• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 1,322 Views, 163 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet - CapNTilfy

Sour Sweet has been miserable for as long as she can remember. Little does she know what lies ahead for her... Book Three of the Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

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Downward Spiral

Author's Note:

Six days until the Friendship Games.

Sour Sweet's phone rang, abruptly waking her up.

"Shit!" she yelped, startled. She looked at the phone.

Now calling: Blueberry Dazzle

Sour Sweet growled, clenching her fists. "I am not in the mood for this shit!"

Sadly, you know you don't have much of a choice. Thought Sour Side.

Yeah, yeah. I know, Sour Sweet thought as she sighed heavily. She picked up the phone, put on her best face and answered the call.

"Hello, Mrs. Dazzle!" Sour Sweet said, forcing enthusiasm and cheer into her voice.

"Hello, Sour Sweet." Said a voice that always made Sour cringe and die a little on the inside.

Sour Sweet faltered momentarily, then smiled again. "What's up?"

"Please forgive me for misplacing your rent, Sour Sweet." Blueberry said in the most condescending tone possible. "You should probably pay double just to make up for it." Sour Sweet gritted her teeth and raised her free hand, giving her phone the middle finger while holding back all of her rage. "Oh, by the way...how's your 'imaginary friend' doing?" Blueberry asked. Sour Sweet could practically feel Sour Side trying to claw her way out in an effort to give that bitch a piece of her mind.

Neither Blueberry Dazzle nor Cinnamon Flash believed that mental illnesses were real, let alone Sour Sweet's bipolar issues. They just thought it was all an act for attention and pity, and they always mocked her by calling Sour Side her "imaginary friend".

Sour Sweet's breathing quickened and she trembled with absolute fury. With all of the effort she could muster, she kept her voice down and her tone positive. She forced a laugh. "She's...doing...just...fine." she said, struggling to keep her composure.

"Good to hear, Sour Sweet. I was simply checking in on you. Good day." Blueberry hung up.

Sour Sweet nearly let out a shriek of rage, but the voices she heard outside distracted her. She walked over to the nearest window and looked outside to see that Twilight girl and...Lemon Zest.

"Aww, that's sweet of you! But you're not my type!"

The memory echoed through her mind again, and she ran outside to confront Lemon. She ran outside and got close enough to get their attention. "Aww, look at you two!" She said sweetly. Lemon and Twilight both turned their heads. Twilight tensed up, and Lemon snarled. "You should get a room!" Sour said. "Don't think you can worm your way out of this one, Zest! There's no school staff to stop us!

"What are you even doing here, Sour?" said Lemon as she started fiddling with her phone.

"Well, this is the neighborhood I live in!" Sour said sweetly. "What'syourexcuse?!" she yelled.

"I was jogging. Twilight here just happened to be in the area." said Lemon. Twilight waved shyly.

"Well good for the both of you!" said Sour, slowly walking toward them.

Twilight started backing away slowly. Sour took notice of this.

"Oh, don't worry, Twilight! I won't hurt you..." Sour said sweetly. "It's her I'm after!" she gestured to Lemon. "We have a score to settle, after all!" Twilight continued to back away slowly.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sour." said Lemon.

Sour laughed. "Then what was yesterday's fight all about?"

Lemon's expression hardened. "You told Principal Cinch about my confession! You crossed the line and I was pissed! Of course I'd want to kick your ass! I lost my temper!" She finished fiddling with her phone. "Twilight!" she said.

"Eek!" Twilight yelped upon hearing her name.

Lemon tossed her phone at her new friend. "Catch!" she said.

Twilight was momentarily stunned, but then surprised herself by catching the phone. She gave Lemon a look of confusion. "What am I supposed to do?" she asked.

Her temper at its limit, Lemon shouted "Just read the fucking note and do it! I'm losing control here!" Twilight jumped, startled at Lemon's sudden outburst. She looked at the note, nodded, and ran away.

Sour's face twisted into a mocking grin. "New buddy's got your back, huh? Well I'll make sure she can have what's left of you when I'm finished!" she screamed as she rushed towards Lemon.

"We'll see about that!" said Lemon as she rushed towards Sour. "What the hell is your deal, anyway?" she said as she threw a punch at Sour's nose. Strong enough to make it bleed, but not to break it.

"You tell me!" Sour said. "You're the expert, apparently!" She kicked Lemon in the side, making her stagger. "You hit all the right spots. Yes! I admit I'm jealous!"

"So why me?" asked Lemon as she recovered from Sour's kick. "Surely there's other students you can pick on!"

"Oh, how noble of you!" said Sour.

"Hey, I'm sure someone would end up sticking up for that person even if they didn't stick up for themselves!" said Lemon as she dove under Sour and grabbed legs, forcing her to topple to the ground. "CPA may be a hellhole, but I still have faith in humanity!"

Sour laughed. "Listen to you, you sound like a cliche superhero!"

"Said the cliche alpha bitch!" Lemon said.

Sour rolled her eyes. "Does anyone ever wonder why the alpha bitch is the way she is? Doesn't she deserve sympathy?"

"Really?!" shouted Lemon. "You're playing the victim card?!" she said as she ran toward Sour.

"Did you ever bother to get to know me?!" said Sour.

"'Did I ever bother to get to know you?'" Lemon Zest yelled as her whole body was trembling with absolute fury. "'DID I EVER BOTHER TO GET TO KNOW YOU?!'" Tears were streaming down her face. She ran towards Sour Sweet at a speed that surprised both of them, then pinned her to the ground. "I tried to get to know you when I confessed my feelings to you! And you turned me down! LIKE. THE. BITCH. YOU. ARE!" she punctuated the last five words with the strongest punches she could muster to Sour Sweet's face. Before she could strike a sixth time, Sour saw a man grab her by the arms and lift her up. "Let me go!" Lemon shrieked. "I'm not done with her!"

Before Sour could take any further action, a woman picked her up off of the ground. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Unable to hold back her lingering fury, Sour stepped back and yelled "I don't need your pity!" The woman moved back a step, raising her arms and giving her space. Sour turned around and walked back to her home slowly. She opened the door, then slammed it shut. As the sound of the door echoed throughout the empty house, Sour Sweet collapsed into tears.