but I don't know how long they are going to be able to stay up there, given how cold it's gotten,” Hondo remarked sadly.

Frowning, Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof and stared out a nearby window, her gaze distant.

“And where do you plan on going?” Hondo asked, leaning on the table.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”

“Now don't give me that. I can tell you aren't about to stick around. Plus you got the look of a planner about ya, so I figured you're the person to ask,” Hondo retorted.

Rainbow Dash smirked.

Twilight nodded slowly. “You are right, I don't plan on staying here long. I intend on going to Canterlot and sending your daughter as well as most of my companions to the confederacy where we will meet back up in a few days hopefully. After that I’m going to have to muster an army and defeat Nightmare Moon.”

The stallion slowly raised a bushy eyebrow. “Now that's quite the plan you got there. Is this confederacy place safe?”

“Safer than here anyway,” Twilight replied simply.

Hondo hummed thoughtfully to himself. “Would they take other refugees?”

“I assume so,” Twilight answered.

Rainbow Dash shot Hondo a questioning look.

“I ask because staying here doesn't seem to be an option anymore,” Hondo explained. “We’ve managed to harvest what we can before the cold took the crops, but it isn't a lot. Worse yet, the Everfree is out of control, and I doubt that the militia could fight off even a single manticore if it came down to it.”

“And that's without considering the possibility that the great houses may send their forces in this direction,” Twilight added.

Hondo nodded slowly. “Exactly. We won't survive a month out here without help. Something that seems less and less likely with each passing day, or night, or whatever.”

Rainbow Dash nodded confidently.

Twilight hummed, tapping her chin while deep in thought. “I’ll draw you a map and send word ahead that you’ll be coming. You might have to walk for quite a while, but it will be easy to follow the tracks once you find them.”

I don't mean to interrupt, my queen, Zecora thought. But Applejack wishes to interject in your conversation, though she does not believe she has the right to do so.

“One moment,” Twilight muttered before turning away from the stallion. Yes, Applejack, what is it?

S-sorry, boss. I just wanted to see if you could ask that Hondo fella to try and talk my family into joining him when he leaves Ponyville, Applejack hesitantly declared. I know they are right stubborn, but even they gotta see the writing on the walls when it's this obvious. Plus maybe if they knew I was out there, they would come.

Good thinking, Twilight replied, turning back to Hondo. “Sorry about that. I’ve had a bit of a migraine recently.”

The stallion lifted an eyebrow. “Is that so? Well, getting back on topic, I think that may be our best shot. Though I’ll have to talk to Mayor Mare as well as the others.”

“In return for the map and help, could I ask a favor of you?” Twilight inquired.

Hondo nodded slowly. “I suppose I owe ya that much. Though it depends on watcha want.”

“I just want you to try and get the Apple family on board with this plan of ours,” Twilight replied. “Tell them that their daughter will meet them at the confederacy.”

“If that's all it is, then I suppose I can do that much,” Hondo exclaimed, leaning forward suddenly. “But we should get this map of yours sketched out before we go any further.”

“Do you have one of the surrounding area? It will be easier to explain things then,” Twilight replied.

Hondo nodded. “Sure do. Just give me a sec.”

The stallion promptly got up and left the room.

Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

The unicorn tapped her head. “Applejack put in the request.”

The pegasus nodded slowly.

A few seconds later Hondo re-emerged, a large topographical map held aloft in his weak magical field. “I hope this is good enough,” he exclaimed, plunking back down beside Twilight.

The unicorn smiled. “This is perfect. Now what you are going to want to do is start here and then work your way towards-”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash stood near the main entrance to the boutique, a new set of saddle bags draped over their withers. Though not exactly bulging, they were relatively full, including a decent amount of medical supplies. Twilight had even managed to find a loose-fitting black hoodie that would better hide her stranger features.

The only thing missing was Rarity, though a few seconds later the unicorn appeared from around the corner. The pony’s eyes had returned to their original teal color, signalling that the older version of Rarity was in charge. She too wore a pair of new saddle bags, though these weren't quite as full and had her cutie mark sewn onto them.

“Ready?” asked Twilight.

Rarity nodded. “I am, though my other self may need time to come to grips with our new reality.” She sighed. “I think seeing Sweetie Belle and realizing that they are now essentially the same age was enough to disturb the poor girl.”

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on the fashionista’s shoulder before nodding slowly and deliberately.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity whispered, patting Rainbow Dash’s hoof. “We’ll survive.”

Rainbow Dash took a step back and straightened her saddle bags.

“Alright, let's get going,” Twilight declared.

The infested unicorn leaned against the door, and after detecting no nearby ponies, pulled it open. Peering outside, Twilight’s assumption was proved correct, and the mare swiftly ducked around the side of the building. This time they went straight to the Everfree, traveling down the main road in front of the boutique all the way to the edge of town.

Once there, Twilight checked for any passing ponies, and after finding none, sprinted towards the tree line. Rainbow Dash and Rarity remained only a few steps behind the entire time, the two ponies easily keeping pace with Twilight’s longer legs. As they neared the trees, several shapes emerged, revealing themselves to be the rest of their companions.

