• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 1,322 Views, 163 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet - CapNTilfy

Sour Sweet has been miserable for as long as she can remember. Little does she know what lies ahead for her... Book Three of the Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

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Rough Start

Author's Note:

One week until the Friendship Games.

Sour Sweet rolled on her bedroom floor, sighing heavily. "Why do I always fall apart even after I've killed all of those people?"

Sour nearly jumped as her phone rang. "Shit!" she yelped, and grabbed her phone. She felt her temper rise almost immediately once she saw who was calling.

Now calling: Cinnamon Flash

"What the fuck does he want?!" Sour Sweet yelled, then took a deep, calming breath. She put on her best smile, despite it being a phone call. Sour Sweet found that smiling helped her keep Sour Side at bay unless she wanted her. She picked up the call. "Hello, Mr. Flash!" she said as sweetly as she could.

"Hello, Sour." He said.

Sour Sweet gritted her teeth, his very voice angering her. "To what pleasure do I owe this call?" she said.

"Have you paid your rent today?" he asked.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Flash?" Sour asked. "I paid it two days ago."

"Blueberry Dazzle lost it shortly after you gave it to her. You know how forgetful she can be." Cinnamon said.

"I...see..." Sour Sweet said, clenching her free hand into a fist and holding back her anger.

"See to it that you get the rent to me before next Sunday. And if you so much as talk back to me, you will be evicted. On. The. Spot." Cinnamon said.

"I understand...Mr. Flash." Sour Sweet said, tears streaming down her face.

"Good day." Cinnamon said, and hung up.

Once the call ended, Sour Sweet let out a wail of rage and punched another hole in the wall. "God fucking dammit!" she shrieked. "They always do this to me!" she collapsed on the floor and sobbed uncontrollably.

Cinnamon Flash and his wife Blueberry Dazzle were Sour Sweet's landlords, and sadly also the constant source of her misery. This wasn't the first time either of them had pulled that "Blueberry Dazzle is forgetful" bullshit. She always had to pay rent more than once a month. She would have moved out long ago, but she had no friends or family to go to. She would be out in the street. Homeless. She had no choice but to suck it up, grin, and bear it. How much longer she could do so, she didn't know.

After Sour Sweet had finally calmed down, she quickly changed into her uniform and made a mad dash for the bus stop, making it with barely a second to spare.


Once she boarded the bus, Sour Sweet sighed heavily. Fuck those two with a rusty metal pipe fresh out of a furnace! Sour Sweet fumed to herself. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something. Anything to get her mind off of her current situation. She made a sputtering noise as the bus to Crystal Prep departed her pickup spot.


Sour Sweet entered Crystal Prep, still simmering with anger over her call with one of her landlords. She wandered the halls, hoping for some sort of distraction. She turned around and spotted Lemon Zest, visibly shaking with fury.

"Aww, that's sweet of you! But you're not my type!"

Sour Sweet could feel tears coming, but held them back. She knew what she did and why she did it. So why did she feel so guilty about it?

Lemon Zest stopped, her face inches away from Sour Sweet's. "How could you?" she said."I bared my soul to you that day, hoping that something wonderful would come from it. Instead, I got rejection. Which would have been fine, but it wasn't just any rejection. Nooo. You had to go bipolar on me. The one time I let my guard down in front of a schoolmate, and you go all bitch mode on me. That was one of the worst days of my life. Do you know how long that day has haunted me? Do you have any idea what I've been through because of it?!"

"Aww, that's sweet of you! But you're not my type!"

Sour Sweet kept her expression neutral, because she feared that if she didn't she would go berserk.

"Now, that incident alone was bad enough." Lemon Zest continued, tears streaming down her face. "But to go and tell Principal mother fucking Cinch about it? That's a new low. Even for you." She laughed bitterly. "I think it's pathetic, really. That you went out of your way to make me miserable not once, not twice, but three times! What kind of sick, twisted, sad and lonely person are you that you get off on watching me break down in front of you? Do my tears of pain amuse you? Am I just some kind of sentient punching bag for you to take out your frustrations about your life on me?!"

Sour Sweet dropped her neutral expression, letting a little bit of her anger out. "You don't know anything about me." she said, the tone of her voice low and threatening. "And leave my home life out of this!" she snapped.

"Oh!" said Lemon, outraged. "Like you left the confession of my feelings to you out of this? The way I see it, I was just playing by your rules! Turnabout is fair play, you motherfucking sociopath!" Lemon's voice increased in volume, but not enough to catch the attention of the other students passing by. Lemon Zest's expression changed from rage to realization as her eyes widened. "I think I get it now."

Sour Sweet raised an eyebrow, her expression of anger fading.

Lemon laughed softly. "It all makes sense now. I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out..."

Sour Sweet's expression remained unchanged.

"You're jealous of me." Lemon said. "I have the home life you don't have. The life youwishyou had. Neither you nor I have any friends, but I come home to a family that loves me. You, on the other ha-"

"Shut the hell up!" said Sour Sweet, her voice now rising in volume. Her expression turning from neutral to angry. Looks like I have my distraction, for better or worse...

"Aww, that's sweet of you! But you're not my type!"

"When you're here, you take out your frustrations on me because at the end of the day you know you have nothing to return to. Like I said: pathetic." said Lemon.

"I said shut the fuck up!" Sour Sweet said. She let more of her anger out, making it harder and harder for her to hold back the tears.

"No. I won't." said Lemon Zest."Because you crossed the line, telling the Principal about something that was meant to be confidential. Between you and me alone. Come to think of it, your name doesn't make any sense. You're not sour, and you sure as hell aren't sweet. All you are..." she said, lowering her volume to that of a whisper. "Is bitter."

Sour Sweet let out a majority of her anger. She was trembling, seething. "Not. One. More. FUCKING. Word." she said through gritted teeth. Breathing heavily, she had begun to give Lemon Zest a death glare of her own.

Lemon Zest smiled. "Good." she said, then she shrieked in fury and swung her right arm with all of her might, planting it straight on Sour Sweet's jaw.