• Published 9th Jun 2018
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Before the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet - CapNTilfy

Sour Sweet has been miserable for as long as she can remember. Little does she know what lies ahead for her... Book Three of the Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

  • ...

Getting Through the Day

First period had passed. Hey. How are you holding up? Thought Sour Side.

Sour Sweet pulled at her eyelids with both of her hands. About as well as I could be, considering. She thought.

"Miss Sweet?" Said a masculine voice, snapping Sour Sweet to attention. She blinked.

"Do I know you?" Asked Sour Sweet, raising an eyebrow and cupping her chin in thought. "You look vaguely familiar to me."

"My name is Royal Pin." The student standing before her said. "You may have passed me by on occasion in the hallway."

Recollection came to Sour Sweet almost instantly. "Oh, right!" She blushed, smiling nervously. "I'm sorry, I don't usually pay attention to other students." She blinked. "Wait...Royal Pin?" Her eyes widened in realization. "You're part of the team for the Friendship Games."

Royal Pin nodded. "That is correct." He said and raised both his arms. "There's no need for you to apologize, I completely understand being immersed in one's own world." He chuckled softly. "We've all been there."

Sour Sweet smiled. "So, why are you speaking to me?" She asked, feeling slightly confused.

Royal Pin shrugged. "Why not? Is there something wrong with striking up a conversation with no ulterior motive in mind? I simply wish to get to know a teammate so we can work together towards a common goal: victory. That's all there is to it." The warning bell for second period sounded off. "Well, I must take my leave. Good day, Sour Sweet."

"Goodbye, Royal Pin." Said Sour Sweet.

Well, that was a thing that just happened. Thought Sour Side.

What are you talking about? He seemed nice enough. Thought Sour Sweet.

True. Thought Sour Side. I just think it was odd that someone approached us just to make small talk.

I guess. Thought Sour Sweet. Anyway, let's be off to second period!

Yes. Agreed Sour Side. Let's.


Sour Sweet exited her second period classroom and heard a voice behind her. "Yo." She turned around to find a student wearing sunglasses with dark gray hair. He wore an expressionless look on his blue-skinned face. "Sour Sweet, yes?" He said.

Sour Sweet blinked. "I'm sorry...do I know you?"

The student shook his head. "I wouldn't expect you to." He extended his hand to offer a handshake. "Name's Neon Lights. Some people call me Rising Star, but I can't for the life of me figure out why."

Sour Sweet shook Neon Lights' hand. Neon Lights...why does that name-oh! "Ah, I see." She said. "You're part of the team for the Friendship games." She broke the handshake. "I'm Sour Sweet." She said, gesturing to herself. "Any reason you want to speak to me?"

Neon Lights shrugged. "Principal Cinch says she wants all the team members to meet each other. I was just taking some initiative, that's all." He said.

"You and Royal Pin both." Said Sour Sweet, smiling.

"Royal Pin met with you first?" Neon Lights said, then sighed. "Damn. Lost a bet." He muttered under his breath.

Sour Sweet blinked. "What did you say?" She said, giving him a look of confusion.

"Nothing important, just a wager on who'd get to who first." Neon Lights said. "It's nothing you need to worry yourself over."

Sour Sweet shrugged. "Well, if you say so." She said. The warning bell for third period rang. "Well it was nice meeting you. See you soon!" She said as waved goodbye, then ran off to class.


Third period class had ended, and Sour Sweet left her classroom. "Ugh. That was one of the most boring classes I've ever been in."

Someone right behind her sighed. "No kidding. I almost banged my head on the desk just to keep my brain active." Sour Sweet turned around. She saw a pink-skinned teenager with her purple hair partially covered by a pale yellow headband. "You're Sour Sweet, right?" She asked.

"Yes." Sour Sweet replied. "Let me guess. You're part of the team for the Friendship Games."

The student blinked, momentarily surprised. "That was one lucky guess...m'kay?" She said. "I'm Suri Polomare. I didn't realize you and I shared a class. Then again, pretty much nobody around here pays any attention to one another."

Sour Sweet nodded. "Yeah, that's true. But whenever we do pay attention to each other, it's almost always over a competition." She sighed. "Don't you ever think that there should be some sort of change around here?"

Suri folded her arms and scoffed. "Not really. That's how it's been around here for years. Why mess with success?"

"I'm just saying, that's all." Said Sour Sweet.

Suri rolled her eyes. "Well, you're entitled to your own opinion...m'kay?" The warning bell for fourth period rang, prompting Suri and Sour Sweet to part ways.

You've been awfully quiet, Sour Side. Is everything okay? Thought Sour Sweet.

Yeah, everything's fine. Thought Sour Side. I just find all of the different perspectives of the students here interesting, that's all.

You had me worried there. You're almost never that silent. Thought Sour Sweet.

Sour Side scoffed. Oh, please. It's not like I'm just going to up and disappear, leaving you alone permanently.

Sour Sweet shuddered. Yeah, I'd rather not even think about something like that. She thought as she reached her classroom.


