• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 29

Author's Note:

Here's the reference materiel I got for the dancing in this chapter, since I'm really horrible at describing such beautiful and complex dancing. So here are all the links that you can find on YouTube.

The Allemande: watch?v=cZWDrjLO7r4

The Minuet (Professional Version) : watch?v=4yurw5Cf4HY

The Minuet (Instructor Version) : watch?v=8rnU4WkR4nw

The Tango: watch?v=_XTeorQC3K0

The next day, the princes and princesses were in the ballroom with Fleur and Fancy while Sunset, Trixie, and Sonata watched on the side.

Fleur expressed to the girls, "There are many dances that one must learn for certain royal events. For the banquet we shall be doing Baroque dancing."

Fancy put on a powder wig making the boys groaned.

Spike complained, "Don't tell me we have to wear that!"

The noble replied, "That you do, your highnesses, as it will be customary."

They groaned again.

Fleur stated, "Now watch as my husband and I demonstrate the proper steps of the Allemande a form of Baroque dance."

Fancy cued the orchestra to play and he and his wife lined against each other and joined hands to begin the dance.

The group watched on in awe as the two moved in sync to the complex dance steps. It was absolutely breathtaking of the couple moving together like they've done this a million times. Fancy and Fleur moved to the flow of the music with style and grace. Then when the music slowed, so did they and stopped just as the cord finished.

Everyone applauded with delight.

Fleur explained, "There are many forms of Baroque dancing. Aside from the Allemande, there's the Bourree, the Canarie, the Chaconne, the courante, the Forlane, the Gavotte, the Gigue, the Loure, the Musette, the Passacaille, the Passepied, the Rigaudon, the Sarabande, the Tambourin, but the one we shall focus on will be the Minuet as it will allow for multiple partners to be in the dance."

Fancy motioned to the middle of the ballroom, "So if your highnesses will please line up in a single line while facing your spouse."

The boys and girls did as he said. They were in the birth order of the princes to keep it all straight. Discord and Fluttershy were in the front while Spike and Applejack were in the back.

Fancy and Fleur then went in front of Discord and Fluttershy with her saying, "Now watch carefully, as we show you the six steps to the Minuet." she and her husband went to each other and properly joined hands. The royal couples watched their feet to make sure they would get it right.

Fleur instructed, "Step forward with the right foot, then point your left foot beside it, bend your knee then straighten it, then move your right foot again followed by your left, then you repeat the process four times. Do you understand?" they looked back.

Their pupils gave unsure looks.

Fancy encouraged, "Just do what we do." as his wife and him continued the rest of the steps then once they finished they let go and moved behind Fluttershy and Discord and rejoined hands to do the steps again. That's when things got confusing for the couples.

Fluttershy and Discord ended up going behind Capper and Rarity and Rainbow Dash and Soarin ended up going behind Spike and Applejack. Their teachers noticed the disorder and stopped the dance.

Fleur mentioned, "It would seem that we have to make sure that you keep yourselves in the right order, better we had caught that now then at the banquet."

As the couples were fixing their mistake, Trixie commented to her sisters, "Remember how Mother made us practice doing all the right dances?"

Sunset moaned, "That was awful!"

Sonata agreed, "It was, and Adagio and Aria always made fun of me for always stepping on the instructors' toes."

Trixie humphed, "A lot of good it did, given we didn't end up marrying the princes after all."

Sunset slightly chuckled, "Yes, that's true. No wonder Mother was furious at us."

Sonata pointed, "Well naturally, we had so many lessons to become princesses for years."

Sunny sighed and looked at their once maids on the dance floor, "I feel so bad for them. They have to do all of this from scratch while we had years of training."

Fleur had overhear that and gestured to them, "All the more reason why you'll need to stick by the princesses all evening during the banquet. It'll be your job to give them information should a question about their previous life arise."

Trixie countered, "Honestly I don't know why, they've been with us long enough to know what we did."

Sunset nodded, "She's not wrong." and inquired to the girls, "You remember don't you? The day you all came to the manor and how Mother had us choosing which maid we wanted."

The princesses cringed with Twilight saying, "It's not a day we like to remember…" and the others agreed.

Sunset winced, "Okay, yes, I can see why that is. We weren't exactly that nice and respectful to you."

Rainbow crossed her arms, "Ya think?"

Sunset added, "But you should know we chose the maid that we felt would help with our needs and that was the best fit for us. I chose you, Twilight because I saw how knowledgeable you were that I knew you were the only one that would understand me…" she smirked, "And I was right, wasn't I?"

Twilight blushed and turned her head away recalling how she wanted to help Sunset be happy in time for the wedding.

Sonata motioned, "Yeah, I chose Pinkie because she looked so funny and I thought she could make me laugh. And she did!" she giggled.

Pinkie giggled as well, "Well you were funny too!"

Rarity cleared her throat, "Yes, well, you two got lucky the rest of us weren't so lucky. Suri was always ordering me around that it was a complete nightmare!"

Sunset said, "But I know why she chose you, you had a keen sense for fashion that she wanted to use to show off to others. In other words you made her look good."

Rarity humphed, "Well I should say so! Some of the dresses I picked out for her were the best!"

Her friends gave her exasperated looks with Applejack saying, "Not really something you should brag about, Rare."

Trixie chuckled, "Yes, you always were so self-effacing; that I knew by choosing you that I would always be able to stand out with your mundane attitude and appearance."

AJ sarcastically replied, "Gee, thanks, that makes me so flattered."

Spike shuddered while looking at Trixie, And to think I almost married her…

Rainbow asked, "Just out of curiosity, but why did Aria choose me?"

