• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 1,331 Views, 163 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Sour Sweet - CapNTilfy

Sour Sweet has been miserable for as long as she can remember. Little does she know what lies ahead for her... Book Three of the Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games

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Ups and Downs

Author's Note:

Three days until the Friendship Games.

Sour Sweet woke up, stretching and yawning. She put on her school uniform and heard her phone buzz.

Hey Sour, got a minute before classes? - Sent by Lemon Zest

Is everything okay? - Sent by Sour Sweet

Honestly, I don't know. I just had a dream that I want to tell you about... - Sent by Lemon Zest

Are you sure you can't just text it to me? - Sent by Sour Sweet

I'd rather speak to you about it face to face, if that's okay with you. - Sent by Lemon Zest

If you insist. - Sent by Sour Sweet

I do. Thank you for understanding. - Sent by Lemon Zest

Hey. What are friends for? - Sent by Sour Sweet

Feeling slightly worried, Sour Sweet headed off to Crystal Prep.


Sour Sweet arrived at Crystal Prep and kept an eye out for Lemon. She hoped nothing bad happened to her new friend, but whatever it was she'd do anything within her power to help Lemon out. Sour finally spotted Lemon and ran over to her, putting her arm in front of Lemon.

"Hey." Sour said. "What's wrong?"

Lemon took a deep breath. "I had a dream that you were batshit McFucking crazy and you chased me with a chainsaw. I hugged you and..." Lemon sighed, averting her gaze. "You melted into a puddle of blood. I killed you..."

Sour stared at her, her jaw agape.

Lemon raised her hands and put them in front of her. "It's not a reflection of how I see you as a person!" she said, panic in her voice.

Sour blinked. "I can understand why you would think that, but why are you freaking out on me?"

Lemon sighed. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you as a friend."

Sour suppressed a laugh. "Come on, I'm not going to call off our friendship over a dream about you killing me."

Lemon smiled. "You're not?"

"Of course not!" said Sour. "I have dreams about killing people all the time!" Though calling them people is a bit of a stretch. She thought.

Lemon blinked.

Sour laughed sheepishly. "Yeah...pretend you didn't hear that."

They shared a laugh.

"Your dream just means you feel guilty about the figurative and literal blood on your hands from our fight on Saturday." said Sour.

Lemon rolled her eyes. "Obviously."

"Then why did you want to talk to me about it?" asked Sour.

Lemon shrugged. "I just felt compelled to tell you. That you should know about it. Because I felt that if I didn't, that'd be lying by omission in my book."

"Well I'm touched you'd go out of your way to tell me about it." Sour smiled. "But I have to get going. See you later?"

Lemon smiled. "See you later."

Well, that was a relief. I was worried something terrible had happened. Thought Sour.

You and me both. Thought Sour Side. To first period then?

To first period. Thought Sour Sweet.


Lunch period arrived quickly, and Sour Sweet eagerly looked for Lemon Zest. She had found her sitting at a table all alone, looking upset.

Sour Sweet walked over and noticed the look on her friend's face. "Hey, something happen? You look like my sour side on a good day."

Lemon snickered. "Well, here's the thing..." She told Sour about her conversation with Sunny.

"Ah, I see." said Sour. "She can be a real pain in the ass sometimes!" she snapped.

"I know, but still..." Said Lemon.

"Hey now, don't let her get to you." said Sour, placing an arm around Lemon.

"Speaking of which, I'm surprised her comment about your existence didn't piss you off." said Lemon.

"Oh, it does." said Sour. "I'm just going to wait until I see her to wallop her in the face!"

"Hey now, don't let her get to you." said Lemon, placing an arm around Sour.

Sour giggled. "Yeah. I guess you're right." she sighed.

"Besides, you're not lonely." said Lemon. "You've got me now."

"Us against the world, huh?"

"Well I don't think I'd say that..." Lemon said.

Sour shrugged. "Eh. Whatever works for you."

"Hi, Lemon!" said a new arrival. "Uh...hi...Sour."

"Hey, Twilight!" said Lemon. "How's it going?"

Twilight stayed silent, pulling at her hair.

"Oh, Twilight. You don't need to worry. I don't bite." said Sour Sweet. "Unless you give me a reason to!"