With the only difference being that they seemed to have gained cloaks which obscured most of their forms. Even Pinkie Pie wore one of the rough brown outfits, her straight pink hair having been tucked away as to make her even harder to see. She was the only one of her friends who did not wear a saddle bag, her injuries making it difficult enough to walk without adding extra weight.

Crossing over the slight bump, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash rejoined their friends, with Twilight quickly doing a headcount.

“Good, were all here,” declared the infested unicorn. “I’m glad to see you found some more food and clothes”

Applejack waved a scythe-like limb towards the trees. “We raided Fluttershy’s cottage, plus we got lucky. There was a whole bush of fresh strawberries not far, as well as a pear tree.”

“This forest is weird,” remarked Spike.

That it is, and it is only going to grow weirder, I’m afraid, Zecora exclaimed. I sense that something foul is growing within the Everfree.

“W-whatever it is, I h-h-hope it doesn't like the cold,” murmured Fluttershy.

“Either way, we won't be here to deal with it,” Twilight declared. “I’ll fill you all in on what I’ve learned on the way. For now we should get moving.”

“Lead on,” declared Rarity.

Twilight collapsed to the ground, Pinkie Pie tumbling off her back.

The earth pony landed in a heap, only to be swiftly helped back up by Rainbow Dash.

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash, and sorry, Twilight. I didn't think I was that heavy,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Twilight waved a dismissive hoof, her chest heaving as she sucked in air. “It's nothing. I guess sleeping for an entire week took more out of me than I thought.”

You may be zerg, but you are also still a pony, Zecora pointed out, the zebra hybrid leaning against a nearby tree.

Spike sniffed the air. “I smell water. Are we close?”

Twilight glanced down from the hill they stood atop to where a hidden pair of tracks poked out through the underbrush. Next to it was the small creek Spike had already detected while around it stood towering redwoods which obscured the sky above them. Though far less chaotic than the Everfree forest, the White Tail Wood was evidently suffering under the endless night.

Strange mushrooms and odd flowers dotted the ground while thick vines grew around the trunks of many of the trees. It gave off the impression of a landscape being choked by the moonlight which continued to bear down on them despite having traveled for several hours. The wild life wasn't much better off, though thankfully the group had managed to evade the more dangerous predators.

Hopping over the creek, Twilight levitated Applejack across after her before doing the same for Spike. The rest of her friends followed shortly thereafter, sticking to Twilight’s heels as she followed the tracks. It wasn't long after that they ran into the simple hand car and the flat rail car attached to the back of it.

“You know, I was expecting more than this,” remarked Rarity.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “It's better than walking, and after you get past the Canterhorn, it will be all down hill.”

“I suppose there's that, though let's hope that’s not metaphorically down hill,” murmured Rarity idly.

Spike frowned and turned towards Twilight. “I suppose you're going to send me away, huh?”

Zecora patted the young dragon on the back. Do not be sad, young one. She will be safe in our company, as will you be in theirs.

“Still, I’m supposed to be with you through thick and thin,” muttered Spike bitterly, arms crossed over his chest.

Twilight sighed. “I know this isn't ideal, but they will need you there. You’re the only one of us who can confirm that you guys are not a threat.”

“You’re right, and I know that, but that doesn't change the fact that this still sucks,” Spike exclaimed, shoulders sagging.

“Chin up, Spike,” Twilight whispered, gently touching the dragon’s cheek. “You have an important job. Not only do you have to be there in order to ensure that Fluttershy and Scootaloo are accepted, but you also have to find the rest of our family.”

“True. I bet grandpa is worried sick right now,” Spike exclaimed.

“Exactly,” Twilight declared. “And right now you’re the only one who can put his mind at ease.”

“After this I’m not leaving your side though, got it?” Spike announced suddenly.

Twilight chuckled. “I know, Spike. You’ve told me this before already.”

“I’ll say it as many times as I need to,” retorted Spike.

Twilight smiled and gently pulled the dragon into a tight hug. “Be safe, my son.”

“I will, mom,” Spike whispered, squeezing Twilight tightly.

After several long seconds, the pair parted, with Twilight leading the dragon over to the cart, which was now packed with ponies. Rainbow Dash stood on the hand cart, ready to begin pumping the second she received a partner. Spike quickly filled this role, scrambling up the side and fumbling for the other half before settling into place.

“P-please c-c-come back to us soon, my queen,” pleaded Fluttershy.

Scootaloo grinned. “But also kick some Nightmare but while you're there!”

“I will. I promise,” Twilight declared.

“Don't do anything too crazy, alright?” asked Pinkie Pie, the earth pony having pulled back her hood.

“I won't let my anger get the better of me. Right now the only thing on my mind is saving Celestia and getting everyone back together in one piece,” Twilight announced, smiling confidently.

I will ensure our queen’s safety, this I swear, Zecora added, her pointed limb banging against her chest in emphasis.

“You can count on us,” added Applejack.

Twilight smiled. “This time will be different. This time we’ll win.”

“And I’ll have a welcome party waiting for you,” announced Pinkie Pie.

“I look forward to it,” replied Twilight.

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