• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,709 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 11

It was after dinner and Sunset was humming Flash's song while she was in the library looking up books on romance. She sat down on in a chair to begin reading when suddenly the book was swipe away from her and she looked back to see Trixie holding it, inquiring, "What's this? Another lovey-dovey story that Mother forbade you from reading?" she flipped the pages.

Sunset reached out for it, "Give it back, Trixie!"

She taunted, "Why should I? Any reason?"

"There's no reason! I just want my book back!" she tried to grab it but Trixie kept it away forcing her sister into ridiculous positions. "You're acting really childish!"

"You know Mother says that love is for peasants, why else would she make this arranged marriage with the king so that we can be elevated to the highest heights of society as princesses?"

"I'm well aware of that!" with a grunt she managed to get the book back and stated, "But I also know that we're going be with the princes for a very long time and we should try to get along with them. Who knows, maybe they'll actually love us for us."

Trixie burst out laughing, "Like that'll happen! The princes only care about how prim and proper their wives will be. After all, we'll be by their side when they take over the kingdom."

By then the other sisters came in with Adagio saying, "But until then, we hide our flaws…"

They recited, "Until after the wedding."

Chrysalis appeared with a smile, "Very good, girls. All these years and your lessons are finally paying off."

Adagio buttered up, "Only because of your brilliant teachings, Mother."

Chrysalis smirked, "Naturally. You girls would have been lost without me."

Suri added, "You also taught us that marriage is a business and a partnership."

"Correct, my dear. As that was with all of my marriages with your fathers."

Sunset slightly frowned, "But surely you had to have to like them a little bit…? For how could you stand them if you couldn't?"

Chrysalis frowned at her fourth child, "I see that you're still letting those books fill your head with thoughts and all sorts of nonsense."

"Well… some of those books make sense…" Sunset timidly defended herself.

Her mother shook her head, "You're just like your father. He was an avid reader, always seeking knowledge…" her face went grim, "But that's what killed him in the end. By knowing too much he paid the price… And I refuse for you to fall into that same fate…"

Sunset slowly lowered her head in shame. She had forgotten her father lost his life for speaking out against the king and nearly disgraced the entire family. Her mother was able to save face by marrying Sonata's father who was popular among the royal court.

Sonata's father and Trixie's father were the only stepfathers she knew before they passed away. She had very little knowledge of her mother's previous husbands. The first husband was Adagio and Aria's father making them full blooded sisters, but they hardly remembered their father since they were too little when he had gone. The second husband was Suri's father, and shortly after Suri was born, her father died from unknown circumstances. The third husband was her father and he lasted longer than the other two until he spoke treasonous words against the king.

It hurt how her father committed treason and was arrested on sight. Then a few days later, she learned he was executed and she cried her eyes out for days because of that. Over time her heart harden and gave into her Mother's teachings preparing for the day she would wed her prince. The only comfort she had was from the books she read in what was her father's old study that turned into the manor's library.

Trixie smugly said, "At least I kept my head from letting thoughts in."

Chrysalis stated, "And you will do well to keep it that way. Remember girls to always empty your mind whenever you're with your husband. For having opinions make you too smart and the princes are the ones who are supposed to rule the kingdom so your only job is to stand there and look pretty. For it would cause destruction and mayhem if the people feel that the princes can't control their wives, is that understood?"

"Yes, Mother." they said.

She proclaimed, "Also, it would do you good to give into the princes' demands whatever they may be… Right, girls?"

They repeated, "Yes, Mother."

"Very good. Now I expect you to be in bed in half an hour. Good night." she turned to go and left.

Trixie pointed to Sunset who was still holding the book, "You heard Mother, you're better off without those books."

Her sister retorted, "I'll do as I want Trixie! If I want to read, I'll read!" she stomped away and left the room in a huff.

Adagio commented, "My, my, someone certainly has a temper."

Suri said, "She always was a brat ever since we were little. And it didn't help our stepfather pampered her to no end."