Sour Sweet exited her classroom. I wonder how Lemon Zest's doing. I haven't seen her since yesterday's lunch. She nearly bumped into two people while lost in her thoughts.

"Doesn't anyone ever pay attention around here?" Asked one voice.

"How many people do we have to bump into today?" Asked another.

For once, Sour Sweet knew who was talking to her right off the bat. "Jet Set. Upper Crust." She said, blushing sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I've got a lot on my mind."

Jet Set sighed. "Next time, please watch where you're going. Upper Crust and I have bumped into several other people today, and the day's not even half over!"

Upper Crust thought for a moment. "You know, dear...It's possible nobody's paying attention to their surroundings because the Friendship Games are just around the corner." She said with a smile.

Jet Set slapped the palm of his hand to his face and made a sputtering noise. "Of course! That makes total sense." He said. "I can't believe that slipped my mind!"

Sour Sweet felt a memory from earlier in the week resurface. She could feel heat in her face, blushing again. She didn't want to pry too much, but she had to know. "Um." She said, struggling to get the words out of her mouth. She took a deep breath, then exhaled. She got right to the point. "I've been wondering. How did you two meet?"

Jet Set put a hand to his mouth in shock while Upper Crust simply said. "Oh, goodness. I don't think anyone's ever asked us before, have they?"

"Indeed not, dear." Said Jet Set. "Why do you want to know?"

Sour Sweet sighed. "To be quite frank, I'm a little jealous." She admitted. "I live alone. I have almost no friends. I kinda of want to know if there's some kind of secret to finding the right person."

Jet Set and Upper Crust looked at each other for a moment. They were about to speak when the warning bell for fifth period rang. "Dammit!" Sour Sweet muttered under her breath as the two ran off to their classes. Sour Sweet made her way to her own class. I'll get an answer from them sometime later, I suppose.


Lunchtime had arrived and Sour Sweet grabbed her food. She noticed a student, all alone at a table. I can relate to that... Sour Sweet thought. She decided to walk over to him. The student took notice as she drew closer and he panicked. "No, it's okay." Sour Sweet said in a reassuring tone. "I'm not going to hurt you." Right?

Spoilsport. Thought Sour Side.

I'm trying to be nice here, you can have your fun later! Thought Sour Sweet.

The student eyed her warily, sweat dripping just below his two-toned vermilion hair. His bespectacled blue eyes stayed fixed on her, as though he was prey trying to find the right moment to escape. "How do I know I can trust you?" He said.

Sour Sweet sighed. "I suppose my reputation proceeds me." Fuck that word! She thought. The student remained still, keeping his eyes on her. "Wait." Sour Sweet said. "Didn't I see you speaking with Sunny Flare last week?"

The student's face softened from fear to sadness. He sighed. "I don't want to talk about it." He looked away from Sour Sweet. "But never mind that. Why are you even talking to me?" He asked. "Aren't you normally, you know, abrasive?" He flinched like it was a natural reflex.

Sour Sweet rolled her eyes. "Only if you give me a reason to. Besides, I already said I'm not going to hurt you." She turned her head. "I think I've done that to enough people lately." She said sadly.

The student readjusted his glasses. "I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you." He said.

Sour Sweet smiled sadly. "Don't worry about it."

The student blinked. "If you say so." He said. "My name is Sunburst."

"Sour Sweet." Sour Sweet said. "Say, I've noticed you wear your uniform in an odd way. Kind of like a cape. Isn't that against dress code or something?"

Sunburst shrugged. "I guess not. If it was, I'd have been told by now. Besides, You and some of the other students here wear your uniforms in unusual ways as well."

Sour Sweet cupped her chin. "Yeah, you've got a point there. Never occurred to me why we do it, though. I'm just glad we're able to express individuality while still wearing them."

Sunburst smiled. "I hear that!" The two shared a laugh.

"So, why a cape?" Asked Sour Sweet.

Sunburst thought for a moment. "I suppose it comes from all the fantasy novels I've read. Being able to cast spells must be so cool! I mean, can you imagine what it would feel like? The rush of power you feel throughout your body, the incredible feats you'd be capable of!" He sighed and propped an arm on the table, his eyes half-lidded as if he was daydreaming. "There are some days that I feel like I'd give just about anything to see some real magic..." He glanced at his phone. "Oh crap! I completely lost track of time! Sorry, Sour Sweet! I gotta get going!" He ran off before Sour Sweet could say another word, then she spent the rest of her lunch period alone. The warning bell for sixth period sounded off, and she made her way to her classroom.


Sour Sweet left her sixth period classroom, expecting to bump into someone or even something. She looked both ways in the hall to double-check. Satisfied, she roamed the hall.

Well it's not like you're going to get trampled all of a sudden. Thought Sour Side.

Sour Sweet rolled her eyes. Don't. Tempt. FATE! Thought Sour Sweet. I mean, seriously! At this point I might as well make a declaration and follow it up with "What could possibly go wrong?" while I walk into traffic blindfolded holding onto a lightning rod in a goddamn thunderstorm! She found herself panting from anger.