Sunset replied, "I'm pretty sure it was to have control over you. I think she sensed you were headstrong and so she took it upon herself to make sure you would obey."

Dash shrugged, "Makes sense to me."

Sunset addressed Fluttershy, "And I think it's pretty obvious why Adagio chose you, you were just that easily submissive to her."

Fluttershy hung her head in shame, uttering, "It's true…"

Her husband wrapped an arm around her for comfort, telling her, "That part of your life is over now. You're free from the cruelty you had to endure and I will never let you suffer that ever again."

Capper told his wife, "The same goes for me."

Soarin stated, "Me too." to Rainbow.

Flash, Cheese, and Spike looked to Sunset and her sisters as Flash spoke on their behalf, "You may have been part of that at first but what you have done for us on our wedding day is more than enough to help us look past the deeds you have done to our wives when they were serving you."

That made the trio smile.

Trixie flipped her hair and boasted, "Yes, well, Trixie thought getting married was ridiculous since I knew nothing of my betrothed and since he was in love with my maid anyway, there was no point in going through with it."

Sunset rolled her eyes knowing full well that's not the reason she decided to side with her about not getting married. But her little sister loved being shown in a more positive light and gain creditability.

Sunset said, "If anything, it all worked out for best. My sisters and I are now free from our mother's grasp and have a much better life than the one we had."

Sonata excitedly said, "Absolutely! Without Mother or our older sisters breathing down our necks it's been the most joyful time of our lives, I know it is for me!"

Thoughts of a certain stable boy filled Sunset's mind, making her say, "It certainly is, Sonata… it certainly is…"

The girls saw their former mistresses' happy faces and it made them both surprised and elated thinking this was what they needed all along.

Sunset made a remorseful face to them, "I know we have a long way to truly be forgiven by you and we're fine with that."

"We are?" Trixie questioned before she got nudged by Sonata, "I mean, we are!" forcing herself to put on a smile.

The girls glanced at each other before they made tiny smiles with Twilight speaking for them, "I think we already have…"

The three sisters were stunned before smiling themselves with Sunset being on the edge of tears, this was more than she could hope for. On impulse she went to Twilight and hugged her followed by Sonata and Trixie. The girls then went into one giant group hug much to the boys' amusement knowing how loving and benevolent their wives were.

Fancy and Fleur had watched the whole thing and were quite touched by the sight before Fleur knew they had to get back to the royals' dance lessons. She cleared her throat getting their attention.

"As sentimental as this moment is, we must return to our lessons or else you'll never be ready for the banquet."

There were small groans from both the boys and girls.

Sunset, Trixie, and Sonata then took their leave while wishing the royals luck and were gone.

The couples resumed with their dance and to their teachers' delight they improved greatly throughout the rest of the afternoon.

Finally when it seem they got all the steps down and didn't go out of order, Fancy and Fleur decided to call it a day much to the relief of their students.

Fancy told them, "You did very well today. I daresay that you're more than ready for the banquet now, wouldn't you agree, dear?"

Fleur replied shrewdly, "Well there still some steps that need to be perfected but other than that, I say they're ready."

That made them grin in happiness.

Rarity commented, "You know, seeing you two perform the Allemande was one of most romantic things I've seen."

Fluttershy and Pinkie agreed with her.

Rarity asked, "So it makes me wonder, are there other dances you know together?"

Fancy answered, "Oh, quite so, Princess Rarity. In fact one of the very first dances we did was the Pas-de-deux given we both had to learn ballet at a young age. Then of course, there's the waltz and we're both good at that. We're also good at the Viennese waltz with polka being our specialty. But there will always be one dance that will always make us the best of the best…" he smirked toward his wife.

Fleur face-palmed, "Dear husband of mine, it's been too long… I don't think I have the strength to do it anymore."

Fancy kept smirking, "I don't believe that in the slightest. You're still the best tango dancer I've ever known."

"Tango?!" the boys voiced out unbelieving that someone as stiff as Lady Fleur could dance such a vicarious dance.

"Ah, do I detect the hint of doubt?" he offered his hand to his wife, "Shall we… prove them wrong?" his smirk never ending.

Fleur released a sigh, "Very well. If only to show that I love my husband to no end even when giving into his idiotic whims."

He kept grinning mischievously, "I was hoping you would say that." he removed his wig and turned to the orchestra, "Maestro, if you will."

The conductor acknowledged his request and the musicians began to play the infamous Spanish tango.

Fancy and Fleur joined hands and moved to the middle of dance floor where he twirled his wife toward him and twirled back.

The princes and their wives watched with wonder of the raw passion being put on display before them.

"Goodness!" Rarity uttered behind her hand.

Throughout the movements they could see the intensity in the dancing couple's eyes full of love and sexual tension.

Then as the music was about to end the couple pulled one last move of Fancy lifting Fleur up and she wrapped her legs around his torso and they touched foreheads with the sweat sticking them together.

Their audience was stun in amazement until they applauded uncontrollably.

Fleur got down from her husband's lap and straighten herself up.

She said, "Well, I would say we made our point very clear."

Fancy was still smiling, "I should say so."

Fleur addressed the couples, "If you'll excuse me I need to freshen up." she curtsied, "Good day." and left.

The princes looked to Fancy in bewilderment as they realized there were still some things that they didn't know about their mentor and true father figure. Making them think they should try to know more about him, after all it was the least they could do after everything Fancy has done for them. But now the question was; how were they going to do that? So all they could do for now was wait for the opportunity to present itself and that they would be ready for it.