• Published 9th Jun 2018
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Before the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet - CapNTilfy

Sour Sweet has been miserable for as long as she can remember. Little does she know what lies ahead for her... Book Three of the Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

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Just Another Day

She can't treat you like that! thought Sour Side. Maybe she needs to be taught a lesson.

Sour Sweet blinked. You want me to teach a "lesson" to someone who just had a complete mental breakdown in the hallway? What the hell is wrong with you?! she thought.

Think of it this way. Those people pushed you around and look where doing nothing got you. An empty house with nobody in it! You have to make it known that you won't take any shit from anyone! Sour Side thought.

Sour Sweet's eyes narrowed and her blood boiled. You know what? You're right. she thought. Sour Side was always right.

Sour Sweet went to her sixth period class as she formulated a plan with Sour Side.


Telling Principal Cinch is pretty straightforward. thought Sour Sweet.

You don't seem to have a problem with it. thought Sour Side.

Sour Sweet shrugged. Meh. Whatever works.

Keeping her eye on the time, Sour walked up the stairs to Principal Cinch's office. She knocked on the door.

"Come in." said the principal from behind her office door.

Sour Sweet slowly approached Principal Cinch, wringing her hands as if to show uncertainty.

"Principal Cinch...I have an issue with Lemon Zest." Said Sour Sweet.

Principal Cinch raised an eyebrow. "And that issue would be?"

"Lemon told me she had feelings for me, and that has been troubling me for some time now." Sour Sweet said.

While what she said was true to an extent, Sour Sweet had left out the fact that she turned Lemon down in a harsh manner. That was what had been troubling her, not the fact that Lemon had confessed her feelings.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! But you're not my type!"

Sour again felt a pang of guilt, but the deed was done.

Principal Cinch paused for a moment. "Very well." she said. "I will address the situation tomorrow. I have a busy day ahead of me today."

"Thank you, Principal Cinch." Sour Sweet said as she left the office.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! You're not my type!"

The words echoed in Sour Sweet's mind like a cave.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! You're not my type!"

Sour clenched her teeth as the memory persisted.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! You're not my type!"

"Stop." Sour said silently.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! You're not my type!"

"Stop it!" She said, louder.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you! You're not my type!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

She collapsed on the floor and covered her head with her hands, then cried.

The warning bell for seventh period rang.

Quickly regaining her composure, Sour Sweet ran to her next period.


Sour Sweet sighed heavily as she left her classroom. Why do I want to be lonely if all it does is make me miserable? Am I just a glutton for punishment?

Sometimes I wonder. thought Sour Side.

You're not helping! Sour Sweet snapped. She sighed again and put her head in her hands, making a sputtering noise. Why me? Why do I have to put with this bullshit?

She slowly trudged towards her eighth period class, mumbling under her breath.


"If only there was a way to literally kill time..." Sour said under her breath. "I'm so goddamn bored!"

Maybe you should make a friend.

Sour Sweet burst into a laughing fit, startling everyone in her vicinity. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard from you! she thought.

I'm not joking.

Sour rolled her eyes. Oh, please. I thought you wanted me all to yourself!

Whatever gave you that idea? thought Sour Side, feigning innocence. I'm just saying is all.

Whatever. Sour Sweet thought. Not my thing.

So you'd rather be lonely and miserable? thought Sour Side.

That's how I've lived most of my life so far, so why stop now? thought Sour Sweet.

Again, I'm just saying is all. thought Sour Side.

"Whatever." Sour Sweet said under her breath. When she turned around she noticed a student. "The fuck are you looking at?" she said, scaring the student off. She then sighed heavily and moved on to her final class of the day.


The final class of the day had ended, and Sour Sweet had all but sped out of the classroom once the bell rang. "It's about goddamn time!!" she nearly shouted. She ran to the buses excitedly and boarded immediately. Waiting for the bus to move, she closed her eyes, focusing on the motor of the bus.

She nearly fell asleep as the bus brought her home. Realizing where she was, she bolted out of her seat just in time. "Wait!"

The bus driver braked suddenly, causing all the passengers to lurch forward. He gave Sour Sweet a nasty look. "Next time, pay more attention!"

Sour Sweet gave the bus driver a nasty look in return and gave him the bird. "Fuck you, man." she said.

Before he closed the bus door, he sighed. "Sometimes I think they don't pay me enough for this shit..."

Sour opened her door, then slammed it shut. She was alone. Again. She felt tears out of the corners of her eyes. "What is wrong with me?" she said as she started crying. "Why do I do this to myself?" she said between sobs. Within a few minutes she had calmed down.

She cooked herself a dinner, then just stared at the holes that she punched in the walls until it was time to go to bed. Sour Sweet laid on her bedroom floor and let sleep claim her.


Sour Sweet found herself with an audience of people. No distinguishing features, nothing remarkable about them...except for the fact that the people in question were those people. Feeling her rage boil, Sour Sweet found two sharp swords and mercilessly slaughtered all of them, screaming with fury as tears fell down her cheeks. She didn't let up. Not for one second. Even as her last victim fell, she continued shrieking with anger as her tears continued to fall. Then she woke up.