• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 10

Twilight was cleaning outside the music room as the music instructor Chrysalis hired played the piano with all six of her daughters harmonizing to the sound. But only four of them sounded good, being Adagio, Aria, Sonata, and Sunset while Suri and Trixie were singing off-key.

The instructor and Twilight cringed whenever the two would hit a high note and end up screeching.

Adagio couldn't take any more and yelled at her sisters, "Would you two just shut up?! You two are the worst singers ever!"

Suri and Trixie stopped and glowered at her. Then the latter shouted, "How dare you! I'll have you know that Trixie is the greatest singer in world!"

Sunset sarcastically laughed, "Does sounding like a cat count as great singing?"

That got all of them into a squabble, while the instructor tried to hopelessly break it up. Twilight knew she had to tell Lady Chrysalis and rushed to find her and Madam Cinch in the parlor going over wedding preparations.

"Excuse me, my lady, but there's a tiff going on the music room."

Chrysalis sighed, "It never ends." she got up and went out of the room.

"Well done, Miss Sparkle." commented Cinch, "But now you need to resume your duties and be quick about it, you just lost time to complete them before the day is up."

Twilight hung her head, "Yes, Madam…" she went out to the hallway and started to roll up a rug then she went outside to hang it up and found the rug beater and began to beat the dirt out. She coughed a little from the dust.

This was what she hated most about her job. It was tasks like this that make everything go slow when there were more effective ways to get the job done. Unfortunately she couldn't carry out her ideas without Cinch looking down at her and her friends couldn't help her because of their own duties. So she kept to the same dull routine.

When she finished beating the rug she turned around only to bump into something or someone.

He chuckled, "We've really got to stop bumping into each other like this…"

Twilight blushed and giggled, "You know me, always bumping into things…"

Flash smiled then he inquired, "So you're doing chores?"

She sighed, "Yes, so I'm afraid we won't be able to spend as time as we want."

He suggested, "Not if we do them together, would that help?"

She thought about it until her eyes lit up and told him, "Wait here." she rushed back into the house and came back with a notebook. She flipped the pages and showed him the sketches.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Ideas on making household chores go faster."


"Uh-huh, I read a book on inventions and I was fascinated by it so much, I ended up thinking of my own ideas for inventions to help me and my friends around the manor, but I never have the chance to make them and test them."

Flash questioned, "May I?" pointing to the notebook. She nodded and handed it to him. He carefully looked over the pages all the while commenting, "Amazing… Incredible… Wow…" he asked her, "You thought of all these by yourself?"

She nodded while blushing.

"I also see you made some calculations. I didn't know you can do mathematics."

Twilight looked down, "It's something I have to keep to myself, because it's not right for a girl to be educated."

"Soarin did tell me that Rainbow was taught to read because of you, now the question is; who taught you?"

"My brother, Shining Armor."

"Is he older or younger than you?"

"Older. He was my best friend when we were growing up and he hated how a smart girl like me couldn't go to school so he took it upon himself to teach me."

"Wow, he sounds like a great brother."

"He is and he always will be. And he keeps telling me to stop working for Chrysalis because it's not good for me, but I refuse to leave my friends."

"Yeah, Soarin also told me that you met Rainbow and Fluttershy by a willow tree but we still don't know how you met the others."

"Oh, well, there's not much to tell really. Yes, I was by a willow tree when Fluttershy and Rainbow found me since they were avoiding Fluttershy's little brother at the time. I will admit, I wasn't very friendly to them given I just wanted to read my books than make friends, but that changed when Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie showed up. They were exploring around when they came across us and Pinkie suggested playing some games. I was hesitant at first but once I saw how much fun they were having, I decided to join in. We became sisters from that day on."

"That was a really good story."

"Well I would ask how you met your brothers but well everyone already knows that."

He nodded, "It's true. Father chose us because he thought we would make excellent princes, he wasn't wrong but sometimes… we question ourselves of doing everything right as princes. Some of us do better while the rest of us do poorly."

"What are the things you excel in then?"