Aria stated, "Probably because he felt entitled but that sure changed the moment the king…" she made a slicing motion to her neck.

Adagio smirked, "Indeed. That's one of the things I always respect the king about. I certainly can't wait until he's our father-in-law."

Sonata piped up, "Well I just can't wait to be a princess!"

Trixie rolled her eyes, "We all can't wait to be princesses, dodo-head."

"You're the dodo-head!"

"You are!"

"You are!"

This continued on while the older sisters huddled together as Aria said, "If you ask me, they're both dodo-heads."

The other two agreed with her.

Sunset was back in her room and settled on her bed to begin reading, but instead found it hard to focus and ended up looking underneath her bed to grab a small chest and opened it, revealing a journal. She took it out and opened the front cover where an inscription was written out.

There's more in you, Love Papa.

Sunset held the journal close to her chest and released small tears, while uttering, "I love you too, Papa… I miss you…"

The maids sat around in their room after a long day of work and the girls noticed Twilight reading a storybook while humming a song.

Rarity inquired, "Darling, what is that tune you're humming?"

Twilight stopped and blushed, "Oh… it's a song that Flash sang to me today…"

"WHAT?!" they shouted in excitement and quickly surrounded her bed.

Pinkie shrieked, "Details! Now!"

Twilight kept blushing as she timidly said, "Well… he helped me bring my invention ideas to life by showing how smart he was… Then we relaxed under a tree where we talked…"

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie sighed lovingly with Fluttershy commenting, "That's so romantic."

"Well… it was… until I told him to serenade Sunset…" she made a nervous smile.

"WHAT?!" they said again with a gawk.

"Why would you do that?" Applejack questioned.

Rainbow pointed with a frown, "Yeah! The whole point of meeting with the princes is so they can experience romance before they get married!"

"I know that. But you forget that they'll be stuck with our mistresses for a very long time and if they get married before they know each other, then they'll be miserable…"

Their faces sagged when they realized the truth behind that statement.

"Oh…" started Rarity, "I haven't thought of that."

Fluttershy confessed, "Me too…"

The others just nodded their heads.

Twilight assured them, "Its okay, girls. You just want your time with your prince to be special. I just did what I thought was right. You should be with them in whatever way you want."

They smiled at her words.

Rarity motioned, "And speaking of our princes, now that Prince Soarin and Prince Flash have paid Rainbow Dash and Twilight a visitation, that means that one of us," pointing to herself, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack, "Is going to get a visit next."

Fluttershy asked, "But who will it be?"

Applejack asked Twilight, "Did Flash tell you of who could be next?"

She shook her head, "Sorry, he didn't say."

Pinkie said, "Most likely it's because they have to fight of who gets a turn."

Rarity flipped her hair with a smirk, "Well I certainly can't blame them."

AJ and RD rolled their eyes at her.

Fluttershy suggested, "Perhaps we should prepare by making a picnic basket and whoever the prince is like Prince Cheese or Prince Discord, then either Pinkie or I can take the basket so we can treat our prince to a picnic lunch."

Pinkie excitedly said, "Sounds like a yummy idea to me!"

Rarity agreed, "I must concur!"

Applejack smiled, "Great thinking, Fluttershy."

She blushed, "Thank you…"

Twilight said, "It is a good idea and in the meantime, the rest of us will do missing person's chores giving them more time. Since Rainbow had to do errands and I had to do my chores when Soarin and Flash came we got to make the effort to do that."

"Agreed." they told her.

Twilight held her hand out and they put their hands down with hers, symbolizing the unity of their sisterhood. Outside their window, two fairy godmothers saw this as the younger one commented.

"Their bond is strong and nothing is going to tear that apart…"

The eldest replied, "Yes. And it's a good thing too, for they will need that bond more than ever once they fulfill their destinies…" she waved her wand making a glowing circle and in that circle were moving images of the girls dressed in beautiful gowns and tiaras dancing with their husbands, the princes