• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 1,325 Views, 163 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet - CapNTilfy

Sour Sweet has been miserable for as long as she can remember. Little does she know what lies ahead for her... Book Three of the Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

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Friendship Before the Games

Sour Sweet woke up. "Well..." She said. "Today's the day." She got up, then stretched and yawned. "Let's do this!" She said as she changed into her school uniform. Once finished, she ran out of her room, and then the house. She had decided to leave the house early because she knew she'd start to feel antsy if she woke up late. Being late to school was one thing, but being late for school on the day of the Friendship Games is something else altogether!

The bus had arrived, and Sour Sweet hopped in and found herself a seat. She leaned back, staring at the ceiling of the bus. She closed her eyes, tuning out the chatter from the students on the bus.


Sour Sweet got off the bus and noticed Lemon Zest run into a bush. Sour Sweet raised an eyebrow and decided to see what she was up to. Being as quiet as she possibly could, she snuck into the bush and put her hand over Lemon's mouth. Lemon started and screamed, then turned around.

"Hey." Sour said. "What are you doing in here?"

"Jesus fucking Christ almighty on a goddamn pogo stick, Sour Sweet! You scared the fuck out of me!" Lemon whispered sharply.

Sour smiled sheepishly. She regained her composure quickly. "I'm sorry." she said.

"It's okay." said Lemon.

"No. It's not." said said Sour.

Lemon blinked, then realized what Sour was really apologizing for. "Look, neither of us knew I'd react like that. It's in the past." she said.

Sour sighed. "I know, but I still can't help but feel guilty. I mean, we were on the verge of rekindling our friendship, and I had to say those stupid, stupid words!" her voice cracked.

Lemon looked at Sour. "Hey now, I know you didn't mean to upset me. It was a total accident. I couldn't help the way I felt...and apparently still feel about you." Lemon said, blushing slightly. "It's like I want to move on, but I can't...like I won't let myself...but I don't want to drive you away." she said, feeling a lump in her throat. "Because I'm scared that if I do drive you away..." she trailed off, sniffling. "You'd feel that you have nothing left to live for." Lemon's breathing hitched.

"Lemon..." Sour said, putting her hand to her mouth.

"Please don't kill yourself, Sour Sweet!" Lemon began sobbing. "I...I don....I don't know what I'd do with myself if you did!" She shot over to Sour and hugged her tightly. "I want to do everything within my power to prevent that from happening!"

Sour smiled, tears of her own flowing. "Lemon...I promise you I won't. I've been having sessions with Radiant Hope ever since the one we had together. That day truly was an eye-opener for me. I never feel like I'm alone as long as I have a guidance counselor like Radiant Hope...or a friend like you." she said as she gently stroked Lemon's hair in an effort to calm her down.

Upon hearing Sour Sweet refer to her as a friend, Lemon Zest lost any sense of rational thought and let out all of her emotions. She focused on all that she had been through, mentally and emotionally, over the past week and let out an ear-piercing howl of anguish that could be heard by all outside. Drained, but still crying, Lemon went limp in Sour Sweet's arms until Radiant Hope found them.


Once Radiant Hope brought the pair into her office, Sour Sweet explained everything. Lemon was asleep next to her, as her emotional outburst took nearly all of her energy.

Hope gave Sour a meaningful look. "You did the right thing, Sour Sweet."

Sour gave Hope a confused look. "I...I did?"

Hope nodded. "Lemon's release of emotions was strong, to say the least, but it's a sign that while she'll still feel the pain for some time to come, she's beginning to truly heal."

Sour raised an eyebrow at Hope.

Hope smiled. "It means that since she let it all out, she had forced herself to accept that you would simply be friends."

Sour frowned. "You make it sound bad."

"But it's not, Sour." said Hope. "It's all part of the healing process."

Lemon opened her eyes and got up slowly. "What...happened?" her eyes shot wide open as everything came back to her. "Oh, shit! What time is it?! Did I miss the Friendship Games?!"

Sour smiled. "No, you didn't. You've only been out for like an hour. You've still got two hours left."

Lemon took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay, there's still time then."

"Time for what?" asked Sour.

"I'll explain later. Thanks, Hope!" said Lemon as she took Sour by the hand and left Hope's office. She took out her phone. Once they reached the bushes, Lemon and Sour stopped.