"Well, I'm great with a sword because I always beat my brothers whenever we duel. Then in our lessons, Lord Fancy is always telling me what a splendid job I do during our math and science lessons, he tells me I'm a natural at it."

"Really?" then she flipped to a page in her journal and pointed, "What do you think of this formula here?"

He took the journal to get a closer look, "Hm…" he thought it over until he stated, "Have you ever thought of using this equation instead?" he took out a pencil and wrote down the formula.

Twilight looked it over and was impressed, "That's remarkable! Why didn't I think of it sooner?"

"I'm sure you were just too busy with your duties to really think about it."

She smiled and pointed to the lute that was strapped to his back, asking, "So do you carry your lute everywhere you go?"

He chuckled again, "No, I brought with me today just for this occasion. By the way, do you still have the song I wrote for you?"

She took out the sheet from her apron pocket, "I never let it out of my sights."

They smiled brightly at each other till he said, "Shall we start working on those inventions of yours?"

Her eyes lit up at the notion and nodded happily.

For the rest of the afternoon, Flash and Twilight went over her journal and brought her ideas to life. They made all sorts of makeshift contraptions and devices to make her job a lot easier. For one the inventions they had to use the watermill behind the manor as a power source to move a line of rug beaters to beat the rugs and tapestries at the same time.

Twilight was so happy to see her inventions working better then she imagined that in one swift move she hugged Flash, exclaiming, "Thank you! Thank you so much!" she looked up to him to see his bright smile.

"What was I going to do? Not make your dreams come true? Wouldn't be much of a prince would I?"

She giggled as she felt herself losing into his eyes.

He broke the trance by saying, "You know, as long as the inventions are working, maybe now we can relax and enjoy each other's company."

She tenderly replied, "That would be wonderful…" she took his hand and he grasped hers in return.

They found a large tree in the garden and sat down in its shade. Flash held out his lute and began to play a sweet sound. Twilight closed her eyes and leaned on his shoulder. He smiled at the sight.

She commented, "You play so well…"

"Thanks. My father-my real father- taught me while my mother taught how to write and read music."

Her eyes opened and sat up in intrigue, "You knew your parents?"

"Only for a little bit, but shortly after I was chosen they were sent away. Same for the other guys. It was so Tirek could raise us as his own."

"And… are you happy that he's your father now?"

Flash sighed and briefly stopped playing, "Well… we're not exactly close if that's what you're asking… Fancy was there to pick up the pace, if anything he's the father we've always wanted from our adoptive father."

Twilight gave a sympathetic look, "So… he's never really a father to you?"

"We try so hard to gain his approval…"

"But it's never enough?"

"Exactly." he made a small smile to her.

She explained, "The manor's head housekeeper, Madam Cinch always shrives for perfection when it comes to managing the household and the girls and I have to work extra hard to meet her and Lady Chrysalis's standards."

He nodded in understanding.

She sighed, "So… are you ready to get married?"

Her question took him by surprise, and replied, "Well, given I'm marrying a complete stranger… The answer is no."

"But it doesn't have to be…"

He furrowed his brow at her, "What do you mean?"

"You're going to have marry Sunset, right?"


"Well I know Sunset, in fact, I'm her personal maid."

His eyes widen.

"So I can tell you anything about her but… it might actually be better if you talk to her yourself."

His mouth gapped this time, "You… you serious about this?"

She frowned, "I am."

"But why? This is supposed to be our time together before I do get married."

"Flash, when I was helping Sunset to bed last night, she broke down to me about how her fiancé will never love her because he loves other girl. Luckily, she doesn't know that other girl is me but still… She saw us dancing at the ball, and it greatly upset her… So if you don't try to talk to her now, then you'll both end up being miserable together."

The prince mulled over her words and much to his dismay, they made sense. He turned his head away while Twilight waited for his reply. He looked back and deeply sighed.

"Alright. I'll do it."

She made a sad smile and touched his hand, "I know it's hard, but I want you have some happiness in your arranged marriage."

"Hm… I guess you're right… But you know this doesn't change my feelings for you, right?"

"I know…" she kissed his cheek and he in turn kissed her forehead. She got up and he followed. She led him to a balcony window above them, "There's her room, by now she should be getting ready for dinner, so now's your chance." she went to hide beneath the balcony so Sunset couldn't see her.