"Eek!" Twilight flinched.

"Go easy on her, Sour, she's a friend too." said Lemon.

"If you say so." said Sour.

"So...um..." Twilight said nervously.

Lemon smiled and placed a reassuring hand on Twilight. "It's okay. There's no reason for her to be hostile towards you."

Twilight calmed visibly, but still seemed nervous. Lemon glanced at Sour. Sour simply shrugged, causing Lemon to roll her eyes.

Sour then sighed. "Okay. I won't be hostile towards you." Sour said. "At least not for today!" She blinked. "Dammit, Sour Side!"

Oh, come on! I just wanted to have a little fun! Thought Sour Side.

I get that, but now's not the time! Thought Sour Sweet.

Fine. Thought Sour Side.

Twilight simply stared at Sour. "Are you...okay?" she asked.

Sour sighed again. "I'm...bipolar." She noticed Twilight looking hesitant, so she smiled at her. "It's okay. You're not walking on eggshells here, it's no secret."

Twilight let out a deep breath she didn't realize she was holding. "That's a relief. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's a sensitive subject for you."

Sour shrugged. "Eh, I'm used to it."

"Before we go any further..." said Lemon, becoming visibly tense.

Sour looked at Lemon. "Is something wrong?"

Lemon took a deep breath and exhaled. "Sour. I told Twilight everything."

Sour's expression became blank. "You told her...everything." she repeated. "What do you mean by 'everything'?"

"I mean everything. Even..." Lemon could feel tears coming, fearing the aftermath of her next few words.

Sour slowly got up from her seat. "Even...even what?"

"Even what happened at the session with Radiant Hope." Lemon said. "I'm sorry I haven't told you everything, but I was just so excited about what happened that I didn't think of how it would affect you and our new friendship."

"You told...Twilight." Sour said, her tone surprisingly neutral. Twilight looked at Sour, then at Lemon. She began pulling her hair slowly. Were it not for the other students eating and speaking in the cafeteria, the silence between Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest would have been deafening. They both stood motionless, looking at each other for what seemed like ages. Sour, still trying to process what she'd heard and Lemon, afraid for one of her two only friendships.

"You told Twilight. That I had no friends. That I was lonely." Sour said as she finally broke the silence. "That I have no family."

"Sour..." said Lemon.

"You told Twilight about my self-loathing...that I cried out my tears while fighting with you." continued Sour.

"Sour, I-" Lemon said, sniffling.

"You told Twilight fucking Sparkle that I tried to kill myself?!" said Sour, shedding tears of her own. "Lemon Zest...I told you those things in front of Radiant Hope because I trusted you. That it would just be between the three of us. You, me, and Radiant Hope."

"Sour Sweet...I'm sorry." said Lemon, who immediately put her hands to her mouth.

"You're...sorry." said Sour. "Given what happened between you, me, and Radiant Hope..." she said, narrowing her eyes. "That was a very, very poor choice of words.", Sour Sweet's voice cracked. "As you said that session; 'That's not going to cut it, and you fucking know that.'"

Twilight stopped pulling her hair and simply stayed still, afraid that any sudden movement would incur Sour Sweet's wrath.

"I trusted you, Lemon. I told you my deepest and darkest secrets that day, and you told someone else. I don't care if she's your friend, you should have at least asked me first." said Sour, now shaking.

"Sour..." said Lemon, her voice quavering.

"No." said Sour. "Not another word. I...I need some time alone right now." Sour said and walked away, leaving her tray of food half-eaten. She stopped after a few steps. "Oh, and Twilight?"

Twilight tensed up as she felt the chill of fear spread throughout her body. "Y-y-y-y-yes, Sour?" she stammered.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about this. If you do and I find out..." she turned around and walked back to Twilight, mere inches away from her face. Her eyes were still teary and puffy. "I will bite. And I will bite hard, Twilight Sparkle. Do we have an understanding?"

Twilight shrank, trembling with fear. "Y...y...."

"That's all I needed to hear." said Sour as she walked away with what little composure she had remaining.

"Sour..." said Lemon, reaching out a hand.

"DON'T." said Sour, her voice quavering. "Don't make this any harder than it already is for the both of us." she walked away from Lemon Zest and Twilight Sparkle. She left the cafeteria, then broke.