"What the hell is going on?!" asked Sour.

Lemon grinned. "I made a wager with Indigo last night." she said.

Sour blinked. "You what?"

"I made a wager with Indigo last night." Lemon repeated.

"Oookay...so what does this have to do with us being in the bushes?" asked Sour.

"I bet Indigo that she couldn't humiliate Sunny Flare in public in an absolutely ridiculous manner." said Lemon, grinning widely.

"Oh, fuck." said Sour, grinning from ear to ear. "This is gonna be good."

"It will be. She said she wouldn't do it for money, just one condition." said Lemon.

"And that's why we're hiding in these bushes?" asked Sour.

"Yep. The condition was that I record it on my phone." said Lemon.

Target's in position!- Sent by Indigo Zap

Recording...NOW!- Sent by Lemon Zest

Out of nowhere, the sound of airhorns came rushing towards Sunny Flare as she jumped from being startled. The source of the noise was coming from a person in a gorilla suit, throwing sardines at its target, landing an occasional bullseye.

Lemon and Sour were howling with laughter as the former managed to record the whole scene despite shaking with mirth.


At long last, the moment was here. Sour Sweet was waiting in line while Dean Cadence was looking over a checklist. Sour Sweet noticed Sunny Flare join the line. The two simply stared at each other, neither one willing to start up a conversation. The silence continued as more students joined the line until both were broken.

"Dean Cadence?" said Twilight, cutting in line. "I'm not really sure where to go."

Cadence walked away, holding up a finger. "One second, Twilight." she said.

"You could try the end of the line." said Sour, causing Sunny to smile slightly despite herself.

Twilight turned around and adjusted her glasses. "What did you say?"

"Just that someone as smart as you should definitely go first." said Sour.

Twilight raised her arms defensively. "I...I didn't mean to. I was just asking."

Dean Cadence returned. "This is the right bus, Twilight. Go ahead."

"But...I didn't mean to cut in front." Twilight said.

Sour folded her arms. "Well it's too late now!" she said. She sighed as Twilight boarded the bus and took her sweet time talking to Indigo Zap. After Twilight moved to the back, Sour Sweet smiled. Ready to kick some ass, Sour Side?

Damn right, I am! Thought Sour Side, and Sweet boarded the bus.

End of Book Three of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

Comments ( 14 )

Pretty good story. But I’m still curious as to what happens afterwards. Not just with Sour but with everyone, especially Twilight.

I hadn't planned on doing a post-Friendship Games story about Twilight, but maybe somewhere later down the line I could probably squeeze it in. Who knows? =)

I was hopeing to see sour sweet sweet parents get what's coming, but I guess not

Like I said, there's more Shadowbolts stories coming. Not just the others during the Friendship Games, but maybe something beyond it. ;)


I hope so,

Not sure if unsure or wary. =P

And once again we look to the future....

Well, I hope we at least get to know the outcome of Sour's situation with her landlords. As well as what happens to Cinch and 'the cause' after the Friendship Games.

Out of nowhere, the sound of airhorns came rushing towards Sunny Flare as she jumped from being startled. The source of the noise was coming from a person in a gorilla suit, throwing sardines at its target, landing an occasional bullseye.


Not a bad story arc. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to see the resolution with her home situation. I'm hoping you eventually cover that. I did enjoy seeing the world through Sour's eyes though, nicely done.