Flash gave one last lovingly look to Twilight before he looked up and readied his lute and began to play loudly.

Sunset appeared onto the balcony, looking for the source of the noise until her eyes widen and uttered, "Prince Flash? Is that you?"

Flash bowed, "That it is, my lady. I've come to give you an early wedding gift."

She gapped, "But I thought you… that you were in love with someone else… At the ball, you were dancing with a girl and you looked so in love…"

"I'm sorry you thought that way. But it was a love that never could be…" it pained him to say that but seeing Twilight's head nod sadly told him he was saying the right words. He kept addressing Sunset, "So I wanted to know my future wife more before the wedding."

Sunset blinked in bewilderment.

He continued, "If you'll let me, I would like to sing a song to you…" he told this to both Sunset and Twilight.

Sunset found herself smiling and leaned over the railing, "Please do."

He moved his fingers through the strings, making soft music. Then he began to sing.

Sunset was allured by the sound of his voice and Twilight felt the same. They were lost to the music playing and couldn't get enough of it.

When he was done, he asked Sunset, "What do you think?"

She sighed, "It was beautiful. You play beautifully. If only I could play an instrument so well but my Mother forbids it. She thinks it makes a girl too passionate and therefore it is improper."

He gawked at this, "Really?" he saw Twilight nodding in confirmation. Then he told Sunset, "That's too bad."

She nodded, "She has us taking singing lessons but that's about it."

"I know how that is." he found himself saying, "My father has my brothers and me learn all that there is to be a prince… You know, maybe once we're married I can teach you how to play the lute."

She lit up at the idea, "Would you really?"

He bowed, "On my word of honor."

Sunset kept smiling then she told him, "I have go, but thank you for the gift, I loved it."

"You're welcome, my lady." he smiled back then inquired, "Oh, and you will keep this between us, right? I'm actually not supposed to be here."

"Of course! I won't say a word!" she blew a kiss, "Until then, my prince…" she slowly went back inside.

When she was sure it was safe, Twilight went to Flash.

"I'll have to go too. She'll be calling for me soon." she smiled, "You really made her day."

He just smiled back and cupped her cheek, "You have a good heart, Twilight."

She closed her eyes to his touch and held his hand, telling him, "I'm sorry that we couldn't spend more time together… But this was one the best days of my life…"

"Me too…" he leaned in to kiss her.

She opened her eyes in surprise from the impact but closed them again in bliss. When they moved back, they stood there for a moment before he slowly backed away with a smile on his face.

She slowly moved toward the house with a tiny wave and went on.

Flash was back at the castle and just finished having dinner with his family. Then he and his brothers were in his room going over his time with Twilight. The boys were amazed by Twilight's high intelligence and her big heart since she was willing to make her mistress happy by having Flash woo her.

Flash admitted, "At first I was upset I was losing time with her, but in the end she did me a huge favor. Sunset actually seems like a nice girl I could get along with, so maybe in time I could love her, but Twilight will always remain a special place in my heart because of this day."

Capper took out the straw pieces again and stated, "Okay, let's see whose going to go next."

Discord, Cheese, and Spike grabbed for the straws and were disappointed at how long they were, but when Capper showed off his straw, he grinned.

Discord looked at him suspiciously, "Are you sure you didn't cheat?"

Capper gasped dramatically, "How can you say that?! Would I trick my own brothers just so I can spend more time with Rarity?"

They all gave him exasperated looks and said, "Yes."

"Well, look on the bright side, at least I won't have to do it again tomorrow."

They groaned.

Author's Note:

Yup, Caprarity won. Which honestly surprised me, I didn't think it would be a big ship already given how little these two interacted but hey, who am I to complain? Now that just leaves the question of who goes next after them. Your thoughts? Okay, as far as I can tell I'll be able to write on the weekends and day offs because my internship takes me the whole day to do it making me very tired at the end, plus I have to commune from my town and into the city just to get there. So we'll see if these quick updates were a onetime deal or if they can be done some time in the future. For now I make no promises.