Holy crap, Sweet. Calm down! It was just a joke! Sour Side thought.

Life is a joke. Sour Sweet thought. People are just the punchlines.

What's got you on edge all of a sudden? Thought Sour Side.

I haven't heard from my landlords in a while. That probably means they'll contact me soon and demand my rent. Sour Sweet thought.

Wouldn't surprise me. Thought Sour Side. The warning bell for seventh period rang, and Sour Sweet headed off to class.


Sour Sweet exited her class. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Indigo Zap leaning on a locker. "Booga-booga." She said in an uncharacteristic monotone. Sour Sweet blinked, and Indigo laughed. "I'm just messing with you." She said.

Sour Sweet smiled and rolled her eyes. "Oh, you." She said. "So what do you want?"

Indigo grinned. "Just wanted to kill some time with some small talk."

Sour Sweet folded her arms. "Okay, then. Anything in particular?" She said, leaning against a wall.

"What sort of events do you think will be in the Friendship Games?" Indigo asked.

Sour Sweet shrugged. "Hell if I know. Don't they usually keep that sort of thing under wraps until the last minute?"

"I don't know too much about the Friendship Games myself." Indigo said, putting her hands behind her head. "I just wanna kick some CHS ass."

Sour Sweet grinned. "I hear that." They gave each other a high-five. "Do you think they'll put up a fight?"

"They always do." Said Indigo. "But Crystal Prep always wins."

"Always." Said Sour Sweet. The warning bell for eighth period went off. "See you later!" Sour Sweet said, and went off to her next class.


"Okay." Sour Sweet thought out loud. "School day's almost over." She took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Eager to go home?" Asked someone behind her. Sour Sweet turned around to see Dean Cadence.

"A little, I guess." Said Sour Sweet as she shrugged. "Not that today's been a bad day, I'm just feeling a little drained."

Cadence smiled. "I understand, Sour Sweet. School can be a really exhausting experience." She put a hand on Sour's shoulder. "But as you said, the day is almost over."

Sour Sweet smiled back. "Yeah. I can tough out one more period easily."

Dean Cadence leaned closely into Sour Sweet. Sour stepped back a little, feeling uncertain. "I wouldn't do this under normal circumstances, Sour Sweet, but I want you to have this." Cadence put her hand into one of her pockets and produced a small slip of paper. She discreetly handed it to Sour Sweet.

"What is-" Sour Sweet unfolded the piece of paper and gasped, nearly dropping it. "Is...is that what I think it is?" She struggled to keep her emotions under control. On the slip of paper was Cadence's signature and a phone number.

Cadence nodded, smiling. "It is. Any time you need me, if you just want to talk or there's some sort of emergency, you can now contact me personally."

Sour Sweet sniffled. "I-I don't know what to say." She said, her voice quavering.

"You don't have to say anything, Sour Sweet. Whatever I can do to help you, I will." Cadence said as she embraced her in a gentle hug. Sour Sweet broke immediately and stayed in Cadence's arms until the warning bell for her final class rang.


The final period of the day had ended, and Sour Sweet was ready to make a beeline for the buses. "Sour Sweet." A dreadfully familiar voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Yes, Principal Cinch?" Sour Sweet said, hesitant to look behind herself.

"I would like you to assemble all twelve team members tomorrow for a meeting." Said Principal Cinch.

Sour Sweet turned around, confused. "Twelve? I thought there were only eleven of us."

"There were," said Cinch. "But something tells me Twilight Sparkle may take an interest in joining."

"Oh, really," asked Sour Sweet. "Well, the more the merrier!" She said cheerfully. "I just hope she doesn't ruin everything!"

Principal Cinch raised an eyebrow. "Indeed." She said. "That is all."

Nice ad-libbing there. Thought Sour Sweet.

But there was a bit of truth to it. Thought Sour Side.

Nonetheless, it got her out of my hair quickly. That's what matters. Thought Sour Sweet. Now then, let's go home.


Sour Sweet opened the door to her empty house. "Home sweet home." She said, nearly flopping onto the floor. "Ugh. School can be a real bitch sometimes."

What are you talking about? Outside of classes, all you did was make small talk! Thought Sour Side.

"I did, and it was tiring! I'm not used to speaking to other people without threatening them! You have any idea how much effort I put into holding back that shit?" Said Sour Sweet.

I can only imagine. Thought Sour Side.

Sour Sweet rolled her eyes. "Quiet you."


The remainder of the day had been uneventful for Sour Sweet, and she didn't mind one bit. She lied on the floor to fall asleep.

Are you excited for the Friendship Games, Sweet? Thought Sour Side.

Sour Sweet smiled. "Of course I am! I just wanna kick some ass and feel good about winning."

Straight to the point, eh? Thought Sour Side.

"Yep. Now enough talk. I need to conserve as much energy as possible for Friday." Said Sour Sweet. She closed her eyes and let sleep take her away.