Puedo decir, wow, fue interesante y le da un aire nuevo a mi parecer, siempre creí que Sour Sweet en realidad solo tenía una personalidad sarcástica y algo dura, pero tú forma de verlo como una doble personalidad es buena, si eso es lo que es, no entiendo bien estás cosas, no se hasta que punto puede ser tan real que hayan 2 mentes en un solo cuerpo y que tanta fuerza pueda cobrar alguien como Sour Side. El origen de esa segunda personalidad, su aporte, me parecieron interesantes, fue muy serio lo que sufrió Sour Sweet para crearla, me da entre lastima y alegría que ella esté presente, también me da algo de miedo ¿Cuál es la probabilidad de que una segunda personalidad tome el control completo? Pobre, sin ofender, pero está mal de cabeza, igual que sus padres, vaya situación tan dura con ellos, fue apropiado que lo hayas decidido así para la Shadowbolt más intensa. Se que tratas de que haya coherencia con la película y posiblemente el especial animado, pero no puedo dejar de pensar que a pesar de que Twilight no tiene enemigos aquí, es que ya hay 2 puntos de vista dónde a la mitad es una amiga, luego pasa a ser algo neutral y durante los eventos de la película es la enemiga de todos (por así decirlo) y la más ignorada, me hace sentir raro mientras más lo pienso. Otra cosa que quiero decir es que me parece divertido como los diferentes personajes piensan en mejorar como personas o sentirse mejor consigo mismos, pero están de acuerdo con aplastar a la escuela Canterlot, es como “vamos a ser buenos o estar bien aquí, pero ellos se mueren" es que nadie juzga lo último XD. Cómo último voy a decir que creo que ya terminé de leer a todas las Shadowbolts que están mal de la cabeza y me refiero a las que tienen mayores problemas psicológicos, no encuentro otras palabras, ahora tengo curiosidad sobre por qué Indigo Zap nunca fue una opción para hacer amistad ahí, ella parece muy buena onda, pero solo se llevan bien con ella cuando se la encuentran de casualidad y eso que ella disfruta haciendo actividades con otros, mientras que Sugarcoat parece muy indiferente, aún así tengo curiosidad sobre ella también, además tiene tendencias extrañas. En fin, hablando otra vez de Sour Sweet, espero que después su conflicto tenga una conclusión, lo mejor es que hay una buena y lógica variedad de personajes y que los problemas que creas, aunque un poco exagerados, son reales... No, espera, siempre se me olvida, buenas peleas eh, nada de jalones de pelo ni cosas así, no, golpes duros hasta empaparse de sangre, si señor, siempre admiro una buena pelea con brutales resultados.


¿Cuál es la probabilidad de que una segunda personalidad tome el control completo?

A decir verdad, solo he oído hablar de tal cosa. En realidad, no lo he visto por mí mismo, ¡y sé que me asustaría un poco si lo hiciera!

Se que tratas de que haya coherencia con la película y posiblemente el especial animado, pero no puedo dejar de pensar que a pesar de que Twilight no tiene enemigos aquí, es que ya hay 2 puntos de vista dónde a la mitad es una amiga, luego pasa a ser algo neutral y durante los eventos de la película es la enemiga de todos (por así decirlo) y la más ignorada, me hace sentir raro mientras más lo pienso.

A veces, la competencia saca lo peor de las personas.

Otra cosa que quiero decir es que me parece divertido como los diferentes personajes piensan en mejorar como personas o sentirse mejor consigo mismos, pero están de acuerdo con aplastar a la escuela Canterlot, es como “vamos a ser buenos o estar bien aquí, pero ellos se mueren" es que nadie juzga lo último XD.

Para los Shadowbolts, aplastar Canterlot High es una tradición consagrada. :rainbowwild:

Cómo último voy a decir que creo que ya terminé de leer a todas las Shadowbolts que están mal de la cabeza y me refiero a las que tienen mayores problemas psicológicos, no encuentro otras palabras, ahora tengo curiosidad sobre por qué Indigo Zap nunca fue una opción para hacer amistad ahí, ella parece muy buena onda, pero solo se llevan bien con ella cuando se la encuentran de casualidad y eso que ella disfruta haciendo actividades con otros, mientras que Sugarcoat parece muy indiferente, aún así tengo curiosidad sobre ella también, además tiene tendencias extrañas.

Indigo Zap y Sugarcoat tienen sus propios problemas. Eso es todo lo que voy a decir. :raritywink:

En fin, hablando otra vez de Sour Sweet, espero que después su conflicto tenga una conclusión, lo mejor es que hay una buena y lógica variedad de personajes y que los problemas que creas, aunque un poco exagerados, son reales... No, espera, siempre se me olvida, buenas peleas eh, nada de jalones de pelo ni cosas así, no, golpes duros hasta empaparse de sangre, si señor, siempre admiro una buena pelea con brutales resultados.


Ngl, I enjoyed this story more than Sunny Flare's. Granted, this one did have a few sad moments, I still overall enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

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